I Survived 100 Days as a WARDEN ANT in HARDCORE Minecraft

On day one I was bringing food back to my Queen wanting to prove myself as a worthy Warden ant look at what I did your highness foso no that food is from The Forbidden Forest which only means in a huge burst ginormous scary spiders burst through my colonies and Hill walls

Oh no defend the queen groups of stronger Warden ants ran in to defend wait h i can help stay back this is your fault and you’re the weakest ant in the colony anyways my Warden ant colony was doing everything they could but the spiders they were too big one by one

They would kill and eat my Colony us forbidden spiders have finally found you and will Feast upon your kind my once beautiful antill was now a battle battlefield but from all the destruction paved a tunnel Queen we have to escape come on this way on day two a

Small group of us were able to escape the anill tunnel only to reach a large river if one of us Falls we’re done for my queen and the group of other ants began to jump from lily pad to Lily Pad easily oh wait up I tried to jump after

Them but it was a lot more difficult for me we must keep going guys no wait for me I was in the middle of the river doing my best when out of nowhere I heard uh-oh I looked up and saw an owl flying overhead it was getting closer

And closer but thankfully I made it to the other side just in time that was close but my people they’re gone those spiders found our anthill because of me I have to make things right and find them ah wait fire ants hey have you guys seen any other Warden ants pass by here

Passing to you passing to me passing to you hello can anyone answer me H I followed the line until it brought me to a different looking tree and on a wooden Throne sitting in front of it was the fire ants King wait a warden ant in my Terrain

Leave at once no listen please my Colony most of them they’re gone just destroyed by these large deadly spiders The Forbidden spiders have gotten to you too this isn’t good follow me I followed the king ant until we reached a shrub blocking our way he said it a blaze

Revealing another pathway walking down it I saw nothing but dead looking trees and inside of the webs were some of the king’s past people The Forbidden spiders have taken control of this area ever since you Warden ants went into hiding on the day of the big battle the

Strength of those monsters is unmatched and their sole purpose is to kill eat and move on to the next place wait did you say we went into hiding after a big battle what big battle before the king could answer me though we both heard rumbling and destruction coming back

From the Empire oh no on day four the two of us arrived back only to see pure destruction and Chaos the fire ants were running around terrified as the Forbidden spiders entered in and destroyed everything my Colony I I have to help as I said this one of the

Spiders spotted me a rogue little at Wen has escaped no matter the spider lunged to try and eat me but I ran underneath him just in time he was chasing behind me but I noticed the tree I can get away there I began to escape of the fire

Ant’s large tree jumping from platform to platform come here it wasn’t long until I made it to the top where I saw a skull Apple I’m so tired I need energy I ran up and took a bite out of the apple and because of this I became a stronger

Warden ant I gained five more hearts and was now more powerful wo what did this apple just do there you are the spider launched towards me but out of fear I let out a new Sonic bite at him wo the spider was barely phased though and was slowly walking forward

About to eat me whole but because of all the fire the tree was weakening causing the entire trunk to shake this isn’t good the entire tree collapsed causing the spider to fall straight to its death oh I’m I’m okay that skull Apple it made me strong ER but why the lily

Pad I was on was flowing down the stream until I got washed up on a beach as I stepped on land my newly formed tendrils began to wiggle because of this I was able to spot patches of skull leading away from the beach wa I followed it and

Was able to find my queen and a group of my people guys there you are I found you I ran over to them in pure excit excitement but as soon as they noticed me they turned and blasted their Warden abilities my way ah ouch why are you

Guys doing this hold your attacks the queen walked forward away from the other ants queen IO all of this is your fault please I didn’t mean to expose The Colony I just silence you have done enough you are hereby banished from the colony because of you those Unstoppable

Spiders killed most of our people from there the queen walked away from me and inside the newly formed antill wait banished hey come back here look our Colony can’t just keep hiding from those spiders okay this Forest it’s all dying we have to take a stand what do you know

About taking a stand you weren’t there on the day of the big battle the day those spiders entered this Forest we tried to fight back against them but lost everything I lost everything and it won’t happen again so that’s why we went into hiding because we lost a fight well

I’m not going to just live in fear I’m going to stop those spiders and take back what’s all rightfully ours foso it’s a death wish I left the anthill with a newly found confidence and was able to find a nice place right on the edge of the beach time to make my own

Home if I got kicked out of my Colony then I will just make a new one inside of it I even made a room that held the skull Apple I found earlier I wonder what’s so special about this fruit my thought then got interrupted by a loud

Yell from outside what’s going on on day seven I went over to another spot of the beach where there was a tailess scorpion being surrounded by large large crab Bandits uh back off I’m warning you yeah what are you going to do sting us hey leave him alone I used my Warden

Bite to bite one of the crabs back a brave little L you’re going to regret that all of the crabs from there began to jump around and try to stomp over me I was doing my best to avoid them until we all got cut off by a much larger crab

Hey that’s my antill well look who built in the crab Bandits territory back off and leave us alone should it if you want your stupid home and belongings back then you’ll listen to us wait the skull apple is in there okay what do you want both of you guys

Must pay the taxes for being on our beaches and I I know just the way that you can pay them on day eight the Scorpion and I followed one of the crab Bandits to a tall hedge we walked through and inside of it only to reveal that the other side

Held a backyard wait a minute is this a pool party there were people all dancing and partying around and some even diving in the pool J party this is not a safe place for an ant I followed the crab alongside of the pool area avoiding being spotted until we saw

A grill on the opposite side those people make the best food in town you go and bring back a full burger from them then you can have your home back we have to go through all of this okay yeah no biggie the two of us left the Hedge and

Started to make our way through the backyard people were walking and dancing everywhere and some even almost stepped on us from the countless swimming we also had to do our best to avoid large water splashes and dropped belongings we were almost spotted but took cover right before the grilling station but my

Attention then got caught inside of the house where I saw another Burger sitting on a countertop wait is that made out of skull just like that Apple I need to get it instead of listening to the crabs orders I went straight for the burger inside what are you doing on days 9 to

10 I was inside of the kitchen and was able to climb up to the countertop aha there it is I went over and took a bite out of the burger and because of this something happened I once again grew stronger in size gained five more hearts

And could now let out my very own Warden boom oh yeah a I quickly picked up a piece of the burger but as I looked back I saw that the Scorpion was in the open before he could move a random pool lady spotted him scorpion everyone in the party began to

Panic and run around frantically Everybody Run well so much for not getting caught y don’t worry I’ll take care of it oh no I ran towards them the buff man was trying his best to hit at and step on the Scorpion but thankfully I was able

To run in and shoot my newly found ability right at him w a I barely know how to swim hey you we need to leave now on days 11 to 12 the Scorpion and I made it safely to the Hedge and hid inside of it that guy was lucky you stepped in he

Wouldn’t be getting out of that pool if good old PS the perilous got a pinch in yeah okay Pierce is it whatever you say but hey it looks like you found the Boom Burger wait you know what this is oh yeah man your Warden ants used to be

Crazy strong because of that stuff I heard there were different food items your people used to bring to their colony the skull Apple the Boom Burger the tendril cake the blinding pizza and the Deep dock sandwich maybe if I can find all of them I can bring them to my

Colony and show them that we can put up a fight come on let’s go wait man don’t we need to go back to get a burger for the crabs they’ll finish us yeah with this new Sonic Boom we’ll see about that we traveled back to the crab sand castle

Only to see a horrifying sight everything is in Ruins what happened here on days 13 to 14 as I headed inside the ruin sand castle I noticed that all of the Bandit crabs were gone gone except for their leader who is being overshadowed by the giant forbidden

Spider please I beg you Mercy fine your Feast will be a quick one in one attack the spider killed the crab instantly that’s alvo he killed my entire species hurry we got to hide we ducked behind some Rubble just in time we have expanded our caves for spare creatures

To be fed on in the winter the winter no I have another use for them spare creatures are some of my people still alive I have to find out Pierce you head back to my ant hill I’ll be back soon wait I uh I can help oh you know what yeah I’ll just

Stay away from the giant creepy spiders after following the spiders for a short amount of time we’ve reached a dark scary Forest this must be the Forbidden lands as they began to crawl down I heard my Queen’s words in the back of my head it’s a death wish I have to do this

For my people on days 15 to 16 the twisting tunnels of the cave led me down under the Earth as the echo of spiders crawled all around me stay calm Foo I slowly pushed further and further into the caves until this place is the worst as I looked towards where the spider was

Heading I saw a cavern and there were a ton standing all around and lots of spider eggs listen to me my family those ants we have taken alive will be dealt with shortly when my hatchlings rise they will eat them and grow our family will will be much much

Larger if they can get even more spiders running away won’t even be an option anymore with all of them paying attention to alvo I saw an opening to a side chamber filled with even more webbing I quickly ran inside to see some Warden ants caught up in the

Webs boo what are you doing here you’re going to get yourself killed don’t worry I’m getting you guys out of here on day 17 to 18 I blasted my people free and noticed just how weak they were just follow right behind me okay as I led them back towards the entrance of the

Tunnels we saw that more spiders were blocking our path oh great we’re trapped wait here I’m going to cause a distraction I crawled down a separate tunnel as fast as I could and at the end of it was a tall cave with sleeping spiders up and above perfect with a

Powerful sonic boom I sent out a large Echo throughout the tunnel shaking the walls and causing the roof to collapse I barely got out of the way as the sleeping spiders were crushed by the rubble what was that it’s coming from the sleeping quarters okay I didn’t really think this through the spiders

Ran in as I started to creep my way back down the tunnel when hey an escaped kill him uh-oh the spiders began to chase me down the tunnels and back up towards the exit I got to hurry they’re waiting for me were the other Warden ants

Almost there I spun around and used my Sonic Boom attack to break the roof and the entrance blocking the spiders in PH wao you actually did it but how I’ll explain later we shouldn’t stay here any longer on days 19 to 21 the warden ants

And I made it safely back to base you made it and with friends I told you I would now to really make this place a home for a colony I got to work building a desert styled room for Pierce in the antill you know no one’s ever been this

Kind to me uh thank you of course from there I made sure to dig out more of the base to make room for all of my fellow wenat what you did back there that was incredible Now where’s the queen before I could answer another Warden ant walked

Into my base wait I remember you you were with the queen right yes and I saw your entire argument and as crazy as it sounds I think you’re right I’m done running away hopefully more of my people can see that soon with that I went over

And placed the Boom Burger down in the base for everyone to see as I did this some of the ants came over and took a bite of the food themselves causing them to upgrade wo that’s one good burger M so if I can bring back the rest of the

Warden Foods The Colony will become stronger than ever before I wish we were in the Queen’s good graces still I bet she knows all about this kind of food but now she probably wouldn’t tell us anything about it well maybe she doesn’t have to on days 22 to 26 I traveled back

All the way to my people’s destroyed home there were webs everywhere but seemingly no one in sight okay if the queen had anything that would lead me to the next piece of warden food it would be in here as I walked closer to the queen’s throne something began to happen

As it sensed my presence wo a hidden passageway I walked inside and saw that I was in the Queen’s room while searching around I wasn’t finding any Clues but I did find a strange journal the memory of Warren the big battle and Warren who’s that I began to read as I

Saw that we had a king his name was Warren and he was the strongest Warden ant in the colony always standing up for his people and doing what was best for them but then the Forbidden spiders came to these lands and started to take over everything King Warren for once thought

It would be best to run and keep his Colony safe but the queen told him otherwise we are the warden ants if anyone can take them on it’s us we must fight for what’s ours okay my love I trust you he led the whole colony in a battle against the Forbidden spiders and

The big battle ended with his death the warden ants faced their first lost and from that moment we went into hiding poor Queen no wonder she doesn’t want to fight she blames herself for King Warren’s death as I said this I looked over to where I found the diary and

Sitting there was a hidden map UHA looks like the queen didn’t want anyone to find this could this lead to the next piece of warden food on days 27 to 29 following the map’s coordinates led me straight to a large building on on a hillside what could be in here I found a

Small crack in the wall to enter through and into the structure to see that the place was filled with old people I love this show what is this place some sort of retirement home all right Barbara your birthday tendril cake will be ready soon ah good cuz I’m not

Done watching my show yet yeah right tendril cake that’s got to be the next Warden food I need I followed the staff member as they left the room and headed straight for a dinner table there on it was the cake I needed bingo I crawled

Around the room until I made it onto the Raptor and above the cake how am I supposed to get down there okay maybe this wasn’t my best idea I looked around and was now on the tendril cake surrounded by burning candles ow well time to eat but just

Before I could take a bite the candles around me came to life what the stop right there you dirty pest this cake is under the protection of the CPU the CPU the candle protection unit wo whoo wao wait look I just need one slice to wax and Flame units move in

Eliminate this Pest squadrons of candle Warriors began to run in and attack candle Mages would try and burn me with their flames and the small candles would explode ah I began to run but the frosting was so thick no I’m stuck the candles all came rushing in and were

About to take me down when we all heard loud footsteps shaking the entire cake time to blow out the candles on my cake all units this is a code red code red get out of there all the candle Warriors started to run back as a powerful gust

Of wind blew over the area every single one of them were completely wiped out that was fun go bad I’m allergic on days 33 to 35 I was finally able to take a bite out of the tendril cake this caused me to upgrade again I was now a stronger

Warden ant gained five more hearts and had wings wo before I left I grabbed a slice of the cake and started to actually fly okay I think I’m getting the hang of it I was about to leave when I saw a little candle person hiding in the rafters

Above wao hey it’s okay are you all alone yeah I’ve always been the other candles weren’t very nice to me yeah I know the feeling well I got somewhere in mind where you don’t have to be alone then if you want to come with me I brought the little candle back to my

Colony’s home where I built him his very own candlelit room oh wow wee thanks those other candles would never do something like this for me and kicked me out because I didn’t agree with the way they did things you and I have a lot in common already little guy what’s your

Name they call me kid well kid you don’t have to worry about any any one kicking you out of here I promise with that I place the tendril cake slice down in the base and allow the other ants to eat it causing them to upgrade wow that’s some

Good food uh by the way foso I think your scorpion friend was looking for you said something about meeting him at a pond on days 36 to 39 while flying around the nearest Pond I smelled something what is that hey boo down here I flew down below and landed beside

Pierce is that smell coming from you what smell while you were out I think I found the Savory slice huh the what you know what just follow me he then led me over to a sewer entrance no wonder you smell so bad once we went inside the

Pipe opened up into a whole sewer town there was trash and sewers everywhere and rat roam the streets and their homes it’s like a whole civilization lives down here we made it across the town as Pierce brought me to the entrance of a pizzeria okay so listen up the next

Warden food piece the blinding pizza is in here for sure it is only thing is it’s locked and it’s owner is a real piece of work but I think you can open it great come on let’s go well I could pick the block if I had a tail as you

Can see I don’t but my new ant pal were to find me a new one you want me to get you a new tail yep it’s the only way to get that blinding pizza and I think I know just how you can find one on days

40 to 44 I arrived at the factory on the surface what kind of Scorpion tail would be here using my new wings I flew through a vent and into the building with loads of abandoned equipment and crates around it wasn’t long until I came across a broken down claw machine

Is his tail in there crawling inside of the machine I pushed Past toy after toy until finally seeing a toy scorpion tail huh didn’t know they made these but as I was about to grab the tail I was blown back by a small explosion ah I looked

Back and hopping towards me were a bunch of little toy creepers this machine is our prison and nobody will take any of our things away from us they all began to attack as they would leap up and explode you guys are crazy back off I

Flew up and tried to stay out of their reach but one jumped off of a tall tail hitting me head on hitting the ground hard made me accidentally let out a sonic boom breaking open the machine and exit freedom on days 45 to 47 all of the

Creepers jumped out of the machine as I peacefully went over to grab Pierce’s New Tail I then flew out of the factory heading back to the sewers when I was hit out of the air by webbing ah looking around I realized I had fallen into the heart of the Forbidden Forest here the

Spiders had built up a huge encampment with even more spider eggs all around did they spread above ground you are the one that destroyed my caves my home yeah now you know how it feels I used my Sonic bite to tear out of the webbing just as alvo launch towards me you are

Different I don’t smell the the fear coming from your bones like bled your Colony but that where sh more forbidden spiders then began to crawl out of the darkness and some of the eggs even hatched my family only grows Stronger by the day and they will

Feast they were all about to charge in at once but suddenly I felt the ground fall out below me I barely got my wings to catch my fall as I landed in a tunnel deep below the forest Foo no we thought you were the queen wait what are you the

Ants that stayed with her why isn’t she with you I don’t have time for this she was taken okay taken wait I followed them down the tunnels until we reached a small campsite with other Warden ants who was she taken by we don’t know we thought it was the spiders so that’s why

We were here we’ve been searching for days I then looked around and noticed that they all seemed so weak and hungry everyone go back to my colony and join us you all need the rest and together we’ll find the queen I promise we don’t really have any other choice fine we’ll

Meet you there we went our separate ways as I made it back to pierce in front of the pizzeria here you go one scorpion tail thank goodness with that pierce was able to attach the tail onto himself and then used it to pick the lock yes on

Days 53 to 56 we entered the pizzeria to see that the place was full of rat customers wo it’s actually a pretty busy spot for rats apparently there in the kitchen the the blinding pizzas got to be in there good eye Pierce I walked through the kitchen doors and started to

Look around but then appearing in the doorway was an intimidating rat Chef hey is that an ant in my kitchen no no no the rat rushed forward and started to swing his big chef’s knife at me knock it off I moved around the kitchen fighting him with my Sonic booms look

Please I just want to find the blinding Pizza the blinding a pizza I haven’t made that pie in almost 20 rat years a pal that dish went out of business no one wanted to eat it well now you have a customer who does or what can you not do

It why you I can make any pie we both went to the other side of his kitchen where his pizza oven was all right I need a three ingredients a blinding dough the ancient cheese and this skulky sauce they all should be somewhere in this town but I sure ain’t going to get

Them so you bring them to me and I’ll make you the best pizza you’ve ever had on days 57 to 59 I flew throughout the town looking for the ingredients thankfully I was able to buy the blinding dough off of an old rat at a convenience store uh thanks no scram out

Of here the ancient cheese I found in a dark alleyway but as I grabbed it something snapped at me seriously a mouse trap finally I went down into an abandoned basement full of old bottles and there across the room was a bottle with a skulky glow there you are in a

Hurry to collect my sauce I hit a shell causing some of the bottles to fall and shatter the liquids all mixed together caused a puddle to form and from it Rose a large sewage monster oh come on it began to launch waves of disgusting sewer water towards me and

Completely trenched me this smell is horrible I fought back with my Sonic Boom flying around the basement to dodge all of its attacks until I finally took it down I was able to now pick up the last ingredient I better get out of here before I make another mess on days 60 to

63 I returned turned to the chef rat’s Pizzeria to see him serving a group of young mutated Warrior Turtles yo best pizza in the whole sewer man radical they ran off leaving me with the chef you got some weird customers do you have the ingredients or not I quickly tossed

Them over everything I had collected and watched as he scurried into his kitchen only to hear music coming from inside what’s going oh I make the door spread the sauce sprinkle the cheese and voila your pizza is served wo as I took a bite of the pizza I felt

Myself grow in strength and size I gained five more hearts and a new found ability to dash forward perfect of of course it is now leave and never break into my restaurant again on days 64 to 68 I made it safely back to my antill with the new and improved

Pierce but before we could go any further he pulled me aside hey Foo I uh really appreciate this new tale I’ve always been more of a big talk no walk kind of guy just been so tired of feeling useless but now finally feel whole again I’ll never forget what

You’ve done for me of course I’m just happy that I could help you out I made my way over to the food room and placed the blinding slice with the others my fellow Warden ants then quickly took their bites causing them to upgrade but just then I noticed that the group of

Weak-looking ants were huddled in the corner go on guys eat the food you’ll feel better we can’t the warden Queen would be furious she told us never to touch those the queen I almost forgot she was taken we need to find her one of the weaker ants came forward dropping

Down her crown this is all we have left of her but I don’t know how it could help thank you now while I’m away eat that food I promise you need it on days 69 to 73 I flew out of Base as fast as I could with the Queen’s Crown what am I

Supposed to do with this huh instinctively I placed it on my head and was suddenly sucked into a vision it looked to be a battlefield littered with destruction is she here in a Flash I returned to my body well now I know where to look after searching for a

While I found myself at the edge of the same desolate Wasteland this is where it happened isn’t it the big battle I looked around and noticed the mountain towering above the area I’ll be able to see everything from there it was a struggle but as I finally reached the

Mountain’s Peak there looking down at everything was the queen there you are wait you weren’t kidnapped what Foo no I left to be alone why are you here I’ve been searching everywhere for you you have to come back to our Colony now I I’m not fit to lead anymore I’ve always

Tried my best to protect all of us the colony from what happened here all those years ago but it’s never been enough my people are growing weaker by the day fight don’t fight either way we all end up dead I know what happened to your husband to the king and I’m so sorry

That you lost him you shouldn’t live the rest of your life blaming yourself you did all you could then but you can do more now if we don’t take a stand against those spiders then the rest of the colony is going to be killed off same as the king just then a giant

Spider ambushed us without hesitation it charged forward towards the queen no I quickly flew in between them blasting it away leave her alone the spider angrily hissed and began attacking me instead it was still larger than I was but I wasn’t about to give up I kept unleashing a

Bunch of attacks and the spider kept countering ing no is this going to be it just then the spider was knocked back by the Queen stay away from my people together we blasted the spider again and again until finally it was defeated you you helped me you were right foso the

King would want us to free the colony from the spider threat not wallow in fear and sorrow thank you for not giving up on me of course happy to have you back your highness and I believe this belongs to you thank you I can tell you’ve already collected most of the

Warden Foods if you retrieve the last one we may finally stand a chance the queen led me through the forest until we reached the entrance of a Strang looking dump wait is that skull yes and within this place lies the deep dark sandwich really then that’s where I’m going next

The rest of our Colony awaits her arrival at our new anthill they need you then I shall return to them good luck Foo now time to get myself a sandwich on days 78 to 80 I headed inside of the deep dark dump hello is there a deep dark sandwich anywhere around here I

Then heard fast movement coming from behind me hello who’s there out of nowhere a group of dumpster raccoons ran in and were circling me I tried to fly but was quickly SW squatted back down so a new bed is roed Into The Dump huh he

May be from the office you know from the office no look I just want to get the deep dark sandwich okay I don’t want to hurt anyone oh man come on ah so you want something very similar to what us dumpster raccoons want the large dump

Raccoon then brought me over to where I could see a corner office raised over the dump in that amazing cold air conditioned office is a fridge one that holds loads of food but it is locked well I could probably find a way to unlock it if you manage to let us in

Then I will let you take that deep dark sandwich you’re looking for but be careful for a scary ignorant Beast resides there on days 81 to 85 as I flew up to the office I noticed that the keyhole was just big enough for me to

Fly into I flew right in and looked at my new surroundings there were a few desks and the fridge I better get this door open I saw a key sitting on one of the desks but as I flew close to it a massive claw swung over my head oh no the

Beast but I looked up and saw that it was a giant office cat nice k Kitty the cat wasted no time swiping at me again and chasing me around the office I don’t stand a chance against this thing where’s that key finally I flew fast enough to get enough space to grab it

And was able to unlock the door change all the raccoons flooded in overpowering the cat look who’s in the air conditioning now what you want to be in here all I’ve ever wanted is to be outside but they always lock the door well boss man here said that you were a Monster who

Ow sorry about that Ma’am why don’t we put our differences aside and work together from now on truce truce with that the raccoons opened the fridge for me and there was the deep dark sandwich yes I took a bite causing me to upgrade into my final Warden ant form I gained

10 more hearts and felt like the strongest ant ever thank you everyone now I got some scores to settle on days 86 to 90 I left the deep dark dump but was met back to the site of my home the forest throughout the entire terrain everything looked like it was consumed

By death and destruction spiders were roaming around taking down any creature they could and webbing up the land to claim the territory as theirs yes my family spread Fe no the spider’s numbers it’s too high we have to try and stop this before it’s

Too late on days 91 to 94 I arrived back to my antill I looked around my queen was sitting up above the rest of the warden ants thank goodness goodness you’re here safely from there I went to work and built up my queen her very own

Throne in the center of the antill we couldn’t fight as a colony without her Direction I then went over and placed the final Warden food inside of our room allowing the ants to eat it and gain its power I looked up and our ants all looked so much stronger yes they do now

Step forward over here okay I’m I did as she said and looked out to see all of the warden people and even Pierce everyone take a look this is an example of how each and every one of us should act selfless Brave and most importantly caring this ants you are looking at even

Though rejected and blamed for his previous actions took a stand and fought for this Colony no matter what so I think it’s only suiting that he is the one that will lead us into the fight of Our Lives the queen stood back and I never felt so honored thank you everyone

The spiders they are out of control if we don’t do something about it now we will never have a home again no more running it’s time that we take the fight to them on days 95 to 99 I led my Warden Aunt colony to face the Forgotten

Spiders there at the edge of the Forgotten forest was alvo and his people you know the last time the ants tried to fight they regreted it you said it yourself I’m different and no matter what you do we will fight together then you will die together my family devour

Them all the spiders began to charge across the forest as I rallied my Ants this is it for our Colony we all charged in and clashed with the SPID spiders as the second big battle of Our Kind began ants and spiders were doing everything they could to swing into battle as both

Sides wanted to prove their strength take this with the powerful sonic boom I knocked back a horde of spiders leaving an opening where I saw alvo disappear into the darkness is he trying to escape I have to get him go we can handle these eight-legged freaks we will be right

Behind you foso the colony is with you on day 100 I chased after alvo but lost sight of him where did he go the trees rustled to the left and right of me oh no did I just fall into his trap suddenly yes you have I felt his webs

Wrap around me as he pounced directly on top of me you are nothing but food but the tool for my people’s r I used my Sonic bite to cut out of the webbing and quickly flew up but albow hit me back down oh he’s too strong yes

That is the fear that I sent on every creature now you are just like them before he attacked again I looked over to the giant tree overlooking the forest there I flew as fast as I could straight up the branches of the tree where are you going within an instant alvo was in

Front of me in the tree’s branches oh no this is it we continued to fight as we circled around the branches I tried my best to dodge his every attack and just kept trying to tire him out stop running wrong again alvo I’m not running never

With a final sonic boom I launched alvo off of the top of the tree as he plummeted far below no alvo and his family were defeated and this Forest can finally be free again

Today I had to survive 100 days in Minecraft as a Warden Ant! I had to save my colony from the evil forbidden spiders! Will I be strong enough to defeat him? Make sure you watch until the end to see what happens!


  1. 😅 many kinds of spiders just go inside humans mouth😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂

  2. Bye bye bye bye bye bye bye bye bye bye bye bye bye bye bye bye bye bye 😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢2023 hi 2024😅😅

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