【Stardew Valley EXPANDED】cozy modded stardew livestream ♡

Hello oops hi hi hello and welcome Booo I was only 7 minutes late in your mind it was only 7 minutes late in your mind why is my alert box working though is it just being really slow hello Well I guess streamlet said no thank you to your member uh whatever thank you though Weeb according to the YouTube notification you were 7 minutes late no that’s in your mind that’s in your mind Sofa of these Nut oh my God okay hi everyone okay hello hello and welcome uh what okay hold on oh my God I don’t know why you had to come out here hello what the hell does that mean hello everyone guess what we’re playing more stardew guess what could have never guessed probably that we’re

Playing more stardew today um I got some new mods I’m excited to show you actually kind of want to know what you guys think of them but hello nylon hello snugs uh hello Randy hello egas hello Jerry um hello Bryant hello Zeno Kai drive safe

Hello hi guys hello let Loi cook no will not be cooking yeah he just asked who’s nylon you still want him to cook damn guess my schizophrenia is acting up again it yeah it is definitely uh next week will be your one year really Jerry are you excited for

Your one year badge thank you Jerry for being a member for one year in a week thank you guys and hello um yes it’s wee who else would it be my god um yeah so like I got some new mods today I don’t know how I feel about them God

Why is it the bird noise so loud always I don’t know how I feel about them but where you guys can tell me so I got a foliage mod that changes like the trees I don’t know if I like them I don’t if I like them in the weeds what do you guys

Think you guys well if you even remember what they looked like before I know some of you aren’t very astute with PE in love of course Um yeah so I wanted to show you guys look I have an alternative texture for my Stepping Stones isn’t that cute isn’t that precious I like I like it a lot actually I was like whoa that’s really pretty I like that a lot I was like whoa um actually that’s

Really pretty and I like that a Lot what do you guys think I like them oh this moded Minecraft is weird well that might be because it’s not Minecraft Z wait one year yay wait one year thank you for your sua let’s celebrate their first Super on the live stream thank you Zeno

Kai why is the fly noise so annoying in Minecraft in m craft look what you did to me Jerry okay hold on I I have to turn down I got to turn that down right now it’s too much the sound of the Flies oh he he give me Sashimi s sorry SAR come

Here I I do apologize for all of this background noise by the way oh okay also I did play offline I played offline with you guys without you guys I mean a lot of things happened actually like so many things happened while I was playing offline I was like literally why

I was like literally why okay so I had a cut scene with Sophia you guys remember Sophia I literally had a cut scene with Sophia and I met her like best friend her best friend and it was it was like a really cute cut scene it was really intense like I

Really wanted to restart my day so that I could do the cut scene on you guys oh my god with you guys yes you oh my God my brother is being ridiculous right now be honest with me Barry is m is Minecraft slip up Barry model cheerleading midair split or

Fly me to the wait wait wait wait what are you asking me Jerry hold on be honest with me Barry is Minecraft slip up Barry model cheerleading midair split or fly me to the the best worse moment I mean I remember both of those moments I I would say fly me to the

Is is one of the best one of the best moments that we’ve had like on stream ever oh to answer your question though snugs how is my cat she’s okay by the way yes I had to take my cat to the vet yesterday it was like really

Stressful and she’s like really old so you know I always get like worried anytime like anything’s wrong with her even like slightly but yeah she’s she is okay let me just preface by saying she is okay but yeah I she’s like having issues you know going to the potty

And uh yeah so I took her the bed and they were like yeah she’s got like you know urinary tract infection which I don’t even know how that happens how does that even happen to a cat how does a cat even get a urinary tract infection like what has that even

Happened so I don’t know I don’t know how it happened but yeah um if you’re hearing my dog in the background my dog’s in the background sorry but yeah um yeah so she’s on antibiotics and like some pain meds I’m over it I’m over it right now like stop oh my

God like my brother’s being like purposefully obnoxious stop what hi everyone oh my god the um your dog out a UTI wants too yeah so yeah so she has some pain meds and she has some antibiotics so she’s on those and she does seem like she’s

Feeling a little bit better today so that’s good but the the medicine I think just makes her really sleepy so she’s just been sleeping what are you looking for can you just like holy okay um loi’s just making snacks for the chat I don’t know about that

No okay okay okay okay so yeah anyway okay that I have started like so many different points of conversation and like not finished any of them long story short I had to take taty to the vet yesterday it was very stressful but she’s okay she’s on medicine she’s okay

Also I had some cut scenes with some NPCs and with Sophia that were really cute and oh God Sophia’s just so cute she’s just so cute and got some new mods for stardo so that’s it I guess welcome to the stream everyone I it’s like I can’t have one

Start to stream that isn’t like just sheer utter chaos like it’s just it’s just like not possible so yeah okay anyway all that being said we got some new mods today but I just like don’t guys I don’t know I I like them we’ll see though we’ll see

We’re going to get more into it um I’m going to plant seeds oh did I only have like two planted there okay uh yeah we’ll just put these here for now don’t I need like 10 of these for the community center I think I do what is

It one of these you need like 10 right yeah t wheat okay that’s okay though we’ll get there eventually oh can I CFT a keg yet that’s a wonderful question I don’t yeah I can’t okay I’ll just sell these that’ll be fine I’ll just sell them anywh who

Yeah so I have this recolor mod which makes everything like a nicer color but then this foliage mod that I got like kind of doesn’t really match with it that well or like it does but like I don’t know also it doesn’t I’m like I don’t know how I feel about it I

Don’t know how I feel about it yet also I really want it to be fall like I really want it to be fall so we’re kind of going to just like Speed Run well we’re going to make an attempt to speedrun Summer a little bit like a little bit we’re going to Try I need the fall Vibes you know you know what I mean yeah I’ll show you guys some of the mods that I got today I spent like kind of way too long today getting mods I’m being honest I spent a little too long today like I didn’t even play

14 that’s how serious it was you know like that’s where I’m at with it oops okay so I got this like wait I got this like crafter recolor which is pretty nice I like it I definitely want the I want the preserv Dr to be that color that’s really lovely it works for

The chest too but there’s just like only this one and then like if you color it it’s just that’s that is what it is but it’s nice I like this and then okay I got some house ones and I like this one but I just don’t like how like dilapitated it looks

But the other two house upgrades for this one look really nice like I really like them but I hate the way this looks hate the way this looks so I’ve just been keeping it on this for now I don’t hate this I I still like this

One I do still like this one so yeah um and then yeah I got these like fre color mods for these which I like a lot okay I like this a lot a lot like a lot they look really cute I really like the way they look right super cute looks great w

Cute but look what I look what I also got for this check this out guess what you remember how you said Birch you remember how you said Birch and look how much nicer that it looks now and look how much more perfect and beautiful this is now let me stop time look at

That it’s perfect when I’m looking at mods I lose track of time choosing them for real actually that is so real isn’t that beautiful isn’t that gorgeous I’m so happy with this mod and further still I have a grass mod oops I hate when I do that

Look now the only thing this is kind of what I was talking about it doesn’t match with the recolor grass that I have unfortunately unfortunately it works with a different mod that matches the foliage mod that I have it does look more perfect and beautiful thank you thank you Randy I

Really appreciate that enthusiasm like really I do yeah if feel like wanted this to be like a grass path it can it can be a gr a grth path why am I talking like that it can isn’t that cute no the only thing is that I don’t it’s

Just the grass doesn’t quite match is the problem but like if you just like don’t focus on it hard like you know if you just don’t focus on it like it’s fine you know so I don’t know why it makes the crunchy sound when you walk on

It but okay I didn’t realize it made that sound when you walked on it but yeah cuz like this is a lot of dirt you know like this is like a lot of dirt so if you wanted like a nice little like patch of grass like over here I want my Dogo to

Have like grass and be cute you know like you know I wonder if there’s an I’m going to see if I can turn that noise off cuz that is pretty ridiculous that is like a crazy noise can you guys hear the music I can’t tell I kind of can’t tell if you guys

Can hear the music Birchwood goes crazy in decoration it does we’re about to move this up there that’s exactly what we’re going to do CRI and Tool hit indicator could be a little louder I feel like it can right W how about like that how about like that that better No wait that’s not what I wanted to do can you can you imagine decorating when you can’t freeze the time I can’t it’s a nice cute little path look how much better that looks oops look how gorgeous that is how perfect that is perfect thank you thank you I am perfect thank you

Just kidding just kidding you know that was a joke anyway yeah I don’t know this is just whatever this is you know whatever like I just felt really good about that that made me really happy earlier and I have look look look guys I have

Mods I have this one which is like okay it’s okay I don’t hate it this one is my favorite this is where the bucket at look how cute that is right now how cute that is I’m going to move it cuz now I actually like it I

Don’t know if you guys remember from the last stream but I was like not enjoying the silo that I had now I like it and look I have have a new coup that matches it isn’t that precious isn’t that so cute I’m like obsessed oh why would I want to retexture an

Egg I guess you I guess you could no no okay I need them to eat the fod in there I’m very surprised you didn’t get a mod with flesh colored silos now G Gary what did I just call you Gary Randy what the Randy what the actual why did

I just call you Gary sir I’m sorry what sir sir I’m sorry why the did I just call you Gary I’m scared and confused why did I just call you Gary moving right past that look how perfect it is it’s perfect I wanted to build a barn today but I don’t I can’t

Remember if she’s open need 10 for this right 10 yeah oops I’m so confused why I called you Gary I I don’t know who Gary is like I genuinely don’t know who Gary is I don’t remember what I I mean wood and stone right that’s what we need for a barn wooden

Stone wait is she closed on Friday oh I’m going to be so upset if she’s closed on Friday I’m going to rage quit if she’s closed on Friday actually I was so excited to finally have built a barn hi divian I I have no idea why I called you Gary my

Friend I I truly don’t know where that came from I’m still getting used to this foliage recolor mod so getting used to it I’m getting used to it you know I don’t know how I feel about these white trees I don’t think I like that I might turn those off

We okay she is open today if you want my daughter to dislike you give her pickles okay let know hello Jen hi Jen hello Jen my beautiful buy hello Jen let’s build a barn um so like for now I kind of just want to stick it right here no wait

First what I’d like to do how’s taty kin she’s okay she is okay yeah she is officially she’s okay isn’t that cute here what if I did like this that’s cute we can put another I just realized the there’s like a dirt texture around this that looks weird doesn’t it or is that

Just what is that wait oh no there’s still tree growing what do we think about this is this cute is this cute and then we can just have another Coupe here yeah Tat’s okay she has a urinary tract infection unfortunately somehow I still don’t even know how that happened but yeah she’s

Okay is that cute I just feel like we need to have the other Coupe here before I can make a decision about like where to place it Let’s just leave it like this for now I think I Think that oh my gosh that was is that destroying my path I didn’t realize okay you know what yeah let’s just leave it like this for now leave it like this I don’t know if a barn will fit there now can I even build a barn there

Now yeah t is okay she’s okay she’s a little baby a little baby taby oh it fits perfectly we could just put it here for now so it’s just easier they’re all like but I was thinking about putting it just like on the other side right

Here yeah let’s just put it here for now or we could put it like cuz what I was originally thinking would be be Q is if the barn was like here where the pond is but I have to upgrade my tools before I can clear this stuff

Out so yeah for now or we could put them here for now let’s just stick it here thanks Ren Um I still don’t fully know like what all of these tools do exactly to be completely honest This is really cute this is also really cute okay um yeah she is okay but um yeah she definitely had me like really worried I was like really worried I was like so stressed out yesterday cuz I had to like drop her off at the

Vet and then I was like up I was like up most of the night with her I don’t think I like these trees hold on which one even is this I would assume it would be static trees but is it also bushes that are going to change is this one where makes me

Restart the game for the mod to change effect or will I just change might have to restart my game for this one unfortunately you know what’s so up is that this you can you should be able to walk over the this but I can’t that’s

Rude oh wait it did change it hold On um what do you guys think think cuz that’s a lot I don’t know I don’t know if I like the white wood I’m sure if I go into the files there’s probably an option where I can change like just the trees not the bushes too but maybe not let’s

See cuz I love the pine trees and so the what’s the if it’s like the pine or maybe just cuz we’re in the forest right I don’t know I feel about these trees I don’t think I like them I don’t think I like these trees I don’t think I I don’t think I

Like these trees what do you guys think it’s summer though so like I don’t know I feel like it just clashes with my recolor mod is all I think that’s it like I think it would be fine Susan here Susan’s not here oh hi Susan oh no Susan look sad she’s sad

About her house PL oh that’s really cute and sad I don’t think I’ve been inside the bath house did we go in there what’s up bath house I’m in my swimmies do I not have arms that’s weird Susan’s so pretty I agree hi olly thank you for subscribing by the

Way oh your stamina goes up even when time is Frozen that’s beautiful look at my hair this mod my hair mod swimmy swimmy swimmy yeah Susan is really cool I like Susan a lot but yeah um I think I’m going to turn that the foliage mod off I don’t think

I’d like it at least in in summer you know what I think it’s like I have some kind of texture like there’s like it’s like it’s it’s like I’m wearing a shirt over my arms looks kind of weird bro is literally listen bro is literally listening to sweet dreams when

She stops try time sweet dreams question mark but I also still don’t know how the grampleton fields thing works like at all I I don’t know how it works okay I’m going to turn it off yeah oo I I think I like that better does she know I don’t know apparently oops

Okay my chickies are okay my chickies are in there I did get my axe upgraded but it’s not ready yet but I can’t remember is it just copper to break these I can’t remember like the song where it’s like sweet dreams are are are made of face whatever that song

What are we talking about I don’t know anything about anything I don’t know anything hi Mary it is just copper thank you I hope I hope it’s just copper cuz I really want to break those stumps are made of this that’s what we’re talking that is what we’re talking

About well yeah I know that song I didn’t know it was a mean you know I like don’t know memes you know I’m like fully unaware of memes you know I don’t know about mes find anything good in the woods lately farmer oh I’m going to over Forge everything

Andy oh I’m going to over forage everything Andy and that is a threat funny basically meme from the X-Men movies where Quicksilver is moving in super sueded moving everything else in that song oh oh okay I know that’s funny that’s funny oh wow that’s funny oh wow you’re

Funny oh wow oh wow that’s funny what is this it’s just like a this color oh it’s a cloud it’s Cloud going over like what the is that Foraging can I go this way no it wasn’t supposed to be funny it’s supposed to be cringe I’m going to just ban you once and for all weeb well too bad it was funny I mean it was cringe but it was also funny I’m suffering from sex

Says love these texture packs they’re so good aren’t they yeah I think I really like this as well I wasn’t like 100% sure how I felt about the foliage cuz I really like the reason I liked the recolor mod so much is that it’s just a recolor so it still really felt like

Vanilla stardew which I love I love just like the vanilla aesthetic of stardew but just like with more like pleasing colors but I like these trees too and then if I turned off those like static tree textures then I get like kind of The Best of Both Worlds so

Like I hate the yellow Grounds yeah it’s pretty brutal yeah that is pretty brutal yeah a normal St do yeah I really really like this recolor mod that I have it’s the what’s it called I don’t remember what it’s called I’m sorry I can’t remember if it’s the daisy recolor

Or something something earthy recolor is what it’s called sorry or right probably just look earthy recolor well it’s just called earthy recolor but yeah there a woodpecker did I forage Everything I still don’t know what to do here like I don’t know how to progress anything in ex the expanded like story line like I don’t know how to do any of this I don’t know how to get to grampleton I don’t know how to get to like the

Castle City or whatever maybe that’s a different mod I don’t even know honestly don’t even know like I so don’t know you have to become a wizard how do you do that how do I become a wizard have you played start B expanded I haven’t if you can’t tell this is my

First time definitely have not it’s a different expansion I have it though like I have it you have have you played the grampleton mod oh my I just keep getting stuck on everything cuz I can’t tell what the like bushes look like I’m like getting you to the bushes well the Merchant’s

Here haven’t played in so long yeah uh you have nothing okay let’s go yeah cuz there’s like a grampleton Fields area but I I really don’t know I have no idea what to do with it okay let’s sell this stuff and we’re going to go to

Sleep cuz I’m so over I’m like over summer I want it to be fall so bad I want it to be fall so freaking bad we’re finally building a barn though that’s Monumental that’s huge we’re find finally building a barn where’s my watering can oh there it is

Okay B is like obviously the best season yeah clearly 10 billion per. 100 billion per. the fall recolor like looks so good too like what color looks so good good luck day no it’s been so long since I got a good luck day like so

Long since I got a good luck day my Crums also my scarecrows are cats which is an alternative textures mod and I I think it’s it’s got to be one of my favorite mods ever it’s so beautiful I’m obsessed with it hello baby who’s eating what does that sound

Oh that was me walking through the grass okay did you guys eat your hay good my way unlimited power I just want a lot of hay B I keep turning on caps lock trying to hit tab okay let me let my little chickies out okay I was like what what the

Was that noise by chickies be free chickies Go off Robin go off Queen it’s like Queen okay hold on can I stick this in the corner but you can like see the flame oh I wonder if there’s a torch mod make a torch something cuter but still go off give off light Look how happy they are look how happy they are so cute oh also I realized today that I never cuz I was I was wondering why the grandpa’s farm layout didn’t work for me I was like what the the I can never figure out why it didn’t work well guess why it didn’t

Work I didn’t I never installed it that would be why it didn’t work because I had never installed it that would most certainly be why it never worked so I installed it and I was like ah it’ll probably break my game I was like it will probably break my game but I

Just I just I just wanted to see what would happen if I installed it I installed it and it didn’t break my game like everything actually worked fine but everything that had been like previously placed on my farm was like in a totally different spot and like some of it I couldn’t

Reach so I was like uh okay so I’d probably what I would probably have to do is remove everything from my farm like all the trees literally everything remove all of it from my farm and then turn on The Mod or well I just deleted it so

Reinstall it and then see if that works but that would mean I would have to like demolish my buildings and stuff I think I don’t know I I I’m going to like test it I’m going to test it a little bit I’m going to test it and

See but I don’t know if I like it is the thing I don’t know if I like the grandpa’s farm layout I think I might not like it I think I like the standard Farm cuz I never I have never used a standard Farm ever in any playthrough literally ever

Thinking I forget I forget the new characters I was like who is that anyway yeah I’m going to mess around with it and see if it’s like something I can do but I don’t know if I even like the grandpa’s farm layout is my point that’s

My point I don’t know if I like it we’ll see finally home and yay onee badge buo do you have onee badge it’s a six-month badge Zeno Kai Zeno Kai it’s a six month badge though wait that’s why I was confused Zeno Kai thank you though thank you

Guy was it oh yeah you have a six-month badge that’s why I was confused I was like wait what one year one year of what it goes from 6th month to one year though so it could just be that like you are you have been a member for one year

But like it hasn’t like your subscription hasn’t gone through yet cuz it’s once you pay whenever you you pay that like subscription for that like last month one year in dog time thank you Jen remember 18 months yeah that is the onee badge thank you Jen but yeah so so yeah you probably

Have been a member for a year but it just like hasn’t renewed yet so you don’t have the onee badge cuz you cuz you cuz you sent a Super Chat which wasn’t your member Milestone so that’s why I was like wait did it tell you you’ve been a member for one year

Or cuz I don’t know maybe I need to talk with YouTube If you have been a member lus God don’t be obnoxious lus everyone wants friends know when you’re in dog time though I like that okay let’s go water my crops cuz I’m pretty sure I like did not do that

Pretty sure I totally avoided doing that yeah I definitely did it said one year okay well maybe give it maybe give it a few days thank you though Zeno Kai regardless thank you I really appreciate it and I’m glad you made it home safe Jen have you seen my scarecrow mod that

My that the that I turned the scarecrows into cats like have you seen it though have you appreciated it look at my my cats are scarecrows you are granted a seat in the membership Council but we not we do not Grant you the title of one year here l

L meow aren’t they so cute I’m obsessed my scarecrows are cats oh did I say cats are scarecrows my scare this this is a scarecrow yes but I made it a little kitty cat aren’t they precious there’s one sleep behind the trellis I’m so obsessed with this mod I love this mod so

Mucho boop boop this a little heterochromia Kitty here I thought you just had a bunch of cats I wish there probably is a mod that gives you like more than one pet I was trying to find a mod that lets you have a dog and a cat I couldn’t find one

Though I really wanted to have both I really want to have a cat and a dog but I I couldn’t find a mod for it I was like really shocked I was like how can I not find a mod for this like what cataro chromia well good one

You’re silly you’re so silly and funny okay oh yeah I wanted to cut grass cuz I have too much grass I Ed my Silo and then we’ll go to sleep we’re kind of speed running a little bit cuz I don’t like summer I can’t forget Sophia’s birthday

Though Sophia’s birthday I think is in the summer or Victor’s birthday birthdays in the summer I still haven’t decided who we’re going to marry I think I don’t know Sophia is like so cute and she was like talking about being a cosplayer which is really cute

Okay God I have so much grass we leave a little bit though you know this grass mod looks really good though I like this grass mod better than I think I I think I do like this grass better leave have a little patch I remember there was a mod for

That where it gave you a box at the bus stop and every now and then youed wait really wait that sounds perfect wait that actually sounds really cute wait so so was it like you could have like just a bunch you could have like more than one or yeah like that’d be so

Cute that would be really cute yeah I want like a bunch I want like cats and dogs running around everywhere you know I want that I do want that I check my membership on your YouTube page and I’m three days from one year okay okay I don’t know why the Super Chat was

Like one year I think it was just like I think it was saying it’s your first Super Chat I know that’s like doesn’t make any sense but yeah I think it was saying that that it was your first Super Chat does that make sense I had to delete my game pile cuz I

Bugged out my entire Farm by having millions of beds that really sounds like something I would do that really does sound like something I would do okay really quick before we go to sleep actually what I do want to do actually is I want to make more of that

Wood path cuz I’m like kind of obsessed with it can I I was wondering I was wondering if I could I think that’s what the spray can does right or what I don’t know I don’t know I got to buy those other tools for alternative textures cuz I still don’t really

Understand how they work do we like this I like that oh LOL yeah it’s maybe that you found Barry one year ago today and YouTube was like celebrate one year you’re watching no it literally says celebrate the first Super Chat I thought you had super chatted before though so

That’s I don’t know I have no idea like I really don’t know YouTube is so confusing for no reason YouTube is like so dumb and confusing for no reason do we like these stones still I think I do or should I just make all of them this color so they just match

I kind of like the mix of this one with it it’s nice you know it doesn’t make a sound rbe can’t hear it this grass texture Blends pretty well actually I don’t hate that it does blend pretty well like I didn’t even notice it was there I forgot I put it

There the noise when you walk on it though is so goofy like oh my God do we have it like like that I have a little like torch here so it’s like kind of weird but [Applause] So a little path you know it’s a little path I don’t know you guys I think I got to get the paint brush I think the paint brush lets me just copy the texture by clicking on it I forget so you don’t have to do like each one like Thiso okay that’s just that’s just that’s fine that’s Fine I did not realize it would get rid of my little textures here though go should I mention to you guys I hate that fly Noise that’s cute I like that I like that okay let’s go to sleep yeah YouTube is like unnecessarily confusing I don’t know why it’s like that wait oops oh my God I’m not a boomer I promise I should be able to pick up my axe tomorrow hopefully hi Katie okay

Everyone say hi to taty is my pickaxe not ready still really B fish it’s a good luck day too that’s a bummer hello Brony welcome I’m doing okay how are you Cute dab me up homie I’m glad she like has an appetite she’s been like eating and drinking water she really was like so upset with me when I I had to give her her medicine today I have to give it to her again well she takes it twice today but yeah

She was just so upset with me I was like oh my poor baby oh these are ready let’s go buy more seeds this music this music it’s kind of silly isn’t it it kind of does slap I can’t lie I need my Scythe to harvest that right having the like not having the

Watering can upgrade is pretty brutal technically I have I have an item spawner so I can spawn in like literally anything but I’m trying to like keep it fun you know if I just spawned in everything that would be boring right that would be boring Scythe W okay so I

Need some seeds hold on I guess I have some of these yeah crunch what did I just pick is that It okay let’s Buy what is this five five seeds of something when did I become a member uh forgive me CU I don’t remember who but someone gets a memberships and you became a member mhm that’s what happened nine seeds oh wait never mind 12 seeds well it’s five now thank you though thank you

Though only five now cuz I had some mixed seeds my bab Robin’s just banging away over there woo woo whoa I didn’t realize you could just right click and pull out like the amount that you needed that’s cool probably cursed I think it was cursed yeah I think it was my beautiful

Cursed all right she’s still building the barn I think we’re just going to buy seeds and then sleep the stay away cuz we got to kick it up a notch like we got to speedrun it a little bit right click and pull out is that what I

Said did I not finish my train thought I think I’ll buy wheat seeds hi Andy Yoba texts what does that mean he’s a church goer he’s one of them there church folk actually no I’ll buy radish seeds Okay I don’t know if kurur is here K are you here

Oh my God that copper following me okay my frame rate’s getting a little weird what did I give him just Now guys what did I give him just Now what what the what did I just give him a be it was a berry wasn’t it it was one of those berries the spice Berry it was a gold star spiceberry wasn’t it should I just restart my day what the Victor man what the what an yeah I don’t God

He came out and snatched it for real like what the what the okay all right anded he didn’t even like it my gold star forage God of course I like to decorate Penny you look so cute penny does this man really not have my pickaxe yet no he does have normal axe

Okay maybe I just missed okay I thought I was ready okay wait okay well we should bring our geod then hello NEOS also L Chen also LOL okay let’s well we’re here so let’s just forage at the beach and then we’ll go get our stupid Geod hi Legend thank you for being here thank you for your lur these waves are always so loud who’s your favorite least favorite bachelor’s Bachelorette H that is a good Question okay so I really dislike okay well I got mean okay I got to say I don’t really necessarily dislike any of them except maybe Alex but Alex is also like I know his when you sorry I got attacked by yawn like I know when you do his heart event

He becomes like much more wholesome but he’s gross he’s gross with peace and love of course he’s gross the misogynist right the misogynous um yeah so I don’t love him he’s definitely not my favorite I I have never attempted to romance him I have seen like his romance events

But even then like he like the bar is just so low for him you know the bar is just so low let’s see if this pick this should cut the the stumps now right please say yes please I’m begging say yes we can bring STS now oh we can break stumps now let’s

go I just got here a Necco mils wait Necco mils what the sports wallpaper I know it’s awful divorc immediately yeah I think as far as like the male Bachelors he’s probably the least interesting I feel like Shane I think probably has the most interesting story but it feels like so

Much of a let down because he drinks he like drinks and his room is all sloppy still even when you marry him even after everything you know he doesn’t give up the alcohol for you which doesn’t feel good So yeah Shane has like a really really interesting like heart of EV story but I feel like he’s a disappointing spouse so I would say probably Alex and Shane are my least favorite Bachelors like for that reason what’s his name Sam is like okay Sam is just like fine I’m I’m like I

Tolerate Sam he’s fine you know he’s a musician and we love that we love that he’s a musician I’m going to literally die if I don’t eat something hold on I do I not have anything to eat what is this give me one to eat wood wood knocking ASMR wood chopping ASMR but

Yeah um as far as my least favorite bachelorettes I’ll do favorites after I do least favorite I think for least favorite bachelorettees ah you know what it’s hard because I think I like all of them like even Haley like she’s rude at first but like her heart events are actually like

Really cute and she’s actually really sweet and cute and you know she’s like a little she comes off as really like superficial and she is like rude to you a little bit like let’s not get it twisted but like when when you get to know her when you do her heart event

She’s actually really cute so like I I honestly like can’t even say Haley cuz she does have a lot of depth and when you marry her her dialogue with you is like a little spicier than some of the other ones so if you’re like interested in that she’s cute for that

Um I mean not maybe not spicier but like a little spicier comparatively you know what I mean so yeah I would say hey haly just cuz I’ve never married her but she’s also cute so I can’t really say Haley um where’s the construction bundle I gotta be honest I don’t think I

Have a least favorite what’s my least favorite Bachelorette can I look at the list of them am I forgetting one I’m doing just base game I don’t think I have at least favorite one they’re all perfect like all the bachelorettees are perfect kind of I literally don’t have a least favorite

One I think favorite Bachelorette is probably tied between Emily God Emily I think it might be a tie between Emily oh and I want to see oh I want to say Maru because Maru is like she’s like hands down one of the most unique characters and her heart events are really cute maybe Emily and Maru but I’ve never married Maru so

Maybe that says something about it I have married Emily like a bunch I usually marry Emily but all start women are perfect yeah I think my favorite Bachelor is Sebastian I think my favorite Bachelor is Sebastian I mean I know my favorite Bachelor is Sebastian he’s best boy he’s best boy

Period so there you go a comprehensive comprehensive uh answer to your question are you here Susan now if we’re including the stard valley bachelors and bats I haven’t really experienced them yet so like like I’ve only seen Sophia’s first heart event and I I haven’t seen Victor’s heart event or Olivia’s heart

Event or Susan’s heart event I hav so I don’t I don’t know I can’t sa for the expanded characters but if we’re just talking base game yeah okay see this is the like grampleton Fields thing you know but like here I’ll stop time cuz it goes on

Forever but I don’t know what to do like I don’t there’s like a little wizard house here but you can’t go this way and then oh excuse me I I feel like also I can’t go in the Wizard house or I could go in the Wizard house by appointment only

So like yeah and then this takes you to the Wizard’s basement so it makes me think that I need to befriend the wizard we can try that making an appointment then fun fact when stardy was in the works concern Dave did a poll on who would become a

Bachelor between Emily and Sandy oh my God Sandy almost took it huh that’s cute yeah clicking on the station I’ll try that but it just takes me back to uh the Railroad this little machine takes me back here so yeah I don’t know I’m sure it’s just progression locked maybe or something I don’t know we’ll figure it out eventually though that’s for sure try charcoal can charcoal K cre mushrooms sweet PE uh where’s Marne Marne what’s abig girl doing over

There you know what let’s go talk to Sophia am I blind where the freak is my name oh make an appointment then well appointments yeah I have anxiety so yeah I get that what am I Marney why are you in your room rip I think there might be a shortcut to

Get to the Blue Moon Vineyard where Sophia lives like from in like in this mod but I I don’t have it turned on I’m not sure how it works try though hello Sophia oh she’s like kind of always crying she’s kind of like always crying uh we have two hearts with her though I can’t believe we gave that Berry to Victor this is apparently before a knocking was invent invented you just like walk in on people crying

Yeah yeah Sophia is like so cute I I think I want to marry her but I got to see Victor’s heart events before I decide got to see both their heart events before I decide got to wait for them to come out of their room instead of knocking that too right

Yeah look at my dog keeping robbing company it’s cuteo booop will this be ready tomorrow I can never remember is it two days or one day okay my geod that’s what I forgot to do it was a good luck day and I forgot my geod oh well money yeah baby yeah

Baby I do love money I do love money actually look at that we broke 10K for the first time let’s talk corn let’s not talk corn Spirits are neutral today cuz of course they are cuz why would you be why would you have a good super good luck

Day two days in a row you wouldn’t you wouldn’t where is my watering can you know what I don’t have that many geod that’s not like the worst thing look how pretty the poppies are I got like one of each color that’s cute should I leave them there cuz

They’re cute no I should just pick them one of Sophia’s loved gifts is fairy roses ooh that’s good to know thank you I’m just going to span it I’m span spawn in Fair roses where sopia and speed run it spam I I said span I didn’t even say spam why do I keep doing that okay you know what that’s just getting ridiculous watering clearly takes my full concentration you guys can’t tell okay um

Let’s I’ll pick these even though they look really cute let’s buy some SE some more seeds today six more seeds six seeds of something h I don’t know what I’m going to keep one of these I don’t know what for but for something watering takes up so much energy can we talk about

That yeah it does it actually really does it sucks I was like looking for an infinite stamina mod for so long I can’t find one I I feel like it doesn’t exist like truly where’s my infinite stamina mod okay I need to take these two to the like Community Center and then I’ll buy Six seeds of something oh my barn is ready look at that is ready today it’s great that’s great news no no can we buy can we you know what we should buy animals today yeah let’s buy an animal today a

Cow I think you can only buy a cow at first or something like that uh cjb cheats mod as a function where you can activate infinite stamina wait I think I have that one maybe I didn’t Maybe maybe I don’t have that one I thought I do have that

One don’t tell me she’s not here today where is she if she’s not here oh my Marney oh Marie why are you like this Marney Marne come on Marne let me buy an animal from you why is she like this sometimes it’s more fun to do side quest in the main one yeah for sure totally okay we have a couple different options for barns this one matches what we have going on here what do you guys

Think about this this is pretty cute I also like this this one that’s pretty cute actually match is pretty well with this other one she’s too busy staring at her melons L there’s also these but I don’t know if I like those and then there’s this

One this doesn’t even look like a barn this looks like a cool C the CP is pretty small isn’t it I think I like this one for now that’s pretty cute we’ll figure out something here oh Marney Mary What a bummer Mary is such a bummer for that Marne Is For Real such a bummer for that and she’s you know I think she’s best girl it would be nice if you could just buy things from them like anywhere there’s probably a mod for that there probably is a mod for that

Shift uh where does this pine sap go I know it goes somewhere pine tar whatever it’s called exotic yes we’re so close wait I have maple syrup don’t I I think I have maple Syrup why do I keep yawning tell me to stop a pu am I right Uh you know what I’ll plant the sunflower seeds well you know what I’ll just do the radish cuz it’s you can plant the sunflower seeds in Fall you lack sleep I actually slept well oh um no you’re right I slept like well last night but the night

Before I like I was like basically up all night T so yeah think I’m crashing a little bit why is my Discord going off uh was that it maple syrup I do have maple Syrup let’s complete this bundle what do we get what do we get for this bundle oops Demetrius is deep in thought I hope it’s something cool bundle complete oh all right I’ll take I guess I didn’t need it but I’ll take it I didn’t like need it but I will take

It is Victor here make sure you don’t have something in your hands cuz he’ll snatch it iiv you she is so mommy she’s flirting with me has anyone ever told you that you’re very polite I want to give her a gift do you think she’d like a

Flower this is a thoughtful gift thank you we should we marry Olivia this summer Heat’s blaz blazing this year good thing we have a high powerered AC see he just doesn’t he’s just not interested in me you see what I’m saying he doesn’t show any interest like I don’t know what to do

With him let’s go give Sophia Something nothing like sleep to Valley for a nap are you taking a nap stop making me Sleepy don’t make me Sleepy uh excuse me sir don’t make me sleepy thank you um excuse me sir wait can I break this no okay Marney girl why you doing me like that I just wanted to buy a cow cow today you know dude Elliot is so cute like what

Meant to go to bed early but playing games with Kai time ran and got about at 10: a.m. girl 10:00 a.m. what are you playing I have no motivation today real maybe I’ll visit haly and Emily cute ah were you were you listening to me talk to myself Sophia looks

Shocked were we not having a conversation or were you talking to yourself okay girl I mean okay girl okay all right girl did you guys like the stream by the way guys we’ve played like 3 days it’s been almost 2 hours how is this possible

How is it so hard to speedrun in this game I don’t understand why it’s so hard to speedrun like why why is it so hard to speed onun in this game why do I suck at speedr running is the real question first okay sometimes series of the kingdom is just

Fun to wander around I mean I definitely did that in breath of the wild a bunch of two-player games like we were here want to play some penuin game what what’s Penguin game what is that okay we’re actually going to speed around this Time forgot the name okay Club Penguin no I there’s no way he can mean Club penguin do you mean Club Penguin divian surely not surely not to be fair the fastest speed run for this game 100% is 76 hours okay I feel a little better then I feel like like maybe a little

Better than you know what I need to do right now this okay I need to wait wait yeah I’m just going to keep the paint bucket in there cuz like it’s annoying to keep grabbing it cuz I don’t know like when I need it bre and Fred what’s bread and

Fred actually wait I think I’ve heard of that bread and Fred it’s like a two-player game a little Co-op guys I’m overwatering I’m kind of overwatering like excuse me why does that happen I’m I’m not facing that Way yeah and hello two penguins tied together and use rope to toss one another around to get across platforms that sounds pretty fun yeah that does sound pretty Fun watering was too much of a chore Park my dog really likes hanging out with the chickens which is really really cute I love that I donated this yet I have you should play that with Zar and let the rage flow it could be fun

Let’s go see if we can buy a cow today yeah you told me Brony someone posted what it was in the in my Discord Soul Galo i’ never heard of that Pokemon before no Mar why oh wait did I sneak in or am I just good enough friends with her

Now not sure not sure what just happened Marne why why is she so annoying I don’t know why she has to be so annoying okay where the is the mayor in his house I don’t know if I want to pay money for shinies though like just me personally like I’m I don’t think I want shinies that bad you know you better have paid me off God barely pay me anything for that what am I doing Nothing I received an email today with a job offer from a reputable Architecture Firm it’s all the way across the country and I’m not comfortable traveling that far away he has nothing to say to me he talks about himself you know what I mean I’m part of the arobics class at

Pier yoga is an excellent way to focus on the mind and body she’s so hot what the microwave have I’m sorry what the microwave have why can’t I click on it again the microwave has a pizza flavored Hot Pocket in it Victor may have forgotten it man’s forgot his Hot Pocket in the

Microwave that is just like me for real for a video series you should play either a way out or It Takes Two with Z everyone loves watching couples play those games do does everyone like that that could be fun though I’ve heard of both of those but I don’t

Know I don’t really know anything about Them more of a plant person than a farming person I mean I think I like animals more but taking care of plants is like definitely easier but like I like animals but they’re a lot of work they’re like so much work hi there there’s a couple games I want

To play with Barry what are those games what are those games that you want to play Do Mary why won’t you let me buy a cow why won’t she let me buy a cow from her I just want to buy a cow I have money we have money actually I have money because I can’t buy anything from Marne rude hi Sophia are you crying again

Today do you have a p boys wanted one oh God Portal 2 Co-op would be really fun actually it’d be really cute I’m not playing Outlast I’m not going to play Outlast you guys want me to play Outlast so bad and then I’ll finally play Outlast and no one will watch watch the Stream I did not beat it yet NEOS are you disappointed in me it’s story of Seasons I haven’t been it yet are you disappointed I’m interested what Zar wants to play what you guys see how that happens where I’m like not facing that way but it like acts like I’m facing that way

Why outlas trials with you and Zer we’d all watch like you say that but like I promise you no one will watch it I so I so promise you I so so so so promise you no want to watch it can I make a horse thingy yet when do

You need to build a horse stable do you guys like the stream yet by the way horse stable stard Valley Wiki oh it cost 10 10,000 gold oh 100 hardwood what okay we have a minute for that okay we have a little while before we do

That do she what do you say thing does she know got to get to the secret Forest can’t you like do it with a chair can’t you like hop over the log with a chair oh was that maybe like patch out or something I remember seeing people hopping over with a

Chair you can I don’t have a chair though oh I do have a chair wait should we try R try it was it a specific kind of chair doesn’t Matter all right let’s do this luow tomorrow got it ah I don’t want a water I have a chair yeah I don’t know how to do it we’ll try we’ll figure it out Uh oh seeds how lucky guys I’m sleepy guys I’m real sleepy right now I’m starting to like fade away you go up close to the log place the chair on the other side of the log and then oh sit on the chair Okay I won’t get trapped there right like it lets me out I can do it coming back too I don’t want to buy more seeds but like maybe we should I don’t want to oh well it’s Wednesday he’s closed anyway okay oops I’m sorry sorry doggo oh we can make uh

Uh mixed seeds I forgot what they were called for a second let’s do that instead got like a little bit of this fertilizer though oh did I already put it here oh okay all right okay one makes 10 okay let’s see at that why do I keep doing that seed maker

Is there a seed maker for real I should probably make a bee house or fall there’s a seed maker really wait since when I don’t think I have it unlocked yet right Yeah yeah I guess I haven’t unlocked it yet I’ll put that away in case I want to make more seeds later it’s always been there what really it’s always been there always been there really h Hello purple mushroom I need that for something nope just place the crop in and it’ll

Turn it into multiple scenes okay I wonder if that was something that maybe was like added in a leader update cuz the only save file that I ever like progressed really far I mean like literally I think ever was the one that I played like in

2017 which was only like a year after this game came out stop asking me if I want to eat the egg I’m also just kind of dumb so this I can donate right yeah about to hit Walmart for katuo then come back up to set my laptop and play

Monster Hunter for a bit man I really wanted to play monster Hunter today I was like thinking about booting up rise cuz I bought it on PC let me buy a cow cow why cow I want a brown cow I’ll probably get animal mods anyway bimmers Chola Chola Chola

Okay I still want to see the subnotica playthrough why did subnotica kind of remind me of escape from tarov the game I want to play with Barry is called haven it’s a really good game I’ve never heard of it have you played pumpkin panic yet no I don’t know what that

Is I’ve never heard of Haven what is Haven you never you never told me about it before what is Haven OHA it is give me a brown cow no you give me a brown cow girl if you don’t give me a brown Cow wo it’s a horror farming game like how horror sounds cute brown cow Surely some of these names Haven is a game where a couple Escape their Planet because their society has used rules where it’s predetermined who you’re supposed to pick as a partner what’s the like style of gam play a crash on a planet running away picking to choose a life on the Run than

Be separated and forced to be partners with someone else that’s that’s a cute premise sounds cute it’s cute but creepy you should tottally play it is it on Steam is it on Steam China I just need a cute fine okay great sounds great um I need a milk

Pil and let’s leave at that for now is it like a farm RPG or is it like like what’s the style of gamepl I’m intrigued about Haven I mean um okay I need to grab a chest you know what I have a mod that turns off I feel like when I every time I restart my game it turns off what am I doing building a chest build a chest Yeah it’s a super sh game you roam around and collect and interact with the world there’s combat but it’s turn based both players have to decide on imputs for what to do so so that does sound interesting that does sound interesting Zaron also hello setf welcome I’m good how are

You just playing some stard do we’re about to chair hop into the forest well I’m going to try I’m going to make it an attempt which is a central theme around around these parts am I doing this right like that right like this it does let me Place am I doing

It if you do stuff together at the same time it busts that action oh please wait did I did it give me my shair I did it I did it oh for a second I thought I forgot my axe I was what the freak I didn’t bring anything to

Eat why am I like This the forest looks different huh I didn’t realize wait is the forest different it’s definitely different right wo there’s a lot of slime that one shot crit is just unreal what is that there’s like berries over there yeah it is different right I’m not going crazy it’s different and expanded this is

Pretty what are these there’s like berries over here is that not something I can forage oh this is red Bane Berry okay what do I do with those okay that’s neat there’s a little slime over here that wants to die let me guess this is the path in the forest it is

Nice I’m okay in pain I had to pull out a tooth yesterday oh no I’m sorry that’s awful can you like take anything for the pain I’m sorry I hope you feel better Soon wait so I can get berries from these bushes salal berries or you just mean there’s like a berry in here somewhere can I go this way no play Haven on February as a Valentine’s couple Series I’m actually I’m going to visit there in February so maybe though we could do that that could be cute that could be adorable ah there a little slime stop hurting me I don’t have anything to Eat what’s that poison mushroom whoa there’s a maze in here a ladder oh don’t hurt me like I’m running on help this is Cool that it why didn’t I bring anything to eat oh I got a mahogany seed I love the mahogany trees I love the mahogany trees so much the wood in here respawns every day right Hardwood wait Haven is a local co-op well then how could we play

It I mean I going to visit you oh the berries are blue ow what what what I’m too smooth brained for this do I have something I can eat should I eat one of these no that’s bad for me this is all bad for

Me I could eat one of these I guess I don’t want to but I like I could hypothetically just like a little something what there’s even more down here okay wait where do I what what what what what is this maze what is this what I

Crazy do you just have to come from a different way I have to like have come from over here or something can you eat the clovers no you can’t you can’t eat the clovers unfortunately new fish yeah I know there’s like a bunch of new fish in expanded I almost had it did

I stop hurting me oh my God they do I’m going to die I don’t want to die you guys I can’t handle that we’ll come back later I’m bleeding out is this the exit okay let’s see if I can do this again there you go I figured it out

Do we can get through where the Slime came through yeah I I feel like I tried to do that I’ll try it again though I’ll try it again we’ll go back I forgot how much the music slaps in there too okay let’s surely we do something with these

Right we must do something with these so I’ll keep them and I have to donate one of these to the museum I guess I’ll just sell these I got to figure out what I’m doing with some of this stuff I got my also my dog says

Hi you can make jam with them okay I’ll make jam with them I will definitely do that my dog is barking my dog is barking my dog is barking my dog is barking parking my dog is paring I wonder if I need them for anything though I’ll definitely make them into

Gy do I need a poison mushroom or anything these make a good gift so I think I’ll just keep those to give to people and then I need to donate this and is yeah let’s put this no wait put this in here I don’t know this just like random one that’s just

Like a random drawer poison mushroom soell soell so so so let’s go to the museum I keep calling it Museum but I mean Community Center I don’t know why I keep doing that I think it’s just easier to say Museum okay wait so Zar should we play Haven when I come visit

You should we do that hi Barry how’s the summer heat cheating you he finally asked me a question about myself you know I feel like that wasn’t too much to ask ask for him to ask about me you know what I mean what is this one this one goes here I think oh

Wait yeah you say Museum because of wait Sun Haven well I think it’s because of um uh coral island too coral island I think is also why I say Sun Haven I mean oh my God Museum Sun Haven yeah yeah I have it loaded on your PC you mean you you

Own it you have it I know I did not know we go Sleepies tree fertilizer is that whoa poison mushroom was 90 a piece that’s pretty crazy oh these weren’t that lucrative definitely probably would have been better to make them into jam oh Well can it like rain or something so I don’t have to water I know it’s summer but like what if it rained you know oh yeah that’s right did I miss the festival wait did I miss the festival the like little luow oh I’m going to be

Bummed if I missed that and it wasn’t today was that today today is the day right no it’s today okay no I didn’t forget I didn’t forget thank you olly by the way for being so like involved in the chat put the poison mushroom in the

Soup oh my God that’s brutal where’s my other chicken like where do they go so quickly Did I say hi I guess I said hi to them all them okay yeah okay I did all right I was getting mad at my chicken for no reason are my melons ready no I don’t want to water I don’t want to water anymore it’s only 11 I was like foolishly thinking we

Could somehow get to fall this stream I really was thinking we could get to fall like what oh my God My coffee bean watering gives I’m tired of this grandpa is that from Holes is that a holes reference what is that referencing are you making a holes reference right now well that’s too damn bad what the dude it’s only so long before a holes reference comes up in my stream

Again why do we talk about holes so much how do we do that it’s hilarious I love that I heard it in my head as soon as I read it I like Heard It In My Head well that’s too damn bad what the oh my God that’s

Wild okay with all seriousness what should I bring to put in the soup what will they like a leak who doesn’t like a leak in soup potato leak soup I don’t have I don’t know this is all I have a potato oh can’t come wrong with the potato right surely not

Hi did you know you’re a corgi sorry my dog is barking you know what I’ll bring your potato if they don’t like that they can stuff it sorry my dog okay hold on sorry my was working oh my God oh my God sorry I have a Cory and she’s just

Actually most gold super quality things do well yeah I don’t have anything though so they’re just going to have to deal with potato to deal with it also her dialogue is like so tragic she’s like if you live by the railroad long enough nothing wakes you up in the

Middle of the night except for a rock slide okay girl oh you can buy it you can buy star fruit from him at the festival what I didn’t know that oh yeah it’s Festival day okay let’s just go there wait no is it like at 11 a.m. or

Something I like can’t go there right until like 11: or Something oh no we’re good okay aged whiskey I want all these but I won’t 3,000 I’m not breaking my bank for a star fruit hell no I do want these so bad though I want them I want them but I’m just going to wait we don’t you know we’re not

Decorating our house you know it’s fine he forgot today was a luau wait I thought they had luow outfits they don’t have Lu outfits I thought they were like all wearing I thought it was like swimsuit season thought it was the beach episode uh it’s been a fun stream time

To get going thank you Randy me have a wonderful night thank you so much for hanging out thank you my brother and I just threw in some of our most expensive wine what they put wine in the soup I don’t think any of the children can have

Any now though what the hell he put wine in the soup that’s a little weird what is this I added aged Blue Moon wine for the adult pot okay what kind of soup are we making here oh my God Starry oh I love the I love the RP

Text I love that iridium quality Grape Wine she’s killing it I love that for her Jody’s so pretty for no reason God there’s a lot of talk of wine I kind of want some wine now the peer pressure no let me talk to Andy oh he he doesn’t like the mayor

There oh my God Gus looks so cute what the okay no not no I’m May okay she’s unresponsive I’m bored Vincent isn’t a good dancer kids are so Honest imagine if you could sell starford for 3,000 gold holy that would be broken a pound of anchovies oh my God Sebastian his face is so cute oh my God should we marry Sebastian God Abigail’s cuter portrait mod is so cute like holy actually what if we married Sebastian

Again I’m not going to do that the most you can sell normal star fruit is 750 or 825 if you have the tiller advancement yeah I always do Rancher but I think I have I think I have a mod that like lets me choose all professions or

Whatever something or maybe that’s not a mod maybe that’s just a feature now I don’t know I can’t remember something like that climb to the other side and put it in gotcha I added a potato I hope that’s good enough for you guys let me can I yes let’s start let’s go

That’s part of the cjb cheats one okay like I think I have it then I don’t know if I’m I either don’t have it installed correctly or I don’t know how to use it Sebastian versus Sophia I don’t know Sebastian’s just so cute I always go back to him you know

But like I want to marry Sophia I want to marry one of the new I want to marry one of the expanded characters cuz I’ve never done that try pressing I like right now or P like now or like oh for the mod okay God those wave sounds are crazy

You better say it’s good I don’t much it’s average okay probably because they put a bunch of wine in it you’re just drinking wine imagine everyone comes together and makes a soup and they’re just like yeah it’s not good but you know it’s fine what the nobody wants any soup it’s just

Fine I’m dead home IRP does nothing I think I probably just don’t have it installed right or I didn’t install it and I thought I installed it like you know what I mean I don’t know sometimes I like think I do things but I don’t twe tweet imagine a soup with whining

Potatoes I can’t I literally can’t imagine a soup with wine potatoes look at my baby sleeping in the front of the fire oh God that’s cute that’s [Applause] disgusting the what the was that well mayonnaise is breaking not breaking my bang I’m getting the bag from the

Mayonnaise soup with wine sounds like an odd combo I mean like you can use like cooking wine in a soup or something but was that a meteor an explosion was heard in the [Applause] night a storm what is my luck in this game why are we getting a

Storm what is my luck in this game are you for real did I get be here did I I did I can’t break it yet but we got a meteor guys that’s pretty cool are they milk yet can I milk them yet they’re still babies right yeah still babies okay yeah

Che welcome back bronie there’s a new Aquaman movie I didn’t even know that I didn’t even know That if you get if you get to a certain place in secret Forest you can find the junimo market I’ve heard of this junimo Market I don’t know what it is though I’ve heard of it though if I was there we would have already had maxed out tools yeah cuz all

You would do is go to the mines every day I forgot to water one of my hop on one day that’s brutal dude I’m so upset if they up any of my melons that storm tomorrow I’m going to freak going to freak the out I fcks up any of my

Melons we can play co-op you want to play with me you want to join my save you won’t be able to see any of my mods until you download them but actually can does the co-op even work unless we all have the same mods I’m not sure oh I have so much

Stuff I have too much stuff I I have too much stuff sorry sorry I’m doing that I don’t want to water I don’t want to uh I hate watering uh maybe I should upgrade my watering Can you get Foliage decorations Ooh cute I’m interested I am interested build some sprinklers yeah I know but like I don’t even like building these cuz you need a copper bar and an iron bar like that just seems ridiculous I know I can buy them from Sophia I know I can buy them from

Sophia I don’t know like is that like only when she’s like in her house she in her house let’s go see if we can buy sprinkl from her live left love Sophia yeah I wasn’t sure I mean you would at least have to download the expanded mod right why does that happen I’m so over that happening I think like you just wouldn’t be able to see my actually I just don’t know how it works with you would need everything okay well I have

Like I have like 60 mods so you get decent GS really Okay let’s eat food actually oh that gave me a fuckload more than I thought well I have like a lot of mods so maybe that’s not as doable I mean I would love if you joined me though with the expansion mod they need the expansion or also be yeah know yeah

He would definitely at least need the expansion but I guess he would need all of the mods I have as well hi can I purchase things from you sometimes I wish you could grow stuff that isn’t grapes but then Blue Moon Vineyard would it be a

Vineyard how do I buy things from her help help I found it oh my goodness they’re expensive oo oh why is that so painful H should I buy two okay I’ll buy one I’ll just buy one for now that’s at least a slightly more helpful I’m pretty cheap when it comes to spending

Money I’m trying to save up for that uh stable you know I want my horsey actually I have a horse mod that turns my horse into a corgi which I think is pretty precious I don’t know if it works cuz I don’t have a horse but Um yeah let’s just grow more melons I don’t really want to plant any more seeds kind of over it and then we’ll go back to the forest I’m going to go back to the forest I love putting silly hats on my horse in game I do too yeah I love that

Too that is a super cute thing you can do all right we got at least one more sprinkler will help out a little bit this a little you know okay let’s put the chair over here let’s go to the forest I probably could upgrade my

Pickaxe I sure to eat things I I I didn’t bring any food but I my salmon is full so I should be okay a dado do I need that for anything wait do I need that for anything oh should I buy this do I need this for anything it’s only

500 is that a community center thing or no or told you here oh yeah some needs to bring a jelly I forgot about that oh I need to bring a large white egg forgot about that Dorado I don’t think it’s a it’s not a mod fish I mean it’s not an expanded

Fish cuz I remember it from uh before I ever played with mods I don’t think it’s for the community center though yeah okay whatever how did I do it before oh yeah okay there we go why does that happen it’s like I have drift it’s like

Joycon drift but it’s not like why I’m playing on keyboard We got to find the junima market yeah I don’t know I don’t know where it like look but I’ll figure it out woo ow I didn’t see the Slime there okay critting the slimes is like too fun miss is that a thing you can miss I never noticed

Why do these why do they hurt me so much Jesus those Slimes like hurt me like calm down wish we could kick the slimes into the lake that would be helpful yeah that would definitely be wow there’s so many of these in here wow oh God there’s a slime oh my

God they blend like perfectly I’m trying to see if there’s a secret path why can’t there even be a slime there is this edible no why didn’t I bring something to eat again shrub seed oh I’ve never heard of that shrub seed this way okay don’t think we can go that way

This this the slimes are like perfectly camouflaged like oh my God can’t go this way I’m like genuinely afraid of the Slimes hi still searching for the sweetest tast I forget what we’re supposed to bring to him a canoli guy down this Way I don’t know I crazy oh yeah the rare seed you’re right it’s a little rare seed sweet jberry um I don’t know I mean you can go this way but this is Le you out here is it in this Forest so I feel like I’ve explored like pretty much everything out

Here is there a chair trick here Maybe I’ve not unlocked it yet or something maybe oh it’s only available when you finish the community center okay that would make sense why have not why have not encountered it well that’ll be a hot minute then that’ll be a hot minute it before I finish the community center

We got this thing though shrub seed never heard of that I’m sure it’s a modded item but I just mean that’s cool love that uh I need to I need to get on Crafting my preserve jars for real for real um I want these um yeah I’ll put this here plan these in

The beginning of Spring takes 14 days to mature and continues to till the end of summer that’s cool I have to remember in Spring that whatever guys we played like a approximately 5 days that’s it that’s it that’s a little silly to me I just remember I need to go to the

Store today is it too Late is it too late for you to go to the store today okay be safe thanks for hanging out have a good one thank you thank you okay let’s donate this stupid egg and then I think I might end stream cuz what the I thought BR I thought I was going to be

Able to speedrun this for real for real like I really did I really did for real thought I was I I really thought you know what I mean like I so really thought I was going to be able to speedrun this we played 5 days in like 3

Hours or well like I was on day five when we started I think or something like that or no like day six or seven or I was on day something I was like on day something okay um only other thing we could just go to the mines for the

Rest of today I don’t have anything to eat though that’s so annoying let’s go back my beautiful curse with 871 hours of watch time that is so crazy every time I see that I love that for her um okay let’s but needed to go to the community center other way I was like

What I’m creeping up on Jen’s fourth place oh my God you are no you are Bryant with five 128 Hours my dearest did you got the song I can’t believe Dalton’s really on there I feel like we’ve not known Dalton for very long but he’s really on there isn’t

He he’s really on there isn’t he sweet Dalton we give him so much but sweet precious Dalton okay I think I think I’m done I think I’m done playing I think I’m done playing I was going to go the mines but you know I just don’t feel like it so that’s

Not I think oh my tree is growing I think um we can call it here I know um well I hope a lot of you guys have been enjoying me like streaming more I kind of want to leave this here for like aesthetic purposes like a cute little stump but I’ll chop

It yeah it’s better without it okay I don’t know what I was thinking um we’re dreading the weekend why cuz I’m not going to be streaming oh you oh you um yeah Riot you’re in second for watch time I helped you nap okay I’m good I’m I’m I’m glad whoa I had a

Stroke I think let me see what time I work tomorrow so I can have anxiety God I hope it’s not 8: a.m. please don’t let it be 8: [Laughter] a.m. uh okay okay okay so I work 8:30 to 4:30 tomorrow and on Sunday which is just that’s absolutely disgusting

But I was all for like a week so I can’t I can’t complain too much but yeah so I I’m not going to stream tomorrow or Sunday and I do work Monday so we’ll see how I’m feeling on Monday but I get off at like 300 p.m. on

Monday so I work I work like a 6 hour shift or something on Monday I work like 9:00 to 3 on Monday so we’ll see like how I feel Monday I mean like right now as of this moment I’m planning on streaming on Monday but you know we’ll see we shall

See it’s at 7:00 a.m. why would you say that well I’m excited for tomorrow but in those terms yes dreading oh I see but yeah um so I hope you guys enjoy your weekend um and uh I don’t know I think that’s it maybe possibly I had like a really stressful day

Yesterday with ttie being at the vet also I’m only one subscriber away from 2.7k is there someone lurking who’s not subscribed yet or like one of you guys haven’t subscribed yet why not please subscribe SC cribe and uh yeah um I was going to go on a raid but

My web browser is like just straight up not working like what on Earth okay okay yep okay my web browser is just not working anyway I appreciate you all very much thank you all very much for hanging out today I hope you guys enjoy your weekend um I

Think honestly just depends how I feel tomorrow I’m probably I’m probably not going to sleep that well tonight so like I don’t know how I’m going to feel tomorrow but I think I will try maybe I’ll try streaming tomorrow night cuz I didn’t stream Thursday I

Don’t know we’ll see I don’t know maybe I don’t know you know I don’t know we’ll see I probably will try to just speedrun the rest of Summer though like off stream cuz I really want I want to stream the fall Vibes I I want to just like summer is

Always like my least favorite season in like any game which is funny cuz I don’t I don’t mind summer in real life but anyway yeah guys I think that’s it I I can’t stop yawning yeah I will either see you guys tomorrow or I will see you Monday

Possibly if I don’t see you Monday I will maybe see you Tuesday otherwise I’ll see you Wednesday so yeah sorry my stream schedule is not like great still but I hope you guys enjoyed the past week I know all we did was stardo when I

Have like a lot of other games to play but you know you know I just I have ADHD and I get hyper fixated on things and like stard was fun and it’s like easier for me to stream when I’m playing something I actually want to play so she is not streaming till the

Series listen they have me working 28 hours next week and I’m like really upset about it oh yeah I don’t know maybe not so many streams next week but or not next week but the week after I work 25 hours next week and then I work 28 hours the following week so

Yeah but like I said I did change my availability so like hopefully after next next week cuz like the schedule had already been made I’ll be working less like significantly less like 16 hours like two shifts a week so yeah so yeah but I will try I I will

Always keep trying to stream regularly you guys know like Monday Wednesday Friday are days that I’m like always is going to try to stream but if I working or if I’m really tired or something I might try to stream on like a Tuesday or Thursday but sometimes it’s

Like I’m just off on Thursday after like having worked so I’m like I just want to be off and like not do anything so yeah I don’t know and then Tuesdays they always have me working in the evenings like I work till like 9:00 p.m. on Tuesday so like I can’t stream on

Tuesday but I think I’m off this Tuesday so maybe I’ll stream on Tuesday I don’t know but anyway long story short I love you all thank you for hanging out please subscribe please like the stream please share the stream with a friend I mean if you enjoyed it that much like if you

Really enjoyed it and you like want your friends to watch or whatever share the stream with your friend I’m really close to 2.7 subscribers like one subscriber away from 2.7 subscrib 2.7k subscribers 2.7 subscribers uh so please subscribe I would love to hit 3K that would be great

But you know live streaming doesn’t really get you a whole lot of subscribers unless you’re going on raids and getting raided a lot so yeah but yeah whatever support my channel thank you I love you all thank you thank you thank you the point7 is St

Oh my God part of the original 2.7 subscribers yeah there you go and we’re all passing around the same onethird of a brain cell yeah oh you know what helps too if you guys leave comments on my BS it always means so much to me when you guys leave

Comments on my BS so thank you there I know there’s a few of you who like do it with all my God so thank you but if you guys want to like leave a comment on my my VOD that would mean so much to me I get my preserve JW real

Quick hold on let me get my preserve JW yes sure I’m always like uh what do I put in there I’ll donate one of these to L anyway yeah okay thank you guys so much I think we have one3 of a brain cell that’s if you think we have one3 of

A brain cell that’s overestimating one8 1 in 108 how would you how do you say that fraction I was I can’t even I don’t even know how to say that that’s how little of a brain cell that I have okay I can’t even comprehend how small my brain cell

Is that’s good that’s good to know you guys know I’m not a math girly okay you guys know I’m not a math girly we’re like one 114th how do you say that how do you read that how do you read that gun PL nerds will get it I don’t get it

So sorry I’m not a gun sarry says goodbye sarry says I’m a chicken I sound like a rooster he said I sound like a rooster going cocka dooodle Doo 114 wait 140 one 144s 114th 114th 14 teeth what the not my cow sleeping over here what the girly go in the

Barn my cow is sleeping over there go in the barn you nerd there we go put her away my baby I still don’t know how to read that but now we know that I’m not a math girly now you guys all know that I was never a math girly but

Okay I shall end my stream now thank you all I really missed streaming a lot there we go a deciel actually I still can’t read that actually wait I still can’t read that 0.0025% but the zeros H me up you know I’m just sex SI so I don’t know how to

Read like when there’s too many zeros in a row like I my brain just can’t comprehend it thank you Zeno Kai [Laughter] um thank you guys thank you guys thank you guys for hanging out I miss you all very much I’ve been really really really missing streaming I would so much rather

Be streaming than working this other job but you know the other job makes me like considerably more money like so much more money than streaming does so so yeah so yeah but yeah I really I love streaming I miss you guys and I’m going to keep trying to stream more like I

Said I’m always trying but yeah I I was just off for a week so that’s why I was streaming a lot so I’m sorry if like maybe you don’t see me for a few days but I’ll try okay okay don’t forget about me please don’t unsubscribe please stop unsubscribing thank you

Okay that’s all I’ll see you all next time okay have a wonderful weekend meow meow meow good night toie DOI onasi thank you okay bye bye everyone

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✰ hi~! let’s play Stardew Valley with mods including the super popular mod expansion Stardew Valley Expanded~!♡

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✰ This is a space for everyone, so please be respectful and kind to others.
✰ Keep chat wholesome.
✰ Even though we keep things wholesome, my channel is for mature audiences only.
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✰ No trading. Do not facilitate or request any trading in chat for any game.
✰ Please stay hydrated. We will have water breaks throughout the stream!
✰ Remember to have fun! Thank you for being here!
✰ It’s okay to cry.

♡ ~ music by GlitchxCity ~ ♡
– youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@GlitchxCity
– spotify: https://open.spotify.com/artist/0X1wtVNo8CVrMEKh8y8knH?si=3LbXjE54TIK9oWLUEQcYiw
– soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/glitchxcity
– instagram: https://www.instagram.com/glitchxcity/

🦊~Check out Argama Witch~🧹
♡ booth: https://argamawitch.booth.pm/
♡ youtube: https://www.youtube.com/c/ArgamaWitch/

💙~Check out IAMAYLACAT~✨
♡ booth: https://iamaylacat.booth.pm/


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