The Old Duke Must Die! | Terraria: Calamity Melee Death Mode #45

In the previous episode we attempted The Old Duke and in this episode we’re going to do the same thing but I’m going to switch it up a little bit we’re going to go do some Reaper sharks I think to get some different items um and I played a

Little bit as you could tell in between episodes I extended out our trophy area I went and farmed the profane Guardians I had to kill them four times I think it was uh was the total in order to get the war Banner of the sun to drop and man the freaking death Ascension

Makes that way easier uh I went and did Providence in the Underworld to get the leian egis and then I crafted the normality relocator now the funny thing with this when you look at the uh the recipe for it you need exodium clusters which says it drops from shock storm

Shuttles okay and then Cinder plates which you just you you you craft it you you can craft it with uh what is it it’s yeah it’s obsidian and essence of sunlight so exodium clusters really easy to get as it turns out and I should have made it a while ago because these little

Islands that have all the luminite uh they’re surrounded by exodium clusters so it was like really easy to make we should have done that a long time ago exodium clusters also make a bunch of other stuff such as the phantom phant phantom artifact uh this is a summon thing though the oric solar

Artifact which we’re not making right now um the eldrich soul artifact lots of artifacts boost melee speed by 10% range velocity by 25% Rogue stealth regen by 15% ma Max minions by one and reduces Mana cost by 25% grants immunity to Whispering Death that extra melee speed

Not a bad thing but I I just have so many other good accessories right like we can’t really expect to swap one of them out for that uh the profaned soul artifact summons A Healer Guardian which heals for 15 Health every few seconds summ a defensive Guardian which provides

A weak Shield reinforced by profane rocks and upon being depleted the barrier implodes sending profane rocks hurling outwards barrier starts recharging after 5 Seconds yeah it’s it’s pretty good we can actually go ahead and make this I think I think I have all other than the Havoc plate what

Do I need for that oh I I think I have essence of Havoc pretty pretty sure I do I could I could double check but I’m pretty sure I can make this um yeah then recharging from zero to full charge takes two seconds being hit while recharging restarts charge timer

Summoning an offensive Guardian uh which boosts your minion slots by one and yeah I mean it’s it’s pretty good defensively but again where do we where do we use it on our list uh there’s also a couple melee weapons here this the Crescent Moon I can make this I think right now

Uh and it was recommended that I check it out so you know what I like checking these out so we’re going to absolutely do that Crescent why can’t I make it what am I missing missing aluminol right we have to go under there anyway so we may as

Well do that and I’m going to pop into here go to Loadout 2 which is where I’ve got all of this stuff what am I missing to make the diving suit I don’t think anything I think I have all of that um crap I’m opening up the right wrong

Thing I I my day by the way has been totally just thrown off from moment go I’ll tell you quite the story that happened while I went to Starbucks I it was just uh I don’t usually go to Starbucks by the way I just I kind of

Like going there every now and again especially when I’m running low on time but my goodness today today was an experience all right let’s go to Abyssal diving gear got that oh I don’t have the luminal so I just have to get that oh wait no I have I have is a

Diving gear what am I looking for here what is it called D oh right I see it um we don’t have any mollusk husks where did those come from got clamps all right let’s go underground while I tell you about Starbucks today or rather let me

Just tell you about my day in general so today was was Saturday and on Saturdays I’ve mentioned this before I go play Star Wars shatter point at our local game store uh which is a miniature Skirmish Game Fan freaking tastic game actually highly recommend it even if you’re not somebody

Who oh I hit the wrong button that button there we go even if you’re not someone who’s ever played a miniature game before it’s it’s really good guys like shatter point is really really good but the thing is I needed to run some errands today and when I do errands

Uh it’s rare on a on a Saturday because I’m going to be gone from like 10:00 a.m. CU I I have to get there around 11: so I leave around like 10:20 um so I’m going to be gone from like 10:00 a.m. all the way

Till good wait do I have one of these clam relics uh let’s check real quick I thought I did from when we did it early though I’m not seeing one hold on are we about to put a CL no there it is oh no it is technically different I

Don’t know what that sound was don’t know what that sound was something in the game it’s technically a different Relic so we got to put it down right pop oh no it’s the same one cool anyways so I was going to be gone all day uh till about 5 and my wife

Needed me to go take something back to the store so I was like cool I guess I’ll go do that don’t want to do that so I left early but I also had to run by the post office on the way there so I

Just by the time I was up and ready to go I just didn’t have the time unfortunately just didn’t I just didn’t have the time so what I did is let me let me check this recipe one more time yeah we got everything so what I did was

I decided I’m going to go buy Starbucks on the way over to the game store and I will uh go ahead and order some coffee sure whatever but most importantly I was also going to order breakfast cuz I didn’t have time for breakfast this morning so I ordered it waited in in uh

In the driving line it went through the drive-thru and when the lady went to hand me my drink neither one of us knew what happened but the the lid popped off and the drink just exploded on me it went all over my lap all over the the

Steering wheel all over my hands um all over the door of the car on the inside and then like the center console it just exploded all over me and she freaked out she was like oh my goodness I’m so sorry which is great you know it’s well I mean

It’s not great that she freaked out it’s not great that it happened but what is great is she was very apologetic um and she was I I’ll give her a 10 out of 10 review on this one so she just immediately turned around without even

Seeing how much was left in the drink it was about 75% full um so it wasn’t like it was it was their largest size but it was about 75% full um still means quite a lot landed on me and she just immediately turned around said I need a

Rush order on this order uh they got it done in like 2 minutes it was really quick and then she just handed me a couple gift cards she validated them and then handed them to me I was like I’m so sorry is there anything um you know that

We we could do and I was like no it’s fine I just don’t know what happened she was like I don’t know what happened either both completely confounded the whole thing and then um she like because I’m trying to clean it up and it’s sticky she’s like offers

Me a thing of water so I can you know clean it up with the water I said no cuz I already had a water bottle that I I had a couple water bottles with me so I just managed to use some of that right

Clean it up and so they give me an extra drink so I got a basically a free drink which I’ll tell you what when you’re going to go play a Miniatures game I I I get an extra shot of espresso with these drinks so I had six shots of

Espresso before playing um and they also gave me a a an extra uh breakfast item which was fine like that was fine I think she thought that it might have gotten wet with the um can I put this on and not have an issue here probably just replace this

Yeah is this going to give me breath hold on we got to we got to finish my story and then we’ll look at this and we’ll do Terraria so she yeah she she thought it might have got my my food wet so she went ahead and got me a new food

Item so I basically got free food and then enough to go to Starbucks a couple more times um and I just smelt like coffee the rest of the day and it started getting getting worse and worse so I’m like playing at the game store and I apologize to them but they you

Know they understood but about 3 hours into playing and chatting I started noticing like a this smell is getting kind of bad unfortunately I also had to go to Costco and I had to go there because I had to get um some uh like a heavy duty shelving unit that we’re

Going to put in our garage like a giant metal shelving unit but but they were out and I have to go tomorrow so all that to say I need to get up early tomorrow to get there because they’re selling out of those things like hot cakes apparently which is frustrating so let’s go

To the ocean here um let’s also take a quick look at this Max movement acceleration move slowly outside water suits armor plate increases damage reduction by 15% only take damage damage is over 50 um let’s get that going to need one of those oh man I move

So slow with this thing yes blood worms give me blood worms no get back here no I moved too slow all right back to reading uh reduce damage caused by pressure removes the bleed effect gr ability to swim and extends underwater breathing I don’t know if that gives me underwater

Breathing that’s all I need it underwater breathing h i I guess worst case scenario I have the emblem I could throw on it says the flying thing cool let’s go down and check oh no that’s going to not help is it I mean I don’t have a bar so I’m just

Going to assume we’re fine um this is the plate durability okay cool we got to find Reaper sharks apparently and I don’t think they’re on this list but they’re definitely pretty far down anyways my day has just been from the moment that that spilt all over me

I’ve just been in a completely weird mood just just like I like I don’t blame her it wasn’t her fault that it happened it wasn’t my fault that it happened it was just an accident and that’s totally fine and she was like profusely apologizing like obviously this poor

Barista uh has had a lot of nasty people in her experience because like she was trying her best to make that not happen um and I’m just I’m just not that way I’m I’m not going to get all upset and in somebody’s business when it when it comes to accidents like that

So I was trying to make her feel better but it did kind of ruined my day I was like oh come on now it sucked it sucked I keep it in the wrong button for the teleport oh no oh no I forgot about the idolon worm let’s go home that’s not

Going to help he’s going to come for me he’s he’s going to come for me isn’t he I forgot when you teleport underground the Idol onorm comes who the heck is that idolist um I don’t know if that’s going to summon idolon so I don’t I don’t know if I

Should even touch it I’m just going to collecting luminal and whatnot these enemies are slowly getting harder this this F I’ve been down in the uh the abyss since their updates so it’s cool was that a Reaper shark I don’t I don’t really know drops scoria or though it’s kind of

Cool this all just cool and interesting and new the thing I hate about the abyss though I’ve said this before for a YouTube video it’s too dark it’s just too dark it doesn’t matter if I try to brighten it up for you guys or not it’s just too dark and that’s

Unfortunate so I hate coming down here and also I don’t like deep water I don’t like sharks I don’t like stuff like that so that stuff can GTFO in my opinion I don’t like it in games you know uh Far Cry what was it 4 four Far Cry 3

Whichever one was oh there’s a Reaper shark whichever one was kind of on the island thing aren’t they all on island things I don’t know but they they have like Gators and sharks and stuff nah man I’m not I’m not about that I am not about that life no just give

Me give me the reaper shark stuff I think it dropped past me I don’t think I might get it uh please okay cool uh how many did we get we just got three I don’t know how many we need that’s a problem there’s another one there I’m going to try to regen I

Think um let’s quickly check do I just need one for each item the last morning five five five really five oh my goodness six for that geez I don’t even have the sand too uh uh necklace thing Neptune’s Bounty six we need a lot of these things

Wow that really sucks where’s my health at I mean I’m regening slowly I’m kind of tempted to pop the war Banner on though um instead of using maybe this I mean armor penetration is good though I don’t need Wing time I don’t need Wing time so let’s um hey hey the dumbbell I

Was just talking about that that other episode let’s put this on CU I think it might be a bit better here ver no get the heck away from me I only wanted one of you nerds I can’t teleport remember so it’s not great all right all right all right all right let’s keep

Dashing hopefully the Shark dies I just want the shark’s bits let’s float up for the shark bits I’m going to die oh my goodness I’m going to die I don’t want to die I’m Too Young To Die oh we got idle on stuff this is like creepy I don’t know about

This what is a void chest oh there’s a reap shark oh my goodness I’m about to run out of breath I’m going to die pretty quick too crap I need this stuff oh I want the void chest though no there’s a squid Oh no I got

Stuck in the and then I blew up ah oh my goodness all right fine let’s get rid of the reaper teeth um what what would I need for that I really want to make the last morning I don’t think I have enough Souls at night actually I might ah I

Mean this sounds so cool someone’s a flaming pump pins and morning skulls split into fire orbs on enemy hits that just sounds fun Neptune’s Bounty Reaper to’s necklace can’t make that yet I think I think I might just commit and make the last morning oh wait there was

Also the Crescent thing right what what did I need to make that Cent Moon the luminal okay so we could go ahead and make that at the very least uh we got the soul Edge which I think I think that’s not hyper good maybe I don’t know actually I don’t feel

Like I need that we can get rid of that let’s put this back on swap these out okay Soul Edge yeah we’ll pop that in there and the bobbit hook put that in there okay get this weapon um we’ll test that out and I want

To make the last morning what do I need for it last morning I’ve got the souls I don’t have ruinous souls and I don’t have the baale Harvester oh I need the Horseman’s blade okay I feel like that’s that’s a next episode farming thing because I honestly

Am quickly running out of time here like I said I got to get up really early in the morning uh I have two Soul edges apparently let’s go pop into here we’ll grab this stuff out we’ll pop it in here uh don’t need that okay so let’s quickly check out

This oh okay it’s that weapon that’s less exciting than I thought uh whip sword summons homing Crescent moons I mean pretty good I just feel like our current weapon is so good um it’s going to it’s going to be hard to justify another one yeah no get back

Here oh my goodness how did that not get it that’s so annoying if I if I just kind of sit here am I going to get more spawning like I did when I first came all right I’m just going to summon the boss uh fishing pool all right here we

Go oh no wrong button crap oh also I have the wrong accessory on unfortunately I think I think I’m just going to try to stay as far away from the boss actually you know what I think one of you mentioned that just like try to run away

From him rather than fight him um I agree with that sentiment right now also have to remember that I can teleport I say that as I absolutely did not teleport there and should have oh I walked right in that stupid poison Cloud looked right at it looked right at it walked right into

It I’m not doing enough damage because unfortunately he’s just kind of too far away and this fight is going to go on forever if I just keep running yeah I don’t have enough ranged on on that weapon I need to stay a little closer so

I just got to play better and let’s go ahead and crap which one was it that I wanted to use I I think the war Banner of the sun is really good but I just don’t think it’s the weapon for this at the moment or the accessory for

This uh did I leave an accessory in here no have that why am I feeling like I’m missing an accessory that I had before it’s possible that I put it in my stash uh maybe we just keep the war Banner then I mean I don’t I’m not doing true

Melee that doesn’t work I mean I could I could get the extra dashing in I I don’t know I’m really conflicted here what to use I I I is It oh my goodness we did it that was my final attempt that I could do too I probably did I don’t know that’s probably like six or seven extra attempts from the last time you saw o that boss fight pain in the butt okay Old Duke that was possibly one of the

Oldest mundane living beings on the face of the planet I’ve got jokes about that one the first fishron were spotted in the middle of the draconic era what exotic Prestige fishon are one of the original offshoots of pure blooded oric dragons they are so old and venerated that many historians are convinced they

Are the original sea monsters of folklore this particular Duke’s guile is self-evident it evaded creatures of hunting and until now has survived a most thorough poisoning above or yeah above almost all others this creature was a living Fable one must wonder what goes through the mind of a fading Legend

Yikes okay so what do we get we got a ranged weapon oh ranged weapon we got the mutilated truffle I actually really like this uh this summon the Cav cadavis caran which is a great little turret remember that we got the Insidious Impaler fires a harpoon that sticks to

Enemies and explodes got the stress pills and Duke so skills uh scales 10% increased damage reduction 10% increased Max movement speed and acceler ation 25% increased Dash velocity and length gives you a stamina indicator on the cool down rack okay using any Dash will consume 20% of your stamina stamina will

Gradually recover to 100% after not dashing for 1 second stamina recovers faster when you are stationary if your stamina reaches zero you become exhausted while exhausted this item’s damage reduction and movement speed bonuses are negated being exhausted reduces movement speed by 30% and dash velocity by 50% this debuff lasts until you reach

100% again interesting um let’s flop that out with the Leviathan amree oh man I kind of wish that that stamina meter was in a better spot huh um I mean the cool down on it’s it’s not like the cool down is any better interesting if I could move that actually I

Might so let’s like uh can I not move that yeah sometimes it’s like a button that unlocks it but I’ll have to go into the settings and figure that one out because I mean it it might end up being pretty good the fact that it gives us the the

Damage reduction the movement speed and acceleration and increase Dash velocity and length like having a huge Dash is really helpful sometimes all right what’s next that we took him out dog oh I am really looking forward to that

Zen fights the Old Duke in this episode of Calamity Melee for modded Terraria 1.4.4!

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  1. Every current weapon you have is good for DOG, i still suggest using the mirror blade with the omega blue armor. The armor set bonus will be really helpful in the fight

  2. The sky lab had Cinderplates in the center.

    All the other plates are also found in the other labs, so if you find them in future playthroughs you should mine them.

  3. I recommend keeping the Soul Edge on you. It fires a volley of fast-moving homing projectiles. Very, very good for DoG.
    It's also pretty minor, but the Bobbit Hook is by far the best grappling hook in the game, so equipping that wouldn't be a bad idea.
    Additionally, that spear that dropped from Old Duke is insane against DoG, so I highly recommend it.

    Edit: Also, the accessory you were missing around the 18 minute mark was the Affliction. You put it in your storage some time before going into the Abyss.

  4. Soul edge is a good alternative to death's ascension if an enemy is far, but honestly, deaths ascension is perfectly fine as is. If range is an issue, the Galileo Gladius may work here. The terror blade is stupidly high on dps if you can aim down the length of DoG.
    I've never seen someone really use old duke's scales in a fight, so this will be interesting, good luck! Remember to dash through DoG whenever it corners you!

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