My family is under attack and now me and my brother Milo must make our village the most secure base Minecraft has ever seen why do we always manage to find trouble chip these pillagers look like they have an entire Army ready to attack us yeah you’re right Milo and wait a

Second look there are two Villages I have the orange one and this blue one must be yours does that mean we have to protect them so that the pillagers don’t destroy us yeah my the pillagers are going to attack Us in 10 minutes once the sun sets we only have that much time

To get our families inside our Villages and protect them well now I’m totally freaking out quickly chip we need to get to our Villages so we can stop building our defenses you’re right come on family let’s go come on Miley family we’ve got a lot of work to do oh gosh our kids

Slow luckily my building’s going to be super quick cuz I’m a pro well I’m going to try my best cuz I’m also a pro I’m a total Pro so my family has a really good chance of surviving especially if I make some really awesome defenses like a

Super secure stone wall this will go all the way around the edge of my base it’ll totally help stop any pillages from getting through my wife is trying to run away because she’s just so scared but she does not have to worry I’ll be able

To get her inside this wall as well Milo you’re kind of a noob what are you building to defend your village I’m not a Nob I’m doing the best of ever which is cobwebs what cobwebs Milo I’m building walls they’re way more secure than cobwebs oh goodness I need to open

Up my wall to help let my wife in oh no she keeps running away Milo you’re confusing her I’m sorry it’s not my fault I’m just trying to build on my cobwebs to keep my family safe from those stupid pillages yeah I’m trying to keep my family safe too luckily my kid

Is here in the village with me he’s not going to go anywhere near those evil pillages I can’t believe we only have 10 minutes to build an entire defense for both of our families I don’t think that both of them are going to make it oh

What they have to make it chip this is so scary and I’m pretty worried cuz the Sun is going down quickly you’re right Milo look it’s not even in the middle of the sky anymore it’s really quickly setting so we’ve got to make sure we really hurry especially me because I’m

The pro I really have to show everybody how good I am at building you barely approach it you don’t know anything I know how to protect my family from pillages Milo that’s for sure well these pillagers look really sneaky I hope they’re not too tough because I’m not

The best fighter I’ve almost made it back to the very beginning where I started building the wall I’m going so fast I bet your newbie cobweb wall is taking way longer to build no way I just finished it thank you very much what Milo that’s crazy if you did it’s just

Because it’s not very well built and my Cobble stone wall is really big hey why don’t you focus on protecting your family and I focus on protecting mine I will focus on protecting my family Milo that’s a good idea it just means I’m more likely to do a really good job and

Look my wife is inside the wall it’s time to block it off so she can’t leave again you don’t understand honey there is something really dangerous coming the pillagers are totally going to get us now that I’ve built this wall I need to build secure watchtowers in every corner

Now that I’ve built that wall I need to put secure watchtowers in every corner and I’m going to build them out of cobblestone and Spruce Wood this wall is really ugly hey Milo don’t Place cobwebs on my wall and it is not ugly at all

It’s as beautiful as it needs to be to protect my family I hate it it’s such a nice s well Milo your village looks ridiculous you can’t protect your family if you’re going to be a noob like that my Village is beautiful and blue I don’t know what you’re talking about what I’m

Talking about is building this secure Watchtower three blocks up with Cobblestone I want to have it be a cylinder shape this way we can walk up the inner staircase that I’m going to make I also need to make sure they’re really tall taller than even the highest

Building in the village this way we have a really good ability to look anywhere that way the pillagers can’t just sneak up on us from behind well I’m already up to building a pressure plate TNT trap a pressure plate TNT trap Milo do you really think that’s going to stop the

Pillages they are so many of them and some of them are really strong but they’re going to get really confused when they stop blowing up Milo I guess you’re right but what about the vexes pillages have the ability to summon vexes sometimes and they can go through

TNT blocks okay well I didn’t really think about that but I think of another way to deal with the vexes later buddy yeah good luck Milo for now I’m going to build the inside of this secure Watchtower I’m building a big Spruce pillar right through the middle now I

Need to to grab some slabs and some stairs I’ll grab more Spruce blocks those were really goodlooking when I built the pillar out of them in the middle I’ll put the slabs just like this oh perfect it’s going all the way up this way me and my wife and my kid can

Look out here if we need to that’s why I’m doing really small steps my kid is so tiny at the moment he can only jump up them rather than Big Blocks like normal people like me and my wife oh wow I hope my kid manages to grow up to be a

Pro just like his dad all right now that I finished those slabs it is time to make the actual Watchtower part of this build I need to make sure this Watchtower is perfectly made I’m going to add some Spruce logs in every corner and build them up just like this it

Needs to look absolutely perfect if I want my family to be happy here not only do they have to be safe they also can’t want to leave that would be embarrassing and it would mean they walk right into the pillagers and become in real danger I’m going to put Spruce trap doors all

Around here so that my kid can’t fall off I really hope he doesn’t decide to be crazy look him and my wife are going for a walk in nature this might be the last time they ever get to and wo Milo that field of TNT your building is

Massive yeah I hope you don’t come over here cuz I’m totally going to set it off on you what Set It Off why would you do that that’s horrible you’re the worst that’s why Milo we do not need to be fighting with each other like this we

Need to focus on fighting the pillages that is true oh my gosh I totally forgot they were going to try and destroy our family pleas yeah that’s right Milo we need to protect our families from the pillages not each other even though I am

Way more of a pro than you we can’t be fighting like this you do not have any pro defenses having a little stone wall isn’t going to do anything champ it’s not just a wall Milo it’s going to be a super secure Watchtower you just wait

And see I’ve been waiting now I’m going to grab some stairs to put on top because I’m a pro and Milo doesn’t even believe it I’m going to add quartz stairs quartz is a really awesome looking Block it’s so shiny and pretty hard to get you have to go to the nether

So only Pros can get it my wife and my kid both know that I’m the ultimate Pro I used to kill pillagers all the time now I’ve gotten a little bit older though so I don’t know if I’ll be as good as I used to be I just have to make

Sure I’m as careful as I possibly can be this defense will really help me take them out Milo are you putting golden pressure plate traps on every single TNT yeah cuz I’m rich and fancy and these pill is a turtle that going to be me I don’t know Milo be careful you’ve

Placed your TNT really close together this means if a Pillager steps on even just one piece of TNT it could ignite your entire Village that is freaking me out oh my gosh don’t let it happen Milo I know you’re the noob and I’m the pro and I really want my family to survive

The most but I still don’t want to see yours die up on top of my security Tower I’m going to build a really high pillar this one is not going to be made out of wood but it is going to stand on on it I’m going to make this pillar out of

Iron bars it’s going to look real fancy and up the top we’re going to have a redstone torch yep I’m really excited for this let’s build the first part of it with Cobblestone walls this needs to look super duper professional especially if I want everybody to know that I’m

Definitely the pro here not the noob at all let’s place the iron bars like this yeah I really like this design so far it can act as a radio tower that way I can receive any signals that I need to maybe it’ll even and help me protect my family

Quicker yeah I really hope I’m able to do that let’s build three more high up in the Cobblestone walls and three more high with the iron bars now let’s just place a redstone torch on top wow that looks really cool definitely super professional I’m loving this so far I

Just need to make more towers that go all the way around this way any angle the pillages come from it won’t even matter because I’ll be able to protect my family on every single one let’s have another Watchtower here I think I think here is the perfect spot we can even

Have the watchtowers have different things inside maybe that one can be the Watchtower where we store any extra food that we might need that way we will never go hungry no matter how many pillagers attack us and no matter how long they attack us for and then this

Watchtower can have a bunch of arrows inside yeah that way we’ll have some ammo to take them out from a distance I do not want the pillagers to be able to get the better of us luckily my speed building abilities allow me to be so quick with building this stuff I do not

Want to be caught off guard and I do not want to waste any more time my wife and my kid are depending on me and who knows if Milo’s defense doesn’t work his family might end up escaping and coming into mine so I really should build

Enough space for six people me Milo and both of our families I know we’re meant to be competing with each other right now because we just have competitions all the time like that but I don’t know I do not want to be the reason that Milo loses his family that is too precious

All right family I’ve now picked every single spot that I want to add a watchtower to defend our town gu what I’m doing what is it Milo I’m building Arrow TNTs Arrow TNTs Milo this looks like it could be a disaster arrows are the pillagers specialty if you fire them

Back at them it could just give them more ammo oh no well I’ve already put them in so it’s too late but I guess that’s true oh goodness Milo you really got to think these things through first this is truly why you’re the noob and

I’m the pro I wish I could help you with this all right buddy that’s enough we all know that I am not the noob what Milo do you really think that your cobwebs are going to stop those pillagers from getting inside yeah pillagers hate cobwebs there’s no way

They’re getting through them I don’t know Milo pillagers are evil mobs and so are spiders I think they would totally work together they probably love cobwebs why don’t you just trust me I know what I’m doing all right my I guess I trust you but oh gosh I’m still so worried I

Do not want to be the only brother left you want be the only brother left I will be what Milo that is not possible there is no way the pillagers will get through my secure protection and hurt me all my family I can’t wait to tell you I told

You so Milo that’s a really mean thing to wish on somebody I hope we both survive but I guess if only one person does survive I wish that it’s me yeah thanks a lot chip you’re welcome Milo all right I just need to build these watchtowers a little quicker I think

This one’s a tiny bit shorter than the other one or wait no they’re actually the exact same height I’m so good at measuring my builds I would never build anything wrong now instead of building the exact same design as the other Watchtower this one is going to be a

Little different it will have some satellite dishes on top instead of a big thing like that we need to have a big ring of spruce going up like this it’s going to hook up and over and then up on the sides we’ll have two radio antenna this way anything that the pillagers try

To talk among themselves we will definitely hear it’ll help me get a really good quick early listen in case they have any sneaky plans I’m not about to let them sneak up on me and my family like that that is not ever going to happen let me place the trap doors

Around the edge just like this on this side I’m going to place Spruce fences this way we can see through just a little better chip you know what I’m doing what is it Milo I’m using lava which is pretty much the scariest thing in Minecraft lava what where are you

Putting lava Milo I’m making a lot of little Lava Pits so the pillages fall in them and burn up yeah I hope they burn up that’s a pretty good idea actually Milo yeah and if you use lava then you’re copying me what you’re not allowed to just claim lava that is not

Fair at all what if I need to use lava to protect my family too bad then you’ll be a nerb that is not a nice thing to say Milo I’m not a noob at all I just want my family to be safe all right buddy enough with the sub story oh Milo

I do not like where this is going if we keep fighting it might distract us and we won’t have any time to focus on making defenses against the pillages that’s true cuz I guess the sun’s going down real quick yeah you’re right it totally is Milo I can see it making its

Way towards the mountain now if it reaches that mountain we’re totally done for oh my gosh I’m not looking forward to that moment I hope we’re prepared by that time yeah me too Milo I hope you’re prepared as well this Watchtower I’m building now is going to be really tall

It’s going to have a super big Crow’s Nest right at the top that way we have the best Lookout Point in the entire Village because the Sun is going down so quickly I don’t have as much time as I thought I can’t even make staircases for

This one all I can make is a big ladder going all the way down I’m going to place it right on this side let’s grab the ladder so that we can actually place it now all right I’ve grabbed them and we’re going to put them all the way up

This beam I’m not going to miss a single spot my kid is way too short and if I don’t hit every single block with these ladders he’ll miss one and he won’t be able to make it to the top I don’t have time to place many fences but I’ll Place

Some around the very Corners this way we can still shoot any arrows through to catch the pillages but they won’t be able to shoot us if we’re hiding behind these fences now that I’ve built three watchtowers I think I’ll just make the rest of them little small ones I really

Don’t think the pillages are going to come around these sides so they only need to be four blocks tall I’m going to make them look like traditional Castle structures oh wow it’s going to look pretty cool though I’m going to have little castle pillars going up just like

This I’m also still going to have Spruce staircases inside but it’ll lead to a bit of a smaller platform like this yeah I think that’s way better perfect let’s continue making them all the way around the other side H champ what is it Milo well you know how you said before that

The TNT was a bad idea yes why are you talking about it again Milo did something happen yeah one of them blew up what one of your TNTs blew up what if every single one explodes before the pillagers can even get here well I’m going to have to be really careful

Aren’t I now this is really bad our next defense needs to be a big chest at the top of this Tower let’s grab the chest right now I think here is perfect I’ll put it on this side so that we can grab it and then have a clear Lookout into

This section I also need to grab some explosive arrows let’s grab explosive netherite arrows those are the most powerful I will also grab a bow so that we can all fire them I’ll have three one for me one for my wife and one for my kid let’s put all the arrows we could

Possibly need inside in the bottom though I’m going to add three extra bows that way if Milo and his family need to come over everyone has a bow to shoot away the pillagers oh goodness the aokas are starting to send their attacks through the wall they’re getting ready

To attack us Milo this is a bad sign oh no and more of my TNT keeps blowing up oh Milo you really did not think this through I can see it blowing up right now what how is this happening oh gosh Milo you’re too newbie to put TNT all

Around your base that’s a terrible idea oh look Milo my wife and my kid are following me they’re really scared because they see the avoca’s training for war oh you guys are such bers cut it out yeah I’m going to place magma blocks all around the edge of this wall this

Way if the pillages get too close they’ll start walking on the magma and their feet will totally burn I’m not going to place it on the inside though because then my kid and my wife might accidentally step on it and I do not want them to get any damage we’re going

To be so safe not one heart will be lost on any of us um Milo one of your TNT traps just set off and it’s launching arrows everywhere don’t you think that might trigger a chain reaction oh no this is really bad chip I don’t know

What to do one of the villagers has been walking around and triggering it all he could be a secret spy for the Pillager Army you you need to be really careful Milo the only people you can trust in your whole village are your own family it’s all right I dealt with that

Villager we don’t have to worry about him anymore there have been no problems in my village with our Villages Milo I guess you are a noob so maybe all the villages in your village are Nob Villages oh maybe I’m just protecting my place really really well um Milo that

Would not be the case your place keeps blowing up remember but I came up with a really smart idea all the craters from all the TNTs that blew up I’m going to turn into massive Lava Pits really okay that’s not a bad idea pillagers hate

Lava they hate it so much it’s one of their only weaknesses so that’s not a bad idea Milo good thinking thanks I’m actually a genius I wouldn’t go that far but I am proud of you it’s the best idea you’ve had in a while thanks chip you’re

Welcome all right now that I’ve placed the last of these magma blocks I’m going to start thinking of other things like oh I know sweet berries but these berries aren’t just sweet they’re also spiky any Pillager that walks into the sides of these walls will get totally

Stuck in the berries these berries will also help our base camouflage maybe it’ll make it so hard to spot that some of the pillagers won’t even come here hopefully they go to Milo first I really need more time to protect my family and if that’s what it takes I’ll totally

Accept that I’m going to put berries in every spot that there’s not already magma berries cannot grow on magma that would be ridiculous ulous but they can grow on grass so on every grassy spot we need to put berries and look the berries are already growing these berries are so

Quick I guess in the Pro Village even the plants are pro this is proof Milo that I’m definitely the pro and you’re definitely the noob you not be able to do all of this cool stuff um Milo you’ve just almost blown up your own village I

Wouldn’t call that very cool yeah but I fixed it really quickly and I made it into something better really you turned it into to a lava pit already yeah all of them are lava pits and it’s really awesome wow I’m impressed I better work even quicker maybe if your base is

Weaker than mine the pillagers will attack it first and I will have more of a chance to save my family the pillagers are going to take one look in my face and run away crying to their mommies what I’ve never seen a mommy Pillager before she probably looks crazy hey

Don’t be mean to the pillagers sorry Milo I guess even Pillager are probably nice moms yeah looking at your village right now Milo I can say that I’m not very confident that you will be able to protect your family I think they’re in grave danger all right Boo that’s enough

Of that your thing looks stupid it looks like a little internet Tower it doesn’t even look like something that’s scary mine on the other hand looks terrifying and I have finished my out of defenses okay that’s impressive but Milo look out you’re getting really close to the

Oncoming pillagers there is an attack on its way about to get us so if we don’t finish securing our Villages soon we’ll be done for and so will our precious families yeah I am a little bit worried about my poor family I hope everything’s okay me too let’s quickly get building

The next defenses hey this villager just sat on one of my TNTs oh no this is off to a bad start for Milo luckily I’m building something totally different so I can get going quick next I’m going to build a security Defense Force that will go all the way around my village in

Every single Corner we need to have iron statues this will show the pillagers that one of their mortal enemies the Iron Golem lives inside this Village we’re going to put pumpkins on some of them already though I want some Iron Golems already patrolling my Village making sure that me and my family are

Safe this is just one of many more defenses we have to build before the day is up the day is going by so quickly so we really don’t have much more time all right I’m going to place as many Iron Golems down as I can in this moment we

Really have to rush oh goodness I know I’m a pro but even I’m getting a little bit worried I’m just building an underground bunker right now Chip really an underground bunker that’s not a bad idea Milo I really thought you were newbi than that I’m not newbie I keep

Trying to tell you I’m a pro I don’t know Milo I’ve seen you do some pretty silly newbie things before like what well one time I saw you try to make porridge using gravel that was Terri it would have hurt all your teeth I thought the gravel kind of looked like Earths

All right leave me be yeah it wasn’t just that though Milo you tried to use a flower pot as a bowl you were basically eating the garden a flower pot is a bowl okay just because it’s not conventional yeah okay Milo it’s a little weird all right my iron golem

Force is looking so good all I have to do is place down a couple more and we’ll have a real good Defense Force in our Pro Village more like freak for us hey that’s not true it’s not freaky to want to protect my family from the pillages I

Hate Iron Golems I’m going to punch one when I see it no Milo that’s a pretty Noob thing to do Iron Golems attack anybody that hits them unless you’re the person that made the Golems they have eternal loyalty to their Builder but I’m way stronger than a silly Golem I don’t

Know Milo Iron Golems are one of the strongest mobs in the whole game that’s why I’m surrounding my Pro village with them because they’ll really help defend against every Pillager that tries to get me and my family your PR Village is more like Lille Milo my Village Is So Pro

That I’m even building a fiable dispenser defenser system I don’t care Milo that’s crazy this is really important I’m going to have pressure plates that link up to dispensers wait a minute I also need to have Redstone repeaters this way the dispensers can actually connect up and the signal will

Be powerful enough just look at that it activates the dispenser now if I fill this dispenser with a bunch of fireballs and I step on this pressure plate boom I totally get launched a fireball at this is a really good solution for the pillagers although if my kid somehow

Gets here it is not going to be safe for him and Milo what are you doing you’re launching newbie arrows towards my Village I’m not doing anything um Milo your defense is really blowing up on itself you really did not think this through when you were building it wait a

Second oh no oh my soul of my TNT is getting triggered what did I tell you Milo it’s going to cause a chain reaction you’re such a noob I can’t believe you didn’t think of this oh no and look your stupid Golems are just watching it and they’re not even helping

Milo because these are my Golems if you wanted Golems you could have built your own instead of complaining about mine no I don’t want those guys around here they’re not welcome oh Milo you’re crazy you need all the support you can get that’s why I’m building so many of these

Fireball dispenses but rather than just having them be at ground level I’m going to move every single one of them to being up high that way if my kid accidentally escapes he is not going to be able to get hit by the Fireballs because he’ll be too short I’m doing

Everything in my power to keep my family safe and that even means keeping them safe from my own Ultra strong defenses your defenses really aren’t keeping your family safe they’re exploding near them that is not what it means to be a good protector of your family Milo my family

Is fine they don’t mind all the explosions they think it’s cool well my family definitely does please try and keep them away from mine I don’t need any extra things attacking my family we already have to try and survive the Pillager attack once the sun sets I

Don’t need to try and survive Milo as well we’ll see I’m also going to place some of these dispenser systems around this corner if the pillagers try sneaking around they’ll be totally met with my fiery wrath I’ll also put the repeaters here and perfect now we can

Just fill up this dispenser as well do you have any fireable dispenser defenses systems Milo no but later I’m gonna build something even better oh yeah what is it Milo it’s an automatic arrow dispenser automatic arrow dispenser I don’t think you need any more arrows than you already have well I’m going to

Have some so deal with it okay I guess I will deal with it as long as you aim them towards the pillages and not my Village this time well there might be a couple pointing in your direction just in case you betray me Milo I think that’s why the pillages are getting so

Aggravated already your explosions are reminding them that we’re here this is terrible Milo you really have to stop being such a noob otherwise they might break out before the sunset I’m not going to be a noob and I’m going to survive longer than you here so I’m

Going to win Milo half of your defenses are already down if this continues by Nightfall you won’t have any left and the pillagers will attack your base and totally d destroy you and your Noob family quickly yeah but every time my TNT blows up it just means I have more

Lava Pits it actually works really well why didn’t you just build a lava pit from the beginning rather than letting your family be in danger from Flying Arrow TNT well I didn’t really plan for this to happen yeah planning is kind of my thing that’s why I’m building a

Massive slime block launcher system anytime any one of these mobs gets a little bit too close to my base they’ll totally be launched up I do need a couple complicated blocks though if I want this to work it really has to be super duper smartly made this launching

System is going to shoot them really high up in the air when they step on the pressure plate it’s a really good idea I think it’ll make sure my family is safe and it’ll also do lots of fall damage to these silly pillages all I need is to

Put a sticky piston here with a bunch of slime blocks once I activate this pressure plate by linking it up with redstone boom it’ll activate the second the pillagers walk on it oh no I think this pressure plate might be a little too quick let’s put it back one block

And add a redstone repeater this way the pressure plate has enough time to trigger first and boom yeah it launches them right up this should do a bit of damage but I think we need to add a little bit more the way I’m going to make this even crazier is by having a

Second trigger system this way we can time it so that once the pillages fall back down onto the slime blocks they launched up again hopefully this should do some extra critical damage to them we just need to find a way to dig down and make this Redstone charge just long

Enough if it’s too long it’ll be ages before the pillagers ever land again and if it’s not long enough I don’t think it’ll even push them up too high hopefully this should work it might bounce them higher but what oh no it just traps them actually this gives me a

Much better idea rather than pressure plates what if this was a looping system that went around and around this means that once a Pillager gets stuck in this trap they’ll be locked here forever yeah I think this is perfect I’ve just been building an amazing bunker we’ve got

Three beds and some chests I’ve been really freaking out about all the explosions but I think this bunker is a really good idea because it’s going to protect my family so much and now I’m going to build the best defense yet it’s going to be some a defenses we need some

Dispensers and we need some AR R maybe we’ll spectral arrows cuz they’re pretty and golden and lastly we need a Lea wait that’s not how you spell level I’m really dum dum there we go all right time to build these dispensers all right I think I’ve gotten this system working

Now once a Pillager gets on here they should be stuck for a while this bounce pad is so highte it’ll definitely stop the pillagers getting to my family and it’ll be really easy to shoot them down when they’re bouncing so high I said say

We make a bunch more of them this way we have a really good system every spot around my Village will be definitely protected by these super bouncy slime traps I’ve put all these dispenses down and some really good levers so when I push the lever a let lava shoots out a

Yeah boy these pillages aren’t going to stand a chance against the Miler Village I should probably build some at the front as well that way I’ve got some defenses out here as well Milo your defenses are only going to be operated by you that’s terrible all my Pro

Village defenses are automatic like this slime block machine I don’t trust automatic things I only trust myself and because I’m a pro I’m going to handle everything you’re not a pro Milo and what about your family don’t you trust them my family is really good but I

Don’t want them to have to protect me that’s really nice of you Milo but I think they might these slime pushy traps are going to be so powerful they might even scare away every Pillager F traps that sounds like something I don’t care about you might not care about the

Traps themselves Milo but you’ll care about how much they protect my family I would have thought you should build them too because you also want your family to be protected but if you’re just going to fight like this I guess I can only protect my family I don’t care about

Your family and also I don’t really know how to build a slime pushy Tri oh goodness Milo if you just say the word and admit that I’m the pro I’ll help you protect your family that’s never going to happen nice try buddy oh gosh Milo you’re really not going to last very

Long in this challenge yeah I am I’m going to build some snar Golems okay that’s a good idea Milo I’m liking where your head’s going but I’m going to do a little bit more than that I’m going to build giant end Crystal Towers this way there will be massive explosions that we

Can set off I’m going to build big big chains of them as well the end Crystal Towers need to be really really tall so I can hit them with a bow anywhere I think this is pretty good I also need to build them out because they’re going to

Be made out of obsidian these are no joke every single end Tower is going to be so important to protecting my family let’s build this obsidian going all the way down these end Crystal Towers aren’t going to build themselves so I have to work really hard to get them done before

The sun sets I think this is a pretty good size for them as well I’m keeping the inside Hollow because they’re going to have Redstone in them that will link to every other end Crystal we can activate a whole network of them to keep our family safe all we need is an

Explosive Arrow which luckily we have in one of our watchtowers the only hope is that Milo’s arrows don’t accidentally activate one if he does that would be a disaster I’m building these little cages where I keep my cute little snar Golems they’re going to be my best friend but

Milo why are you building them as best friends shouldn’t you be building them as Gody of your village and of your family yeah but my best friends are also my Guardians okay that’s pretty fair that’s actually really nice Smo yeah I’m going to sheare off their faces so that

I can see their silly little Smiles Milo that’s horrible oh goodness I’m really worried if that’s how you treat your friends how do you treat your family a look at this snowman he’s so cute oh goodness Milo I’m really worried if you keep getting distracted doing silly

Things with your Golems you won’t have any time left to build your defenses I’m building my defenses now why don’t you stop being so mean and focus on your own stuff okay I am pretty focused on my own stuff this end Crystal Tower is almost complete it’s looking really secure as

Well I’m going to have a couple of these so that that way every area of my base is defended from the pillagers oh it’s looking so cool as well obsidian is one of my favorite blocks all Pros use obsidian because it’s so hard to mine

It’s also really hard to get so you have have to be a total Pro to get it in the first place now that I built that it’s time to put my end crystals up top I also need to grab some endstone and some endstone bricks we’re going to build

This around the bottom of them all right I’ll put my end Crystal up top just like this perfect now from any side I can totally shoot it down all right I also need to place some obsidian around the edges we’re going to have a big wall

Full of them I think if we place them in Cool Shapes like this around the base we’ll be able to link them through the floor it’ll also make sure that none of my regular builds get totally ruined by them if there’s an obsidian wall protecting my base from them they won’t

Do as much damage to my structures and they won’t hurt my family all right I think I’ve done enough of this end crystal wall now I just need to fill it with obsidian at the bottom and place the remaining end crystals guess what I’m doing to get ready for the fight oh

Probably making pancakes or something no I’m drinking Prime energy what really Milo yeah and I’m also drinking Red Bull I’m going to go crazy Milo you do not need any more sugar okay I guess I’ll stop drinking energy D yeah thanks Milo that’s really good for your health as

Well now that I’ve finished this end crystal wall I’m going to build another end Tower but instead of being super tall this one’s going to be a lot thicker yeah I think this is a better idea this way we can have different sizes oh no it sort of steps into one of

My redstone contraptions I think I’ll have to flip the Redstone Contraption going the other way around I really hope this doesn’t delay my building too much I better build this quick because that sun is closer to hitting the mountain than ever that means the sunset is coming real soon luckily I’ve had a

Bunch of practice already today building all these end crystals and the other end Tower I’ll be able to build this final one in no time I’m going to go down and keep working on my bunker I’m going to make it really really cool and put some

Yummy snacks in it some yummy snacks in it what snacks are you going to put well lots of enchanted golden apples and especially some birds seeds Milo the enchanted golden apples are a good idea but bird seeds that’s terrible I think they’ll make everybody real sick but

It’s me and my family’s favorite snack I guess your family is all birds but bird seeds is such a newbie thing to eat real pros eat golden carrots and golden apples and steaks as well well that’s rude I am not a noob and if you keep

Saying it I’m going to punch you okay Milo wo whoo wo calm the farm okay I think we just need to focus us on securing our bases that’s why I’m going to build four end crystals on top of this big end Crystal Tower yeah I think that’s a perfect amount this is looking

Incredible so far my base is so secure and awesome in some parts of this wall I’m going to add big obsidian spikes coming right up through the ground it’s going to make sure that no Pillager can ever get across and if they even somehow manage to get TNT that’s not going to

Work either does look really ugly yeah it’s not meant to look pretty Milo it’s meant to be secure cure what were you doing this whole time a just bouncing on your cool slime trap what hey Milo get off that you have a habit of breaking things that you touch so I really don’t

Want to let you around my builds but it’s really fun I wish I had one of these in my place but I don’t really know how to build it yeah that’s because I’m a pro and you’re the noob I’m not sure why you don’t want to admit that

I’m not a Nob and now you’ve made me sad and I’m going to go cry don’t cry Milo there’s bigger things to worry about than how much of a noob you are not a noob well we’ll definitely see who’s the noob by whose family survives this Pillager attack my family’s going

To be fun you’re being such a bully I’m not being a bully Milo I’m just looking out for you I care because you’re my friend okay well I guess that’s a little bit nice but I just wish you’d shut your mou okay sorry Milo I’ll try to talk a

Little bit less but these obsidian spikes look great I’m going to BU build them on the side of the village that borders you I don’t want any of your bombs coming over to my side and breaking my walls and luckily obsidian is TNT proof I know I’ve built a lot of

Defenses on the outside but my next stage is going to really focus on making every part of my Village safe even the inside and I’m also going to build a secure place to put my family I just need to think of a way to do it I do not

Want them to be sad to be stuck in there then my kid might try to escape and he could run out into the Pillager attack that would be a disaster he’s so young he’s only a baby so he could get a lot of damage and be really really hurt by

Them these obsidian spikes are looking so great I think this might have to be the last one boom I’ve added them to every single corner of my village now and on some of them I’m even going to add end crystals these are pretty far away from any other structures so if the

Pillagers attack them they will only cause damage to the pillagers and not to my awesome base or anything I’ve built I would not want that at all it would be a disaster all right these are pretty good I need to place a couple more though if

I want my base to be super pro and super duper dangerous to pillages I think all these towers are too close to my watchtowers so I can’t add any crystals onto them luckily all the other towers around the sides of my base do a great job hey my snow golem Captain is

Exploring and inspecting my land he said it’s really awesome wow how is he not leaving snow everywhere I don’t know I think he’s just really cool and smart wow you’re right that must be a really smart Snow Golem Captain okay Milo I’m starting to have a little bit of faith

In you yeah I’m totally going to survive this and I’m going to show these little pillages who boss good idea I’m also going to grab some quartz slabs I think I need to put them on top of my walls this will make my walls even taller wow they’re almost doubling in size and

They’re becoming a lot thicker hopefully if the pillagers have any really tiny mobs helping them out they’ll get stuck underneath and totally be hurt it also means that my kid who’s really really short can hide underneath this part of the wall in case all other defenses fail

Of course I also need to put all these slabs around the back of my base if I leave just one spot open that opens us up to an attack from behind especially since we don’t have extra end crystals back here chip I just totally remembered something I need to build what is it

Milo I need to build an Arma stand with some Diamond Arma so that I can protect myself I think protect yourself with armor is a great idea but don’t you know that netherite is the most powerful armor look I would never use netherite armor diamond armor is so pretty because

It’s blue oh gosh Milo if all you focus on with armor is prettiness then I think you really are doomed yeah but blue is my favorite color and it matches really well with my feathers I guess you’re true but I just noticed all my pressure plates are lightweighted pressure plates

I can’t have lightweighted pressure plates I’m a pro I need heavy weighted pressure plates I’m going to replace every single one of these with the heavy ones this means that the pillagers are really going to have to try harder to destroy them they can’t just launch a

Bomb or an attack or anything they’ll definitely have to come right in and break them themselves this is helping my family stay way more secure I’m also going to add tops to every single one of these dispensers this way they can’t be broken in case one of the pillagers

Manages to destroy them yeah I think this is a much better system I’m doing everything I can even been upgrading my old defenses to keep my family safe perfect I’m loving this so far I think it’s time to build the next stage of my defenses now that I’ve upgraded every

Single one of these towers around my Village it is time for me to add some more traps these traps are going to be different from the other ones though they involve something called a fan we need a bunch of levers now as well we are going to make some air wind traps

These will blow every single Pillager that steps near them into another pit that we will make these pits only need to go as far as the fans will push and I think that’s to these blocks once the fans reach here they need to drop the pillagers into pits of lava just like

This wow I even got caught in my own trap that just proves that these totally work I’ll also make them a little bit longer just in case any other pillagers need to get trapped in them too let’s put obsidian borders all the way around just so that they can’t be exploded or

The lava be drained after it’s dug out from underneath that would be a disaster let’s add some more fans over here as as well excuse me Iron Golems I think I need to get around all right these are all activated now and they pushed the same distance that these ones went to

Let’s dig the pit here and yeah this is looking perfect I think if we just break all these blocks we can add the obsidian first to this one and then we can add the lava each time digging out the block underneath it this means that there

Won’t be a single spot in the Middle where the lava doesn’t flow that would be a disaster let’s add more where there isn’t obsidian spikes this means that even in the zones around my base where there’s the least amount of Defense there’s still really good protection all

Right and now we just have to build one here oh yeah this is looking so much better than before hey Milo what are you building now I’m building a really good swimming pool a really good swimming pool that doesn’t sound protective at all yeah well my family’s going to get

Bored while they’re waiting here for me to destroy all of the pillages so I pretty much need to build them something fun to hang out in okay that’s actually not a bad idea that’s it’s really nice of you to think about your family like that Milo yeah all my defenses are

Perfect now so I don’t need to worry about any of that riff ra now I’m going to build a cool Tiki Bar in the pool as well um Milo I do not think your defenses are perfect half of your TNTs have already blown up that cannot be a

Good idea it’s all part of my plan chip don’t you worry okay I am a little worried though but I just have to focus on my own family they are my chance at winning this thing and that the things I love most in the world I’ll Place more

Fans here as well I think these can be my last ones I’ve placed so many I don’t want it to be too windy not to mention if the electricity shuts down it’ll leave my family really vulnerable to the pillages breaking in I’ll just place the final obsidian here and boom we’re

Adding the lava now I’ll just destroy these dirt blocks and it’s done perfect we’ve now added some air traps except uh-oh they’re burning some of my sweet berry bushes I better make sure that I build these really smart and keep any nearby berry bushes away I do not want

Things to get set on fire that could spread and get really bad really quick a I guess that means I have to destroy these berry bushes too you know what I don’t think we’ll need them the air fans should do a really good job of defeating the pillages so I’m pretty confident in

My ability to survive with these now that I’ve built all those fans it is time for me to upgrade these towers I’ve already added towers around but now I’m going to make some of them into TNT launches I think this one already has arrows launching off of it and this one

Is really close to my base so I think this Tower is the perfect spot it has a really good point to see the pillagers coming and it should be able to aim right for them first in order to make the TNT cannon we need to place lots of

Obsidian just like this perfect now we need to have water coming all the way along I need to get some water but first we need to put a fence gate at the very end this will help stop the water from leaking everywhere and breaking my lava

And my Redstone it would turn the lava into obsidian and we definitely have enough of that already now I need to place some more obsidian on the sides just to make it a little bit stronger otherwise the TNT could do some serious damage finally I need to grab some

Dispensers and some actual TNT to put inside them here we go let’s also grab some repeaters to make sure that we can properly time this Redstone this will be the first dispenser to get triggered then we will place redstone dust along here and add multiple more dispensers on

Either side let’s place two over here and I think we should place two over here as well Perfect all right now the TNT should totally work we just have to put redstone on these dispensers and fill them with TNT I have a bunch right here so that should not be a problem

We’ll put the TNT in this one let’s do the ones on the left first we’ll do the right last this way I can fill them in a really smart pattern making sure I don’t miss a single dispenser all right I think this should work but just to be

Sure I’m going to make this a little bit longer We’ll add the fence gate at the very end just like that perfect I really hope this will work work let’s test it out first comes that TNT and then the other stuff come on do me a favor and oh

Goodness that could have gone really really badly luckily it didn’t hurt any of my builds but H it means I really need to think about how I can make this a little bit better I totally failed with that design I need to be smarter than that in order to make a smarter

Design I need to link Redstone underneath the machine just like this perfect it’s glowing so you know it’s already activated and I need to link it to a dispenser at at the very very end this dispenser has to be underneath the floor so we’ll lead the Redstone back

Out this way and around into it perfect let’s add the dispenser here and boom we did it really quick so none of the water got ruined an even better way to make this design is to actually put the dispenser in the floor like that although we need to be careful of uh-oh

The water don’t let it get in the lava woo that was a close save totally destroyed this Redstone Contraption though I need to put it back quickly how did I do it again oh yeah that’s right I had a repeater and a bunch of redstone here woo that was a lucky save that

Almost went really really badly luckily I’m a bit of a pro so I was able to quickly save it before it went super duper wrong finally I think my other mistake was building these dispensers too close to the start I think I need one right here and I’m also going to

Need one right here these ones at the beginning do not need to be here and wow now I’m going to add more repeaters hopefully this will leave more time between the TNT getting deployed and actually exploding I really think this could work finally I have to add some

More water and another trapo inside this is an important step but it’s one that needs to happen let’s just check there’s water in the trapo and yep there definitely is I pretty much finished building my lovely pool with my awesome Tikki bar and my family really love it

Myo baby is just swimming around having a great time your family loves it that’s great to hear Milo I’m so happy for you this horrible TNT Contraption is giving me a headache though you want me to come have a look at it for you uh no Milo

You’re a bit of a noob so whatever you do I think it’ll be worse than what I’ve made all right I’m just going to make some drinks for my family but oh my gosh one of the villagers is walking on all the TNT this is horrible yeah Milo I

Just watched that happen that was a total disaster you really need to be more careful and hey those explosions are happening really really close to my Village if they get any closer Milo my entire a village might be in danger that stupid villager I can’t believe that

Happened and it was so close to my family now I’m really worried yeah I’m worried for you too make sure your family is safe they’re the only ones you’ve got I’m going to test out my TNT Contraption again I super duper hope this works and wa it launched them

Really far this time that is a great sign I think this is perfect the best design I’ve made yet I’m so happy with this Tower I think it’s time to move on to my next next defense I’m going to build a giant massive obsidian bunker in the center of this Village right around

The wishing well yeah that’s perfect I need to build it really tall as well we need to be able to retreat up into it and even if we don’t need to use it for the Pillager attack it might just be a nice holiday spot for us one day that is

If we survive if we don’t make it we’ll never be able to have a holiday again it’ll be so terrible so I really hope me and my whole family survive these pillages how’s your silly little Tiki Bar coming coming along Milo it’s good but my kid is trying to run away and I’m

Trying to block him in so that he stays safe Milo your kid’s trying to run away my kid grew out of that pretty quick well it’s getting really annoying so I’m just going to keep him in those blocks for the minute and then later on I’ll

Put him in a safe place but hang on Chip have you seen the sun lately oh wow I have look Milo we can already see the orange of the sunset starting to appear oh no I better f up this huge crater with lava and then get to a safe place

Really soon yeah I need to build this Tower fast and I think I have the perfect idea to help me do it this is pretty complicated and a little bit dangerous so I hope I do this right I’m going to need to place more obsidian in

The inside just like this it’s going to look a little weird but it’ll definitely make sense soon I’m going to do one of the coolest tricks I have ever learned as a Minecraft pro instant building Towers first I need to grab a lava bucket just like this and I know it’s

Going to be dangerous but I have to place lava all around here it’ll go on the inside of my obsidian and I’m not going to leave it as lava lava is really dangerous and it burns lots of things I also don’t want my son anywhere near it

It would be very very dangerous for him he’s just a growing boy so any lava would be totally terrible now as the lava drips down we’ll build an obsidian catching area this way when it falls it won’t spread all around the village and burn everything that would be a disaster

I also need to get rid of any nearby hayy Bales or anything flammable the wishing well in the middle will sadly have to go but I think it’ll be nice on the inside of this Tower perfect the lava is now carefully contained inside my little build and now comes the scary

Part I have to add water on the inside of every single part of this this way it’ll turn the lava into Cobblestone making it fully solid and able to become a proper Defense Tower just like this wo it already looks so awesome you can see

That it really has started I need to do the same on the outside though but oh my goodness the lava is spreading this is terrible I’ll need to be really fast with the rest of my water otherwise this could be a real disaster I do not want

Lava to spread around my Village that would really only help the pillagers and it would put my family in a lot of danger I think I need to be quick with this water we’ll place it and then really quickly break it um that did not work that was a disaster oh no the

Water’s totally going to Cobblestone all around oh goodness Milo I’ve made a huge mess really kind of like me to be honest can I come see I guess that’s okay Milo but don’t judge me yet it is not finished oh my goodness chip this is so embarrassing you’re totally a noob hey I

Am not a noob Milo you’re the noob I really am doing everything to keep my family safe and that’s something only a pro would do although this is pretty tricky to work with so I understand why you think I’m a noob oh it looks really

Bad I can’t believe you did this ha I feel a lot better about mine now I’m not a noob Milo look I’ve just turned the final bits of lava into Cobblestone now I just need to break the rest that escaped and leaked all around my tower a

Pretty funky looking Tower if you ask me hey yeah well everything pros make is funky that’s cuz designs made by Pros are really complicated and very unique complicated AKA really bad no not a all now I just have to plug up the lava and turn it into Cobblestone again here we

Go now my family will be really safe at any point and another Pro trick I have to clean up water is sponges I’m not going to block up all the Water by myself that’s only something a noob would do look I only had to place four sponges and the water is clearing so

Quickly I’m going to make the final top of my tower out of quartz just like this we can have different arms extending in all directions oh wow this is going to look so cool I’m also building a sideways Spike this is going to look so awesome and it’s going to be the

Centerpiece of my super pro Village my family’s going to love it here I think everybody else is just going to be really jealous of how awesome my Village looks compared to theirs we need to fill this entire middle Tower with things that my family might need like a bedroom

And a storage room and even an Arma weapon room yeah that will totally help us take down these pillages my whole family can operate weapons but I’m going to make sure that my wife and my sons stay safe inside my tower I’m not going to let them come close to the danger

That would make me a really bad husband so I must make sure my whole Pro family is safe I’m going to build the center of this Tower really big using a spruce pillar I’m also going to add ladds to every single corner of it I’m not going

To leave any single side that you can’t climb up this way any direction that anybody comes in from or even if they’re hiding inside already they can climb up super duper quick and won’t be trapped when the pillages come these ladders need to go really really high perfect

I’m almost all the way to the top already this is so good all I have to do is make a couple floors I think the first floor needs to be the Armory it’s the first thing that we’re going to need to go in if we want to be safe from

These pillages let’s make the floor out of orange concrete I think that looked really good when we did it before we’ll just place it all around here leaving some space to climb up the ladders we do not want to be caught off guard let’s place it all around here and all right

We’re almost done with the floor on this level once we place these blocks we can actually start making the Armory we of course need some armor stands and some trusty netherite armor I’m also going to grab some item frames as well to keep all of our netherite gear in perfect

Let’s get our netherite sword and our netherite pickaxe we also might need a netherite axe so I’ll grab one of those as well let’s place down the armor stands just like this perfect and add the armor on top we need to put down different ones so that every member of

My family can have them we don’t have mini armor for my son so if he wants to put on the armor he’ll have to equip the big boy stuff but I think they’ll definitely fit him if he’s anything like me he’ll be super duper tall all right

I’m also going to add a bunch of weapons on this wall we can even add a bunch of spares this way in case one of them breaks we can run in here and grab another one we won’t need bows though the bows already come in the bow Tower

We might need some food though that’s why I will have a really neatly organized chest system every single one of these chests will have a different handy food item inside first let’s grab all of our gold golden Foods we’ll have golden carrots regular golden apples and enchanted golden apples just like this

Perfect we’ll put golden carrots all inside here like that wo amazing and golden apples all inside here lastly We’ll add our enchanted golden apples in and boom we’ve added in our first three food items lastly I think we need to add potions let’s get potions of speed so we

Can run really fast and let’s get potions of Health wow they’re so beautiful together look at the blue one and the red one that is a really nice color palette even though blue is a really bad color I can appreciate some beauty all right incredible I love this

Design so far and we can also add some chains and some grindstones we also need a stone cutter or two this way we can do a bunch of constructing and crafting Inside Out Armory it needs to look super duper cool and very official we don’t just want a noob Armory only a noob

Would have that and as far as I’m concerned I am not a noob at all and neither is my family so this looks perfect it’s nice and dangerous and official for us now I just have to make the roof which is also going to be the

Floor for the next level inside my tower on this level I think we need to build anything that my family might want to live in like oh I know bedrooms we need spots for each of us to stay but wait a minute why did I hear an explosion Milo

There might be some more TNTs going off over here but I can’t confirm or deny that okay Milo I’m really not liking how this is sounding but as as long as my family is safe that’s all I can focus on for now I’m building so many beds inside

This bedroom this way my family can sleep on any side they want in case things get a little dangerous and one of the beds gets blown up we will also add chests on every single one so they can have anything they need really close by

And ready to go I think we also need some emergency Brewing stands with even more healing potions this time we’re going to have splash potions on them splash potions can be equipped really fast in the middle of a battle and because we have four of them this enough

That if we all run out there’s a bunch of spares I keep real good care of my family and that includes having spare items in case of emergencies all right now it’s up to the final level of the inside of my tower this is the warning

Room it’s going to warn everybody to not enter the top floor this is really important because the top floor is going to contain my final Ultimate Defense it’s going to be very very dangerous so let’s add a bunch of signs around hopefully if anybody’s smart enough they’ll read these signs and see exactly

Where not to go except wait a minute what’s that in the floor hey why do I see Milo’s name tag Milo what are you doing down there I’m just jumping on the bed what Milo hey that’s my family’s beds get off you Noob what I’m not a noob I’m feeling really confident that

I’m totally going to survive this Pillager attack and I’m going to survive better than you no you won’t me and my family are going to survive way better than you and your family will I have my ultimate final deal defense except I’m not going to tell you what it is you’ll

Have to wait and see I am going to build it now though so it can be ready for the Pillager attack I don’t care what it is I’m going to go back and hang out in the pool with my family let’s add the Redstone Block right above this obsidian

Here it’s pretty scary so I’m only going to add one button to activate it what the defense does is totally top secret so I can only reveal it in a worst case scenario this way nobody can find out and disarm it before we can properly activate it we don’t have much time

Though I need to go get my family and have them follow me into the bunker here’s my kid but oh no where’s my wife wife where are you wait a second I see her inside this building please come out honey it is not safe for you in here

I’ve built us an ultimate secure Tower we need to go up it quick if we want any chance of surviving this thing look guys we need to get inside we really don’t have much time oh no I did not build it tall enough for my kid let’s build some

Stairs out the front just like this hopefully now he should be able to to come up oh no wife please get out of there it’s not safe all right now that she’s made it out of that hole and my kids managed to get up here I really

Think we need to get upstairs come on family it is the only safe spot for us all to hide in you guys are both safe and sound inside here now I hate to do this but I need to go and grab some trap doors this will stop both of them from

Being able to leave I never wanted it to come to this but I need to do this in order to protect them I’ll just place them here hopefully they’ll be safe and happy inside this bedroom there’s healing potions in case either of them gets sick and plenty of beds and plenty

Of space as well all right now that I’ve placed all these trap doors down I need to make sure that they do not get activated please wife you can’t try to leave like this and done all right I’ve placed all the trap doors stay safe I

Love you guys I think it’s time to check on Milo one last time before the pillagers attack hey Milo I uh-oh Milo the Sun is setting we do not have much time left oh yeah this is going to be so impressive me and my family are going to

Crush it with all of our epic defenses oh gosh I don’t know about that Milo this defense looks really bad I think I better get inside quick before the pillagers actually come we do not have much time I’m going to get my armor on oh no chip I think they’re coming

Towards me wow they totally are and there’s so many of them Milo you better be careful oh no but that’s okay cuz my defenses are super good I’ll be fine I wouldn’t be so sure about that Milo you are very newbie and they’re totally making their way over yeah one of them

Actually just shot me and oh no this isn’t looking so good no the arrows are shooting again W oh Milo I’d be really worried if I was you oh chip they’re really gaining on me help me I can’t help you Milo I can only help me and my

Own family what the but they’re really really trying to get me and my snow golems aren’t doing too much no they’re not look how many aokas there are wow they’re using all their powers to try and snap me up with their little crocodiles they’re pushing me into the

Lava this is really horrible I can’t see anything Milo I don’t like your chances right now do you have a golden apple or something yeah thank goodness but even that is not really working you should mine your way up into your base so that you don’t have to go through the

Pillages that’s a good idea all right I’m getting up up and these little things keep snapping at me oh no quick Milo you need to get in now before they get you okay I’m in my base again but oh almost all of my snow golems have died

Oh wow Milo they really have died yeah and look they’re all down here like stupid idiots I’m just going to mine this so I can get down to them hey idiots look at me um Milo because you m down to them doesn’t that mean that they

Can now come up to you wait I didn’t even think about that oh no I can see them over there there’s so many coming over to get you Milo this is really bad chip I’m really trying to be brave but this situation is not looking good for

Me and my family no it’s not they’re totally coming to get you I hope you guys managed to make it even though we’ve been fighting this whole time I still want you guys to make it through ouch these arrows are really hurting me maybe I can use my automatic ARA

Dispensers wo that makes them look crazy they glow purple it’s not really working why didn’t I think this true better I don’t know Milo probably because you’re a noob look they’re over here with my family now this is so sad oh no they just got your baby Milo what no you BOS

Are so horrible Milo they got your wife as well oh no this is so bad chip what am I going to do oh my gosh the only defense left to fight against these pillagers is you Milo oh gosh okay I got to protect my snow golems they’re all I

Have left you’re right Milo oh goodness look a massive wave of pillagers is making their way over to you oh gosh and they’re totally going to get over if they don’t get in the TNT F you’re right but uh-oh they just activated another TNT what oh gosh stop it you pillages

You leave me alone this is for killing my family oh gosh chip I’m really taking a lot of damage help me I can’t help you Milo but oh goodness I really do hope you survive I feel bad you lost your family even though you’re the noob you

Didn’t deserve that I’m not a nerb hey stop shooting me well Milo you’re managing to defeat them things might be looking up for you yeah maybe I’m actually going to be really good maybe I’m actually a pro no that’s still me but you might just survive this oh

Goodness Milo they got you uh-oh that means I’m next I better run in to check on my family quick before they get gotten by pillagers wait a minute why are there armor stands here uh-oh something’s gone horribly wrong I need to quickly check on my family and see if

They’re okay and wait a minute what hey there’s my kid how did you get out uh-oh this means my family is in a lot of danger I better grab my equipment from these chests they must have been totally rattled by the TNT explosions that came from Milo’s stuff wait a minute and I

Don’t have any weapons or armor this means I will have to rely only on the things I’ve built in my defense all right you stay here family I’m going to go protect us I’ll go down this way because otherwise I won’t be able to get around I need to get up to that

Watchtower quick so I can grab a bow oh goodness look all the pillagers have made it to my wall I need to really hurry luckily my iron golems are still here and I can see that my slime block traps are working I just need to climb

All the way up this ladder I really hope they don’t snipe me while I’m up here and I’ve made it to the top boom wa I just missed all those arrows look they’re firing them at me but now I can grab a bow and I can grabb a bunch of

Explosive arrows let’s put the bow right here I’ll also put the explosive arrows and the potions in my inventory in the best spots to keep them I think this is perfect now it’s only time to start shooting down all these pillagers wow there’s so so many over there all these

Aokas but I think with my explosive arrows I’m totally going to get them look I’m already taking some down I’m doing a way better job at protecting myself than Milo did oh wow there’s still so many though and wait a minute there’s a bunch of pillagers at my

Doorstep I don’t think I can attack these ones but uh-oh they’re shooting arrows and lots of them I think I need to use some of my other tower defenses let’s make our way down I don’t want to be caught off guard okay I think this is

A good strategy I just have to make get to the other Towers wo there are so many here and wait a minute I think I see a massive crowd of them coming over yep that is a massive crowd we need to quickly go over to this Tower before

It’s way too late oh no my iron golems are taking lots of damage as well luckily my wind traps are definitely working and so are my Fireballs hey oh gosh I need to make it up to this Tower to use my TNT cannon I built that especially to fight these pillagers I

Really hope it works oh no I feel back in the hole I guess rushing to protect my family has made me a little clumsy yeah come on TNT attack these pillages whoa It’s shooting off into the distance but I don’t know if it’s going to hit

Them right uh-oh did I make this TNT not go far enough hey it hit me oh my goodness I think I know exactly what I need to do I need to shoot them down myself but ow the fangs are getting me oh goodness I’ll need to run and find

Another way into my base I think it might be time to eat an enchanted golden apple I’m about to do a crazy trick shot I’m going to an explosive Arrow underneath myself to launch myself into my base like this okay I need to do it closer and boom it worked all right I

Made it in I’m going to try and get these pillages and uh-oh I think I just opened a corridor into my base this is terrible luckily the Iron Golems are definitely handling it I think it’s time to go over and try and attack the other pillagers hey guys don’t think I don’t

See you over there wait a second they’ve all disappeared they must be hiding somewhere this is bad I think I need to take take this opportunity to drink a potion of swiftness and this way I can run really really quick look so many more are coming every single time I

Defeat them more just arrive now I’m going to activate my end crystals like this boom I don’t think that did anything uh-oh but there are so many more end crystals around my base let me parkour boat up to this one in the sky wait that one didn’t really launch me

This is embarrassing and that one did but H it didn’t launch me very far let me try again wow these pill are getting really close hey guys eat this wao they’re totally taking these arrows oh gosh they’re doing lots of damage to me though I do not want to die it would

Totally ruin my family uh-oh these pillagers are getting inside I need to use all my explosive arrows while I still can this is bad real bad wow there are so many and even more keep coming I also need to handle these aokas quickly I do not want them to totally overwhelm

Me or my family oh my goodness hey guys I’ve come to totally take you down but wao this is the biggest army yet and that’s a lot of crocodile fangs hey stay back uh-oh I’m going to make my way down there are so many holes into my base now

I shouldn’t have been so silly with those explosive arrows that’s no Behavior not fit for a pro like me oh wow and there are so many coming I think I need to do what I really didn’t want to do I need to retreat into my family

Tower this could be the only chance I have left stay back stay back wao so many are coming and look even more are coming in this way wow I really did not plan for there to be so many like this hey wao those ones do lots of damage

Stay back please it’s now or never I better run up oh gosh I’m climbing the ladder now I need to shoot the ladder so that they cannot follow me okay I think that worked but uh-oh we do not have much time there’s my kid I need to make

Sure that he is safe stay there chip Junior I need to go do this quickly I’ll be back for you soon and sweetie where are you wait a second where’s my wife oh there you are stay stay here I love you and I will not let anything happen to

You I’m going to ignore every single sign that I just placed here it is time to use the final Redstone defense I kept this a secret for so long look there are so many pillagers making their way in through the holes that I’ve left I guess if they’re already getting in there’s no

Reason not to shoot them down while I still have the chance I do not know if my final defense will really work as well as I hop so I better do everything in my power to assist it oh gosh look they’re all getting there hey Iron

Golems get out of the way I’m trying to help you oh goodness there really are so many and look they’re all at the base of my tower if they manage to get in and find my family my family is totally done for it is time for me to use the final

Defense all right I need to activate this thing right now okay look it’s summon TNT rain I better be careful though I don’t want to die okay that TNT rain was massive I don’t see any pillages but there’s lots of Destruction I better jump down and chest 360 no

Scope okay I landed it but um okay I don’t think I see any pillages I think I might have won okay I officially stopped the pillagers but wait a minute what if my family got hurt in the TNT rain I need to go check on them quickly oh

Goodness I’ll need to use an arrow and a bow to get into my tower I made this way too secure oh goodness hopefully I can do it oh no I’m running out of opportunities to parkour every shot that I miss digs me further into the floor I

Really hope I manag to protect my family otherwise that would make me the real Noob I managed to launch myself in and okay here’s my kid wow I’m so glad you’re alive and now I need to check on my wife and I think this is a good sign

Hi sweetie you made it come here we can now be together forever as a family hooray

Milo and Chip are under attack and now that must build a secure village to PROTECT MY FAMILY! Can they do it in time, and who will win Noob vs Pro!

#minecraft #minecraftmod #miloandchip


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