LIMMY Plays | Stardew Valley (1) – Smelly Jock on the Prairie [2024-01-08]

Hello everybody hello folks that’s the [ __ ] it Don Sean Gary Black Max thinks of Subs can I get it’s getting hot in here n BL please uh it’s get hard in here yeah Max after that said I could take the the blam take the day off the blam I would

Have liked her Henry thinks this up Z 10 good [ __ ] day I could have done it it’s getting hot and blam but I can’t I can’t be [ __ ] I can’t be [ __ ] can I be [ __ ] send me marbl send a lot here do you see the smile on my face I’m

Happier year after year I’m happier with the choices that I make yes start start you valy have was a nap oh then I get back to sleep but it’s fine like 5 hours I woke up at like quarter to 6 not perfect but never is Inspector

Gadget Naomi rcg UK thanks for Subs here we [ __ ] go score replay thanks for the sub your expertise will be coming in very handy the rcg UK um honest man Miki where’s the CU going and chameleon thanks to Subs any words of advice for the wigin team playing man united

Tonight just get the head done get the get the work done and uh your boys are in for a pleasant surprise and Lady Luck is going to be smiling down on you kind of go into any details but uh yeah Bruce dantom mlan than Subs any advice just be yourself you can’t be

No one else I think that’s the thing G tragic and muff things of Subs only subbing again because I had to watch an ad you should need you shouldn’t be seeing ads at the start anymore maybe I’ve got to run them for a I don’t know gives me a second

Ads pre-rolls second ad break 10 minute pre-roll um you got an ad um maybe it’s got maybe it’s got to be running for an hour or something I don’t know um um first add delay 15 minutes uh PR asks for income viewers disabled 180 seconds of ads every 1 hour

During your stream will disable pre-rolls there it is maybe it’s got to be up and running for an hour or something God like bennon SC thinks he Subs a bits I heard L was on the flight logs listen if anybody’s going to hit me weird vague part are you’re going to get

A weird vague reply is that a ban is do is is Dody is it Dody oh that I ban please I see I see you mean I ban please benon godick thanks for subs thank you very much H Jolly chops corway spaghetti mufford ninja thank you very much um what’ll

Do is I’ll pop here and do my things how’s everybody keeping H how how was your um um how should we weekend was it all right good good good glad to hear it all right sorry to hear that all right mhm just test that’s one for the blooper wheel

Say not running oh good glad to hear that scruffy thanks the sub this goes out to all the orbital but them that have went up the see the moon thing this this new moonlanding I’m assuming it’s no people is it people or is it just um machines orles is it is it

A orbitals of your stream it could be about three it could be about 10 reditor part is HP new part far right dog whistle me people who just hanger in you oh right right right right right I see I get it I get it aosome heer and jroy Savage thanks

For Subs you’re very welcome to me getting you through Charlie last sub I give until marbl an improv is back marbles an improv will probably not be back until I feel like it benon monkey Brown SS Subs SP kid thank you very much flashy baby

Blues um no I’m doing what I feel like God bless hello everybody more in we’ll talk about your weekend in just a we Second no I’m about to make a Mistake first thought is obviously don’t you want me baby But there’s something something in it sounds like a e that is right everybody let’s no [ __ ] about oh so um so uh so uh no spoilers please no spoilers no hints spoilers anything like that I’m talking about a film about to mention H I watched that salurn I got R

To watching that I was going I actually plan I actually watched it to hate watch it hold on let me hear this music was the music off there right I watched it to hate watch it I had a feeling I wasn’t going to like it it’s

Going to be a lot of kind of tough [ __ ] cuz of the trail and see Richard D Grant in it and oh I could wear my suit of armor costume like that that kind of I’m just I’m no [ __ ] in it I’m no in it I so I’m going to watch

This cuz people are talking about it um and talking about this scene and that scene so I’m like what movie the one I just said 10 seconds ago I’m L it old day [ __ ] salurn I swear swear to God I’m not a [ __ ] M for any of you [ __ ] this

Year p gusb f we mar kbot Just John thanks for subs thank you very much we talk about your weekend a we bit later kbot I’m really looking forward to hearing about it here for the co company there’s got to be a lot of Co coming right up Happy New

Year get ready for the [ __ ] Coes guso massive and K think of Subs I I want to be B I’m going to really [ __ ] stick with it ready for the co U Vibes coming right [ __ ] up um so I watched it it’s on Prime I thought right here we go this will be

[ __ ] [ __ ] um and it started right away within the first couple of minutes there was some there was a kind of monologue that happened there was something that was the way it was said I thought this is going to be a lot of wony [ __ ]

[ __ ] and um I thought this this is this is for people who have never watched films before or something I don’t know but um and there was certain we things that annoyed me and certain things I’d recognized in other films now the rest it but see because my expectations were so [ __ ]

Low um that see anything that was actually oh that’s all right that but all like that’s funny what they said or that was all right that or I was like oh wait a minute rather than um just going um so I liked it and my official

Review on Twitter the don’t know if you know Twitter it’s kind of fascist playground of Elon Musk that I’ve went back to um I give it three out of five so was that place where we all sort of go along with and just go I mean what can you do

I mean if everybody else is doing it [ __ ] it and then 10 years from now we’ll look back and go how did we have how did that happen how how could people ever have let that happen Mich rug Jo K thanks for Subs thanks again thank you very much um

I see the people talk about this this this bath scene and I I didn’t know what I was expecting I thought it was going to be really [ __ ] like Jesus Christ get us off and all people going like that why are people talking about this bath scene like it’s um remember no

Spoilers is if it’s p shocking or something it isn’t it I thought I want to see it for myself and it was only after that it showed this thing that happens in a bath and then a we bit after it like I don’t know a few seconds after it

Finished went on the next scene I went wait a minute was that it there it was that kind of it’s something it’s something but it I I i’ [ __ ] blowing it right up and it’s something you know my imagination just [ __ ] went uh maybe because I was

Talking about like a sban film last week and how [ __ ] um um revolting that is I think that had wared me in a way so when I actually saw something that was [ __ ] you know anything less than that I’m like is that it h there’s a grave bit which I liked

Some [ __ ] on uh Twitter kind around that um but that made me smile I thought [ __ ] good ask I like to see something like that and then there was a uh a [ __ ] oh you see that actor Co that H what’s his name what’s his how did you say his

Name again remember I looked it up is it body Ken kogan I can’t is it Keogan you just don’t know how to actually take phonetically you try but you don’t you you don’t know how to do it you kind of think if you just got kind of separate it that puts emphasis

On syllables you got to do caps caps of the emphasis but even if I told you how to dat you would get it wrong anyway if it was like Keogan Keogan usually did the all bit in caps or the the the the G but in caps you just don’t know you just St

Everything wrong you just don’t get it why do you ha us I don’t I don’t hate this it’s just a [ __ ] fact there’ll be one or two people but they’re all mixed in with the the [ __ ] I [ __ ] tried to get on we use by the way and it doesn’t [ __ ] work and

It actually depresses me it actually [ __ ] depresses me like putting up with you I’ve noticed I’ve noticed that other people seem trying to accommodate people and go you know it’s I mean right just you know try and stay positive and all that it actually makes me negative attempting to stay positive

Actually makes me negative it’s when I get right into the negativity actually makes me [ __ ] positive I feel I’m [ __ ] happy I’m happy what you have got to understand is I grew up in a cauldron of hatred and violence rough tough council state in the south side of glasa adapted to my

Surroundings and that’s the way I’m going to be for the rest of my days fighting against it actually it’s um it’s a bit like um uh being an alcoholic and being saturated with booze and then coming off it like sort of H cold turkey type of thing it actually kills you you better

Have just keep on [ __ ] drinking short e and Sean Jack it’s a Alex Michelangelo thanks the subs kogan I know but I want to know if it’s kogen kogen kogan was it bar Kean Spirit Fair never finished it prob it goes on it goes on a bit um thanks

Short Happy New Year Ed not tell thanks to the bits [ __ ] up is your Scottish F say you’re absolutely right let’s get [ __ ] on that um cozy Vibes coming right up everybody um I bet I liked it did really like it but um all right watchable it’s watchable in

It watchable you film when we getting jump King I’ve got a up I don’t want to encourage us to say right B this and get on with that game you said you’ve already got but I have got a few games in my mind lined up like jump King uh I

Did I did get that before and then um I don’t know did I I did play it for a bit didn’t I I did play it for a wee bit I ah [ __ ] this um I think jump king would be good I think it would d a [ __ ]

Nothing um I think that’d be good and I’ve got a few other we things you know H Highland song is that you know Scottish one Whatever whatever it is I think that’ll be good and I’ve got uh one or two we things lined up but I I I repeat that’s

Not encourage you to say when this gets a we bit boring for you you go like that right Bend this get thingy on Bend this get jump King on Bend this get this on Bend this get that on I will not be listening I’ll be playing this for as

Long as I’m enjoying it okay cuz this is my year no your year mine Mercy can you hear please I decide if we win or lose not you me tricky h k cakes guing stinky roling jobby Bama Grumble sinky thanks for the subs and bits Co

Era I’ve no saw I didn’t see Anton debeck at Christmas I’m afraid lovely soundtrack this game that’s what I’m all about frownland I’ve not seen it I’ll keep that in mind I’ll keep it up there God pinks frown land there it is I’ll remember

That did you know that the 57 and Hy 57 VAR is a madeup number that 57 is the combined favorite numbers of the founder and his wife it’s a lie that spans years just like I’m happy that you live each day thank you for the you’re very very welcome is that true

There’re only 57 varieties of H it’s just a number five and the number seven which are the favorite that’s I’m going to tell somebody that b thanks a sub thank you for official divorce day glad to hear it Scotty nice s m cot thanks s and bits y thinks of bits it’s

It’s kogan S I don’t know what that I I don’t know what that is AJ YY just separating that we’re hyphens does they mean I’m trying to tell that’s that’s an a bits message AJ y done an a bits message has actually spent money to tell me something that doesn’t

Work I know it’s separated into [ __ ] syllables which one I put the [ __ ] strats on Jesus [ __ ] Christ RAC just tap his [ __ ] name why don’t you just type it just type his [ __ ] name for all the good it does that’s a [ __ ] bets message that costs money

[ __ ] party attack and feels bad vac s of subs and bits have you seen Choo Cho on Steam and do you think you’d give it a play no and non applicable because I I’ve not seen it looks like you’re kind of think I’ve heard it I think I have actually heard

It maybe maybe I glanced at it one some mentioned it but um I can’t remember y Ben and I’m fet beans anyone for a G shot sub a bits called my first born daughter let me glad to hear it not arguing with a chat not arguing with the

Chat AG y another 200 bits to say key Gan all caps I don’t know if that’s a joke you can tell anymore is is AJ y joking when you don’t know Jake P thinks the subs out the [ __ ] way got to look this up again Barry right name thank you here we go

Again kog kogan kog week kogen oh sorry it’s very quiet sorry this will be loud on there more voice words from kyoga next week it sounds like k to me let me just that’s it right one more time more wise words from kog next week

Right I’m going to show you how to type this phonetically or have you there watch every I’m going to type in the chat key and then I don’t know you can maybe type G but people might go kogan it’s almost like it’s almost like a POS to fit in anyway that there

Look wrong is the emphasis is on the o listen more Bo words from kogan next week kogan kogan oh you think oh kogan more Bo words from kogan next week kogan all I so you could you could do it like this look see the problem is see if I type it

Like this look K again see if I tape it like this look see that there somebody could read that is Kyo kyogen right so I’m right what I did uh what I did was right and let’s just move on before we fall it I don’t want to to for

It caj and Chris Jason Tom as skiffle thanks for subs thank you very much um play the My House Doom to level I don’t I don’t even know what it is my house thing Tom I do apologize I got the idea I just want to apolog oliz to everybody everybody I’ve no I’ve

No new here we go here we go so I have played this before for what was it half an hour can’t [ __ ] remember it was the long at all name uh you know what I’m just going to deal me Farm name I’m going do ly Farm favorite s

Leming yeah [ __ ] it animal preference cat that cat give me that gray cat please wait can I think that’s maybe be B Lo but you know what see that this a bit loud what’s this what’s a accessories right oh fuckus you know what I’m going to

Do one for the [ __ ] lot it there you are see the I color they’re going to change it I’m going to touch a thing um I don’t just default uh standard farm revland farm standard Farm everybody standard I’m going to be standard I’m going to play

This the the way I feel that I should play it actually what you should go with you should go no that’s it standard F skip intro no skipping intro O say o strap shrimp suito Cory thanks for Subs I hate Lon I’m sorry I’m sorry to hear that was fa Slicker to

Thanks for Subs can I recommend Mars first Logistics make vehicles and deliver items around the planet good game for chitchatting thank you very much I’ll keep that in mind um there was something that was said earlier I can’t remember what it is it was a film or a game there

Was another game that was mentioned I think um please can I just say that any games that are recommended while I’m playing this one will go in one year and out the other how come when I’m playing a bastard in game and I’ve said that this

Is the game I’m playing and I’m going to be playing it all week and I’m going to get my heads right into it that’s when people go try this other game try this other game try this other game and they’re not even saying it like right

Come on let me that’s been quite a while you’ve been playing this could you try this other game they’re saying it before I’ve even really [ __ ] started don’t listen to Scruffy there is no Discord syot says some thanks to sub enjoy the Cozy feelings coming right

Up spey thanks sub excited for St Valley I hope you like it here here we go I kind of remember the central Al for my very special grandson I want you to have this sealed envelope I have a sealed don’t yet have patience now listen

CLA there will come a day when you feel crushed by the B A Modern Life and your bright spirit will fade before I grow in emptiness when that happens my boy you’ll be ready for this gift no it it smile yth Georgia is this meant to have sound wait

A minute did I switch the music off what’s the [ __ ] sound I’m going to try I’m you know what I’m going to try try and do I’m going to try listen to any sound on music so I’m going to press escape and we have skipped the [ __ ] intro and we have

Skip to intro and that’s the all around and that’s that there’s the Sound the intro did not what’s this this is music anyway so you go that’s say after a good start that’s that that’s the way I like it though hello you must be liie I’m Robin the local Carpenter M Le sent me here to fetch you and show you the way to your

New home he’s right there now Tiding things up for your arrival the Farm’s right over there if you follow me I’m scared to press escape to turn the sound in I [ __ ] Press Start just going to have to leave it this is Li F says Robin something to do with

Water what’s the matter sure it’s a bit overgrown but there’s some good soil underneath that mess that may be sweating with a little dedication you have it cleaned up in no Time and here we are the new home ah the new farmer oh [ __ ] didn’t catch the name Louis welcome I’m Louis mayor of Pelican town you know everyone’s been asking about you or good things I hope uh well they’ve been asking about you talking about you is what you mean that’s when

You say all good things I hope now they’ve been asking it’s not every day that someone new moves in it’s quite a big deal so you’re moving into your grandfather’s old Cottage oh no he’s telling me it’s a good house very uh rustic shall we say everybody I cannot press any buttons

To try and bring up a [ __ ] menu to turn the sound in all right cuz it was skip War us because the devs haven’t made it properly rustic that’s one way to put it crusty might be a little more up though R don’t listen to she’s just trying to

Make you dissatisfied so that you buy one of her house upgrades okay so I can’t even remember this I’m saying as if it’s the first time I [ __ ] read it isn’t it but I just kind of remember it anyway you must be tired from a long journey you should get some

Rest tomorrow you ought to explore the town a bit and introduce yourself the towns people would appreciate that would appreciate that how would they show that appreciation what do do you mean oh almost forgot if you have anything to sell just place it in this box here I’ll come by during the night

To collect it I bet you [ __ ] will oh I [ __ ] and I bet you’ll make one or two deposits yourself well good Luck I’ll bet you any money if I’ve watched back that’s L I’ll bet you money any money if I’ve watched back when I first played this remember I’ve played this for about half an hour before about when whenever the [ __ ] that was 2 years ago or something I better come up with the

Exact same part every [ __ ] time right so first of all we’re going to press start and we’re going to go and see if we can go to some sort of sound setting somewhere does such a thing exist option thank you right here we go turn off full blast sound volume right music as Sound music as Sound um and I’d say put that bit there put that bit there put that there and we’ll see how it goes let’s save it let’s see how it goes right and I I noticed that I was kind of in the way or something there

So Pi me up right here we go right right wait wait wait 6:20 a.m. uh 6:30 a.m. is it Paused I’m seeing the clock flash up the top right I might stick the music off is interfering with my heat flames and rifal death by CR cron gante thanks for Subs it will be a part of the the the L stream experience it will really take the the top spot would be

Loved just turn it down in I maybe turn it down like right right low Flames arrival thanks for Subs I will do me thank you very much face down the T purple Johnny swards Jen August line corner thanks for Subs my favorite bit of family B is making my mom momentarily believe any

Film we watch is based on a true story the best one so far is Avatar really what’s your fav family family ble haircuts General consensus Specky thanks for sub let’s get this [ __ ] completed John uh my favorite thing today is um this is so much a family thing but

I did do it anyway oh pause it um is when we watching a film and it says at the beginning um inspired by true events or something inspired by a true story I like to go ah inspired by no you know I like to make a big deal

About how so it isn’t a true story it’s just like inspired by I like to kind of ruin the experience just in case anybody’s you know anybody in the room um is getting exited about this Jes is are this actually a true story I like to take that Away ah inspired by it’s not like based on it’s not like this is a true story It’s So based on it’s just inspired by and one example that I like to I’m going to tell you about I’ve said before is the film um is it called

The some [ __ ] thing I just saw the [ __ ] trailer these people home Invaders masks on um for about maybe 10 years ago like the strangers or I straight that and it I’ve said this before on the stream but it said inspired by true events or something um and all it was inspired

By and it was honestly something like this somebody broke into a house the whole thing about you know like they’re they’re there I don’t know I’m assuming they they’re threatening the people there there’s a threat of death death and maybe about a torture or something like that somebody broke into

A [ __ ] house that was it the writer or whatever um nearby or read the news that somebody had broken it that some bass had broken into a house it was honestly it was nothing and look inspired by it’s like me D it’s like me just writing a a slasher film or some

Sort of any [ __ ] film anything and saying inspired by true events cuz it is everything is has anybody ever been killed anywhere mured I right there you go so that’s kind of inspired me get everybody L this is actually a true story this happened this happened it worked for the Texas

Chainsaw M because I believed that when I saw that but it was only young what makes this all the more tragic this the true story what makes it all the more tragic I thought that was true just means that [ __ ] it was just because Ed G or however however you say his name

Did about sort of your cannibalism in [ __ ] a belt of nipples and stuff like that Wily Woody James Point Claudius Christie K I mean Flames thanks to the subs ad you got you got some Adidas trainers but has four Stripes that be an ungrateful we bastard

Um there was some there was a film that I watched I think it was an ‘ 80s thing or maybe it was an 80s program and a lot of them in it had four strip trainers I can’t remember who so it’s actually a be bit more authentic than than

Adidas Gillies thanks for the sub Cas no I think this is a oh maybe it was I but scar Galactic I think a sub right right so see so far I know nothing see whatever I maybe learned in the [ __ ] um 10 minutes or so I played two two years ago is completely

Forgotten so I got [ __ ] axe to chop wood just C need to swear [ __ ] swearing a I don’t know anything ax to chop wood whole used to dig and soil water and can use to water crops it can be refilled at any water source pickaxe used to break Stones size

To cut grass into ha if you’ve if you’ve built a silo what’s that there classic overalls farmer pants any particular reason when a roller the bin it pops up organize and then disappears you can see that this is a buggy game is he using a controller should I know what should I use

All right that’s better that’s better that’s better selling me mouse and keyboard right right right I I had to be feeling it was a a controller thing um skills farm and Main and Forin fishing combat social [ __ ] the lot of them let me fun canum in let’s go into that [ __ ] let’s go

Into the MS what didn’t I mean that crafting with fence I need some wood keeps grass and animals contained I’ll keep that in mind a gate for the fans a chest to store the items torure modest amount of light a sign a sign wood path gravel path Cobblestone path

Campfire most of cosmetic some practical collections meaning what just here’s things that you’ve you’ve looked at and that’s your options and that’s that and up here is your day your time of day your time uh your daylight and sunlight uh possibly the weather don’t know what the [ __ ] that is Journal f for

Joural one two three four good can do that see I forgot forgot everything which is good e done there energy I remember something today was sleeping all right in F for Journal introductions here we go it’d be a nice gesture to introduce yourself around town some people might be anxious to

Meet the new farmer to a people then I [ __ ] will then I will tick Tok on the clock time to bin this I will not be binning this until I’m ready to bin this I don’t care if the whole chat even people who like this game say I it’s no

It’s not really a stream game I’m just remembering why I kind of stopped streaming it myself is really a stream G I don’t care see if I’m [ __ ] enjoying it I’m [ __ ] streaming it f Reynolds and versil thanks the subs no it’s vers thank you very

Much thank you very much fan big your honor Fierce beard thanks for the subs 1030 thank you very much for the sub thank you f for your three quid I will not be reading out any part about my hair or lack of okay but remember everybody there is no

You can talk as much as you want in the chat now about ball this hairline that five he this slap he that whatever you want Na’s getting time do ne’s getting banned for it I went a bit too far last week I’ve realized it’s just better to

Just just move on I have got certain words muted in the chat I don’t even see it anym so you can talk as much as you want amongst yourselves about my hair line about my hair I can’t see it you can you can tell me spaces and

They all that does does they matter to me that’s the all to me you know who’s he you know who’s losing his [ __ ] hair according to him uh oast he said the other day he said he’s going Bal at the back he said I deflection tactics I I with him

With him I me no me him probably better if you’re Ginger you’re probably better off b a blessing Andy and trick gibl 12 haunted Phil thinks of subs and bits having a great time it’s a transition though that would be the worst part to be kind of baly and

You can still see you got Ginger hair the hair that it remains you want to be completely bald or Ginger with the hair but no halfway that’s um the worst of Both Worlds hell on Earth and you get and the thing is there’s no sympathy there’s there’s

Nobody to talk to there’s no support groups or a like that there’s no communities or you know nothing there’s nothing for you if you’re Ginger there’s nothing to be born Ginger is truly a sinker swim experience so total respect to the gingers out there I wouldn’t wish my worst

Enemy didn’t you say you had a ginger beard let me says IAS thank you for reminding everybody the reason why I can get away with saying all this horrible stuff about gingers know that anybody would care anyway again that’s that’s the the shame about being a ginger NE a [ __ ]

Um I actually I’m Ginger myself my beard winner used to have it hold on we get back to the game just a a moment it is paused still paused uh what’s the best to demonstrate let me DD miror uh not that one but this one that’s Ginger that’s a ginger beard there

That’s a ginger beard I found that on a what would I found that on Mini I’m getting back to the game in a second mini DV so this is originally 4 by3 um not even [ __ ] HD SD 4×3 and I cropped into it so see this quality you’re [ __ ] seeing here

That’s the best that is so that’s like what is that [ __ ] 576 or something um and then if you take after to make it 169 [ __ ] knows what that would be 500 maybe less 480 [ __ ] knows um when was that when did I make not 200 2008 we done

2008 for the for the 2008 Glasgow comedy festival and then I showed it The Fringe and then I got my pilot crank it and ly eni edro Andy trick gibles thanks the subs tral haunted thank you very much thank you very much reviewer Richard E Grant and salurn um

Well nothing against richardy Grant you know I’ve sort of Taken a piss at his uh um videos laughing laughing at the the lines and um uh what was the name it is it with nail is that how you pronounce it with nail oh I’m getting informed by the chat

He was good all right right right I was about to offer my own opinion there my own thoughts about how I felt but now I’m getting told in the chat he was good so it’s all right everybody was about to give my opinion and my thoughts turns

Out he was good I’m getting told as a as a matter of fact um I try not to be too critical um but sometimes I feel that he’s not quite he’s not a very subtle sort of actor I don’t know if I look at him too much but

Always always strikes him as not being that subtle you know like um uh he’s a bit um sometimes a bit acty just a we bit acty sometimes especially about he goes like that oh what it says I say the L on this stream oh I could wear my suit of armor

Costume like that and other we bits in it that’s the best thing I know he’s meant to be that character that character who does that but he’s meant to be that type of person and there’s other bits where he’s a bit grumpier and M or that that’s all hunkidori but um

Suppose that’s the character but um I don’t know maybe I’ve seen him in too many things that it’s that kind of style acting that that he’s been asked today I don’t know um but you know I thought he was all right and and everything I liked what’s

Her name um the wife character what’s her name I looked I looked up right after I thought where she fa is she English cuz she’s got this kind of and she’s got this kind of um what’s was it was in absolutely fabulous the one who speaks like this we

Can’t take P oh I because a thingy people say thing she a voice like Joanna lumbley in it and I looked up Roseman Pike I thought she was perfect um perfect but um anyway that’s me back and Dom weathers Lydia doc mbag thanks for Subs what content you most excited for in

2024 death stranding 2 which comes in in 2025 smithman Tak a sub thank you very much glad to hear it this is the death strander TW t for calling it I’m I’m [ __ ] B it’s gone on forever right we better G Dom and that’s back thanks again thanks for

Subs my old school I played B the lad in ban Academy who was 30 odd but pretended to be 15 to go back to school um I Heard it but I’ve I’ve still not seen it it sounds very interesting thank you very much Dom thanks Lydia thank you very [ __ ]

Much right I’m I’m [ __ ] ready what’s that though organize nothing right I’m going to do what this game is telling me today it’s telling me listen why don’t you go and introduce yourself see if it tells me to do anything else like if I introduce myself to say two or

Three people it says right new what today I’m going to go no no no no I’m introducing myself to every person that I find and if I can find them I will find them right hold on what’s this left click [ __ ] hits it right click there we go everybody I’ve got

Pass seeds and new journal entry give me a second I’m going to move 50 pnip seeds here’s a little something to get you started says M Lewis right I’m going to move me to I there right there that’s perfect left click does that uh so Channel weather

Report I vaguely remember this it’s got be clear Sun all day I’ve got a decorative Bowl but I like to put put it back there we go can I turn that off and on F A here no right ah watch us secret stes no no let’s go and meet some people

I don’t think I need the frame rate for this but um let’s go it m for map yes zoom in still no zooms go right you’re thinking no I’m going left all right I’ll go right H you no you pnip seeds um well listen plant these in the spring takes

Four days to mature well you know what I’m going to [ __ ] do I’m going to follow my nose it says parsnip seeds and I’ve got a hole which what is it used to dig and tell soil that’s got to be it so you know what I’m going to [ __ ] do

I’m going to [ __ ] plant these right here right now well three them anyway and just see how it goes um go it right there is this my land can I dat here doy matter what I wanted day and it’s happening okay that’s not how it works yeah is that it

Done is that that done is that that done uh and what about GOI chop I just got myself some wood didn’t mean that right here we go right as’s your seeds stick that there um that’s not happening go there we bit to the side something’s preventing that for happen you know what I’m

Happy and you know what I’m going to do I’m going to [ __ ] water it there we are there we are lovely and we’re up and running everybody get closer here oh is that what it is right there we go and we are up and running we’ve got four parts that’s

That’s it we’re up we’re up and running we’re up and running now I could plant all the pass seeds but it might not be the right place I might not be doing it right something you know just you don’t want to if you’re going to [ __ ] up [ __ ] up as little as

Possible right I’m going to meet some people is this oh right I’m kind of remembering this is s of split like screens is it J set will Style right oh good we can roll there and actually see everybody’s stuff M’s rench um Wizard’s tble oh it’s a bit kinky

Taen thanks for sub hope your character drowns in a grain silo is that possible in real life I mean Emma mousy neuro think he Subs this is a cozy stream Jonathan that’s me back thanks for Subs thanks again I will keep your spirits up don’t worry right I don’t know what I’m doing

Here um e that’s going down a we bit that be your energy or whatever it is shift all right shift on go slow hold on hard and shift does that oh well hold on what happens if I use a pickaxe in have use the hole in it

Is something going to go this isn’t actually that’s not the hole this isn’t actually your land nothing right let’s go do and hit all these hussies down here one let’s go we’re going to hit them all introduce ourselves let’s go done I’m sure a lot of you people

Who all right who know this game very well and love it that’s a Cho in a we we stter trees I like oh God I wish I could go back to This stage chop it all [ __ ] done don’t replant that’s it I wish I could go back to this where it’s just the uh oh there’s the energy oh there’s a there’s a downside to the to running energy in can I just go through that like you may be like fall asleep

And something happens where the [ __ ] am I what are you mle’s rench I go all the [ __ ] way through that keep your eyes on enery Jesus you know what b b midday well it’s actually 3:40 but I mean right come this way let’s go going to go this way M um go go to the right and then go

Done let’s hit all the bottom ones talk to this [ __ ] whoops nearly ax them render and Pepsi thanks for Subs not been here in about a year so should it count as 10 months it’s coming up as 10 to me thank you very much if you had to live in in television show

Which one would you choose let me show here Harvey it’s a pleasure to meet you I’m Harvey the local doctor that’s it I perform regular checkups and medical procedures for all the residents of pelicans town it’s rewarding work I’m glad to hear it good for you anything else hope you find your own

Work equally rewarding um have to keep opening and [ __ ] closing right who the [ __ ] are you Vincent oh a stranger my name’s Vincent mama says not to talk to strangers but you seem okay hi that bit me boy um right hold on getting started no no I’m introducing myself like you

Said if you want to become a farmer you have to start with the basics use your hole to till the soil then use a seed packet on the tilled soil to sew a crop water every day until the crop is ready for Harvest all right right right one

Thing at a time though do not rush me game do not rush me I am going to meet uh know that one 28 people let me can meet all 28 yet there’s some that are in the caves you can’t get into the caves until you know the dragon is

Something hey I’m Sam good to meet you that’s it that’s that done right hug the left go down this way can I go into this [ __ ] house a [ __ ] can can I steal hi there seems all right when we’ve been in the house I think I’ll read this if you don’t

Mind report card for Vincent a good good with sports though vence is a good boy but he could make do with a little more studying Sports is all right if you do well I set a lot of money in it good laugh you’re not good enough friends with some to enter his bedroom

Oh over here all right wa a minute what’s his bedroom that’s his wa a minute that’s Vincent right right right what about here I who you there’s Jordie or you aren’t exactly how I imagined but that’s okay I’m Jordy quite a little town so it’s very exciting when someone new move moves in

There one for the blooper wheel having a farmer around could really change things I’m a farmer hi there me if I just pop no fridge my farm right comeing up for night time it’s 6:50 p.m. that is bedtime let’s go this way I don’t want to be caught up energy

Below halfway I don’t want to get caught up um let’s pop into this it’s locked H something to hide something to hide H he’s lost already you can you can by all means tell yourself that I’m flapping and I’m floundering and I don’t know what I’m [ __ ] day and I’m like

Oh I’m lost if that excites you go for it it’s absolutely patently untrue whatever that means patently untrue this is very far very very far it it looks abandoned right well and you go I’m in the middle of [ __ ] newh here I’m in the further reaches of

Experience 8:50 p.m. it’s going to get dark Charming little game just getting to know the place taking my time no big rush living my life uh or what’s this this is probably all this is me at the kind of bottom [ __ ] [ __ ] end maybe I can maybe I can make my way

Through to go back to my H um what’s there what’s in the way up be go keep going like that that’s it keep your nice in your energy it’s got a kind of spectrum feel old kind of spectrum given somebody the the way it looks like colors are kind of

Overlapping or whatever it is um one whoops oh [ __ ] is that my H what is that whatever this once was it’s now in Ruins where the [ __ ] am I right I picked up the wood that I chopped in very clever very good just just move past It h can I go right there’s another way section right right right wait a minute I’m not meant to be this far up I’ve went too far I know what I’m doing it’s is half 11 pm be I didn’t mean to hit that with a pickaxe but there we

Go I should make a we torch but uh I know right so what’s that midnight and I’m I’m sleepy uh what is that there that and we go great start of the day no don’t don’t move the bed um oh oh right you walk in it Jo thanks the sub the subhuman frontier

Yes I don’t know if you’re talking about the same thing I’m talking about but I’m talking about a [ __ ] blog post I made in about 200 [ __ ] two or something press yes I will I would to say that sort of thing these days though co uh coffee chat thanks a sub

Thank you very much King and fizzy thinks sub thoughts on LS great place to go if you if You’ want to head to mport tr get the the merchant City sign something [ __ ] I just remember going up there going up the barers for stuff and just noticing when a Sunday hung a heading

That way and when I cross that something got further EAS that something [ __ ] changes I noticed something [ __ ] changes fizzy Shug Fu snuggler Chris me B thanks for subs thank you very much opheim Seena I’m no the nuk scene was nothing compared to your civilization SE stream I [ __ ] agree by the

Way render shw thanks to sub thanks again Jack thank you very much if you’re reading this then you are a bold something I kind of read that I kind of read it that means I’m not reading it you See Energy’s back at 6 in the morning up we get let’s get some serious planting done a minute is that is that part of our right I’ve got to cultivate and harvest what I’m going to do is I’m just going to clear the area like

So was I able to do that with that I was I could what was I hit that with that nothing right right good just going to clear the area did I get anything for the these we bushes no fiber right and I wouldn’t get up with a pickaxe I’m assuming use something

Right let’s get it all done hold on everybody got a thingy hello there just got back from a fishing trip you should come down to the beach sometime I’ve got something for you will hell little well well W won’t Go how’s everybody keep how wish should weekend good good good glad to hear it good for you uh what the [ __ ] is that right what’s going on here is it is it is it this that’s it there we go hey wait a minute my [ __ ]

Energy um I one two I one two one two you’re going to have to that’s all the way across and make it nice and even don’t get too caught up in all the even stuff remember your body isn’t even it’s already bit lopsided one way

You you you got a heart that’s not quite in the center everything’s [ __ ] so don’t stress out about these we things too much and then get a we B of water on that keep an eye on that energy is it going does it cost me energy to do

This hold on how much has that energy going down by itself I’m just looking down the bottom right nothing at all when I walk no much right I’m going to water this let’s see what happens yeah that took a we Pickel off I we pix off so watering runs down your energy

Everybody oh and have to water it every day so it’s not just there we are [ __ ] me I’m I’m I’m knackered and it’s only [ __ ] 20 past 10 right what what’s that down there mix seeds plant them seed what grows I [ __ ] will a [ __ ] well um but I’m going to plant them

A way bit further along just to make sure you know they’re different for the rest that’s that all right don’t go buy some seeds from the food the shop at shut tomorrow I’m going to learn all that main time but I’m ready for information from the chat I will

Ask until then I’m going to play it B you go things my way the brave Way St and Richie thanks the subs the brave way that’s your horse uh who’s this Haley oh you’re that new Farmer Boy aren’t you uh huh oh I’m Haley hm H if it weren’t for those

Horrendous clothes you might actually be cute that’s not nice that’s not nice at all okay I’m going to you’ve made a really bad first impression on me bye enjoy your lonely life without me is that LS look at that see I’m getting right into this [ __ ] game now I actually recognize characters

How was your first night in the old Cottage your grandpa used to complain I don’t want to keep closing this and [ __ ] can I go done they have to keep closing open and closing open closing open can I go down is I saying I but I did two different

Options um your grandpa used to complain about the riil bed but I think deep down he actually loved that house just love with right I S I just want just want to know that’s all uh what’s this right what are you Louis’s birthday and then Vincent’s birthday egg Festival

Haley’s birthday let me say something to use right now see for this egg Festival whatever the [ __ ] that is see you think I’m going to be stressing out I’ve got to get hands and I’ve got to do this thing because of you get there Festival you

Get this money I’m this I’m just I’m relaxing and things like that probably isn’t an egg Festival I mean I have to get eggs and all the all the rest of it oh see if you do this by Haley’s birthday it gives you points it gets you money playing it my way right

This got a name this whole uh this is hold on to the beach someone named Willie invited you to visit the beach south of town he says he has something to give you before 5:00 um maybe I’ll go maybe I won’t right that’ll be not there then let’s go

Then walk past everybody ignore everything don’t go into hussies oh it’s a graor our beloved MOA M Mo we called her it’s old and Faded at uh though no I I get it [ __ ] vandalized get a pickax to there’s a sewer there everybody careful with your energy that used up energy that was silly you could die out here here we go for there well AO there son heard there was a new coming in town

Good to find meet you ah I’m still trying to unwind from a months out in the salty Seas it was a big hole I sold a lot of good fish finally saved enough to buy me a new Rod is it m now here I want you to

Have my good good good it’s important to me that the art of fishing stays alive and hey maybe you’ll buy something from the shop once in a while is he going to go away and I’m going to say somebody oh I met Willie the fisherman and they say

Is this some kind of sick joke and I’ll say what you on about well he died one year ago today he [Applause] drowned you received a bamboo pull it is there’s good water here in the valley all kinds of fish oh yeah my Shop’s back open now so

Come byy if you need supplies I’ll also buy anything you catch if it smells it sells actually if it smells that’s a sign of the fish is uh no fresh that’s my old papy used to say anyway [Applause] right keep it nice and energy have a receip very good right let’s [Applause]

Go I was watching this program um I’m going to talk to this right so you’ve you you’ve given me that for [ __ ] all 5 need fishing supplies to come to the right place large fish tank 25 [ __ ] grand for a double bed right um blacksmith M’s Manor and what’s that up there

Mystery let’s go hold on give me that [ __ ] rope no that’s not how it works let’s go don’t speak to don’t hit anything [Applause] wait hm with 300 pieces of wood this could be fixed right that’s going to take a lot of energy though energy that I don’t have

Is it all um is it all shut off like Grand Theft Auto 3 who’s this prick wait a minute I know then yes right you can pick things up hold on Sam oh I’ve seen you what is it take it easy bastard missed that oh wait got

Something else to say no no try not to [ __ ] a mother one I could pick things up like oh who was that Elliot oh ah the you farmer and we’ve all been expecting and whose arrival has spot many a conversation I’m me I live in a little

Cabin by the beach it’s a pleasure to meet you [Applause] Ah oyster Plum Plum uh inventory full really wait a minute is this my inventory [Applause] H maybe later there’ll be a we storage thing press tab maybe don’t tell me don’t tell me well you know what I’m going to [ __ ] day I’m going to go down here

And see if he’s going to do what he says he’s going to do that is give me money right they’re no strictly fish but I’ve come to sell um I think have I uh oh right there we go that’s that sold oyster sold lovely oh look at that down the

Bottom that’s my [ __ ] that’s my shortcut keys I I just I’ve just utterly [ __ ] doxed myself it’s over completely over um I really don’t know where to go for here B been caught [ __ ] whing on the webcam that’s what that is it’s over what he [Applause]

Do what does a person do in this position [Applause] get oh I know is that I’m blowing energy what you okay we shout we need to talk ah no trauma dumping I just said talk that’s may maybe trauma dumping I don’t know I’m going to check I don’t

What’s this there’s a book Miss in here right who are you g hello there welcome to the stal valley archaeological office um this is embarrassing but the previous curator made off with the entire collection we don’t have any artifacts for display but I’m hoping to remedy that

Soon hey if you find any artifacts or minerals out there would you let me know I was going to say something it’s ragged but still cute well I’ll have that all right I will I better say some later some say oh he’s lost his Teddy anything I’d give unlimited I’d give 800 credits to anybody who found my child’s Teddy ah wait a minute wait a minute we secret

Bit no just Um close until summer what is time wise I think I’ve got bags here tell me this everybody in fact no no don’t tell me don’t tell me I was going to ask a question but um I’m going to find it all by myself oh there’s a there’s a shop

Everybody this is where our rage quit before streamer doxes himself you really should have clip stuff where I’ve completely and utterly dox myself like that K and the ghost zedex thank you very much more stuff thanks to Subs video because of your streams Lodge thank you very much Woods D alafon

Invader Ken CIO thanks for the subs I’m back on I’m back on Nostalgia still manag to be thank you very much thank you very much sh I was going to say something I can’t remember the [ __ ] it was um hold on so this is where I made an asset before

Remember remember I clicked on it because I I thought all right I’ll um put them in the basket I remember thinking this is this is where I [ __ ] quit the game before like two years ago I think I went all right so I add this to the

Basket click click click but no that was me actually buying them sale does that do anything individually sell pancakes bread I don’t that’s not how it works this is just this is just to meet people I don’t I don’t think I don’t think it actually um they anything here there s

No sugar coins I don’t know maybe later on there a we bit where I’ve actually got to go to a certain place and there a certain thing who’s this [ __ ] by the way does this count as meeting moris how you doing today very well thanks I don’t believe we’ve met

I’m Morris Georgia customer satisfaction representative when you decide you want to become a Georgia member I’ll be delighted to help make your transition a joyous experience have we actually would you say we’ve met no I don’t no I want to speak as a person no right where where do we set only nine

People that’s fine that’s all right it’s 9:00 everybody very very late here very late soorry Queen Kieran bloodshot thanks for Subs I [ __ ] love this game so much and I hope you love it too hundreds of hours of fun I’m enjoying it somehow M than before I’m just sort of relaxing in

It I’ve got mine that [ __ ] clock though half n right I know you want to see what the question mark thing is you might know even be able to get to yet just go just go up here and take a left if you can there it is just go

Here part is over what I was going to ask earlier which I sort of want to know but no really um is I’m assuming there’s some sort of way to get energy without going to sleep I take it as the cola food things like that yeah yeah yeah right very

Quiet you anything here get away with it smash some water in knock water everybody’s sleeping Pless pigs don’t have any meal we’re very popular right now I’ve only just moved in that’s fine that’s fine just got to go in my bed hi sleep for the night I’m playing that’s just like you know I’m playing this on um XBox game pass so see if I get right into this they [ __ ] got me by the short cies it’s going to have to be another whatever the [ __ ] it is 10 or 12 quids 8

Quids I don’t know eight not 8 quid 8 quid they’ve got me roped in instead of buying it and owning it Brown thanks for sub what’s the funnier way to die mid [ __ ] or mid wank funnier um I think mid shap would be funnier mid wank I think [ __ ] I’m just picturing cuz

You you fall off that’s see see if you have a die mid wank like imagine a heart attack you’d kind of look like how you look while you’re having a wank you know You’ be kind of straining or something maybe it maybe look like you you’ve uh came um but if you

Die mid shight you fall off the [ __ ] toilet you fall off clatter on the ground with [ __ ] hanging uh at your ass probably where you know your pants are in your ankles just a [ __ ] disaster that’s how I think disgraceful it’s raining out there everybody a new day yes and

Advertisement I keep finding cool stuff but my backpack is full does that sound like you well Pi’s got you covered stop by Pi’s General store today and check out our affordable size 24 backpack I like it I like it a lot no does this count as being wed let’s find it our PI

Saw yeah it’s always worth checking cuz you never know what’s that sap fiber oh right so eat sap no wait now somebody told me somebody somebody tweeted me saying something like them minut what’s that what is that uh saying something like remember that thing of Bob is the storage it’s actually something

Else like a bin it is that’s a bin that’s a bin is that right this is a bin no no what is it it’s for selling right if I put stuff that it sells that thing it’s as a shipping bin right Dan I take it I’m no really meant to know about that

Yet are there no really no it was the first thing you were told really was it oh that’s right right have I got a we storage thing though all right right let’s no [ __ ] about here um let’s do something a bit different let’s head north but I need to I need to

Put no You know what I’m going to do I was told about carrying stuff about I’m going to go straight there and spend my [ __ ] money Journal it’s just that meetting people that’s nothing I’m going to say I got you this will be a way to meet people hi there I got

Your ADV how are you just the way getting to know people new sign new thing yeah not interested oh does multiple things right want you could really go for a delicious potato I’d be so happy if someone delivered one to me says Jodie uh 240 G on delivery G or gold right a

Potato um right well I don’t have I don’t have that what’s this extra just just one toy just one potato except Quest you know what I did not accept a quest because I’m not in the mood for that Quest there you hosting Wednesdays okay okay hosting Wednesdays right and this

Is this is Wednesday right that’s a shame right let’s go we’re heading up to the Northeast because I want to see um what’s up at that thing of me Bob toy TTY Let’s Go Robin have you met everyone in town yet that sounds exhausting no

Um I don’t know if that was a bit passive aggressive it’s like she says you should meet everybody and then the next SE instead of going like that have you met everybody it’s as if she saying oh so so You’ met everybody oh you must be

Exhausted so that I then say uh well I hav I um I used to work with somebody 20 odd [ __ ] years ago who would sometimes ask me to do something um some sort of task or whatever I think I told you about this asked me to did some sort of

Task some sort of thing I had to do like imagine say phone Dell about something there was something else was like a a computer company or something like that let’s say it was the phone let’s say was the phone virgin about getting an internet connection thing or something like that

Right they would sort of know that I I had hate going on the [ __ ] phone they’d sort of know that I hadn’t got r in it in my opinion um I think they sort of knew that I hadn’t done it yet and instead or they got used to me no

Doing the things that I said I was going to do and instead of going like that uh have you found virgin yet they would say uh what did Virgin uh what did virgin say when you found them and I’d go oh i’ I have no found them yet and they go like this

Look oh all right um there’s something right is a you did you not have the time to like that and I can imagine I was a [ __ ] pain in the ass my my lack of responsibility and no do the things that everybody else was doing and I’m just

[ __ ] dodging my all that but um [ __ ] hated that it’s so [ __ ] patronizing so obvious I would rather if you uh did you do that have you done that yet no oh come on it’ll take two seconds just honestly get it done I’m doing this you do you know like

That I I even prefer oh for [ __ ] sake I’d even prefer that to what did they say when you uh when you find them you know like H I prefer a scalen Kiki metal brownie thanks for Subs trusty just got that stupid Prime trial this month on beos thank you very much I’m all right with the phone now I’m all right with I I used to really [ __ ] hate going in the phone no more right

Demetrius greetings I’m Demetrius local scientist and father thank you for introducing yourself we’re insulated from the rest of the world here in St Val maybe that’s a good thing but all right right right stereo microscope all right periodic table yeah I know I went to school did go to secondary school

Yes H you’re not actually good enough friends Rob am I know hey wait a minute can I knock the door and say hi Maru don’t think I’ve met a person let’s leave oh heard you oh oh oh you just moved in right cool of all the places you could live

You chose pelic Pelican Town Sebastian in the rain loves the rain bit of dilemma loves the rain CU he’s a goost and all that but it messes up the hir get an umbrella and umbrellas are by default black so that would um suit the whole look

Railroad I’m going to get to know this place very very well what’s this [ __ ] lus a stranger hello don’t mind me I just live out here alone well I do mind you I didn’t mind you because I’ve been hearing things I’ll be back who’s that is that coming for the

Game is that coming for the environment or that’s funny let’s go this way energy right up to the max just really getting to know this world everybody right and this will bring me down to my house if I take a right sorry just keep going on

Wa right uh one minute one minute there was remember there’s that thing I’m saying remember to use it hope you probably played this but there was a thing H what is it again it’s like crafting or something or um [ __ ] what was it again is SK I um skill social all right

Oh that’s if I want to get remember the birthday stuff and all that [ __ ] um what I do crafting right here we go now oh this is [ __ ] actually gate chest a place to store your items that’s what I want right in the meantime I that’s it that’s it

Let’s get it all [ __ ] chopped in chop Oden chop it all down getting to know you what your ax isn’t strong enough to break the this stump break this [ __ ] stump am I right does that get me fiber or or for got to use the the Side there we go right clear clear this [ __ ] place that no no that was the WR thing remember it’s nice to relax but it’s also nice to be a we bit focused and have a plan and also just no care right um have I got enough Woods nearly just chop

That that’s that Cho in a we stter tree I’m looking to buy a stter tree what it chop that chop that Chop Chop that why do I have a black screen says Cy C which is just nothing we can do there’s nothing we can do about that I’m afraid

Here we go um I’m ready to craft thank you um may as well make it in house and escape and crafting and chest 50 wood what do you mean oh that oh right right I see I get it right right right it was there right place this chest

Right at the [ __ ] door right there so I can come and get it just place it anywhere just place it there I place it place it right there you plant are annoying and a waste you can go there in fact you know what you go there oh [ __ ] um where’s the [ __ ]

Plant there it is you go there right uh wait wait a minute wait wait wait how did I pick the Baston thing up Um accent oh I see Minecraft style right uh right right plank it down right there all right right there that’s it put it outside that would be that’s for a better idea but I’ll put it I’ll keep it in here just now right what do I want to do uh fiber

What other things can I craft right now collections option nothing um the light thing wouldn’t [ __ ] stop give me one of the hold on hold on do another one two three that’s it right come out let’s get this place lit up like it’s a uh like no

D That’s set put one there put one there we’re going to light this up like it’s no the D um put one at the side as well so you can see it for Miles off why have you put why have you made these just let me do my work put one there

Uh and uh and stick one in the middle stick one at the door like that did you hear that everybody super fun te biscuit kin Zilla Rick re Susan susar say end thanks the subs cares thanks for Subs any thoughts on that person I don’t even want to [ __ ] say

The name in case it’s some dodg as [ __ ] um I I don’t know who it is sve thanks sub I don’t know who it is thank you very much thanks Bezos for stopping the ads first wedding anniversary come any gift ideas first wedding anniversary well I don’t know but you know what

Uh I don’t know who it’s for I WR you kind of go wrong way box of chocolates some flow perfume a lovely restaurant and we trip to the pictures to watch a very romantic film super fun one thanks the sub really have time to watch streams

Live noway so nor watch the vs I’m watching it 1.5 speed can you please speak it’s 50% speed so I can watch streams at two times speed right here thanks a sub um uh but you’re doing it to right that doesn’t how does it right me every time you hear that that

Means you’ve got to thingy okie dokie um uh wait a minute let me just check right uh Escape I bet crafting has got to be shortcut key there’ll be other things I’ll be able to make uh Torchy signs and all that [ __ ] don’t need that right no ignore ignore ignore ignore ignore

Ignore um I’m going to put in there the fiber just left click see what happens good and the stone and the up the woods everything everything wait a minute ah wait I get it right so that’s that will unlock what’s this toggle uh color pickle wait a minute what’s

That that’s the color of the chest I see add to existing Stacks um right so if I had like three wood there maybe 10 wood there and I clicked that that put three there there let’s say and if I clicked on 10 I put it next

It but if I maybe click on that no that’s not right that’s not right doesn’t matter doesn’t matter it’s fine it’s raining there’s the light you’re really getting to see the light now do you see the Light do you need a Shades do you need a shite you can always come my name I’ll be looking for it for it do you need a sh do you need a sh the know what is that the railroad right and that’s maybe our stop there no there’s D we file are

These H chests I can go right minute what else is about here be careful this guy’s bad news was that that oh not are you is that you what you [ __ ] doing in here me terizing terrorize yol’s neighborhood what’s this here it’s locked I’ll decide what’s [ __ ] locked and what is

It to terrorize y’s neighborhood I only realize that Vincent Price said that yeah years after I thought you saying I’m talking about Thriller I thought you saying to terrorize your your neighborhood or something by the lockpick wonderful light this needs to get really lit up though really lit up like a

Thing go to sleep for the night I I’m not interested I’m not interested in meeting anybody not interested that’ll come later I’m doing my own thing just now no I [ __ ] them all exactly any any you don’t have any me see [ __ ] them The Honeyman period is over NE cares about

Me you know what I don’t care about them wait a minute makes you efficient way of doing it that’s it appears so lovely little piece of music that is cozy oh uh fill up the water uh for where for here yes it did it worked everybody it

Worked see intuitive I’m picking up the game without even thinking about it let’s go to that stupid shop and buy that stupid thing and really [ __ ] stock up what for for the hell that’s what for L poly John Cole jamble right here thinks he Subs would it be too bored me to ask

Fre you okay I’m very okay and are you okay and are you okay you okay any get these [ __ ] butterflies assassinated me oh what’s this out of order it reminds me plenty of times in my my youth I’ve been told that I was out of order for some of the the edgy humor

That I used to have but that’s a different that’s a different uh a different me we’ve moved on now but some of the stories I could tell you especially some of the stuff I used to get up to in a Bea I used to uh used to be young

Us to do things and go places didn’t come out looking like this used to be young then always have gray hair then always have this hairline then always have this face ni today things go places meet people when young near wait a minute if I met you are you oh you’re Vincent [ __ ]

Off oh by myself where else did that person day who is who is that again have I met you penny I’ve I don’t know you hello I’m Penny right let’s say hello again was that there right when I was can you fix your earphone wire please oh [ __ ] apologize apologize

Tangle three it says by the way what is it even mean nobody knows who you going to complain it you bought it online hi I bought your Tango free earphones for 1.99 I’d like to speak to somebody hi there I bought your thing of my Bob thing my Bob

Professional uh in uh ear monitors uh Pro Edition for £2.99 um but it said the tangle I’m still doing this I’m I’m a [ __ ] piss here now you look here I bought your premium ear monitors for 79 and that’s un broken now after only three years

She got a 10e warranty I add on um wee bit extra to make sure they’re delivered properly and then a wee bit extra ra just for insurance just for peace of mind you can’t really put a price on that can you know if you piece of Mind

There would would you like to add of course yes keep adding costs to I maximum everything you’ve got add it all please Andrew wro MK thanks for Subs I hope after you’re done introducing everyone to everyone in St ju Val you’re going to introduce yourself to every single one of us in

Chat hello I’m liie you’ve been x with them headphones you been next hey up here that’s right up here you be next I’m Jamie Kennedy and you’re all on my new hidden camera show the Jamie Kennedy EX experiment which is on the WB the W [ __ ] B the w b what the [ __ ]

[ __ ] I believe the shop is there here wait a minute what is this archaeology office right uh let’s go in here let’s go in that’s this [ __ ] sh place that’s the [ __ ] Library looking place um where’s the um stop simply roll it tells you M’s Manor what’s up there shops up

There in the Square what did uh Dale say when you found them oh have no have no pH them uh yeah oh um right okay um let me pop in here it’s locked opens at midday right I’ll come pop half an hour yeah going to organize my clothes today

I’ll have to throw out all of last year’s styles to make room for the new ones listen the first time I met you you said I would be actually be cute if I changed my clothes I was hurt and ashamed and I hated you for the longest time but

Now I’m asking here could you help me I hated you for the longest time who’s that oh it’s aliot hello there right um have we met Caroline I don’t think so you must be limit the new Farm I’m Caroline my husband runs a general store here uh I I I don’t

Know have you met my daughter Abigail she’s the pale one with the purple hair I’m sorry did I come across I wasn’t I wasn’t trying to chat you up I was just saying hello no I’m just saying my husband runs a j all right I thought you then the right

Sorry I thought you going like that I have I have a husband you know I thought you I thought you saying I have a husband you know yes I run this place with my husband and I’m just no I just said my husband right sorry I’m sorry I’m really really sorry

Can we start again I’m afraid not this isn’t a game this is real life everything gets remembered ellot are you well you trying to make me ill are you all right I all right H mentally will I like this place Abigail oh that’s right I heard someone you was moving onto that Old

Farm it’s kind of a shame really I always enjoyed exploring those overgrown Fields by myself so [ __ ] sorry so sorry to all use for existing in a old potato seeds right actually maybe I wonder how long that task lasts for 6 days to mature that’s a [ __ ] eternity an

Eternity maybe that come that comes later comes later Kingdom and and Ash asteroid MC cheese Scott in the South thanks for Subs this is my favorite game time awesome you’re playing it I’m enjoying it thank you very much oh nice one here J would you rather have 100 I mean look

At this everybody this is why I’m just not interacting or well I suppose I’m interacting with this [ __ ] hair part but look this is this is why this is why I was look I can’t of be [ __ ] with this baly hairline part because look at this this is two

Sub messages in a row for two different people unrelated one is the copying the other anything like that I don’t think ashy says this is my favorite game of all time awesome that you’re playing it me also 12 months 12 hair follicles right and then Kingdom heartman says

Cheers for the banter and memes my man would you rather have 100 average viewers and a full head of hair or 10,000 and and none see read it and go asteroid look delighted at the response you’re on sub saying it I did worst um I’ve got a full heat of hair this is

A full head of hair right you see that you can sort of see through the scalp that’s the way I was in the second disc remember used to sort of spite my hair up and all that you see right through scalp this my hair’s always been like this see this

Sort of like you know the the hairlines went back a me bit this the full he of hair I’m going to be looking back at this he the hair in 10 years and going a [ __ ] I’m going to be sad DY for this back all right good [ __ ] uh he the

Hir I shaved my hair off because it was I was going to be a bit bald noticed me going to be a bit bald when I was h 29 shav the whole [ __ ] thing off second it’s time to get rid of it shaved it off I said this before shaved off do

You know how I looked I looked [ __ ] bald that’s how I looked I hate the shape my head like a bullet I looked [ __ ] bald I thought why the [ __ ] did I do that so gravy thanks a sub it’s very cozy yes so just right into it right that’s nice that’s nice thanks

To grow very good very good but I’m actually here for wait a minute was it not you that was selling it who’s selling the um is it the shop is it the is it the shop for sale wait wait wait wait that’s it how much two [ __ ] Grand what’s

That was a question marked in the what are you what are you there what is that what’s that everybody it’s a choice oh that’s fine right let’s [ __ ] get selling uh no no no you um wonder if that I wonder if that wonder if that person still I wonder if

That Toy Mission that potato mission is like constant oh no it’s not it’s it’s not L do you want anything for your birthday the salon can get pretty live L night sometimes we even put a coin in a juke box right catch up things right I’ll have a look

Um who you who you oh you you to walks in there [ __ ] she’s going to H I’m mon not [ __ ] weirdo oh dear Elliot right wait a minute what’s up here Anon um Bean starter oh wait plant these in the spring takes 10 days to mature but keeps

Producing after that grows on a trilus I don’t know what trus is probably like a pot of some kind right hold on Torch seeds bulbs kale seeds Jazz seeds what’s that right something else grass grass and then a recipe place this on your farm to start a new patch of gu um grass

Sugar well Apple sapling looks like that’s the biggie well I should really um how many it’s not just one is it buy the [ __ ] toys just there it start get toys just do it there yeah click on it click on it one [ __ ] seed absolute [ __ ] ripoff

Britain doesn’t matter uh I’m the new one that’s just moved in yeah look forward to meeting me hello there uh oh that says right let’s go home sweet home what’s that say bus stop Pelican Town yep yep y home sweet home oh look um that’s not grown yet now

Listen plant your [ __ ] stupid toy there and get a we water like so now you know what we’re going to do sell um oh I sell stuff via that one potato one potato’s fine that’s that’s ample I just Chuck it on that box and then [ __ ] will come and pick it up

At night get on the fishing that’s exactly what I’m doing got the fishing rod and my horn and everything with me little sticker black pool Rock for you Emily oh I can read it on your face you’re going to love it here in Pelican town if you’re ever looking for

Something to do in the evening stop by the saloon that’s where I walk they’re all [ __ ] hitting the bottle here and it’s like fand Islands they’re all bordered of [ __ ] skull they’re all Alys so you’re a farmer huh says Jodie interesting jod you wanted a potato didn’t you well I’m growing

One maybe someday you can teach me how to grow vegetables no because if I was to teach you how to grow them not to be on nestly here but if I was to teach you how to grow them you could grow them yourself and I then can they [ __ ] sell you one

So thank you what that compan to the own nesly making [ __ ] genetically engineering seeds that die after the first [ __ ] Harvest or something like that you got to keep buying them um anyway let’s go to the [ __ ] I I think I spoken to ever Alex I’m the new

Guy have you got a problem with that I’ll see around maybe maybe you will who are you Evelyn why hello and welcome to a little Community dear you can call me Granny if you like no cuz you’re not my you’re not my granny right that looks to be bit dodgy

But I’m just trying to get past the Hedge look is there someone there it was me sorry I was just trying to all right SP wa a minute what’s that almost like a we [ __ ] race track from from MCE let’s go let’s go into the boozel right let me say hello to you

Welcome to the star drop Salon what can I get you beer salad bread spaghetti Pizza hash browns recipe there you go extra energy extra Health Plus One of farming right that means we could be able do more stuff how much I wonder how much I can

Sell this um uh what’s it called pnps for I don’t want anything after of you yet no I don’t want to be in debt to you hi pal Hey kid name’s pal how’s it going pal fin a [ __ ] adult an adult in the room how are

You what’s up what’s your name p how’s it going you all right [ __ ] WS here is it I’ve been looking forward to this bage all of that’s a good thing about getting to this age pment have a we drink whenever you want NES do you know what I mean we’ve done our

Time I’ve been looking forward to this beverage old oh you’re saying the same thing right uh I spoken to you can I go back here I can but then I can I go there or I can empty steel no right and you who are you there’s an

Arade there right H Shane would do you want leave me Alone I like it joury of the predic right right right right oh it’s B it’s a Smash TV smash TV is that it it’s called well go what’s other one robot run right all right there’s a skull-shaped keyhole I’ll keep that in mind um no no I’m saving my money I don’t need

That time’s getting on you get my pill if you been in holiday or anywhere and there’s a pool table and and you go like that what are the actual official like UK rules for pool and you look them up this is what I did this is what I did

Couldn’t understand them I you put it behind the white line you got put it in kind of D thing um if there’s a f shot you get pick the white up and put it anywhere you know that kind of thing you know some you know like if you hit the WR B

Um normally what you do is the other person gets Two Shots no supposedly you can pick the [ __ ] way up and put it anywhere never never played that way anywhere I don’t even think that’s like oh it’s American pool oh [ __ ] what time is it right

8:00 here it’s getting on a bit I’m on near the k down here there’s a sewer it’s locked won’t be for long if I’ve got anything to do with it not is something to say about it I have not if anything to say about it I have am I right Brant

For around the survivors a perimeter [Applause] create hold on hold on click on it tap on it all right as D something right hold it done and but don’t let it go at the End [Applause] right right just wait just wait wait what’s that what was that how the [ __ ] you fish here they here that was in Max but it’s all right um too slow but I mean what’s this what’s this what’s this what’s this what’s this what’s happening collect to ra bar

What what what what what what what what what keep B behind fish oh oh right right I see I see right [ __ ] hell right I get it I get it sorry I see it on you go was that it oh [ __ ] I made 2 past [Applause]

11 so I’m waitting for that we sound them and we exclamation mark that is that straight [ __ ] me have they have they hold the button have to hold the button done to keep it behind the green thing behind the fish tap it right just go t t t tap tap

Tap tap tap tap tap tap tap tap tap tap like that right oh [ __ ] I didn’t mean that again 10 to 12 10 to midnight what’s up all right I’m just sleep right [ __ ] it I’m going to [Applause] go mess disasters shambles just shipwrecks and death and no not cozy not cozy at

All graveyard fall into a [ __ ] graveyard and not a CO game quite a dark game see H saltor there’s a character in it who says oh it’s quite dark or it’s already dark enough or something like that and maybe some people describe it as dark but you know what the funny thing

Is s of keep going B salt B just that other people talking about it so I’m talking about it it actually is dark but I mean actually dark I did brightness and the [ __ ] tail it up to the Max and there’s lots of dark bits dark dark I’m [ __ ] M was it it’s

Dark so imagine something’s meant to be in a bit a kind of dark room a room that’s dimly lit there’s normally some kind of light to make it like you know imagine like Moonlight you’d actually light the whole [ __ ] thing up but make it blue you [ __ ] get Up right right I then start the next day knard is that right I start the next day knard I got robbed I lost money that won’t let me tell you right now that will never happen again to me never happen again you’re lucky I found you last night you were

Unconscious and someone was searching your pockets I have no idea how much money they took they run away as soon as I approached but be more careful says lonus it was lonus who did it it was lonus who did it what’s this no no no no to Value GE J customers or team

Members have removed the landside caused by a drillin operation near the mountain lake I’d like to remind you that dra operation is entirely legal responsible Ste Ste ship of the local environment is our top priority we apologize for the inconvenience this accident we have caused right all right so what you saying what’s

Uh there or up there adventurers Guild between 2 and 10 I’ll get rent to that I’ll get R into that oh so this doesn’t need to be wild wait a minute are we ready I think we’re ready to pick these up that’s it John the updated right advancement wom getting started

Done reward 100 [ __ ] gold I will have that introductions I’ve met 21 out of [ __ ] 28 people I’m flying raising animals Robin the local Carpenter lives north of town in exchange for raw materials and money she’ll construct new buildings on your farm you’ll need her to build a coup or

Barn so that you can raise animals I’ll get R into that advancement as you gain experience you’ll discover new crafting recipes to increase profit and make life easier a scarecrow for example prevent crows from snacking on your precious crops reach farming level one and craft a scarecrow I [ __ ]

Will so first I’m going to do that and then go to uh skills so if I get Farming up to one I I can’t remember what it said there but craft it unlock that um I think so that is there a be XP meter every time I pick these up that’s how it

Works um are we XP met anyway um I’m going to keep the pass Snips on me and then at the end of the [ __ ] day I’m going to stick them in there and make some [ __ ] money if that’s how it works I need more seeds

Though I’m going to see how much money I get for that um actually one thing to do right now is [ __ ] eat go eat pass it I in fact don’t see if you can get by see if you can get by with it save it we speculate to

Accumulate tied up your farm one thing at a time wait uh I’m going to put in a one right right click for one and then I want to go all right put that in you can only get the lastic but no I want I want to commit to that I want to

Go yes okay that’s it yes that’s it put that in it’s in right right just Escape all right Escape or okay does it right I get it right and I’m going to keep that handy here’s what I’m going to [ __ ] do um I’m going to go down going to do a

Bit of fishing what’s what’s the quickest go do that way go go go south for here no go go past the square and I can’t do wait no no no you know what you do invest invest invest um I want to put a prank my dad I I’ll

Need cave carrot keep it a secret right in order to do this we’re going to need seeds seeds and Mer seeds for all sorts of things and we need to do in advance check the bins for stuff wait listen listen what was that what did that person want again what was

That don’t get caught cave carrot right that’s probably something got find in the [ __ ] cave um right check the ground for Stu and bins always worth a look right just sort of like on the grin uh give me this invest in this takes 10 days that’s fine um cauliflower tulips not

Toy you’ve got to reinvest you must spend the [ __ ] money maybe it’s May maybe maybe passing it would be kind of better short turn maybe go got invest smart gamer save um you know what stick everything into this quite simply stick every [ __ ] penny you’ve

Got into this no there will be a reason why that’s higher priced there’ll be a reason for it so you know what to do here’s what to do see if you get the expensive thing takes 12 days that sounds like it’ll take a minute you’re going to really

Reap the [ __ ] rewards takes ages costs me this seems like it’s big time but you’ve got to wait for it well just plant them and foret toys get a spuds gone a [ __ ] it you know what [ __ ] it a lot and um I and you know what give me another

One of the bean starters as well [ __ ] it no no no give me give me a caulif one invest invest in give me some more Pips a lot every [ __ ] penny reinvest inv in the business every [ __ ] penny reinvest and before you know what I’ll just go about my business just relaxing

Wondering talking to people and uh the money will just constantly [ __ ] flowing in constantly what it even doing anything how you getting on with your your your potatoes oh [ __ ] that’s right I’ll check tons of I’m going to Chuck them in the [ __ ] box it’s quite simple just see as

Numbers take the money you’ve got plant go about your your business yeah right weeds the weed spread just go about your [ __ ] business right so um right where’s where’s where’s the toys minut what’s that pass potato right see see these I want you I want two I can I just

Ho in I think I can just sort of hold in a you bastard got we Gap there that’s all right I’ll live with I think I’ll might be able to live with that mistake and what’s that there pnip seeds um stick them there and that’s it and it’s getting rained

On remember rotation just is fine don’t care about that um that’s it and then I simply go about my life and before you know I come back one day and that’s all grow I go oh that’s right and I go buy mer seeds and I go put them

On uh let’s plunk that one right in the corner let’s no let’s plug that one H right there at the edge go the bean thing I it right now I have got one [ __ ] gold nothing but I’ve got Investments wait what’s that oh a leak that’s mine though right listen

Before you go [ __ ] up your life go back can I just can I just [ __ ] PL that in there go no I don’t need to Lake wait wait wait wait wait wait wait uh can I plant that no that’s that’s sell it sell it and you know what and the fiber that as

Well all right let’s [ __ ] go let’s go fishing let’s get the fishing our right good [ __ ] shot medu thanks the sub happy New Year JT thanks for the bits do you have a favorite depression mode compilation best of album The the first kind of Big Lot that I PES mode stuff

That I heard was um on their whatever the greatest hits was that they had do in uh 1989 or 2000 it’s got kind of we LED uh did ever tell you we used to live in the city who just we there’s a lot more stuff going on but it’s also kind of

Noisy and hectic it’s hard to say which is B all right it was nice talking to you I’ll let you get back to it come in name it probably best off or something something like that for that and I heard songs I heard before and I was like oh I

Like that and that kind of got someday in work had it so I started listening I was like oh I didn’t know about that I had this before so tring and end pendum TS the subs and bits all I ever wanted was for you to get back into this you don’t know how

This makes me feel I’m very glad to hear it I’m enjoying it got laid off last week any chance you could give me a pep talk and your best business coach voice you get a lot of older relatives saying things like what’s for you won’t go by you but it’s true that wasn’t

Meant to happen something Good’s coming for you and you’ll not it’s good because it will feel good that wasn’t for you the goose Hogs sgb Ru new thanks subs and gift subs thank you very much the left back and DJ VN zombie funky gravy thanks for Subs Gil pants thanks for the

Sub and uh just as long as you remember to to remember me when I’m on my way down and you can give me advice and other people who need advice because there’s good things coming for you uh up end him there’s good things coming for you can I just say something you I

Probably inspired you but can I just say you actually inspired me yes yes I think you’re inspirational you know okay dck kid buy my things uh right buy this for 30 and buy that for that then the training rod with minute bamboo pole that’s that’s a good

One I got that I got that bamboo does this break I mean surely I’ve not got it forever large fish tank can be placed outside your inside your house to make fish what’s this oh buy it back is it right [ __ ] that right I’ll be back in a little second my

Friend right here we go P here we go you’ve inspired me to finally give up people GL to hear it he what what do you mean I didn’t get a [ __ ] chance to [ __ ] it up how did that [ __ ] up so quickly I didn’t mean to press the [ __ ] button

Now comeing to P my [ __ ] sh don’t tell me what I’m doing right and wrong I’m going right and wrong [ __ ] see that what’s for you want to go byy you busy talking and thinking I a greata again that seems all right Hey length 1 in that’s good whoops no I can do better than that I can do better than that I can do better than that oh [ __ ] off that’s even worse I’ll do one more oh [ __ ] look at my energy that’s right using energy let’s gool let’s do it seaweed good good I’m

Glad [ __ ] it eat uh plus 25 energy no that’s not much that’s not much at all how much energy is there right come on 300 50 not no in toal if we buy seawed oh yeah kind what was that up the top what was that what was that chest

What what would have happened if I how would I get how’ I get it t chest how to get it they put the thing they put the green thing out that [ __ ] it right one last one starts me run energy the dream’s over fishing’s quite hard I’m doing a tap thing but

Uh episy Toy lanquin we go I’m getting better Hal that’s that Hal has got to be get to [ __ ] that’s me I that’s me master there that’s it that’s it done there that’s it mastered now we can relax now probably better way to get up the road in in this direction

Maybe I probably know this is the probably the best way to get him is it shami Rebecca L Quinn thanks for Subs best Coy game for my favorite Coy streamer thank you very much crey dreamy surprise hand so CER Chino thanks for Subs half pass day life it’s a roller coaster just got

To ride it don’t [ __ ] say every time you sub you cun Precision Andrew thinks of Subs not trying to back seat but try get invest into some cows and chickens when you can their money Mak machines are [ __ ] well sender ashes than sub L job last we

Inspir by what you said glad to hear it you will rise from the Flames of thater so sender and Soro Blitz Gil pants thanks for the subs looking forward to any media coming out this year o um think so oh um by that do you mean does that include games media to consume

Um [ __ ] what you’re going to have to eat another oh come on yeah B get bugged y That’s it all right okay can I just yeah eat past it there we go got a tiny bit more energy they [ __ ] hack my way through this yes I know it’s getting late I’m

[ __ ] trying to move Thank you keep going keep going other way I’m trying to get him I’m just a guy trying to get [ __ ] him how up what I better not get robbed get me in my [ __ ] H in my [ __ ] bed we all right oh here we go right so I got 60 for that what’s

That two for some grass 132 good start now what happens what is that what happens if I click that I’m scared to [ __ ] click on itens if I click on the we+ sign click it details shows you individual right right D I see right and Okie do Okie do so

One uh and then what wait wait wait wait wait wait wait oh right right right one pnip which cost 20 got me 70 right what’s got the highest Roi let’s get the [ __ ] graphs out get the charts out get the graphs out what’s got the highest

Roi oh it’s two PPS or 20 goes to 35 right [ __ ] better than nothing the most expensive seeds would we say generally the most expensive seeds um I generally without having to get a [ __ ] chart out potatoes don’t let us run the game for you no you listen

Here I don’t plan in just sitting here and just sort of Meandering a bit I will do that for a bit but I want to see first of all this can get completed can’t it just to re Rec just to confirm that can this be done no 100% I don’t I

Can you can do something that’s sort of like ending it is it and about 5 years it does not end can you do something long [ __ ] game but you can pick a small thing can you can you do something um sort that is like there’s a goal you can

Achieve right there’s some kind of goal right there’s something there’s something it will the community center right something like that right Community Center like that right quite dog thinks are 3 quid my room of death in Minecraft are they still there they’re in the in the uh the

Can of be mini skyscraper they’re still there I’ve not touched it for a while though but they’re still there waiting genius unapplied thanks the sub a chy bald went to celebrate stop what did God do JN thanks for the bits no no no no

No I’m at I’m at my game shows a be bit more Jazz Joel Daft tsunami thanks the subs Rebecca thank you very much Lana thanks again little bit thanks for the sub thank you very much rag Granda Crumpet rout fifth octave Rachel little bit thanks the

Subs a f Monopoly I I’ve got a [ __ ] ey the whole place is getting covered in [ __ ] seeds two years of you making me feel like I’m the only girl in the world cheers big man says Grandpa Crumpet you’re welcome day five of spring could you be racing animals I’ll get rented out

Right let’s go a whole new day wait a minute I’m have to a [ __ ] bad start here can we used in cooking um oh wait wait wait wait wait Escape got anything no not yet I’ll maybe buy something just keep at it right we’re going to need a about

Uh whatam meall it oh wait I got got a pass up there oh wait they they’re already oh we are I’m [ __ ] telling you reinvest reinvest Reinvest I can do a nice Stone in the middle of a 3 by3 area and get all that done oh by the way so bar kogan uh and that salt bun gets his [ __ ] it that was a bit earlier I went like that oh there that [ __ ] there and then

There was a bit later full [ __ ] and I was thinking to Myself uh was a decent sized uh [ __ ] but I was thinking to myself I shouldn’t really compared myself because I’ve not got a four skin and so anybody we four skin has got a about extra size and length and also a definitely got a semi definitely he gave himself be shake before

It I’m no [ __ ] Daft right listen seeds seeds and M seeds reinvest reinvest reinvest reinvest reest reinvest reest all you know went like that a bit s of flap it a bit bounce it off his hips oh look wait a minute what’s this place oh hi there What an Isa have I seen this before this is p Community Center oh what’s left of it anyway have I ever stepped into this this area it used to be the pride and joy of the Town always busing my activity did I step into this area before or or

What I walk past it but never came I see now just look at it’s shameful so sad so sad I like the mustache do you look at yourself in the morning go yes my mustache is coming on well did some it go to your soup he looks like a Martin scari he looks like Martin scari you heard me scusi not scores scori that’s not how you say his name yes it is he said it himself I [ __ ] watched it here on the stream Martin scosi let’s keep the music on Martin scori name pronounce your last name for me scess

Sessi scess sorry scess pronounce your last name for me SC sessi Sassi and I said I wanted to make sure some [ __ ] eyebrows hello Vince hey it’s Marty scorsi scorsi hi Vince so no Zed sound at all scor sessi hey it’s Marty scor sessi Marty everybody Marty Marty so he prefers Marty SC sessi some [ __ ] eyebrows these days the young folk would rather sit in front of the TV than engage with the community mhm yeah it’s no changed oh it has changed change the phones now mobile Tellies Sh but listen to me I sound like an old fool Georgia Corporation has been hounding me to sell them the land so they can turn it into a warehouse Pelican town could use the money but there’s something stopping me from selling it I guess oldtimers like me get

Attached to relics of the past oh well if anyone else buys a Geo company membership I’m just going to go ahead and sell it you what I missed that if anybody buys a Georgia membership he going to go ahead and sell it I missed that I missed what that meant Georgia is the evil Corporation you can pick two Roots right right the good Community Center or the evil Georgia right do you know what see for this 2024 Coy year ahead I make I make for a change try good what’s this I guess Vincent and J must have be playing in

Here this place is evil to create jobs now Tories this place is even more dilapidated than I remember who the [ __ ] this what I didn’t see anything what’s the matter are you ill you look like you’ve seen a ghost take your kill thanks the sub thanks again

Bal you’re welcome Henry thanks for sub and your opinion which comedy TV show has the best writing and it has to be something other than L show L’s homemade show Quinn and gble thanks of Subs to’s Okie doie thank you very much the 13th right toties it

Is got you in mute while my work call looks like you’re having a good I’m having a good time gery Fox ragal thanks for the Subs rcg says can’t even post my own [ __ ] OT how what I forgot you um I’ve got you blocked or something or there they are I can see them the hype one oh I a [ __ ] [ __ ] sick I seeing the same [ __ ] thing what’s the matter are you

L everybody’s asking if I’m well and if I’m [ __ ] ill you saw something hm I wouldn’t be surprised if this place was full of rats this was no rat You’re worrying me liie I for I nearly forgot that I typed in my name I like how the [ __ ] does it know my name look I think I’m going to head home I need some lunch hey I’ll keep this place unlocked from that one maybe you can catch that r

If you have some extra time strange I’ll have to come back and explore this building further Street dance that’s right I was recreating it on my son’s Roland jdxi uh synth because Lynn challenged me to do and I think I did it all right Street Dance by what was that again Street Dance

By break machine I thought I could I can do it up in my MTH I did I did all the other stuff stuff hold on along with it um trying to get the cords for it I was trying to get the I was like it’s no

It’s not like an A Minor or C major so so it’s not just on the white keys it’s [ __ ] I’m like I know the cord see if it’s C major or a minor it can only really be six [ __ ] cords that I know

C D Minor E minor F major uh G major and uh a minor and that’s it that’s it other than maybe seven seventh uh cords or something but see that all the other [ __ ] scales I haven’t got a clue I don’t know what I don’t know what

[ __ ] F sh minor looks like and things like that so I was like how do I get the chords and I was listening to it and it’s was Going it was something like that I was like right du I hear a du I was like right it’ll be a three note like Triad that consists of that note somewhere in it and I was just trying to make major minor cords out of each of them

Um and I was actually I actually learned a bit about music when I was doing it because all major chords are the root not four semmit tones up and then three semitones up for that four and three for the root note four and then three and a

Minor cord is three and N four so I was just going like that right see that note that I can Hear so like so going and then going four down for that and three up for the major not three four not and then then it so that that’s that’s the root one or that’s the middle one or that’s the end one and if it sounded kind of similar to it but not

Quite I took off the top one put it to the bottom you know what you call it um what you call it TR um what you call it’s a subm of thing they called No transpose um uh it’s no variation what you call different different ways are they the same cord

In a verion I and I did it I did it bu it Cosmic hea the red dentist taking your kill than to subs and it did make me think is that why it’s called is that why it’s called a major cord than a minor cord I thought to

Myself because you start with a route start with whatever it is minor or maage you start with a ro not let’s say S C and C C major it’s four semmit tones up to to the middle one and then three up for that but if it’s a minor C say C and

B the D sharp it’s only three up and then four it’s a it’s almost like the they got a major like there’s M semmit tones with with the first step up for the minor I don’t know one B says music is maths what’s

The best of I to go L to you how how is it then You’ well it’s just you know it’s not numbers are you any good at music yourself I’ve watched I’ve watched I’ve watched videos music um I know I’ve about music theory music theory what instruments Star Play what instruments St no

Play tell tell you what [ __ ] instrument tell you what OD I [ __ ] love to play tell you what [ __ ] OD I love to get my fingers well speaking of which need WS on the fingers anymore remember I had WS there two WTS and I was scared to

Have a wank in case it it put WS on my [ __ ] they’re gone with the acid stuff I’ve been using but that one is still going strong that one it looks all white and rough because it’s got the acid on it so I am free to W and tier please my

Business staka Cosmic thanks for Subs thanks for the no tips and no quips oh no oh no CPS just tips right so that assid stuff worked that was it bazooka kind of jail stuff put it on and then just sort of cut away it and what but this is [ __ ]

Persistent this is like a big lump I’m going to get rid of it this year I get rid of that [ __ ] what right so this is the community center remember I said um is there a way to actually sort to complete the game in

A way a lot you are like that no no you don’t complete the game but there’ll be goals you can sort I saw that you can sort of set yourself so this community center I take it like d this up is one of them wait a minute was that what that say

There I saw something I did see that [Applause] thing very creaky what are you what you what you to be saing a minute what are you it’s a window you look out the Window I was listening to a song the radio today and I was like what the [ __ ] is that there was um is that certain no I’m going to go back in hold on I’m going to go back in there just to see if that thing happens [Applause] again um Ella

Henderson I mean I had it for years now since uh X Factor in this dance song and that dance song and this dance song what’s what’s the song that she does I don’t know if it’s a new one probably [ __ ] 10 years old some c one H that a

Few times Ella and the Henderson’s no ghost it’s it’s no no it’s something else uh it’s like one word the word isn’t Adept what is it it’s h h St St it’s one word One aable maybe react that’s it two syllables react what is it what’s it called like oh it’s the

One it’s a child B Rober miles like that it’s that style of singing I don’t think I don’t know if she always sang like this but it’s not um kind of squeezed The Voice you know like uh like a balloon if you go out with balloon it’s not like it’s not like the

Old stylist thing like uh 19 [ __ ] 30s me again it’s I’m not saying there’s only two styles of singing 19 [ __ ] 30s and Ella Henderson but there’s a kind of style the last 10 or so years that uh like that uh react I I I like this song I like

Children by Robert Miles and it’s not like I I hear this and go you [ __ ] D my children Rober miles it’s funny cuz a lot of everybody a lot of people sing in a way that they don’t they don’t speak like in fact here we go

I she was on [ __ ] X she must have been like 16 or 17 because I looked her up and uh the day and it said 27 I was like 27 she’s only 2 [ __ ] seven no I like she not been about for [ __ ] ages um

And I said I X Factor uh like 2012 I was like 201 [ __ ] 12 so wait a minute she [ __ ] 15 or 16 I don’t remember that I can’t remember what she was like did she get in the top the last three or something hold on

Interview in fact you know what go back to that one I just saw before there I want to hear what she sounds like kind of live you know I think when you are that age and everyone around you is like oh my God you’re a baby you’re so young

You don’t really see it but oh yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah I’m I was just I was just trying to hear if I could hear a singing voice in Her Voice cuz sometimes you can get people people yeah yeah they kind of speak like this or something they speak like this

And then when they go to sing and you can kind of hear but you can hear her speaking voice and the singing or the singer in his speaking voice just wanted to check wanted to check to see if they they they’re similar she’s from up north to Foria

ENT what and you’re Cory you’re not fonny [ __ ] H we got wiam call here everybody um need to be a bit higher up we got H phony was it what’s that again what’s his name what’s what’s his name called I got um C Holden coldfield c c Holden what’s the [ __ ]

Name Holden Cen Fen field Colden Cen Holden coldfield Ross voxy FR with Angel shaca Cosmic thanks for the subs um the character um it’s a guy the name of the guy that shot um John lenon right so hold onit a minute see you what if I was to just do that oh I

Just picked it up I the Patcher in the pie I’ll have that thanks a minute can I just uh can I just pick you up no right wait wait right right hold on right where am I what’s going on right I am Yeah shle wait a minute can I steal that stop doing that you’re losing energy who’s this [ __ ] George hm it’s irritating to have to meet all these new people huh name is George by the way now buzz off I’m nearly oh is this [ __ ] that head

Open the door Alex right I’ll look for you when I’m out and about nearly met everybody alter Eagle I [ __ ] guys’s barely [ __ ] cold these grave and you’re [ __ ] ripping them off man oh it’s it’s a w yeah uh we spoke we’ve spoken before we we’ve right here we go [Applause] Now the ring not oh uh prick features isn’t he here let’s get them robbed it’s locked anything up here leads up to like sleep sleeping cubby it’s off limits nothing’s off limits to [ __ ] me I go where I please I do what I want this isn’t the way we do things

Right well I’m here now it’s a tackle box it’s fulling lures bers hooks right manage of model of a frig a he’s [ __ ] he’s up he’s upstairs right now spending all [ __ ] day Fring himself I can hear [Applause] you basy boom and Ross Dingus thanks the

Subs is Elvis’s birthday today a do you have a favorite Elvis song No actually um Moody blue cuz it’s some [ __ ] 70s thing that doesn’t sound like him diet wisely cutting out pasta sugar Etc 100% still have the O bit h no I still eat pasta because apparently that’s no

High GI unless you overcook it so I still have pasta but no I don’t have any we right [ __ ] I’ll have a We There is the odd thing we maybe get a c and I’ll have like white rice or something but generally no bread no sugary things at all

Um that’s it and it’s been all right it’s been odd we Temptation well Christmas didn’t really count for me I just went [ __ ] it didn’t care I’m not a big fan of Twin Peaks not I watched I I’ve watched a few of the I never watched it at the time but I

Watched a few of the new ones and then some of the old ones and I quite like certain bits that that Bob [ __ ] things like that but um glad you like the AR shots I think it helps that I have to had to scale it up

For the SD kind of white screen wait a minute wait wait where are you are you just hold on Rak the bins is that [Applause] right medo I love that that Bob guy long hair I don’t quite know what he’s meant to signify if he’s a demon or some [ __ ]

Like that was just like the [ __ ] I don’t know the Sparky or whatever he’s just the kind of electrician guy on the on the um set and I don’t know what’s his name um what’s his name again David Lynch just saw a saw light guy just went oh wait a minute you look

Good sound guy cuz he was like crouched down behind something and or behind behind like a couch or something wait a minute I like the [ __ ] look of that and then just went just stuck him in it was it telling him no stuck him in it tell

Them hey where are we 8:00 [ __ ] me days are [ __ ] flying in I kind of keep up I get my seeds my seeds reinvest reinvest reinvest reinvest don’t let a day go by where the [ __ ] are you going the Town Square not that stupid we shop the Town Square Shops closed oh yeah

[ __ ] a minute oh have that that’s right pick things up remember check in that go oh that’s right check the bins just don’t get spotted that if um if anybody spots me and says something I’ll just have a go with them I’ll just say Oh no you’re speaking to

Me is this the only to get attention around here the thingy who is not embraced by The Village we’ll burn down that Village in order to feel it warmth something we called it a midu record back in my day got any [ __ ] seeds what a

Waste well I may as well use up some [ __ ] energy by uh you know get rid of some of this [ __ ] am all right everybody dump dump some of us in the uh so these are weeds and one of you said that they can spread fish the pond really hold on your ax isn’t strong enough to break all right I didn’t know it was I didn’t spot

It was a stump I completely forgot that was the stump thing okay right you made your point okay yeah oh yeah yeah oh right wait that’s that that’s that WR [ __ ] thing inventory F right I want you to pop in there see that fck see that

Seaweed see see that fish no see oh wait a minute pass Snips see the [ __ ] pass Snips get the lot in that’s it you see can I sell how would the fish um with uh does the fish sell well sell it all they they get less per

Here I know and don’t know right [ __ ] it get a lot in and the fiber and everything that can be sold will be sold get it in and while I’m at it uh that’s it that’s it [ __ ] make your time useful make your energy useful you’re doing great you’re doing great we’re very

Proud of you mix seeds mix [ __ ] seeds thank you get it wild I know you’re sleepy let’s go always morning you know what you know what it’s all right it’s all right see that [ __ ] fiber all right just leave it leave it leave it leave it leave it ignore move on move

On level one farming extra water can proficiency extra whole proficiency you crafting it scarecrow right you craft basic fertilizer okie dokie the money is flooding and No scale Crow will prevent The Crow from eating your crop says mortis really no but um I don’t know I don’t know if I’m just a joke um maybe I thought it’d be like EA the seeds or something y know Ian white elore denus thanks the subs thanks again

Thanks again I just want my joy SP baby remember that part Gavin SS the sub remember that right here we are to that’s it keep it [ __ ] coming in right get up get up out your [ __ ] bed got a stupid letter for some clown my sources tell me you’ve been

Poking around inside old Community Center why don’t you pay me a visit my Chambers are the west of the forest lake and the stone tower I may have information concerning your shall we say rat problem M rasmodius wizard I saw you I did see you in the m i saw the Wizards Tower

There but I’m actually if you don’t mind a wee bit busy I’ll visit you when I’m [ __ ] good and ready you going you going we we have got lots to get on with first let me give you we water and you lots to get on with everybody don’t care if it’s not that

Tidy we just get it done I can sort out or make everything all organized that comes later but for now we reinvest reinvest reinvest until there is just so much money we’re bored we don’t know what to do with it just get away do do you have any use for this this

Money hold on I just wanted to what’s this oh it’s Lou’s birthday what would you Like getting enough in me I don’t know I don’t know them well enough that again it’s locked open at 9:00 a.m. [ __ ] hurry up then let’s see let’s check the old bin shall we no no don’t don’t do that stop doing that now kill that but flight are they moving why You can I Rob not that’s at 9:00 right let’s go say see seeds and more seeds money money money money money money money money money do you know what sometimes wonder when I did money money money when when I hi hi there yeah the wheather’s interesting today yeah bye um where’s the [ __ ]

Thingy money money money by the pound I remember this song that’s in the cartoon sort of mixed cartoon liveaction film called Pizza dragon and you seen it for maybe the early 80s Pete Dragon there’s um who’s in it Mickey Rooney is like the sort of there a [ __ ] remake right no a

Remake um it was a we bit too sweet for my liking even when I was younger but to nice in certain ways almost Bary like if you seen barley um the bad in it is I think is it Jim Dale him the sort of the kind of younger

Sort of good-looking guy for the carry on Films when I say goodl looking he’s meant to be like the younger goodlooking guy he was he was like the body in it um and what I’m what was thinking was um how come you never see it on the

T remember thinking that a while back how come you never see it you know just they stuck on one [ __ ] um weekend on a [ __ ] Sunday at 1:00 and it makes me wonder is there something dodgy in it normally that’s why I film [ __ ] me the [ __ ] showed a

Water ship down on Christmas was either Christmas or like the day before or something a couple of years ago in [ __ ] BBC Water shut down you know the the that is there’s certain bits that are quite [ __ ] harrowing um but it’s it’s a different matter of there something dodgy and

What’s that minus and plus equals um so I like that is there something I was thinking back thinking back is there a in it is like [ __ ] racist or something like that or something some sort of sexist remark that has a [ __ ] aged well at

All you know the sort of thing that it’s a children’s film so you kind of just go well it’s kind of like off its time you know that’s what people said back then but you could you could sort of like put into context if if it’s a an adult

Film some wood or something getting taken out an adult film or something but children sort of thing if it’s something a bit dodged it’s the whole thing is [ __ ] it’s all [ __ ] so long legs thanks the sub no that’s not true it’s a long leg’s not

True so maybe I don’t know the Remake has better reviews than the original really say hold on know it’s just um P Dragon you know what 197 [ __ ] S I look at this this that look look at look at the cover look at the new modern cover Pet’s dragon

Right that’s the Remake I think I it is right look look at that there’s a cover that looks good didn’t it look all shaded and wait a minute that’s not how it looks is it is it is it [ __ ] is that it’s there’s no shading anyway here it is official

[ __ ] trailer yes pish and excitement there’ll be something dodgy in it you know like um you just know there he is there he is Jim deal it there’ll be something very [ __ ] dated like one of these old um 1950s Disney things this is 77 M there it is

Look does it quite look like they cover didn’t it know Ah that’s why they don’t show it Dragon alive they used to think this is acceptable just having the guy St in there like P his wire see that’s that’s the sort of [ __ ] I grew up with that was acceptable 1977 that was

[Laughter] three l l for I love you too that that’s what that’s that’s something really don’t like I love you too there ever I love you to and it’s that classic where will you know there um you know imagine there’s a we thing flying about like that imagine there’s a we

Thing I meant to be looking at look and talking To you know that type of thing it’s like oh yeah then it goes up hey where are you going this [ __ ] [ __ ] Scottish man and Ian S Clark B thanks for the subs [ __ ] PES 1977 is that the when um that’s when Star Wars came out that’s the same year the start the

Star Wars came out can you believe it where oh right so here’s a new thingy right uh no I’m I’m not interested in your [ __ ] bust need smallmouth bass is it bass for my latest project help you’re not getting anything everybody you’re not getting anything um I’m just sorting

Myself out getting on my feet all right let’s go in seeds seed seeds seeds seeds hold on a second there might be something new no right [ __ ] a million toties the lot everything everything everything everything everything everything what songs everybody oh [ __ ] I’ve done that I’ve doxed myself again underworld is that c

GH right how you I’m taking a break from house chores today so Perez don’t worry I’ve got a new enemy now it’s not you it’s him I’m not your enemy trust me you are and you’ll see it tomorrow good night I say he took the made me think

That right let’s put the work in uh well done that’s it that’s it there that’s it there get it all done wait a minute wait a minute wait minute that’s one block to side that’s that’s all it just let that do same thing right get us all [ __ ]

Planted get it all planted everywhere wherever it needs to go put it there hold that done and just start walking all right didn’t walk that’s it that’s how it’s done have I just [ __ ] it up I don’t know I don’t know don’t know if I may I cun to that

But I used to be right in a underworld s that kind of looked up to them and know idolized them like got their stuff and oh I wanted to see them everywhere but thought I so cool Carol Hayden don’t know I still like them and everything but no in the same sort of

Way it was a it was a I don’t know I don’t know I would I’ve mentioned it in the Stream before but I’d love to be into things the way I was when I was Um uh hold on Meet the wizard oh I enter the wiz’s tower um I’d love to be into things the way find something to be into the way that I was into things when I was in my 20s we had idolized things I wouldn’t in a [ __ ] naive way is what I

Mean near F still using your 20s I’m only really speaking about myself but stupid as [ __ ] you think you [ __ ] know at all you at that kind of adult hood version of childhood adult adult teenager sort of way you still got that teenage wey like naive clueless and all that but you’re

Into the adult [ __ ] version it you’ve got a bit in of I don’t know he where the [ __ ] are you going hold on what what map right you’re going to try and get to there um right see how the [ __ ] I can do that I don’t know maybe maybe speaking

For myself maybe I was about mature but um I don’t know I we not idealistic but just terms of Everything music I was into how I thought things W could be or [ __ ] knows what probably something to do with the fact drinking and taking stuff

And or just an AG thing don’t do that stop I don’t know B shout out to the 20 somethings well done what was your oyst still and all that I don’t know I don’t know I don’t know what went WR I don’t know what went wrong where the

[ __ ] are you going am all right where am I am I near there maybe there’s a we bit up there I can go keep your eye on your [ __ ] energy you not get any food by the way what times at 5:00 um I’ve Got a Feeling women let me see

I’m not seeing anything that says go back up go back up 32 and I feel like it’s over says terminology I really always sort of started for me no I’m talking [ __ ] tell stuff anyway was um don’t know 33 or whatever but no it’s never

Over I’m for I’m going to be 50 this year and I’m still thinking now wait a minute why does that look kind of flat there that looks a be bit different for other things hold On devs are [ __ ] raging at me right now how did he know let me wait for my turn the dawn of your third year oh all right see that’s what happens when you’ve been around for a we while you just notice we things why does that we bit of stone

That’s behind that tree look a we bit different for just spot we things it’s cuz you become a about me special as you’re older I shouldn’t have done that you bit more suspicious you’re looking at you don’t trust any [ __ ] what’s that why is he doing that

Why is he saying that oh shut up something be so negative no I’m just wondering why how come we say that when you were cuz you’re remembering all the times you fail for we tricks you been gullible or you missed out on something all that pain accumulates and helps you for the

Future and it all becomes easier because of that and in the same sort of way you’ll go up there you go wait a minute what’s that wait a minute what’s that life’s greater with age I hope all use get a chance if you’re younger to live to my age unfort

Statistically no o will reach my age and the world will be all the poer for for it P me Sebastian throw the grass Scottish man Ian thanks to Subs you’re my meat and potatoes oh wait have I planted the toys I did you’re my meat and potatoes are content consumption

Thanks for last you’re very welcome is that a threat it’s not a threat but don’t worry we’ll pour some um uh burning liquor out for you we’ll put we’ll pour We’ll pour one out for you I’m trying I’m try to appeal to an international audience but part of that is the

M wait a minute you’ve got energy the night is [ __ ] young get to work wait a minute wait a minute so I can wait I can fish in This you can have it All shoes broken glasses oh let’s get um sell everything everything that can be sold get it in they’re busted well you can take that mate you take that and um no that’s it that’s it that’s fine some honestly see see that I see all the grass get it flogged yes everything

Everything I’m serious get that tree chopped in get this place Co we right out oh yeah I said choper or reinvest reinvest reinvest they’ll ask me how I got her I’ll say this is this is for I put the mic out they asked me how I got a say I saved my money

Yay everybody that’s dign by uh Deacon blue go to sleep for the night yes [ __ ] level one foraging plus one ax proficiency trees sometimes drop seeds you craft recipe Wild seeds uh what and you crafting recipe Wild seeds I can craft seeds what am I God you crafting this field snack

H that’s all right that’s all right that’s something something’s better than nothing every [ __ ] penny counts look after the pennies and the pounds will look after themselves waste not want not look after the pennies pal me thanks the sub 23 is better than 22 is better than 21 is better than nothing

A oh lovely peaceful let’s go be sprinkle system okay way doing this wa can I hold it down out of water you’ll be [ __ ] Out of Water by the time I’m finished with you is that a threat it’s a promise I can just hold it in there’ll be something lovely Music 42 that’s all right it’s going to come rolling in for me soon um so let’s see if I can go and [ __ ] meet [ __ ] wiard I’m going [ __ ] run his back and call back back and call back and call come and visit me you [ __ ] visit

Me craft a scarecrow all right in maybe I [ __ ] will Escape crafting scarecrow wood Co coal okay oh basic fertilizer improve soil quality a little increasing your chance to grow quality crops mix into til soil um and and acorn M it well [ __ ] well then I well I [ __ ] will

Then can anybody think any reason for me not to do this right now on these things here is it like too late now not got seed too late tell the soil or so that is toiled then put the put the fertilizer in then put the seeds in right well I’ll keep that

There for um when I’m ready you can just go in there just s and you and you wait a minute what’s that this F sorry so you’re on the says Michael and then send them to you for 200 quid wait a minute what we got Here well you wait a minute [ __ ] don’t be dared it’s something to think about how many people have I met 22 got now seven people in Meet I’ve all I’ve obviously slowed down with the introductions and that’s shocking right let’s go a bit everybody let’s meet right here’s what I’m going to

Do there is something I’ve missed I don’t know what going to go up here going to go right I kind of go right where to go this way the devs will not be happy they think bastard D D D D D D D D stop what a got do

Is he still into that do you think that Baldwin who’s he what one’s he Steven Baldwin Michael baldman who who was the one that was in um us Usual Suspects that was him right [ __ ] hell man Liam M takes the sub [ __ ] hell is it is that is that what he does is he still doing it that’s so just went all in oh well don’t think I’ve no noticed that you’re [ __ ] the way this getting chopped bastard

Right thought maybe had something who are you have we met we had the pleasure oh pal hello met you um I’m no I’m no buying anything I’m not interested got to look a bit for we things we odds and ends stop what did you just say I’ll kill him what it got do

Um you didn’t really mention God In the Sweet scenario no I mean what what did God do created the no in relation to Jesus what did Guy Do um forun B thing at the end oh I took Jesus up before that um sorry what was your question again whenever I’m struggling with a technical problem I always take a walk may meet some in here uh who are you no we met have

We oh what can I do for you shop oh you can build stuff that’s right that’s right um shop I’m [ __ ] buying wood I’m not buying or this [ __ ] sad sad [ __ ] sad case pish I got myself a the fireplace and putting it there I’m 49 years of age I

Don’t have the time to [ __ ] change we cosmetics and some [ __ ] virtual pixel house I’m a grown man my father anybody upgrade house oh right incase the size your house I don’t need that no no no no no fun buildings oh house is full well [ __ ] well for

Grand and all that wood all that stone I can wait a minute what did I just see there what’s this move demolish I’m going to keep that in mind my grown man Scot kid and big you T of Subs back to work it’s good to get a better

Routine back ring in my office ready planning and week off same [ __ ] different year beat them at their in game say that sort of stuff but Mar and for longer say right into [ __ ] February since you’re not doing anything other than streaming it do still have an agent to reject things I

But I was toying with idea recently I thought I wonder if I should just say to my agent listen I’m not really going to be doing anything I’m pretty [ __ ] sure that I’m not going to be doing anything other than this and this is this is nothing to

Do agent me streaming nothing to do with that uh with them um it’s all like tell stuff the book stuff and the live stuff or whatever um but you know I still get like a we bit of money we bit money it comes through for the BBC for like any repeats or

Something [ __ ] all tiny bit of royalties for the books maybe but really next to nothing really um uh and you there’s no Prospect really me any new stuff got nothing coming up that I’m want um that they would get involved with so I was was talking with the idea

Said them listen is this worth you am I worth you the while I mean I don’t really get in touch with them they don’t really get in touch with me unless to say put this offer for this thing I take it’s a no no and all right okay no and

Again like that I mean they’re they’re a huge company that kind of got I don’t know bought a by some other one got bought a by some other ones so it’s like some huge International [ __ ] thing that was just this London one and then it get it’s I don’t know

It’s all connected or something um I was I was just I was thinking about it in my head I was thinking um I thinking the amount of time it takes in minutes even for them for uh one of them to send me like the invoice or something for them to deal with an

Email that I’m sure that doesn’t make up for the the money that they can get off of me with what I’m doing just just C the pennies up was just thinking was thinking look listen it’s no [ __ ] broke don’t don’t touch it you’re not losing anything I was thinking that’s 12 and a

Half% magent gets or something I know best so you’re about to take away maybe this we bit kind of service they can do for uh day for you day for for 12% 12% or [ __ ] off really you know just just don’t touch it don’t touch it just just leave

It uh because there might be something you know some something might come up like um thingy wants to uh there’s a series of sketches or short films getting made want know if they can turn that story that you’ve got into a uh 10minute video or something

And it’s going to be used on Netflix or something imagine something came up that I don’t really have to do any [ __ ] work for or something like that but I don’t know how to negotiate the the money you know I don’t I don’t want to be in that situation where somebody just

Goes like here’s how much money we want to give you and I’m like that um all is that is that normal should all be a bit higher and you find out every [ __ ] is getting paid the same and you sound like a [ __ ] Fanny but also you don’t want to go like

That I you’re right you find out if the [ __ ] getting M than you and you’re [ __ ] you know that’s you need an agent for they know about all that I didn’t have an agent for my first series a let show and I was just like reading the contract is that all standards just

Talking it’s just standard yet and apparently it wasn’t that good my my agent when I got agent for the second series they went back here the first contract and sort of adjusted it or something that’s a good thing about having somebody who B if it’s they get paid if you get paid then

It’s in their um interest to make sure you get more so that they get more adventurers Guild proven adventurers only right and I’m no so I’m not going to not going to um not so much oh look okie dokie I had to check it out I’ve checked it out what they be

Things I wanted to check it I checked it going to Cave cave please uh Cave wait a minute did that did that oh [ __ ] did I even I got mixed up new joural entry oh look Marlin H I was just peering down into this old M shaft it’s been abandoned for decades still there’s probably good or down there but a dark place understood for so long I’m afraid or isn’t the only thing you’ll find here take this this you might need it a [ __ ] sword get

In you received a rusty sword name’s Marin by the way I run the adventurers Guild right outside I’ll keep mind you prove yourself and I might think about making your member okay all the [ __ ] time 25 damage sorry that’s sorry what you what you all right do the work like that

Right right I thought so M shaft wait a minute I order go down there I’m just going to have a quick glance health no we’ve got health bar everybody leave me right and there some sort of doesn’t seem working right all right well what day is it is saved is

It that’s it it’s gone wait no no you got end to day it seems you go to bed oh for [ __ ] sake did I do much oh well did I do much oh well that’s all right it’s fine that’s all right my life isn’t in tattles we’re all right we’re all right

My fingers are [ __ ] freezing I was going to Li thanks the sub [ __ ] thank you very much Scott thanks the sub I was going to have to heat on uh switched off all the radi except that one but I remembered that made that kind of whining sound

Before well I enjoy that and I’m going to enjoy playing it tomorrow and the day after and the day after the day after um everybody thank you very much for the subs the reubs the bits and the tips mods thank you very much B everybody thanks for

Watching I’ll be back tomorrow we may the [ __ ] same and I will try really [ __ ] hard to not play that off stream like oh I’ll just kind of do about a farming or whatever you know just no just don’t touch it don’t touch it don’t touch it

Cuz I’ll just ruin like I ruin everything I ruin everything when I do that thank you very much for watching everybody I will see you tomorrow at 9:30 a.m. GMT UTC and I’ll send J to Dand right now and I’ll [ __ ] see you tomorrow thanks for watching bye for now

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00:00 Intro & chat
00:24:00 Stardew Valley


  1. I don’t see why he gives the chat so much attention if it’s bringing him down 😂 like move on and play your game. Chats all over the internet are full of arseholes

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