Having an OMZ/HEATHER FAMILY in Minecraft!

Today we’re having a completely normal family with our couples are you sure it’s normal SS turn around what what do you mean Turner what the hey hey cutie patootie we’re a couple let’s build our family house together bro Heather you are not my couple my couple is Crystal wait oh hi

Crystal what is she doing here oh my gosh girls girls relax but wait a minute get out of my face Crystal okay girls wait if you two are a part of my couple then who is the baby going to be ohar we have to see this it’s going to be an MS

And Crystal baby what no no way it’s SS and Heather what oh no let me open this John up hey Daddy what’s up oh no he OHS no no no you got to go back inside you got to go back inside daddy where’s our family house I thought we were a happy

Family no no no go back in babes was that our baby or her baby uh oh go it was our baby you didn’t see anything either it it was totally our baby Crystal and we have to to build a family house for him he was very upset that

There was nothing here H I don’t know if I can trust you babes what no no no Crystal totally look look look we have to make a light blue and San house and um Heather you could like go somewhere my boy you don’t need to be here what

But I want to be with you hubby excuse you go go away go away my hubby we’re building together and that’s fine okay okay yo great Crystal chill how about we all work together here and Crystal come over here come over here I’m just tricking her if she helps us

Build we could have a family house and then we’ll kick her out deal deal deal deal but you have to make sure to calm down and not freak out so the Heather come on let’s go uh help us build a family house and it’s going to be made

Out of light blue but the corners are going to be C yep for me not for you Heather okay Crystal you can’t tell her that you have to like tell her that in the future we’ll do something for Heather but we actually won’t fine okay good see Heather look we’re actually

Making the house for you oh no bro you d double risen right now I am not double risen mad respect mad respect what do you mean mad respect oh my n are you serious bro they’re just my friends and Crystal is just a friend too and Heather

I don’t even know if I can call her a friend M you definitely like one of them what no that is totally not true but guys check out how good the framework of the house looks like Crystal are you doing the outlining of it yep and I’m

Making it perfectly even ooh very good Crystal so it’s going to be perfect but right now working on the roof so it looks awesome SAU and then we can destroy all the other families and be the best family ever not happening me and Lily’s family is the best what not

True but wait a minute oop is the baby going to want the house to be signed in light blue or light blue and purple cuz the baby was me and Heather’s baby what was that hubby H nothing just keep using these Colors oh gosh this isn’t good

Crystal uh Luke I have a problem my boy here what’s good I’m not sure what to do cuz the baby was actually me and Heathers but we’re making the house Crystal and yeah yeah really L come on relax my boy relax dude how are you going to convince Crystal it’s not well we’re

Making the house these colors but then the kids not going to like it no he’s going to like it we’re going to make the house so awesome that he’s going to have to like it what was that babes um nothing I was just telling Luke about

How amazing the house looks like so far and you know what we should do as an added detail we should add some depth check this out if we grab some quartz and make it one layer back like this it makes a really cool 3d effect so let’s do that all around

And I also love how it’s a different color I know right it’s making the cyan pop very much because the kid that’s I mean um the crystal kid is going to like it a lot you know wait did you just say Heather no no no I said Heather you

Should do the same on the other side please since you are our helper okay hubby poo hey oh my gosh oh gosh Crystal remember you said you wouldn’t while out Crystal come on wow um I don’t think Chris is taking this too longy this is not funny she

Sound like s dony hey Roxy she is not a donkey my boy she is not a donkey oh my Nar but wait let’s go all around over here and we could fill it up in the back back back like that and zigzag that John all the way and fill it

In and I’m going to use the magic wand to make this super fast so let me set the first position here second position here then set it all with some smooth quartz like that Crystal instant plac instant place on that guy pal I’m going to finish the top no nope you’re not

That guy you’re not that guy and no I did that I did that was only me I plac the fin I did that wow Luke my house is way better than you in Alexa’s house you heard Alexa you’re a butt face zip it farty butt that’s why

You have two moms what are you serious I was just kidding Alexa it made me feel good to call you a butt face cuz you always call me one well I’m going to get the last word you’re a but face hey no you’re a but face but check it out guys

The outside is looking so good right now and we need to fill up all of the roof with some some cyan concrete uh SS when are you going to start placing purple you promise um in a second first let’s just like do the roof and the whole house and complete literally everything

And then have the kid and then we’ll talk about purple what no I want it right now okay okay we will very very soon let’s just do the roof and oh gosh Luke I need help I need bro help but the girls are doing the roof right now but I

Think Heather’s starting to catch on cuz I don’t want her to build cuz I don’t want Crystal to be upset and I think she knows I’ve never been in this position with two gats trying to risk all right I’m not thinking about what did you just say oh my Roxy I’m going to

Need advice from a real dude like you my boy what do I do in this situation you have to stick out your gas oh my God no I’m not doing that yo Lily I need some advice what do I do you have to be so slay Queen right now what the why is

Everybody weird what does that mean slay Queen I can’t believe I’m about to do this Alexa I need advice from you uh what do you want but face I don’t know what to do I have like two girlfriends boy you keing for real for real okay you

Know what never mind I don’t even need help from you Alexa I’ll just figure this out on my own no one’s helpful and W you girls are actually doing really good are you guys using teamwork I’m not even looking at her babes no no no you Crystal no Heather Crystal you guys are

Actually getting along very very well that means that we’re the best family ever and we’re better than Luke especially bro stop playing I’m not playing Luke zero caps involved look at how awesome our house looks we literally have an entire Mansion but does your house have emeralds SW Luke bro are you

Serious don’t nobody want to no emeralds emeralds is green and green is the color of boogers and throw up and farts yeah and all those things are awesome why oh no that’s actually Super SU Luke you think throw up is awesome Yep as long as

It’s not yours oh really bro but hold up boys hold up I think we completed the hi Crystal I think we completed the RO really bro I think we completed the roof and we did this John is literally that good pal but girls we need our walls and

We should do the same 3d effect we did before but with glass purple glass purple glass no no no I was thinking how about light blue glass how do you feel about light blue yeah yeah yeah yeah all right let’s do it thank you for all of

You guys agreeing I was about to say no but fine let’s go so let’s make it one block on the inside and throw the glass all the way around and hold up I’m going to use the magical wand for this let me set the first position here second

Position here then slash SL set then we want to do light blue stained glass and yay did the first side I’m faster than both of you girls combined no you did it you’re big baing you’re big baing and boom did this side over here then let me go over here go

All the way down what good Heather y finished up babe stop it I beat you right now no way wait I didn’t do that really bro oh you finish the top first but hold up wait a minute this is actually looking super duper awesome sauce wo and wait the entrance to the

Kington could be right over here just like this andway we want to make it completely even so it should be these three blocks over here just like that and boom here is the entrance but what do you guys say we have an awesome door our kid would love that right crystal

Yes make it so whenever he hits a button it goes away ooh that’s so smart hold up don’t you mean our kid babes what uh no I mean me and Crystal’s kid excuse me I thought we were together oh I have it what is CH what you oh my

Gosh Luke you now have Heather score I get the double G bro boy no way boy wow she literally jumped off instead of being with you that’s crazy that’s big cup I’m the catch other not you oh my gosh Luke I don’t know if you’re the

Catch my boy but Crystal I think we bought some some time without Heather hurry up make the door before she comes all right all right all right and oh I have an idea we can make the door out of cyan concrete doesn’t that looks super awesome yes it looks way better than

Purple yes Siri and check out my idea I’m going to make it so when you step on top of this pressure play it automatically opens it and then respawns the blocks back and since I am a professional at command blocks this should be easy pickings cuz I just need

To grab the command like that then I need to copy it and give myself a command block then we have to go underneath Crystal and do some insane red stoning babes you’re the one that can do it what the he that oh my go are you yo

I’m Crystal come Crystal come oh my gosh get out of here scramble scramble scramble oh no what is Crystal even say I’m going to scramble you like eggs girl what yo L can you do something about this oh my oh no are the gats trash talking each other why all right Luke I

Don’t think we should be calling them gats my boy dude but it’s super accurate all right I’m not even going to say anything I’m not even going to say anything I’m just going to go up here and I’m going to test it out and why did

I just hear armor yo really Crystal I’m ready for you you want to get suited up you want to get suit up let’s go go y all right yo girls relax we have a kid on the way we have a kid on the way in survival right now yo Luke Luke do

Something my boy I’m going to be the referee real quick keep it clean guys keep my go you know what let me just test out the door I a guy that say like 3 two are yo guys guys look at the door the door oo look at

The perfect and wait girls check it out if I walk b boom yeah you know how it is easy pickings I know and then check it out I’m going to make a work from over here as well which is super duper easy pickings all we have to do go underneath

Redstone Redstone Redstone then go above like this then boop didy boop and then pressure plate now the door works on both sides yeah I know I know easy pickings W bab you’re so so smart give me a Smo what no Crystal oh my goodness gracious but hold up girls the floor

It’s literally grass we don’t want our kid living in dirt how about we make it out of purple wow um no no no I had enough no no purple I have an idea instead of purple let’s meet in the middle and make it light blue uh how is

That the middle it’s not but we’re making it light blue and I’m going to make it wool because we’re going to have a baby and we don’t want that boy slipping and hurting his too sh yes it would really hard he’s going to be like exactly and boom now we have wool

Floor so it’s super duper safe but you know what every kid’s need right a giant plasma screen TV that has a bajillion inches du yes so we can watch Kung Fu SS together hold up hold up hold up how do you know about Kung fues Heather H well

Like I’m like the biggest fan hold up I did not know about you Heather this makes me see you in a new light wait a minute babes I’m a super duper fan wait what you are oh really I love the part when o wins oh I like that part too

That’s my favorite part as well oh my gosh Luke do you know that Heather and Crystal are super fans of kung fu ohmss you know they’re both capping why why would they be capping about that girls don’t watch movies about Kung Fu dude why so why would they be capping do you

Have any real reason it’s cuz they both want to smooch you no all right all right I’m closing I’m closing but check out how big this TV is now peep this Kung Fu what the who in the world is that dude that is not Kung Fu oh we have to

Switch it and wait wait I need to make the TV a little bit bigger cuz now we have Kung Fu almost 1 2 3 4 but we need the fifth and sixth edition guys so let’s go over here then y really bro it’s literally skeleton in a crusan that

Looks yummy too hey yo but boom now we have all the Kung Fu OHS 1 2 3 4 5 and six but we need some super duper comfy couches put purple in there there’s like no way around that sorry Crystal we have to put purple in the sofas no we’re not

We’re not we have to we literally have to cuz it has to be all of our colors Crystal I’m sorry look I’ll spread you guys apart I’ll put Heather right over here four for Heather then one two three four for me then one two three four for

Crystal and wait what what happened to Heather’s nothing nothing nothing it’s like perfectly fine wait what was that how it was the whole time yeah it was like all the time my couches oh my really Crystal oh my gosh Crystal there needs to be a side for Heather she’s not

Going to sit on yo yo Crystal chill she’s next to you well where else is she going to be you want her to be next to you all right fine babes oh my gosh F but girls we also need carpet so in case the baby falls his knees won’t get hurt

We need double protection over here yeah sometimes babies are really clumsy I know right and we’re going to make the carpets a pattern of purple light blue and science do we have to add the purple what yo Crystal come on look it’s going to be San light blue purple then San

Light what what what did you just do nothing nothing hey that’s it I’m getting tired of Crystal breaking all my stuff oh my gosh Crystal you have to relax all right here I’ll this isect oh my gosh are you serious right now no it’s not perfect come on look I’m going

To make it purple then we can make it light blue then we can make it San then we can make it purple then we can make it light blue then we can make it s are you guys seeing the pattern wow this is so nice with the purple in between yeah

It’s actually fire and we need some tables for our kids so let’s grab some tables and we’re going to make it all in light blue cuz I know you girls are going to argue about it so let’s go all the way down over here like this and

We’re going to need some plates for some snacks while we watch the TV baby I like spider eyes cuz they’re basically like grapes and like grapes are purple what the what oh no keep this to yourself girl we are not feeding our not our we’re not oh no

We’re not feeding me and Crystal kid thank you Crystal I appreciate it but now what’s our kid going to eat Crystal it needs to be nutritious and delicious and very very healthy healthy steak not by your eyes wait wait what about raw beef raw beef raw beef uh okay babes but

Only one piece all right all right all right how about this we’ll put two raw beef and one normal steak and then we need some junk food here cuz this the snack area cookies the kaks oh all right cookies and cake so I’ll put the cake

Right over here and we’ll put the cookie over here and nice you replace the disgusting spider ey hey babes I’m putting it back he all right all right oh my gosh that’s actually n okay Crystal relax relax everyone take a deep okay Luke it’s getting kind of heated in

Here can you pull up please all right I’ll simmer things down I appreciate it my boy Luke you’re very good at that come through the automatic okay why is Crystal Tak Crystal chill ladies ladies chill for real what do you want l oh wait it’s working Luke W Riz right now my boy

Please W Riz we need some W me out you guys can all day OHS at the same time are you serious L that was terrible advice that was terrible advice my boy sorry I tried something dude oh my goodness gracious that was terrible my boy how about this I just take both of

Them off your hands for you no are you oh my gosh girls please come inside we have to make our kids a playroom This is Our Family House Fine babes but only if crystal says sorry oh my gosh no no one’s saying sorry to anyone let’s just

All get along okay Crystal I’m just not going to even look at her what all right that’s better than you guys fighting all the time cuz fighting is bad and our kid needs a playroom so I know exactly what must be done we need fences to protect

Him from running away so first let’s go around over here like this and we’re going to make this the most Saucy play area ever this John is going to be amazing oh yeah yeah so let’s go around over here throw the fences in the back

Just like that now first we need a toy Crystal so what would our kid like how about we use a dragon head ooh this one actually going to look super cute all right let me get some purple wool and let’s put the dragon head right over here boom Dragon toy and what what

Happened there a dragon everyone run for your life why why is she running he’s literally so cute Crystal why is she Wilds what do we do your babes is crying Crystal it’s literally a fake it’s fake it’s not okay all right I’m not going to say anything

It’s fake look Crystal check it out if we add a lever we could make his mouth move silly look at that so cute see he’s a normal toy and okay that’s the first toy but next we’re going to add a Creeper toy yes our baby’s going to love

It yes Siri so let me grab some green wool and we going to make that boy right over here so let me put him like that creeper what what everything’s going to explode run what’s that happing he save your babies it’s literally just a creeper

Head out of there you’re going to exp I put silly arms on it that’s so cute yeah okay Crystal I feel like you’re trolling us right now no I’m not I’m not you are literally trolling us all right so if I take this zombie head and I use green

Wall is this a zombie Yeah Boy again hurry up run run oh my n Shorty’s bugging right now but I put the cute little arms so now our baby can play and he’ll be like this is awesome and H oh oh since this is the play area we should add some

More fun how about trampolines yes he’s going to bounce so high yes sersi I’m going to use the light blue ones I’ll put some right over here and I’m only going to use three because three should be enough for some good bounces but nothing dangerous oh yeah this is lit

This is super lit oh yeah W Crystal you can do back flips uh yes well I can do three back flips wait what how how can you do that hether how are you that guy pal cuz I’m a popular cheerleader babe I’m wait what Crystal could just do one two oh

No look they’re literally flipping they’re literally flipping right now they’re actually competing for your love this is crazy wow that was very impressive to both of you girls I cannot even do one of those but boom play area is looking sauce let me grab a sign and

Make it super cute looking yeah so then our baby’s going to want to play here exactly I’m going to name it play area and I’m going to use some glow squid to make it super duper bright just like that and I’m going to use light

Blue dye like that so it’s our color oh my gosh this is super lit but guys you know we should have in the crib to make it more homey what are you going to add babes two words F fireplace so this is where the whole family could sit down

And we could have guest over and we could all enjoy wow so we can be cozy and toasty together well that makes it sound like weird Heather we’re not going to be cozy together we not sitting next to each other my boy we going to have a little bit of Separation yes Heather

Could sit like on the word and I’ll sit next toio what no no no guys it’s a whole family thing so Luke’s family is going to be invited cuz Luke is also having kids right Luke yes sir G me and Alexa have a family boy oo nice congratulations Alexa I always knew that

You and Luke would end up together H what the what are you talking about what what do you mean what the what are you guys not together or something what’s going on uh no Luke is just my friend we’re oh wow this is awkward Luke that’s news

To me what oh my not are you serious Luke BR hold up wait let me make the fireplace right over here go all the way up and we’re going to make it actually working girls yeah I know your mind is about to be blown bab there’s no way you

Can do it what hey are you serious right now of course I can I’m that guy first I need to do the outside of it by setting all the positions over here just like that y now to make an actual fireplace we just need to grab some campfires and

Boop put them down over here and actually wait I think it would be better if we put it up like this yeah that looks so much better and now let’s see if it’s making Fire come out of the chimney let’s go all the way up and

Girls the fire is not reaching all the way bab extend the fire oh that’s so smart I could literally just put hidden campfires right over here like this and now the smoke is going up and we have to make a little chimney and everyone knows that chimneys are made out of bricks so

Let me grab bricks and throw them all around right over here check this out wow that is so amazing thank you very much Heather I appreciate it B it’s super amazing oh thank you Crystal well babes it is super duper amazing super duper amazing stop copying me amazing

Babe all right oh no guys yeah see the there too much going on here all right all right everyone chill everyone chill everyone chill Roxy that was Ultra sh my boy I’m not going to cap no it was not sh it’s just natural W SS but hold up

Girls we need a way to make our kid not literally walk into fire so I’m going to put a guard rail right over here so see you can’t get inside and now it’s time to grab our carpet so we could sit down and roast some marshmallows as a family

Babes make Heather sit all the way in the back oh as far away as you no oh my goodness wait we need light blue for me then C for you then purple for Heather then we’re going to need some green for Luke lime for Alexa red for Roxy and

Pink for Lily so I’m going to put the light blue right over here and I’m adding two Light blues yeah so then your big butts can spread as far as it on no I’m adding two for my kid what the my butt is not even that big Crystal are you Ser oh my

Gosh yo oh my girls are you serious hes your booty’s bootylicious uh all right everyone stop right now Roxy I know you’re going to say something no nothing thing is thinging all right really bro my thing is not thinging dude but okay thing in just like this are you serious that thing before

Are you serious are you like genuinely serious dude but okay look this is my son this is me then I’m going to have Crystal right next to me then Heather is going to be like back over here then y Crystal don’t say anything about it I’m

Hey I’m still organ yo oh my God she can be right here all right sure whatever I don’t care and then we can have Luke over here then Alexa here and then Luke’s little baby boy right over here then Roxy and I’m going to have Lily

Next to him cuz he’s going to be risen her up and then roxxy’s kid right here it’s going to be a family sitting area and we could tell scary stories at the campfire now this is swag with a side of Swag sauce but girls our son is going to

Hate us if we don’t give him an awesome room he yes where’s he going to go me exactly oh no did I hear that right y’all don’t got a room are you serious l we just said we’re about to make one right now you can’t talk trash dude what

Kind of house is that bro are you serious right now we’re making one right now oh my goash well at least Roxy doesn’t have a room yet M you think I’m a bad dad of course me and Lily have one yep we’re the best hey all right

Whatever whatever have a hot tub in it are you serious right now a hot tub that’s actually swag but wait girls what should we make the floor of the second floor out of purple purple no no no more let me think o what about diamond blocks

Yes yes yes he’s going to love it yes sir Our Song going to be like sheesh we got money like that and I’ll be like yes sir no caps involved so let me set it with some diamond blocks wo that is literally legi this now let me make it so Boop the

Ladder reaches upstairs and wa this is fire everyone let’s go upstairs and we need to make the layout for our room first Crystal and sorry Heather you’re going to sleep in like the basement or something uh no I’m I’m sleeping with you guys no matter what back down there

Yo oh my goodness gracious are you serious all right fine Heather you’ll sleep with us but like on the other side of the room no right next to you cutie butt uh do not call my butt cute get out of here scramble boo oh wow um Crystal

Wow okay well don’t call me a cutie butt my butt is not cute it’s very very strong and powerful and I could destroy the world if I wanted to oh no boy you going to what to what does toot mean Luke that’s like a cuter way of saying

Far bro oh my gosh you know what whatever whatever he it to oh my gosh but check it out guys boom we now have a wall and this is going to be the adult room this John is gigantic but first of all we have to make our bed super duper awesome SAU and

What if we made a triple bunk bed nope how about a double and Crystal can just sleep in the basement my hand me oh my goodness gracious no no no no no girls come over here we’re going to make a triple bunk bed so we

Can all have room so I’ll make it right over here and wo that looks Giant and I’m going to make it really really big for us so first I’m going to make it so that two beds fit longly this way then I’m going to add another layer going all

The way up just like that then do the same on this side going all the way up like this then we want to make the background be able to hold us so let me add some strengthening pillars yes pillars yes sir so now it’s going to

Keep us very wrong and now we can get the beds so first I’m going to be on the lower level so let me put 1 2 3 4 and this is a giant bug bed and I’m going to put the next level of beds right over

Here on the pillars so let me set a little platform just like this boom now we need the cyan beds yes I’m right next to you yep and let me set the cyan just like this and then finally we’re going to have to throw the purple ones in oh

Gosh it’s a tight fit right babes you can just leave her out what no oh my gosh I already know how to fix it all we have to do is just move the bunk bed forward like this and then make a little platform over here and you’re going to

Be up this way and oh my gosh this is going to be a little bit difficult to get up to if we were noobs but luckily I’m not a noob we’re Pros so all we have to do is grab some ladders and put it right over here so Heather you can get

Up super easily like this and then your beds are going to be right here so let’s grab a purple bed and put it right over here one two flip around then one and two like that wo this is actually lit and wait I’m going to put on the

Other side another pillar so it’s super duper strong oh my goodness gracious this is like my dream bed setup and wait we should also add another layer for our son yes in case he gets scared and wants to sleep in here sometimes yeah you know how kids be sometimes are a little bit

Scared of the dark so let me make another platform right over here and it literally fits perfectly and I’m going to make the bed light blue and cyan the Wombo Combo o awesome now we have to make a way to get up to each bed so

First to get up to my bed is you literally just have to sneak underneath and then you could get to it so we’re good but now we need to wait for our kid to get up so we could put some slabs over here going up then ladder and you

Could boom climb up over here and reach all the beds this bed is awesome yes sir ski this is the most lyest bed ever and wait because this is our bedroom we need a closet to change and stuff cuz we don’t want to have no drip like

Heather’s outfit super whack my boy I got super amounts of drip right now you do not have super amounts of drip Heather that John is mid mid mid that means it’s not that guy pal but we have to go around over here and make ourselves a ginormous walk-in closet who

Babes this is actually swag yes sir ski so let’s make sure we make all the walls of the closet out of this warped Blue Block and girls you can do the other sides I got this side over here got you babe Teamwork Makes the Dream workor and

I’ll make the roof up on top just like this all the way down over here and we’re going to be the coolest parents ever because we’re always going to have the best outfits on so Boop and Boop and oh you guys are actually doing really good teamwork together nope babes I’m

Not working with her oh my god really come on B babe she’s working on that side I’m working on this side there’s literally only one side but sure but check it out I’m going to put Boop two doors over here and W the walk-in closet is lit and it’s literally a perfect size

Cuz check out what we could do we could grab some armor stands and Boop we can put one set over there Boop another set over here Boop another set here another set here here and here and boom so you could literally walk in and see what’s

The best drip Possible Oh I want this drip what crstal nothing’s there yet we have to put some drip on oh yes yes yes I would like some drip please oh all right coming right up I’m getting you some drip and Peep this John O Yes actually don’t mind this one

I’ll take this one this one please Crystal that’s the only option and it’s netherite and you know what’s after netherite right what diamonds baby yes we’re going from most overpowered to least overpowered yes Siri this one’s in the back cuz we only use it on special occasions but after diamond is iron

Right of course it is okay let’s grab the iron armor thank you very very much let’s throw that all on like that yay next up after iron would be gold right yep and then chain M let me grab the full set of gold armor y throw it all

Down then you said next is chain mail right yes of course it is okay let’s grab that John we need the chain mail like this boop boop boop and Boop and then last but not least is leather and I have something super awesome to do as

You girls can see that there’s a one two three of us and one two three armor stands and only one type of armor left which is leather right yeah what about that well with the last armor we could dye it in our car colors so I’ll dye

Mine in light blue Heather you dye yours in purple and Crystal you dye yours in cyan here I’m going to throw you guys a Dye that’s such a great idea yes sersi so let’s grab a crafting table put it right over here and now let’s make all the armor light

Blue wo this is looking super officially lit wow babes you look awesome I just made mine ooh nice and oh my gosh the sign actually looks so good here I’ll put the light blue right over here and Heather how’s yours going oh it’s going along right now I’m just putting in the

Dye ooh nice I need to see how it looks like on you put that John on okay and boom waa all right crystal you have to admit purple looks really cool NOP s looks better what Crystal come on purple’s really cool fine bab purple

Is all right oh you said it oh no you guys are starting to get along okay put the purple right over here please and we should make this path look very very awesome sauce so it could be a super awesome Pathway to get some drips so I’m

Going to throw glowstone all along it so when you walk you feel luxurious yes I love it babes awesome sauce and boom our walk-in closet is now complete but wait since this is our room we need a little drawer where we could look at ourselves in the mirror and

Stuff so let’s grab some and I’m going to use the O light blue ones over here like this and we need a giant mirror make it out of glass oh great idea so if we use these oh my gosh it literally looks like a real life mirror this is

Super awesome this mirror is gigantic I know right we can see how we look like when we put our outfits on and boom our room is complete baby OHS are you serious right now in your family house you only have the OHS room what about

Your kid he needs a room oh my gosh Luke you’re right I’m a bad parent oh my goodness gracious oh my goodness gracious and wait wait a minute what are the things my son likes well his name was he oh so that means he likes purple

Oh goodness he also had a purple hoodie on I saw it hey hey you’re talking too loud um um You didn’t hear anything Crystal just stay in the room stay in the room what our baby had a purple no no no no I think Luke was mistaken yeah

Yep Crystal you’re you’re fine he he’s blue like you yeah he’s totally blue he’s totally blue but um I say for his room we just make it purple because um no cuz we promise it’s only one part of the house that’s two Heather what it’s not two Heather come on crystal just

Only this one part everything is literally Canan and diamonds and light blue that’s literally our theme how about we give Heather a little bit babes fine just a little bit don’t go too crazy yeah that’s what I said a little bit nothing too crazy just the entire

Room no we have to I’m already doing it I’m already doing one block I did not say one block let’s go OHS keep building oh my gosh okay I’m building I’m building don’t make a weird Heather don’t make a we let me use the magical wand and let me set the two positions

Here and let’s set it to some purple wool and wait this is the first time I’ve ever actually built purple don’t you love it what no purple’s not that cool the coolest color is light blue and you’re not even helping Heather can you help me do it I’m just sitting here

Looking pretty okay oh my gosh are you serious right now fine I’ll do it all by myself let me go over here and Y wa this room is super big and we need to make a little entrance for our son but wait girls don’t forget we need a

Door and I think we should use ooh look at these doors they’re almost purple they’re a little pink but works perfect yes these are so slay but now we need to figure out how do we want our son’s bed to be it needs to be something he’s

Interested and since he’s my son he’s a dog oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh I know exactly what we should make his bed we should make it a Lal dog but how are we going to make the dog look good are you serious easy pickings we just need a

Real dog to look at our boy’s face yo what’s goody my dude yo hold him hold him I need to see what his face looks like oh he’s so cute wait babes I want to hold him I want to help i crystal chill you’re going help you’re going to

Help with the let me help girls relax Crystal you’re going to help with the build of it fine and first we need to make it 1 2 3 4 five six seven okay he has seven blocks on his face and we need light gray white and then dark gray so

Let’s grab the light gray first then we’re going to need the white then we’re going to need the dark red and the three blocks in the middle are dark gray so let’s make right over here in the middle of the room 1 two and three dark gray

Then we’re going to need the two on the side of the white and the light gray check that out Crystal we have the bottom of the dog’s face so far this does not look like a dog hey trust the process oh my gosh are you serious right

Now but wait we have to do the white right over here in a little U shape like that what about now Crystal does that look better nope not at all hey oh my goodness all right what about now do you see the little doggy nose uh kind of

Kind of you can say wait that’s good that’s good wait what about now that’s the black part of the eye now we need some white wool and if we put it right over here what about now I know you see your Bing if you say you

Don’t sure sure sure yeah I know you see it now we have to add the skin right over here just like this and Crystal now do you see it yes babes I see it let’s go now let’s throw our boy’s fur on the top of his head just like this and the

Same all the way over here and I know what y’alls is thinking what about his ears yeah how are you going to make his ears well just like that boom I’m just going to make his ears go up and that boy is looking super cute No Cap yes bab

But beds all right I got you and I’m going to use all of our beds I’m going to use purple in the middle cyan and light blue so we can sleep on the little dog oh my gosh this is super lit and wait we can even make this dog that we

Base it off of his pet what should we name him let’s name him Eduardo what Eduardo crystal is that a good name Ah that’s a silly name well then oh gosh then what name do you want Crystal robberto filberto and Eduardo how about filardo combining the two oh uh filberto

Uh fine oh okay okay we came to an agreement so that means you guys are becoming friends Phil BTO this is the weirdest name ever but we’re going with it all right Phil Bart so we got to give you a little chilling area my boy cuz

You going to bomb with our son so let me put it right over here like this and come over here now Boop Phil Barto is officially named y beeps I love it oh yeah oh my gosh his room is actually super duper swag but oh oh oh oh oh we

Need him to have some outfits as well guys so we should make a smaller closet over here not walking cuz that’s only for the adults it’s like us you’re not an adult you’re like 2 years old hey but yes I am no I am totally an adult cuz

This is like the family house so that means I’m the adult cuz I have to be the father so I’m going to give our son a smaller version of the closet but it’s still going to be very very nice check this out we need to grab some doors and

Boop now we can open and close the doors to grab whatever he wants and we could grab an armor stand and what type of outfits would the son of MMS want to wear diamond armor babes oh yeah of course because my favorite item is diamonds so let me put that diamond

Armor right over here but we need some more casual fits what else should we put blue leather armor babes oh yes I’m going to grab it from my room that is actually a great idea let’s grab the full set thank you very much and Boop duplicated it now let’s go back over

Here and let’s throw that John down okay now we just need one more super duper awesome fit what should we give him hey SS here’s a present from Uncle Luke oh hi Luke you just entered into my house without permission but that that’s cool that’s cool and a turtle hat yep a

Turtle shell is going to protect him from falling what that’s not how it works and wait is he just not going to wear any clothes like no pants no shoes yes sersi that’s the fit boy oh my God super sa luk but hold up is there really

No activities in his room hey we were working on it oh really then where is it is it right here hey what that no no we’re still planning on where to put it oh NOS didn’t do anything Roxy he’s a bad dad what I am not a bad dad I was

Doing it right now oh my gosh everyone out of the house out of the house shoe sho shoe well girls we need to have the most awesome activities ever two wordss water slide oh yeah oh no that’s actually going to be dope yes sir and bro is that awesome parkour Roxy and

Wait a minute is this literally bedw Wars yeah our SK and the chests are op oh my God you’re crazy yet wait a minute Luke what’s that in your backyard oh nothing I just made kickball what okay girls we seriously need to make the water slide awesome Luke literally has

Kickball Luke has kickball we have to beat them let’s do this oh yeah and I already know how I already know how first we need to make the water slide yah ye us up girls you’re going to be in charge of glass duties so grab some glass and

Make said D oh my gosh are you girls literally laughing at me right now dude do the glass like I said please okay we’re handling our duties oh my goodness gracious I said duties really can everyone stop Dy Dy Plus Beauty equals Duty Beauty what the hey sa oh my goash

But girls make it go all the way up over here and I’m going to use the magic wand to help out let me grab this John set the first position here then go all the way up here and o thank you Roxy now I can just put the second position right

Here just like like this and Boop did the whole side now let me do over here excuse me Heather professional magic wander in the building Boop nice job cutie hey stop being sus now we have to do the back over there and roxxy’s already on it and while you guys do that

I’m going to start setting up the water so let’s set it all down around and make sure to fill it on every single block guys all right I’ll go from the top oh nice and I’m going to go from the bottom so then we can meet up and then we’re

Going to go super duper fast and we have to make sure not to miss a single water block Roxy okay so don’t miss it cuz we need the bubbles we might have a Le oh my gosh guys fill up the glass first are you serious right now boy no way boy in way

Y Roxy oh no did you fill it up dude it’s so hard oh my goodness gracious but wait so far we have consistent bubbles I repeat consistent bubbles but let’s make sure that it’s consistent all the way through and wait I found the best way to

Do it you literally just have to spin and go up one block spin then go up one block spin then go up one block and wait I’m going to do two spin two blocks and I’m so close and hello Roxy does it reach all the way yes I ski now let’s

Try it out it it literally doesn’t dude it literally doesn’t there’s some missing on this side what no yes there is dude oh my wait wait wait wait hold up hold up hold up hold up and fixed it now we go all the way up over here let’s

Go and we’re not going to make this no normal water slide we’re going to make a water slide that you don’t have boats for so we have to make the floor out of ice so we’re extra SL yes and we’re going to go like exactly so first I’m going to make

The way to go and you girls fill it up and make sure that it’s always four blocks thick we don’t want this JN to be thin all right all right got you babes let’s go and first we’re going to make it spin the block around like this and

Heather you’re in charge of that side Crystal’s going to be in charge of the right side okay H let’s go and then we’re going to make the turn go here and then I’m going to put an epic awesome jump so let’s make it go down here and

Bro without boats jumping is going to be crazy so let’s make it just like this make it wide so you could catch yourself then go forward again and then we’re going to have to h a quick turn oh no baby this is Devious oh yeah yeah it’s

Real devious and real serious because it starts there and then it’s going to go here and then wait what you say we do another drop Crystal oh no bab you’re actually bugging us yes sir ski so I’m going to make it go down over here then

Do a giant drop just like that then make it land with four then boom go forward again and we’re going to have to spin the block we can spin the block this way so then we can add another turn that makes it go to the front of the house

Yeah so we can go back to where we started yes sir so it’s going to be a way for our son to get to the front of the house super easily it’s like his own secret path but let’s spin the block over here and then we have to makeig it

Go down y just like this turn a little bit so we’re directly in the Frat then right over here we need to make it have a little drop just like this so we can catch himself right next to the chest where he’s going to be bored and girls

How’s it going filling it up I’m almost done D nice and yo Heather is Wilding wait you’ve been doing the walls already I’ve been going crazy on the walls lately wow Heather that’s actually a w cuz now we only have to fill it up by

One so Crystal come to the top after you do the floor and put one on the other side that I’m doing okay all right got you babes and make sure not to forget a single one because we do not want our son falling off into the Bo that would

Literally make his touch go kaboy yeah and it’s going to explode what that is not how T everywhere okay Crystal what is you talking about my boy that is not how butt or poop Works yes it does oh my no but wait I made it all the way down

To where Heather left off and oh go Heather you did not do the floors sorry I forgot about that part are you brh brh brh really Heather skip the floors just for the walls boy no way but let me make the walls complete on on this side y

Boom then let me do this side over here like this and wait perfect now I just need to fill up this floor and Crystal is the flooring good on the rest of the part so yep of course it is oh nice and I just need to fill up this side over

Here just like that Y and Crystal we’re now ready for the walls all right bab on it yes sir and wait I got to just make this a little bit thicker cuz I don’t want her Sun slipping off so Yi over here Yi by two then

Over on this side and Boop perfect now everyone work on the walls and wao hey girls I’m going to start from the bottom we’re going super fast yeah nice job so let’s go here and let’s fill it all up and make sure that it’s always up by two

Block so it’s extra thick go up over here turn it around and now I’m up I’m going super fast then let’s go up over here as well and W girls we’re about to connect and Roxy what are you doing I feel racing yeah oh why not Roxy there’s

No boats in this it’s actually just a body water slide literally crazy I thought it was ice racing for a second what this is not ice B racing my boy are you serious but wait let me go around over here just like that go around this

Side and wait hi girls we’re about to meet up yes and yayi over here yayi on this side y up and oh now we just have to do this side Crystal start from up there and we’re going to connect got you B let’s do this and Heather help crystal

Out cuz you guys are basically a team now you’re doing so good together no no babes don’t get any ideas what do you mean I’m not getting any ideas I’m just saying that you and Heather are a really good team and you guys should be friends

Uh I don’t think so what come on girls look at how much you just did together cuz you work together and oh hi Roxy hello we met up oh nice and you guys know what time it is it’s time for the water because all the walls are complete

So make sure that the water is completely even all right babes let’s do it every single piece of water must be filled and wait a minute since we have to swim we have to make the water on the second layer so we’re going to be able

To go underneath oh great idea yes Siri so let’s go here and let’s throw the water down all around up I’m going to meet you guys from the top okay o nice and I’m going to just do this side over here first and make it go all the way

Down and Crystal can you do the left side please yep I got you and wao this is the first drop oh no andway instead of making the water overflow we could put some gates right over here just like this on top open it up so our bodies can

Go through over here and one more just like that oh perfect so now we can go through but the water can’t wo that’s super smart OHS yes s we genius is out here no cap and we can do the same on this side so first let’s throw the water

Then we’re going to need to grab the gates then go behind it and set the gates up like that boop boop boop set the gates up like that boop boop boop set the gates up like that boop boop boop and finally set the gates up on this side Boom Crystal how’s it going

Really good I’m almost at the top oh nice and I’m making my way down and hold up I think I see you hi hey babes and let’s throw the water down here and oh thank you very much Heather for helping make sure you’re getting the top layer

Just so we’re able to swim down and fill it all up over here fill this side up make it go a little higher and over here as well nice I see you I’m almost there hey hi hi and wait let me go over here fix this up make sure the water is high

And then boom this is a drop to get you Crystal so we have to set the gates on just like that Y open them all up just like this set it down like that then we got to open this John up over here just like this ooh awesome Crystal it’s all

Set up now and wait you did did yours too yep you connected your water to my water oh let’s test it out but babes don’t forget the gates to the front oh good point Crystal here let me throw some down just like that and let’s try it so wait I’m going

To go all the way at the bottom just like my son would and then we got yeated all the way to the top now it’s time and wao guys I’m going down the water slide it’s so much fun I know right we’re zooming bloop bloop and wait do you guys

Think we’re going to land this awesome major jump in we need boats oh my n okay fine Roxy I guess we’re going to use boats just like you said let’s go time for ice boat racing well it’s not ice boat racing it’s more like water boat racing see you

Guys later I’m in first place hey come back here oh did you see that I just drifted on the ice oh my n oh my n oh my gosh that’s actually lit the ice makes it so you go quicker but it’s way more dangerous and skir skir and 360 into the

Ending bro that was lit yes I SK oh my go that was so much fun but wait I want to try Luke’s kickball yo Luke yo Luke can we pull up to your kickball here pull up my boy and meet my kid what uh hello yo what’s good bro what the heck

Yo Roxy why is his voice like that it’s because he’s a man a wolf wait what are you a man my boy yeah and I’mma Be Your Butt and kickball what wait what do you really think you going to beat me in kickb my boy you you know that these

Feet is not just for looking it’s for kicking no caps well show me what you got all right no no now first I want to see your crib and to my boy Luke your son is crazy dude yeah I love him so much but wow you guys got turtles in the

Crib and why is his name farty pooper that’s his name ly Pooky did you do this yeah farty poopy is awesome oh my gosh and what you guys have a car in your house hey red boy get out of my car what Roxy did you just get bullied by a

Little kid no totally he’s so scary oh my n and yo they whipping in here yo they Whip Yo watch out watch out hey this is lit oh F0 poopy oh my God okay you guys are whing but you guys have a triple bunk bed where didd you get that

Idea from luk what this is completely original dad and son are on the bottom and mommy in the middle bro you literally stole that from us and is this just a patch of grass Alexa are you serious yes our little boy loves to eat grass what you do not like eating grass

My boy super good oh my Nar you’re sus but wait is this actually kickball yes sure it is converse me boy and WAOW you have a knockback stick all right all right let me spawn in the ball and what oh oh oh I’m going to kick it oh I

Killed him dude you stin wait what all right wait let me try it again bro are you serious you sck like cheese oh my gosh that’s two strikes come on and yeah yeah oh I’m running I’m running I’m running oh no I’m coming for your cheeks wait wait okay I got the first

Base I’m going for second I’m going for second Oh no you’re not getting me okay I got second I’m going for third you’re not that guy and you’re butt boy cheating oh no third need help no ly Pooky this is embarrassing luk your son is not athletic at all I’m literally

Walk at the fourth base oh yeah oh yeah come on LY get Uncle you’re not that guy guess what guess what guess what boom safe dude you got a home run on me nice job yes sir now it’s your turn my boy I’m about to be on defense and you’re on

Offense so kick as hard as you can all right watch this I’m fa to Boom it and got it oh wait hey come here hey back up back up tag you’re out oh no you got me messed up you got me messed up L has TNT L calm

Down go oh my gosh everything must blow upal why are you adding TNT it’s your funny what no no no guys chill okay really guys are we serious guys everyone help time to light it up oh my gosh Luke really wow wow M kington okay Roxy maybe your son is a

Little better yo Roxy where your kid at boy welcome to the crima boy oh what’s up and oh you guys had a kid congratulations Lily I always knew that you and Roxy would end up together what why would you think that because you guys have crushes on each other and BR

What type of table is this this JN is gigantic my boy oh no dude and is it only enchant the golden apples here SS we’re going to be eating and screaming at each other what’s up Luke how’s your day today it’s super busting SAU oh my gosh yeah I’m chant golden apples I

Think Roxy just likes a scream but yo Roxy poopy you be M some enchanted golden apples my boy yeah there that’s so yummy oh my not Roxy your son is as much of a tryhard as you that’s actually Fireball you have a little sitting area

Bro where’s the TV oh myar I got you myy I got you boom I’ll make your son watch something good that’s Kung Fu what what did you just do this is not real get rid of it what it’s literally based on a true story oh no we have to Boom him hey

No no no look we’re not booming his son are you serious Roxy totally didn’t build something that we’re going to Boom him with right Roxy yeah totally I totally didn’t build like um something super dangerous what okay I’m going pretend like you didn’t say that but wow

Hot pull out my boy oh my God I peed in this by the way are you serious did you just dab and pee yo yo yo turn around what’s that on your butt turn around bro this is just P are you serious right now dude you guys know you have to change

His diaper when he poops right he’s trying to touch me with it oh my gosh oh my gosh uh Luke look what your son did my house oh no Luke your son is Wilding bro he didn’t mean it guys he didn’t mean it oh my goodness gracious but oh I

Like your beds and O Roxy copied the campfire idea I know you did wrong no no you copied it n n n my boy n n n but wait is this parkour yesy I did a first try wait I’m going to do a first try yo

Luke Peep Peep bro newb but no you didn’t see that you didn’t see that and wait I’m going to do it faster than Roxy poop because I’m better than a child dude is that even a good thing yeah it is and wait oh my gosh you guys have

Door jumps what the what is this and oh I know what you have to do with this you have to jump and then you have to open the door and glitch through yo I’m literally smoking you right now L bro you no get over here I’m going to slap

That booty nope I’m way faster than you and O wo is this a slime jump hold up this John actually looks devious you have to jump and then no I can just skip it by just jumping you flew he flew you saw that right Luke oh my gosh are you

Serious boys a cheater cheater for real and wait this is honey jumps and oh oh oh oh I just hugg the honey then we go over here and slime block jumps and what’s good Roxy made it to the Finish Line easy I’m did it first W not true

And wait a minute is that actually bedwars up over here yes hold up Roxy do you want to go up against me sure let’s do it all right I’m wait let me break all these blocks all right I’m going in survival Roxy you go in survival all

Right I’m going in survival oh no and here I’m going to throw out all the stuff I got and wait there looks to be some chest around oh okay awesome is this just a random villager does he actually do anything what really Luke I know that’s

You I got some swords wool and a diamond pickaxe I’m bridging over Roxy and wait we have unlimited lives until the bed is broken right yeah Siri you just have to fly back up oh all right and wait I’m speed bridging right now I’m speed

Bridging oh I’m above you du I’m a shark du I’m a shark you can’t even get to me Roxy rox’s going to the loot wait what is there secret loot over here where is Roxy oh my gosh wait wait wait watch and learn guys watch and

Learn I got the bow and arrow Roxy you dead boy Diamond arut not going to do nothing for you chill chill with that chill with that chill I’m not chilling with it I’m not chilling with it to take that I literally just didn’t wait I’m going to stall him by breaking that

Block and then I’m about to get his bed oh this is genius yes Siri now Roxy’s not going to have a second bro why does he have obsidian you both have obsidian now I’m going to CP to you oh my gosh chy to Luke Luke’s yo

Yo see you later thank you and come on come on come on come on come on come on come on break quick quick I’m literally never going to break it with this obsidian Luke I need some haste give me a haste or something give me like a speed or something I don’t

Know I’ll help you even better B what what did you just give me oh you broke it and Roxy your bed’s gone boy we going it kill me are you serious right now oh my not I just teleported to Luke Roxy it’s literally Now or Never whoever dies next

Is a loser I got the best chest it’s cuz you know where everything is oh my not is that even in the rule books yo and wait I’m going to go for this one over here this is not good have end crystals wait what you have end crystals you know

How dangerous that is Roxy you’re going to Boom yourself with that are you sure about that I’m positive strength potions oh no that’s overpowered oh I forgot about that yes sir thank you my brother M I got the pots wait what diamond sword oh no oh no

Wait I got to go I got to go and I’m a shark I’m a shark wait we both died who died first Luka you dids but you still have your bed what oh my gosh are you serious I did I thought I lost it let’s go open it

That didn’t happen that totally didn’t happen and bro he literally had crystals is you serious right now these things are insane cuz if you put them on obsidian dude what the what crystals are awesome but wait now it’s time to spawn in my kid and it’s the Moment of Truth

Crystal to see if it’s your baby or Heather’s baby it’s going to be mine babes I promise you all right Bo Dad I’m back and oh no what’s up Crystal why is his head purple um wait um wait why is your head purple is that actually your head um Dad

Are you serious this is just a mask I wear this is not really my head oh F so you’re not Heather’s kid right I don’t know but you’re my dad and you built me a house of course we did OHS well well he ohms and bro you also have poop on

Your butt yeah Dad you didn’t change my diaper I was in that chest for so long but is this an automatic door yep Heather and Crystal work together to build it yeah we did work together Crystal I guess so so the Luke they’re getting along let’s go and pull up

Inside my boy check this out we have who OHS every single one wow dad is this show real or is this all fake Luke tell him that it’s real please my boy he it’s officially official your dad’s an actor yes why I’m not an act that’s a real

Story dude oh yeah it’s a real movie based off of his real life cuz he’s a Kung Fu artist oh what oh my gosh Luke you’re awesome I’m just kidding but yeah yeah yeah really bro oh so Dad you’re just an actor no I’m not an actor but we

Got you a bunch of snacks where did the grapes go those are spider IE we’re not feeding him that but we have a bunch of junk food and then over here check it out we have a carpet where we can all sit down and enjoy the fireplace and

Here is your play area wow dad I want to jump on the trampoline oh let’s do it together yo Luke who’s getting more air me or him definitely SS Junior W he’s not even jumping my boy do you even know how to jump all right let me give this a

Shot oh okay I’m getting like an inch off the ground wow he’s big noob in here I got you my boy let me carry you and oh yeah oh yeah this is awesome yep I just made you feel like how it is to be an adult but let me take you upstairs my

Boy and welcome to me and Crystal and Heather’s room we have a triple bunk bed wow dad and wait why is there a fourth one oh that’s for you whenever you get scared at night you can pull up ah thanks Daddy you’re always thinking of

Me yes sir and then over here we have our closet with a ton of drip Heather drip Crystal drip my drip and a bunch of other outfits then over here is our draa and here is your room Daddy is that a dog on the floor you know I love dogs

Right yeah that’s why we gave it to you silly and we gave you a triple colored bed and a little closet over here E I like the turtle one dad and I’m going to put Phil Barto right next to him yes sir that’s the kid I know oh my gosh Uncle

Luke gave you that but now I want you to try out the water slide it’s super lit pull up my boy all right let’s race ly oh Luke I think my son really messes with you no cap yep I’mma smoke him though why are you serious all right

Let’s do this all right baby almost hop in my boat bro all right Dad let’s do this Luke get in your boow let’s do this in 3 2 1 see you you boys are getting smoked no way and wait baby hes I know a shortcut we going to jump onto the ice

Like this and okay that might have been a little bad okay quickly it’s not too late it’s not too late we can catch up Luke where you at I fell off and I broke my butt oh nice come on we can catch up baby Elms

All right Dad I’m back let’s do this oh yeah and Crystal I just saw you fail see you later alligator hey I’m a part of your family can I come come with you oh yeah yeah sure sure sure because I’m about to win sorry Luke but we did this

Shortcut what what what what what bro did you just fall out the sky yep and I made it first oh nice you know what SS crystal is not that bad a look Crystal Heather’s trying to make up with you all right fine Heather we’re cool this is I’m blowing this whole place

Up what are you doing say bye to your baseball what the Y she was the command she was the commander is tripping my n she’s super bugging she’s super bugging bro she just blip everything really bro and that was an awesome adventure and if you want to join us on the next click

Right here bye

Today Omz Crystal Heather Roxy Lily Luke and Alexa are having a FAMILY in Minecraft! Will Crystal or Heather be the mother? Watch to find out!
#Minecraft #MinecraftMod #Omz #OmzandCrystal


  1. But everything in my purse and even my purse and even my phone case is purple so you really need to stop being mean to Heather and just let her be her self like it doesn’t matter if she likes purple I like purple so just put purple in the house like every body in my family likes purple

  2. Omz and Cristal siting in a tree k-i-s-s-i-n-g

    Roxy and Lili siting in a tree k-i-s-s-i-n-g

    Luke and Alexa siting in a tree k-i-s-s-i-n-g


    Omz and Heather siting in a tree k-i-s-s-i-n-g


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