Stardew Valley Modded Completionist Run Ep. 1

Hello this is editing man here and I just wanted to say first of all thank you so much for clicking on this video if you wouldn’t mind giving a like a comment and subscribing down below to see more future videos from me anyways I want to explain a little bit about this

Series this is going to be a heavily modded completionist Farm including stardew Valley expanded which adds a bunch of new NPCs and new maps and a bunch of super late game content that I am very excited to explore and take you guys on that Adventure as well as a

Bunch of new seasonal crops per season including winter crops so we can stay busy in winter this series was originally streamed over on my twitch Channel with the exact same name man Ilana link will be down in the description below and with no further Ado please enjoy this Video we starting a well I mean I’ve been streaming for 10 minutes now but we going to actually start the stardo valley guaranteed you one I’m lazy I always think of like messing with the profit margin but I’m too scared I’m a coward I’m making Me that’s the wrong one I always mix up the hair color and the eye color sliders I I suck at naming things twitch I Guess which Farm sure no intro I don’t like intro intro takes too long there it is let’s get started I got my stuff I know what I need to do hello dual Rock and roller how are you doing my birthday I forgot that I re-updated this yay oh when’s my

Birthday I didn’t think about this part and I’m not doing tooo bad I am doing the whole new year new me and that new me is actually putting effort into streams and videos again because I never actually do it so these this big stream is going to be

Edited down into a couple of different videos and those will be going up hopefully Mondays Tuesdays and wednes mon Monday Wednesday and Thursdays on my YouTube channel with the same name same icon if you are interested um yeah I’ll just go like go for a Thursday spring 18th that’s my birthday

Now it’s early enough that I can make friends but it’s still like oh I need to zoom out okay so I got a couple of mods that you’re probably seeing already so we have stardew Valley expanded in and then following stardew Valley expanded we have the immersive Farm 2 is the farm

Type that I’m using right now it’ll replace the standard Farm um if anyone’s interested in that farm type it’s not on Nexus anymore you have to go somewhere else I can’t remember where I got it got it a hot while ago um yeah that’s phenomenal you’re also

Probably see well kind of cut off but up here in the upper left hand corner I have the uh experience bars mod which I love because I am able to like physically track and see without like you know trying to do math and just guess and

Hope that uh you know I’ll level up so I can see how my progress is doing and all that stuff uh you’ll also probably see there is another XP bar so there’s six in total instead of the good old usual um five so we’ve added the binning skill

Which basically means that actually I want to go cut down some trees first basically it means that I can now get experience points from getting trash cans and stuff doesn’t really do too much there are some really nice perks like at level five um you can pick to like not have

People react to you digging through the trash which I love even though I get it like every time I still just go oh yeah and then I still wait for everyone to go away for some reason that’s just how my brain works um yeah I have watering grants XP when

It comes to crops because I swear that was always a thing in the game and apparently it isn’t so you know no we got that going for us um let’s drop off that stuff let’s see what else is There I have joa clearance bins which is super nice cuz you can get some really good stuff out of there basically it’s like five items per day usually out of season items so I think that’s how we’re going to try to get our um oh God what’s the word our community

Center done early cuz I can get crops usually through here and since I’m talking about it yeah so we can get some pretty interesting stuff well right now it’s not that interesting looking but we can get some good stuff also in stardy Valley expanded the crops are actually less expensive at Jo

So for the first little while I will be predominantly buying over here I forgot about that stuff okay cool let’s go find stuff that we can sell for money know that good old cash money that’s a daffodil I can sell that actually no I want to a friend Caroline

Really fast because if I get those tea saplings I can get huge boost to cash and like blow through this cuz there is so much late game content in this that like a yeah I added new fora bles and stuff yeah there’s so much late game content that you just really don’t get

To until you’re like year two or you have your all of the like Community Center stuff you’re on Ginger is like ginger island is where stuff actually like starts happening in my opinion cuz that’s where you’ll start getting into a lot of like the magic story lines and

There’s a lot of really cool stuff I haven’t got to in this mod um like I’ve got to experience a good chunk of it and I’ve also watched other people do playthroughs but I personally have never gotten super far go figure so I’m going to go to the museum

Drop off my trite and get cash cash monies cuz that will give me like I think it’s 250 yeah 250 and then I can go buy more seeds so I want a potato and a cauliflower and then well we’ll see I might just do a cauliflower and then buy the all

Potato yeah we’ll just do that cool cool cool oh I guess we should actually like meet these people so this is Claire I love Claire um she is in the base game usually she’s just the joa cashier but now she’s actually interactable and I love her she’s very cool you know everyone knows

Shane he’s Shane Morris actually has some really cool like story and you can befriend him in this run and I love him like he’s actually human in this like there’s a lot of times where he’ll talk about like oh my employees want to go home early but they don’t realize

That I’m going to now have to stay oh Sam Hi Sam bye Sam um yeah he’s like oh well I want to let the them go early but if I do I will have to stay and do everything myself and that’s never fun Alex you’re always

One of the last people I meet same thing with Evelyn and George I always forget about them there’s a lot of people to meet in this well not as many as there could be but I think there’s 33 uh 31 there’s a bunch of NPCs later on but there there’s 30 to start

With Abigail Abby I’m back hi I also have uh seasonal outfits hi Olivia we love you you’re amazing is your son inside there he is um so we got I got the the seasonal outfits mod so every season their outfit is going to change and it’s so cute Caroline how’s it

Going how’s it going bestie I’m going to be your best friend yes I’m Sure how’s it going Jody let me go talk to Harvey cuz I also always forget about Harvey cuz I swear he never comes out of his Clinic that’s a child hi child yeah don’t talk to strangers unless they live in your town Kids you’re not chunky my mod I think one of my visual mods is not working I got super chunky animals mod and they’re like my chickens are like circles I mean most of them look like circles but like Let’s go get these planted before I run off and complain that my inventory is too full cuz I was just about to do that green bean oh my green bean needs h oh T I also have faster animation so I slightly turned up the speed of my tools so I just use them

Faster I’m still like taking up the same amount of energy as you can see down there taada making cash money already okay I don’t need that anymore let’s do that and go so if we go down south into Cinder sap Forest there’s now also West Cinder sap Forest which is added

On by the expanded mod which is super cool because it’s a huge huge huge huge area there’s also a lot more trees down here go figure cuz it’s a forest ity but it’s absolutely huge down there phenomenal bunch of forage usually there’s a couple of artifacts I want to

Grab so I can just get those done and there’s a forest uh Forest sword so I can get a head start on uh or so I can get a head start in the mines and that would be amazing you know I love level up and foraging yeah so now

If I can find extra fora bles I can start getting um de oh it’s a horse Rish tomorrow morning in game I will be able to start making my wild seeds in here I got the ancient doll yoink so this is Aurora Vineyard which is also a quest line eventually and I say

Eventually cuz it’s super well it’s not super late game but it’s late game enough and like it deals with junimos and stuff which is super cool so if you want to see that stick around um let’s see today I’m planning on going till about 5:00 p.m. PST so about like five hours or

So we got like just over 4 and 1 half hours left which is cool that’s plenty of time oh dang it I want to get a lot of stuff done and this is the best way to do it oh oh there’s a forageable I see it I

See it what is it it’s a weak we we did it we did it folks I can rest easy now knowing that I got all my forageable oh but there’s a mushroom I can throw away my one piece of wood mushroom so common mushrooms are very

Common in this um they spawn pretty much most seasons you know besides winter and you can find them usually in the woods areas or like um sometimes like in that little Backwoods pathway that’s another ancient sword dang I didn’t think there were three that you could pick up there was only two

Or I thought there was three you could pick up because I you I was selling two of them but I guess there’s that one I always miss oh well yeah there’s a common mushrooms that you can find like in that mountain path we’ll go into Robins from your farm which is a

Pretty nice like extra energy source super early in game I you almost never have energy and I screw myself with a lot of crops all the time and I’m like oh I’ll just go fishing and get more energy but that takes energy to go fishing to get more more energy you

Know side is a cheap I’m just doing a quick forgeable run so we will seeo cuz spring onions are super rare for some reason in this cuz basically there’s a lot less space that they can go so in my other run where I’m doing a completionist run on my own with a very

Slightly different modded file um my spring for or my spring onions was like one of the things I did not have shipped until like year two cuz I could not find any so you know go figure we can make some money off of that we’re making bank tonight

Though so I can go buy more Crops cool 58 358 359 nice and because I know I’m going to have to sell all of this anyways at some point might as well start early you know get that extra little influx of cash I always forget how good Clay is and I know like clay farming is

A method but I always forget about it let’s go sleepies um I’m thirsty it’s drink time ah anyways we got foraging level One that’s good money that’s good money very good money okay so we can go get a bunch of stuff y it hair and it’s Morris’s birthday okay Willie’s Back so either I can save my money and use it to buy myself a new fishing rod which I can probably hit today or I can buy myself more seeds to level up my farming faster I might go to fishing rod route honestly is there any way for me to get

There without having to go back up yes yes there is and I’m say I’m going to save all my mixed seeds cuz I feel like you don’t really get that many um oh my God my hair is just in my lip balm where am I going

Um yeah I’m not going to do the crops I’m going to go get the fishing pole and then I swear to God my hair does not leave me alone oh I also have this look up anything mod what would Morris like I don’t even have anything he’s neutral on dang

Homeboy let’s go start fishing and I guess we’ll check the other stuff later I don’t know we’ll see if we can get something good or maybe like the Sol moon or um there’s pizza and pepper poppers that show up in the hi Shane let me actually like talk to you talk to

You okay bye bro um there is pizza and pepper poppers that’ll show up in the joa clearance bin so like I can always gift him one of those cuz those are both liked items for him I just want to get his hi Willie I want to get his uh friendship

Up up as fast as I can because um as soon as the community center gets finished he never shows up again basically and I think he’s required for Perfection to get him to Full Hearts yeah yeah pizza and pepper poppers fish no dang it really trying to all

Right let’s go sell that buy that so I buy the training Rod because then I can get better um catches I can get more perfects and stuff which means that I will have higher XP income which means I’ll get to level two faster which means I can buy the

Better there’s a lot of stuff to it come on come on fishies I can do it fish it’s not even a fish dang it and I me me G that’s fair I get That what we getting got a herring Okay oh yeah I this is also a mod the the thing that displays the fish that’s a mod um I can’t remember what it’s called but I can check love this mod because I hate not knowing what fish I’m catching and I’d rather know like if

It’s something I think is going to be too hard for me to just like quit it before I tried struggling you know quit while I’m still ahead yeah it’s going to be a lot of fishing this stream because we need a lot of money and a lot of XP there we

Go that’s why I get the training Rod because it’s it you know it helps it really does this is what helped me learn when I first started fishing in game was the training Rod because you have such a big bar that it’s way better you know it it just makes the game way

Easier there are also mods that skip that mini game in general so and that’s act this is is actually one of like those are some of the like top downloaded mods for this game are the ones that just skip the fishing mini game cuz so many people hate it which I find really

Funny I’m like it’s one of your core six or five skills why does everyone hate it so much um I know my followers are also covering it up but there is also I have a mod that it’s I think it’s it’s the same mod that displays the

Fish in the fishing mini game but it it tells me what fish I can currently catch and the percentage rate that I will possibly catch these fish is really nice h i for how slow early game fishing is not even good for XP come on you can do better Game like barely getting anywhere 3 12:30 come on game like fourth of the way there I see bubbles I want those bubbles let’s go get those bubbles that’s not bad I also have UI info Suite which is what displays underneath my money like that it’s going to rain tomorrow whose birthday it is my luck

Because I very much forget to check those things like all the time especially I always forget like when it is traveling cart day or when it’s uh queen of sauce day cuz I don’t really look at the day I just keep going so you know oh stupid

Little how much money can I get for this hi Willie oh it’s not a Lot o that sounds like a eup eism for Something oh wow seaweed my favorite come on fish I need to level up this isn’t even like the best place to F try to catch a Flounder from my other Rod cuz maybe I can also get like better star fish so I can you know get better Monies cuz I need it’s 18 to get my uh my fiberglass Rod oh we’ll try one more and see if we get any gold star or anything or Not Gold Star but like even a silver star is better than nothing come on could also just be too level too low

Level okay there we go yeah he I have like maybe an hour in game before I want to start selling my stuff and dipping my only problem is I can’t pass out if I pass out I’m going to lose money and I don’t want to lose money I need that

Money like obviously based on the fact that I’m selling Everything Think I can maybe push it to like 440 I think he closes it five and yes I swapped back cuz I want better XP cuz with the training Rod you only get basic quality fish and they have to be like there’s like a certain tier level but with your normal Rod it doesn’t

Matter obviously but with the training Rod you can get more perfect catches so you know with more perfect catches and you’re able to like get your XP up faster no we’re less than 30 away if I get one more perfect catch will be at level two come on perfect catch let’s

Go willly open those doors we didn’t make it but we only need about $500 more dollars so that’s not bad I’m going to eat those for as much energy as I can possibly get right now a cockle that’s not a cockle that’s C I know my shells in this

Game also how many people do I have left I’m like halfway there that’s cool [ __ ] I don’t want that that’s trash trash man I don’t care about you Alex what are you going to do what’s the dish of the day a pink cake Morris would like it but I think he

Would also like like salad yeah he’d like a salad as well we’ll just buy him a salad cuz it’ll be most likely less expensive than anything I’m going to get over it go to clearance bin even if it were pepper poppers or Pizza cuz I think the pepper poppers are still like

$400 I know cuz I keep buying them in my other runs Martin how’s it going Martin Martin’s a sweet guy shy hot pepper we need a hot pepper yeah we need a hot pepper that’s a lot of wheat dang why they just keep selling duplicates you know happy birthday Morris we’re best

Friends I know it’s only a liked gift but that’s better than nothing okay hello Mr gobbins how is it going so far the Harvest has not happened we are on day two of spring year 1 just start oh Jody Robin what’s up going doing here hey

Guys so far we’re just starting up um just getting started and all because this is going to be a very very long run like I was checking out on Reddit because I got curious um I’m doing both a normal completion run in stardy Valley expanded and a JoJo run

That I want to see how far I can get however if you were to do joa so this is why we’re not doing joa and we have to do community center if we were to do joa run we would be locked out of a lot of content that you like legitimately just

You can’t finish the game then so like you get locked out of certain fish and I think you’ll get locked out of certain NPCs which sucks because I get it I get it um yeah it sucks cuz I really wanted i’ actually I’m really enjoying my DOA run

It stressful trying to get the money but so there is basically fish that are locked to new areas that you can only unlock with the community center in expanded so there’s like a junimo village in the forest which I love that place um but there’s a golden thing fish

Which is apparently a pretty good fish sells for lots of money however if you don’t go the community center route you can’t get into the Juno Village and then I know there’s like other real late game stuff with like Castle Village and yeah there’s a lot of like Community

Center stuff because it’s like the main route that most people will take so it’s always a 50/50 but the JoJo run also has a lot of really late game stuff like and this is apparently because I haven’t got there in my run just yet you can build Morris a house in

Town and they’ll build a giant joa superm Mar with like six new NPCs I think they’re like non-friable NPCs but they’re like cashiers and stalkers that’s all I know but it sounds cool you a bhead oh it’s a chub again dang it I want to try to save all my fish

Till I hit level five so I can get that like fishing H price increase I think it’s like fish are worth 20% more or 50% more I don’t remember but when fish are worth more then I want to sell them but I also kind of want to get my fishing rod up

First cuz I’m at level two now but I won’t have enough money cuz I want to technically get it before I hit catfish tomorrow then let’s fingers crossed hope I can catch a catfish cuz I’m only level two so if I can get a trout soup that’s uh

250 I need 1,800 for the fishing rod Treasure Chest I want the goods please be a gem or something Yello what did I get coal how could I honestly coal is such a needed resource in this because I have the automate mod which eats coal up so

Fast basically you can just put a chest next to a furnace fill it with your ores and your coal and stuff and it’ll just automatically like keep making and taking out the bars and stuff which is really nice because I have ADD so I always forget to do that

Stuff so yeah how however I’m not always looking at my coal levels and I’m always running out especially since one of the quest lines in this you will be required to have 25 coal and turn that in another quest line you need 50 iron bars which is also a

Headache I will probably get that quest line like late spring early summer depends on how fast I can go uh [Applause] yeah yeah I used to do that hence why I had to get the mod for myself to like you know not do that dang it that’s right oh I can’t pass out

No Oh no no no no I should be fine I forgot I didn’t clear that path yeah I’ll make it we’re fine not fun come on bye Morris I don’t have to worry about an energy penalty though because I leveled up twice today and Fishing sell that That sh

Hello Everyone! I am so excited to jump back into videos and start up a new series. This series is a Stardew Valley modded completionist farm where we will be playing (hopefully) to completion.


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