Minecraft if Villagers Beat The Game For You

Today we’re going to be able to hire villagers to completely beat the game for us and so what we need to do is hire our villager and we got to find a oh my God there’s a village right behind me it’s a water Village but then there’s

Also that one I don’t know which one to go for oh my what was that wao every time I crouch I summon a little thingy myob I don’t know why a little sus but I think that has to do with taming the villagers crouching will 100% do

Something but anyways I have an idea maybe we can raid one of these villagers for its resources since we need emeralds to tame them let’s grab some wood oh my God I can’t even Crouch and get wood y okay perfect let’s make some sticks I know it’s a little weird but I’m going

To make myself a hoe I know it may seem useless cuz you know most hoes are useless but I have a feeling if we trade with the farmer with a bunch of wheat dude it’d be so sick if we just found an emerald inside of this chest we could

Get ourselves our first villager so yoink okay now we just need to find the farmer hello Mr farmer where you going potatoes I just got so much wheat cuz I was hoping you would trade me oh my goodness there’s another farmer though I swear wheat is like the biggest thing we

Could always scam villagers with I knew it oh my my gosh there you go boom we got ourselves two emeralds which now means if I right click or throw it on you oh my God there we go we tamed this guy and I think if I crouch yo there you

Go he teleports to me wait why did he just stick his hands out what the heck all right this is so cursed wait what he just broke the oh wait and a new Village when a new guy just spawned hold on a second we can just trade with this guy

Another one and then just get more emeralds oh my gosh and you know what I’m not even going to tame him I’m going to tame these guys which okay wait this has pretty good trades okay but there’s three of you I only need a save one of

You guys there you go yoink n don’t you run away from me why you running come on oh my God I got two wait where are they going these guys are so weird guys like why do they move like that okay I’m a little bit sused out but we hired two

For the price of one and so if I teleport right there or if I crouch there you go they literally just come towards me dude that is so sick these villagers are all Angry though I I kind of like it wait what the heck they just instantly break down the houses hey yo

Yeah they just keep breaking more wood I think that’s what we’re supposed to do because if I go to my crafting table and there it is the m to token we have to keep evolving these guys oh my goodness we just need four logs which we have

Wooden pickaxes and a wooden chunk get from mining wood with your villagers okay my villagers need to be like just hired and break down a bunch of trees wait what the I just got it how did I just get this I actually don’t I think

One of them just gave it to me yo all right never wait what did one just die I’m not going to lie I’m a little bit confused but what I’m not confused about is we need a crap ton of sticks we need to save four logs the rest can turn into

Planks but I I’ll just hold on to some more and we just need 1 2 3 more wooden pickaxes and just like that Gamers logs in the corners wooden pickaxes in the other crosses and put the wood Chunk in the center we now get the M token oh my

Gosh we just got new recipes okay which there you go mine token iron so I think now these guys can M Stone we’re going to have to beat the game without really technically using anything on our own we have to get our villagers to do it so

With that case oh my yo guys holy crap you guys did insane good job bobaa dude this is awesome wait where’s the the other guy I oh I see one up here what are you doing bro he didn’t even mind anything well okay that solves our Cobblestone problem oh my gosh wait and

Now if I crouch they they can even mine water what dude wait this is sweet I don’t even have to break a block ever in my life again if I want this broken we can just break it oh my goodness wait the power we hold Gamers the power we

Hold raid the village destroy everything I don’t know if they’ll like try and kill the Golem we try that dude 3 2 1 and get him oh wait oh my gosh they did they did hit the Golem oh my gosh wait they’re killing the Golem get him yeah

Get him boys oh my gosh they’re just beating him up I didn’t even tell him that oh we just got some leather y all right well you know what why they beat the Golem I guess how do we craft the stone thingy oh there we go we just got

Some iron yoink good job guys so yeah searching up token will show us our next token we got to get dude this is awesome and apparently we got to get a stone chunk along with a bunch of pickaxes so I’m going to go and just literally make

Those pickaxes right now 1 2 3 4 and onward gentlemen go ahead and continue mining don’t fall in the lava though oh my gosh why is there lava right there that is super dangerous I got to be careful to crouch as well guys I don’t want to accidentally like send them into

Lava and they just die come on come on we need that Enchanted item Gamers give me give me give me give me please how much freaking stuff do we have to mine we got to keep our eyes peeled go villagers go yeah give me the coal oh

Wait actually the coal is kind of useful oh my holy Cobble oh and speaking of Cobble yo we got the stone chunk oh this is awesome all right let’s make our 40th crafting table and it won’t be our last wait I just realized I got night vision

I don’t know from what I love you guys you guys guys are awesome we still can hire even more which I think we’re going to do right after we get this so let’s put the stone Chunk in the middle we just need our four of iron pick or stone

Pickaxes just in AC cross and then combine it like that boom we get the mine token oh my goodness okay so I don’t know what else we got if I search up wo mine token Diamond so I think now our guys can mine iron and so you know

What what I want to quickly do and hold on I don’t even need this hoe anymore actually no this is my wand this is what I command the villagers with yeah let’s go ahead and hire this guy you’re now mine yes yes I’m here villager I shall

Hire you thank you bobaa oh my God wait where’s he going what is he doing why you killing the pig bro what the pig do to you okay wow my my bag guys are kind of evil there’s another farmer over there hold on I know exactly who we

Should hire where’s that dumb nitwit bro hello nitwit are you inside of this oh no there’s just a regular villager I think oh the N went over for oh my God oh my God wait they’re all grouped up they’re all grouped up come on no I

Couldn’t hire the other one how did we do it last time we hired two at the same time you know what whatever bro all right let’s go back to our very dangerous mine oh there’s a zombie here a Gamers take care of them wait yo guys

Guys uh hey yo hey yo yeah there you go get them get them boys how come my other guys are in here there’s only three I’m really confused but yo it looks like they’re mining way better now holy crap and it’s lowkey lag in the game oh dude

Wait this is insane go villagers go so oh oh oh there you go so they do spawn a lot of iron I guess we’re going to have to still smelt it I wish it could Auto smell but I guess not yeah hold on G there you go give me all this iron y

Dude D diamonds is going to be so easy and once we do the upgrad it’s going to be crazy bro look at these guys go they’re actually insane and you know what I told you guys this is my 40 second crafting table I’m going to be

Smart and make a lot of furnaces because I can and so while these guys is mine oh no don’t break my oh my God they broke my furnaces I can’t even Crouch to like place them above let’s go and just leave everything smelting and grab as much

Iron as we can get come on give me it all dude I wonder how they’re going to kill the oh what is this we got the iron chunk wait didn’t we already huh didn’t we already get that do I did I need this I’m actually lowkey kind of confused but

I guess I’ll take it yeah I just got another one as well ooh maybe giving them does something okay know they’re confused they don’t know what to do with it let’s get more iron smelting yeah take care of these stupid bullies right so the next token we do need is oh yeah

I think we already used the iron chunks so now we need to get the diamond one which I think is just going to be a little difficult I don’t even know how to craft it yeah we can’t craft it we do need a lot of iron specifically four

Iron pickaxes wow that’s a lot of iron Gamers but I think we should have enough if my calculations are correct oh my goodness they’re trying to they’re chasing a bat you know they’re my Bo bying guys but not the smartest but I love them anyways and oh wait this is

Easy bro we already got boom our four iron pickaxes and now we just need the diamond one right cuz if I try and make it with the chunk the iron chunk I don’t think it’s the right one yeah yeah we need the diamond one well in that case

Oh did they actually somehow catch the bat maybe they are kind of smart first food and if you guys want to be fed go fetch me the diamond thingy myob yeah and and take care of these stupid booger people too while you guys are at it oh

My God oh my God guys guys the zombies are coming after me I can’t kill them myself you guys have to kill them O come on guys oh wait we did get it over here the diamond chunk oh that was so easy sorry I made you mind a little bit extra

There’s so much going on I don’t even know like what’s happening at the same time but there you go boom boom boom boom and we got the mine token the diamond one and so wait what other recipes have we learned ooh ooh ooh o recruiter token wait what what does this

Do yo this low key kind of sounds sick if we’re able to just get everything and anything like we can just recruit infinite villagers that’s going to be insane we got to get a crazy Army but it’s looking like we need a lot of iron

I mean I don’t even have one iron block I might oh there you go okay yeah we do have some iron cooked up but that’s about it but now that we’re Diamond level we should be able to Mega destroy oh my okay this is actually lowkey lag

In the game yo but we’re crushing it look at this all I got to do is Crouch a little bit and they are just absolutely destroying this they are shredding this cave bro come on come on we got to get to Diamond level though we got to get to

The diamond level it looks like yeah no like blocks are dropping except for the ores which is pretty useful onwards guys go down I command you with my wooden hoe yo maybe we should be low-key collecting the gold just in case cuz truthfully I don’t know if we’re going to need it or

Not but we got to make sure to get all this iron duh some more iron over here yo I need everything oh my god dude the fact that they can just break like the water’s so crazy to me I wish we could like Dig Down is there a way if I like

Look straight down okay no they just m diagonal we did hit deep slate though this is crazy all right it should be pretty fairly easy to find diamonds come on come on G gang ging gang G gang gang oh my God the second we do dude the

Second we said it we got it the luck chant never fails us Gamers we got freaking five diamonds which I mean I don’t think we need for our next next token it didn’t look like it at at least but we should definitely start smelting cuz yeah we got so much iron bro iron

For days no I just messed up I just got to make sure we don’t crouch on our station or else it’s literally just going to get destroyed but there you go yo this thing looks super sick okay but there you go everything is filled up with coal now let’s do the same thing

With our iron holy iron bro this is going to be sick and I think while we’re at it we might as well oh yeah okay everything is cooking I don’t even think we need more iron so it’s not even going to be my focus let’s try and just get

More diamonds which shouldn’t be that difficult come on well guys wait bro is walking on what the did you guys see that he was just walking on air he just said screw gravity and I wonder are they going to kill creepers oh my God they do

They do they do kill the creepers let’s go bro I’m determined to beat the game with these leather boots come on keep on mining yeah there you go more diamonds that’s what I’m paying you guys for oh my gosh we got 18 already dude this is

One of the coolest ways to get diamonds let’s go let’s go more diamonds oh this is so satisfying all right I don’t want to get too far though because like I want to make sure we still know how to get back to our iron all I want is one

More satisfying Diamond vein and we should be good to go come on I want to see those Blues yeah no not satisfying enough we didn’t break that one I need a full Vin M come on bag gingas yes yes yes oh satisfying wait there’s even more

Right here all right final one I always keep saying final one but now it is no we missed that one and we missed this one as well oh my God okay there’s just infinite diamonds isn’t there I have a feeling we’re probably need the diamonds maybe for the next gem or something so

We might as well just grab all of it and wow we just destroyed this m shaft there’s a chest right here though yoink Golden Apple okay sweet okay but we definitely got to head back and all we got to do is just follow the trails of just complete obliterated Cobblestone oh

Yeah okay perfect dude we got all the iron we could have ever asked for I hope it’s enough I mean realistically it should be if not I’m going to be very disappointed in my bagas but there you go boom Another crafting table what is this my fifth I actually think it is and

So we’re just going to need a few of these blocks there you go boom Oh My Gosh wait did I have like way too much iron I don’t even think we needed this much and oh wait we need another Diamond chunk I didn’t even notice if we got

Another one all right in that case come on come on we got to get the diamond chunk oh my God we got a lot of diamonds here I don’t see a chunk though we got an iron one come on come on come on come on give me give me give me please wait

Yes we got it we got the diamond chunk okay wait where’s my stuff oh I just broke it all dang it I did a loot well it was worth it let’s place this down and all we need to do is I think go like this I think this is the right craft

With the diamond Chunk in the middle npe I might have messed it up yes I did boom Oh My Gosh wait so what do we get now if I search up token Warrior token I knew we needed diamonds and what is this an iron chunk which we already have bro so

Apparently with the recruiter villager we get like automatically new villagers which right now I only see four so if we ever see more than four I guess it worked wait we just got five oh my God yeah it did work but now there’s only two here okay I’m really confused how

This works yeah sometimes we get like more than others I guess but regardless let’s make ourselves a few diamond blocks we’re going to need a total of 1 two three more dude I have so much garbage and we just need four diamond swords oh bro that’s actually super easy

Final diamond sword boom and even though it says we can’t make it I’m pretty sure we can let’s put that in the middle the chunks diamond blocks surrounding and our four diamond sword boom Oh my gosh we got it the warrior to oh my goodness all right now what I don’t know what

Happened but maybe we should find another mob I see a skeleton over there there you go wait there’s a skeleton here guys get him oh they have diamond swords oh dude wait they’re actually insane look at them Yo they’re actually killing everybody now oh my gosh this is

Epic I just summon them over here and look at them go to battle Yeah kill all these nerds wow I don’t dude I’m honestly going to beat the game with just leather boots that is crazy all right but now what’s the next token what is this portal token wait ooh so we need

Another Diamond chunk and some blocks of lap which yo I can literally make right now done yeah and they literally just fight the Enderman for me I hope they have looting on that thing I guess they do or maybe we just got lucky get him we

Need his balls the Ender and the ender pearl come on come on come on come on dude a dang it we just need the diamond chunk which we’re not getting bro we’re getting super unlucky we get we’re getting a bunch of iron chunks though and we only need two more pearls and

That’s it I think we get the diamond Chunk from mining diamonds so yeah we just got a hyper focus on those oh my God help help oh we got it okay we only need one more Pearl and the diamond chunk bro this is honestly a grind bro

Oh we got it we got the diamond chunk oh my god let’s go now all we need to do is kill one more Enderman come on get him guys yes get him I got everything perfect oh my gosh oh my gosh we can make the hacker thing the portal hacker

Token all right let’s do this we just got to put these around here and the ender pearl surrounding the diamond token and boom oh my goodness dude this thing looks sick and there you go portal just showed somewhere around you wait what what do you mean portal what are

You talking about there’s no portal around here could it be under us and what type of portal is it talking about a nether portal or like it definitely wasn’t under us cuz we were basically at Bedrock oh my God oh my God it was right

Here oh dude let’s go no way that thing freaking just summoned a hacked portal oh my God we found the portal room wait guys be careful don’t break the portal okay you know what I’m going to go from under I’m going to go from under oh my

Gosh I’m in please tell me my villagers are here oh yeah let’s do this y because we basically didn’t mine a single Diamond ourselves I’m pretty sure we’re allowed to just grab you know what I’m saying some Diamond gear give me give me give me and a diamond sword although I

Don’t think I’m allowed to use it kind of maybe okay we got to be careful does it break oh yeah yes it does break the End Zone which is perfect cuz honestly we’re need a crap ton of blocks we got the oh my God wait we destroyed yo we

Destroyed the Bedrock no way and wait why did they lose their huh I got the warrior token right here why is it not working again though where did it just go what did I just do with it oh no something happened when they came to the

End guys I don’t think they have their weapons anymore but it’s fine maybe we can mine our way to Victory if the Ender Dragon doesn’t know where to like stop won’t he just go to like the void I don’t know if that’s how it’s going to

Work but let’s try it out just keep on breaking boys yeah good job good job dude I swear if this works guys I hope I just don’t die first I have a pearl so just in case we’re able to like you know like Pearl back up oh my God okay he’s

Coming down he’s coming down he’s coming down yo wait yeah low key is coming down he’s coming down oh my God oh my God this is this is good this is perfect get him guys get him yeah beat him up beat him up villagers beat him up oh my God

Wait I’m actually kind of low yo yo I think our theory is correct I think my theory is 100% correct we just have to mine our way we just have to keep mining down come on just like that perfect keep going baby keep going I’m just going to

Keep crouching I’m honestly just going to keep crouching oh my God he’s still going down wait he got stuck up there okay we got to break that we got to break that oh my God oh my God oh my God I’m kind of scared bro I’m kind of

Scared we got to be ready to ender pearl stop fighting the Enderman come on Gamers yo yo okay okay this is it this is it I’m going to go ahead and throw oh my God is he coming down okay okay I’m going to throw it over here and break

This break this oh my gosh oh my gosh please work please work oh my God oh my God wait my my villagers fell where’s the Ender Dragon yo yo did we do it my bag got sacrific themselves but they mind it and I don’t I don’t see the I

Don’t see the the dragon where did the dragon go oh my goodness there’s no way there’s no way hold on we got to build up I can Crouch again I think we did it and by we I mean my villagers and I mainly my villagers yeah I mean that

Wouldn’t have spawned if it wasn’t like you know oh my goodness with that said gamer subscribe the villagers beat it for us Victory Screech oh

Minecraft if Villagers Beat The Game For You

💥 MAIN CHANNEL! – @Bionic


TikTok: @dannybionic
Twitter: @dannybionic
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  1. So you can kill the ender-dragon buy removing the bedrock .. this is probably new Speedhack method; TNT + Bed Rock Removal Technique or a machine that removes blocks downward like a Slime+Honey Drill.

  2. Hello bionic I just wanted to tell I in Java edition there's a mod where in the cave there's a creepy monster hunting you it's called "cave dweller reimagined" this monster stalks you and it only moves if U look away U can kill it but he's so creepy he just stalks you and hes tall and only is in the caves i love ur videos and good luck

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