I Found Every Illegal Room in Minecraft

What is that what is that oh my God no no no I didn’t mean to do that again I didn’t mean to do that again disclaimer reporting Live From The Bong Studio this video was made for entertainment purposes only and is not legitimate proof of any leaked Minecraft

Content Mojang Microsoft please do not sue me and now that that’s out the way Gamers this is actually crazy so I got an email that I originally didn’t pay much attention to and quite frankly it was just very strange as they just said it right here I’m aware that this may

Come off as a strange email so allegedly Gamers and I use that word very strongly this email claims to be an employee contractor whatever that means for Mojang Studios he says I’ve been working on new features for Minecraft for the past year I’m extremely passionate about this game and developing ideas for few

So just so that we’re on the same page here uh this guy claims to be from Mojang Studios I can’t tell if he like actually works for them or is claiming that he like works for a company that works with them directly I don’t know has a bunch of buying business stuff but

He claims to be working on features for the last year but then he says I have now realized that things are not the way they should be what is bro yapping about and worry that the ideation I’ve tried to push will most likely never be approved by Microsoft’s Department in

That case I would like to leak to you a world containing some of my features waa wait a second hold up I’m sorry but I get surprisingly a lot of weird emails kind of like this it’s usually just a bunch of trolls trying to get you know

Into videos or whatever they said me like fake worlds with a bunch of data packs or mods or what you know usually meant to scare the balls out of me but if this is true this guy who I will not name because right under he says this

May be considered a breach so please blur my contact again so if this is true which is most likely not or maybe it is I guess we’re going to decide that in this video you know by the end I want you guys to give me your opinion I guess

This guy uh let’s call him Greg oh yes Greg the mosing Gody Greg loves Minecraft and he wants his features to be in Minecraft I mean I’ve always begged for stuff you know and if never seen it one day Minecraft will know and now because of his frustrations he

Thinks it’s a great idea to contact YouTubers because I’m not the only one he’s contacted I’m not going to out any of my friends but you can kind of guess who else has been contacted whatever he is trying to force his ideas to the public and I think that’s kind of the

Problem here is this legit are these ideas legit and are they even good and if so Minecraft maybe you add them I don’t know I think that’s what he’s hoping and if we look at the bottom he actually SS the world zip and it says not virus scanned which is great because

Of that I actually sent it to manager Bon and manager Bon rised his own PC to just see if you know this was legit and what he told me was shocking there are actual features okay okay okay okay okay oh my gosh okay dude there is a literal

It says type in password now we have the password right here all I have to do is enter oh my God why is it shaking yo why is it shaking why is it shaking more oh my God wait I’m actually kind of scared what happens if I don’t type it in okay

I’m just going to hit enter we’re in we’re good yo holy crap what hello Mr sheep are you going to hack my computer please don’t hack my computer oh all right bet we’re actually in though I should probably mention that I did email him back this was my response in which he provided

Said password but yo oh there’s a Minecraft logo here wait a second is that the Xbox one oh my gosh yo I didn’t start playing Minecraft in Xbox edition but like I’m pretty sure that’s like the old school classic Xbox thing if there’s any Xbox players here let me know if

This is the right one but it seems like we spawned in a village so ironically enough I don’t think this one is one of the features or whatever and I say that with confidence because my manager manager bong explored the world and basically just made a dock about all the

Stuff that he could find so there might even be features we’re not even aware of in this world and so for our first goal or like let’s call it a mission that way I’m like secret agent illegal secret agent wait no let’s actually make a wooden hole there you go yeah we just

Need food is to get to these cords cuz apparently there’s a secret room and dude this thing gets so deep I’m actually so excited so you know what I think I know what time it is hey it’s Grind Time Grind Time hey Grind Time

Grind Time yo yo oh my God I dude I didn’t there’s a chest there’s a chest wait I was about to dip to the freaking first like feature which is like some sort of like new secret room but I think manager bonman like did not even see the

Secret chest I mean cuz it didn’t even render yo give me give me give me oh no bro oh my gosh is is this dude there’s no way this is like the old Minecraft thing oh it’s like a little starter chest yo this is cute are they going to

Add this back to like Xbox or I don’t even know bro why would why would this be here I think this might just be like a meme or something all right well I’m taking all of this cuz we are broke now we got to get down oh my gosh I’m about

To clutch this thing ye please please please please please and oh my God I was so ready to die and now our mission continues okay yeah I I think we could start digging down here and yo wait a second doesn’t this kind of look a

Little sus y it looks like a lava chest plate no or am I tripping I probably ate too much cheese toes all right they say never to dig down in Minecraft but hey maybe this guy added a feature for extra luck okay probably not dude we might

Just like literally die but from what I understand this should be oh my God yeah a a copper structure the new one the the freaking trial chamber I believe it’s called so yo honestly that place is so mysterious I’m super down to see any like potential new feature I just hope

It’s actually good oh okay I I thought I thought we just died it no we have not died it though do I have extra iron no I don’t dang dude am I ready for this thing like I don’t know if I am and where even is it I think might be like

Deeper down diamond diamond okay no we don’t need it we got to F we might actually need like a god weapon for this Oh My Wo we found it we found it we found it o another Diamond young okay I’m kind of nervous cuz I’ve never actually been inside of the

Structure like legitimate only in like creative mode uh hello hello all right so there should be some sort of like new wo there’s a tree inside of here this is pretty cool so what we’re looking for is a secret room that’s not so secret um I’m going to yoink these arrows why not

It’s some sort of copper door that has some sort of like new thing in involved oh wait what is this oh wait a sec yo wait what is this yo what did we just find oh let’s go up here and then quickly uh what could I do place that

Right there maybe wait this just leads me back over here hold on no I saw something here though no this isn’t it this isn’t it but this is another little room ooh what is this a god Apple oh my good oh iron boots I will take that

Actually this is not it though we just found something else wao so I mean I guess if you ever see one of these crate thingies make sure to check behind cuz there could be a god Apple like what yo and these are the the new pots okay what

If I just break them oh we got an emerald all right that’s pretty sick Barrel nothing okay oh my go what is this guy he has a poison arrow oh my gosh oh my gosh this is not good oh wait I’m actually going to die I’m going to

Eat this right now I’m going to eat this right now yo wao whoo wao these guys are freaking insane Gamers I did not expect this these guys have poison arrows at their heads oh what’s wrong with you guys oh ender pearl oh my gosh oh my

Gosh oh my gosh no hold on I actually have to sweat blood for bunk wo We Beat It we beat it oh my gosh we beat the spawner the trial spawner and we get a pot of regeneration which I’m going to keep cuz cuz that is actually really

Good okay I forgot I had a shield all right yeah so what we’re looking for is a door like this but apparently it will be locked which will we need the key okay that’s actually really interesting cuz I know you get wo what is this feather falling four o a helmet I’ll

Take that I don’t know how much you guys have experienced this like in game but this is really my first time and this is a new structure so there’s a lot of Hidden Mysteries and apparently even new ones that like vanilla Minecraft will or maybe won’t have in the future there’s

Another door no this can’t be it wo wo wo oh gosh I just saw some particles here oh my gosh there’s a chest anything good ooh ooh Diamond protection two oh my gosh this is amazing not what I’m looking for I’m just trying to find that

Door oh my gosh dude this thing is actually like a dungeon we got to run run bunk run run bunk run silk touch pickaxe I don’t know what I’ll need that for okay so this part is a dead end we got to keep searching did we go under

This way oh yeah we did oh but we did not go up all right we’ve now entered some sort of water part bro this feels like I’m in some sort of legal base that I’m raiding okay there’s a little room here yo I don’t think this is too secret

But this is pretty cool and but pot you know I’m going to actually set my spawn point there we go I don’t plan on dying but okay this is a new area right here we got to keep our eyes peeled for secret door oh no that’s the breeze mob

Oh okay okay okay ow all right we got to be very careful I don’t know if we can actually kill that thing just yet that’s it wait is that it let’s jump down and come on oh my gosh wait what the door is locked what is that what is that oh my

Gosh there’s an enchanted chest yo we need the key we need the trial key you know that thing that basically doesn’t have a use for now is this it is this this is this Greg’s idea Greg I don’t know what to call him bro okay wait I

Actually really like this so the goal here is to probably defeat that spawner and then get ourselves the key so we just need to kill oh my gosh this stupid bot Burger all right come on spawner there you go this is tier two I can block your stupid air bending nerd the

Real air bender is bald and his name is ang yeah come here you oh my gosh bro just sent me in the air all right there you go Did We Beat It we got the key oh my my gosh wait no way are we actually about to do this be Bridge Okay Gamers

This is it so just to confirm right we can’t open the door dude we didn’t even use any of our potions I just want to mention that I’m just so good at the game all right I’ll stop stalling I’m excited trial key yeah literally no low or anything this is a real Minecraft

Thing and then I guess this could be I I assume this isn’t real right I actually don’t know now whatever 3 2 1 boom Oh my gosh so we can open and close it only with the key wao oh no no wait I can open it now wait

I’m so confused it just said it was locked all right whatever I think maybe like now we can oh oh wait oh I get it if you right click it you Lo this looks like a new room this is the secret room with an enchanted chest bro I swear this

Was like clickbait you know what I’m saying but the idea is a real thing Co coincidence or not it’s it’s actually here in the game and yo it looks beautiful an enchanted chest wo okay this looks like some proper rewarding loot we got a chest plate protection 3

Unbreaking 3 yes we got seven diamonds we got a silk touch pickaxe another one we have an oak booat with speed one wait what wait what does that even mean speed one okay I don’t even think that’s an enchantment a goat horn that says ancient which is that is that is that an

Original goat horn why is it Enchanted and why ancient I don’t think that’s a vanilla one yeah no I just looked it up this is actually a new goat horn so I guess these two are new features as well an infinity book okay yeah just a bunch of like enchanted books which makes

Sense and of course three God apples I don’t think I need to commentate how insane that is and now my question is can I actually break the enchanted chest or does it just drop as a chest wao wait a second it drops as an enchanted chest

It’s like a special item why is why is the name yeah it’s like an enchanted book oh my gosh imagine I place it down there’s more loot dude that would be so sick yo this was epic and this was just the first one let’s head to our next

Mission but I do know for a fact that this go horn that’s called ancient will be used in an ancient city later on so I’m really excited hey bunk on a mission bunks on a mission yeah bunk on a mission bunks on a mission o o o there

It is the pyramid yo this one is sick look at it it’s like stuck inside of like the biome all right this is actually going to be really cool so I think I know what secret room it’s probably talking about but whatever I guess we can just check it out either

Way all right I don’t want any creeper creepy crawling the creepy creepies all right no I think we’re good so everyone knows the standard place where you go and get your loot oh God is that going to light that up okay good this is the most obvious thing ever everybody knows

About this like loot room or whatever but now this is a real thing by the way apparently you wait we should probably make a yeah let make ourselves a diamond shovel boom crafted yeah there should be some oh bro there’s some suspicious thingy myom no I broke it a dang it okay

Whatever there’s a lot of like sussy sand but this is legitimately like okay hold on I’m going to dig around I’m going to break around this sussy sand so I don’t break it we can actually brush it this is actually a new room that you

Have to dig out in the desert pyramid I don’t think every desert Pyramid has it and you you got to be super careful because yeah there’s a lot of sussy sand if you break the block under there you go I don’t know why I did that I could

Have just explained it yeah this looks like another ancient room oh did I just break that dude it’s so fragile I just broke that one I didn’t mean to okay I’m actually cringing now yeah there’s no chest instead there’s like sussy sand in these like little slot areas but there’s

No way right if we break any of these blocks oh wait I thought oh my God oh my God there’s another room over here dude that’s actually lowkey a fire idea are you serious am I tripping is that a pressure plate oh no I think that’s a

Pressure plate okay hold on hold on that’s actually kind of dangerous it’s a gold one too I think items can like press on it so I was going to try and mine like the gold blocks but no definitely let’s break that cuz I think is there TNT oh my goodness I should

Have known but yo that is sick oh my gosh wait hello are these tiny little baby thingies dude that is so cool I’ve seen these tiny armor stands like in maps and that’s where I started using them after I saw them in a few Maps but

Dude this is crazy and it looks like they’re wearing some sort of like ancient armor yo this is awes awesome guys I’m honestly a lost for words this is really cool yo this is honestly such a sweet spot if it’s like a rare like room I honestly really mess with it

Let’s just yoink literally everything as a cheese lover I’m a fan of this so that’s pretty cool that there could be potentially three total rooms inside of a desert pyramid I mean I feel like that just makes sense and it was kind of like an Armory what if there’s another yo

That’s what I’m saying what if other pyramids have other type of like rooms and we just found the Armory maybe there’s a weapon one or something I have no idea what I do know is that our next mission requires the goat horn and if every block I traveled was a subscriber

I would be rich wait what wait I don’t even know how that makes sense all right whatever this is your time to subscribe yeah hey subscribe subscribe to make me stop singing all right ancient city here I come I have no idea how we’re supposed to use this goh horn but apparently it’s

Supposed to unlock something I’m really excited let’s just hope I don’t die oh my goodness I’m dead okay well I think we found the ancient city did we oh my gosh we did and I’m nearly dead no no zombie zombie stopie stop oh no oh no oh

No oh no this is not good okay okay okay okay it’s fine it’s fine it’s fine no no no we got to get out of here oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh the sniff uh sneak is the best wait what

Sniff sneak huh I meant Swift sneak okay I don’t want to make any more sound because if we do a warden will spawn and that would not be good let’s go and just use the ancient horn now maybe it does what we need it to do now here I don’t

Know 3 2 1 Let’s blow into it um no no no I didn’t mean to do that again I didn’t mean to do that again oh no oh no uh oh W there’s a shrier right there okay I’m going to be honest guys that was terrifying oh my God okay why

Is the game so silent now if you guys didn’t know this right here this wall opens up if you make a certain sound I think you have to eat the golden apple that’s like in a chest up here dude I just don’t want to make sound there

Should be a chest okay there is now let’s just sneak or sniff our way back here and eat said Golden Apple there you go did it work oh my gosh it did yo let’s go and so I know the lore about this place is that an ancient

Civilization there you go it just closed again automatically an ancient civilization that basically built this entire Warden Temple was testing with redstone and so that makes me wonder what is this ancient horn meant to do it sounds like some sort of war horn yeah you got like this over here which I

Think if we shoot I don’t have a bow yeah it just pushes the Piston Redstone onto that and lights it up yeah this is basically just like meanderthal ancient civilization in Minecraft just testing with you know this sort of skull technology which makes me wonder that

Maybe the skull was really just a part of an experiment and then later became uncontrollable or something and like yo broke loose this was maybe a science lab I think we’re supposed to use this inside of here here goes nothing wait I didn’t even notice I guess the ancient goat horn basically

Broke this floor somehow and then is leading us to what exactly oh no wait a second I feel like I’m in some sort of like scary movie or no no no hold up is there a giant Bower going to just come down out of nowhere I I’ve seen this

Before Oh My Gosh is this a TB and is that what I think it is dude that’s one of the elemental paintings you know the ones you can’t get in Survival Minecraft the ones that don’t have any purpose yet is this is this part of the future yo

Where’s this dud oh my gosh am I dead okay this is very odd I don’t know if I really want to break this thing though and just you know unleash some sort of cursed Spirit I’m not not trying to do all that I mean honestly this painting

Alone is in is incredible I mean I guess this means that the skull like the ancient city is like the Earth element there are other Elemental uh features I don’t I don’t know like another structure is another secret thing with another painting oh wait why did I do

That no no it’s still unobtainable dude I thought maybe just like the enchanted chest we could get it well at least the tomb now has nice view of the Overworld y welc you know what I’m going to pay my respects all I got are some torches

There You Go sir ma’am whatever uh yeah I go now I don’t want to unleash something and curse my Minecraft thank you and so apparently now we have to head to spawn because the next one is in the end there’s supposed to be a portal

At the spawn that I guess I didn’t see oh because it was inside of here now the problem is I don’t want to enter yet because we need a lot of blocks AKA enough to get us to the end Islands hey it’s shovel time shovel time now my

Favorite time it’s shovel time I really about to get all this dirt Bo I think I am I think I am Okay I lied about shovel time I realized yeah Oak is way more efficient here goes nothing ye all right no Mr Dragon I’m on a mission I’ll kill you

Another day let’s go the Swift sneak is op oh my goodness my pinky my toes are broken bro this took so long okay hold on no I don’t want to I don’t want to bridge anymore come here Mr Enderman I need your Ender ball oh really bro okay

Come on please reach please reach please reach please reach oh my oh let’s go we did it okay Gamers I’m not going to lie I’m a little nervous because apparently this thing is not just the only structure here if we grab ourselves a pickaxe no Mr Shuler stop bad shulker

Boy bad block I think if we mine straight under there should be what the yo no no no no no no no no no no no oh my gosh yeah that’s right your own attack is your own downfall wait where’d he go oh come on that little rat wo wo

Wao whoo hey yo hey yo hey yo okay that barely did anything wo gamer it looks like these end rods are like steps that we can parkour to and where did we just end up at okay this is honestly pretty cool the books are empty not sure if

Maybe that’s like some sort of corrupted file I don’t know if there were supposed to be words here or something but it could contain some lore hidden in some of these books as to why the end is the way it is maybe some sort of you know

Reason as to what the Enderman really are I’m just trying to cook here and all right I’m not going to lie I really love the Swift sneak but I feel like it’s going to mess up our parkour and so it looks like this is actually one of the

First rooms which what is this toilet yo literally oh there’s a oh there’s a chest there’s a chest there’s a chest a better pickaxe yoink protection 4 boots all right you know what I mean I’ll take everything we can I’ll take the cheese why not this looks like some sort of

Barracks or something I don’t know yeah bro oh my gosh this might be like some sort of like area for them wo we just found a better helmet okay yeah now we’re like officially actually stacked and a sharpness four diamond sword don’t mind if I do I don’t think there’s any

New bosses but just in case they’re going to get slapped wow wao did you just see that did you see how creep that looked they just did the same thing twice oh my gosh they actually like this place the Endermen are literally just walking around okay that was really weird though

I guess I’m not too worried for anything so far and wao what is this how come this one’s completely like walled off anything in here hello okay that’s interesting and so this was like some sort of Library all right and what is this oh is

This the same no it’s not the same oh my gosh these guys come out of nowhere yo why is a sulker posted up like a security camera or something there’s just a bunch of Brewing stands maybe the brewing station all right and wait wait what the are you guys okay why are you

Guys all grouped up there ooh and it looks like there’s another book over here you know if we assume this is real even if it’s a 0. 1% chance these features are pretty good and I can maybe understand why brag over here might be frustrated I mean some of these ideas

Aren’t even that bad it’s very like explor Vibe which is exactly what I guess moing is trying to do apparently so I mean it does certainly fit the theme I really hope Greg isn’t just trying to like scam us over here oh cursive binding you know no I’m going to

Keep my Swift sneak pants I love it yo oh my gosh it’s so unsettling seeing the Enderman just like walk in these rooms for some reason yo it continues under the island this is awesome generation dude oh my gosh this lowkey makes me wonder if this is going to be a part of

The end update yo this is crazy is this video going to get taken down man wo what is this potion of Crystal weeping is this a new potion Darkness 15 seconds speed four regeneration 5 huh that’s actually so weird I don’t think we’ve ever had a purple potion like this yo

Honestly I’m getting creeped out right now because what if hear me out I don’t know if this makes sense what if the reason why you find all these instant healing potions in the ships you know and all that stuff in these end cities is because the Enderman are trying to

Heal themselves back wait Crystal weeping weeping crying it’s purple what if these are the tears of the Enderman that I’m holding right now all right I’m honestly this might be stupid like I might might just be an idiot here but hey I don’t see why not I mean we’re

Already on some weird passworded world now I’m going to go and just drink this potion I want to see what would happen it’s regeneration five and oh my goodness yo where oh my God oh my God why did that scare me I actually just pooped my pants oh my gosh my heart my

Heart that was actually just a jump scare dude okay you know what my heart can’t take that that was honestly so scary I want to reiterate again this was just a fun video there is honestly zero proof that this is going to be in the

Game but if it is we saw it here first and this was awesome I really am excited for the Minecraft update whatever mojing and Microsoft really do have in store let me know in the comment section what you guys think and I’ll see you guys in the next next video tomorrow maybe subscribe

I Found Hidden Illegal Rooms in Minecraft

SUBSCRIBE to join the Cyborg Army 🦾😁💙

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@Danny Bionic

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  1. W potential new features? Orrr do you think they sucked? Personally, I thought the lore was great and think this alleged "Mojang Employee" did a pretty cool job at tying in a lot of the features that are currently empty…

    Also please stop emailing me poop emojis 😭😂😞💙

  2. Bonic I got a video idea it's this.spawn100 of each monster in Minecraft then set a command block the command is kick bionic then go to the server again and glitch the game then do tick speed too 1k. I hope u see this comment and sub to bionic

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