JJ and Mikey Survived 100 Days as WEREWOLF BLOOD MOON in Minecraft Maizen

Well then let’s get started today we found a button huh I wonder what it does it wasn’t here yesterday it says do not push oh what does it do when you see a button don’t you just want to push it one little push nah Mikey we better

Leave this alone just look at it it’s pretty sketchy it even has a warning on it h but I really want to know what it does what if it gives us treasure JJ 3 2 1 H did you hear that H oh what wait did we just did we just get cursed really huh huh we’ve been cursed you probably shouldn’t have pushed that wait but nothing’s happening maybe that means we can just ignore it well I guess that makes sense huh we’ll be fine I wonder what it’s

Supposed to Do time for bed have a good sleep JJ night yeah good night I guess there was nothing to worry about oh well so sleepy H what’s that noise what is someone knocking I think they are who who could be knocking at this hour I wonder let’s see opening in 3 2

1 h Huh who is it hello hey what is this thing is it a statue of me what is it what could it be any idea oh Mikey I know what JJ of course you shouldn’t have pushed that button that’s what made this cursed statue two of you appear really maybe I

Shouldn’t have touched it still even though it’s creepy and scary it isn’t doing anything so there’s no problem JJ I mean when you put it that way huh what’s that it looks like a book well what does it say let’s take a look 3 2

1 huh what’s inside death in 7 Days wait what maybe there is a problem after all we’re really going to die in seven days this cursed statue put a curse on us we only have S days left to live and today’s already over yeah let’s wait

Till morning then we can dispose of this evil statue somewhere if we can get rid of it maybe that will break the curse great idea JJ 7 days is plenty of time to fix this let’s go to sleep yeah let’s call it a night we still have 7 days left night good

Night we must def defeat this statue to be cured and become normal again Mikey and I are sick of being werewolves all right it’s morning Mikey know what that means yep the cursed statue is still there what’s that about I’ll hold it who I can actually pick it

Up it’s so creepy though well then here’s the plan for today Mikey let’s take this statue and toss it in some lava oh I like that idea the lava will burn it away to nothing yeah let’s find some I bet that’s going to break the curse let’s do

It now that we have a plan let’s go find some lava look what we found it’s an underground lava pool if we toss the curse statue in that should set us free yeah if this doesn’t break the curse I don’t know what will let’s go toss it in

3 2 1 go it’s gone it melted W not a trace of it left yep it completely disappeared booya it melted like butter in that lava it’s a stone after all pH what a relief that’s the end of that story we can relax okay let’s go home let’s go we did It here we are that’s a wrap let’s call it a night what a relief I’m exhausted time for bed h Huh hang on Mikey it sounds like someone’s at the door again impossible it must be someone else right it’s got to be that statue couldn’t have

Survived open it it must be a villager yeah it can’t be the statue that’s right here goes nothing 3 2 1 Open no what how how did the Statue get back here maybe We’re Dreaming it’s standing right here how is that possible I don’t know maybe it’s lava proof it must have some kind of lava resistance we still have 6 days left let’s call it a night and deal with

It in the morning I have a plan JJ oh sleep tight we’ll try your plan tomorrow hey Mikey yeah your plan is to blow up the cursed statue with TNT yep lava didn’t work but blowing it up with TNT should do the trick that sounds like

An awesome idea thank you in that case I’ll just place the cured statue right in the middle here good call then I’ll set a fuse sure we should stand back away from the massive explosion that much TNT will make a colossal blast let’s stay here can I

Light it yeah blow it into little pieces once this thing pops that little statue will be nothing but Adams I bet that’ll break our curse once and for all here we go 3 2 1 run away run away this has to work bye-bye statue come on Wow check it out wow that’s

Crazy the curse should be gone now my plan worked yeah I don’t see the statue anywhere it’s gone there’s nothing left not a trace the whole thing vanished wow we did it yes great what a relief the plan work success what do we do with the rest of our day let’s go Home it’s been pretty quiet I think that means we broke the curse let’s call it a night yep the TNT plan worked let’s sleep I’m exhausted again okay time for bed all right h no it can’t be someone’s knocking again for real but how we blasted the

The statue with TNT oh no you think it’s out there again let’s see 3 2 1 the cursed statue is back Mikey but how we totally destroyed it right we turned it to Adams hang on Mikey both the TNT and the lava failed right I have an idea that

Just might work it’s a super effective plan that will solve all our problems we’ll try out tomorrow sounds good let’s call it a night yeah we need our sleep there’s only 5 days left that should be enough time to resolve this I’ll reveal my master plan in the

Morning well Mikey yeah we’ve made it all the way out onto the Open Sea the Open Sea the ocean here gets really really deep Yep this cursed statue survived being tossed in a pool of lava and blown up with TNT this means it’s probably fireproof I wonder if water

Will do anything oh you’re going to sink it yep time to toss it in 3 2 1 go W wo it went right to the bottom all right what a relief it survived lava and TNT but let’s see it survive the ocean yeah it sunk straight to the bottom so I

Think we should be good to head back home yeah let’s go the curse should be broken no knocking tonight we did it okay Mikey bedtime sounds good tonight we sleep peacefully let’s relax the curse should be gone this time I’m off to bed h Huh no what impossible is

Someone knocking again well there’s a chance it’s not the statue I’ll open it but how we tossed it in the depths of the ocean and it still found its way back to our door it’s Unstoppable oh no hang on a sec Mikey we were probably too focused on trying to

Destroy the statue it’s a curse right one way to get rid of curses is to pass it on to someone else first thing tomorrow morning we can figure out a way to do that let’s call it a night sounds good bedtime we still have 4 days left

We should rest yep that’s plenty a time check this out Mikey wao I built a shelter made of obsidian oh nice obsidian is one of the toughest materials in Minecraft yep after seeing the Pillager Outpost in Flames I realized this cursed statue is a real pro at destroying

Things there I put it in obsidian is nearly indestructible even explosions in lava won’t break it is that enough we’re going to seal this statue in solid obsidian nice if we do that there’s no way it’ll ever be able to escape this is a great plan yeah okay now then the

Entrance is sealed off there’s no way for it to leave the obsidian shelter awesome it looks pretty solid to me all right let’s go home sure wow what a relief we permanently sealed the cursed statue inside of a pure obsidian shelter now we can finally take a breather let’s go home

All right I think we managed to seal it up do you yeah let’s go to bed being cursed is exhausting yes H what a we wait hang on a second Mikey what’s that sound who’s there huh more knocking no way it can’t be the statue we sealed it I know ready

3 2 1 open huh huh no the cursed statue is back what do we do now this is tricky I don’t suppose you have a plan do you Mikey yeah I thought of a strategy we can use that might be able to hold off the statue’s curse why don’t we sleep

And try it in the morning okay don’t let yourself get too worked up Mikey I’ll try to relax good last night I figured out a way to keep the statue from coming near us how we’ve been too focused on the Statue locking it up drowning it true let’s

Make a security system W right good idea let’s go all right we’ll start by digging a mode around the perimeter okay once that part’s done we can fill it with lava it has to go all the way around the statue’s too tiny to cross over that’s true I’ll help you

Thanks this moat looks finished to me we did it the UL UL imate security system it’s perfect but I’m afraid that’s still not enough Mikey why not I want to install security cameras too oh we don’t know how this statue keeps on coming back to our front door yeah every night

It’s a mystery I want to know how it moves around so I’m setting up security cameras oh good plan we need some inside there nice with all this surveillance we should be able to see how the cursed statue moves around find out I put a security camera out here too

Nice this lets us check in front of the house I’m up here nice great now that the security system is in place we can throw this statue away I guess there’s no reason to take it somewhere super far let’s leave it in the forest right I guess you can just leave it anywhere

Toss it away sure this place is as good as any bye-bye nice don’t come back again there sweet that should do the trick let’s head back to the house and keep an eye on everything with the security cameras that’s the plan woohoo we got this Yeah look it’s night time mhm I think we’ll be fine we’re safe inside keeping an eye on the security cameras how do things look right now I haven’t seen the statue yet oh nice hi Mikey hello the coast is clear let’s see the other security cameras H this camera is

Fine that’s good oh still nothing looks like it I don’t see a statue by the door great I’ll check out the forest that’s where we tossed it right oh I’m so relieved yeah with security like this I finally feel safe again we should have done this first yeah I’ve been keeping

An eye on the forest for a while and it doesn’t look like the statue is anywhere to be found the coast is clear here there’s nothing wrong inside the house either all clear oh finally huh what what what’s wrong how there’s no way but since when no way but I never saw it

Leaving the forest I guess I’ll open the door Mikey yeah tonight’s the night that little cursed statue is going to kill us I don’t want to die there’s got to be a way out well I thought about it and maybe this cursed statue is haunting us because it has some unfinished business

What if we tried to give it a proper sendoff into the Afterlife I don’t have any other ideas left that’s a terrific idea but how do we give it a proper send off yeah about that first things first we should find a peaceful place like

This what’s next we need to give it a proper grave here oh then we lay the statue down into the grave just like that cover it up plant some flowers as offerings I’m on it and we’re done I’m going to make it pretty I hope it can be happy

Here well we’ll know soon enough a lot has happened between us and the cursed statue so let’s give it a moment of silence sure okay it’s time to head home we’ve done all that we can do for this statue all right time to go well it’s the seventh night now did

It work if morning comes and we’re still here we’ll know the curse is Lifted oh good morning morning yeah we slept all night huh wait heyy the statue’s gone you’re right it must have passed on that’s awesome it is that statue’s in a better place now we did it well then to sum things up we pushed a button and got cursed by a

Statue but by giving it a proper funeral we broke the curse if you enjoyed our adventure please like this video And subscribe to our Channel bye for now thank you bye-bye if you enjoyed today’s adventure make be sure to like And subscribe plus you can check us out on Twitter

Instagram and Tik Tok whenever you want with the links in the corner thanks for watching see you next time

JJ and Mikey Survived 100 Days as WEREWOLF BLOOD MOON in Minecraft Maizen

This is not an official Maizen channel, we make fan videos with JJ and Mikey.

Our channel is exclusively for fans of Maizen. We are not trying to impersonate his personality, we just want to add new and interesting stories to his characters.

We hope you enjoy our videos. Have a great day!

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