Trotting Around Town! || Stardew Valley – Episode #2

Hello everyone and welcome back to stardew valley and we are here getting ready for a new day on our farm so we’re going to have to wake up crawl out of our bed and oh my goodness so something very interesting happened last time it turns out i didn’t know how to save i

Exited the game without saving to say if you need to go to sleep every night and i didn’t do that so we actually lost our first day progress but that was very easy to make up and i actually managed to make even more progress because what

We did is i went and i greeted the same people that we did last time so you guys haven’t missed out on meeting anybody but i went ahead and rearranged how we planted everything so we’ve got everything planted in our yard we still have the beans in fact let’s get

Everybody watered while we’re talking about it we still have the little tulips we’ve got the bean plants on either side of the house but i was just able to kind of rearrange how we had everything because we lost the progress for that day but that’s okay i also managed to

Spend the entire day running around and i worked really hard to be able to clear up a whole bunch of the areas around the farm and i’m proud to say that we gathered up a ton of new materials and resources which i think i have a better

Idea of what to do with them so i’ll show you guys what i mean in just a second i think i figured out how to craft with all of the stuff we’ve gathered and we got some really cool things we got mixed seeds you guys when

You come over and you come and you go chop chop chop chop chop with uh the little materials here you actually have a chance of getting mixed seeds and it says there’s a little bit of everything here plant them and see what grows so i’m really excited look at our farm

We’re already getting our little farm going it looks like we have mail so let’s go ahead see what the mail says hello there i just got back from a fishing trip you should come down to the beach sometime i’ve got something for you from willy so everybody seems really

Eager to greet the new farmer to really let us know how the day is going which i’m super excited about unfortunately it is not raining today like the weather channels said it would in fact we should probably go check the weather channel really quickly so let’s see weather channel

Welcome to cozu5 your number one source for the weather news and entertainment and now the weather forecast for tomorrow it’s going to rain all day tomorrow all right well that’s what he said yesterday so i’m not sure if i believe him today and let’s see new quest to the beach

Someone named willy invited you to visit the beach south of town he says he has something to be able something to give you visit the beach south of town before 5 pm all right so we’re going to be doing that we’re also working on getting started cultivating and harvesting a

Parsnip we are also trying to work on the introductions we have greeted 12 out of 28 people and i’m actually really excited because if you go ahead and hit escape then you can see all of these different things so i think the these are the slots for being able to open up

Um your bigger rucksacks you can see the total earnings that the farm has made you and how much you actually have we shipped out a lot of the fiber material and some clay material yesterday and we managed to get a little bit of extra money which is always good you can see

Your skills or farming skills i’d be really interested to know how we can improve that foraging skills fishing combat our wallet i don’t know what’s going to be in our wallet but we’ll probably have something there and then you actually got the social and so this is the social so you can see

Like how great your relationship is with people maybe what presents they like the most and i i really like that you can see who’s single so everybody was single under their name i’m pretty sure it’s going to be the bachelors and bachelorettes that you can actually date

And we haven’t met a lot of these people so let’s see i haven’t met yet i haven’t met pierre so we ran by pierre’s no we did meet pierre he’s the one who sells all of the the seeds and things like that um we haven’t met

Wow look at all these people so many other people so we’re gonna need to go meet some people and i think this might be the wizard because i did see on the map there is actually a wizard’s tower so here is mostly farm our big giant farm here’s the bus stop there’s

Something up here there is buildings over here here’s the community center the carpenter shop which is where robin demetrius sebastian and maru all live and it is open from nine to five most days there’s the mines there’s something over here that we don’t know what this is there’s the

Joja mart which surprised me so apparently there’s a mart and we used to work for that company so we’ll have to go take a peek at that the mayor’s manor the blacksmith stardew valley museum library let’s go check out the museum in library that is like one of the first

Things i almost always do when i move to a new place is check out the museum and library and let me make sure yep auto run is something you can turn on so you can just leave it oh wait wait wait wait you can just leave it running

But i actually want to plant our mystery seeds really quickly our little mixed seeds we have here and i also got some coal so let me go ahead and plant the seeds first um i think i’m just gonna plant them maybe like right here since there are little mystery seeds we

Have no idea what these could be so i’m really excited to see what they grow into so we’re just gonna put those guys right there oh and then i was gonna see about crafting where on earth did i see i saw crafting somewhere it was here crafting so here

We go this is crafting and you can kind of just hold your mouse over and see all the different things you can make like we could build a campfire right now if we gathered up a lot more wood then we would be able to get a chest to store

Items in you can have a gate and a wooden fence already for being able to keep grass and animals contained we could have a wood path we could have a gravel path we could have a cobblestone path that we could start putting around um in fact i wonder

Can i put like a cobblestone path just in front of our door huh let’s let’s try that out really quickly so how does that work we just grab it and then i can just ta-dah look at this we’re already sprucing everything up look at us go you guys oh i’m so excited

All right so let’s go ahead and greet more people i want to go to the library today for sure whenever i move to a new place in real life too like one of the first places i want to go is the library because there’s something about visiting

The library even if it’s my first time there that makes me feel like i can really be at home in a community oh and let’s see oh look there’s a little note over here appears okay what does it say any any new notes nope i just know that lewis’s birthday is coming up

Um what is this though there we go help wanted i need a catfish to rub on my sore back please bring me one asap what so you can make evelyn happy high quality seeds only appears i love all of these little details oh this is bringing back the memories of when i ran

A harvest moon role playing form so much this is just bringing it all to life oh this makes me happy so a catfish to rub on her sora back for evelyn who is evelyn again i feel like i need to know this person it’s the old woman oh i

Wish i could get her a little catfish i don’t have a fishing um oh is it an emergency um not quite but we can get um wow look at that energy tonic it’s super expensive but i think it would probably restore like almost all your energy and

Then a muscle remedy oh wow they’re very they’re very expensive though all right so let’s come over and try greeting the nurse maru oh aren’t you the one who just moved in i’m maru i’ve been looking forward to meeting you nice to meet you too maru you know with a small town like

This a new face can really alter oh yeah we did talk to her only now amaru is in her like nursing uniform so she is the nurse that is so good to know i hope the doctor doesn’t mind me just barging in like this harvey

Feel free to stop by my office if you’re ever feeling ill alright nice to meet you harvey um oh and i was like poking the sample jar that’s funny uh can i talk to just you you’re young though you’ll probably stay healthy without trying well thank you thank you very

Much can i poke anything else in your office i will admit i’m a little curious it’s probably not a good idea to stick your hands in there it’s full of used syringes dirty swabs and little nozzles that harvey stuck into people’s ears ew i love how you can like search

Everything though i almost feel like looking at the computer but something tells me oh wait wait we can look at the plant oh look it’s a little old woman hey this plant’s fake oh hello today evelyn don’t mind my husband george he isn’t very friendly to strangers well if

I bring you a fish will that make us not strangers if you get to know him better he’ll warm up to you thank you so much evelyn oh she still wants to chat okay i’m sure you two could become one good friends one day oh my gosh she still wants to

Chat oh that’s so sweet since you’re so interested in my husband i’ll let you in on a little secret he really likes leaks you can find them in the mountain this time of year oh my goodness can you really evelyn where it’s it’s very nice to chat with you

Little old woman in in the little little hospital oh my gosh that’s so cute all right well let’s keep running apparently have i i think i’ve met this woman no i haven’t marnie ah mayor lewis told me you arrived you just arrived i’m marnie i sell livestock and animal care

Products at my ranch you should swing by sometimes marty do you have chickens i want chicken so badly oh my gosh mari very nice to meet you oh gosh oh who’s this your bright hair i don’t recognize haley oh you’re the new pharma girl or whatever aren’t you huh oh i’m haley

Hmm if it weren’t for those horrendous clothes you might actually be pretty actually never mind oh my gosh well yep oh birdos if you live in a small town like this and you don’t really try to improve yourself maybe that’s all you got to think about all right who’s this

Lewis oh hey it’s lewis the fire or the mayor there we go so how was your first night in the old cottage not bad actually not bad your grandpa used to complain about the rickety old bed but i think deep down he actually loved that house oh how surreal to think we’re

Laying in like the same bed that our grandpa used to be in very nice to see you louis i wish i had something to give you as a present i don’t you want some coal maybe you want some coal i don’t know i i would i would like a stick i’m

Always up for like sharing a good stick oh what’s going on here oh look at the ocean you guys ah ahoy there miss heard there was a newcomer in town good to finally meet you good to feed you too do you have no new mermaids that would

Be really cool ah i’m still trying to unwind from a month on the salty seas it was a big haul i sold a lot of good fish do you happen to have a catfish there is a old woman who could really use a catfish right now

Finally saved enough to buy me a new rod here i want you to have my old fishing rod oh willy that’s so friendly it’s important to me that the art of fishing stays alive and hey maybe you’ll buy something from my shop once in a while oh willie thank you oh

It’s like we have tears of gratitude in our eyes with our earrings we received the bamboo pole oh we can already go fishing there’s good water here in the valley all kinds of fish oh yeah my shop’s back open now so come back if you need supplies i’ll also buy anything you catch

If it smells it sells that’s what my old poppy used to say anyway oh my gosh very nice to meet you willie can i go ahead and start fishing am i going to see like a mermaid or a whale look at the beautiful ocean oh gosh oh my goodness okay i wanna i

Wanna i wanna i wanna catch a fish okay how do we how does one fish let’s try to fish you guys oh okay so then we throw it throw the fishing rod really hard i think it uses a little bit of energy all right i had a little ripple there

When do you decide to pull it oh is that a fish over there all right so maybe i think you have to wait till the bobber goes under so i’m gonna sit here so the bobber goes under oh man am i supposed to do it now now now

Oh hit hit hit click click to raise the bar release the lower the bar keep bar behind fish oh i see oh my goodness keep the bar behind the fish oh my gosh it’s a whole little mini game go little fish go come on i almost got you i’ve

Almost got you be a catfish by the way did i really catch the fish i kind of wanted oh my gosh a common ocean fish okay can i can i like walk in let’s see how his little shop is oh he has like a little aquarium

And you could get trout soup and it gives you plus one fishing that is so funny and it’s pretty salty 100 energy 40 health oh my gosh that’s hilarious can i sell him oh i just told him the fish so you just have to like click on

It and and you can sell the fish well thank you so much let’s come see if we can talk with him again he has like all this bait i think can we look at this this is so cool well it’s a bin full of withering wiggly worms it smells something awful

All right what about this one nope i don’t want to fish in it all right went by over here there’s little pink shrimp moving around there oh my gosh and a chum bucket ew all right and let’s go around and see if we can talk with him so earning money

Doesn’t seem to be like it’s going to be too difficult oh hi there it’s nice to see young young folks moving into the valley it’s not very common these days well that’s okay because i love the natural feel of all of this oh my gosh there’s seagulls oh my gosh you guys

There’s seagulls we’re looking at some adorable seagulls oh they’re so cute i wonder if they tried to steal my fish oh what’s this what is this this is like little tube worm things oh my gosh oh look it’s one of these things again oh there’s some interesting stuff going on

Here you guys interesting stuff indeed are those coconuts and palm trees what’s this what’s that oh my goodness what’s this hmm with 300 pieces of wood this could be fixed oh don’t you tempt me that looks like there’s tide pools and things over there oh what’s this did i just

I just got a little clam what can i do with it i have no idea can i like get do i sell it i don’t know what i do i don’t know what they do with the clam oh gosh i’m really excited to be carrying the clam around though i have

So much stuff all right so where are we now all right i really wish i had a bigger backpack i think i want to go see if i can see how much the bigger backpack would cost me let’s go see if we can run by pierre’s

Um i guess we can try to accept that quest see it’s for sale oh my gosh are they doing like an aerobics gym thing over there are they meeting up oh i want to see all of this backpack upgrade 24 slots purchase oh i don’t have enough money that’s gonna be 2 000.

Um we can give the clam to this guy louis that’s very nice of you thanks so there you go luis i do all my grocery shopping here all right so he’s pretty happy pierre sometimes i get new items in stock so make sure to check by often or every so

Often it’s a lot of work to run a shop i bet it is and is that all you’re going to say mayor yep it sure is all right let’s see if we can very politely like come back here and see what’s going on with this little like

Why in a second is this like a chapel oh my gosh there’s so much to explore wait no ladies have you met everyone in town yeah that sounds exhausting i’ve seen wild horseradish in the forest thank you caroline i’m going to sleep well tonight oh my gosh they were having like a cool

Little meeting where they were all working out oh and my arms feel like gelatin oh i can read it on your face you’re going to love it here in pelican town oh that’s right we didn’t meet emily yesterday but we got to meet her right

Now so all the women were like doing a little aerobics workout that is so cool oh my gosh all right so let’s see is there anywhere else oh the library i wanted to go visit the library where the heck was the library okay it’s all the

Way over there um are we gonna make it in time i don’t think we’re gonna make it in time oh wait it’s open till 6 pm all right so this is our running pace and let’s try running to the library oh my goodness oh and it’s a little old

Woman okay we’re going to accept her quest we’re going to accept her little quest because i really want to and we’re going to accept it 600 gold could really take us a far away to that backpack too all right catfish catfish catfish all right i’m gonna do

My best to try to get that catfish oh hey it’s alex dude hey alex the beach is a cool place to hang out and soak up some rays you got to spend some time in the sun or else you’ll get all pale oh boy hey do

You want to hang out with me by the beach sometime do you have a bikini i’m probably like i could be your mother almost alex except probably not all right yeah that’s pam and i i wasn’t able to find her last time all right so let’s keep running

There’s plenty of time to poke around and try fishing and maybe even try going to forge for something oh wait who’s this this is a new person hello hey i’m sam good to meet you well nice to meet you sam that’s all he has to say he’s just saying hi

All right what is going on over here this is interesting i wonder what the heck this is closed until summer interesting all right is this the library oh my gosh hello there welcome to the story of duo valley archaeol archaeological office oh my gosh i’m so excited um this is

Embarrassing but the previous curator made it off with the entire collection we don’t have any artifacts for display but i’m hoping to remedy that soon hey if you find any artifacts or minerals out there would you let me know oh my goodness i would be more than happy to

Do so sir how would i how would i help you with that how would i help you with this can i give you can i give you a piece of coal ah he’s not taking my coal i guess that doesn’t count as like an archaeological item and what is this there’s a book

Missing here oh there’s a book missing there’s a book missing oh hmm oh my goodness so i guess we’ll have to just figure out what needs to be added to the museum maybe things from the mine i’m so excited it’s kind of like a little animal crossing twist added in there

Archaeological stuff huh so i wonder if there’s i really is there any hmm this makes me want to like mess with the books somehow but i guess we can’t really help much more and we can’t read the books so we will we will figure this out all right so there we go

That was over there and was there anything else i think there was something else with the blacksmith and i think he’s already closed ah it’s locked from 4pm huh oh my goodness what’s this out of order does this lead me somewhere i can’t go that way oh there’s a mushroom there’s a

Little mushroom well all right this has been kind of interesting um let’s see if we can do a little fishing maybe right here get evelyn that awesome fish she was looking for she needs a catfish huh so let’s see if we can get any fish right from this little river and maybe

Get her that catfish which would be really cool oh there’s the blacksmith all right let’s go talk with him real quick or hi i’m clint i’m the town blacksmith if you ever need to upgrade your tools i’m your guy all right very nice to meet you clint i’m

Gonna try to do a little fishing by your river don’t don’t mind me i’m sure everything’s fine oh it’s getting dark oh oh okay gotta keep it behind the fish gotta keep it behind the fish oh my gosh okay come on come on come on come on

This is so cool i love this oh did we get a catfish we got a brain okay so that is that’s definitely a something something and unfortunately that also fills up our rucksack so that there’s no room for anything else so let’s go ahead and head back to the farm

It is kind of like quite the walk back over to the farm too but let’s go walk back over to the farm it’s getting dark so now we know why having a campfire or maybe being able to eventually build some lamps would definitely help us out hopefully we can make it back we’re

Walking on the dark country roads all by ourselves oh gosh and then once we get back i think i’m gonna go ahead and risk selling the fiber materials for now and the clay because we do need to be making a little bit of money and can i sell the bream

There we go so the clay we’re gonna toss in there the fiber we’re gonna toss in here but i actually want to see if we can get a little bit more of the wood really quickly so we can craft we need 50 pieces which is actually a

Lot i don’t know if we’re going to be able to get 50 pieces you guys especially because it is so dark but i really want to craft a little chest so that we can start storing some of these crafting items because i think those would be so useful

Just to have some crafting items laying around let’s see how far we can get before our energy flags and it gets too late tonight and we’ll see what else we can discover oh gosh you know what we’re not going to be able to do we’re not going to be able to do

It because it’s so dark because we can’t see anything oh my gosh look at how much grass is over here the grass is so overgrown is this what happens if you don’t contain your grass it just spreads over your entire farm but at the same time in real life i love

Looking at places like that that looks so overgrown and they’re just filled up with all sorts of amazing animals all right let’s come over here oh gosh can’t see very well at all should i make a campfire but would that use up like what would it be like if i

Made a campfire whoops that’s not what i wanted to do um so crafting and we would need 10 fibers and unfortunately it would also use up some of our wood that we’re trying to save so i think i’ll sit on the wood what was that something just moved over here

Okay i think it’s time to call in tonight all right you guys well i’m going to go ahead and let our little farmer here go to sleep and i will see you guys next time i don’t know about you but i want to go and explore the

Woods so we’re going to have to figure out where it is on the map that we’re able just to go off into the wilds because that’s definitely something i am certainly looking forward to it looks like we can just go south and then start exploring and it looks like there’s a

Nice big lake that very well may have the catfish that we’re gonna be looking for so i’ll see you guys next time bye

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โ€ข Stardew Valley Playlist โ€ข

We’re hard at work on a farm of our very own in Stardew Valley, a beautiful pixel-art spiritual successor to the Harvest Moon games of years gone by! Farming, fishing, chickens, archaeology, mysterious magic mysteries – this game has it all and more!

Join Seri the Pixel Biologist as we roll up our sleeves and dive into our weed-choked fields to start gathering up seeds, greeting the villagers, and helping to tend to the town and watch it grow! There are so many projects, plants, recipes, fish, and missions to keep us busy so let’s get started!

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โ€ข Seri is a biologist-in-training with an intense passion for plants and filling her house to the brim with finches, potted plants, and biology “specimens” that look oddly like snail shells, mossy, and twigs covering every available surface.

She is also big into spreading her love of the natural world through the entertaining medium of story-telling through video games! Jump on in and see what our amazing, animal-loving, plant-studying community is all about! And remember, stay curious!


  1. This girl is so cute all I could think about throughout the video was .the what's this song from nightmare before Christmas c:

  2. When I was in the hospital back in 2016 I restarted this from the beginning. All I watched when possible was Seri back during those two weeks in Nov 2016. This series got me thru a lot. Glad to have rediscovered this. ๐Ÿ’œ

  3. If you are playing stardew valley and while you are at the beach by the dock and you see a green slimy like thing then you are VERY lucky because that is the LEGENDARY sea monster it's so rare that a TON of people think that it's not real also when you choose what farm type you want go through all of them 2 have a quarry on the farm the first one that has a quarry on the farm is the four corners farm this one has the smallest quarry and you only start with 15 parsnip seeds and on the other one you get a pretty big quarry and the first time you create a save file and choose the one with the bigger quarry on the farm when you open the box on the floor in the house you get 60 parsnip seeds to start with but if you ever leave the save file it turns into 30 you'll know if you have the right farm type if the house on the farm has a stone fireplace and a small crystal and a wall decor decoration that is 2 pickaxes and a lantern and a small circle rug and a wall decor decoration of krobas a green slime and something else but I can't remember what that other thing is and you also have 2 or 3 green paleish things on the floor in the house and if you don't know how to set up the empty cave on the farm and you tryed to search how to set it up but you didn't get answers that were clear enough or don't know what to do with the cave the cave is a empty cave that you can set up on the farm demetriusis will come to the farm when you come outside a cutcene will be triggered and demetriusis will ask you if you want to have mushrooms in the cave or if you want fruit bats in the cave now even though fruit bats drop fruit less often then mushrooms become harvestable fruit bats are way more useful because there are already mushroom trees and fruit bats drop every type of fruit while mushrooms don't give every type of mushroom and even if the fruit you want/need does not grow in that season your fruit bats will still drop that type of fruit and even in winter your fruit bats will drop fruit and after you choose if which one you want after you click/tap on which one you want demetriusis will set up the cave and this only happens when you have reached 25,000 total earnings demetriusis is the husband of robin and the town sientist and the father of maru who is works as a nurse at the clinic and the step-father of sebastian who is the son of robin and robin is the town carpenter and Robin's shop is closed on Tuesday only along with Marnie and caroline and Jodi and a few others Marnie is the one who sells animals to you and caroline is the wife of Pierre who buys crops and animal products and sells the wallpaper and flooring catalogue and seeds to you and on Thursday/Friday and Sunday a merchant lady in a carriage pulled by a pig comes by the tree near the wizard's tower and the secret woods which are by Marnie's ranch go to the front of the farm and go by the shipping bin and you will see a path follow the path and go down when the path turns into cobble go down until you see a few weeds with a fence around them go right next to the weeds and go down until you see a couple of weeds in between 2 houses go to the front of those houses and go left until you see the cobble leading to a black space and follow the cobble and into that black space and you will see a couple of cows go past the cows to the left and until you see a door that is were Marnie lives and go left until you see another path and go down a bit and go down until you see a tree this is where the lady in the carriage pulled by a pig will be and if you follow the path you will go back to your farm and if you go another way out of your farm you will go to the mountains infront of a house that has a yellow tent with a campfire infront of it in the back yard this tent is where Linus lives Linus is a homeless old man who used to be rich until he donated it all this house is where Robin,Demetriusis,Sebastian and Maru live the merchant lady in a carriage pulled by a pig closes really late and only comes twice a week what you can buy from her is REALLY expensive usually but sometimes she sells iridium bars/ore and she almost always sells a rare seed and sometimes but not very often she sells coffee beans and even though coffee beans are pretty hard to find in order to make coffee beans into coffee you have to put 5 coffee beans into a keg and after the coffee beans inside the keg are done you only get one coffee and after you drink a coffee you are faster but the coffee effects only last for 2 real life minutes per each coffee and when in multiplayer you can buy a wedding ring recipe after completing a certain achievement this only works if you are in multiplayer if you are in singleplayer this item does not exist in the game this item is for asking other players to marry you this item is not wearable if you have robin build you a small Coop or Barn the next day after choosing where the small Coop/Barn will be placed robin will start construction on the Coop/Barn and after 3 days robin will finish building your new Coop/Barn that houses 4 farm animals per structure and inside every big Coop is 1 incubator this is only inside of a big Coop and deluxe Coop and in a deluxe Coop and a deluxe Barn the farm animals are Auto-Fed for a big Coop and a big Barn and bigger take 9 days instead of 3 days and a big Coop and a big Barn can hold at the maximum 8 farm animals per structure and if you have a male cow and a female cow then your female cows might get pregnant and if you get your cows and chickens and goats up to 3 hearts and over you can get large milk and large eggs and the more hearts you have with your farm animals the more friendship you have with your farm animals and the more friendship you have with your farm animals the better quality products they give Oh and only female cows can get pregnant and if you don't shut the door at night before you go to sleep then your farm animals will probably die and in winter you have to buy a heater for each Barn and each Coop and if you want to get into the secret woods you have to get the copper Axe because the secret woods is blocked by a tree stump and you can only get rid of a tree stump if you have a copper Axe or better and you can also get magma geodes,frozen geodes,regular geodes and last but definitely not least Omni geodes which are the best geodes in the game and my favorite and the most colorful and the most Lucky you rarely ever get anything besides artifacts or minerals or really really really really really really really really rare ores for example iridium

  4. i will never stop coming back to this channel, seriโ€™s child-like wonder is so infectious. i miss being like that when i was a kid

  5. Stardew Valley has changed so much โ€” the tutorial now includes things like that you need to sleep to save your progress.

    I'm having such a great time watching this c: I am interested to see what your reaction was after the first update c:

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