How to start off STRONG in Terraria! | Terraria 1.4.4 Ranger Playthrough/Guide (Episode 1)

It’s time my friends Happy New Year I hope you folks had a lovely one welcome to the very first episode of my Terraria Master Ranger playthrough that is right we’re finishing off the 1.4 class playthroughs here with the master Ranger playthrough so of course drop a like if

You’re excited for this new series it really helps these videos get out there on YouTube so without further Ado I’ve already got a new character created we’re going to go new world small master and this time we’re going to purposely go for corruption because I feel like

It’s been a while since we’ve had a corruption world even though it probably actually hasn’t I just feel like it’s been a while so here we are Master Ranger LP ladies and Gentlemen let’s create this world and let’s get into it so welcome to our world my friends let’s

Get into this thing shall we and while we do so I just want to remind you folks that if you do want to know when the future episode are out do consider subscribing to the Channel with those Bell notifications turned on I’m aiming for maybe every other day releases of

Episodes of this series so like I say subscribe if you don’t want to miss out on my future content but of course if you do want to go one further with the support use C python when ordering any of my Apex gaming PCs for 5% off or for

Whopping 15% off if you decide to go for some Terraria merch from Terraria shop instead so then I think it goes with that saying the only limitation we have in this series is we are restricted to ranged damage so what that means for us is this copper short sword is going to

Go in the trash might as well go for some wood armor here I mean at the end of the day three defense is better than zero right all right so already on the left hand side we do indeed have ourselves a corruption so what I’m going

To do to try and sort of stifle its spreading I’m going to put a sunflower right there that should stop the corruption from spreading for now anyway all right so in order to get ourselves some ammunition for our bow we’re going to need to grab ourselves a little bit

Of stone here so how’s about we do exactly that my friends and then maybe we could take these pesky slimes out of the game we seem to be getting invaded here a little bit oh good grief all right here we go arrows please there we

Go 300 that will do the job and now what we can do is start pummeling these folks with some arrows oh oh yeah that is right son and because this is 1.4 we can Auto fire these bows as well I got to say I really genuinely love that feature

About 1.4 I can’t remember which of the 1.4 updates it was but nonetheless I love it I really really do it makes things so much more simple and it means that I won’t get RSI from having to click to shoot my bow 3 million times now when it comes to goals for this

Series is it is going to be very very similar to our other 1.4 class playthroughs all we’re going to do is beat the game and then create what I consider to be the ultimate Ranger Loadout so if all of that sounds like your cup of tea then do be sure to stick

Around so how’s about we explore our world a little bit hey o large trees H could be a potential base location my friends what do we think I mean to be fair our regular let’s play last year we did kind of wind up cannibalizing a tree

And using it as a Bas so maybe we go for somewhere different the good news is I’ve actually picked up some throwing knives from the chest that was here so that’s actually pretty awesome uh let’s create ourselves a few torches we’re going to roll on down here we’re going

To see what we can find real quick and what do we have a finch staff as nice as that is for an early game Summoner sadly we’re not a Summoner we’re not allowed to use it folks what we do have here though is a whole bunch of cobwebs if we

Can get ourselves all of these cobwebs here how many is that what 20 okay that’s pretty good we get ourselves 35 and we can make ourselves a birad which would be very useful ah recoil potions excellent all right so long as we got those bad boys on us we should be able

To explore and get ourselves out of any sticky situations that may present themselves to us got more cobweb right here we need six more and then we can make our bed and there we have it in fact Beau beautiful ah interesting jungle we really don’t actually have a

Great deal of regular land in the middle here so ladies and gentlemen I think what that means for us is we don’t have a great deal of choice in terms of where we’re going to set up base it’s going to have to be in that large tree isn’t it

Oh well I mean there’s worst places in the world to set up ehy and hey at the end of the day it is the end of the day so we should probably think about setting up a rudimentary shelter anyway and what better place is there than a

Place that has already been set up for us kind of beautiful right we can get the guy to move in here as well of course all we got to do is whip up a table right there and Mr guide missing a wall oh no I completely forgot we have to go ahead

And sort of replace all the walls from the surface going down into this thing because natural background walls don’t count towards you know a house being valid ah well what I can do I can go ahead wait I can make an anvil oh wow I got myself a whole bunch of lead bars

Before huh I didn’t even realize that is amazing if only we had what one maybe two more lead bars I’d be able to make myself a lead bow that would have been pretty handy yeah that’s right that is right I just put down a dresser I always forget that dresses have storage you

Know so why don’t we put all of our vanity items in here it makes sense right all right very good so there we are room is missing a wall yeah I still need to do the whole replacing the background walls thing we’ll do that in

Just a hot second here what I need to do in order to be able to do that is make myself a hammer am I the only one who feels a great amount of nostalgia when they hear the original nighttime tune in Terraria it is literally one of the

Oldest pieces of music in this game ah bugger nighttime means we’re just going to get invaded over and over and over again ah jeez we’re not going to get much peace and quiet here while I’m trying to do my base work am I you know

What I can do maybe I could just sort of put the ground back yeah do a little bit of that and then we sort of start getting getting rid of some of these background walls as we go down in fact a smart person would go ahead and fill in

What we’re digging out as we go down ah how about that for a 9,000 IQ play all the while the zombies can’t hurt me so why don’t you suck on that zombies there we go all right we can start replacing the background walls inside of our little starter base finally so what are

We got access to here living Leaf walls we’ve got regular wood walls over at the regular crafting station as well dirt Stone as well I think we can work with all of this to make ourselves a nice rudimentary base all right at the very least we should be able to get the Guide

To spawn in yeah looks like it should we put him in the big room we’ll put him in the big room he’s the OG NPC of Terraria at the end of the day so I feel like he deserves a nice place look at all those cold callers not knocking on my door I

Mean for goodness sake I respect the fact that you got to try to uh you know sell some products but uh this is getting a little bit crazy now on the verge of harassment just how bad of an idea is it going to be for me to open

This and start throwing knives at them let’s find out BL this is such a bad idea if I don’t die by this then I’m some sort of God oh my word come on come on come on oh ah not a door wait boom boom boom boom boom die die die die die

Die die yeah Easy Street look at that we got one extra defense out of that that was so worth it I just realized what else I could use these lead bars for how about a little bit of storage yeah I wonder there’s a chain where’s The Sawmill ah

Bugger we need some more bars don’t we ahuh the unfortunate thing for us my friends is we don’t really have any kind of cave entrance I mean yeah we got this little cave you know the tree leads down to it but it’s not like a proper cave

Entrance thus we don’t really have easy access to gear usually when you find a cave entrance there’s usually some sort of chest at the bottom of it or underground cabin whatever have you but in our case we’ve been pretty unlucky with this world so far I would say ah

Well we’ll still try to make this world work my friends how’s about wait what’s that is that Blinky plant I can only assume so right only if it is Blinky plant that’ll actually be quite useful because it’s blooming at the moment we get ourselves some seeds we’ll be able

To start growing some Blinky plant I’m not making the mistake of not growing potion ingredients again my friends in my recent Master Warrior playthrough I didn’t bother whatsoever would trying to grow my own potion ingredients and that was a mistake all right very good so check it out my friends we’ve actually

Got ourselves a mine cart rail that’s fantastic news because they usually lead to some form of treasure right an underground cabin with a chest maybe a heart Crystal or two what isn’t very nice though is the fact we’ve got a bunch of red slimes on us and I can’t

For the life of me get down here to sort of bypass them ah jeez oh I see one slime gets going another one takes its place does it there’s a little blue one down there now there’s a freaking yellow one I’m going to run out of ammo at this

Rate all right we’re doing a little bit of exploring ordinarily I’d have no issues with riding these mine carts here but there have been several occasions in the past where there’s been a trap on the Minecart Track and I’m not about to have my first death beat to something

Silly oh hello a fairy has come to join us huh do we follow it see where it goes I think so yeah all right fairy I know you’re getting impatient but I only have so much pickaxe power right now buddy hey we got gold on this world I just

Realized that’s pretty awesome if we can get ourselves a gold bow on episode one then I I think we’re going to be set for a while I can’t remember if it’s six or bars or seven or bars you need in order to make yourself a bow I guess we’ll

Find out in just a minute we’ve only got enough to make ourselves I think six bars at the moment who knows that may be enough oh never mind though I think there’s some more gold on my left hand side here e ah very good the fairy has

Revealed our first heart Crystal of the series not too bad a want you look at that we just had the merchant AR as well so guess what that means darn near infinite bow ammo so long as we’ve got ourselves a little bit of do on us yeah

Don’t mind if I do there buddy right that should grant us the ability to have the nurse spawn in now I think the only prerequisite you need for her to spawn in is to have basically more than 100 Health all right very good so back to exploring my friends we’re looking for

Some more bits and Bs I’m looking maybe for a chest or two maybe a little bit bit of double jump a magic mirror some quick boots you know all right so that end of the Minecart Track takes you to the underground corruption yeah not too keen on

Exploring that just yet but you know what though on that same no if we were to grab ourselves a bomb we could break that shadow orb that we found and get ourselves the musket right imagine having a musket on episode one though I mean come on that would be pretty

Incredible oh no I’m going to die to Red slimes now aren’t I psych oh just call me the greatest ninju ever lived maybe the right hand side of this mine cart track will lead us somewhere nice ah what it does is lead us to the

Jungle oh dear me yeah okay uh I don’t think I am a fan of wanting to explore this area but for some reason here I am exploring this area why am I so dumb why do I keep going against what I keep on suggesting to myself for example I’m

Suggesting to myself that I should get out of it but here I am exploring and digging up some sand why am I doing this because I want windows in my starter house that’s right I’m risking my life to put windows in my house that is how

Stupid I am there we are I think we’re just about done for that little exploration session my friends let’s put some windows in house let’s see if we can’t upgrade our bow a little bit I must admit I do love the ranger class so long as you’re able to sort of stay at

Range you know stay away from everybody basically then you’re pretty much good you don’t have to worry too much about anything ooh pylon Network well it would be nice to buy this but sadly I don’t quite have the do maybe what I could do instead is

Buy myself a whole bunch of these bad boys wait do we have ropes I should probably get some ropes as well actually while I’m here wait shurikens yo there’s actually loads of things this guy sells there we go all right I’m spent now my friendos we’ve

Got not many throwing knives left so I think I might put those in a chest somewhere for now but anyways here we are we’ve got a whole bunch of gold wait seven bars ah I forgot it’s four ORS per bar for gold but no matter look at it

There it is a gold bow oh it’s a fast one as well with more crit chance yo I’m definitely down with that literally double damage compared to the wood bow and with the lead bars we can make ourselves a fishing pole a 15% fishing power fishing pole that’s not bad

Actually I’ll absolutely take that sell our copper short sword sell the finch staff that’s going to hurt because actually I quite like the finch staff and there we have it I think we’re looking pretty good got our first gold coin and actually with that gold coin I

Think what I’ll do is I will purchase a piggy bank yeah now what we can do is start stacking our money away quite nicely now I may be relying quite heavily on RNG for this particular goal I’m going for now which is to try and

Get bombs from a vase so I could try and break that shadow orb but I mean you miss 100% of the shots you don’t take right so how’s about we give it a go all right not one but two vases down here what’s the chances of us getting a bomb

Or two oh my God we actually did no way oh I mean I wasn’t intending on speedrunning this series but if Terraria is going to give me the tools to do so then I hardly think I’m going to deny it oh that’s so fantastic all right

Let’s see if we can’t take these poor fellas out oh look at it gold bow a fast gold bow as well absolutely wrecking shop ooh do I have any enough what do we got there shurikens very good uh wait there’s a little bit of an Avenue up

Here I can go to O kind of interested to see if there’s anything up here and the short answer is no there’s not really anything there’s a demon alter that’s quite handy of course but now the question is do we have enough bombs to get ourselves over to that shadow orb of

Course we can’t mine up the Eon stone for now so yep bombs it’s going to have to be oh yeah we should have more than enough to do this thing my friends in fact bang on I would hope oh dear that rat just had a very bad time there we

Are break this one and ladies and gentlemen there we have it I can’t believe it episode one musket I mean come on that’s pretty Bonk isn’t it we only have 100 shots with this mind we don’t have an arms dealer nor a great deal of cash to buy any ammo even if we

Did have an arms stealer so here’s what I’m thinking my friends I’m actually going to go ahead and dig out two further NPC houses what I’m hoping to have happen is we’ll have both the nurse and the Arms Dealer both spawn in and then I’m going to call episode one there

Because I think having four NPCs a Musky and a gold bow on episode one I don’t think that’s bad going do you so let’s get ourselves a couple more NPC rooms dug out and decorated and popular ated with various bits of furniture and once that is done and dusted of course I’ll

Feel pretty good about wrapping up our first episode there we’ve really not done bad today have we my friends like really we haven’t there we are that should be space for another house okay fantastic we’ll add in a few little bits and Bobs back here as well I’m thinking

Maybe this one can have a little Lantern in it I mean why not and some little Windows just to finish it off oh sounds like daytime has just rolled around excellent all right the NPC should start spawning in any minute now because we have a gun and some ammo on us that

Means the Arms Dealer should be able to move in and since we have more than 100 life it means the nurse should be able to spawn in as well I mean at this point my friends we are literally only playing the waiting game hey there we are Catherine the nurse has just arrived

What we are waiting for now of course is the Arms Dealer once the Arms Dealer is in that is it we have ourselves proba the four quintessential NPCs for early game Terraria nurse Merchant guide and the Arms Dealer and hey once we have the Arms Dealer we’ll be able to get access

To some new weapons my friends eh the flint lock pistol being one of them I think later down the line we could buy illegal gun parts the shotgun it’s all going to be very very useful stuff to have isn’t it all right so there we go my friends the Arms Dealer he has

Arrived brims all right very good so there we have it my friends episode one we’ve not done bad goldo musket four NPCs and a whole bunch of good times my friends a yeah a good day to you sir all right so here we go we’ got the forest

Pilon oh the mini shark I completely forgot about this bad boy oh wonderful all right how much are musket balls six copper how many can we buy uh I don’t know we’ll find out in a minute 782 is now the that we have all right so we’re

Looking good in terms of ammo we’re looking good in terms of Weaponry I think we’re looking good period hell yeah so ladies and gents I think it’s going to be time to wrap up the first episode there thank you so much for watching if you guys have enjoyed

Today’s first episode of the master Ranger playthrough then do be sure to drop a like beneath the video if you haven’t already consider subscribing if you haven’t already if you don’t want to miss out on my future Terraria content but for now thanks for watching have a

Great rest of your day hope hope you guys enjoy this series to come but yeah thank you for all of your support and I’ll see you guys in the next one bye-bye

Terraria Master Ranger Playthrough/Guide – A New Year brings the final of my Terraria 1.4.4 class playthroughs and this time, it’s the Terraria Ranger class in MASTER Mode! We get started with some basic gear and a lovely starter house carved into a large tree. We then get lucky to get not one but TWO great starter ranger weapons! Thanks for stopping by and enjoy!
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This is Episode 1 of my Terraria Master Ranger Playthrough/Guide on Terraria 1.4.4!
#terraria #terrarialetsplay #terrariaplaythrough


  1. Yes sir over the holiday break, I decided to start a new character. Iโ€™m excited to watch the new season bud. Iโ€™m gonna try to use your tips and tricks to progress with you.

  2. Man, it's a good thing you did your forbidden playthrough early because now you have a smorgasburg of powerful underrated ranged weapons (Dart Rifle and Stake Launcher) at your disposal

  3. small quality of life tips here.
    If you're digging straight down, put a glow stick so the light will follow you, which makes things more clear!
    you don't have one yet when digging up the dirt-wall but you can try it when there is a chance!

  4. Iโ€™m so glad you made a new play through. You are my favorite terraria creator. I havenโ€™t watched one of your videos in so long because I took a break from Terraria but Iโ€™m happy to see your making a new play through.โค๏ธโค๏ธโค๏ธ

  5. Hope you have a ton of fun with this playthrough. I'm not sure if it's still in the game but when you're ontop of platforms you can jump through you should be able to shoot through them aswell. It's a great early game method for safety.

  6. Yooo! A Ranger playthrough! The ranger class is by far my favorite class in Terraria, and this playthrough has motivated me to start a ranger playthrough of my own!

    It's been quite some time since I played some Terrraia, maybe it's time again to play some Terraria? Maybe so!

    Anyways, a Happy New Year to you, Python! Looking forward to what you've got in stock this year!

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