What JJ and Mikey Find inside NEW PLANETS of ALL SIZES : Earth vs Moon vs Mars in Minecraft Maizen!

H wow look what huh Mikey yeah check it out H wo wait what’s this awesome interesting no way there are five mysterious planets I bet we’ll find something really incredible on top I wonder what we’ll find why don’t we climb to the top of each one what do you

Think JJ there’s got to be something amazing aming in them let’s go and see oh God I guess we should go check it out sounds good to me let’s start right away with the Earth planet come on there’s a hidden door here the color is different okay entering this one is

First oh this is planet Earth I’m so excited let’s go what’s this it looks like a parkour section Mikey we’re already pretty high up I wouldn’t want to fall that would hurt be careful nice pop across let’s keep moving hang on H it’s a dead end there’s no way to

Get up there we can’t reach you’re right but look over here we walk right past this chest oh there might be something useful inside let’s see huh well what do we have here there’s a slime block a sticky piston and a lever but how are those going to help us yes check this

Out let’s put it together like this see oh we can hop on top of here try it out sure ready go wo I made it sweet thanks yep I was launched pretty high okay I’ll try not to fall off let’s try it again here I go 3 2

1 yes nice I made it let’s go all right okay wao what’s all this it’s not safe we’re high up this is scary Mikey I don’t want to fall off go slow so hi I can barely look down this is seriously crazy take it easy and you won’t fall

All right it looks like we have more parkour ahead be careful stay focused this is tough yeah that was close but I made it okay I made it yes wow we’re almost to the top look wo already that was easier than I thought now we just have to get the

Treasure from inside this house still don’t let your guard down okay let’s go here we go all right then we’ve somehow been locked in a mysterious room we’re locked in why what did we do wondering why won’t change anything now let’s think about how to escape from here also

What’s waiting for us outside this room I wonder first there’s a chest here you’re right let’s see 3 2 1 open what’s inside I have to know there was a lever inside so is this right and we’ve escaped oh oh iron doors need a lever

Right I knew that yep yep yep iron doors won’t open without a lever this Escape was a bit too easy though H welcome to Room Escape huh I thought we already escaped but according to this it seems like this is just the beginning there’s more ah there are multiple rooms and we

Need to escape from them all hold on this must be the first stage there’s an iron door here it seems like opening it is the right thing to do yeah as to how we do that there’s redstone on the floor here yeah how easy is this very easy

What this Redstone Dust here is just going to waste right here and here oh yep there it is we can break it there now to place it and fix the Redstone circuit once it sends a signal to the iron door it’ll open oh ready and open

See wow okay this is still really easy we made it to the chest so let’s open it up and see what kind of treasures inside open wo oh nice amazing check it out it was full of coins awesome woohoo we got the treasure I’m really stoked

About all these coins we made it to the top of the first staircase and we got our treasure woohoo all right let’s move on next one now we’re going into the moon yep let’s get to it all right let’s go yay let’s move almost there we’re at the top h Huh

Where’s the entrance there’s no way in look Mikey hm there’s another button oh if we push it will an entrance appear H but what if we push it and something bad happens it could be a trap I don’t want to push it you do

It okay Mikey I wonder what it will do 3 2 1 it worked oh when you push this button a secret entrance opens up you’re right let’s go in here we go what’s it time go here I come W it’s a narrow path I wonder what’s down there stay on guard let’s explore

There must be something is there treasure H did you pick the wrong ladder JJ oh wait Mikey I think I chose the correct one I’m not falling for that wa that thing just punched me you better not open your door Mikey these hippo men are after me I’ll be right

Back hold on why are they only targeting me at least I’ll be safe as long as I stay on this side of the fence what’s in that chest wow I got Stone swords and apples I’ll share them thank you Mikey come here H one sec I’m coming you made

It that wasn’t too hard take this really thanks let’s defeat them with our new swords sure let’s take them down attack nice I’m lucky they’re not attacking me yeah I don’t know why I’m the only one being targeted let’s go what’s in [Applause] here this is different huh

H it’s a maze hey that isn’t so bad if it’s a maze then it can’t be fatal now that’s reassuring I guess so let’s clear this maze yeah let’s go this will be so easy no wait a sec what’s up there’s something in here with us back up it’s

An alligator what do we do this is bad what now oh man no one said anything about alligators it’s a dead end we have to rush it what hey ouch man we have to use Force it’s following you let’s go Mikey hurry look huh a chest is it a trap H is

It safe open wo diamond and golden armor uh take your pick Mikey H I’ll choose the gold really I’ll take the diamond armor there we go yeah okay nice now that we’re equipped I think we can fight the game totally this will be easy let’s go yo

Take it out yeah Haya let’s get It it’s kind of tough make a break for it it’s strong go it bit me let’s focus on the maze I want to get out of here where’s the end huh we’ve come this far for a dead end there’s no exit really do we have to go back now no hang on seriously

Mikey there’s no way out he it’s hopeless see look really carefully there’s nothing no higher huh there’s a button here you’re right let’s push it okay oh did you see that a secret entrance let’s move go wo yes I made it I’ll take a look around up there 3 2 1 well any

Treasure huh there’s a giant hippo man up here what no way are you okay I’m going to help you sit tight hurry Mikey I’m hurrying y this guy’s strong ouch can you beat it on your own maybe I can deflect stuff he’s throwing snowballs at me I’m climbing as

Fast as I can come quick faster Mikey uh-oh it’s so far away wo wo wo wo wo wo don’t hurt JJ I have to fight it let’s go is it big yep how big massive what it can’t be that big well it is no way for real oh I beat

It you want but I wanted to see if it was as big as you said it was I still don’t believe you it was huge Mikey I bet I could have fought it really oh there’s another button see you’re right but it might be a trap be

Careful okay I’ll push it here I go good luck click huh h ah is that a hidden chest this must be the treasure let’s open it up wo cool look at this awesome wow swords armor let’s try it out yeah here you take some too Mikey there’s more

Than enough for both of us check out this armor WoW sweet looking sharp hey you too man this treasure was totally worth all that effort going up yep not too shabby looking good we climbed the wooden staircase ready to move on definitely all right next we’ll

Go into the Mars I wonder what treasure awaits let’s go yeah there’s something here hurry I wonder we made it already oh yeah W well we made it let’s go in I’m excited treasure come on 3 2 1 open yay huh w we’re in some kind of yellow room uh-huh

H wow there’s a door oh can we open this open hang on huh Mikey this time the door is locked with a passcode but I can see a chest inside oh yeah I wonder what’s in there H still we can’t get in without the passcode oh let’s try entering random passcodes let’s see

H h how about 1 2 3 4 H 1 2 3 4 yep no good Mikey oh then try 000000 0 000000 0 uh-huh that’ll work that’s not it either seriously so neither of my usual passcodes can open it oh this is hard huh there must be another way H hang on look

Huh shovels oh and there’s sand beneath us oh wow if we dig up all this sand we might find a clue to the passcode let’s dig okay I’ll start here w h i already dug something up look Mikey huh there’s a chest open wo oh there’s a book inside

What’s it for wow there’s a five written in it that’s probably part of the passco interesting H Mikey let’s dig up lots of of sand to look for more passcode Clues okay JJ H let’s keep searching there might be something good oh oh Mikey incredible you dug up a treasure chest

Let’s see nice open wo there’s another book and some torches too wow huh let’s check the book six we got a five and a six let’s keep digging up chests like this there might be other strange things buried in the sand so we need to be careful no k

All right okay the last one yes wao oh wo we did it we cleared out all the sand huh there aren’t any more chests huh huh but we got rid of all of it huh let’s clean this all up we might find something huh all cleared but there’s nothing here nothing at

All now what H hang on there’s something behind you huh what what is it right here Mikey look huh this spot’s colored differently oh this must be a secret Door woah it was a secret door wow we what’s this oh Mikey there’s a place to jump from here I wonder what’s down there let’s see let’s go here we go wo huh huh wo a chest let’s open it okay open oh oh there’s a book Inside Yes

Nice let’s see what it says mm it says 78 oh maybe the passcode is 5678 well let’s see all right we’re going to input the passcode 5678 wo wo it opened nice nice job JJ we did it we can finally see what’s inside this Treasure Chest open wow wo oh sweet

There were 64 golden apples and look Diamond helmets I’m going to eat one now I’ll eat a couple golden apples too we’re lucky we have this many I’m so happy we’re rich totally w we finished the White Court staircase we got loads of treasure huh we did let’s do the diamond staircase next

Ready oh yeah let’s go I already see two chests oh what’s inside wow let’s check this out what’s this it’s a gauntlet it looks really powerful oh huh those are hus coming can we beat them just by punching with these on yeah whoa oops sorry these punches knock things back

Wow hey Mikey run just leave the husks let’s keep moving I made it let’s go inside 3 2 1 open let’s head to the top It’s tricky to walk on slime this is wild hang on I figured it out it’s a TNT launching device if you push this button

You’ll be shot upwards I’ll try it 3 2 1 go h no way what now W this is amazing come on Mikey I’m being attacked by these enemies I’ll be right there one sec hurry Mikey wait w this is unbelievable oh Mikey that was quick that was fun here are the enemies

They’re pretty tough wow you’re strong I beat them now it’s time to open this chest oh oh that’s a cool sword we got a katana and some golden apples these are awesome they’re powerful we’re Unstoppable the wall broke let’s go Mikey okay it looks like it’ll take a

Long time until we reach the top but maybe if we push this button hey sweet stop it what’s that no what’s wrong there’s something up there enemies I bet we can take them yeah look let’s do this thing y you’re right an enemy let’s fight it Yik there I took care of

It all right oh there’s another enemy nope sorry here I go jump got him wow okay nice wo this is pretty [Applause] Cool oh one one more I’ll deal with it look out I bet there’s treasure up there another one come on Mikey I’m coming let’s get that treasure this is fun wait a minute we’re almost at the top great I wonder what’s up there maybe some

Treasure hey I made it to the stairs no way I was so close to Falling that was really dang dangerous yeah oh well let’s keep going we’re almost there well what is it oh the treasure is just sitting out in the open this time what could it be let’s check it

Out wo oh awesome treasure this is amazing wow expensive cars there’s so many it’s great hey let’s try them out right away Mikey let’s drive yeah I’ll put one one of mine down right here wo I’m going to drive my expensive car down the stairs watch this so cool

This is going to be fun here I go wo I guess it Glides you can [Laughter] fly oh wow Mikey your car looks really good thanks go go go I’ll put mine out too go for it this one that one looks good this one cool there’s so many a few more we’ve

Got a full collection of cars Now cool my car’s so fast you’re good It’s tricky to control awesome definitely at the top of the diamond staircase was a collection of cool cars yeah what a find finally we’ll take on the magma staircase this one’s going to be tough huh mhm it looks

Really dangerous hey oh it’s hot are you okay it burns try going fast all right let’s go fast yeah it’s hot ow there’s water that was hot yeah looks like there’s some armor here let’s put it on okay okay gear up this will help us out

A lot right oh this is cool nice it all has blast protection on it which means this is a TNT elevator I see we’ll be fine if we push this button it’ll launch us into the sky ready you have to aim and land on the Slime wo nice job let’s run up what’s

Inside the Magma’s going to be hot ready go well we did itow and now we’re in a Mysterious Room oh this is interesting but it’s another dead end I want it to break out right away oh so what now H there might be something here oh hang on H there’s a

Chest oh oh I know there must be an item in this chest that will help us Escape but Mikey huh watch where you’re standing huh there are cracks oh yeah isn’t that a bit suspicious but if we stay here we’ll be executed I have the courage to look inside this chest it’ll

Be okay don’t worry yep it looks fine I’m opening it 3 2 2 1 huh there’s nothing inside no Mikey no way oh you fell into the void it was a trap we need to be careful hang on H there’s another chest maybe this is the

Right one it has to be safe right sure the ground looks safe this time okay I’m opening it 3 2 1 H it’s empty ouch what again huh it’s a good thing you were wearing that helmet this room is booby trapped seriously does anything else stand out

To you not really Mikey look right here huh why the wall oh has cracks too yep here’s an idea what if we hit it and break through the wall of course there might be more chests hidden around the room let’s check them out okay maybe something useful really H

Let’s see oh look over here oh see there’s a chest hidden in the fountain it might be trapped careful I’ll open it I’m nervous man okay here it goes oh huh hey cool I got some coins oh you can throw coins into fountains see H um H all right anything else nothing

Helpful really hm hey see that huh there’s a chest be careful JJ it might be trapped I’ll open it I’m scared aren’t you no way open is it safe I guess so it’s rad oh here have some thanks huh bread can’t help us Escape seriously H that was the last

Chest are you sure um oh hm check it out oh a hole it’s in there yeah it’s really well hidden definitely you ready open it here it goes is it a trap or a Treasure 3 2 1 open well wo H it’s good really look H we found

Dynamite wo yeah sweet it’s perfect we can break through the wall with the cracks in it yeah so let’s blow it up we’re breaking out definitely before our execution yes what’s thise okay we made it to the top of the magma staircase and here’s the final treasure I wonder what’s inside what

Could it be 3 2 1 open huh what’s this huh it’s weird it looks freaky oh these huh are super rare explosives Mikey let’s try setting them off let’s do it let’s go back all right what we have here are rare explosives see wow I want to try setting them off you

Ready sure I’ll do it too all at once what’s going to happen woohoo wo this is insane

in Minecraft Video compilation you will see: What JJ and Mikey Find inside NEW PLANETS of ALL SIZES : Earth vs Moon vs Mars in Minecraft Maizen!

👉Maizen Original Channel – @maizenofficial

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