Making the Stardew Valley Bachelorettes in The Sims 4

From watching my channel you’ve probably inferred that my favorite game is the Sims 4 and while you’d be right I do also have two games that are very near and dear to my heart I’m a huge fan of the Sim but I also love Animal Crossing

And stardew Valley so today we are going to be making the stardew bachelorette in The Sims 4 obviously we are here in Crea a Sim and we are going to be making six Sims today so strap in however we are going to be starting with our girl Abigail for these characters obviously

It’s kind of hard to like really tell what their faces look like because they’re literally pixelated for Abigail specifically what I could see is that she had a nose that was really turned up like it had a very small turned up tip of the nose so I would definitely wanted

To incorporate that she has these big eyes and from what I could tell her eyebrows are a little bit thicker but a little bit more like well-kept she’s quite pale and she has very small but pouty lips I think I did a pretty good job I I really tried to get that

Upturned nose perfect and overall I’d say she looks like Abigail to me now before we get started let’s discuss hair I don’t think Abigail’s hair is going to be able to get as dark as her hair is in the game because in The Sims the darkest

Purple color that we have is this now I do have some hair dye add-ons in custom content so I’m hoping that we are going to be able to darken up her hair but if it’s not as dark as it is in the game I do apologize however looking at

Abigail’s hair it’s looking like she’s got some curtain bangs and like a medium length curly style she could even have like a half up half down situation going on I’m not really sure this hair could be a contender for sure or I was thinking we could do something like this

I feel like it’s a little accurate to what she has going on I’m assuming that the curl that she has in her hair is more of like a natural curl and I feel like this works for like the bangs and this one actually does come with a hair

Color so I’m hoping that we can maybe get some dye in here I did honestly darken it quite a bit at at the ends with this hair dye which I’m honestly pretty happy with as for Abigail’s makeup I’m assuming she keeps it fairly light once again super hard to tell from

This pixelated photo however I feel like she would definitely have some eyeliner Abigail is definitely giving emo Crystal girl you know she loves to eat her crystals so going to try to give off those vibes her style and makeup for Lashes I think I’m want to go a little

Like natural is like I don’t want to go for anything too crazy I think something like that would be fine maybe just little like Smoky black brown eyeliner could be cute and maybe a lip gloss her lips are pretty pink compared to her complexion so I’m assuming she’s wearing

Some form of lip gloss okay cute and she doesn’t look like she’s wearing any blush so maybe I’ll just stay true to that should we try to add a nose ring she doesn’t have one but I feel like she could maybe something like that with a

Little heart on it yeah that’s cute I can kind of see that Abigail is possibly wearing a choker so let’s see if we can get her a little black choker necklace feel like we got to go for this Little Lacy one moving on to outfit it looks

Like her outfit is like a jean vest and then like a top we have like a full body picture of her I can look at this artist here has drawn up a picture of what they think her outfit looks like so thank you to them I love the idea of the shorts

With the tight I’m seeing like a little gray top and some sort of like green jacket or something I’m thinking we could do maybe a leather jacket to kind of pay an homage to the jacket cuz I definitely do not have a jean vest of

Any sort let’s grab her like a gray top this kind of looks like the top that she’s got going on does it come in like a darker gray no but I kind of like The Vibes of that as for bottoms I definitely want to do some shorts and

Some leggings underneath those shorts I don’t know about y’all but I used to rock that look every single day in sixth grade ooh I like these ones with a little belt I think we’re going to go with these ones leggings what kind of leggings we could do fishnets or we

Could just do like plain ones I think I just like the plain oh maybe ones with some holes in them though as for the jacket what do I have for accessory jackets so this is kind of what I was thinking however I do have like jean

Jackets which I feel like would be a little bit more her style I feel like this outfit is as close as we’re going to get it for shoes I’m assuming she would be a boots gal like a big chunky boot gal personally I’ve never really fully played through stardy Valley but

On the playthrough that I’m in my choices between wives was Abigail and one of other Bachelorette you can guess in the comments below before I tell you who it was I like these boots they’re like subtle but they’re still nice and maybe could we get like a a sock okay

Cute lastly let’s give her some nail polish I’m thinking we do just like some black chipped polish now for traits should we give her the curator she wants to collect everything I think I’m going too far with this joke about her eating rocks but she does eat rocks well she is

Interested in the occult so maybe we give her the Master van vampire aspiration and for traits we’ll give her music lover because she plays her little flute she loves exploring so maybe loves the outdoors and maybe gloomy but her traits all in order here is our Abigail

I think she looks so cute it’s hard to really say for sure if she’s like 1,00% accurate because like I’ve said a bazillion times she is a Pixel character but that’s going to be the going on theme with all the other girls so I’m happy with her let’s move on to our next

Sim which is going to be Emily Emily personally to me is one of those characters that I often forget about I’m so sorry Emily but for her face I wanted to capture her big wide eyes her small grinning mouth so that’s why I gave her the open mouth and her bushy brows she’s

Also pale but not quite as pale as Abigail so I wanted to make her just a little bit more tan and honestly I think that she is the most spot-on out of any of the girls that I made let’s throw on some hair we have the perfect hair color

For Emily so I’m not worried about that at all however Emily has this like kind of unruly like almost a pixie cut but it’s too long I think to be a pixie cut so this is going to be a fun one I’m not normally a fan of doing short haircuts

Let’s see what I have oh my God this one might be perfect oh my God kind of giv Karen a little bit though apparently I’m limited on short hairstyles however I do think our winner is this hairstyle and these challenges they really push me to try hairstyles and swatches that I have

Never tried before let’s grab her some lashes I’m thinking something natural and actually natural cuz I always say natural but I never really mean natural something like that and honestly it looks to me like Emily has a little bit of lipstick on or her lips are just

Really red but so I’m going to give her a little bit of red lipstick she’s kind of slay I kind of love this like blue hair red lip combination I don’t know about y’all but I love it I think I’m just going to go with that moving on to

Emily’s fit Emily is wearing like a red buttonup or some people have drawn her wearing like a red dress we’ll see where I land I found this top and I think it’s pretty perfect for Emily and I’m thinking I want to give her a red skirt as well I’m deciding between this skirt

And this skirt I like this one because it comes with a belt but other than that I don’t really love the skirt but I feel like this one is just kind of giving apron which to me gives a little bit more of a stardy valley Vibe so I think

I’m going to go with this skirt for shoes I kind of want some brown boots I like these ones here with the pointed toes and the laces and I think I’m going add these little socks here at the bottom as for nail polish I’m just going

To give her some short blue nails for Emily’s traits so Emily works at the stard drop Saloon and she also is very into style and fashion like her sister Haley maybe for her aspiration she wants to be a mixologist because it says that she’s not as into fashion as Haley for

Her traits though maybe we can give her creative since she does say that she makes her own clothes let’s say she’s cheerful and maybe a little erratic because I’ve heard that her starv can get a little crazy sometimes but with that all done here is Emily I think I

Nailed it I think I nailed it with most of the girls but I really nailed it with Emily here I think that she is spoton moving on to our next Bachelorette we are going to be doing who else but Haley for Haley I wanted to give her a very

Small nose cuz it looks like she has the smallest nose out of all the girls she has very big blue eyes and she has very thin eyebrows she also has very large lips so I wanted to give her some big voluminous lips I think I did a pretty

Good job with her she’s looking a little scary right now cuz she doesn’t have any lashes or anything but once we add hair and stuff I think it’ll all come together now for her hair color like I mentioned in previous videos the hair color really depends on what hair we

Choose because with custom content the hair color can differ but we could go with the mac and cheese hair but I don’t know I feel like going with the blonde might just be better for everyone’s sanity her hair is very luscious and Cur cly she has like a middle part her hair

Looks like it’s more of a natural curl though rather than like her curling it and honestly I feel like I already found the hair tell me that this hair is not perfect for her for Lashes I want to give her some big flirty lashes the hair

Is getting in the way of the lashes and it is really making me upset therefore I feel like it would be in our best interest to change the hair I’m so sorry I know it’s beautiful but I would like a hair that does not interfere with the

Lashes honestly the Sim is starting to kind of give me like cartoon Taylor Swift Vibe anybody else I really want to use this hair but I just am unsure as to what’s going on with the sides of her head I don’t know it’s happening with a

Lot of them I’ve tried to change things it’s not making it any better I feel like this hair with the braid is very Haley I feel like she would rock something like this it’s still in her face a little bit but at least it’s not interfering with the lashes as for

Makeup it kind of looks like to me that Haley is wearing a little bit of like purple pink eyes Shadow so maybe we’ll find something something like that I feel like this one works for Haley as for eyeliner I don’t think I want to do anything too crazy maybe just like

Something in her waterline to make her eyes pop a little bit more and definitely some blush that’s pretty cute and for lipstick maybe like a peachy color okay cute I can also see that she is wearing a blue necklace let’s see if we have anything that matches that I

Think this little chain with the heart on it is pretty similar looking as to what she’s got on her neck and for earrings maybe we’ll just give her some little like blue studs or something to match her necklace should we put some flowers in her hair I feel like we

Should I think I’m just going to do these little silver hoops instead moving on to Haley’s outfit it looks like she’s wearing a blue top with a pink skirt and some blue shoes so let’s grab a blue top we need a blue tank top specifically I

Like this top but I’m stuck between that top and this top I feel like this top is a little bit cuter in my opinion we’ll see once we have the skirt we’ll see how I feel she has a pink skirt on I think the top is what’s throwing me off maybe

It’s too dark of a blue yeah maybe that’s better I do kind of want a skirt with a belt this picture that someone’s drawn up oh she has like a white lace though I don’t know I mean I’m not going to get it exactly how it is so okay I

Think I’m going to go with this skirt I’m done staring aimlessly at skirts for her shoes she has little blue shoes with a white sock it seems thinking we go for a little Mary Jane these are cute and a little frilly sock if I have something

Like that do I really not I have a sock well that works I guess give her some accessories like some pink nails let’s also give her some bracelets cute for traits for aspiration I’m thinking we give her Lady of the nits because it’s the closest thing that we have to like

Clothing design for Haley’s traits we will give her self-absorbed maybe snob a we’ll give her creative and with our traits all done here is Haley I think she looks so sinking cute the outfit was definitely the hardest out of the ones that I’ve done so far but I think it’s

As good as we were going to get it so let’s move on to Leah now for Leah it was kind of a hard one she’s on the side angle which for some reason made it harder for me even though Abigail’s on a side angle I don’t know regardless I

Knew I wanted to give her some freckles because she’s a little Ginge and also she’s out in the sun a lot so freckles would make sense wanted to give her some soft more natural looking features I think I did a pretty good job for her hair obviously she is a I’d say she’s

Like a light Ginger and she has a braid I don’t know if I have all that many braided hairstyles I guess we will see what I can find this hair style is honestly very accurate not loving the texture of it but maybe I can find a better better one oh perfect this one’s

Even better for Lashes definitely want to give her some natural looking ones I like those please ignore her eye that’s touching the hair I don’t want to talk about it for makeup I don’t think I really want to give her anything besides maybe a little bit of blush just to make

Her look like she’s been out in the sun and maybe a little lip gloss for her fit people have drawn her with like a green buttonup on with suspenders definitely don’t have suspenders but I probably have a green button up oh look it has a

Little bow at the end oh my god I didn’t even know hold on I probably have the uh thing to change the color of it aha green shirt I think I spoke too soon on having a nice green buttonup I’m also starting to think I might want to check

If I have overalls or something before I choose a top oo this is kind of perfect but do I have a top that’ll go with it is really the question I’m starting to think it’s a no okay well we have this shirt um The Horse Ranch pack maybe if I

Can just find her some jeans or something then we’re good to go I think I like these jeans the best and now I’m thinking that she would have some cowgirl boots cute you can barely see them but cute as for nails I don’t really think she would have any polish

For aspiration we could give her a lot of things she loves the outdoors but apparently she’s a secret painter she loves living in her cabin she loves animals it’s got to be something to do with nature right maybe we’ll give her the painter extraordinaire because it does say that she’s a talented artist

With a large portfolio of work and we can give her more of that outdoorsy stuff within her traits we can give her loves the outdoors can give her animal enthusiasts maybe a loner seeing as she only really has one friend and apparently she has no family that live

In Pelican town so but with her traits all picked out here is Leah I think we did a pretty good job I think she’s really really stinking cute the outfit is I mean it’s not spot-on but I don’t think any of them are going to be let’s

Move on to my wife in stardy Valley Miss Maru let me know if you guessed correctly in my first and almost only only playthrough of stardy Valley my wife options in my head were Abigail or Maru and I was really leaning towards Abigail but then I got up hearts with

Maru and then her dad told me to leave her alone and so I married her out of spite but don’t tell her that and we had a child named Jeremy um don’t ask for Maru I didn’t really know exactly what to do for her face I actually found it

Quite challenging but I knew I wanted to give her a little bit of a wider nose as her character looks like she has one of those as well as pinky purple eyes and very cutesy features and also some freckles I don’t know why but freckles felt necessary I mean her mom is a

Ginger so I feel like it would make sense for her to freckles for Mara’s hair she has very cutesy red hair and she has a little Bob with a side part so let’s look for the perfect hair something like this could work but she doesn’t have it like tucked behind her

Ears this one’s kind of perfect but I don’t like it it’s kind of giv Karen I mean honestly this one from the game is pretty spoton I know her hair is a little more pinky red in the game but we only have red red in The Sims so bear

With me we got to give her some lashes and some glasses and I feel like she’s going to start to look a little bit more like Maru because as I was you know Consulting with my stardew expert a jiri she said that it’s just going to look

More like Maru once I have the glasses and the lashes so I’ll listen to her I want to give her some natural lashes and some red glasses don’t know about those ones okay maybe something like that definitely more circular glasses though I never make Sims with glasses because I

Myself don’t wear glasses pretty sure that’s why but I think these work good for Maru and I don’t think Maru wears any makeup but her lips are quite red so I feel like she’s wearing a little bit of a lip whether that’s a gloss or something I’m not really entirely sure

That’s kind of cute and maybe a little bit of blush I just love blush cute I think that looks like Maru moving on to maru’s outfit she is actually wearing some purple overalls I could put her in that dress thing that I had Leah in but

Let’s see what do I have for purple overall oh something like this could be kind of cute o or this this is very Maru coated oh my God we kind of have some like good outfits for Maru I was actually thinking that we weren’t going

To have any I don’t love it let me go look at the other options one more time I really like this outfit for Maru I just feel like it’s it’s so perfect is it not the little overalls I feel like it’s it’s the one and it seems like

She’s wearing little brown shoes I don’t know if they’re sneakers I don’t know if they’re boots but I want to say that they’re sneakers and maybe we could give her some fun socks Maybe not maybe just boots I don’t know how do I style short overalls I wish they were long overalls

Okay I feel like that’s kind of cute for nails I feel like she would just have like some short nails we’ll do like a fun purple be shorter than that cute and she doesn’t wear a necklace or anything I think she’s cute for tra now Maru is a

Scientist so maybe we’ll give her computer wiz as for traits I’d say maybe geek I’d say generous and family oriented cuz she lives with her whole family I don’t know how much she loves her brother but and with her traits here we have Maru I feel like she is spoton

This is exactly what I Envision when I think of Maru moving on to our last and final Sim Penny now in my playthrough that I used to do on Twitch I wasn’t actually alone I played with my good friend ya go check out her twitch by the

Way and she was actually married to Penny once again with the Ginge had all the freckles in the world I also wanted to give her very soft and more natural looking features big green eyes and soft ginger brows you know what’s funny though is that after me and ya married

Penny and Maru we found out that a lot of people actually ship them and think that they are in a secret relationship and so now there’s the ongoing joke that our wives are cheating on us with each other so penny has like a cutesy little side bun with some bangs which might be

A tough find but I’m going to try to find something as similar as possible I feel like this hairstyle is very Penny I love the little little claw clip or we could go for something like this but she has more of a bang than that so yeah I

Think we’re going to go with this one even though it’s a high bun she has like more of a low bun we’ll just we’ll have to make do for her lashes I definitely want to go for something natural I think I’ve said that for literally every

Single one of the girls I want to give Penny a little bit of blush and maybe a little bit of a lipstick that’s cute and it looks like penny has like little green studs in her ears maybe we’ll do these little green gems not wearing a necklace or anything but tenny’s full

Outfit she’s wearing like a yellow top and a brown skirt so let’s grab her a top oh she’s already wearing pants this top could be cute maybe we’ll keep it in mind the stard to Valley characters they love their button-ups that’s what I’m learning today never really thought that

Hard about their outfits before this shirt is also kind of cute but her outfit does need to be at least a little bit professional because she is a teacher teachers have a dress code I kind of like this top I don’t know this Top’s also cute there’s there’s there’s

There’s so many good options even something like that is cute I don’t know let’s pick out a skirt and then we can maybe revisit the top I like this skirt a lot with the pockets but I’m thinking we Chang the top why is it so hard to

Find a top that I like I’m going to go with this top and I threw a little accessory shirt underneath it because it is a little bit low cut oh wait I think I think Penny actually has a bob she does she has a curly bob oh my God cuz

Look at this photo it goes out like this my God you guys were probably screaming at me through the scream let’s do a cutesy curly bob this hair is literally perfect but do you see the Lash how I wish it just did not do that looks so

Bad we got to do something else the hair I just can’t stand that the lashes look like that wait I’m confused is her hair in a bob I don’t know if it is anymore okay I think I’m going to go with this hair I feel like it’s a good compromise

Lastly shoes looks like she’s wearing like little purple shoes but I think I’m just going to do brown ones I don’t think purple would look very good with this outfit I would like some little brown Mary Janes those are cute they’re not are those fully Mary Janes I don’t

Know but I like them for nails let’s do some short little yellow ones and for Penny’s trait she’s a teacher so maybe we’ll give her the academic aspiration we’ll give her bookworms since she likes books I wish we had like a shy trait maybe we’ll give her socially awkward as

Like a replacement for Shai we’ll give her the good trait with Penny all complete we have finally completed our stardew bachelorettees to reog your memory we have Penny Maru Leah Haley Emily and last but not least Abigail I think my favorite is probably Leah but let me know which one was your favorite

In the comments down below if you would like to download and play this household you can it’ll be under these hashtags on the gallery however before you try to do that make sure to download the CC that’ll be linked in the description below or else The Sims will look

Completely different different and won’t have any of the things that you saw here today and if you’re still here thank you so so much for watching all the way to the end of the video I appreciate you if you like this video make sure to like comment and subscribe and do all that

YouTube stuff and comment down below if I should do a part two where I do the stardo bachelor which will be a real challenge for me because I never make guy Sims never ever ever let me know if you want to see that all my links will

Be down in the description below and with that all being said I will see you guys next time Bye

Today Ryeua is making the Stardew Valley Bachelorettes in Create a Sim!


Time Stamps:
Intro 00:00
Abigail 00:18
Emily 05:24
Haley 08:11
Leah 12:18
Maru 14:50
Penny 18:09
Outro 21:28

CC I used:

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  1. I LOVE when u respond to comments so please give me your opinion on this, get this, Animal Crossing Villagers room designs! Any of your pick plus the trusty WHEEL❤! Please give feed back when u can! BTW, love your channel to bits💗!

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