Playing the Aether Mod in 2024

This is the Aether Dimension a complete opposite to the nether instead of a fiery underworld you’re in a blissful Oasis amongst the clouds that is until you fall off and you’re teleported back to the Overworld this mod was one of the coolest things from my childhood and for

The first time in years it’s been updated to the newest versions of the game so I wanted to see if I could beat the entire thing there’s three bosses bronze silver and gold once all three are beat you can literally change the time of day at will but spawning into

The world I was not in the Aether so I kind of did a little bit of speedrunning I got a bucket from a shipwreck which is really the only thing I need because we have to go to the nether first so I went underground made myself a nether portal

With the lava bucket cuz uh we need some glow stone I wasn’t sure how much to grab so I think I got a little too much but too much is better than not enough I’ve waited a long time for this oh my it actually work dude and there’s music

Are you kidding me once inside yep we literally spawned on top of a cloud this thing was so cool and apparently you spawn in with two items when you go to the Aether the first of which is literally a flying cloud what this is a thing do I go

Sailing oh oh gosh okay okay okay wait this is actually kind of bad wait can I make it I can’t make that although I fell I realized I had a second item wait I also have a book this book would become extremely useful giving definitions for

Every item I got golden parachute has 20 uses and is made with golden aerys clouds which is cool but I had more pressing matters at hand okay so my Portal’s up there I I I I I just want to make it to some sort of land can I just

Break clouds I can just break clouds okay this is the weirdest kind of bridging I’ve ever done wait can I speed Bridge oh my gosh I can speed Bridge dude this is so weird okay we are really running out of blocks I’m using my crafting table oh my gosh and we have

Just the perfect amount to jump on the clouds wow okay what is this thing Aether dirtt what is this thing holy Stone the adventure had started I finally made it to the top of an island to get some wood my first piece of wood

Why why is it so hard to mine as it turns out Overworld items don’t work nearly as well as their oh as their Aether counterparts uh that’s this thing the holy Stone ax in fact there’s not only a substitute for stone in the Aether there’s also a substitute for

Iron and Diamond I’m pretty sure one of them’s called gravity I or something like that and the other is that I think zanite it’s like the iron version is it called zanite zanite I remember let’s put it in the book aether’s version of iron ahuh newly equipped with my purple iron

Pickaxe I found the athers version of coal I saw some berries that I remember using in my first house I found what I think is called a Dodo it’s like a really angry flying bird are you friendly oh nope nope nope not friendly but you know what did look friendly a

Freaking Christmas tree what gingerbread wait these are just straight up presents never mind careful when opening these oh my gosh there’s so many the most important thing I found though was this blue ays cloud okay okay okay oh gosh I forgot I forgot wait how do I get down how do I

Get down how do I get down oh no no no okay I can clutch we’re good I forgot blue clouds are so cool dude this was important because it help me travel from Island to Island so much easier see that cloud I’m going to oh gosh I almost

Killed myself I’m going to bounce up and then parachute okay I’m parachuting the exploration went really well I found enough zenite to make a bit of armor and gravitite which is the aether’s version of diamond I saw there was an achievement for a full set of gravitti armor but honestly

I didn’t feel like grinding that much getting like five pieces was a challenge but I did find my first dungeon the bronze dungeon it looks a little intimidating but there are chests in there oh hi yep oh my holy crap oh my gosh this was the Bronze dungeon chests full of pretty

Good loot oh okay not everywhere apparently but the main attraction is the bronze boss found at the very end of the dungeon okay this is the thing I’m scared of this is the boss so I’m going to go set my spawn how do I set my spawn

You might ask I don’t really know can I make a bed out of nope Tim make some I guess armor is as good as a bed I’m scared to enter here because I think once I enter oh no I can still Escape okay yeah oh my gosh we’re destroying this thing holy

Crap all right so for my limited memory we have to use a pickaxe to fight this thing oh my gosh and we just do like little little rings around the rosies as long as we’re like at a diagonal to it I think we’re safe okay it’s red now it’s going faster

Oh my gosh it’s going so fast now and it hurts okay no oh my gosh that was actually so sketch bro holy oh okay well I got a key and I know what to do with this key I think there’s one Chest wow what do this stuff even do found of Ron dungeons these boots will protect you from Fall damage no way one giant leap for mankind one small leap for me is that how the quote goes I think that’s how the quote goes yeah no fall damage is it any

Height no I think it’s any height I think I just don’t take fall damage now that’s insane oh and then we have lightning ice I totally forget what these things do uh oh um I didn’t mean to throw all of them I have no lightning things now I’m

Kind of running out of inventory space so I feel like we should make a base of some sort okay imagine I see a cleff huh I kind of need to get up it boing oh this is Cool this base was actually kind of sick I used literal clouds for Windows okay the house is coming along but I broke my axe I had to make myself a stone one so I think we should go adventuring into that thing this was the Silver dungeon okay so it looks like

Dungeons you can’t break I mean I guess we can break the outside but not the inside this is the hello oh that’s so oh hi what’s that you want to fight cute little human can I fight them oh I can a holy okay I killed one Victory Medal I

Didn’t know yet but to challenge the boss of the silver dungeon you needed 10 of these medals you had to kill 10 of the minions to even fight the boss wow that hurts so much I mean I don’t have the best armor I’m not going to lie but

We have two pieces of zanite regardless I continued looting the place and picking fights with the valkyrie people I really shouldn’t be antagonizing these people there’s a ton of weird stuff in this I got a gold chain that literally does nothing all right my inventory is

Already full I’m going to leave it half looted cuz I’m kind of scared um this is not the exit that was the Silver boss if you can’t tell I was pretty nervous about fighting it so I went back home and finally made myself a bet in case I

Die call it procrastination or tactical genius but I went to another bronze dungeon to get some better gear cuz I was really scared of fighting the silver boss I even made a gravitite sword and that was the final thing that made me feel just maybe I can take on the silver

Dungeon all right I’m looking pretty dripped out to be honest I got a new sword a hammer there’s no way we don’t win this all right I’m back with a fresh inventory now then let us begin okay holy okay okay stay back Haya Haya oh that’s doing like zero damage hey holy crap

Dude oh I don’t like this okay this hurts a lot okay lightning sword I’ve done like zero damage I’m actually going to die in here I I literally just don’t have enough food I’m going to die this boss did four hearts of damage in one hit jeez that

Thing is tough also my weapons the cool weapons I had nothing they did nothing thankfully my stuff was still there so I fought it again and also died again how I tried a third time and then died to last dude but on my fourth attempt I died yes but a lightning strike killed

Me and deleted all of my items where there’s no way it just deleted all my stuff all of my stuff was gone it was honestly pretty bad I looted one chest on my way out and then just to put salt in the wound I got picked up by a yellow

Slime on my way home but there was a silver lining a reason why I had lost so badly in the advancements tab the mod recommended obtaining a valkyrie lamps from the the bronze dungeon before fighting the silver and even though I looted two bronze dungeons I hadn’t come

Across the Lance yet so I set out on a mission traveling far and wide looting as many bronze dungeons as Possible ah still none of a theme bobber oh my gosh yes oh finally I got the this Lance is insane it literally allows you to reach three blocks further than normal look how far that reaches look I can reach this block oh also look what I discovered the greatest

Thing of the Aether you can put it on your head and guess what I can literally fly now well I mean not fly it’s more like a hover but when you combine it with these blue clouds traveling has never been easier I mean like I wish I

Knew this before I could speedrun this game with my new found ability and a valkyrie Lance I felt comfortable fighting the silver boss also I got a full suit of this like purple armor it’s actually really cool but took a super long time to get but I figured it was

Worth it for fighting the boss don’t go running far away okay I really couldn’t afford to lose my bunny here the silver dungeon had no land around so I put him in a nice cozy box and went about Gathering the 10 medals I needed to challenge the silver

Boss M we meet again I’m like slightly scared but not oh gosh oh this is easy wait oh my gosh this is Child’s Play Child’s Play I tell you oh my gosh actually got comboed Wombo Combo as they say wow this music is actually like really cool okay I need

To stop jumping so high ah the silver chest what lightning sword you there Valkyrie oh oh my gosh I obliterated that I made my way home excited because there was only one boss left before we go on to the third boss I I feel like I want to

Finish this house at the very least am I the only one that feels it’s weird to build your walls out of wood and then your roof out of stone yeah it’s such a common thing in Minecraft okay I like the look at this house it’s not anything

Special but I got a cow I got I got a floating cow anyways let’s go fight the last boss I should bring all my goodies probably bring the Phoenix bow wait I have no Arrow I should probably leave the Phoenix bow I got three healing Stones lightning knives a valkyrie Lance

And a lightning sword I mean what else could a guy ask all right bunny your services are required one final time I feel like I should come up with a name for you call you Gerald Gerald the bunny if you make it through this Gerald I’m going to make you a freaking

Palace all right I literally could not have done this challenge without Gerald The Bunny and the adventure was almost over we just needed to find the gold dungeon which looks like a giant ball of rock in the sky with some like gold trees on top oh there it is all right

Here I come oh there’s bunnies inhabiting this island maybe it’s not so bad after all Now where’s the entrance to this thing oh well I think I found it uh hi Gerald I think you should stay out here I’m sorry this is for your own good hello sir you’re not going to like

Kill me are you certainly a brave soul to have entered this chamber be gone human you serve no purpose here your presence annoys me do not fear my burning Aura no not really dude R you are going to do your know I am something about sun god thousand beasts potato P

Tomato whatever this is this is your final warning leave or be burned that I can interpret oh okay you just chilling oh gosh wait I can’t hit him hold up wait wait wait wait wait wait this wasn’t part of the deal this was not part of the

Package okay I don’t have a water bucket I actually don’t have a water bucket this is really bad actually oh oh it’s ice it’s ice it’s ice I know what to do I know what to do I know what to do you can you can hit the ice ones

Okay I’m going to die aren’t I I have to hit him with the ice crystals yeah yes I got him okay I just have to do that about 10 more times oh there’s a mini there’s a mini there’s a mini I shall Smite you oh my gosh stay

Back backy I can hit you from 30 blocks away okay down yeah got him again got him Oh got him again oh he’s almost dead he’s almost dead wait this is like even easier than the valkyrie yeah got him oh my gosh oh my gosh I thought this thing burned holy guacamole and the treasure room oh Phoenix armor vampire blade okay that was that was not hard at all pretty

F what is this thing no way what you can change the time all right there’s one last thing I need to do bunny it’s time to build you a shrine it was nice celebrating the end of Adventure building a little bunny Shrine um but as I was plac in the block

Something didn’t go bur oh my gosh I think I killed Gerald it must have died when I did the lightning oh my okay this is not only a shrine for J but a grave for Gerald Gerald Gerald Gerald Gerald I’m sitting in my room recording a video

Talking to a stone statue in a video game I’m sorry I just had to get that out there Gerald you were a good pet honestly I could not have done anything without that little bunny so I bestow upon you the power to change the time I hope you like it

Gerald This Is My Sacrifice to you and I hope you guys enjoyed watching I’ll see you next Time now the video’s over let’s turn to cheats because I’m pretty sure Phoenix armor watch this and then water it turns into obsidian armor yeah look at this full obsidian armor kind of cool right


Where I get my music:
-Epidemic Sound-


  1. I would stop building my roofs out of stone if I could do log stairs or something. Plank roofs are ugly, and logs don't have an equivalent. Bricks are the best middle ground since they sorta mimic shingles

  2. I love the mod gameplay + the overall gameplay is making a comeback with Rek. The resurgence of modding and gaming in general thanks to Rek is noteworthy. Highlighting the positive impact of Rek, contributing to the resurgence of popularity of modding and gaming content. 🎮🔥

  3. When i was a child and played minecraft on the ps3 😢 and saw a glitch in the ground where you could saw the sky in the ground bugged like a mirror i asked my friend what is going on and he said you are looking now at the sky city and i was thinking its only a legend until i saw this Video

  4. title is clickbait, he has Christmas chests and that means it was recorded in 2023 around Christmas, can believe rekrap lied to us all

    this is a joke in case you couldnt tell (it is still true ig but it doesnt matter)

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