Minecraft, But I Become a PARKOUR CAPTAIN!

The parkour battle begins now oh gosh well I just hope the champion hasn’t plan to get us out of this where are the captains at I’ll start with a three block vertical jump into a fench jump can’t you give me an easier jump what this isn’t easy for you Sil made that

Jump easily it’s like she’s not even trying I set up the jump myself and failed here in parkour civilization even battles are done with more parkour and if you fail a jump you take damage wow I knew you were bad but not that bad okay

Come on how’ you suddenly get so good at parkour s sets up another jump which didn’t seem too bad it was only a two black jump into a two black vertical jump but then she completed it backwards okay how could you have possibly done that oh but I didn’t this isn’t even

Real wait EO and seat they aren’t moving they weren’t battling what did you say I said it’s your turn uh uh uh oh um yeah right right oh wait no they are battling oh my God God those jumps are crazy what I have such a headache man something’s

Wrong with me today maybe it’s because I drank that potion the champion gave me anyway let’s keep battling I set up the next jump this is such a large gap how could she possibly have done this first try and she did it backwards I tried and

Failed this is hilarious if I miss one more jump it’s all over for me I’ll never be able to save still I thought that when EO changed parkour Society this wouldn’t be able to happen anymore he added a new rank the parkour captains and they were supposed to stop parkour

Battles however a new group The parkour Rebels have risen up against him they asked me to betray the champion and I almost did somehow they managed to capture my friend Sil who I thought died and they mind controlled her to work for them because I didn’t betray Evo now I’m

Forced to enter a parkour battle with my best friend this is what I get for trying to help huh okay all I get to do now is pray to the parkour God that I make it and I actually made the jump wa what no you just got lucky now it was my

Turn to attack and I know that if I am going to save still I need to create a jump she couldn’t do maybe if I try something new I placed down three Brewing stands and made the jump 1 2 and finish with a 360 I made it how did I do

That maybe just maybe there was a chance what is going on with these weird images what you did a 360 that’s crazy yeah that’s crazy and now s you’ve got the slowness effect good luck I thought about putting speed on myself but I still wasn’t sure if you could even do

That with brewing stand jumps still lined up the next jump and she didn’t make it this is impossible I set up the second jump this time I had to go all out I set up a three block jump into a two block vertical jump I went for it

And I thought I missed it but then I landed bouncing back up with my slime boots and making the jump that’s it you win I give up I can’t do that jump there I’ve won now stop controlling her very well I am a man of Honor after all wait

Wait was the control from a potion effect I’m sorry Sil I didn’t want to hurt you I just I feel funny wait what’s happening over there is that the champion EO must have won look seat has his gold boots again that means ah now you’re under my control Chase are you

Okay push her off the edge down to the new Leaf no h nah what that didn’t work oh shoot I’m out of here she we go after him after we defeated the rebels in a parkour battle Evo told me that the pro level of society was in danger and the

Reason he came all the way down to the noob civilization was to find me to help him turns out the rebels have brewed a potion to mind control players and forced them to join their group but when he saw me and still fighting against them he thought I might have been immune

To the potion just like he was why were we both immune I don’t know for sure that’s why he chose me to help he said as soon as I arrive in the Pro civilization because of my bravery and battling the rebels that I’d be able to save all of Parkour civilization but

First I needed to complete a difficult parkour course of course it’s always parkour but it’s always been my dream to rank up to a parkour Pro starting the parkour course as a parkour Noob is much easier than it used to be first you no longer need to get a ticket you can

Always try again however it is quite tricky to actually finish the course because of the Impossible Jump at the end or well I think it is impossible I’ve tried it so many times but I think I finally figured it out during the parkour battle I completed a jump I

Thought I missed because my slime boots helped me bounce to the finish line so I’m going to try the same thing here all I got to do is line myself up and jump then hope and I made it I actually did The Impossible Jump all I have to do now

Is get through a few more jumps here and oh my God I failed the last jump okay we’re finally back and just one more jump and I’ve completed the course I’ve ranked up I’ve become a parkour Pro I enter the next room and it looked completely different from the one on the

Noob and new Leaf levels oh another new breaked up good job go ahead and get you new boots at the dispenser then you can pick up some tickets for your job sweet thanks oh and don’t be outside too long it’s not safe what do you

Mean okay then so I made my way over to the dispenser I took off my slime boots and jumped through being equipped with new iron boots and wait what’s this I got new slime boots I’ve never seen these before it looks like they’re just a different color cool Mar br

Civilization was much different than I thought now every block is a two block jump the champion had said that after I get to the pro Society I should visit him oh hey is this like the Champions meeting ground or something EO told me that now Pro Society is all

About learning the more difficult jumps and each pro has to attend parkour Academy he says he’s still working on stuff I mean he did just become the champion a week ago but then because of my bravery in the parkour battle he promoted me to a parkour Captain he gave

Me a special pair of slime boots and chain Mill Boots the Slime boots were red which I thought was pretty cool this has me show my rank without having to worry about falling I’m Bucky ducky I’m here to rescue you what Bucky but you died no that wasn’t me this isn’t your

World and you need a out a way out of out of out of what who is that pay attention in front of me was the work order station there were dispensers that gave me some task papers just like on the noob level I pushed the button to get some new tasks as a

Parkour Pro it said attend Academy all right looks like I head there first then maybe after that I’ll buy a new house wa this building is enormous how’d they build this in a week oh no I have to attend class this is literally the worst day ever all right Pros listen up

Welcome to your new class today we’re going over four block jumps oh a captain perfect why don’t you demonstrate a four block jump are you kidding me the academy was fairly straight for it we all practiced jumps and the master showed us how to complete them it seemed

Like we didn’t need to be there for too long because we all left after for a bit and a few new Pros came in after us what was weird about Pro Society though was when night time fell everyone went inside their houses but why were they afraid of something I looked around some

More and even tried to go to the shop to buy a house but couldn’t so I went back to visit the champion to see what he had to say stop you need this your ah what s was still there no no I man I’ve been seeing way too many things

Lately I should probably go to a doctor wait are there hospitals in parkour Society I should ask a champion maybe he’d know what’s going on hey Evo what’s going on I’ve been having some visions and I was wondering if you could help me the parkour Champion then told me that

What no no that’s me speaking stop Evo just talk to me Evo then said that no stop this is too weird I need to get out of here you what have you done to me nothing come with me I’ll explain everything right through here hey this wasn’t here last time I entered the

Secret base with the rebels leader and we walk through this hallway with tons of stasis Chambers and people being captured the rebels keep players who have fallen in parkour battles in stasis allowing them to respawn this is how I was rebuilt after dying in parkour prison I used to know the champion quite

Well but now we go out and battle noobs and Pros alike and bolster our ranks we then use the potions to control them and force them to become Rebels why all to fight some champion no we do not want this war but you’re immune to this new

Potion we Brew them here and sadly even I am under its effect I fear for my life but I trust you will save us Jace you must save all parkour worlds but why why mind control players just to overthrow the champion simple to keep you here to

Keep you from escaping you’re just a copy a copy of the true one the one they call Evo you were never meant to exist a copy but the Champion’s here doesn’t make any sense how could I be a copy of him this entire world is not real you’ve

Been in a simulation all along haven’t you wondered where those Visions are coming from not even I am real if you’re not behind this who’s doing this to me who put me in here a man of great evil a man of Terror the one who gave up

Everything tell me his name I couldn’t pinpoint it but for some reason felt like I knew him Victor yeah okay no I had no idea who that was but it turns out there’s somebody behind everything going wrong with parkour civilization and now it’s up to me to stop him so

What do we do now oh shoot why did he do that huh wait what is that ah finally got this thing working now that I’m plugged in come on Jace it’s time to get you out of here let’s go back to reality what who are you the name is Ferris come

On don’t you remember for me well you will eventually wait why do you sound like me uh lack of resources but this is an emergency you heard what he said you’re a copy of ebo well here’s the real story eo’s world is part of many worlds and you managed to escape it

However someone you met in your own world Victor decided you were a threat so he imprisoned you here wait why did he imprison me in os’s parkour world you’re not in eo’s real parkour civilization do you remember how you got here now that you mention it there’s

This weird gap of time exactly come on we got to fix this wait wait why am I a prisoner what did I do it’s not what you did in the past it’s what you will do in the future let’s go drink this potion and you’ll see the truth you’ll find

Reality wait if Park civilization isn’t my home where’s my original Minecraft world I’ll show you but for now we have so many worlds to save

Even though Evbo has become the Parkour Champion, not all is well in Parkour Civilization. The Parkour Rebels have risen up, and now, it is up to me, Jayce, to win a parkour battle and rank up to a parkour pro. But not all is as it seems… is any of this… even real? Watch to find out!

Some skins were made by: @aethema
Voice Actors: Bucky Ducky & Lilitha
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This is a fan-made project that I had lots of fun creating. I made almost everything in this video myself and didn’t steal any of Evbo’s videos, but the video is 100% inspired by Evbo’s Parkour Civilization Series on YouTube, and it wouldn’t be possible without him!
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Big Thanks to the Mod: Blockbuster, which I used to make a lot of things in this video.

I really enjoyed Evbo’s Parkour Civilization Videos. Go watch them here!

Socials: solo.to/jayceminecraft

Discord Server: https://discord.gg/hm8g4MEtVw


  1. Thank you all for the support on my two videos. Credit for the idea always goes to Evbo. I will only be doing ONE more episode of this series before I start to tell other stories. Thank you so much for watching my third video. This is because Evbo is continuing his Parkour Civilization Series. So… What story should I tell next?

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