Today our families are in grave danger now we must build them a secure house to keep them safe from the biggest Pillager attack ever seen but what happens when our server gets hacked and who could the hacker family be chip we don’t have a lot of time before these pillages break

Loose and attack us and our families we better get building right away yeah you’re totally right Milo what a hacker joined the game where could the hacker be Milo sh behind you oh look the hacker has his own hacker family what the what are you doing here hacker what do you

Want hacker it’s not safe right now the pillagers are coming you need to build a huge secure house for you and your family yeah you got to keep them safe all right we’ll do the same come on guys let’s get building all right Taylor all right chip Junior I’m about to build us

A really really good house to keep us safe from the pillages I think we should make it out of bricks yeah I think that’s the perfect idea I’ll also use stone bricks as well let’s start making the basic shape I think we can have an entrance here and it’s also going to be

A circle oh yeah I think having a huge circle in the middle of our house will be perfect it means we can easily go from each section to each section keeping us super duper safe from any pillages what shape is your house going to be Milo um I’m going to make it a

Rectangle let me make this circle even bigger I think rectangles are cool but circles are way cooler no way circles are not secure yeah they are they’re so secure you try breaking into a circle now I’m going to build extra rooms on the sides of the circle this is going to

Be for things like the kitchen and the bedrooms yeah I think this looks awesome so far wait chip look over the hecko what is he doing oh it looks like he’s Frozen but I think he’s coating something Milo it must be really complicated because he looks so focused

Yeah look he’s looking around like he’s thinking about something what could he be thinking about probably something really really intelligent Hacker’s a super duper smart so we don’t want to mess with him we just need to let him do his thing and he’ll definitely make an

Awesome base but what if he hacks into my Bas and breaks it that would be terrible but don’t worry Milo we’re all working together to try and fight off the pillagers and protect all our families I’m going to go see him a little bit closer because I don’t really

Trust what he he’s doing careful don’t make him angry he might hack you oh no hey Mr hacker please don’t hack me I’m just a little guy yeah you really are a little guy and so are both of our kids if he hacks either of our kids I’m going

To be sad but I don’t actually think he will he seems pretty cool so far yeah he seems like a cool guy I just wonder what he’s going to build yeah me too all right I’ve made the basic shape of my house it’s looking pretty good so far

And what did the hacker just hack in a giant mansion what the chip did you just see that wo that hacker has some amazing abilities that’s insane oh no there’s no way my house is going to be better than his Hacker House neither is mine but you

Know what Milo we can still try and do our best if we all have super secure houses then all of our families will be safe yeah well now I have some inspiration enough to seeing what he did wa yeah me too let’s get building I think we’re now both going to do an

Awesome job I’m going to start filling in my floors now I’m so excited I think this is going to be one of the fanciest houses I’ve ever made let’s break all the grass around just like this I’m going to add so many stone bricks and stone bricks are really really secure

None of the pillagers will be able to tunnel under my house I think the hacker might have made his first mistake when he hacked in his house he added a bunch bunch of bushes but if I know pillages ravages can totally break leaves that would be really disastrous for his house

I don’t want to see his G and get ruined oh I’m sure he’ll think of something to stop the ravages he is a hacker after all oh true he probably has some insane hacker defenses our defenses are just going to be normal chip do you think if

I ask him he will teach me how to be a hacker oh I really hope he doesn’t you’re already pretty crazy but I don’t know what what I do if you could hack yeah I’d be like hacking into the main frame and stuff I’d totally mess up all

Of your Minecraft watch hey that would be terrible please don’t do that ever Milo well I just hope he doesn’t teach me then that would be so bad wao but my floor is looking pretty good and really fancy I think making my middle room into a circle was the best decision I’ve made

Yet CH are you using bricks yeah of course I am and stone bricks as well yuck that’s so dumb I’m using wood and dirt what wood and dirt why are you using those blocks because they’re really strong and they’re very resourceful oh mil lord they’re only resourceful because they’re so cheap

They’re everywhere nobody wants to use them well I want to use them and I just know that the pillages are not getting through my house yeah they probably won’t even notice it because it’s so silly yeah exactly hey it’s not silly I I think it is all right I’ve made the

Floor in my main room now I think I’m going to get started on building the walls it’s going to be so fancy I bet the pillagers won’t even want to destroy it well chip boy you’re making your house so fancy I’m making my house really secure and practical just like

The hacker well I can do both Milo if the hacker can make it secure and practical and fancy I can also make it secure and practical and fancy I really hope the hacker wants to be my friend otherwise he might try and get me or something Milo he’s not going to try and

Get you he’s a really nice hacker that’s why he’s building his own base instead of breaking hours what if he punches me um Milo I don’t think he’s going to punch you the pillagers might though that’s what you really need to be worried about yeah they might punch me

With their crossbows y uh I don’t think they’re going to punch you with a crossbow they’ll probably just shoot you with it which would be even worse oh goodness gracious I don’t want to narrow in my head uh I don’t want an arrow in your head either even though it would be

Kind of funny hey chip that’s not very nice and supportive sorry Milo I won’t say that again all right then don’t say it again and shut your mouth hey I like my mouth I think I can talk as much as I want well then don’t talk to me at least

All right I’ll focus on making my house these archways are looking incredible now that I’ve made the walls to this room I need to figure out what I’m going to use for gloss no normally I would use something orange but I think white stained glass is the perfect choice here

Let’s add them right here oh that looks incredible I can’t wait to see the beautiful view of our house when I’m done with this all right perfect I’m really loving this so far and I know I’ve made the floor in this room out of stone bricks but I think we can do a

Little better than that let’s grab a bunch of spruce and start turning this floor into Spruce planks oh this is going to look so good maybe I can even add orange carpets in the corners me and my whole family love the color orange what color do you and your family like

Milo obviously blue we love the color blue and I’m going to be putting lots of nice blue things in my house yeah I’m sure although dirt and wood aren’t very blue well they’re brown and that’s going to be good for my defenses but when I want to make some fancy stuff you know

I’ll be using blue I wonder what the Hacker’s favorite color is um I think I can probably guess though he’s turning his entire base into deep slate and reinforced deep slate that’s even more strong than quartz that’s really hacker stuff oh my gosh I’m really amazed at

How good his house is wow it’s incredible and look he even turned his leaves into copper Blocks he’s really fortifying the house he’s totally hacking everything to make it so secure normally I’d be mad if I found someone hacking but this guy is really helpful so I think it’s totally fine yeah let’s

Try and be his friend instead of his enemy if you know what I mean yeah definitely I think I do know what you mean come on chip Junior get out of the hall I’m trying to build this floor my baby is so crazy excuse me sweetie I

Just need to place a block there thank you all right this is looking so good I’m going to make these windows a little bigger though yeah I think they need to be quite a bit wider if I want to see any pillages that could be coming for us

Perfect now I’ll just continue the design on the back and oh look at this this is incredible I might even add another walkway through here if I have multiple ways to get around my house it means there’s multiple exits in case the pillagers get inside oh yeah it really

Makes the whole base a lot more secure and a lot safer for my family I think I’m only going to have one entrance in my house because the more entrances you have the more places the pillages can get in that’s a really good point Milo that’s why I only have one entrance but

In inside my house there are so many corridors everywhere the hacker looks like he has a bunch of entrances but that’s actually just Windows he has the best view out of all of us I think I think he really does wo all right my walls are looking so good I’ll continue

Placing them just like this and now I can add gloss to this room as well I’m so excited to do this this is really fun I wish the pillages went here I’d rather just have a building day with my family yeah I miss building days when there were no pillages

Yeah I didn’t even know why there’s a Pillager cave in our building spot that’s so rude yeah it’s really annoying as well because I just wanted to have a pizza day yeah me too a pizza day sounds real good we should have one after we totally defeat these pillages yeah no

Pillagers invited yeah none at all now that I’ve done that I think it’s time for me to get some quartz pillars and build up my house just like this wait a minute my house kind of looks like a School uh I don’t like that I better add

Something weird and crazy to it so it doesn’t look like a school anymore oh I know I can add a ring of orange all the way around it that’ll look so cool let’s use orange concrete I think yeah that’s the best plan I’ve ever had all right

Let’s start adding it around here this will also let everybody know that the house is mine just in case while we’re fighting off pillagers someone tries to steal it or Worse the pillagers try to steal it themselves let’s just keep adding this orange concrete a you going

To add any blue to your house so that the pillagers know you live there Milo yeah I’m adding blue right now for my staircase wait you have a staircase what what are you making stairs for well my little house is going to be multiple floors multiple floors that’s amazing I

Think I’m going to do the same thing in mine as well actually that’s pretty cool I’m looking forward to seeing it me too I’m looking forward to seeing yours actually yours is looking pretty good so far I’m really proud of you Milo your building has come a long way thanks chip

I’m trying really hard to make my place look good yeah me too all right the Orange is looking amazing time to continue building up these super strong walls boom wow this is so good already I bet my family is really going to love living in this hi chip Junior I’m so

Proud my family’s even helping me make it I wonder what the Hacker’s family is doing but whoa Milo look the hacka has totally trans formed his base it’s now really dark and awesome that looks insane I’m pretty jealous of the hack house so far me too actually I think it

Looks better than both of ours combined I can start turning this place into a kitchen we’re not going to use Spruce for it though I think we need to use some other blocks ooh I know let’s try and use oh polished diorite for sure and then I guess we can also use some

Polished black stone these will make an awesome tile pattern I bet my wife and my kid are going to absolutely love it we’re going to cook so many cookies as a big family in this kitchen hopefully the pillagers don’t smell the delicious scent of cookies and try to attack us

That would be terrible maybe the hacker can hack the smell of cookies away well I do know the pillages really like cookies so you should be careful what how do you know that Milo well one time I made friend with a Pillager and then he shot me what that’s terrible it

Sounds like he was a really bad friend yeah he was a really bad friend but sometimes you punch me and you’re meant to be my brother hey but I do it gently I would never actually hurt you Miler that’s not true let’s start placing the benches like this then we’ll have the

Sinks there and we’ll keep the kitchen counters going and I think the cabinets can wrap up into the ceiling like this and the counters can even go around too all right wao this is looking awesome I’m loving this so far I really hope my family enjoys it too I think it might be

A bit high up for my kid to reach so I’m going to add a chair here and a chair there so he can reach the table too look my wife is even standing on the sink she loves it all right and now over here we can have some more cabinets those will

Also go all the way around look we have so much storage let’s also grab a furnace I think this will be perfect for cooking We’ll add three over here and it can be like a little stove this kitchen also needs some flower pots and obviously inside I’m going to add some

Orange tulips we can have one here and one all the way on the end over here my kitchen is also going to have a super cool sitting area where we can eat meals together as a family no pillagers going to interrupt my family time it’s too important all right I’ll build the

Tables like this and add chairs here a this is awesome now I’m going to add some over here as well um I think we can add these chairs right around here like this perfect now we’ll fill in this table oh this is incredible I’m loving

This so far I bet my family is really going to enjoy this kitchen yeah Taylor loves it what about you Milo what does your family think of your house they’re liking it so much so far my little baby Milo junior is going to have a lot of

Fun living in this house look the hackers kids are playing in the bushes that’s so funny all right this whole room can be one big luxury bathroom and then I guess the side room over there can be a bedroom or something I think the bathroom is the most important thing

In the world going to be living like kings and queens and princes of course I would never forget my wife and my kid I really hope the pillagers don’t like bathrooms that would be terrible we still need to potty train chip junor though that’s going to be pretty

Difficult luckily once we totally defeat these pillages we’ll have all the time in the world to do it all right my place is looking so good so far I think I’m going to put some decorations on the outside oh decorations wait once I finish this floor I’m going to come look

At your base what decorations are you doing just some pretty flowers I can see them from here they look awesome I wish they were orange but you do you Milo yuck I would never plant orange flowers near my house I know it’s really sad I wish you would I’m going to build a

Giant Throne at the very back this is where the toilet is going to go oh yeah perfect I also need to add some slabs around it otherwise chip junor won’t be able to get up and that would be terrible I don’t think he’d be very happy with me let’s grab some smooth

Quarts to start building the toilet out of I think this is pretty good and boom that already looks like a toilet that’s so funny let’s add a little toilet seat so that we can all sit on it perfect and we also need to add a lever so that we

Can actually flush the toilet it would be so gross if we didn’t let’s also add an end Rod so that we can stack toilet paper on it I don’t actually have a toilet paper but I think instead we can use this skeleton skull from the back it

Looks just like a roll of toilet paper this is perfect now let’s add a luxury hand washing area I think we need another sink but this time I reckon we can make it out of birch wood oh it’s so fancy we’ll add 1 2 3 let’s get some

Water buckets and a bunch of trap doors perfect I’ll place the trap doors just like this and the outside ones like this hey chip Junior get out of the bath you’re too short to go inside I think you might have a little bit of trouble actually swimming in there it’s not safe

For babies all right perfect this is incredible and the water is filling look how massive that bath is it’s perfect let’s also add a shower head so the bath can be a bath and a shower at the same time and there’s no such thing as a luxury bathroom without a amazing

Paintings on the walls look at how fancy that is and we can also add one here wait it’s the same painting what oh that’s even better let’s add one more over here and okay I guess we can have a bunch of fighting people paintings in the bathroom that’s good because it’ll

Teach us to fight the pillagers even hotter when they try to come here let’s get some orange carpet to use as a b mat oh yeah look at awesome that is this way everyone can wipe their feet clean perfect and we can even add orange carpet around the bedroom I think it’s

Important that this room is nice and soft and comfy every bedroom needs to be if you want to get a good night’s sleep especially when there are pillages outside waiting to knock down your door and break in oh look at the Hacker’s house it’s so amazing I wonder what

Crazy hacker bed he has what about you Marlo do you have some kind of noob bed no I haven’t built the bedrooms yet I’m only just is finishing the bottom floor oh wow my bedroom is on the bottom floor my kid is not old enough to walk up many

Stairs yet so I don’t want him to have to get tired that doesn’t sound very safe what happens if the pillages come into the bottom floor well I’m going to be placing my kid’s bed on the other side of the room and I’m even making him

A little CAU this way he’s totally safe and we can be the first in line of defense if they come inside that’s a great idea we’re totally going to fight these bers exactly and I’m building double chests on my side of the bed and

My wife’s side of the bed so that we can both have all the items we need I’m also adding some armor stands so that our clothes can be fully ready I’m even going to build them inside a closet I think the closet can be made out of dark

Oak trap doors this is going to look so awesome let’s build this really really high oh just like this that’s amazing I’m also going to need to add regular doors at the front so that we can actually open up this closet it would be really embarrassing if we could

Perfect all right now let’s flip all these trap doors open so the closet looks fully complete oh look at that now I just have to replace these trap doors with some proper doors just like this look family we have a luxury closet how incredible is that H but I still think

We need somewhere to sit I don’t want to be standing or sleeping there’s got to be something in between luckily this sofa will totally do the trick let’s also add some bookshelves that go around it I know we’re going to be hiding from the pillagers but we deserve to have

Some nice reading I really hope the pillagers don’t ruin this life that I’ve built for me and my family it’s too perfect finally let’s add some tulips on the sides of our beds we can go pick some from the flower pot over here oh look my family is so excited they’re

Running around with me perfect this entire bottom floor of my house is now complete I’m so excited to figure out what we should build next Milo your house is looking awesome so far thanks chip that’s really nice and your family’s even playing in the garden that’s so sweet yeah they’re loving it

So sofa come and have a look wo I love the paintings you have and this sofa is really beautiful it’s so comfortable and this painting right here is going to inspire me to punch those pillages in the head yeah that’s perfect and this painting reminds me how big the pill’s

Noses are yeah that’s right they’re so stupid and silly and this painting reminds me that I could probably set them on fire if they wanted to yeah and this painting reminds me of I don’t know it’s kind of creepy it reminds me of Slender Man it reminds me of the hacker

Actually oh yeah it totally does I wonder what the hackers build looks like inside chip I think we should sneak over and have a look yeah that’s a great idea all right let’s just make sure we’re really really sneaky yeah cuz if he gets mad at us

We’re yeah totally look Milo he has turrets wow he is really making this place secure and look at the Crazy Design h I’m really loving this wow he even has security cameras that’s awesome he’s done an amazing job with this base wait chip what is it Mila if he has

Security cameras I’m pretty sure he’s going to know where here oh we should probably knock then yeah uh knock knock hi hacker your house is looking incredible you must have used X-ray or something to get all these materials yeah and also can you teach me how to

Hack hey no please don’t I don’t want Milo to know how to hack he just said he’s going to teach me maybe if we survive the pillages then we can do hacking lesson a okay but only if I can learn too I want to be able to defend

Myself look the hacker even has a keypad and only he knows the password to it that’s pretty awesome will you tell me the password no he would never tell you the password that’s a terrible idea well I guess was worth a try yeah totally was and look the door just unlocked that’s

So cool hey hacka can you let me through as well thanks wow this is amazing um Milo don’t stand on the table it looks like there’s traps on it oh no I also forgot to use my manise I’m sorry Mr hacker chip I hope he invites a server

For dinner one time yeah I bet he has really really good things yeah he can probably hack into the food and make it extra delicious oh oh yeah he probably has cookies cookies and maybe even scrumptious Bad Seeds thanks for showing us your Mansion hacker I’m really

Excited to see how the pillages totally get destroyed by it yeah there’s no way that beating your house we better get out up here and make your house look a little bit better I think it’s time to build the Second Story of my house the stairs are going to start right over

Here I think we should make them out of quartz quartz is such a fancy block I know we’ll never be as rich as that hacker but but I think we can come pretty close if we just design our house really well all right this is looking really good already now I’ll just

Continue the quartz over this way and maybe a little bit more perfect oh I’m so excited to see what this looks like we also need to build the other side let’s place the stairs right over here oh no I’ve placed them one block too far backwards yep that’s much better look

Baby chip is even climbing the stairs hey be careful don’t jump off the side you could really hurt yourself oh goodness this house is not b baby safe I think I need to do a better job baby proofing the house once I’m done and there’s not much baby proof about

Pillagers either they’re pretty crazy they have really sharp weapons and they’re so mean I don’t think my baby’s going to last very long so we need to make sure that our house is so secure that hacker had so many traps and defenses I think I need to build

Something like that in our house H I can’t really think of any ideas yet so first I’m just going to make sure my second floor looks awesome let’s Place some slabs right right up here I do not want my baby falling again that would be terrible all right and then we can

Replace these stairs with actual blocks of quartz this looks way less silly oh this is awesome I’m also going to add more stairs here and more stairs there perfect a this is coming together really really well all right now it’s time to actually add stuff to my second story

I’m even going to make a second story hallway I think I’ll use these blocks to make the floor Yep this is perfect and wait a second uh-oh it intersect sex with the wall wait a minute it’s going to cut through this wall here let me fix

That I have a real good plan instead of having this I’m going to have stairs go all the way throughout the inside of each room in my house oh this is going to look so cool and fancy and I guess above the bookshelves we can just have slabs this design looks a little

Complicated but just trust me it’s going to look so cool once we’ve added the stairs we then just have to place slabs all throughout the inside of the ceiling I know my wife Taylor knows what I’m doing she’s seen me do this so many times she basically knows every build

I’ve ever made we’re so in love that’s why we’re absolutely married look at that the roof now has an awesome looking design and wait a minute we can even extend it above the closet look at this if we just add the stairs going around this way perfect it looks like the

Closet is built into the house I’m such a good designer that’s why we’re in love now we can do the same with every room in the entire house this means that no matter what we want to add to the floor of the second level it’ll fit real good

Oh no I had to break that painting but it’s okay some sacrifices have to be made in order to make sure our house is secure the pillagers are the number one enemy interior design can come later all right look at this it’s incredible now I’ll just finish placing these stairs

And soon I’ll be fully done with it this is going to be so exciting I can’t wait to see the pillagers try and get through this because they probably won’t even be able to I’ve already finished most of the second story now that we’ve done that that it’s time that we start

Actually building this hallway not there though that’s going to be where the wall ends I’m going to have an indoor balcony in this place it’s going to be so cool the Second Story hallway is going to be even bigger than the first one I think this is a pretty good shape now let’s

Just extend this all the way around and boom we’ve already made the shape that I want this to have the Second Story rooms are going to be a little bit smaller but that’s okay the smaller they are the easier it is to corner pillages and take

Them out one by one p are very famous for attacking in swarms it makes it really hard to handle them but if you can get them all by themselves then you can take them out really easily it’s going to be part of my strategy for protecting my family from them and

Perfect we’ve wrapped the stairs around this whole room now once we add the slabs we’ll be fully complete with the Second Story floor and then we can start on the walls the walls are really important because otherwise the pillagers will be able to Tower up and just climb inside that would be horrible

I’m not going to let that happen not on my watch now we just have to finish making this hallway perfect now that it goes all the way to the end we can start building up the walls I think we need to have some quartz pillars over on these

Yep that’s perfect let’s find some walls that we can use for the inside I think some stone brick walls would be absolutely perfect let’s start placing them just like this these walls are basically going to act as protecting barricades that’ll stop me and everyone in my family from just falling off I do

Not want that to happen especially not to my kid kids need to be really safe around stairs perfect look at this it’s already looking so fancy on the inside and it’s still really easy to get around look we can go anywhere on the Second Story just from this hway let’s continue

Building the wall around this section we can make it extend the entire way around the second floor hey I think I should block off this part as well every room on the Second Story deserves to be separated Yep this way the pillages can’t just go from room to room the

First story is designed to be really easy to get around but level two is going to be really difficult that way we have the choice between easy to get around and really secure and I think that’s an important choice to have what about you Milo how is your second story

Going it’s good I’m just doing some really cool bedrooms up here you look really shocked Milo what’s got you so surprised um well I just had a really bad thought what’s your bad thought what if I’m up on my balcony and then I get shot oh that would be terrible wo I

Think I need to not make a balcony I was going to do one but if I do I think I might get attacked by pillages as well yeah you probably will seeing that your house is way Lamer than my house what my house is not lame my house is really Pro

Yours is really Noob no it’s not my house is gorgeous and my wife loves it all right what amazing things can I add to my second story oh I totally know I’m going to build an awesome gaming room let’s get some carpets I think the floor

Needs to be really cool colors like oh these colors are perfect we can even add some orange too I guess that’s pretty important let’s make the orange carpet like this it’s going to be like a fancy old arcade wo I cannot wait to see this in action perfect we’ll make the purple

Carpets go like this oh I’m so excited let’s make the orange layer as well oh I cannot wait to see the look on my kid and my wife’s face when I show them this awesome place I even know the perfect painting I want to use in this room is

It’s a pretty cool video game it’s one of my favorites it features a character from Nintendo and it’s definitely not Mario this painting is Donkey Kong oh look they even have one just for it if we place it on this wall this place will look just like an arcade in no time I

Think the best machines I ever played was a little thing I like to call Pac-Man let’s have different colors for each of the Pac-Man ghosts and another really good one was Tetris that’s such a cool game let’s add different colors for each of the tetris ones oh my my kid’s

Going to really enjoy this I can’t believe he will be playing the same games I used to play let’s add colored glass panes to be the screens look they really look like glowing arcade machines this is so cool and I’m even going to add some right over here perfect wow I’m

Loving this so much hey I placed that a little bit wrong whoopsies and over here we can even have another awesome game this one is pretty different but I think it’s still really cool this game is going to be a note block playing game it’s like a dance dance Revolution but

Fully in Minecraft wow look at all these notes we can play different ones I think my family is going to have so much fun on this I hope the noises don’t attract any pillages though that would be terrible let’s make sure we actually place in the glass for these windows I

Don’t want any arrows being able to fly inside and hurt my kid while he’s playing that would be terrible and I’m not going to let that happen here is going to be my lab but it’s not going to be any lab this lab is going to study

Iron Golems Iron Golems are one of the main enemies of the pill Pillager so if I can get them to help me we’ll be able to take down the pillagers way easier and protect my family so much better all right I’ve made the entrance wall I think that’s good we’re going to have

Glass looking into the lab so we can really easily study the Iron Golems I’ve got a bunch of iron blocks and a pretty good pumpkin farm so I know exactly what I’m doing first we need to place a bunch of iron golem statues just like this

Sorry Taylor I’m just trying to build at the moment oh she’s so interested about pumpkins and iron golems she actually helped me make the farm now I have to make the lever here and a really important part of this Farm is that we do not place the pumpkins directly on

Top of the iron statues that’s really important otherwise they would already activate that would be quite a disaster because this whole thing needs to be a secret from the pillages luckily these massive brick walls are going to stop them from seeing inside all right now

That I’ve done that I need to place some observers going up but I think we need to test if The Observers are actually working let me activate this and boom the light turns on that’s perfect let’s continue making The Observers go all the way to the edge but first we need some

Pistons let’s grab some regular ones we do not need the sticky ones right now let’s put them down just like this perfect all right now we’ll Place some more observers over here and another piston right over here that’s incredible let’s do the same on the other side this

Is going to be so good I can’t wait to see the looks on the Pillager faces when I activate this thing all right perfect now that I’ve placed that down let’s connect up all the chains the whole point of this machine is that once I activate it every single piston will

Push the chains and the Pumpkin activating the Iron Golem summonings okay perfect let’s leave this room though Taylor I do not want the Iron Golems to summon yet that would be disastrous and totally ruin the surprise hey Milo what defenses are you making well I’ve made a really good lava M that

I love a lot you lava the lava Mo that’s funny but hey it looks a little patchy are you sure that’s going to stop the pillages hey it’s not patchy I just had to dodge around all my pretty flowers Milo did you seriously build your lava Mo around the flowers yeah because I

Didn’t want to break them oh you’re so crazy the hacker probably has way better things than that I just had another Pro idea all right I’m going to build up these walls really tall because what I’m going to build in this next room is pretty incredible I’ve built an arcade

Room and an and Golem farm and those are all rooms that my family is definitely going to want to go inside but I’m actually going to build a room that no one wants to go in that’s because this entire room is a big trap it’s designed

To get any pillages that wander into my house into it and then it’ll totally take them out using a bunch of arrows H let’s start thinking about what we can put inside I think some blocks of gold emerald and diamond are going to be really good I think the gold and the

Diamond blocks are really good but pillagers love love emeralds it is their favorite ore so definitely we need to cover the whole room in it just like this oh wow hey chip Junior make sure you stay out of this one I think I need to build a baby defense guard yeah I

Really don’t want you going in here so let’s grab a fence I think we’ll make it orange because it’s the perfect color look now he can’t even get through now it is time to start making my arrow traps let’s get some Spruce pressure plates this way they’ll blend in really

Well with the floor so when the pillagers try to come over here to get the emerald blocks they’ll be totally destroyed each of these is going to be linked up to Redstone yeah we’re going to add the Redstone on the sides that way it’s as sneaky as possible perfect

It basically looks like Redstone Dust on the floor and Redstone is another ore so maybe the pillagers might even try to grab that they are so greedy let’s grab some more observers so that we can link the Redstone right up but little do they know every single Observer is going to

Be linked to a bunch of arrows we can add some over here and some over here as as well yep I think that’s perfect we’ll also make them go down a bit and these ones can go right this way perfect these arrows are going to be designed to hit

The pillages wherever they are so if they step on this one the arrows right above them will activate let’s get some dispenses so this thing can actually work let’s get some of the most powerful arrows I think arrows of weakness would be perfect as well as arrows of slowness

Too we really want to slow down these pillages next we’re going to grab some arrows of instant harming perfect just like this this way any Pillager that walks through will take so much damage now that we’ve done that it’s time to actually make the roof of this place

This level is pretty complicated already and I don’t want to make it any crazier so the roof needs to be even oh no I triggered the dispensers look they really do activate arrows that’s perfect luckily we now know that the machine works and we can try extra hard not to

Step on them oh no Taylor you need to stay behind this child’s safety fence turns out it’s a safety fence for everyone it’ll stop everybody from accident ly triggering these dispenser traps but if the dispenser traps are good enough to trick my family then they’re definitely good enough to trick

Those silly pillages yep I’m so excited they’re totally going to fall for it let’s finish making the roof of this room as well Milo I’m not sure I even want to ask this but what is your roof made out of oh my roof is made out of

Dirt what dirt’s a terrible idea Milo it’ll totally disintegrate in the rain no it weren’t it’s special dirt what how did you get special dirt my Lord that sounds ridiculous I talk to it what you talk to the dirt Milo I think the only thing special about that is you you’re a

Little crazy are you ready to see the arcade yeah I’m really excited I think you’re going to love it look at all these machines I built this is looking so cool oh my gosh I want to play you’ve even found my Dance Dance Revolution game yeah I’m a really cool dancer look

At me girl wo you beat the high score you’re so good yeah I love St playing arcade games chip I’m pretty impressed by your house so far I’ve almost finished with this roof this is perfect I can still see the Hacker’s house from here though it’s still so amazing I

Really wish I could build like the hacker can I wonder what new things the Hacker’s made inside uh ding dong all right I’m coming inside hacka oh wow this hallway is still so big I wonder if the hacka has any new crazy defenses look at this place his bed is so massive

And there’s only one of him and two kids oh wow that’s incredible look his trees out the back are even made out of copper as well this is incredible I wonder what else he has inside his base I don’t really know any of the passwords but

Look at that massive pile of emeralds I bet that Emerald pile is totally trapped there’s probably something crazy in there I think I just need to finish the front of my second story before I even go close to The Hacker House hey chip Junior were you playing with the hackers

Kids that’s so sweet I bet they were really nice to you I hope you’re not learning any hacks from them though that would be really bad we do not hack in this family I hope the pillagers don’t ruin everything I’ve worked way too hard on this house to lose it all now and

Done we’ve now fully finished the Second Story I wonder what amazing things we can add to level three I’m going to make a huge Orange area and on the inside of it is going to be a massive farm this Farm is going to definitely protect my family from the pillages and feed them

As well it’ll be another place we can treat to and survive for as long as we need it’ll be a really good option in case the pillages get too strong I wonder what we can grow on the farm probably some amazing things I bet the hacker probably has so many farms inside

Of his house it’s crazy look there’s even Bedrock outside the floor I didn’t even notice that well I guess I’m not as good at spotting things as a hacker would be all right now that I’ve done that it’s time to place quartz on the outside I think this will be a really

Good design Choice wao it already looks so so incredible I can’t wait to see this house when it’s done it is so Pro I’m so proud of myself let’s add some more quartz to the sides I really want it to look kind of like a castle that’ll

Be the best thing ever if I’m going to survive a Pillager attack you better believe I’m doing it inside of a castle I don’t want to survive a Pillager attack in a normal house that would be so boring and I am not boring at all look at how incredible it looks already

You can even see the sides looking just like a castle now it is time to add grass blocks but first I really think we should fill up the inside of this room with a bunch of quartz I bet the Hacker’s roof is made out of Bedrock or

Something crazy like that I bet he could even hack it into existence just like he did with the floor the pillagers cannot break bedrock nobody except other hackers can I’m such a pro I built this thing so fast and done now that we finished that it’s time to fill this

Entire thing in with grass or actually maybe just this side I think the animal section can go right over here what animal could we even have oh I know definitely some pigs and sheep maybe Striders that way we could ride right over Milo’s lava Mo in an emergency not

That the lava mode is very difficult to cross but whoo he’s built a bunch of cobwebs Milo what are the cobwebs for they’re my next defense these pillages are going to get stuck in the cobwebs and then I can use my Sniper Tower to shoot them that’s a great idea you’re

Getting really good at building even though you’re still a noob I’m getting more and more impressed M with your builds each time you show me now it’s time to actually make my animal pen I’m going to use the fences to divide it up into a bunch of different sections

Because I’m a pro all my animals are going to be neatly organized all right let’s extend all these fence blocks right to the very edge perfect I’m also going to make sure there’s a one block one here for a tiny animal I just need to figure out what one it could be let’s

Grab some more fence gates so that we can actually enter in and out of the animal pens we can put them right over here perfect I’m really loving this I think a cow spawn egg is really important and it can go right in this first animal pen look how many we have

And I think a sheep egg is also really important we can even make them all orange let me get some orange dye to really fix that color up now I’m going to get some pigs so that we can have some nice bacon oh yeah perfect look at

Them all H what else can we have oh I totally know we can have a bunch of donkeys yeah perfect this way if we ever need something to ride around in a pinch we can totally bring a donkey finally I’m going to get a bunch of rabbits this

Tiny pen will only have rabbits inside because rabbits are really small look at how many there are uh-oh one of them nearly escaped luckily we put it back but oh no he jumped over the fence Let’s help him inside uh-oh I think we just broke the rabbit that’s not good it’s

Going to be a little bit weird but first I need to fill this whole section with water even though it’s definitely going to drip onto the lower levels of my house it’s not going to be permanent we’ve only added the water so that we can properly add in Farmland this way we

Don’t don’t have to worry about the Farmland drying out before we can actually place down the crops on it and we’re done we finished this section now let’s get some different seeds I think we can get some torch flowers some wheat and some beetro but we also need to grab

Some potatoes and some carrots we can’t forget sweet berries or pumpkin seeds either let’s go grab some pumpkin seeds I think that’s important this way if we need to replace the pumpkins in the Iron Golem fom we can totally do that really quickly the melon seeds will also be

Very very handy and we can also grab a pitch pod these plants are actually carnivorous so let’s put them at the very start they kind of look like giant turnips or even massive potatoes that’s so funny let’s place the potatoes right next to them because I think they match

So well let’s fill the entire front section with potatoes because potatoes grow really quick and you can make them into delicious French fries now let’s have some carrots in this section let’s place them all the way to the very end I keep trying to eat the carrots cuz

They’re so yummy and they’re orange as well it is the best color for any vegetable to be I don’t really like the green ones I’m going to be honest I only like watermelon even though it’s green because the center is bright red oh I’m so excited let’s place even more seeds

Down these ones can be wheat because you need wheat in order to make cookies and cookies are my favorite food ever if I had to survive the Pillager attack without cookies I would go so crazy let’s also grab some torch flowers I saw them outside Milo’s base and I thought

They were so awesome they even look like fire maybe they’ll scare the pillagers away who knows but we have to take a chance Milo what Farms are you building do you have anything that’ll help you survive the Pillager attack arms I didn’t even think about that oh my

Goodness maybe I should put some storage rooms in here yeah I definitely think you should if the pillagers attack you and you have nothing you’ll be totally defenseless and it’ll go really badly now at the very back let’s swap between the melon and the pumpkin seeds we can

Add a bunch of them now that we’ve done done the farm let’s wait for it to grow because I am about to build something really cool right here this is going to be my rooftop Armory it’s going to be how I protect myself and my family in an

Emergency all we have to do is run up here and equip any armor and weapons I put inside this room I think that’s the best option right now all right perfect let’s start adding deep slate just like this and we’ll also put it around the edge I’m not missing any of the blocks

Don’t worry I’m just building them in a really cool pattern so this room looks as cool as it is now let’s add the Cobble deep slate in the center wo it really looks like it’s breaking away from the edge perfect let’s just keep placing as much of it as we can I think

Right here is great and here is perfect oh and look at this too and we are done look at how awesome this room looks let’s start adding a bunch of blocks from a real Armory inside I think a stone cutter is absolutely perfect and we can’t forget a grindstone we also

Need a blast furnace as well let’s also grab a campfire and a cold cauldron too cauldrons are what we’re going to use to smelt but we don’t want water inside we actually want lava not fake lava though this is going to be real hot lava let’s also grab some chains and some armor

Stands this way we can show off all the awesome armor that we’ve made first let’s put the blast furnaces over here next to a stone cutter and a campfire above the campfire let’s have a cauldron The Cauldron is going to be hanging from some chains over the top of the campfire

And it’s even going to have lava inside it is bubbling hot the lava actually used to be molten metal but it was so flaming it burned over here we can have the grindstones this way we can really smooth out any armor we make finally the armor will be deposited right over here

Next to these armor stands let’s make sure the armor that we get is netherite although not just any netherite I think there’s something else we really need to add we need a smithing table and we need a smithing template that’s perfect for pillagers H I think a Vex armor trim is

Perfect if we can disguise ourselves as an aoka maybe the pillagers won’t attack us as much let’s put down the smithing table and start customizing this armor let’s put down the gold and the smithing table in here look it gives us eyebrows just like a Vex and it makes us look

Just like an aoka too wo this really is a Pillager disguise kit hopefully this helps them not attack us as much I don’t think it’ll work but it’s worth a shot let’s add these awesome pieces of custom armor to every single one of the armor stands it’s important that we add this

So we’re not caught off guard fin fin I think it’s time we add a way to actually get up to this roof right now it’s impossible to reach it but I think if we add a secret staircase right over here that’ll be perfect let’s build an entrance right down here the brick can

Come off the side and connect up to the Second Story walkway I’ll also have to make these walls go out and into the brick they can reinforce it all the way up to the roof perfect just like this yep now we just need some ladders so

That we can actually climb I don’t think my kid will be able to come up here but luckily my wife definitely itely will this is such a good idea I can’t wait to see it in action uh-oh I don’t think I can place Lads on this block let’s make

The orange concrete go out just a little bit into this section this way it provides a really clear entrance and exit Hey Taylor She’s Come to help me with the Armory let’s get back inside it’s not safe out here and I don’t want you to get hurt let’s go down this

Ladder it’s really important that we go down and hey chip Junior I don’t want you climbing the ladder though that’s a really bad idea hey chip look at the sunset the sunset wow it really is pretty Hey Taylor come look at this the sun’s setting and mobs are coming out

But wait a minute Milo mobs are coming out if the sun sets fully the pillagers will be able to attack us oh no what are we going to do oh we have to prepare don’t worry Milo I’m sure we’re going to survive this and don’t worry hacka either you’ll definitely live it’s just

A matter of trying our absolute best to protect our families from the pillages yeah we got to protect everyone I think I hear something I don’t want to check the hole though M chip did you just see that um yeah I saw it was lightning oh I can’t see from here I

Need to go up to my second story to get a better look wait a second they’re running at me this is not good what Milo where are they oh no they’re just running towards me out of this hole I don’t know what to do what are they oh I

Need an even better look I need to go up to my ceiling oh wow they really are I can see them too uh-oh they’re chasing me I need to grab all of this armor from these Arma stands a chip help me I don’t think I have enough defenses oh gosh

Milo all of the Vex are coming to attack me this is terrible I need to go down and grab some weapons from my bedside chest the vexes just went through the walls what is happening Taylor baby chip be careful all right I’ve got a bunch of

Arrows a bow a sword and a whole bunch of golden carrots oh goodness this is terrible Milo I’m going to come try and save you please I’m not doing so well oh no wow there are so many pillages luckily I’m distracting them but there’s

So many I don’t know if I can take them all hurry up I’m pretty much toou oh goodness all right Milo I’m going to have to dig in from the side of your house what the oh my goodness that’s not good it’s going to make my defens is

Even weaker oh no Milo I accidentally led them in quick uh we need to go upstairs ah go upstairs okay I’m coming in behind you but W chip this is really intense oh no they can go through walls these things are insane quickly get them wait Milo

You have golden apples please give me some I need them so bad they’re really yummy I put them in my storage room oh gosh there’s a guy out there with a crossbow Milo we need to get out of here the vexes are still coming chip I made a secret tunnel

What a secret tunnel show me the way Milo all right we got to go downstairs though come on oh no this is terrible where is it Milo you need to show me the way it’s in here champ what about my family it’s okay Milo they can fight for

Themselves I know Karen and Milo junor are really strong but wait where does this tunnel even go uh nowhere in particular okay I’m a little suspicious but okay I’m interested to see where it goes my just keep following me and don’t look back don’t look back okay I won’t

There are probably pillagers chasing us through here I’m really scared I didn’t know it was going to go this terribly okay I can hear pillages oh no they’re inside my house but wait why are we inside my house well I did a security tunnel just in case Milo did you dig a

Tunnel into my house shf why don’t you have a door um well I don’t know I wanted my house to be big and and spacious oh gosh this is terrible I need weapons chip I don’t have anything to fight with oh no um I don’t have any

Spare um maybe you can borrow tailor but I also have armor on my roof we need to retreat up there and grab some all right come on let’s go Milo quick we don’t have time my enchanted golden apples are running out okay well I have a couple

More when you need them all right once you get up here you can have any of these armor sets that I’ve made using my Armory I shot really hard this is not good oh wao there are so many vexes here come on Milo you can do it all right I’m

Going to climb up but they might shoot me up the ladder don’t let them shoot you Milo wow there were so many vexes and they’re attacking me I really hope the hacker and his family are okay CH I really can’t make it up there the I are

Too strong all right I’ll have to come save you Milo please help me I’m just a little guy I know you really are and and you’re my little guy so I’m carrying you up these stairs thanks chip oh my gosh these vors are super nasty I made it all

Right where up Milo now quick grab a piece of armor from there your back is looking a little covered in arrows what a great hang on why are they getting pushed Milo you need to right click them I’m trying to oh wow there are so many vexes I need to quickly keep eating

These enchanted golden apples so they don’t do damage CH I got walk on your cops I’m sorry oh no Milo but there are so many I think we need to retreat where are we going to go now I can’t go back to my house and your house is totally

Overrun my first line of defense is to try and lead them into this Arrow room hopefully they all get shot by them yeah let’s go to the arrow room all right I think it’s working come on Pillager come inside we have to go to this side yeah

Boos get in here you’re about to get taught a lesson yeah I don’t think this is working why aren’t they triggering my arrows oh no the Vex are too powerful Milo we need to go on to plan B the Iron Golem room the Iron Golem room you had

Iron Golems this whole time and you didn’t tell me well I didn’t tell anybody it was a secret quick I’m activating them before the ravager gets here but what the pumpkins got destroyed they didn’t work either the ravages cornering me chip help I’m trying to save you Miler but there are so many

Ravages we’ve got to get out of here quickly the Iron Golems are not working this is a disaster Milo I have another room that we can Retreat inside all right let’s go quick I need to break one of these trap doors so I can use it as a barricade you

Help defend me against the vindicators and I’ll break this okay but they’re falling down here get away from my brother okay I managed to get it now I’m going to use it to block the entrance hopefully everybody’s safe inside Milo our whole family is here it worked yes

Thank goodness a chip Junior I’m glad you’re safe and my lovely wife is here as well we did it chip but hang on a second what is it we’re trapped in here and there’s pretty much knowwhere to go and what about the hacker oh you’re

Right we need to find a way out of here but we don’t know how I really hope everything turns out okay Milo yeah cuz I can hear them getting closer and closer and I’m pretty scared yeah me too they sound so evil and aggressive um Milo was that your TNT I

Don’t have any TNT but wa did you hear that wait I hear TNT and look the hacker is breaking his way in here he’s here to save us yeah he’s going to help us thank you hacker you’re the best come on families let’s go over to where the

Hacker is taking us I wonder what he’s here to show come on the little babies can’t get up chip we got to help them oh no come on oh this is terrible neither can the wives what are we going to do we have to block off the water quickly

Before the pillagers come and by doing this it means they won’t be able to fall onto a safe surface maybe we could use the bed to lead them up oh that’s a great idea if you place it right in the middle they should be able to find their

Way up here really easy come on everyone we got to go there’s not a lot of time okay my family’s coming I hope they can both climb this ladder come on guys we’ve got to do this hi Milo junor waa look we’re in the Hacker’s house now wow this is amazing

This is so incredible I can’t believe the hacker built all of this but wait where is my family oh no chip your family’s all behind don’t worry they’re climbing the ladders now luckily they thought to do that otherwise that could have been really bad hacker what do we

Do here are they going to try and get us um I think they might look I can see all the mobs running into my house this this is terrible hacka do you have anything we can use to survive this oh chip what if he doesn’t wait he just nodded at me

Saying he does wo a level five key Cod wait we can open the door with this that’s so cool the hacker definitely wants to be our friend wao the hacker has a crazy weapons room this is insane and rock his babies are here too here have a bunch of golden carrots I’m sure

You’re definitely going to need it you guys are probably so hungry his room is crazy chip look at the weapons he has wa what’s the passcode wait I think the hack is giving it to us what he giving us the passord the password is 1 two

Three all right I’m going to enter it now I’m just going to check that I typed it correctly and I did hopefully this works and wow it actually did I got a rifle this is crazy how do you get it out of there you need to sneak and then

Click I’m trying and it’s not working but hang on I just got a flame thrower oh wow I’m going to type 1 2 3 on this side and it works too I don’t need these passwords anymore but I got a flamethrower as well wow this is amazing

The hacker is so op where do we go from here oh over there great idea let’s use our key cards to exit wait what are these signs what does it say explod houses Killers kill players why is there a kill players button wait where did the hacker

Go wait just teleported over here that’s crazy oh gosh why do you have these buttons this is crazy and wait what happens if we cck it oh my gosh there’s more lightning I really hope the hacker didn’t create that I think the mobs might be coming oh I’m so scared right

Now Chip I don’t even know what to do there’s got to be something you can do right Mr hacka please please get rid of these guys okay wait I think he’s about to push the explode houses button all right I guess I I can say goodbye to my

House but what the igniting uh-oh my game is lagging this is a really powerful hack I think maybe he’s hacking everything what just happened I heard a bunch of explosions and I think the bottom of my house might be destroyed wait he totally blew up all the pillages

That were in there um Marlo I have some bad news about your house as well what oh no my house is totally gone oh goodness um Mr hacker is there anything else you can do I don’t understand I feel like there’s got to be some way you

Can save us the pillagers only have one place they can go now and it’s where we are with all of our families and what the this guy’s trying to get us oh goodness let’s use our flamethrowers yeah we got to get rid of all these

Little guys wait how do I use this thing I don’t even know how to recharge my flamethrower this hacker really knows how to use cool stuff W I managed to reload I can’t wait to use this thing I’m also going to reload my rifle and wo

This is so crazy it’s helping us take down the vexes wa yeah we’re really getting them wao stay back Taylor and Chip I don’t want you guys getting hurt ouch this is really hurting me chip I don’t know what to do excuse me Milo I need to get to this ravager get him

Stupid ravager I need to reload my ammo oh goodness this is crazy wait Milo I’m trying to use my weapon get out of the way y I think you shot me oh sorry Milo but I also got the ravager and I’m getting so many of these vexes look I’m

Getting them before they can even come to us even though the hacker blew up our houses there’s still lots of mobs that we have to get you’re right oh gosh there’s got to be something else you can do right hacker maybe another one of these buttons let’s see there’s explode

Houses kill pillagers and kill players I definitely don’t think we should kill players but maybe you can press the kill pillagers one I’m sure that will definitely work quick it quick it we don’t have a lot of time yeah we really don’t did you see that wo all of the

Pillages just totally disappeared let’s check around I want to make sure we haven’t left any behind that could get us or our families yeah just in case wow look at this your house is totally gone and so is mine oh no the bottoms of our houses are destroyed this is terrible my

Feel like crying yeah me too a I wish something good could have come out of today yeah we pretty much only just saved our families and I guess we made friends with the hacker but it’s still really sad um Milo where did the hacker

Go he was just here a second ago I don’t know we just killed all of those pillagers and now he’s disappeared this is terrible I hope he’s okay but wait says he has something to show us what could that be where is he but wao wait a

Minute it says hacka but it’s a JJ skin was the hacka JJ the whole time JJ is the hacker and he saved us yeah thanks JJ you saved the day and our families hooray

Milo and Chip are in trouble and now they need to build a Noob vs Pro House to save their family! But what happens when a random Hacker joins the server, and who could it be?

#minecraft #minecraftmod #miloandchip



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