💔 EVERYONE’S FEAR I.R.L. | Stardew Valley New Farmer Experience Ep. 4

All right we’re done watering our plants and looks like the flower dance has begun although I’m not sure if we get a chance to partner up with Leia at least but we’re going to try uh let’s just use up these remaining stamina some wood and then let’s head straight to the flower

Dance Hey thank you give water to our body tank here he’s happy oh our ver first Oak Racin drop drop some trees I wonder if trees grow all by themselves or do we need to plant the seeds that I’m not sure of I think I’ll just Reserve these trees here cuz I’m

Planting to put all the Toppers here maybe these four trees at the top okay I think we’re done not bad we got 57 wood from that and uh some saps 17 of them okay let’s head straight to the flower Dance Now oops wrong way hey wait Leia

Is here it’s important to remember how much we rely upon nature one thing I think we can all do to help us to help is to consume less yeah you’re right consume less create more oh Leia she is so pretty and uh I don’t think if three

Hearts is is enough for us to invite her in a dance hopefully we don’t really need all this stuff that advertising tells us we can’t live without life is actually better when you are less incumbered with stuff yeah right all see you in the flower dance good thing we

Found dandelion along the way layer it’s one for you he so happy makes me happy as well wait hold on is the flower dance over hey oh I think it’s going to be tomorrow wait hold on no no no no oh we just missed the flower dance yeah I

Think it’s fine we’ll just make it next year see you guys it’s it’s you very very busy at the farm I said before don’t have time for romance although I’m very interested with Leia so oh well uh no spring onions for us today but we have this uh dandelion all right guys if

You noticed I am in the title uh main menu I decided to just reload the game cuz it’s going to be incomplete if I don’t uh experience the flower dance right okay now we are back let’s just Harvest these green beans water for Tink

You and oh hey my boy how you all doing hope you’re loving to farm so now we’re going to go back and water the plants which I really really love hey what’s this little cauliflower doing here all right looks like the flower dance has begun in the forest uh let’s just water

The plants quickly so I’m looking forward of seeing Leia of course but I’m not sure if we’ll be able to invite her in the dance cuz I think we only have like three hearts with her but that’s fine it’s also a good way to say hi to

Everyone he hey we’re done weing the plants let’s it’s straight to the flower dance hopefully uh it’s now over oh here you go nice okay can’t wait to see everyone in their best tire and happy faces there you go let’s check out parry’s oh we have a rare scarecrow

Don’t have enough money for that so most of it our decorations okay hey Elliot move away bro come on hi s glad to see you here ask Leah to be your dance partner okay I am genuinely scared to ask is I’m afraid that I might be

Rejected uh never mind for now let’s say hi to everyone first hey Willie looking good um now this is the life huh kid and the kids here of course granny hey Granny you look so pretty I’ve been working on these floral arrangement for a week do you like him yep haly so

Excited dance in here okay time to find out guys let’s ask her out I’ll be honest I don’t want to dance with you well that’s good good to know oh that hurts that’s fine I next year I’m going to be I’m going to be uh your partner

And Eli’s going to cry this time or that time okay let’s start the festival and just da let’s say hi practicing my dance moves okay help put Abigail omaru she looks so pretty here as well and Penny as well Emily oh I think Abigail is here she’s staring at this jelly she so

Pretty as well okay let’s start the dance guys so where is Mr Mayor of course Mr Mayor okay looks like everyone is getting ready look at these adorable little girls here and their handsome Partners so Elliot is with Leia uh don’t don’t know this guy uh this one is Shane

I think and Emily uh Sam and uh oh Sam and who’s this uh Penny then Sebastian and Abigail all right this was a good one what a fun but a little bit sad day cuz Leah turned us down but it’s fine important thing is we get to see her

Every day almost every day and uh build up a relationship with her let’s just cut this wood since we still have energy left oh sorry butterflies for disturbing your sleep it’s a lot of them man that’s a lot of butter flies I just noticed that you actually slow down if you walk

In these bushes all right then we got 49 wood from that 17 saps and four maple seeds so now the salmon Berry is being preserved but uh not sure if it’s profitable cuz it takes so long I think this is the second or third day it’s I

Don’t know it’s just too slow for me although salmon Bears is very abundant so I’m not really sure yet what really what to do really if I’m going to going to be preserving salmon berries or just selling it selling in Rush anyway call of the day so we got 450 gold all right

It’s raining but uh we are not lucky today let’s just say hi to thank you oh man although we were very sad yesterday cuz we got rejected by Leon when we ask her for a dance but look at this guys this is happiness right here when you

Harvest your own produce it’s a lot of parsnips we also have some few strawberries and yeah we got like 10 golden parsnips we only need five though for the bundle aha done with that I think I I’m going to go ahead and preserve the strawberry I think it’s

Better all right now we are heading straight to the community center so we could offer these five gold bar Snips and uh maybe right after that I really wanted to test if Abigail likes other minerals aside from amethyst so we’re going to try and give her this quartz

And maybe drop this dried starfish to um the museum wow look at this these are huge fish this one right here unfortunately I forgot to bring our fishing rod oh let’s say hi to Grandma Evelyn uh Grandpa George should like the Le leak he likes it I think okay I know

But I’m going to give you your favorite this is my favorite thing nice look at that he likes leak and then for Grandma Evelyn um now we don’t have anything else hey Grandma I’ll be baking cookies today I like to make shapes in the spring ahuh finally we’ve completed this

Part here so we have these artifacts and minerals and then I think uh the next thing I want to uh fill up is this part top okay now that we’re done donating into the museum let’s go ahead and find Abigail I think she is at home since

It’s raining let’s check out the map oh she’s actually at maru’s place okay oh Pam is sick yeah she is sick let’s see but no one here hey someone’s sick Harvey Dr Harvey oh man drct know it all Grumble or could be Maru and uh rvy there’s a patient waiting so the wizard

Will be pleased with a green alga I think I don’t have it okay five golden parsnips all right so we also need melon uh pumpkin and corn so what else can we do this is for summer we don’t have it yet we don’t have this yet man I can’t

Wait for us to get got a C for a barn and a cou for the chickens maybe that’s going to be our next project right let’s do that but first we need to build a silo after a silo maybe a coup okay and right now guys we are at

722 subscribers I appreciate you all for subscribing and hopefully when time comes we’ll reach 1,000 subscribers that would be awesome and yeah if you’re new here don’t forget to like subscribe if you like these kind of contents Maru hey have you seen Abigail wait she’s gone

Abigail is nowhere to be found oh she’s here I know she’s hanging out with Sebastian there she is no though I have to admit they look great together Sebastian and Abigail that was very thoughtful of you Theus I’ve given I haven’t tried really giving demitria something that he doesn’t like I think

He likes everything maybe next time we’ll give him a stone and if he’s going to like the stone as well I’m got to say that he is the nicest person in the valley so since we’re here let’s just head straight to the m oh no we can’t do

That um we’re not paired let’s see if we could craft no no field snack for us so we need to get home and decide if either I’m going to go we’re going to go fishing or mining but oh hey hey hey uh nothing really just your friendship so

Um I think it would be better if we were just going to go fishing cuz it’s a bit late now 3:30 p.m. I don’t want to stay late in the mines cuz it’s dangerous I think so tomorrow going to be uh start working on Gathering some uh I think the

Sil requires a lot of stone so that’s what we’re going to do towards our goal which is uh building a silo and a CP we do have a lot of stone here 254 oh we also have a green algae ha for rodius okay let’s just stop by rodus place and

Go fishing Hey where’s modus uh the item I requested your work was satisfactory here is your compensation where is my compensation 45 gold okay oh we also need to give Jodie a CIF for FL we can do that I think we have a coif flower prepared for her it’s

5:30 let’s just get back and uh get the cauliflower give it to jod and go fishing finally and hopefully it’s not too late cuz it’s like 700 p.m. wait I forgot Jody’s place this is actually haly she’s mad at me look at this I was really hoping to take my camera out and

Do some shooting today but then it started raining maybe it will be sunny again tomorrow we have zero heart with Haley because I gave her the thing that she hates so much which I forgot got which probably I will give it to her again cuz I forgot hey Judy I think this

Is jod right no oh that looks so delicious thank you this is just what I wanted it’s going to be perfect for my yellow curry and there’s also flower for oh she hates it we only have now one heart with Jodie and finally we are now

Fishing it’s 900 p.m. and we have like uh 80% stamina left let’s just make sure we get to bed on time there we go okay a hering not bad this could be an eel cuz this fish is so erratic there you go an eel let’s try this part here oh we’ve

Leveled up and uh it’s now 11:00 p.m. maybe uh 2 to three more fishes right okay last fish for the day all right let’s go guys it’s getting late I wonder what’s the spirit doing here it’s not moving for like 5 hours so for today I’m feeling satisfied cuz we’re able to give

Jodie the cauliflower that she requested although unfortunately we’ve given her and same time uh dandelion that she hates at least we know now and also we’ve done some fishing we picked up some clam which is uh really fun so I think we don’t have a golden unchoi yet

Okay we have one golden hering and an eel and another hering oyster some sea urchins and a clam going into our shipping bin and we have one trash soggy newspaper oh man it’s 1:40 a.m. oh boy good night oh jeez okay so we are leveled up we need to choose a

Profession now a Rancher or a teller so a Rancher and then we product worth 20% more crops worth 10% more let’s see okay I’m thinking about it and uh I think I want to go ahead with the teller because of the fact that we could actually uh

Almost automate um the crops in a way of uh installing um a sprinkler and for ranching you know what I think we’re going to focus on the crops 10% of it and we’ve leveled up fishing level two and we can craft a bait nice I think we

Should also get a rod that we could tach a bait into and look at that guys we got 3,000 gold from our crops that’s a lot all right so we are now almost at the end of uh spring and today is going to be Paris birthday neutral spirits and we

Have the traveling Merchant in town although oh that’s huge to 350 gold from Judy good morning crops oh let’s see hi to uh our buddy thank you hey my boy enjoying your morning there you go grab some water okay you know what Although our uh there’s no almost no crops left

But I’m kind of reliev don’t have to water all the plants manually that much and I’m thinking uh on our next uh propop rotation I’m going to go ahead and uh organize stuff like put some fans although I’m really bad at it the organizing stuff but I’m going to try

All right finally guys our salmon bear Jam is finished uh let’s try out strawberry jam the strawberry jam is going to take 2 days and 13 hours so the cost of the salmon Berry is 60 Gold I just put it here for Price preference I’m going to compare it with the

Strawberry and uh I’m going to check how long it will take for the salmon Berry as well cuz I forgot to note it but for the strawberries it takes 2 days to be fully processed in a preserved jar and I’m assuming this is going to be more expensive right after that cuz is

Strawberry is a better fruit I think okay what to do next oh yeah yeah we’re going to go ahead and gather some um resources for The Silo and the coupe and hopefully reach 1,000 subscribers in the future but I’m glad that we have 5,000 gold look at that guys oh I forgot let’s

Get some flower for Perry and of course we’re going to say hi to our buddy here lonus okay so maximum is only two gifts per week okay now today I’m really hoping that we could get to say hi to Abigail okay looks like he is here and also it’s peris’s birthday so we’re

Going to go straight to peris’s place going to give him the flower hopefully he likes it and then I’m going to give Abigail Parts hey good morning happy birthday happy birthday Perry here is some daffodil for you how did you know I love this oh okay nice she likes it so

Much let’s see so we are now uh one heart with Perry business has been slow since GE moved into town I know right and finally Abigail is here hello hey how’ you know I was hungry this looks delicious this is what they’re talking about that the girl that eats rocks we

Just gave her a quartz and he she just ate it I think she weird okay see you guys now uh Leia um where could she be she’s at her house and let’s say hi to Granny I think granny uh Grandpa George do you like this how about how about

Granny where will I put oh I’m so sorry granny I don’t mean to she doesn’t like it I do have a flower should have given her this right man uh let’s just give this flower to Alex oh oh well I guess that’s part of life right you really

Don’t are not able to please anyone although you want to or um everyone but uh we’ll learn from it okay now uh let’s go ahead and check out Robin let’s see what are the requirements for The Silo and the coupe yep I need something built

And we give a more flower to Maru I think we are okay zero heart hey sorry I if I see cranky I’m a little sore from work yesterday that’s fine I understand and the busy guy here dematrius who loves everything in the valley oh I forgot I was supposed to test him by

Giving him a stone if he would still love it we’re going to do it next time okay let’s see if we could construct the building we have a coup we need 300 wood and 100 Stone 4,000 gold uh but we need a silo first so we need U five copper

Bar 100 Stone and 10 clay I think we have five copper bar already so 100 Stone 10 clay and five copper bar let’s see 200 wood 100 stone with the CP oh wait if iot I need to so for The Silo 100 Stone and clay and five copper bar

And then for the coupe I think it’s uh 300 wood and uh 100 Stones right yep 300 wood 100 Stone 4,000 gold 100 Stone 10 clay five cover bar and 100 gold okay looks like we’re ready to check our inventory although the coup requires less amount of resources but uh it’s

More expensive like 4,000 gold they do have 5,000 gold that we could use all right for the stone we have 254 for the clay we have oh yeah we have 12 and copper five okay I think we can build a silo nice this good and then wood next

Is going to be wood right okay now I’m thinking where we should put our Silo we just put it behind let’s just get all this stuff oh man it’s like almost 5:00 p.m. hopefully be able to reach oh no please where are you Robin I need do I

Have a task for you okay let’s just visit her tomorrow okay so now let’s just uh go ahead and chop some trees cuz we need 300 wood going down look at that guys there’s a lot of grasses that we need to cut at least we’ll be able to clean most the most

Part of our farm so we need to get that Silo up and running as soon as possible and also get a cou so we could oh man I would love to have chicken in the farm simply because they’re so cute all right it’s 8:20 p.m. let’s head straight to

The saloon cuz I want to say hi to Leah and give her this sweet salad we got like 100 Wood from that and uh we still have like 20% remaining maybe uh after we we’re we’ll we’ll I I can’t speak I just came from orai sorry about that and

My brain is not working you think too much at work oh oh oh it’s uh Robin and Demetrius hey it’s Elliot again man Elliot stay away oh this is exactly what I wanted yeah the same thing you said over and over again every time I give you salad uh beer it’s

400 um oh I forgot mney we need to have a good impression with Marney maybe she likes uh strawberries thank you this looks nice okay that’s good all right we have 186 wood so I’m hoping tomorrow I’ll be able to uh make the or build The Silo

And the coupe with a robin so anyway guys thank you so much for hanging out for more videos you look at the left hand corner of your screen so if you’re new here don’t forget to like And subscribe and always remember to be patient and kind to one another cuz

That’s what love is see you on the next video

tried to ask Leah to a dance but guess what…the fear of rejection is real 🙁

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🕊️ Verse of the day!
For God so loved the world, that He gave His only Son, so that everyone who believes in Him will not perish, but have eternal life. -John 3:16

#snacku #indiegames #stardewvalley

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