The Terraria boss you will NEVER be able to fight!

There is a boss out there that barely anyone knows about and no one has access to it apart from a select two people those people being myself and idg who made it in the first place anyone remember idg or the SGA mod probably not unfortunately sadly that mod is lost to

Time which is a major shame because IGG had some ridiculous ideas for Terraria that he kept putting into it I mean just look at this the logo on The Mod manager page is animated when have you ever seen that well I don’t know about you but I certainly haven’t and secondly look at

The little dragon walking across it you don’t see that that was idg he just did things even if they sounded crazy he found a way of making it work but with all the ass kissing aside this is dying light that was the original name for it

In here anyway whether it was going to be changed or not is unknown but this mod contains false god a boss entirely built out of shaders and draw code and all those fancy things that you normally see apart from one attack that does actually use Sprites everything else is

Just crafted delicately by hand into shaders and draw code and all the other fancy words for making things the boss the clouds the projectiles back the background everything it’s it’s incredible anyways before we actually fight this thing I had to fight it in god mode you see this

Boss will remove all of your accessories and your armor from working you can wear it but it won’t work you’re left with zero defense no stat bonuses all you have is a weapon you do get accessories during the battle like a double jump a dash and later on your rocket boots but

That was it it was going to have more added to it but never did and of course this boss isn’t finished it doesn’t have any sort of final attack it just disappears once it runs out of code to run it and then you eternally will fall

And be recovered by a little tiny Cloud trying to save you but you’re stuck here until you leave but anyways let’s go on with this boss fight that no one will ever have the chance to fight except for Me A Is a A A A W H Yeah [Applause] And there you go that was false god unfortunately with nothing being finished and idg no longer continuing modding this thing stuck here forever it’ll never be released never be played by anyone else but me and him and that’s the way it’s going to stay so think of

This as a relic another little Relic lost to Terraria in time anyways thank you all so much for watching see you all for the next one many thanks to L duck God and nebula for their High tier patreon pledges your financial support is greatly appreciated thank you

Who remembers the SGAmod? Sadly not many I’d like to bet…But if you did know about the SGAmod then did you know about a secret boss that IDG was working on?
Hidden within his machine was a Tmod file keeping one of his greatest pieces of work away from the world while he worked on it….And then a great tragedy happened where IDG left modding which ment this Tmod file was left abandoned to gather dust however someone else knew of the mods existance…That was me, I was IDG’s little testing boy to make sure this secret boss was working correctly.
Now after many years, I’m showing you what this boss held hidden for so long.
Bare in mind this is a 1.3.6 boss before 1.4 was even mentioned, This boss was beyond anything that was around at the time and nothing could compete with it in terms of grahpical goodness…It even had it’s own built in Lights & Shadows before that mod was even released!

Cataclysmic’s Amalgamation
Sovngarde – A Nordic Font

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Talky talky bit:
Another Domination (Vs. Crowned Doomer) – Kirby’s Return to Dream Land Deluxe Music Extended

Boss theme:
Hollow Knight Gods & Nightmares OST – Haunted Foes [EXTENDED]

Thanks to PraiseHeavyLobster…ALL of this music was suggested by him, Legend!

~~~Thanking ya zone~~~
Created my vanity mod Heaven’s Mechaic

Made the original Sprocket, Original Vanity, Original Shadow (All no longer in the mod)

IDG “SGAmod dev”:
Remade Shadow (Current), Made the cultist eye ,Added custom Hearts (Stable), Added “Bonk”, Player damage uses Cultist hurt sounds.

TuringComplete30 (Ex-Polarities Dev):
Added fancy Eclipse

HeavyLobster (Maelstrom Dev):
Sprited the text box, Added Communication tower decoration from Maelstrom, Assisted with Vanity coding

Shadows new eyes-Emotions-Arms/New Vanity/New Sprocket (Current) Resprited Previous wings, Sprited Shimmer Moths for Death animation.

Ebon (Ebonian/Mythos of Moonlight Dev):
Added Custom hearts (Unstable), Made custom Mana bar, Made Custom death animation (Based on Hollow Knight), Ported “The Nuke”, Generally manages the mod

Dan Yami (SoA mod Dev):
Added “The roar”

ENNWAY:Made “The Nuke” Sound effect

Hat in a River:
Granting me access to their Ultranium statue.

00:00 – Start
01:58 – Skip to the video

Description fluff
If I’m not doing no hit/no damage runs I’m playing adventure games, survival games, puzzle games ,horror games, Maybe even a challange run but if you’re expecting story videos or 100 days in Minecraft ot 100 days in terraria you’ve another thing coming!
This is a channel where we have fun with a large variety of games to play.
If I’m not doing no hit/no damage runs I’m playing adventure games, survival games, puzzle games, horror games, Maybe even a challange run but if you’re expecting story videos or 100 days in Minecraft ot 100 days in terraria you’ve another thing coming!



  1. Please bare in mind, This is a 1.3.6 boss before 1.4 was even mentioned, This boss was beyond anything that was around at the time and nothing could compete with it in terms of grahpical goodness…It even had it's own built in Lights & Shadows before that mod was even released!
    Praise IDG in the comments, Let him know his work was incredible even though no one saw it.

  2. Imagine if modders used some stuff to make their own version of False God, perhaps this would be more used with actual decorations to make it seem more holy. But in the meantime, it is stuck within Nameless’ hidden prison

  3. Truly a shame IDG had simply given up due to not being recognized for how much of a master craft his mod was, this is by far the most beautifully constructed bosses ever to bless it's light upon Tmod.

  4. One day SGAmod will hopefully get a port/remake for 1.4, but unless I ever consider picking this secret boss up again it'll remain unreleased, but archived. Sorry but I just don't feel like releasing a half-finished boss. Placeholder graphics are fine, but a boss that was literally only HALF of what I had planned and doesn't even have a defeat sequence that leaves the player hanging in the subworld is a different story.

    What you've seen now is basically all there is to the mod, so your not missing anything.

  5. It's a shame this never got released, but I can see why it wouldn't. Just thinking about developing this boss gives me burnout lol, huge props to IDG for what they accomplished with this thus far though.

  6. Imagine if this mod came out before calamity even existed, it may gather more attention as well giving everyone a more unique experience, you might as well having either a blast or your PC a blast (literally)

  7. Well this is.. surprisingly depressing all things considered. Something about such a high-effort mod that will never be completed essentially being lost and never to return for all but two people just makes me wanna stare at the ceiling for a couple minutes.

  8. SGA is probably one of the most underrated terraria mods out there. It has a ton of cool and experimental ideas that most mods would never consider adding. Heck, it even has hoppers!

  9. 2 things. 1: it's so sad to see the SGAmod being abandon and lost, I remember watching vid about it when it was first (kind of) new, back before it had all of the awesome stuff it has now, hell I remember the true eye boss (though it may be a different mod), I wonder what IDG is doing now. and 2: I saw you changed your channel name.

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