JJ and Mikey HIDE From Scary SANTA.EXE and GRINCH.EXE At Night in Minecraft Challenge Maizen

[Laughter] We’ve come over to our friend Jimmy’s house to play but Jimmy isn’t here let’s look for Jimmy hm I hope he’s okay what if something happened well it sure is strange that Jimmy isn’t here now oh where is he I’m worried let’s find him H

Maybe he’s not at home H is he here H I don’t think so he’s not here let’s try searching outside let’s go H where could Jimmy be let’s go outside oh it’s raining it is raining we should still go get on your tricycle H okay all right hold up there’s something

On the ground what’s that H they’re candies candies look they leave somewhere do you think these might be Jimmy’s candies they are Jimmy’s candies H maybe if we follow them we’ll find Jimmy yeah how far does the Trail lead H what do we have here huh what’s this what is it Mikey the

Trail ends on this great H but Jimmy’s not here h Huh what’s going on the trail ends here this is strange oh where are we what ouch that hurts Mikey we fell into sewer water the sewer water is poisonous get out of there hurry OU Je it hurt

Ow okay then let’s use the candies to heal up so we fell into the sewer there’s something here wo this could mean that Jimmy is somewhere down here for now let’s search the sewers for Jimmy let’s do it oh there’s a chest with bread M here Mikey thank you H

Let’s keep moving forward let’s be careful on the way why would Jimmy be in a place like thisuh huh what was that sounded like someone was walking through the sewer oh don’t scare me like that what’s this it says that someone is watching us who uh let’s follow the arrows there’s

Something there there are iron bars blocking our way forward though huh H hang on Mikey look there’s a chest there oh let’s open it wo I got a slingshot wow did you get something I got a baseball bat H oh that looks like a crowbar maybe we can use it here you can

Have it oh thanks oh there’s another chest over this way too let’s check it out oh there’s more candy wo here have some thank you let’s keep moving Mikey h h Huh iron bars oh oh hang on what was that what hang on what there’s nothing there

What was that huh that was weird oh well I guess I imagined it now for these iron bars maybe you can break them with that crowbar try it huh I can break them oh yeah let’s go let’s go woah the way back is gone the path is

Closed off that was close well the only only way to go now is forward let’s find Jimmy why is Jimmy in a place like this now over no huh huh what there’s someone there there is a person Hi I don’t get many visitors down here but if you want to get out of

The sewers you are going to need a boat I can give you one but first you must return my canned goods and sleeping bag a clown stole them from me huh a clown took a sleeping bag and canned goods what Clown H well let’s go but why do we

Need a boat H seems like we’re going to need one there’s something here what is it oh looks like if we pull the lever it’ll open up the gate oh there were more iron bars here a moment ago we couldn’t go this way before now we can

Let’s go all right let’s move this place is kind of scary what’s down here guess we’ll find out and why was Jimmy down here anyway and what about the clown he said something something about a clown right H all right oh what’s this place there’s a

Chest wo oh heyy I found the sleeping bags nice yeah is that what the guy wanted mhm let’s take it he also wants canned food let’s look H where could the canned food be still this place is extremely creepy oh look there’s a chest hey some canned food oh nice work

Yeah excellent that’s good that guy said he’d give us boats for these what’s over this way what could there be oh oh the old man was right we’ll need a boat to get across this water so let’s go see that old man and trade him for some boats M let’s go

Trade okay um these uh-huh all right yeah we got boats Mikey Oh thanks thank you okay now let’s make our way through the waterways in our boats let’s move now to set the boat up okay place the boat now we can get through without touching the sewer water huh here we go let’s

Go no what do we find we can dock here okay ouch hold up Mikey stop what stop there’s something over there what huh huh huh see that a clown why is there a clown there why why are there clowns in the sewer we need to deal with

Him can we uh hang on oh no it’s attacking that’s not good he’s definitely an enemy stop it hey it was this guy back off ouchie he took Jimmy ow ow ow oh Mikey run away cut it out for real run Mikey ouch Hey ow stop that take this this is bad yes

No sorry I couldn’t beat him in time still we managed to stop that clown nice let’s keep moving let’s go I figured it out Jimmy must have been kidnapped by clowns we have to save him oh it looks like the rain is getting worse huh Mikey the rain out out side is

Getting stronger the sewers are starting to flood we’ll need to move fast that’s not good hey what’s this a unicycle a unicycle uh are we supposed to use it to jump over the Gap Mikey it seems we have no choice no choice here we go we have

To if we don’t hurry it’ll start flooding here okay here I go yes I made it good job your turn oh nice woo I made it let’s MO move okay keep moving oh wao I fell hang on it looks like the unicycle broke oh no oh but there are

Vines in here cross using the vines and you can make it without the unicycle good job we got it let’s go let’s go here too we can use the vines to get across here too oh we made it huh the way back has been blocked off it’s

Blocked we need to move forward the only way is forward let’s find Jimmy H here huh what is this place I don’t like this sewer it’s scary and full of clowns H the passage is littered with garbage we’ll need to find something to clear the way Mikey let’s look for an item to

Clear this up let’s look around maybe this way be careful there there’s a clown it hasn’t noticed us yet though let’s get him we can do this take him out here it goes maybe we can I think so he hasn’t seen us huh he vanished he disappeared he’s gone huh I wanted to

Get him with a sneak attack oh hold up over there there’s a chest what’s in it let’s see oh I got some kind of item for clearing out trash nice we can use it to move on H let’s use this item to clear out the trash let’s go let’s go this

Will work will it now clear this garbage out out of our way can we get through oh huh hold up oh sweet wait Mikey there’s a chest buried in the garbage I’ll check it out wo firecrackers wo let’s take them with with us we might be able to use them for

Something H and now this smells horrible yikes who can live down here no wonder these clowns are so mean uhhuh and now the way back is blocked off again the only way is forward onward let’s go let’s go I can hear clowns laughing nearby so let’s be careful

Careful oh there’s something over this way what is it let’s go what is this place oh wait there are more firecrackers in this chest oh let’s take them just in case yeah let’s bring them H H there are crocodiles down here really why are there Crocodiles in the

Sewer be careful oh wo Mikey there’s a Crocodile close to you oh close Co wo run away run away way those are crocodiles right whoever thought they’d be in the sewer I hate this hey Mikey let’s get to Higher Ground climb up here those crocodiles will eat us if we

Fall so be careful oh and back down here okay H we made it across hang on rats rats yeah rats where right here oh right there are how are we supposed to fight these things oh no try throwing firecrackers at the rats what do you mean take this ouch sheesh how

Many are there take this you can fight them with firecrackers oh wao oh we’re trapped again hang on a sec Kabam take this wao oh nice that worked out this place is dangerous we need to hurry up and find Jimmy huh h n it’s locked over there let’s go through

Here let’s go try to stay alert we’ll follow the arrows uhhuh this way H what will we find where’s Jimmy is he even here wait this place is filled with poison gas we need to push through quickly let’s move poison gas I thought we were in the

Clear uh-oh this is bad Mikey clown go shoot stop him clown stop it no stop clown uhoh ouch he’s strong de with candy OE do the firecrackers not work on him no he killed me take this well that’s bad stop it take that ow slingshot it

Hurts take this ouch go Mikey wo he’s strong he’s really strong yes got him good job pH we beat him what was that we have to find Jimmy yeah we still haven’t found him we went over to Jimmy’s house to play but somehow we’re in the sewer right now we

Need to escape from the sewer and look for Jimmy that’s right H Mikey check this out huh it looks like that’s the way to escape woohoo let’s go but m we need to find a key before we can go that way wait huh there’s something in

There what is it h Huh it looks like a weird giant clown huh that’s the only way out let’s look for a key Mikey let’s find that key H key key what about here oh another slingshot I’ll take it there’s also a book let’s see what it

Says what’s in it day 17 someone spent 17 days down here this is someone’s Journal who got stranded in the sewers a clown stole the key and hit it inside a balloon I have been unable to retrieve it if only I had a slingshot oh what does that mean so apparently a

Clown stole the key Mikey let’s go get it back let’s go hang on Mikey there’s a clown I don’t think it’s going to attack us let’s see it he set me on fire the what we can do it oh I’m on fire too stop it tactical Retreat what ow I turned up oh

Mikey’s been hit you awful clown you’re going down I beat him you’re strong wo nice I took a lot of damage from that fight oh Mikey look there’s balloons up there no kidding H just like the journal said the key is hiding in one of them oh W I’ll

Shoot them down with my slingshot so that’s what it meant see [Applause] it no key yet nope huh H nothing nothing oh H is that the key we got it yes it’s the key let’s head back Mikey okay it’s possible that Jimmy will be there too okay we can move on but

Okay who what’s that huh huh oh oh I see Jimmy he’s up there he’s in a cage way up high let’s go how do we get to him that clown huh what’s he saying you thought about taking him away from me but now you’ll all stay here

Forever we can’t let him Mikey no way H let’s save Jimmy and beat that Clown H but how are we supposed to fight him oh Mikey over here there’s TNT in here wo gather more TNT got it let’s use TNT to destroy that bridge up there and stop

The clown okay whoops shoot I fell seriously this is bad it’s after me oh no all right ouch that’s not good okay okay these candies are recovery items so we can heal when we need to okay did you gather TNT they found one block I wonder how many we’ll need anyway once we

Collected some TNT we need to make our way up to that bridge ouch that hurts oh no okay we’ve got a good amount it’s time to head up Jimmy let’s go well it looks like we need to get to that ladder to go up but how it looks like we can

Jump on the Slime to make it across from here yes yes yes yes yes oh wo wo I made it you can make it too next we’ll climb up from here let’s get that clown let’s take him down keep going up keep climbing a Jimmy there he is right so now uh

Here okay he nice I’m coming too all right oh maybe we should Place TNT on these spots Mikey here’s one and two Mikey hurry here H good this should blow up the bridge the TNT is in place nice H let’s go to where Jimmy is let’s get Jimmy before the TNT goes

Off let’s go wao wao huh huh huh huh it’s Jimmy oh we beat the clown by dropping the bridge on him ha we did it but the clowns are still angry at us yikes all the clowns of the world will take revenge on us whatever we were able to save Jimmy plus

We escaped from the sewer so it’s case closed for us we did it hooray if you enjoyed today’s adventure make sure to like And subscribe plus you can check us out on Twitter Instagram and Tik Tok whenever you want with the links in the corner thanks for watching see you next time

JJ and Mikey HIDE From Scary SANTA.EXE and GRINCH.EXE At Night in Minecraft Challenge Maizen

This video is an unofficial work and is neither created or approved by Maizen Sisters.
Maizen – https://www.youtube.com/@maizenofficial


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