Is this Stardew Valley Dating Sim CURSED or Cozy? Let’s find out!

According to steam St valy has about 30,000 monthly players so it’s kind of a big game especially if you’re in the Cozy Gaming Community or have a huge theme for games that are all about living the simple life as a farmer but like any famous boy group Fame and

Fortune invites a lot of questionable fanfiction or in this case a dating Sim Lolo welcome to my humble abode my name is Denise and today we’re going to be checking out love in the valley a reverse stardo Valley dating it’s a game where you and 11 other young adults

You’ve known for your whole life compete for the affections of a mysterious new farmer who never speaks and has somehow become unimaginably wealthy off of vegetables so I’m quite excited to see what this is all about upon starting the game you have two different options the

Emo boy Sebastian or the rock loving hot gal but we got to choose our Rock loving girl Abigail oh I love her and honestly I would have liked a lot more characters to choose from but with the Li limited amount of scope and this being a free game it’s totally understandable that

There’s only two characters that you can choose from and just like in stardew Valley we have the farm the hall town the beach and the forest so this game is a little bit different from the original stardo Valley and instead of us playing as the farmer we are instead playing as

Abigail who has the intention of wooing our farmer and this farmer has been portrayed as one of the most mysterious hot and sexy farmers in all of stardo Valley who has just moved in so this is going to get a little exciting we only have a couple different options right

Now so let’s go ahead and choose the town first it looks like it’s our dad he’s not looking to happy Abigail and where do you think you’re going young lady I’m just going out for a walk have you finished your chores you promised to help your mother clean the altar room I

Did ask her oh well all right then hey no trespassing on the Old Farm all right what why it’s totally abandoned not anymore there’s a new farmer in town they stopped by the store this morning to get seeds shoot I love exploring those overgrown Fields a new farmer yeah

I believe they inherited the farm and quite a bit of money too they spent a few thousand golden seeds this morning a few thousand yeah I could believe it at first either holy moly who has that much gold to spend I think it’s so funny how

Like us spending 1,000 gold is a lot to these people in the game and it totally makes sense like in the real world if you bought that many like seeds I would fre like wo wo wo it couldn’t have become at a better time we’ve been

Struggling to keep up with joja Mar but this new farmer could make a huge difference that’s great dad you can’t keep up with joa I know a lot of people hate Pierre I don’t know should we roast our dad or should we just lift him that’s great dad that’s awesome dad I

Know you’ve been really stressed out about joja Mar yeah Morris has been stealing more and more of our customers people have lost sight of what makes pelicant town so special but with this new farmer things can change I just know it you know Abigail they seem about your

Age you should go introduce yourself encouraged them to come back to the General Store jeez Dad I’m not going to be your show watch it young lady maintaining strong relationships with our customers is important especially customers with a lot of money to spend think about it come on oh I I can’t

Believe he wants me to go meet the farmer the new mysterious very rich farmer maybe dad has a point maybe I should just go meet them you know for the family business it’s now Tuesday and there’s 4 days left till the dance as many of us stard Valley fans know flower

Dance is really important for romance for marage in this game at least there aren’t that many days left so let’s move to our next location it’s going to be the forest get back here don’t you run away from me morning what’s going on oh Abigail sorry you C me in such a state

One of the hands got loose and I’ve been chasing her all morning Jazz volunteer to collect eggs this morning but forgot to shut the Cee on our way out oh no I can’t help you I bet to together we can her that would be such a help dear thank

You I’ll stand over there and you can chase her to me got it here we go get ready got her thank you so much for your help happy to help sounds like you had a pretty stressful morning Jazz was just trying to help bless her heart it’s been

Bit crowded since Shan mooded usually he helps with the check-ins but he’s been a little bit distracted lately oh why is that this is like very suspicious Shane smiling what is wrong with him what’s going on I’m not sure he was lay out late last night not it’s not usual or

Anything but this time he came home smiling I think he’s been hanging out with a new farmer has everyone met this farmer already except me if I didn’t know any better I think he’d had a crush oh oh my gosh Shane has a crush okay but

We don’t stand for that we want to catch him first you know like a Pokémon have you met the new farmer deer not yet I hope I run into them soon though from what I hear they sound pretty interesting very interesting they stopped by to buy some hay but didn’t

Say a word it was a strangest thing they didn’t say anything mysterious that’s kind of hot I told them as long as they treat their animals well I’m sure we’ll become good friends what about you dear you like animals not sure I’ve ever seen you interact with any let’s speak Our

Truth okay Abigail is more of a rock early you know she doesn’t have pet she has rock pets okay I guess she does have pets if they’re rocks but like not the usual live walking typ not so much um I’m not really into animals no what I’m

Just not used to them I really wanted a cat when I was growing up but my dad is allergic to pretty much everything I guess that makes sense honey still a Pity there’s so many lovely animals get to know in the valley I mean I do like being outdoors listening to the birds

And stuff being out here in the forest is really nice yes true it’s a lovely place for all kinds of wild laugh well better get going thanks again for your help I hope Marney doesn’t get too hung up on what I said I’m just not

Interested in life on a farm you know or at least I wasn’t ooh oh gosh oh no o the farmer is making a farm life seem more and more interesting by the minute o okay okay okay we got 3 days till the dance let’s go to town oh it’s the

Farmer hey are you looking to buy some seeds oh gosh they’re kind of quiet oh sorry you’re out of luck dad closes his shops on Wednesdays dude that really sucked yeah sorry about that the rest of the Town knows to get their groceries a day before but you’re still pretty new

Huh talk about a bad morning but not getting crops in all time is a real hassle when you’re a farmer H that must suck oh she’s really pissed off okay I’m so sorry okay focus Abigail this is your chance to land a hot date with a mysterious Farmer they don’t have seeds

To plant they must be free for a date right now although could see if I could seek some seeds away from dead stash and they might like that even more but like H I don’t want to steal seeds from my dad like that just sounds so wrong like

We could we should just go foraging that’s like a really cute bonding activity you know go foraging with the farmer for seeds let’s go say what kind of seeds were you looking for anyhow it appears to be a list made entirely with small drawings of food seems like this

Would take much longer than writing it out but it is adorable they’re kind of cute you know I bet we could find some of these seeds in Cinder snap for us if you want to look together please say yes please say yes awesome then it’s a date

Oh my God they look so like excited they’re like not even excited just like shocked like what wait I mean shoot did I really just say that out loud let’s just get going those seeds aren’t going to find themselves you find the rest of the afternoon collecting seeds with a

Farmer in the forest even though you don’t find anything on the farmers’s list turns out starf fruit are not native to the valley you two have a lot of fun searching among the plant oh that’s so cute 2 days until the dance we got a little bit more time but let’s see

If we can speed things up let’s let’s see what we can do let’s go to the forest oh hm it’s Leah it’s almost there but not quite hey Leah wo what are you working on hey Abby it’s my new sculpture I was feeling inspired on thought I’d work on it outside today wow

It’s incredible but uh what is it supposed to be it’s abstract try to capture a feeling it’s missing something though and I I just can’t tell what what feeling you know that feeling when you have like a new crush and it’s all butterfly that’s what I’m trying to

Represent this this is just ridiculous it’s so funny everybody’s like in love with a new farmer to be honest it’s pretty personal I I haven’t felt this way in a while who do you have a crush on can can you keep a secret it’s oh shoot someone’s coming oh hey farmer

Blushing like crazy oh her Crush must be the farmer wait Le has a crush on the farmer too I was just telling Abigail about my sculpture like what do you think you know like the farmer is not even saying anything I don’t understand how everybody’s in love with the F they

Don’t even really talk or Express their feelings I just don’t understand they’re just like oh they’re hot they’re mysterious and they’re Mega rich I love you actually don’t tell me it’s not ready yet still work in progress you know I should get back to it got to go

Oh she was a little shy wow I’ve never seen Leo like that Leo’s pretty cool usually she’s crazy talented most of her art goes way over my head though like the new sculpture she say she wants it to capture the feeling of butterflies like does that make any sense to you do

You have a crush on anyone I only ask because I don’t know I have a crush on you oh they’re smiling yes let’s go I you don’t have to say anything I don’t know if you feel the same I just I just wanted to get it off my chest you know

Things that felt different since he moved in like we barely talked to them and we’re just like yeah I like you I have a crush on you this doesn’t make any sense this town treats me like a little bit of a weirdo you know Mom hates how I dress dad still treats me

Like a child people judge me for eating rocks it’s just a whole ORD deal growing up I was always a little different but now you’re here and you’re weird too that’s so so funny oh they’re smiling they kind of like that you don’t say a word but it’s like you know what we’re

All thinking I hope I’m not W you feel uncomfortable I just want to say I see you I think you see me too and I like you you know andert Debbie Ryan okay well no comment all right well anyways better get going I’ll see you around

Farmer that was so funny one day till dance there you are daily daffodil for your flower crown thanks Pier I’ll see you tomorrow looks like I just missed her Royal Highness Abigail manners okay Haley is a fine young lady you could learn a lot from her okay come on dad

Are you serious she spent flower Queen 5 years in a row she could help you be more ladylike I don’t want to be ladylike I’m not like other girls what’s all the yelling about try to talk some sense into her a little piss a little piss little lady Abby what’s wrong that

Is such a jerk he wants me be all sweet and girly and a flower Queen like Haley come on that’s just not me well maybe it wouldn’t hurt we have two different options should we change ourselves or be a true selves if I learned anything from

Early 2000 chick Flex AKA she’s all that you definitely have to change yourself and your entire being in order to woo the person that you like I mean nothing ever went wrong right okay let’s agree cuz we kind of want to romance the FL maybe if I was more like her the farmer

Like me too oh my gosh I kind of regret I don’t want her to have to change herself for the farmer to like her like that’s not it mom maybe you’re right for once oh sweetheart I’m glad you think so Hay’s just so popular and pretty and I I

Don’t know how to compete with that I’m glad she’s realizing that she’s just kind of jealous you know haly’s not that okay she’s a little she’s a little the b word a little bit when you first meet her a little bit of a b word okay Abby

You’re beautiful do you think if I ask someone to dance tomorrow they say yes of course dear they’d be selling not to now come on let’s find you something pretty to wear for tomorrow all right today’s the day oh look at our cute little oh it’s a flower dancing day

Let’s go it’s finally here the day of the flower dance you’ve been thinking about this all week oh it’s the farmer okay they look fantastic now’s your chance go for it hey farmer I was some wondering you like to dance with me we literally completely change everything

About ourselves will we be able to woo the farmer and has she’s all that taught us properly we shall see uh oh gosh oh my God yikes that stung well that was embarrassing you got rejected in front of everyone you bite your lip to try to stop from crying you look around for

Your friends but what’s this Bastion that mother is talking to the farmer you watch absolutely devastated as Seb dances with the farmer instead of you you’re alone and the farmer remains totally out of your league better luck next year where did I go wrong okay so the first tactic didn’t really work out

Changing everything about yourself did not work as well as I planned it to I blame it on the early 2000s movie She’s All That okay she’s not all that apparently but we shall try again okay last day today’s the day I don’t know if we can’t get it I just don’t have real

RZ I’m not I just don’t have the moves man it’s finally here the day of the flower day and you’ve been thinking about this all week There’s the Farmer they look fantastic now’s your chance go for it hey farmer I was um wondering what do you like to dance with me the

Farmer agrees you and their strong arms and whisk you around the meadow they’re firm but gentle and a surprisingly good dancer oh my gosh you don’t even need to say a word the two of you are perfectly in sink oh my gosh a little blushes cute

For once you don’t care what anyone else thinks your parents your friends the stress of it all just melts away the dance is magical years later you and the farmer are happily married enjoying Many Adventures Together you did it you wanton the heart of the farmer we

Finally woed the farmer of our dreams and lived happily ever after I think this dating Sim was so adorable but I really really wish that we could have explored more of the Town itself there were a lot of areas that were locked down and a lot of characters that we

Didn’t really get to meet but the biggest message I got from this game was don’t change yourself for anybody even if it is a hot sexy rich farmer any who thanks for watching and I’ll see you in the next one

According to Steam, Stardew Valley has 30,000 monthly players so it’s kind of a big game, especially if you’re in the cozy gaming community or have a huge thing for games that are all about living the simple life as a farmer. But like any famous boy group fame and fortune invite a lot of questionable fan fiction or in this case a dating sim…

Love In the Valley:
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