Solving the Mystery of Linus & M. Jasper (Stardew Valley)

Have you ever wondered why linus lives alone in his tent and is reluctant to tell you why have you ever wondered who m jasper is have you ever wondered who the mysterious mona from the graveyard is well if you’re an average sergey valley player then you’ve probably

Wondered at least one of these questions before i was once just like the average person who wondered about these things but never had the answer however after a lot of research and several epiphanies i came to realize that there is a lot more to m jasper and linus’s characters than

What is presented in the game so i thought i would shed some more light on these particular characters welcome to solving the mystery of linus and m jasper Now right before i can get into the meat of this video i have to first explain a few things otherwise this video will only half make sense one day i was just chilling and watching the updated stage valley iceberg video made by wollygog when suddenly wollygog mentions

Now in this video olego presents his favorite theory about m jasper but doesn’t really go into much detail into who they are so my initial reaction is kind of like oh well you finally found out who emjasper is good job and i went to message wally goggin discord about my

Favorite theory on m jasper because i first found out about m jasper sometime in april of this year when i was first researching for the dark side of sarji valley part 1 video so i tried to find the original theory that i liked but i couldn’t so i attempted to recite it

From memory and while doing so i realized that wally dog’s favorite theory actually linked into my favorite theory very very well and it kind of completed it in a way like all the weak links in my theory finally made sense because of wollygog’s theory and vice

Versa now this may be an abrupt ending but that’s all the context you need to know for now so let’s move on to who is m jasper If you’ve ever taken the time to actually read all the lost books you would realize that there is one some pretty interesting stuff contained in these library books and two a mysterious person called m jasper m jasper appears to be the author of three of these library books these three books being a

Study on diamond yields unsurprisingly a study on the rarity of diamonds mysteries of the dwarf a book that explains almost all you need to know about dwarfs and a book you will see reference a lot in the dark side of study valley part 2 whenever how i get

Around to finishing that and lastly a book called goblins a book about yes you guessed it goblins now remember these library books because imma come back to them later in the video anyway you’re probably currently thinking someone like yeah sure m jasper may be the author of some interesting books but who actually

Are they well in the game itself these three books are the only entries m jasper has in the game well besides secret note 24 which contains some basic information about the genomes that again i’ll come back to later in the video so this is where the two fan theories that

Actually make sense when presented with the facts in the game come into play according to wollygog’s theory for identity this refers to a very cool fan theory that i really like basically it entails that the wizard marilyn linus and m jasper were an adventuring group that would explore the mines fight

Monsters and find treasure they broke up and went their separate ways however when m jesper died in one of their adventures which would explain her being in the graveyard this would also explain linus and the wizard being friends now as willy goat said this could be the

Explanation for why linus and the wizard are friends and why there is a mysterious mona in the graveyard and something else i want to say about the graveyard is that out of the four tombstones in the graveyard three are technically readable and one of the graveyards that are technically readable

Just says it’s old and faded which leaves only two readable graveyards left with information on them one of these readable graveyards has a whole lost poem written into it which says stand in between the pillars three with a gift as fresh as the sky a rainbow forged from

Land not c then galaxies will heed your cry also by the way you can only properly read this after you’ve donated all four of the door scrolls to the museum and you can read dorvish as this is a dwarf’s headstock but basically what this poem is telling you to do is

To hold a prismatic shot above your head and stand in the middle of these three pillars in the desert once you have done all these actions you will receive a gift of sorts this gift being the galaxy sword which was once the best sword in the game now considering the fact that

Concerned ape has crammed such a hint into something as insignificant as a tombstone in a graveyard in a farming game i think it’s quite possible that this mona could be more than just a random name on a tombstone and someone who is much more involved in the stardew

Valley law than we realize like mona from the graveyard being the person that travelled around with the wizard and linus is just an educated guess with no real hard evidence to back it up however this is where my favorite theory about mona comes into play While researching and scripting for this video i somehow managed to find where my favorite theory had originated from i was kind of surprised i found this because this wasn’t even a random reddit post it was a random comment on a random reddit post or someone asking who i’m

Jasper was this theory goes as follows i have a head cat and that they’re the mysterious mona buried in the graveyard abigail may have looked up to them for their work in the mines and their adventurous spirit that’s why she visits them it can be inferred that jasper

Hasn’t written in quite a while since their books are lost when you find them so it isn’t a far reach to say that they may be deceased mona is a feminine name in english so abigail may have also had a strong female idol among the many

Books in the library or even have met mona at some point in her childhood there are no gender markings among the writings so there’s no way to be certain of their gender speculation here they could have died in the mines or on their travels and then entered in starju as a

Town legend that would be why their work is featured in the library their work on dwarfs minerals and goblins was printed for future generations to keep the adventuring spirit alive this theory does raise some excellent points however i want to deconstruct it and dive deeper into some of the points presented to

Show you how good this theory really is midway through the theory states it can be inferred that jasper hasn’t written in quite a while since their books are lost when you find them so isn’t a far-reach to say that they may be deceased now this is true but just think

About it for a second who was heavily involved with m jasper that’s right the wizard and linus now the wizard is a magical being that doesn’t age or at least doesn’t age visibly so that just leaves us with linus and if you look at linus what do you notice

That’s right gray hair and grey facial hair now i know you can go grey at a young age but for the majority of the population this is not the case to me linus looks somewhere around the 50 to 60 year old range although he could be younger shoulder and have stopped

Venturing due to mona’s death around the age of 20 to 30 this 20-30 year period where m jasper is dead would definitely be enough time for these books that mona once wrote to become lost but if you’ve watched this far into the video then you should know by now that i have more

Proof to back up my claims of linus being old by just his appearance because in his festival of ice dialogue he states igloo buildings and art i picked up from the tundra dwellers who lived beyond the frozen sea that was many years ago and igloo makes a nice home

But it’s easier just to stay in my tent all year round and if you’re 50 to 60 years old adventuring around the world when you were 20 to 30 years old would be something you did many years ago you heard it from the man himself something

Else that i would like to talk about in this theory is about abigail abigail may have looked up to them for their work in the minds in their adventurous spirit that’s why she visits them now i completely agree with this but how do we know that abigail draws inspiration from

Mona in some way shape or form well if you take a look at abigail’s schedule then you will notice that it is quite common to see abigail in the graveyard and when she is in the graveyard she is always at mona’s headstone in particular and out of all the town spoke abigail is

One of the few members in the community that seems interested in adventuring and going into the mines but the thing is abigail is a girl and in starjuvelli the gender stereotype around adventurers are strong men that are capable of mining large rocks and fighting off enemies scumbag pierre abigail’s father is known

To play into the stereotype as seen in abigail’s sixth heart cutscene that by the way happens in the graveyard while abigail was standing in front of mona’s headstone this is why i think it would make a lot of sense to conclude that if mona was female then she would have been

A strong female role model for abigail as she would probably need one to pursue interest in a hobby that contains mainly opposite gendered people especially when her own father is against her participating in these acts as he sees them as not something a woman should be doing not a good look pierre

Now you’re probably thinking something like yeah you’ve told me all about this m jasper person and you’ve solved most of the mystery surrounding their name however this isn’t a mystery of m jasper this video is called solving the mystery of linus and m jasper so what’s going on

With linus well linus is a similarly mysterious character in the game he always talks about living out in the open by choice but never wants to explain exactly why he chooses to live out there and because linus is heavily connected with m jasper i thought i would read all of linus dialogue again

To see if i could find any evidence or clues about who am jasper was and if you read linus’s dialogue with zero context then you don’t really find anything however once i read linus’s dialogue again but with the context of who m jasper was and linus’s past life

Everything started to make sense for example these two dialogues indicate that linus is always for some reason interested in you going into and exploring their minds we can also safely infer from these two dialogues that linus has gone into the mines before except we don’t even need to infer

Because he literally tells us here in this dialogue i’ve explored deep into the caves they hold some hidden secrets just be cautious if you go on there now why would linus love going into the caves well as we established before it would be because he loves adventuring

And it’s something he’s used to doing also another piece of dialogue that proves linus used to explore which you might remember from earlier in the video is his dialogue at the festival of ice you might remember this from earlier in the video igloo buildings an art i

Picked up from the tundra dwellers who lived beyond the frozen sea that was many years ago an igloo makes a nice home but it’s easier just to stay in my tent year round for those of you who don’t know the gemsy makes up the entire southern coast of pelican town for linus

To be in the frozen sea he would have had to have travelled far far away from stardew valley in his past life also because i’ve proved that linus used to travel around the world he fits into the traveling group theory that wally gogg stated at the start of the video even

More the next interesting piece of dialogue from linus states i also spend a lot of time reading one of the reasons i stopped in the valley was the great library and who is a person that loves writing books about his adventures he also happens to have books in the great

Library yup that’s right m jasper linus loves to read the books of his past friend now the two most commonly asked questions about linus are one who really is linus and two why does he live in a tent also a third less frequently asked question would be why is he so reluctant

To tell you why he chooses the life he does well just think about it for a second linus seems to want to live out in the open in nature and is used to traveling around exploring new lands so what would his ideal housing be that’s right a ten it’s portable and it poses

No risk to this nature that he seems to dearly love i’ve already answered who linus really is but i still haven’t explained question 3 why is linus so reluctant to tell you why he chooses the life he does well for one he doesn’t really trust strangers because most strangers in the

Town are hostile towards him because he is unknown but also because two his closest or second closest friend ever mona is dead and part of or the full reason why linus decided to settle down in starjew valley was because of mona’s death and if linus was to tell you why

He choose to live the life he does he would be forced to tell you a long story that involves the death of his possibly closest friend which would be unimaginably painful to do so it can also be very hard to open up to new people after the loss of a close one

Even after 30 odd years that’s why linus always says some things are best left unsaid something at the start of this video that i said i would explain which i haven’t explained yet is secret note 24 it reads it’s a page from m jasper’s book the creatures known by some as

Forest spirits or ginamos are said to appear in abandoned buildings after they’ve gone to seed as a general rule when humans leave and nature begins to reclaim her territory the genomes will undoubtably appear poke wisdom holds that the genomes display some kind of resonant affinity with gemstones that

Are placed inside their little hots as far as i know even the mere existence of these creatures has never been proven now basically what the secret note tells you is why the genomes appear in the community center and that if you put a gemstone in a junimo heart then all the

Genomes that belong to the heart will change to the colour of the gem now i’ve gotten the game tip out of the way let’s get into the lore of this particular secret note because think about it for a second the wizard seems to know about ginomos when you first arrive in pelican

Town however m jasper states in this book that the mere existence of these creatures has never been proven but m jasper used to hang around the wizard so he should know that the genome is a real right well no because as we already discussed it

Has been at least a long time since m jasper and the wizard had last spoken due to mona’s death and the wizard is always banging on about how he dedicates his life to studying the elementals and all that stuff so in the possible decades since mona’s death it looks like

The wizard has somehow proven the existence of the genomes linus’s close connection with the wizard is also probably the reason why he too is always banging on about how nature is so beautiful and if you listen closely it talks to you but the wizard doesn’t have all the answers at first because the

First time you meet the wizard after you’ve looked at the rapport in the community center he’s basically like yep the genomes they exist i already know that but then he looks all confused and like yeah i know they exist but why are they at the community center so he goes to

Take a look at their community center and after he has had a look at the community center he finally comes to an understanding of who the genomes are and gets you to drink his suspicious green liquid which means for the wizard you are the final piece of the puzzles of

The dunamos so what have we learned from this video well mona also known as m jasper once travelled around with the wizard and linus on adventures of sorts mona died probably in one of these adventures and was buried in the graveyard of pelican town for one reason

Or another linus and the wizard also settled down in the same town a few of m jasper’s books became lost over time and can be recovered and placed in the library m jasper is also an influential figure in the life of abigail one of these reasons could be because mona was

A female role model for abigail if mona was indeed female regardless she was still a role model for abigail linus also is deeply affected by the loss of potentially his closest friend mona this death is the reason why he is so reluctant to tell people like you about

Why he chooses to live out in the open even after you’ve gained 10 hearts with him people fearing him because of his uncanny choices in life doesn’t help this either one last thing i would like to put out there is that i find it kind of funny that the only two people in

Pelican town that are feared and both kind of blackboard from the town in our way are the wizard and lioness the two close friends of the once lived mona at the end of the day when it’s all said and done the two theories that were presented here in this video are still

Theories and not fact even though it seems very unlikely for all we know m jasper could be someone like marlon from the adventurous guild or m rasmodius aka the wizard however when you take an in-depth look at the facts that are presented in the game these two theories

Do start to make a lot of sense and they’re a lot more logical than some of the far-fetched starge valley theories that are out there also concerned ape if you’ve somehow found this video can you please tell me how right or wrong i am about everything from m jasper to linus

To mona in this video because i’d rather have my dream shattered by the truth than to live by a lie

Have you ever wondered why Linus lives alone in a tent, and is reluctant to tell you why? Have you ever wondered who M. Jasper is? Have you ever wondered who the mysterious “Mona” from the graveyard is? Well if you’re an average Stardew Valley player, then you have probably wondered at least one of these questions before. I was once just like the average person who wondered about these things, but never had the answer. However, after a lot of research and several epiphanies, I came to realise that there is a lot more to M. Jasper’s, and Linus’ characters then what is presented in the game. So, I thought I would shed some more light on these particular
characters. Welcome, to Solving the Mystery of Linus & M. Jasper.

I know the ending was kind of dramatic but hey, that’s what happens when you spend 2 weeks on a video while your channel is rapidly declining. Also I don’t know how but today I started editing this at 9 something AM and as i’m uploading this its 8:10PM. And at the start of the day this video was only half finished. Which means i managed to edit literally half the video in half a day, i have no clue how i did it. To be fair this was the easier half of the video to edit but still i manged to do that.

Thanks Waligug for making the updated Stardew Valley iceberg video because if you didn’t then i probably never would have discovered who M. Jasper was and the truth behind Linus’ Story

Waligug’s Updated Iceberg Video

Where my theory originated from (the comment on this post)

Who is M. Jasper? Is it possibly Marlon of the Adventure Guides?
byu/eSkorpion3 inStardewValley

Thanks to u/iddothat for drawing this accurate map of Stardew Valley and it’s neighboring countries (because for some reason the only other labeled map on the internet is incorrect)

Drew a map of the world of Stardew Valley
by inStardewValley

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Oh yeah i almost forgot that amazing Junimo Fan art i used briefly at 13:10 was made by it’s heckles 9855 on discord

Join the Empire for more updates on new videos
00:00 Intro
00:49 Part 1: Context
01:53 Part 2: Who is M. Jasper?
03:02 Part 3: M. Jasper’s Life Before Death
04:52 Part 4: Mona’s Impact After Death
08:48 Part 5: The Mystery of Linus Solved*
12:29 Part 6: Secret Note 24
14:42 Conclusion
15:48 Outro


  1. Unfortunately, the game itself leaves this theory in threads. The reach is real here, sometimes going directly around dialog events and other game-provided evidence.

  2. I always thought that M Jasper was Marlon, firstly from the tone of the books and then there's Journal Scrap #5 that not only makes a mention of the books by M Jasper by name but refers to them as a male, so I figured it was Marlon. If I had to guess, I'd say that Mona is more likely to be Marnie's sister, at the Flower Dance Marlon comments on how lovely Marnie looks so it's quite possible that he was in love Mona before she died and Marnie reminds him of her, hence the attraction. That's not to say that Mona wasn't a part of an adventuring group, who knows, nice theory you have there btw, very interesting.

  3. I really enjoyed the video, but there is a clue that M. Jasper does not go by she. In the journal scraps that you find on ginger island, the fifth note says "Could these be the fabled dwarf-men, mentioned by M. Jasper in his 'Famous Journeys'?"
    Idk, I really like this theory, but maybe the lost sailor didn't know that M. Jasper was actually Mona Japser, and just assumed it's a man, don't know…

  4. Perhaps glittering boulder is what squashed Mona and traumatized Linus out of living in enclosed cave like spaces making him claustrophobic.
    When I was a child I fell into very deep pipe filled with icy cold water and was slowly and very painfully dying for a few hours. When I knew that no one will help me I severely damaged my arms on the edges of the pipe dislocating them and thus was able to free myself out of the pipe. I am severely claustrophobic because of this experience and I am very afraid of pipes and drains. Perhaps Linus had similar experience and that's why prefers to live in tent on top of hill in open space.

  5. maybe M. Jasper is the grandfather who died at the beginning of the game and the author of those lost books. He might've befriended the junimos which is why your character can see them

  6. Another rare fact about the Wizard Rasmodius and Linus: on Spirit's Eve they stand together and watch the townsfolk but if you break the game and/or use mods you can go up to them and they have dialogue!
    Wizard: the affairs of mundane folk matter little to me, but the elementals like a chance to see you up close
    Linus: good show, old friend

  7. Do you think Mona was the previous owner of Elliott's cottage on the beach? One in the forest (wizard) one on the Ocean (Mona) and one in the Mountains (Linus) this making a three pillar "Triangle" on the map. And since she was an author. It would make since her being on the beach for alone time to collect her thoughts and be at peace with her research notes or even book writing. Though one thing that would be interesting is How Linus and the Wizard attend certain festivals on the beach. Maybe Linus researched Dwarves. Mona researched Merfolk while Wizard researched Junimos. And it term revealed things like the Shadow people Goblins. Fairies and Elves. This is all theory but who knows

  8. A Journal Scrap you found in Ginger Island refers to M. Jasper as "his"
    "Could these be the fabled dwarf-men, mentioned by M. Jasper in his 'Famous Journeys'?"
    So one of your theories about M. Jasper being female is debunked.

  9. It cant be a coincidence that the only 2 people aware of the juminos' existence are named M. Rasmodius and M. Jasper. It could be referring to Mona, but I feel like it's more of a title than anything

  10. On infering if linus has gone into the mines or not id like to point out that anyone who has passed out in the mines before has no reason to simply infer bc from my experience atleast its never marlon or joja who find you however deep you are……its always linus almost like hes following you and watching after you while your down there and yea waiting for you to drop so he can take a bit of your money for him self……but also to make sure your safe bc he could easily just take your stuff club you over the head and run off and noone would know

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