JJ and Mikey Found The LONGEST DOOR vs LONGEST TRAPDOOR in Minecraft Maizen!

Hm wo wo huh wo huh incredible what is that what is it huh huh it looks like a long door and a long trapo Mikey you’re right what’s that about is there something inside in there I want to find out me too is there a way in there isn’t what

Do we do everyone is looking up up H something’s inside there wao Mikey H yeah come here what it’s hard to see but here’s a door right here wow what four I don’t know but it might be a secret entrance I’ll try it 3 2 1 what was that something opened it opened

Ready oh w this is a secret entrance a secret entrance let’s run inside wo wow we’re in I want to try to reach the end there must be something interesting this way leads inside I found something treasure treasure let’s open it yeah ready what is it wooden

Swords that’s it it’s not much but it’s better than nothing this must be the first treasure let’s go to the top yeah parkour watch out for the husk oh careful I got it awesome what’s next let’s go go JJ oh got him that a boy JJ good job keep

Going you can do it huh it’s an elevator oh another one I bet there’s something even better than a wooden sword at the top yeah come on it looks like there are more elevators and they’re only getting better the first one was dirt this one is Stone you’re right I’ll hit the

Switch Mikey sounds good thank you wao we’re so high up we’re in the clouds hang on a second Mikey watch out pillagers huh they’re not shooting Mikey they’re taking aim careful ow we should see what’s in the box Mikey wao grab some got it I need to Gear

Up come on hurry okay I think we’re supposed to fight back with our bows and arrows take that Pillager R there one down nice I missed got him oh I got the last one cool yay I got him good job Mikey we beat them all wait

Wait why you can’t cross there that was close I can’t make that jump hold on I see an iron elevator over there really an iron one oh I think that in order to get over there we need to hit the big Target yeah like a challenge we have to

Shoot the bullseye right in the middle the center is the only part that counts Mikey just the middle I’m pumped from hitting that last husk can I go first yeah of course you got this I’m going to hit it dead center go what a you missed

Mikey try again okay right in the middle Mikey help me JJ those zombies fell out of nowhere attack them you have to save me I know eat a golden apple uhoh JJ it’s okay I’m eating a golden apple wao oh man oh well it’s seriously not safe to miss

Let’s be careful my confidence didn’t respawn with me you do it okay let’s do it wa what that was cool good job JJ nice fireworks it spawned a platform for us wow yes cool hitting the bullseye makes fireworks every time yay we did it okay

What next oh treasure a door it’s got to have treasure could it it’s got to be huh hang on a freaky clown look out it attack me it hit you it’s strong seriously yeah the swords we found right wo use your sword take it down jumping

Slash ouch it’s so strong slash that was strong wo We Beat It we did didy I found something amazing H the clown was impressive but look treasure let’s check it out treasure treasure treasure 3 2 1 open what is it diamond pickaxes and swords thanks These are nice

Awesome wo it came back to life huh seriously wo how ouch wo hi yes we beat it they come back we’ better hurry along Mikey quickly it’s terrifying but at least we got something good out of it okay wo this is awesome what’s it supposed to be diamonds and gold Maybe

We use our pickaxes to choose the ones we just got so which one I’d like some diamonds can I have them we can share okay let’s mine the diamonds together ready another freaky thing it’s something else wo I’m low on health Mikey wo it’s strong this sword

Can defeat it take it down I can do this I guess the werewolf couldn’t fit through the entrance we beat it JJ hurry right before it comes back yeah let’s go let’s mine the Gold I guess gold was the right choice wo check that out jackpots emeralds not bad emeralds and diamonds

And gold that’s everything we’re Super Rich yeah wow I can barely believe it bring on the diamonds yep jackpot wo is there more h broke a hole in the floor there must be even more above let’s go let’s move onward the werewolf is back yeah this leads up

Let’s go must be something great these stairs are really long I wonder how much further to the top h Huh this place is made of bricks and it’s full of lava woo it looks like we need to go through here to reach the top yeah okay let’s get a

Running start like this so you don’t fall into the lava let’s make our way through the lava parkour course like this WOW parkour careful that’s hot no Mikey you fell into the lava and died make sure you don’t fall in again yeah yeah jump across it very carefully mhm nice yes

Keep jumping across like this wo let’s parkour to the top it would be really bad to all from here mm-m the lava’s hot that’s why you need to be cautious got it all right yes I did it yeah I made it to the top wo there’s a

Chest H you’re right let’s open it 3 2 1 open wo oh awesome it’s full of golden apples and golden equipment Wow Let’s equip ourselves amazing wow now to try out our new items yes very cool I’ll eat a golden apple too yummy we powered up still how are we

Supposed to keep climbing from here it’s a dead end yeah you’re right huh we need to reach the top of the tower to get the treasure there’s got to be a way up somewhere H oh JJ what is that a staircase oh what we can climb up from

There yeah that’s true but we can’t reach it it doesn’t look like we can get up there if only there was a way up let’s look around H it sure would be nice if there was a way that connects to up there yeah a way up anything

Anywhere H I want to climb higher already same h Huh what is it hang on huh there’s something with this wall oh really where over here oh see these cracks huh I don’t see anything particularly out of place hm look carefully Mikey this wall has cracks in it oh yeah now that you

Mention it but what’s the big deal h h H oh there’s a button here huh let’s try pushing it 3 2 1 Click oh oh look a secret entrance let’s head inside yeah okay wow it’s a secret passage Mikey no way this leads to the next floor awesome wo huh

Hey we’ve seen those stairs before yeah you’re right JJ we were just down there wow no kidding okay let’s go we can reach the next floor through here and now we’re in a Mysterious Room oh this is interesting but it’s another dead end I want it to break out right

Away so what now H there might be something here oh hang on H there’s a chest oh I know there must be an item in this chest that will help us Escape but Mikey H watch where you’re standing huh there are cracks oh yeah isn’t that a bit suspicious but if we

Stay here we’ll be executed I have the courage to look inside this chest it’ll be okay don’t worry yep it looks fine I’m opening it 3 2 one huh there’s nothing inside no Mikey no way oh you fell into the void it was a trap we need to be careful hang on

There’s another chest maybe this is the right one it has to be safe right sure the ground looks safe this time okay h I’m opening it 3 2 1 H it’s empty ouch what again huh it’s a good thing you were wearing that helmet this room is booby trapped

Seriously does anything else stand out to you not really Mikey look right here huh why the wall oh has cracks too yep here’s an idea what if we hit it and break through the the wall of course there might be more chests hidden around the room let’s check them

Out okay maybe something useful really H let’s see oh H look over here oh see there’s a chest hidden in the fountain it might be trapped careful I’ll open it I’m nervous man okay here it goes oh huh hey cool I got some coins oh you can throw coins into fountains see

H um H all right anything else nothing helpful really hm hey see that huh there’s a chest be careful JJ it might be trapped I’ll open it I’m scared aren’t you no way open is it safe I guess so it’s red oh here have some thanks huh

Bread can’t help us Escape seriously H that was the last chest are you sure um oh hm check it out oh a hole it’s in there yeah it’s really well hidden definitely you ready open it here it goes is it a trap or a Treasure

3 2 1 open well wo H it’s good really look H we found dynamites wo yeah sweet it’s perfect we can break through the wall with the cracks in it yeah so let’s blow it up we’re breaking out definitely before our execution ah yes what’s this h Huh where’s this

What is this place huh the what are those things there’s so many spikes H be careful go alies ow we need to avoid touching them we have to be careful H there’s a door over there so alies oh are you okay there’s a door so let’s get

To it ow that hurts alies it’s hard to avoid them that hurts are we okay avoid touching them oh careful no ouch that hurt Mikey okay let’s reach the door over there let’s go ouchies ouch we have to force our way through W ouch wo that

Hurt oh here’s a door we’re through wow nice job wo ouch what’s inside oh huh what’s this H what is it looks like there there’s a portal at the bottom of this pit maybe it’s the way back to our world W let’s try it okay here we go okay back home

Wow hooray I like this long door okay now we’re going to the long hatch I wonder what kind of challenges and bosses will be there we’re going to find out now come on Mikey yeah I found something a treasure chest 3 2 1 open there are potions of swiftness in here

Should I drink it wait wait doesn’t that look like a TNT Dash challenge yeah the potion should make it easy right sure let’s give it a shot down the hatch am I faster now let’s find out here goes nothing wo look at me go JJ oh I made it

Hurry up okay I’ll try it too wao I feel super fast now here I go it’s so fun ready woo that was awesome didn’t that feel incredible yep wow something’s here a prison cell huh there’s a kitty in here H why would a cat be in a prison cell maybe it’s

Trapped let’s save it let’s save it open up go go go kitty the cat says thank you you’re welcome look more treasure JJ you’re right let’s open it up 3 2 1 huh isn’t that a trap chest there’s laser rifles inside huh zombies how wait laser

Rifles so it was a trap chest looks like it spawned those zombies but I think we can beat them with these laser rifles I’m not good with these so powerful wo so strong help Mikey these oh wao these guns are really strong they are overpowered but now there’s no way to

Climb higher was this it no Mikey this can’t be the top yet oh is this the way yes but how up there I think the roof is just above us H let’s find out I think let’s go air shoots from these to Lift Us upward wo let’s

Go W woohoo you have to time it wo W this is fast like an elevator wait for me I fell off the gusts huh are you okay Mikey wo this is hard what’s up here huh see something Mikey I made it what what what is it goodies this is bad Mikey hurry

What hurry Mikey what did you find huh why are they all so big this is a Giant’s house giants live on top of the tower I think ‘s trying to attack us at least we have our laser rifles not the horse go the horse the horse didn’t make

It the chicken is huge too something’s wrong with that furniture thing why won’t it die come on what do we do he must have an enormous amount of Health it is no way for real oh I beat it you won but I wanted to see if it was

As big as you said it was I still don’t believe you it was huge Mike I bet I could have fought it let’s check out the treasure sure the chest comes first open what’s this sweet iron and pistols I guess so what’s up oh hang on it shoots blocks what really cool

Awesome oh it looks like we need to parkour but those gaps are too big to jump it’s too far I think we’re supposed to use use the guns yeah like this amazing now make a bridge let’s do it oh this is fun let me try this is cool nice wow this is so

Amazing let’s go nice oh yeah M it’s oh skeletons ow this is scary watch out wao hang on there’s armor in here great let’s put it on okay hey look I found an anvil I think we need to make copies of it really we can adjust our

Guns so that they fire anvils you’re right let’s shoot them up here try it yeah wow nice it worked keep going you try too Mikey sure let’s get a bit closer go for it oops I missed oh wao good shot bam hey h it hit me come back I’ll be

Right there all right oh hey Mikey what’s up hi next is look at those skeletons Mikey what’s that it’s bad news Mikey it’s a pile of skeletons ouch they shot me hang on let’s see what’s in this chest careful oh look what I found TNT wo really now to copy the TNT copy

It oh wo cool it’s really oh it worked wo you can do that cool oh I get it nice three to go shoot it JJ wo they’re firing back get them these guys are tough I miss go go go ow rat epic got him what a cool gun you can

Say that again another chest oh you’re right let’s open it there huh awesome what a haul there are golden apples and a full set of diamond armor WoW netherite swords amazing I also have some good news for you Mikey I think we’re almost at the

Top epic nice let’s go JJ we have to clear this first parkour come on you first boing boing wow I’m talented today hurry up JJ now it’s time to open this chest oh that’s a cool sword we got a katana and some golden apples these are awesome powerful we’re

Unstoppable the wall broke let’s go Mikey okay it looks like it’ll take a long time until we reach the top but maybe if we push this button hey sweet stop it wo what’s that no what’s wrong there’s something up there enemies I bet we can take them yeah let’s do this

Thing you’re right an enemy let’s fight it y there I took care of it all right oh there’s another enemy nope sorry here I go yeah wow okay nice wo this is pretty Cool oh one more I’ll deal with it look out I bet there’s treasure up there yeah come on Mikey I’m coming let’s get that treasure this is fun wait a minute we’re almost at the top Great I wonder what’s up there maybe some treasure hey I made it to the stairs no way I was so close to Falling that was really dangerous yeah oh well let’s keep going hey we made it wow oh I wonder how we’re supposed to continue climbing H H huh yeah we’ll

Search in a sec but I’m hungry uh yay hang on Mikey there isn’t time for that huh look we’re in a cage huh we’re trapped in here no way what do we do now H oh this is bad we need to find some way to escape but

How uh it’s impossible JJ I don’t see any way for us to escape from here I give up what do we do what do we do oh hold on huh hey Mikey oh no I don’t like being trapped calm down that pressure plate disables the Trap huh no way

Really see wo no kidding wow now we can escape wait a second JJ H even if we escape by standing on the pressure plate only one of us will be able to leave while the iron bars are up hold on wait yes I have an idea if I

Place the cookies back on the pressure plate then we can both leave see I did it hey a but I really wanted to eat those cookies how about this instead of cookies huh we put down the zombie flesh we found from earlier oh the Trap will

Be disabled and you can eat the cookies you got that’s right you’re so smart JJ woohoo

in Minecraft Video compilation you will see: JJ and Mikey Found The LONGEST DOOR vs LONGEST TRAPDOOR in Minecraft Maizen!

👉Maizen Original Channel – @maizenofficial

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