Minecraft if Your Diamonds = Your Money

This is Minecraft if diamonds equals your money and so right now Gamers we’re broke no the last thing I want to see while I’m broke is your stupid face oh my God we just got a diamond hey yo don’t spit on me I got a diamond Baby W

We’re not rich I was going to say we’re rich but we’re not so Gamers it looks like whenever we punch entities we get a diamond so in that case Nama evade this spit yeah you can’t spit on me nerd give me them Diamonds oh my goodness wait

We’re actually getting so many dude are we about to get like really rich from just beating up a llama this ain’t no normal llama okay you can’t just think like oh poor llama why is Bon beating on a llama no this llama’s evil it belongs to the wandering traitor unless it’s the

Wandering traitor’s like prisoner oh wait maybe we should kill the wandering traitor hey yo I’m sorry for taking my anger on you llama ow let’s make our poop sword go go go go go only beat up the wandering trador he’s the one at fault wooo okay perfect we have 28

Diamonds which is going to be super useful because now if we go ahead and go here and type in diamond oh wait it doesn’t even come up I luckily know the craft by by heart but we’re going to need to craft ourselves our Diamond shop which requires four pieces of glass bro

Are these llamas still spitting on me okay you know what listen you guys drop diamonds don’t make me freaking hunt you down all right that guy was one shot and give me the diamond nerd there you go we have 32 diamonds I think this Village should already have a furnace that we

Could use o wait a second there’s an armor Smith here yeah furnace is right here okay perfect we just got to smell wait maybe we can get a a bucket of lava oh dang it okay we got an iron sword we got some bread now and some apples I

Will sacrifice my wooden sword to cook the glass although I don’t think that’s enough fuel so I hope this is enough just to cook four pieces of glass and now perfect if we put the glass in each corner like that along with the freaking diamonds we get a diamond shop right

Click to activate the shop you must enable chat man I got chat enabled PE PE poo poo yeah that was me testing if chat was enabled okay whatever I think now if I right click this guy whenever we want there we go we get a chat like shop for

10 diamonds we get diamond shears wait dang it I don’t have it you need a diamond C credit card to buy this item okay well in that case boom it was free and we have 27 diamonds yo that’s pretty cool wait and so what can we get wait we

Can actually buy the diamond shears and full diamond tools oh my goodness wait a second this is sick all right let’s keep our Diamond shop in our last slot and now with these diamond tools I’m pretty sure like if I break anything we should get a diamond yeah diamond tools drop

Diamonds Gamers yo this is clean we’re already at 21 Diamonds though which is pretty sick yon maybe we can find like a hack or something a dang it dude I was hoping that like maybe just right clicking with the diamond axe would like Drop The Wait the diamonds what if the

Hoe is the best one and maybe the shovel cuz the shovel low key oh my goodness yeah you could break blocks so fast no way okay listen I’m not going to lie if I got a shovel everybody’s poop to become a quadrillionaire I will do it

But now if I could oh come on seriously why wouldn’t you get diamonds like from like hoing down the land a that would be so sick wait and you don’t get it from breaking in the Grass either oh my gosh but you do with the shovel wait I swear

It just gave me one I just got a diamond I swear oh yeah there you go it happens randomly but I think we’re better off maybe just like actually breaking the dirt and wait what the heck why is there another like thingy myob over here yo

This Village is crazy op o we got some obsidian some armor I’ll take that and cheese well I just realized now we’re at 87 diamonds so let’s right click our shop what can we get for 87 Diamonds oh we can buy some diamond armor or we

Could buy the bottle o diamonds for 75 all right you know I’m actually going to buy that I don’t know if it was worth it but we also didn’t even try our shears turn Shear or broken wool into diamond blocks wait what oh my God can I go like

This wao and then we turn into diamonds and it automatically gets counted yo where’s the sheeps hello sheeps oh dude I wish we had like a crazy sheep farm or maybe this Village had a crazy sheep farm but every sheep we find yo dude we

Can get a crap T of diamonds just like that we’re at 103 hey yo that is actually so sick look at it Gamers it’s beautiful y meow and boom there we go all of the Sheep are now naked and now we have 12 diamond blocks and just like

That oh my gosh 21 diamonds and we didn’t even use the bottle of enchanting yet or sorry I mean bottle of diamonds I wish we could get some freaking food from the shop it’s fine we have a ton of bread let’s make our quadrillion crafting table and so what the bottle do

I assume we just throw it and wait what it just summoned a bunch of diamonds okay you’re telling me I could just grab this mine the diamond block and that’s just an extra dude what wait this is crazy what the heck right click to throw it doesn’t even say anything else this

Is literally it’s sole purpose it’s just an infinite like diamond generator what dude oh my gosh what if we make a dispenser hear me out Chief hear me out would it work and we put it on a redstone clock dude we’ll just need Redstone to test it out no and that’s

Actually it listen I want to get to 500 diamonds to buy the diamond Hammer 250 to buy the diamond staff even the diamond TNT Blaster sounds epic we’re actually Mega po right now so I think if we get like yeah an automatic like Farm of diamonds using the dude that might be

Really crazy using the bottle o diamonds I don’t know if that’s like Uber big brain or like kind of dumb but there you go we’re at 615 what else can we buy now we can buy the diamond magnet is that worth it though I want to know what it

Does before I buy it I’m telling you Gamers if we get the Redstone we just need a bow for the dispenser if it works we’re about to create an infinite Diamond DuPage baby come on give me your bow please G gang ging gang we got a bow

We got a bow okay and boom we got the dispenser let’s place it right there Redstone in the corners get our repeaters boom bam bop meow all right all right this is it got a button press it and there you go all right perfect perfect perfect wait why is it not

Working oh wait I’m Dum there you go there you go and now boom no no I was so excited I thought we cracked the system but it just doesn’t it just gives it to me it just gives it to me I thought we found a dup glitch gamers in the system

But I guess we still got to pay our taxes by right clicking I guess we’ll have to do manual work Gamers to become rich after all but wait honestly dude we’re getting so freaking rich right now oh my gosh I didn’t realize how overpowered this was by just like right

Clicking we don’t even need to necessarily stop and mind the diamond blocks yet look at this we’re nearly at 2,000 okay in that case let’s buy the magnet cuz maybe this might be useful teleports diamonds within 35 blocks that are on the ground and it just needs to

Be in my inventory it doesn’t even have to be like on me okay so if I just go like that oh my gosh yeah it automatically just gave it to me bro that is crazy I could just throw it it makes life so much easier okay you know

What I was disappointed in our Redstone machine that failed but it’s okay Gamers on the way up you’re going to fail sometimes it’s about learning new things and pushing beyond your limits you know how many times I failed trying to become a YouTuber I fail even now but one thing I ain’t

Failing is daily dose of freaking bunk especially when we’re this close to finishing and I’m going to get rich in today’s video infinite diamonds baby it will be mine speaking of which we’re almost at the laser gun okay that sounds like it could be really op so we just

Need a few more of these and boom wait we got it now we can spend all our money yay I’m broke now but I got a gun baby all right what does this thing do wo wait a second I can shoot mobs and it makes even more diamond blocks hey yo

Dude wait a second that that is insane we’re at 470 already I’m sorry horses I don’t mean to do this to you but oh my gosh just shooting mobs is insane wait a second the Golem probably drops so many diamonds since he’s so durable yeah nothing happens when you shoot blocks I

Wonder is there an entity that we can shoot that doesn’t die wait is a chest an entity oh my gosh would that count no way a chest would count right like if so we break the game a dang it okay it doesn’t work on the chest I was going to

Say but it does work on the villagers hello Mr Gollum oh my gosh bro we’re already at 2,000 by just shooting this guy oh yes this is how you get rich guys by just shooting people with a diamond laser gun don’t try this at home come on

Survive a little bit more buddy oh dang it we’re at almost 4,000 about to be yep there we go we just hit it okay my aim was a little bad not going to lie but stop dancing stop avoiding it yeah and oh my gosh now we can just break through

All of these diamond blocks and basically get so many diamonds but I feel like it’s just faster if we just grind out the regular diamonds B oh my gosh it does one shot a freaking chicken though and two shots a pig I feel like a mob like the Warden might actually be

Crazy overpowered but wait we’re already at 5,000 hold on what’s the next thing at 8,500 Diamond wolves okay Gamers now we have almost 10,000 we can buy the diamond wolves dude I’m broke again how many times do we have to go broke to get back up and Rich okay well spawn Diamond

Wolves right click to spawn Three diamond wolves that will spawn a 100 times Diamond every few seconds wait what these are the diamond wolves wait wao we’re already at 2,000 they look like regular wolves to me just named Diamond wolves but hey you know what I don’t judge Maybe their heart is made

Out of diamonds guys just like my heart is made out of gold AKA cheese I love cheese well wait we’re not even doing anything and we’re already at 3,000 bro 3,500 oh my gosh wait what if I like shoot one of these guys though hold on a

Second does he die oh my God I just killed one of my wolves why did I do that wait but I have two bones what if I breed them together oh my gosh oh my gosh do they make diamond baby wolf wait they made a baby wolf but where did

These other Diamond wolves come from oh my god did we just break the game wait a second wait a second if I go ahead and go like this and then make another baby wolf there you go more Diamond wolves spawned out of nowhere yo yo yo I need

More meat oh my gosh we need more meat if we keep breeding them they just like I don’t know I I guess it breaks the game’s code or something yo let’s go oh my gosh more meat yes go go go go wait no make baby who want make baby yeah

Make baby we have so much wolves now we have so much wolves there’s more meat right here perfect perfect perfect oh my gosh you get meat there you go make more baby yeah oh my gosh we’re at 22,000 bro I think this is it we’re like actually so rich now we’re getting just

So much free diamonds can I can I already buy something else we can we can buy the diamond energy drink wait oh my gosh I got it right click the drink giving you positive effects and causing blocks around you to break and dropping diamonds for 20 seconds wait what oh my

What is going on what is going on wait a second I just drank the energy drink and it gives me all these crazy effects oh my goodness wait I’m so confused am I not grabbing these Diamonds though there you go oh my goodness my inventory was

Full are you kidding me wait no we got to make space we got to make space go go go go oh oh my God now we’re talking as long as our inventory isn’t full dude we’re getting infinite diamonds now oh my God this is actually the wave this is

Actually the wave look at this look at this trail of diamonds we’re just summoning let’s go baby this combined with all our Diamond wolves is actually Unstoppable this is actually so much fun dude we cracked the code baby as long as we have inventory space we are good

Honestly I don’t care for anything else I literally don’t care for anything else we can just mine anything if we need it again bro how about water oh my gosh it even drills just through water what that is insane that is actually insane look at a scope look at a scope and whenever

Our inventory fills up the diamonds still like come to us yeah look it’s still teleports to us because of our freaking magnet bro and then if we just go like this oh my gosh all the diamonds fill up our inventory and are able to actually get counted we’re at 88,000

Wait a second what else can I buy now the diamond TNT Blaster hey yo okay well we definitely don’t need our tools anymore what is this can do okay wait a second I can just throw TN it’s Diamond TNT hold on we got to see how much diamonds we’re really getting cuz we’re

Already at 60,000 again and I’m pretty sure I just spent all my money too so hold on if I go like that and shoot that how many diamonds did we just get okay wait I don’t know when is that Landing I shot too high up let’s go and shoot

Right here okay it explodes and oh my gosh oh my gosh wait 100,000 hold on a second I’m going to shoot again how many diamonds just spawn on us yo 110,000 oh my goodness wait a second this is crazy so if we right click this and simultaneously just like yeah shoot the

Diamond Blaster oh my gosh are we just going to make infinite money boom B yo and I think because we shot way too high up here there’s a bunch of diamonds that are now getting counted that I didn’t collect before yeah yeah yeah you can see them getting teleported to me oh my

Goodness we’re just getting diamonds from nothing too we’re so rich right now wait we can already buy the diamond staff oh my gosh I just bought it yo what does this thing do right click to teleport where you’re looking at sneak to shoot a beam that will spawn a

Diamond meteor okay I’m kind of scared if I shift oh my goodness how much wait what I didn’t really get that many diamonds from that I think hold on a second boom it does turn everything yeah into diamond blocks interesting I feel like maybe we just got scammed unless we

Use the energy drink at the same time and break the diamond blocks wait a second this might be genius this might actually be genius yeah because now we’re getting a crap ton of diamond blocks oh my gosh wait that might actually be the wave and if we clear

Some inventory space Oh My Gosh can’t I just throw them out yo if I go like this yeah I can just uncraft them and throw the diamonds out no wait a second yeah there you go bro we can just oh we can just uncraft all the diamonds that we

Get okay I really don’t want anything else that’s not diamonds in my inventory bro we don’t need anything else we can just go like this look how quick we’re doing it bro we’re already at 400,000 there you go we got a crap ton of more diamond blocks let’s just uncraft them

Now oh my God we’re going to hit 500,000 we’re going to hit 500,000 we’re going to get the final item holy crap this has been the goal since the beginning 58,000 Gamers holy crap let’s right click our Diamond shop and buy ourselves the diamond Hammer what does this do I’m

Kind of scared is this going to just break the entire world this thing is pretty fat not going to lie right click to shoot okay I’m kind of terrified 3 2 1 and boom what just happened I don’t even see what what just happened I don’t

Even oh my god there you go oh my good wait no it’s killing my dogs no Diamond Dogs I’m sorry wait oh my gosh how are we jumping so much in like money what the heck how many diamonds does it just spawn bro I’m literally at a million oh

My goodness there you go we just hit 1 million diamonds yo we’ve become the millionaire Now to turn the entire world into diamonds subscribe and see you guys in tomorrow’s video I love you guys peace

Minecraft if Your Diamonds = Your Money

💥 MAIN CHANNEL! – @Bionic


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