Minecraft 1.20.5 Snapshot 24W03A | Spawn Chunks Gamerule | Armadillo & Wolf New Looks!

For this video I am using a new microphone setup so if you’d like to leave some feedback on how you think it sounds leave a comment down below thank you for doing that let’s now get into the video we are of course here for snapshot 243a which is for Minecraft

1.2.5 and it does include some changes for 1.21 this is the first snapshot of 2024 and we’re going to start off with the 1. 120.5 changes first of all changes to the spawn chunks if you don’t know what a chunk is well we’re inside of one right now it’s a 16x 16 grid

Within the world and this is how the game basically saves what’s in the world it saves it in chunks so let’s use our imagination for a moment and imagine that we got a 5×5 grid of chunks well if the player is standing in this one here

And our render distance is set to two then that’s how much of the world is going to be loaded in each of these directions and so if we were to bump the render distance up we would be loading more and more chunks of into the distance now the spawn chunks are a part

Of your world that does this by default if the player is there or not so when I start to move around from chunk to chunk it means that we load some off in the distance so the direction we’re traveling and behind us some of those chunks will unload Now the default

Distance for spawn chunks is 10 and if we imagine that each of the numbers are essentially a chunk it’s this green area here that the game will be loading inside of your world regardless of where you are this will take Pi up some of your computer’s resources and so changes

Have been made so you can have control over how many spawn chunks you want loaded or none at all if that’s what you’re after so the default radius is going to be two and it counts it different from view distance one is the single Chunk in the middle and then the

Other nine around it would account for two if you were to set your radius to three that would be all of these chunks this is done with a new game rule called spawn chunk radius its new default is going to be two meaning it loads nine

Chunks at the spawn point of your world and this is 98% smaller than the previous amount which was set to 10 and you can do that inside of this game rule the maximum you can set it to is 32 and the smallest is zero which disables it

In its entirety and if you’re not sure how this affects you as a player well if you’re getting poor performance in your single player world it could be an idea to lower the amount of Spawn chunks that are loaded and if you play on a server

This means you can have a part of a world that’s always loaded again if your server struggling you can lower it or you can take advantage of having a bigger spawn area that’s always loaded so yeah the choice is now yours and as always it’s nice to see various

Components of the game being put into the hands of the player so you can make a choice about how the game is functioning okay our next change related to this version of Minecraft is regarding the end Dimension when an entity enters or leaves the end Dimension like this item has just done

It will now Stay Loaded for 15 seconds now the area that is loaded for 15 seconds is the destination of that item so now the Overworld would be loaded for at least 15 seconds this change has been made so the behavior is consistent with that of Nether Portals the next changes

In this update are Technical and actually quite interesting we have new item tag lists this is great for making data packs and custom experiences as you’ll see here it all relates to what enchantments can be put on a different type of items like your legging armor

Swords a weapon in general or a trident so if you think that the Swift sneak enchantment should go onto boots you could make a data pack to do that now the next tags are for entity types that could be a mob for example and each of them relate to a specific behavior so

Like entities that cannot be affected by poison and regeneration and now in a list and that list can be customized meaning you can pass this Behavior onto other mobs the other tags include entities that will be allies of the illers entities that have the opposite effect when they deal harm or healing

And then entities that will cause a puffer fish to puff up will now be in a list along with those sensitive to the Bane of Arthropods as well as impaling and lastly wither friends down the bottom here so yeah you can change which mobs the Wyer will attack or not attack

And all of those other behaviors I just described now along with this transfer and cookie packets have been added which which sounds highly technical it is explained here but a little Beyond me I think the gist is you’ll be able to transfer additional information like what resource pack and data packs you’re

Using and it’ll provide a better experience on big multiplayer servers before we continue with this video I just want to say if you’re here and you’re not subscribed that might be something you want to do and then you’ll get notified of when I upload Future Minecraft update videos anyway thanks

For considering let’s crack on so next up are changes to the wolves and armadillo and you might notice down here in my hot bar that the wall farmer has a new texture and here is a comparison to the old texture now you may also notice that the dog collar looks a little

Beefed up this is how it previously looked it now wraps around these pixels on the back here and the Wolf armor texture has changed along with this you can see it now covers up part of the collar it looks really cool I think this is a big Improvement and to jog your

Memory this is how it looked before nowhere near as pretty if you ask me there is there also been a bug correction as well when I punch my dog which I do not enjoy you can see the whole thing turned red sorry my friend I’ve got to educate the people you’ll

See here that now only the dog turns red and the armor stays the same color next up it’s the turn of the armadillo who has been retextured and looks even cuter than before so a good way to do a comparison is with a no AI mob so it

Just stays exactly where it is and we can see it from all sides and angles so here’s the old one it’s a little boxier a little darker a little less shaded I think and one of the really big changes is the eyes which were on the front and

Are now on the side of the mob and I’m not sure if you noticed it but the shading of the scoop changed slightly here’s the old one is a little less saturated so the armadillo spawns in the Savannah Biome and as of this update it’ll also be able to generate naturally

In the Badlands biome and it receives some new functionality as well if I go ahead and get in this boat and then spawn the armadillo it’s going to go into its shocked state and its new behavior is that spiders and cave spiders will run away from this so while

We’re in the boat I’m going to spawn a spider over here don’t take damage buddy run away from this guy which you’re not doing oh there was a not in this sentence my bad so we just mean a regular armadillo forget the boat look at that they go scrambling away what

About when we got one in a boat yep yep they’ll go away this this is probably faster than moving spiders with water just an observation here they really do run away so if you got a cave spider spawner or a regular spawner for spiders you can now introduce some armadillos

Positioned around to send the spiders where you want to go I think this will make a really fun project for a spider farm so now it is the turn of the breeze which had a change to it that sounded rather exciting but probably isn’t if I

Go ahead and uh shoot this thing you’ll see that the projectile bounces right off of it all projectiles are going to bounce off of this thing but something unique it’s doing is it’s coming back towards me so it goes back in the direction of the player that shot it so

Over here I did some experiments of like shooting it with dispensers but if the projectile comes from somewhere else it’s not going to get deflected back towards the player so I thought there might be some cool use here but really it’s just a case of your own projectiles

Will come back towards you so you got to remember not to use projectiles on the breeze and while we’re doing the 1.21 changes I should point out that a block of copper being changed into a great this is any type will now be one for one

In the stone cutter it used to give you four whereas if you did the crafting recipe it would cost four for four like this so now you get the same amount of blocks out of both okay lastly we have changes to the villager trading rebalance which might not even be a part

Of 1.21 in fact I think the underlying Tech of this change is just in 1 120.5 this change adds a tag that a villager can have to bypass MBT data on its trades but let’s say you wanted to trade like a map or a pick and this one here

Has been damaged that means it’s storing some MPT data so with this tag you can basically accept an item that has some different tags attached to it so in the Villager rebalance it’s these expert trades over here that take advantage of this you’ll now be able to trade in

Damaged diamond armor so we’ve reached the end of the video If you enjoyed it leave a like to support the channel make sure you subscribe to catch future snapshots and hopefully I’ll see you next week with another one bye-bye

Minecraft 1.20.5 Update Playlist ► https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL7VmhWGNRxKixIX8tWEQn-BnYKE9AaAXk
Snapshot 24W03A for Minecraft 1.20.5 will include the armadillo and wolf armor. This snapshot brings new textures to the armadillo and wolf armor as well as a gamerule to control the size of spawn chunks!

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00:00 New Microphone
00:27 Spawn Chunk Changes
02:47 End Portal Loading
03:15 Technical Changes
04:56 Wolves
05:44 Armadillo
07:17 1.21 Breeze
08:17 Villager Rebalance

Featured In This Video

#minecraft #minecraftnews #snapshot


  1. As for the new microphone… it doesn't sound right. However, having no recording/audio knowledge, I couldn't suggest what the issue is precisely. Just sounds a bit intense and feels quite jarring. Sorry not to be more help!

  2. My feedback for your new mic setup:
    – Your voice sounds very over-compressed
    – – With this comes a fluctuation of volume in your voice and overall sounding less natural
    – It feels you are almost screaming into the microphone at the moment, I don't know if this is the case, but you will start straining your voice if you are.
    – The tone of your microphone seems very airy, and cold, the older setup sounded much warmer. This is usually because of an EQ setting, the highend is a bit too high in volume for my taste right now.
    – The over-all sound is a tad hollow, if you haven't already I recommend investing in some more acoustic panels, or plushies or blankets in your room to die down on reverb a bit. Otherwise it might be a resonance in your microphone I am hearing, I am not quite sure what I am picking up.
    – – Often forgotten with acoustics is panels behind your displays, you are often talking towards your screens so the wall behind it (and the screens themselves ofc) will reverberate back your voice as well.

  3. Just a reminder that there’s only 5 months until the update releases and we still haven’t seen a notable new feature that wasn’t shown in Minecraft live. And still no official title for the update.

  4. On your old mike, your voice was smooth enough to sleep to. Now, it's sharp enough to actually bug my misophonia a bit. Not a good change, from my end. Maybe boost the lower frequencies?

  5. the diamond armor trade makes more sense now
    but i still dont like that it costs diamond to trade for the gear in general
    the villager trade was the best or only way to get diamond gear in many scenarios, like vanilla skyblock..

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