Terraria State of the Game News – Cool New Armor Set!

Right at the tail end of the year Rel logic released their latest bit of Terraria news this is breaking from their traditional Thursday news releases but given the holiday season I suppose some change ups are to be expected so happy New Year and enjoy this Terraria news update for this month’s news Rel

Logics Loki wrote greetings terrarians happy holidays everyone 2020 3 has been a roller coaster of a year but we feel we are ending it on a high note the team is feeling confident and cohesive excited for what awaits for us and for terrarians everywhere in

2024 by this point most all of our team is on holiday break enjoying some time with family and friends and we hope that each of you find the time over the next little while to do the same don’t worry we have left a few presents under the

Tree for you all to enjoy in this month’s state of the game of course the greatest gift that we receive each year is your immense and unwavering support thank you all so much for everything happy Holidays happy New Year and let’s make 2024 the best Terraria year yet now

Let’s get to unwrapping those packages well I’ve got to be honest there aren’t many of these packages as they put it for us this month but again it is the holidays and most of their team have been spending the holidays relax in as we all hope to this time of

Year anyway for the PC edition other than an update about the continued growth of items available in the Steam Workshop and a new t- mod loader version dropping on the 2nd of January the news for PC was limited to the following chicken bones has been with

The Relic team for some time now and as is tradition for team members that have earned their stripes and proven their medal it is high time time that he receive his Dev armor you can catch a glimpse of this awesome new Dev set in the nighting ceremony below where

Redigit bestows this honor this high honor upon chicken bones take a minute to thank CB for all that he does for Terraria and to congratulate him on this honor well congratulations CB and they included this Dev armor Reveal video so they made a little ceremony for

Him not bad pretty Nifty and no you can’t get this armor set yet it’s going to be part of the 1.4.5 update apparently and if you don’t know already that update is we think due out sometime later this year this year being 2024 I’m not too familiar with chicken

Bones as a member of the staff and the team at real logic but regardless this is a right of passage for any Rel logic staff member so congrats CB you have arrived moving on rather quickly now to the console and mobile news front again there isn’t too much being revealed at

The moment on any uh front of the Terraria development but Dr Studios did have something to share this month for console and mobile users they write another year come and gone and another year of the Fantastic Journey that has been our time on Terraria so many big things have been

Accomplished this year it’s hard to really keep count but we are Beyond excited for 1.4.5 and then fingers very crossed the long awaited first pass at crossplay testing has been going well so far but we still have the first party approval hurdles to pass wish us luck in

The meantime we made a little festive build for you one that may or may not contain spoilers enjoy and as indicated they had had this very seasonal video to share with us I have to say God bless those who can design and decorate things like this

Without a mouse and keyboard I think it would probably drive me crazy to shift to a controller or a touchcreen for a lot of this little fiddly stuff that they’ve obviously been up to here uh and they mentioned crossplay one consideration about crossplay it’s nice having a single developer handling all

Console and mobile versions of Terraria can you imagine if they’re trying to implement crossplay play with three or four different developers it just probably wouldn’t work and if it ever becomes a viable option when will it arrive will it arrive in 2024 well let’s hope so we’re not getting any

Younger and for this latest state of the game that really is it other than PC console on mobile news the folks at Rel logic did have a few updates on some Terraria merch the upcoming Terraria board game that they seem quite excited about and a mix of of some of the

Regular Community News so if you’re interested in those details you can find a link to the update Post in the video description below I’m not going to include it in the video CU there’s actually quite a bit and it’s probably easier just to review the post and again

I’ll link that in the description below I have a feeling that the late January news fure area is going to be a bit more robust so stay tuned to my channel for more information as it becomes available I’ll definitely be adding new videos when the time is right

And once again happy 2024 to everyone watching I hope things are going well for you all and with any luck we all have a good 2024 so see you in the next video thanks for Watching oh

State of the Game post:

There was a little chunk of info dropped right at the tail end of 2023. “December” news but only by a few hours. For all intents and purposes, this is a January 2024 news update. Happy New Year, all!

NRLP Mods!

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Music is licensed through Artlist.io (https://artlist.io/)


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