Can we hit Perfection before Christmas?! – Stardew Valley with NO MODS* – LIVE [17]

Hello hello I think we’re up I think we’re good how are we doing happy Friday indeed happy weekend C hello Aus Hannah hello to all of you oh last day before your UH holidays nice nice I bet you’re so excited I got a couple of match here

Today in oh there you go you can actually see there is a clear area so you can see the green the greenness of the matcher freaking love it freaking love it I thought I’d start with a match this time because I wanted to like yesterday I intended to have one like halfway

Through the stream and then I just like didn’t want to get up and make it so I just uh didn’t um so I thought I want to start with it this time cuz I feel like I’m missed out feel like I missed out where am I in

The Run um um we’ll probably go and have a look today actually let me pop into study checkup and just like slap the file in there and see where it’s at where is it there I W show it cuz it’s like Shing seed and such but I can tell

You what we’re missing um still missing a fishing level still missing several fish um with still missing all of the key Quest recipes as in crafting recipes so I need to craft all those got a few more Museum pieces to go I need to upgrade the house fully for the CK

Recipe we’ve only got one upgrade so far so kind of scary um obviously we don’t get every single queen of source recipe until the end of the year however what I might end up doing is working on like a lot of these beforehand so we can just

Like craft them as they come in for the rest of the year I’m thinking um um we’ve got a few more things to ship what is it oh it’s all like four things basically um aroke beat lar goat milk and ostrich egg we got the ostrich

Hatching in the coupe at the moment we already have a name picked out for this one from yesterday’s very generous Super Chat um towards the beginning of the stream so um that’ll be our name for the ostrich uh what else have we got in here we’ve done all the

Walnuts so that’s that’s good I’m happy with that and then we’ve got all the obelisks and the golden clock to go so I’m kind I’m kind of worried I’m not going to lie I’m kind of worried Eddie hello Eric hello Charlie lemon Amber buggy KY chaos Bon is busy Katie hello hello

Hello and ct9 hello you finally caught up but now you’re heading out for a meal with the in-law so you’re going to miss it that’s fine have fun um have fun with your meal cuz that is going to be way more fun and important enjoy I hope you

Have the best time you got your coffee ready before the stream this time yeah I I got my matcha got my match here um looks like lots of you getting coffees ready for the stream I love it I love it we went and did our final like Christmas food shop

Today uh I really didn’t want to do it the weekend so I was like can we just go today so we went and it was um it was already chaos and it’s not quite the weekend yet not quite the weekend so I’m really glad we went today and not then

Cuz it was a lot I’m a little bit um not going to lie I’m a little bit sleepy from it because it was like over stimulation Central from it just being loud and trying to like get around crowds of people but it was okay it was okay we

Just got like some last few things we got most of um what we needed beforehand cuz like like a sort of touched on in previous streams are Christmas meal this year like most of it is like pre Frozen so trying to ease myself into being able to like do this stuff so

We’ve got a couple of things that we’re doing ourselves but most of it is frozen that we’re just going to cook on the day um to make it easier so we already got most of it sorted in advance but last night it was it’s so much isn’t it it’s so much and there’s

Just people everywhere like no matter where you go um we had a bit of a gridlock in the graveyard was really funny we were literally um we tried to find some gravy cuz we’ve got some other gravy in the cupboard but it’s like a southern American style gravy um

Which isn’t really roast in a type gravy but like I was like okay gravy and there was just literally like 20 people trying to get gravy it was so weird so weird um but let’s go I’m going to make a start now because we got so much to do first

Thing we in a source let’s get the roasted hazelnuts finally for Kent however wait is there a birthday today or no no we’re good on birthdays now okay I’m getting in a good habit of checking the calendar only a year and a half in you know you just went for cranber resource

And there wasn’t even any left oh goodness yeah that was the thing is like with the Frozen stuff we thought like let’s get a lot of that in advance to avoid that specific situation so I’m glad that we ended up picking out a lot of stuff already right

Last day of the Season we have all of this to do so um let’s grab all of that got the Moonlight jellies tonight which we’ll see what happens I probably will no I need to go because I really want a seafoam pudding from there the fish taco

Is very appreciated though cuz we do still have a little bit of fishing to go obviously um and I think what I’m going to do today is oh first of all turn on animation canceling I need to prepare the fields for fall and cuz we are on the last day of the

Season I’m not going to put wheat here because I want it ready on day one uh it probably means that we’re probably going to need to do we need to reseed grow all of this we probably do right annoyingly um but what I’m actually going to do is probably sacrifice all of

My all of the coffee that’s left is going to go to saving spots along with Summer seeds anything else here no it’s just those so I’m to cut the loan oh for God sake what no oh no how dare you point out that I need to do what everyone else is doing

How dare you not value my time more than everyone else is here you need three items three items how I mean if you’re going to like you kind of it’s near Christmas like if he you know if he he should know that he’s probably done enough

Christmases by now to know that the um the supermarket is going to be busy right have fun with your meal enjoy I hope you have the best time thank you for coming to say Hi also if we don’t finish all the spots with this lot we

Will probably go buy radish seeds so I don’t have to till in water tomorrow cuz I don’t want to three items on December 22nd yeah you’re um pretty much asking for it at that point see the to 8:00 a.m. 3 million in total nice gosh it’s been so

Long since I’ve played that what game let’s get all these down can you plant okay thank you I’m going to have so much star fruit to process it’s wonderful oh I’ll be running out of a snack uh coffee coffee to speed us up I can’t sit the chair feels odd today I feel

Like it’s more tilted forward than usual it feels really weird and I don’t like it it’s kind of uncomfortable and I’ve barely started I’m planting on the 28th to save sprinkler spots so I don’t have to turn on water tomorrow and the coffee beans like not quite as fuss about the

Coffee beans kind of going sort of to waste maybe I should keep a few for next year in case I want Them we’ll keep a sprink is worth and then they’re just kind of there but yeah I don’t want to don’t want to turn on water tomorrow so I’d rather sacrifice some seeds I’m doing this with my coffee beans and my forage seeds but I’m not even going to have close to

Enough if it wasn’t star fruit that I like tried to squeeze in this season and I had other stuff with time to spare I probably would have gone with obviously the wheat but I didn’t do that coffee’s like yeah it’s it’s a kind of cheap a good little

Cheap thing to to do it with I’m going to have a look in my forage chest to see if I can make any more forage seeds so I don’t have to buy quite as many uh radishes from Pierre I’m pretty sure they’re the cheapest thing I can buy that

Will not continue to grow tomorrow like most of them this time I ended up actually turning into coffee but because I didn’t plant as many maybe that’s why I should have planted them just for this reason nro hello welcome in first stream you’ve got a chance to

Catch live or welcome I’m glad you can make it we have uh three of these to go including today so um really getting down to the wire now kind kind of scary look at all the star through though I’m so excited we’re going to keep literally all of it to process I

Think I am really relieved that we don’t have to worry about Golden War nuts anymore cuz like I feel like until I get Perfection I forget to like remove from my head after completing the uh fossil tent that I don’t need to go and check for dig spots for the snake

Vertebrae anymore because it’s such a like pain Point usually it’s just like in my mind all the time it’s hard not to have it in your mind you know I’ll have a look yeah I have a look if I’ve got any more forage I should do

I have been picking some up I’ve been making sure to grab some like literally for this purpose okay two sections out of three oh and also I wonder if I can make yes I need one of them for the bottom area uh what was I here for again

Forage so spice berries sweet peas and the grapes are kind of a problem I’m going to keep one I’m probably going to grow some next season should I wait do I need any do grapes are grapes needed in recipes there’s probably going to be at least one thing with grape right I’m

Looking uh recipes is there not in any cooking recipes do we not need it for cooking at all I mean I’ll keep one just in case yeah I’ll keep one you just missing the skull you never find golden coconuts that I end up this save I’ve ended up with so many but if

You got loads of spare regular coconuts you could always um trade them at the island Trader you need 10 for one golden there’s a town in Florida called lone cabbage oh I love it I wonder what that’s like what was I doing again oh yeah making

Seeds wow 30 I mean 30 still 30 more than we had it’s still 30 more radishes we don’t have to buy so I’ll take it uh maybe I should go and prioritize wait we can work this out did I put the sees away what regular coconuts are one of those

Things that you just kind of forget about to be fair I get it oh they don’t go there they go here with the tomatoes uh and I’m going to keep a few more star fruit in here as well just looking in here if there’s anything else I’m willing to

Like smush into seeds and I don’t think so basically I still have time it’s going to be fine keeping an eye on making sure I can get to Pi on time oh look wow an extra row great so I mean one two three three is is just a bit more than

Three sprinklers worth plus all of these here I need to replace one of these with this um 10 sprinklers is here that’s 240 probably like maybe 400 radishes Emily hello how you doing we did have a couple of star fruit get robbed by crows but they had a very luxurious snack I

Guess got a share with the wildlife sometimes at least oh Abigail please so yeah radish is definitely the cheapest Moonlight hello welcome in uh we will go with brain just Frozen brain just Frozen Siri hello it was like three oh no not not you not you Siri

The not my phone being like do you mean me I think that’s enough anything that isn’t enough I’m going to have to just till and water you like the horse uh you thought they were always Brown um it’s literally the file for the horse has been swapped out so it’s

Like not on Modern the same way but it’s literally like a whole new you like you put it in the folder where the horse belongs in the actual game files and I completely forgot about it you set off l phone 3 days we have three days yeah

It’s going to be like three actual days at this point and that’s another reason I wanted to get the Christmas shop done is because like then I actually got the 3 days so like like tomorrow will definitely be longer than today and probably so Christmas Eve at this point

Um we’ll see what we can do but at least I feel like a lot of the tasks now are mostly relying on just like making a load of money which when it comes down to it we don’t have to play every day to its fullest at the moment yes we do cuz

We’re needing key quests we’re needing like recipes and stuff you know all of that all of that kind of thing you have a good feeling I I I appreciate you believing in me we can do that it’s fine we can do this we’ve got this it’s going to be

Okay you’re on the start of year two and you can’t fish for the life you I don’t like fishing either am I super close um honestly no I’ve got uh I think it’s like is it two or three more is it two more house upgrades or three I can’t remember

Two or three more house upgrades to go all the obelisks Perfection uh golden clock obviously Perfection got a few things to I’m not worried about the shipping and stuff um we have quite a few friendships to deal with too pain 24-hour stream oh my God I would literally die I would

Die however it will probably end up being that like pretty much most of my day tomorrow is going to be doing this so that is probably a good thing to to note make sure you got your notifications on because uh at this moment I’m not 100%

Sure what exact time I’ll be going live tomorrow uh it’s going to be earlier than it’s I started today at 4:00 400 p.m. UK time so and it’s definitely going to be earlier and even today I was debating like oh maybe I should start earlier but we got home from the food

Shop at half 1 so that Left Me 2 and 1 half hours to have some lunch and like recover from the over stimulation and uh also do some scripting cuz I’ve really been needing to do that how many hours to Christmas day that long of a stream literally just no no sleep only

Sto I feel like you can all relate No Sleep only stardo coffee helps everything oh my God so much coffee I’ve got matcher hang on let me have a sip I probably should have paused but it’s fine match is worth the time loss to me you never actually get the

Notification that’s so annoying YouTube’s just like no um so I’ll probably like post it for a time whatever time I post when I finish today cuz obviously like the way I’ve been doing it is um every time I finish a stream I just put up a new

One I’ll do it so that as soon basically whatever time is there is the latest I will start if that makes sense you’re in a No Sleep only Dre light Valley thing I get that I get that long as you’ve gone without playing Stu probably just over a

Year would it have been when we last did cult no that was longer than a year ago wait was it oh God I’m losing track almost 2 years ago actually does the UK do different things for Christmas um well I guess the main question yeah main question would be what does that

Look like for you what’s have we got more star Ro in here yes but I think I I’m going to leave this behind because it’s in the greenhouse no I’m not I need to replant it uh Sandy oh that means the Island’s done as well but no I’m going to leave it

Because having to do that also on a Sunday is going to be too much also on a Monday too so probably I’ll do it on a Tuesday look at all of that um I’m going to bring this over to my jelly and pickles chest and also I

Can probably squeeze in a few more sprinklers down here like one more row like five more sprinklers I’m going to put five more sprinklers in barita hello Sor you’re a bit late no no no worries at all no one has no one ever has to apologize for being late like real life comes

First I appreciate any amount of time anyone can hang out oh yeah even like within the country it really varies doesn’t it open present presents on Christmas morning and a lot of people have a Christmas ham so people here usually do turkey we’re not doing turkey oh I’ve got oh

No damn it Robin’s not going to be there right I’m going to keep the Scarecrow around cuz I’m probably going to need it anyway what was I doing again making sprinklers five of them can I make five of them yes I can and then whilst I’m here why don’t we also

We’ll do a few more crystarium cuz like why not uh I’m just going to do that and then as soon as those are ready I can do them the same wait actually I’ll just shove them in now shove them in now and I won’t collect them until they’re all ready done

Right that goes here no that doesn’t go here that goes here I’ll go get my radish seeds back cuz if I can get 23 squares pre sorted out then I don’t have to worry as much oh I’ve got oh no those for next year lasagna oh my God that sounds so

Good comforting and cozy stockings in the morning stockings of Santa could be open whilst parents are asleep what you got until parents wake up that is actually the same as me there’s a pig going for a Wonder not using the Scythe here cuz I think the silos fill anyway and we’ve

Got grass exploding all over the F that’s fine it’s fine how is the Perfection progress um we have in all honesty we’re not a huge amount further than we were yesterday however we’re doing some um we’re doing some bu prep right now for more money uh NOP that’s wrong and

Then think you need to go put you here cuz why not uh let’s get these prepped at least I can get some even if not all of them cuz I didn’t really account for the fact that I was going to make more sprinklers today so here we

Are and then um yeah stockings in the morning then it’s the uh the big old Christmas dinner which for most people oh I forgot about the dance and the Moonlight jellies most people is like basically Roose Turkey can I make it in time I should be able to and like all the other stuff although there are a lot of things in the US that you have with the Christmas dinner and also Thanksgiving that’s like Extra new PJs I love it w and hello anyone know when Crow s slime I don’t actually know the Slime grind is real real though I feel that from one life I love the order Christmas movie feeling but yeah this year for us is going to be the start of developing our

Own traditions and I’m really excited about it hello oh well I thought I could would be able to talk to you but there we go there we go tone pudding is always a must if family watches It’s a Wonderful Life and you hate it have never seen it no one sleeps for 6:00

A.m. oh no that’s one of the reasons why we wanted to do our um our dinners this year like a bit easier on the prep so that we could just not have to worry I’ll come back over here in a minute cuz I’ve got people over here

Um cuz not going to lie I’m probably going to be exhausted the first day after all these streams and like the past like some of the Christmases that we’ve had so far we’ve mostly just ended up getting a takeaway cuz like just s what we felt like doing at

The time but this year we want to like do the Christmas thing oh yeah the queen king and queen’s Beach I didn’t really pay too much attention to that round two of presents from those who are visiting yeah the main presents for us were like after the dinner oh yeah always the Christmas

Beach Christmas Day speech honestly so understandable about the like not wanting to stress about visitors I totally get that mind you we couldn’t even entertain guests here even if we wanted to our Flats too small we don’t we don’t live in a very big apartment let’s go you’ve always had multiple

Christmases growing up so this is my first year having a proper multiple Christmases so um couple of days after Christmas we’re going away to see Michael’s family and spend have like a Christmas there I’m really excited about that have a little nap enjoy the nap I hope it’s uh good and

Refreshing maybe the president has the speech you have no idea you know more about the queen than you’re in president understandable but I feel like a lot of places new more I come back if you can well have fun with whatever you happened to be up to you

And thank you for hanging out for the time that you could we enjoy we’re enjoying some Moonlight jellies at the moment I’m still annoyed about my mismatched bombs it’s fine it’s it’s um it’s very me isn’t it so I’m wearing mismatching Blues now I I just got these um pj bottoms from Matalan

Today and they’re so comfy they’re so comfy I was in desperate need of some because I’m really fussy with that kind of stuff I need pockets and they need to be like a stretchy material but it’s still breathable um usually also cuffed ankles as well that’s

Like my sort of go-to when it comes to like PJ buttons and I have one pair um I bought some others like earlier in the year but they were like a not stretchy Fabric and also 3/4 length type length and that’s I don’t like it I don’t like it at all

They’re so uncomfortable to me and all of my older pj bottoms are like they don’t have pockets and they’re old and holy am I planning on decorating the farm um in my head I want to however the amount of time it would take I don’t know if I can so if we hit

Perfection with loads of time to spare before I would usually end a stream on Sunday then I will add some paths but it’s not going to be maybe some fences but it’s not going to be anything fancy because like Beyond paths and fences I’m not very good at

It you found Jun candy oh my God I need to find this I need to know the devil’s fabric jeans I have a really good pair of jeans I find really comfu but I need to get some new ones now um because they very much don’t stay on what boots do I have

Equipped crystal shoes three defense five immunity I do kind of like the immunity not going to lie let’s have a look at oh it’s Penny’s birthday tomorrow good that’s another one we can knock off the list um let’s get rid of all the debris before I was

Going to say before Pi is open but we can get in there now is he going to go stare at the counter though we’re just going to go we’re just going to go so I’ve already got five spots that are going to be taken up by beats I don’t know if that’s enough

Beats we’ll see just got home from work haven’t changed into your Jamies yet do it be cozy let’s have a look so obviously most of what we’re going to plant is pumpkins uh regrow stuff I’m going to do what we got what we got I definitely need Arch choke like

Quite a lot of art CH so I’m going to do 10 of them cuz I need to ship some some for cooking whatever um amaranth I think I’ve got enough of that I might just buy two anyway Berry roast seeds we’ll get a couple of them I’ve got enough sunflowers I don’t

Need any more of them let’s [Applause] do five cranberries oh that’s six five yams fck ch to so what have I got this is hang on let me arrange it in my hot bar I have a like way that I do things so this is like these are like rows of sprinklers

Essentially that’s a row and then we have the middle row which is going to be these two and then that’s a r so that’s one sprinkler then we’ll do no wait that’s not a sprinkler cuz this is no I didn’t mean to sell it that’s not a sprinkler that’s for

Flowers um we’re going to do two eggplants okay so that there’s there’s a wait there’s not a sprinkler I need one more row here so there’s a sprinkler although it would be like this and then anything else I really need for ingredients probably actually do you know what no because pe’s going

To leave and I don’t need the other quests necessarily we’ll do five amaranth I’ve just bought amaran oh my God my head is it’s fine I’m fine uh we’ll buy two corn plants or maybe we bothy yeah two corn plants we’ve got the two egg plants already we’ve got the five

Cranberries basically just like spares of stuff we do two grapes those are my regrow bles for the middle and then we’ll do 10 Bok choice so then that leaves that side free and then the rest of it is literally just going to be pumpkins oh

No we’ve got the beets at home as well well still going to be the rest is going to be pumpkins so I need at least 600 seeds I 800 you okay well that was a bit of a train wreck but we got there in the

End got there in the end with the seeds Le say the start of the series thank you for being the companion whil you study for Eon good luck good luck I um I stud Deon at Uni actually that’s how I feel you have fun M hello raw ancient v i I do that

Often with gold ones I will say 100 pumpkins by the end of the season it was meant to be it was meant to be it’s all good everything is falling into place now do I have any Beed grow maybe possibly I’ll have to have a

Look I’m hoping I do I would quite like to get a triple harvest in but I don’t want to buy it from Pierre so maybe we don’t I don’t know we’ll see what happens you made cookie D last night oh my God that sounds so

Good giant pumpkins I do love them I do love them thing is if they’re giant I’ll probably keep them as is let’s see oh we’ve got 600 speed grow so we have quite a lot of speed grow I think we’re okay on speed grow all right let’s do this

So now I actually do need my Scythe I do need the ax still cuz I’m getting rid of some uh some of these dead crops Pizza watering can cuz we still have some sprinkles to prep you fell asleep hey you must have needed it how you doing today never had a giant

Crop in you’re on your 12 some of it is kind of luck based terraria what about Terraria I’m excited to do the you new pj bottoms do you like them they’re comfy we got Michael and pj bottoms today as well the fact that we’ve like never got

You pj bottoms of any kind ever until now they are I’m glad you like them I’m glad you like them usually he just wears joggers in substitute of uh in substitute of pj bottoms but I saw some today and I was like can we get you some I think you’d like

Them so let’s start with the sprinklers that are going to have the other ingredients on first we’re doing this these and I’m not speed growing these cuz I don’t really need to then So those those I have weird ways of doing things but it makes sense in my head um then we’ll do the 10 here don’t be in the wrong place there we go and then our fairy roses are going to go here I know you don’t need one per

Honey thing I just like having spare fairy roses cuz they’re good well you get to go through the playthrough with me I appreciate you all hanging out I can’t believe I’ve never I was going to say I can’t believe i’ never done a vanilla one before but

Um I mean it ended up being harder it was almost vanilla there’s no sppy it’s just files I forgot about I’m still mad at myself a little bit best spring crop um probably I mean oh it’s difficult cauliflower rhub rubab you can’t get till Sandy if you have sand Sandy rubab

Is really good because rubab wine is is incredible and jelly for that matter strawberries are also really good but you’ll get more for your money if you buy the strawberries and plant them next year cuz you get the whole season with them what’s the recipe for crab cakes I

Feel like I could do it some today I don’t think I made any yet I don’t even know if I’ve got the recipe actually I don’t think I do wait do I squinting hard no I don’t think I’ve got them okay never mind no crab cakes for

Us what happens when you put tap on a hardwood treat you literally put yeah you just get sap which wow crab eggs and wheat flour yeah I don’t think I’ve got the recipe at all boo yellow tomatoes hello how you doing glad you can make it field number

Two I’m getting the speed grow down first I’ll deal with the seeds after worried I don’t have enough now 800 enough I guess we’ll find out we’ll just have to add them to the next Harvest if not I have finished the community center uh we

Are it’s kind of like last things but a lot of last things if that makes any sense I’m going to have to run to Keys warut room like I’m hoping I can make it before the end of the day actually so maybe maybe we do have a

Coffee I was trying to save it until I like really need the triple shots but um I mean today is the day that I do really need the triple shot to be fair this is this is a good day to do it the focus on just getting the speed

Grow down and just making sure that I don’t miss any spots which I think I’m doing okay with it so far but it is really hard to see and I have been known to miss spots like a lot which is like very not good every pumpkin counts Okay so we’ve

Got enough for like most things to be speed grown that’s okay okay debris go away actually the Farm’s not looking too bad considering new season rubbish spawning could be could be worse for sure H some mental health that’s difficult cuz it can look different for everyone like what works for some people

Doesn’t work for others like for me the general advice of like some people get along with meditation and stuff um I don’t but you know for me what what helped with that is uh having the right people around to talk to but also uh actually like you know getting

The help from my doctor and I know that’s not like something that is necessarily accessible for everyone however that is the thing for me that changed my life is actually like going to get some sort of like professional help with it because it’s freaking difficult

Alone soan hello uh let me know how to pronounce your name correctly I want to make sure I get it right just watch a 100 days of sun even do I plan to keep playing at some point I have a lot of that play through the second 100 days

Recorded but I don’t know if I’m going to be able to make another 100 days video out of it at the time I thought I was going to be able to do it but a lot of it kind of rests on how well it performs at the time versus like my

Ability to like keep going and making a second one of uh that sort of video because they take me a month or so to make at a time sometimes more uh when I somehow manage to get through them quickly sometimes less but not much less

Um I want to say like a month I mean like a mostly fulltime month like this month I spent a lot more time streaming than I usually would so I’ve worked a lot less on the video the second the 100 days of um messed up stud that I would have liked

However you know the basically it it it’s a lot of work to not go well potentially essentially just spontaneously got started for your PC and now you’re excited to play it oh St you for your PC oh my God good luck wait you did me or is there a game

Called started that I didn’t know about my bad if so any tips for new players um a good moneymaking thing for early game is making friends with Caroline and crafting tea saplings to sell a lot of people don’t really like that strategy uh because they think it it’s not how it’s

Like meant to be played however it does get you a lot of good alame money it was done you didn’t okay I was just checking I was just checking just checking got to go back to work continue luring in about 2 hours I hope you have

A good rest of your shift thank you so much for uh stopping by for the amount of time that you could yeah make sure you go into the flower dance with some strawberries and as well as um and just kind of like not stressing too much about doing things efficiently when you’re just

Exploring the game that’s the thing is like no one says that you have to complete the community center an x amount of time like play the game at the pace you enjoy it make sure it’s still fun for you if you’re worried about Min maxing all the time it can become stressful and

Like a lot less fun and relaxing P everything yeah um definitely keep at least like a couple of most things in a chest ready to go um advice to start streaming some of it is just kind of getting un comfortable talking for a long amount of time like even if you’re not

Necessarily directly responding to chat messages because like when obviously when I first started streaming I didn’t always have something to respond to like constantly so one of the best things with that is and I didn’t really do this because my brain can like often come up

With stuff to talk about and I was used to sort of talking at a screen SL a microphone for like a long time already oh I completely forgot about all these sprinklers all right well this one’s going to get an extra Harvest and the other ones will go in the next one um

It’s basically just like yeah essentially like remembering to talk and like keep talking cuz people’s attention span like you don’t get long to make it so that someone might stick around for a little while like at all and it if it happens to be quiet then that can be like

A like they’re not sure if like you know what’s going on it’s just kind of like talking like have some have some little stories about your day or something else or um even just like talking through what you’re doing most of the time helps as

Well fishing is a big one oh why did I not think well I know what we all know why I didn’t think of that I I don’t I don’t like fishing so like fishing is good for most people I just didn’t think of it I’m going to

Leave yeah I’ll leave the other two sprinklers for now until the next Harvest I think this entire section will just be not speed grown but hey this time at least uh we’ve got a lot more speed gr than before we’ve got an entire sprinkler row that we didn’t have last

Season so I’m proud of that do an a fishing Quest made it to your house at 150 that’s always so fun like the little uh Adrenaline Rush of just making it to bed in time is fishing usually my last 10 yeah yeah most people I feel like Max their

Fishing within like the first two to three seasons and I’m over here like H I still got fishing to do whoops I will never change I will not learn from this that’s for Penny uh I’m just getting the ores and stuff out actually should I not get the

Ores out here because I’m going to need some ores to craft with I’ll leave them I’ll leave them you fishing is usually one of your first yeah it’s always my last are we surprised though are we surprised you pass your final with an a congrats oh my

God Casey I’m really happy for you we knew you could do it I bet that’s a relief is like are you in are you in um holiday mode now I hope need another Swig of match here oh my God so good right so it’s is Penny’s birthday today

Also I do need to go to the desert and buy some more star fruit I’m leaving my crystarium as they are at the moment because um basically oh yeah I need to go see Robin as well before she leaves so let’s bring just the amount of hardwood we

Need thinking of everything I need to bring with me so Robin I’ve got that sorted um I need to go to Ginger Island I’m going to bring my speed grow with me because I think I can probably speed grow some more stuff over there plus all this yeah okay let’s

Go you wish the fishing wasn’t so hard it isn’t it isn’t isn’t great is it some of it is like I mean for me I’ve got used to the mini game now it’s really just the um waiting for a bite that’s my main thing Christmas with

Hot cocoa and everything oh my gosh I’m so happy for you no time for cut scene wait for Robin oh Robin’s not going to come out for like ages is she all right what I’m going to do then horse run down to Penny give birthday gift then we’ll go back up to

Robin and hopefully I can make it in time before she leaves for the the class also what is this cactus fruit for Maru she has full friendship already no I don’t want to go into the store I was trying to jump on my horse damn it I’m not going to eat your gross

Cooking uh you’re still in bed run here happy birthday full friendship sorted done you can indeed skip cut scenes so um some are not skippable some don’t have it but if there’s a little skip button in the bottom right hand corner you can either click that or I

Just press F on my keyboard and that also skips it oh yeah the training run is like a good little clutch the fish that come from it are rubbish but it’s good for XP and now we wait for Robin again I’m just doing I’m pretty good now with skipping cut scenes

Less like on a normal playthrough but for this one we obviously like it takes a lot of real lifetime we don’t have very much real life we have nowhere near enough real lifetime let’s be honest mixing this because like I still don’t have the um correct tool to make matcha with So like

Um I feel like it settles quicker so I have to like keep on like mixing it which is fine I don’t I don’t mind it’s worth it for me Robin get out of bed working up on your birthday with a gift in bed from a farmer who moved in 2

And a half years ago and then they just Sprint away the only time you ever see them is to like shower you in gifts and bye quick you may not leave no wait wrong thing upgrade house aha we have tricked the system okay oh my God I’m so uncomfortable today what’s going

On like physically the chair is not it honestly o milk FR I could get one of those I actually looked one of those the other day but I feel like when I was reading about it it said that the um the bamboo whisk is like better apparently just using a regular whisk I

Probably could do that I do have a whisk I have like three I’m not sure why that detail was relevant but now you know I own three whisks I yeah I might get a milk bruffer because like I prefer I mean it’s easier isn’t it you just essentially like shove it in

The cup and P push a button still refilling these still need the oyster no we need the muscle not the oyster we’ve got so many muscles like in general just not one that’s actually coming from a crab pot no don’t leave you have the electric circle thing it’s

So good to make coffee with yeah I need to we used to have one I can’t remember why we don’t anymore it must have stop working or something go away you weren’t invited to the farm no one said you could grow here let me go home somewhere else don’t need you

Around oh my God there’s so many it’s a new season so it’s like so much worse good grief the audacity of these weeds I swear you have one regular whisk and one that goes onto a hand mixer so the handles W the one I kind of want is like one that just

Like just a really small small drinks one so you can I probably look for one with like a little metal stand as well so I can just like keep it there in my little Coffee corner oh pudding hello welcome in right let’s look at the key Quest first I

Think now that we’ve uh attended to the farm threat LEL Oak we’ve also got all the wants to se gos to go not all of them but like a lot of them danger in the Deep or J danger in the Deep again I mean yeah I’ll do that again why

Not we’ve got 93 key gems so let’s start at making our way through these recipes because we need obviously all of them magic bait Hopper and let’s fertiliz there we go so we need two more 50 key gems this is going to cover it this week easily let’s

Go Jasmine Christina hello working but wanted to pop in and say happy holidays thank you so much happy holidays to you too I hope your work is going well and I hope you manag to uh get a break soon and then it’s not too not too hard on you

You got a new milk fruer it has a stand I haven’t used it yet but she’s happy what did I used to use it for I think I used to use it for Um what is that there’s a name for it I haven’t done this in so long um there’s a thing where you can put either butter or coconut oil in your coffee oh I forgot my Pan um you can put butter or coconut oil in your coffee and um it’s very very

Good I can’t remember what the why I did why have I forgot that a thing to I think that’s why I got it cuz it mixes that a lot easier put a wooden path oh yeah I need to do that the reason I hadn’t done that yet is because I needed as

Many potential spaces for oh I forgot I came to Ginger Island and I completely forgot to buy got the star fruit seeds um yeah the reason I hadn’t do it is because of the snake vertebrae I needed as much chance for the spots to spawn as possible uh I’ll get the

Crystarium when I come back do I even need this chest anymore really no I can go away I’ll bring it with me I’m should be here cuz the resort is closed nobody is allowed to leave Bulletproof Coffee gosh that’s been years since I’ve had that I can’t even remember what it was good

For or even if it actually is any any good for anything I think there was a reason I tried it but yeah no it was for it was for that that’s why I got it for before but uh since then I guess it broke or we lost it in

Moving I have no idea I don’t know what happened to it I think heater related H I have to look at it again I I think it also said there was some sort of like good benefits for your brain as well okay so we want I’ll buy 300 probably more than enough

The other thing now as well with the uh with the weeds is I seem to have discovered from this series that they tend to spawn once you’ve cleared them all they tend to not spawn again till Monday so as long as I get rid of them on a

Monday then my crops are probably going to be okay course I need your help I keep going to check the special requ not the special request with the bulletin board but um I’ve already checked that so often who’s next last on my friendships kobus okay cool

Got to get all the Friendship stuff done as soon as possible yeah the pure ghost do make it rough but this is a good way for me to get like lock key gems a lot of loot I’m happy with the loot and also I need radioactive or I

Mean I could have like gone and set the harder minds but I didn’t really want to do Jun moart cuz like it doesn’t take any in-game time but it takes so much real life time like getting to I still don’t think I’ve ever got to 50,000

Points so I don’t think that’s going to happen right so actually I’m going to harvest first and then we’re going to put some speed grow down on the spots that need it waiting for the pineapples until all the pineapples are done this is kind of a lot of pineapples

As well and I need to come back at some point with more sprinklers I should probably prioritize that as soon as we next hit a million gold though we are going straight on with um Island Obelisk because that is what’s messing me up at the moment I think

Mind I should be able to probably do that and still make it back as then make more Sprinklers and still make it back actually you know what do I no I’m going to leave them I want them all to be done at the same time right we have

More spots speed gr I’m trying to like build them all up to be a speed grow level level and then we can have oh I didn’t mean to harvest that we can have so much star fruit I can probably even get away with starting to sell some of my star fruit

Now cuz we do have a constant supply of it feel like we should do it for the next part should we do it for the next Harvest or this we’ll do it for this one make use to today I’m not going to start the mines today we’ll do that

Tomorrow okay and we’ve also got all these spaces to use up as well so 1 2 3 4 four more quality Sprinklers and then anything else is going to be aridium one and then Lots down here okay so before I do that let’s leave here the star fruit

Seeds just making sure I’m grabbing everything that um I can bring home or like need to bring home with me so so it was four of these and then I can make 14 but I don’t think I need that many yet cuz I’ve only got 100 and something seeds

Yet I mean even that’s probably too many but that’s okay tidy up the inventory a bit before we leave do I have the stuff to make Coral kind of want to beach totem to speed me up a little I want to make sure I get these down in

Time sorry Willie you got to take me for one more late night trip sorry myell fish oh no oh no so sprinklers wouldn’t it be funny if I didn’t bring them I’d be really upset one 2 3 four mostly because I can’t be bothered to swap these out

And I’m just going to sell these cuz we’re going to get more star fruit seeds there you are I don’t really want to get the pineapples down cuz I want to prioritize the star fruit also spring her there mostly just trying to cram these in at this point okay that’ll

Do tired again but you have to stay up late and bake an obscenum out biscuits oh was that from the dough that you were making yesterday you suddenly go missing you probably fell asleep face first into the dough I hope the biscuit making goes well um and I hope you managed to give

Yourself some rest soon because it sounds like you’re exhausted guess it’s one of those things that like trying to must up the energy to do it but then equally the sooner you start the sooner you finish and that is a very hard balance to try and find I feel feel that

Pain the do has been haunting your dreams well hopefully the end result is like tasty and worth it which I’m sure it will be everyone will feel the amount of love that you put into these biscuits might not end up being able To to the uh I probably could actually we’ll see I still have more seeds than I have sprink spots which is fine we’ll got some for next time they better feel the love Nina she’s haded out biscuits you will like these you will you will like

The amount of hours and stuff that I’ve put into these biscuits Kia hello how you doing happy Friday to you all right star fruit planted now water they need the hydration actually yeah having a bottomless watering can is quite lovely I will say that was a good

Call May encouraging me to do this one first just go to your grandparents house for Christmas going to make cookies with your mom and sister tomorrow oh my God I bet you’re so excited that sounds like so much fun I got the one of the things I needed for

The cookies that I want to make although I’m making them first the second Christmas that we’re having with uh the inlaws and I’m really excited about them okay let’s go put this back and get some sleep probably going to have to sleep on the island at this point cuz it

Is late and oh I do want to check the island for I still forgot my pan I still want to check for dig spots before we go because I want artifact Tres try and get this match down me cuz I think I’m I’m at the point in the day

Where i’m like severely needing caffeine it’s so good I’m just really soow drinking stuff like in general right spreading weeds I’m assuming that is on the main Farm which is I wonder what that could be I wonder what his d damage we’re going who look at all that stuff we’ll go have a

Look check there’s no hidden ones behind here no also what’s in the mail today Hard to Find Them sugarfree make your but haven’t got around to it yet yeah that’s the thing is like finding a good substitute for stuff okay we’ll have a look at the dig site and then we’ll pop

Home I’m trying to get Omni JS for more art uh artifact troopes where are we with this now we only need three artifacts one of them is from a dig spot anyway from a secret note it’s just these two I still can’t believe I haven’t got the hand ax yet that’s really Weird it’s so fun to make for the first few batches and it just becomes painful I can imagine I feel like any big repetitive batch cooking can definitely be like that found a sugar-free pie for Christmas oh my God I love that what’s in It you made the mistake of planting your Ginger energies three squares from The Edge yeah easily done you don’t want to it’s hard to like want to fix uh Fruit trees isn’t it cuz youve just spent an entire month growing them you think it’s Apple oh my God yes I love a good apple pie any more little spots around here no how many did I get today seven Omni Jud so that will get me exactly one

Artifact well a bit one and a bit but you can’t buy part of an artifact drove we’ll also check the the pirate not the Pirates Cove but like the beach bit before the Pirates Cove sometimes has dig spots cherry pie oh I’m not a cherry pie person

I’m apple pie and pumpkin pie those are my my two but I haven’t had pumpkin pie very much because it’s not obviously hugely a thing here so whenever I get to have it I’m like yes oh is so good but then for me when

It comes to apple pie it’s got to have a crumble topping and not a pastry topping that’s my opinion are we raining today oh say hello oh no we’re already full full friendship I don’t need to talk to you anymore nope we are we’re not raining

Kind of need the rain actually cuz one of the fish we need when did I get a chocolate cake I must have got it from the mail I didn’t really pay attention to my mail today not going to lie crumble toppings obviously Superior yes that is the

One uh so danger in the deep that is on the agenda today I probably should have just totem home but we’re we’re committing to the walk now crumble anything pastry half the time is like difficult to like not all pastry is good pastry straight up purle crumble also

Incredible oh yeah I completely forgot about these whoops uh okay wait on the rod put everything away trash gifts will’ll deal with once the quest is done I’m going to leave the star fruit in here for now hopefully I remember it’s there uh I’m going to take the strange buns as food I

Think don’t need that what else do I need I need Ginger and I need spicy eel don’t need my horse flu I think I’ve already got bombs at the mines nope they’re all here staircases just in case uh energy tonics just in case I’ve got 25 Omni Juds so maybe

We’ll make some progress with that this week all right let’s do this I’m ready as ready as I’ll ever be actually let’s make some jelly and stuff first I guess I’m going to eat these blackberries now cuz I’m holding them actually no I’ll put them in here

Um remove the bombs from the hot bar just in case cuz you never know when we’re going to make a mistake like that or at least like in the spot that I directly needed uh cool let’s go let’s go when I have apple crumble though got to have a custard

It’s a must oh my God so many strange buns oh I don’t have that many OES to smell actually I thought I would have more I’ll skip the smelting on this particular one uh dwarf’s full friendship don’t need to worry about that right what the what in the no

Nodes oh this is a bad luck day this is such a bad luck day like without even checking the TV oh no there’s our ladder probably is still a bad luck day though however there is a special slime there so maybe what I’ll end up doing

Today then is um we’ll fight this slime we’ll get to level five oh wow a sprinkler uh we’ll get to level five and then I might skip this today and go on a gift spree because I might as well wait until I’ve got a good luck day no don’t leave what am I

Doing sometimes I’m like when your buy acts before your brain does and I’m having to intervene and be like can you stop it literally autopilot my my brain went into like un farming ore mode even though I’m not farming ore today this has got to be a bad luck day

We’ve seen like this what three copper nodes all all day or the I say all day the entire time we’ve been here which isn’t very long but like still unusual you know and the lack of ladders right I’m going to get that crate though can’t ignore

That take a Jade and since I’m down here copper okay well I might as well do this another day then let’s be smart about this so we’ll leave here everything we need for that probably going to buy some more coffee from gust today um let’s also have I got anything

That’s going to take a while to smell not really okay I’m like forgetting what I’m doing here we go all right we tried have ever had kobis move in um yes so I had kobus on was it the Trashy it was trashy Merchant because that was the

Way that I was going to get void eggs without spending money what was I doing again gift today so I need horse flu back bring the pan I don’t know why but I feel like I need to hold my fishing rod feel weird for some reason without

It can you imagine me why am i h what’s happening to me okay so gifts I need to chop up the gift chest too who have we got I’m going to be more organized about this Jazz Canen Lewis money uh there’s M Kent’s just going to have a salmon

Berry I know no I I’ve got the wizard I know I’ve got kobus probably Harvey probably Abigail Sebastian rabbit’s foot rabbit’s feet I’m saving for birthdays I have a look uh I could make roasted hazelnuts now technically oh it’s all this debris uh I don’t I can’t be bothered to

Go get my axe you can all have the pets and I’ll remove the Rocks I’ll come and get the sticks another day we got any fun down here oh we got a magma one I kind of need that also damn I was hoping for a little Prismatic Shard and I feel weird not

Cleaning this out now cuz then new ones can spawn potential more good stuff taken hello how you doing today every time the song comes it’s a good song isn’t it it’s a good little uh Chistmas tune it’s a really nice one feet no feet but a duck

Feather duck feather I would like to give to probably Elliot right loads of truffles going straight in the shipping bin and then we’ve got oh no I didn’t mean to put the diamonds away I’m going to take some more out actually and just like have them ready so wizard I already got the

Wizard Jazz do I have another pink cake I don’t think I’ve got another one uh I think Jazz likes Plum Pudding do I have the stuff for that let me look Jazz yeah Plum Pudding I’m pretty sure I’ve got the stuff for that and I can make it and then that’s another cooking

Recipe off the list I’ve already cooked it apparently I don’t know what I’ve oh no I shipped it for he’s Cuisine didn’t I when’s the next birthday Elliot is on Friday how far are we away with Elliot we’re quite far with ellot okay so I do want to get another gift in this

Week um who else have we got Leo I should probably have got mangoes from the island Jody have got the diamond for Sebastian have got on me Harvey have got on me I think I’ve got everyone do wish I brought oh maybe I’ve got some mangoes in a chest here cuz I

Might have brought some home with me we have mangoes all right horse I need your help it’s gifts free time starting to try and get used to doing this without knowing where anyone is at any given moment Caroline sorted th those two those two don’t need anything from me you home

Harvey or is he gone somewhere is this the day that he might be at the library or something library is probably a good shout anyway cuz I reckon so some of them will be on their way out go have a look oh there we go Jazz full friendship Leo for

You um Sam’s full oh let me check for Harvey we don’t have a harvey but we have an Elliot and an Abigail did I get Abigail wait oh no did I forget Abigail oh no uh um I have to come back and get Abigail sorted later did you know that Willie loves sturgeon well I I guess that makes

Sense all right we’ll go and grab an amethyst at least we got the bus stop nearby this is actually very convenient oh it’s wine Wednesday as well I’ve just realized cuz I haven’t got this telling me um we’ll get the gifts out and then we need to turn over the wine very

Quickly Frozen here that’s right cuz I accidentally put all my gems away when I put all my ores away didn’t I N hello watch a whole 12 hour gameplay nice to see your stream I’m glad you can make it thank you so much for coming to say hi and joining

Us am I grown Pumpkins I’m grown so many Abigail you would love it you would love it there there are so many who’s next don’t know if Lou will be home oh he is here you go full done sorted another one another one sorted money here you go full another one off the

List oh my God I’m feeling good about this uh Kent you can have a salmon Berry for now oh you’re full as well jod jod still got some work to do okay we’ve just hit eight hearts with jod oh my God look at the progress today

We were so close on so many people so wizard Harvey Sebastian have he’s got to be home by now right oh unless he’s in the saloon maybe he’s in the saloon I don’t know he’s not in the saloon however hello um I would like you’re selling

Such terrible food at the moment what is going on with that um want to buy some more for me this is going to go for a gift and then I’ve got eight more triple shots worth okay come on Harvey please be home now you must be at this point right no don’t drink

It there he is here you go hary looks busy right now well can’t say I didn’t try oh my God I’m so pleased with that we filled up so many today maybe I might have to move the wine to Thursdays I don’t know well technically it will still be

Done ready for next Wednesday anyway so even if I’ve missed one day it’s not the end of the world Sebastian first at the moment as if Gus hasn’t been selling rubber yeah good point I guess it’s like for me it feels like at the moment because of like I’m doing this play through

Like with you know a day in between each session so like for me it feels like at the moment versus like the usually a week between when I record stuff if that makes sense but yes you’re right I think we’ve managed to get like one maybe two good things just checking Sebastian

Was now here which means you must be at home must be in your basement too busy right now too busy still too busy this is for you and then we’ve got kobis and The Wizard who I could probably handle tomorrow because I’ve got a lot

Less gifts to hand out so maybe I will just go home and do the wine oh I’m trying to make sure I get the hazelnuts cuz Kent oh wait I don’t need to I’ve got full friendship with Ken haven’t I I have okay well I still need it for

Cooking so Oak resin that just reminded me also might be able to get some more kegs down this is going to be cutting it close today right let’s grab all these stop shaking the bush working on it just wanted to go and grab um all of the oh dropped frames

What has happened there b me a second I hope we have stopped buffering I think it just had a second of um being a bit funny sorry about the ding there as well I just um had a popup come up on my screen reminding me to eat before stream but obviously we’ve

Already started I did eat before stream your app crashed right no yeah I I was debating whether or not I was going to do the wine today progress update you missed the last few streams um got a house upgrade on the go working on the money we just planted

A load of stuff for ingredients and money and that’s pretty much all that’s new we made quite a few friendship progress today so can we make we can make five more okay we’ll make five I was going to say if it’s going to be loads then maybe I

Don’t this week now I can bring all the star fruit put that way um all right let’s go I should just be able to get in in time right oh I’ve got more coffee here I didn’t need to buy any oh well ah when my kegs go down in the wrong

Place okay this is going to be kind of fine but we’re just going to roll with it we can do this I believe there is enough time I’ve only got one more shed after this and this shed isn’t even full so we should be fun oh that’s not

Good I need to get rid of that as well before the end of the day right drink a espresso I probably should have drank a normal coffee actually um we’ll do this as long as I get rid of that before the morning we should be all

Right I guess I must have missed it yesterday when I was clearing everything up not yesterday on the on the first day that horrible new season debris oh yeah we got time we’re good not missing a keg this time we’re going to not miss the keg that that alerts us to our wine

Being done cuz obviously usually what I’d have is on the to-do list just a popup that only comes up on a on a Wednesday saying one Wednesday to remind me that also helps having the mini Obelisk as well uh right that in there those in there back over

There get rid of these there any more sneaky ones don’t think so the grass is okay the grass isn’t going to do anything think we’re good I’m sleep oh my God wait we can get the OB today oh my God where am I going to put the Obelisk cuz I haven’t even planned

For that I Forgot how did I not think that I need to put the Obelisk somewhere hello H stop picking up the house PL okay I’m going to put the house plant somewhere else you can go there every time I want to talk to Leah oh thank you for the

Dandy line I very much appreciate it it’s going in the fridge it’s in the mail not to the Shell sell right oh yeah I wanted to make more triple shots as well this morning so let’s see we’ll do that say five for gifts I think that’s going to be

Enough right put everything in the gift chest yesterday cuz I want to make sure we prioritize going to the mines okay okay lazy morning so you’re here late I’m glad you had a good chilled out Morning uh I’ll sell that another time I needed to do something and I forgot what it was so that’s helpful we’re going to take coal I’m taking all the copper actually cuz I really need I think it’s copper that I need the most of yes it

Is so we’re going to take the copper with us oh yeah we’re going to do more of our Fun Quest I think most of the stuff that I need for it is actually up there already and I think I’m going to leave the horse flu on me cuz you never know

When you’re going to need it oh yeah Obelisk thank you that was the thing that was the thing so we need I know we need those I know we need t onas 10an bars why did I just close the wiki I don’t know um and also a gift for the wizard let’s

Go the door is Cooling I hope the biscuit making goes well and I hope you managed to get some good rest in as well gosh doesn’t it feel slow without any um speed boost first oess we’ll have a look at space in a minute this is going to save us so much time

Okay so maybe it’s going to have to be around here one 2 three four yeah we’ll do that I do want this one nearer so I’ll put this one this side not overthinking it too much that’s going to help us a lot a m welcome back and now we’re going to try the

Mines again actually I’ll look at the lock on the TV first I should probably do that before I decide one down three to go okay extra luck perfect good few cops of matcha and let’s do this I think and also hope that all of my mind stuff is up at the

Mines I’m pretty sure it is I’m pretty sure I left it there last time uh okay should have left some of this at home oopsy oh well uh spicy eel strange buns bombs bombs STS energy tonic I think that’s it right oh Ginger I don’t technically need the ginger until later on

Actually uh that’s okay proba going to leave up here too so bombs staircases is and then take those out of my hot bar smelll the copper later all right let’s go how far will we get today we only got to five yesterday because had some horrible luck it was very clear from the

Um complete lack of metal nodes and complete lack of lce there we go another monster so go down multitask with that too I also see I see a crate over there ignoring everything going for the loot does ginger work against the NAA debuff yes it does no that’s so annoying okay we’re

Going around it’s worth it straight Ginger does work I used it in yesterday’s stream as well oh it’s just an aquamarine so it wasn’t really worth it but that’s okay you just never know you might get something amazing in these cuz it’s kind of um you know they’re they’re bit these

Ones are definitely kind of extra any copper or anything to blow up yes we’ll we’ll blow that and then just mine this aw no ladder oh there it is we have a little bit before we have to worry about the um the ginger the the putrid ghosts Anyway coming for the loot there’s no ladder up there okay lack of loot other than oh special slime this will give me something key gem okay just a key gem I mean that’s still good that’s still good we still need it just maybe not the best thing that we could have got from

It it’s fine got to go now hope you find some cool stuff in the minds I hope you have a good rest of your day thank you for hanging out I think shooting stuff at me is rude probably should eat some uh some berries and heal a little oh look at that clust

Uh let’s have a strange butt yes give me that radioactive all I don’t really want to do the spiral floor we’ll break a few rocks oh there we go i’ like to give it a little bit of chance to let me through before I give up and staircase frog flower hello how you

Doing today nope we’re not doing the infested floor though these I’ll kill might get artifact troves might get magic rock candy so far we get nothing but there’s a chance ficia hello how you doing today also skull Shir Oak resin o yeah I’ll take a free Oak resin I also want to break

These survival Burger um I like the skull Shir but it’s not worth the loot slot for me anyway making food for Christmas Eve oh my God have fun I do love the Christmas cooking uh rubar P I can use up get me out there the squids kind of

Get a bit intense when they pile up like that no not that’s okay though cuz it gives me a minute to look at the Squid’s Face who look at all the copper on this floor yes please I’ll be taking taking all of it most of it probably all of it I would have really like some crab cakes from the crabs but you know I don’t think don’t think we’re going to get that

Lucky that’s fine though sorry for missing don’t be silly real life comes first so much stuff to do especially this time here just swing and hope for the best frantically oh there’s a radioactive node down there I want it I think I’m just going to mine this one not waste abominate I’m probably

Going to have to go out and refill bombs at the DWF in a minute next time I hit a elevator there any crates down here today at the bottom I’m need you I need that no crates okay there’s a jade node but depends if I get a ladder here there we

Go get out of there all right pop up a sec drop everything off 200 copper perfect that’s what I love to see in fact we could probably get away with making a couple more furnaces hi dwarf I would like to buy some more boms please we’ll drop off the loot while

We’re here also cuz I’ve got way too much stuff what am I going to smell afterwards we’ll just put some iron in anyway just so that something’s going whilst we’re down there I can leave the copper behind I’ll wait until later I don’t need to wait for it right now okay let’s

Go damn I can’t complain I haven’t got enough copper now well I will as soon as I basically craft all the kegs I will ever need can never have too many kegs though that is the thing there a freebie I’m not seeing somewhere am I just having a bad time trying to find

The ladder now somehow I guess so oh there it is I was thinking like surely have I missed it like heav woman hello how you doing Happy Friday let’s go grab that cluster still no l what’s going on we were doing so well at the beginning of this

Day oh my spicy eel has right out that doesn’t help mostly just trying to prioritize getting to the bottom probably although if I see any radioactive or I’m obviously not going to ignore that oh these ones actually give you Omni Judes and I could oh there’s the

Ladder but now I’m too close to this to not want to okay there was nothing even in it that wasn’t even worth it I’m glad you’re hopefully you’re feeling better glad to hear it going to go cook lasagna enjoy the lasagna cooking that sounds absolutely

Wonderful it might be that one of the um one of the two days of the weekend we might end up ordering pizza so probably be a pizza and mukbang will also we also playing some stardo cuz obviously I got to eat and the the streams the next two days are definitely

Going to be longer although there’s the freebie I need to be killing these bats as well annoyingly come here you nice cluster maybe I’m already oh yes hypers speed grow that’s one like literally one of the best things I could have got right now uh let’s bring the cookies over

Here can I heal please there we go sister pizza tonight yeah we we’ve been craving pizza with all the pizza talk oh my goodness what’s going on in here there’s a lot going on H that’s so funny I didn’t know they could do that I I didn’t realize those slimes

Could like come back and hit you that’s so funny oh there’s a ladder go probably should use a cherry bomb there oh I’m getting like way worse slimed today than before I don’t even care about the um the bugs just get as far as you can creamy spinach pizza oh that sounds

Incredible I don’t I feel like we don’t find many like of those kind of pieces here sorry about the bomb noise I’m just trying to calculate what I’m trying to eat have fun frog flower what’s left to do till Perfection monster s go um I’ve got some crafting recipes left to get for

Uh from Mr key which is why I’m doing this and three obelisks and the golden clock and some cooking and crafting and some friendships so so like a lot basically like most things well basically it’ll be quicker for me to say War nuts are done that’s pretty much it there’s not

Many other things that we’ve really actually completed go away there we go not you I’m talking about the um the one mushroom not leaving me alone let me off this floor though please somewhere ladder ladder ladder lder no but I’ll takeit the omode I’m trying to also multitask in oh

There we go trying to kind of multitask in here and doing some of the monster Slayer stuff at the same time like we we just got dugey today so that’s fun I was hoping maybe I’d be able to knock out rock crabs as well voice spirits will be pretty easy to do

In here but they they do kind of like overrun you at some points don’t they so oh there’s a freebie there ignore the bomb right I’m going to call that there for the day and then we’ll go another day so most of what I’ve got to smell here is

Cofer which is not ideal for like leaving stuff overnight I guess I’ll do it anyway we might as well make use of the time and so let me leave behind again all of my mind stuff overnight I just don’t want to accidentally blow anything up with a bomb

Basically shouldn’t had hiccups cured by the entire glass staring at them that’s really scary like really scary it’s like fright but a different type of fright right that sounds horrendous you just have the hiccups I mean hey if it worked for you it could help someone you know could be helpful information

Probably is helpful information uh let’s just do that yeah I literally had zero copper bars here I realize I am about to pass out but my inventory being messy is something I don’t like we’ll we’ll fix the rest in the morning if I mean hey if it works

Then what do we just oh it must be the house upgrade right what was it living large oh my God all the stuff everywhere um oh no I don’t want to move my fridges that’s a no I’m not moving them that’s a pain that a massive pain how we looking for

Luck neutral okay we can manage we can do it today what I probably will also do today though is go and give crus a gift because we’re really behind on that so I need to make sure I actually make some progress there that’s who I’m worried about the worst how close um not

Very Elliot’s birthday we must do that as well that’s two thing two two gifts we have to hand out before we do anything let me have a look in here before I sacrifice a rabbit’s foot dark feather that’ll do oh no I’ve got the aridium pomegranate I literally had it for that

Purpose I I specifically kept that around I think I left my horse FL at the mines as well which is kind of devastating there got it we’re sorted two gifts that we can get down today important ones We’ll sort kobis first cuz I think I’m only going to end up getting we’ll see what happens tomorrow I should be able to finish off the gifts but some people crus being one of them needed two gifts I think actually kobis was the only one needing two gifts

Still so I wanted to make sure I had the chance to do that before the gifting week is over and then this pomegranate should actually finish Elliot’s friendship completely so I won’t have to worry about that again anymore too busy no piano I’m just here for birthday gift goodbye then straight to the

Mines oh I should have take the taken the oak res anome yesterday that is the one thing I did forget to do that’s fine though uh boms ladders eel boms I think that’s really it yeah don’t know why I’ve still got dwarf Scrolls actually I’m just going to sell them they’re three

Gold right let’s see oh Frey straight away taking that oh I forgot the eel I’m glad I started to get in the habit of checking the calendar now though that’s one I just kind of forgot about I mean if that’s going to present a oh my goodness ow

Rude I’m not going to heal again unless I need to just trying to look for a good amount of rocks to actually want to throw a bomb down the answer are they up not many come on fully ignoring everything don’t perceive oh my God where’s the lad get me out of

Here this floor could not be any worse if it tried am I just missing a freebie somewhere wait what am I dumb uh there’s no more rocks um okay well okay I don’t know what happened there that’s weird I’ve never seen that before 24 hours to crochet a rabbit you can do

This I believe in you did I not bring any oh yeah I did I was going to say did I not bring any like better healing food and I’ve got the um I got the energy tonic just in case for like emergencies could the ladder drop by a

Monster yeah but it should be that um the second to last Rock on the floor will 100% be the ladder and I already went to every Rock so I don’t know what happened there that shouldn’t be a thing so maybe there was a rock that we just didn’t like couldn’t see very

Well or the ladder was just somewhere and we couldn’t see it is this happening again I’m just going to skip this floor damn I got the nausea just in time wow you will not favorite NPC um in general probably kobus because they’re adorable and they are arom Motes here on the channel

Bued or something oh no there it is triple shot run out you can always feel the instant slowness I mean for neutral luck this is pretty terrible we’ll give it a few rocks on this spiral floor I hate the spiral floor so I don’t like to stick around these very long

Ginger does get rid of the noja debuff ginger and ginger ale nope not dealing with infested floors I’m good I don’t need to do that oh my God that’s a lot of skulls there’s also a freebie there but I want to kill these come on give me give me artifact

Troves or a magic rock candy happy with either I don’t ask for much clearly favorite marriage candidate um this is one of those things I feel like I’ve like I talk about a lot but I feel weird picking one when I haven’t experienced everyone’s like marriage cut scenes but so

Far uh especially in vanilla Leah has to be my favorite because she’s freaking adorable and I love all the Arty stuff and the cut scene is really cute but there’s a lot of people I haven’t married yet I’ve only married um Shane Alex uh obviously roomm made kobus in

Vanilla I mean and that’s it squiding RAV prevents it oh I didn’t know that rationally angry about making bis biscuits I mean it’s a lot of effort I get it I get it having a horrible time trying to find exits looks like we’re not going to get that

Far in this one today I mean I still have the staircases to help me and I am going to use them to help me go away cuz also I feel like the floors are really sparse for rocks today oh there there uh yeah trying to debate if I

Wanted to do this FLW there’s a lot of slimes however radioactive or not saying no to that le as I budge at Robin oh I disagree she’s a whole different like vibe there it is um salmon berries what about you who’s your favorite oh there was already a freebie this is

Why I usually pause and take a second to look around the floor although sometimes it’s too dark to see first person you married was Harvey cuz you thought he’d give you a discount he does not nope not even your own husband okay hopefully there’s a freie

Somewhere that was a lot of rocks to not drop a ladder oh I didn’t bring my axe well H not the double ladder whoops oh well leaving the nausea there until I really need it just in case I get reinfected all right we’re out the NAA

Floors so how long has it got 1 minute 42 yeah I’m just going to wait until I really need to use it favorite is Penny penny is cute I’m excited to be able to like get round to experiencing all of them as a spouse currently married to Leo and your

Perfection save and love it PE it’s just so lovely so far Halo Emily cuz they’re the quickest to get hearts with yeah see that’s how how I ended up um with Shane and Alex I don’t know how I managed with Alex the first time Alex

Is usually the last I think it was just because like at the time I happen to be passing a lot and just like giving away like easy light gifts and not putting the effort into to like go and actually track people down to give gifts to so I

Think that’s why ah being frozen is not ideal right let’s Ginger berries just Harvey marrow to go I’ve got so many people to go I’m excited about Emily obviously uh we’re going for Emily on one life not even dating her yet nice Dark Sword probably not going to use it but

Like they’re all money oh my God not all of my food running out at the same time Go Go bomb Place ring get some good loot oh what’s in the crate I must know copper all I’ll take coo oh there’s a freebie over there keep not seeing

Them yeah floor 0 I’m definitely going to have to fill up on bombs again don’t really want to use the ores I’ve got for it because I need them to go towards kegs okay also a good chance for us to drop off some loot as well cuz we’ve got

Quite a lot going on in here uh let’s melt some iron now that we should probably have almost enough to fill out the the uh furnaces and we do all right favorite other game probably at the moment it’s tied between Disney Dreamlight Valley or Arc survival ascended those are what I’m playing

Currently off stream when I can and very thoroughly enjoying them I mean Arc survival evolved was um a game that I spent a lot of time on before and I was skeptical about the redo about buying the redo again but actually it’s been really good you missed and then you Tred to run

Away from me a you you lured me with a friend at least it doesn’t last very long I know I’ve missed one down W that’s so many fire quarts I feel weird not picking it up when there’s that many how many games do I have in my

Steam Library I have no idea I’d have to go and look but um I I’m not going to be able to look during the stream cuz we are on a time crunch but yeah that’s not I don’t generally like no in my head at any given moment how many there’s the

Ladder look like we’re not going to be getting any radioactive or today which is sad cookies and gold or I thought that was a lucky ring for a second there run FL 90 come on few more to go um let’s eat the cook cookies and make some

Room I could do with the health anyway it’s getting late yes yes well loot calls oh I just walked straight into the arrow what’s with all the fire quarts today so weird ah oh I’ll take an early ladder along with a freebie not dealing with an infested floor though wow that went

Well probably just going to pass out today cuz why not ladder please there oh my God that’s a lot of rocks come on there’s got to be a ladder under one of those right yep there we go I don’t even care I’ll let you shoot

Me while I pick up this radioactive or I need it charismatic Shard I’m not going home without that um using staircases to help us ladder there we go floor 100 we made it there so now try and squeeze in some smelting before we fall asleep and make sure we bring home

Anything we need uh there’s a lot of stuff that doesn’t have to be up here bring the Horse flute bring the Omni geodes we’ll do gold for over Knight we’ll leave these here and then I’ve got to try and make sure I finish the rest of this Quest tomorrow with

Enough time to go out and hand out loads of gifts so that’s going to be interesting to try and pull off Uh there we go our overnight gold on its way all the geod collected that can go home that can go home anything else that doesn’t really belong here I mean the tools don’t but I’ll come and collect them tomorrow that’s fine we’re ready to pass out we’re

Ready have a minute to have a hydrate also hydration check for all you as well that was the last of my matcha okay next birthday I don’t have to worry until next week oh that’s good it’s Jody’s as well so I can get hers finished um wow Harvey thanks for the

Bill I’m leaving the bo Cho there until the pumpkins are done cuz I don’t need to do any of this oh I missed an entire jelly jar drop all drop home all the things so many things don’t know when you last drank water honestly it’s one of those things

That it’s like it’s easy it is easy to forget about I’ll bring this with me squid inks oh I didn’t mean to pick up the row squid inks ready for oh my god I’ve got so many let’s make sure we get another batch of jelly in

Got to keep up with the money making and then straight to the mines I don’t even care if it’s a bad luck day today I just need to go what is my chest organization strategy um so this one is a lot more chaotic than I’d usually have it because

I’d usually have chests of the same type of thing next to each other um but this one I was kind of like too much in a rush to want to sit and reorganize everything so I color code it so like dark green for me is cropped

Yellow is for forage I’ve got a lighter green for like just like seeds um I usually go like either black or gray for the mines and then the blues for fish I then split my forage up to like desert and desert forage and mushrooms and like fidd with headphones all the

Like odd forage in one place and mushrooms and then all the others in another place I usually also have a flower chest as well when I’m hoarding more but for this challenge I haven’t been hoarding quite as much um so I need bombs staircases hor

Flu can go in there more bums spicy eel triple shots uh I think that’s everything so reorder it and then I think I’m ready to go except for wanting to get some more bars smelted you’re remembering to dream more from the streams hey I mean it’s a good thing

Right that’s that’s that’s how I go but usually usually I have the chest next to each other it’s just this one they’re like I haven’t got time to like reorganize them okay right spicy e Coffee and go 20 floors to go we can do this oh

Yes this must be an all right luck day node straight away I mean it’s got to be at least neutral right work on some of these do I like Poland I mean I’ve never personally actually been so like couldn’t couldn’t give an opinion on like actual place myself but

Like I don’t think anything bad I guess yeah never been there’s a lot of places I would like to visit one day who sneaky slime oh we are trapped in live in Poland and it’s good well I’m glad you’re liking it there I’ll take some free aridium more um overthinking bomb placement once

Again ow or not ow oh there’s two of them I was saying ow in advance for getting here and then I just didn’t I mean by the bomb can I please get a ladder oh there we go squid kid got us these voice boats are actually easier

Than I remember to kill so I’m kind of going for them a bit I mean we have Enchanted our SL forged our sword a bit since then so that’s also definitely helped got to go for those monster SE gos I’m going to regret if I don’t kill them now

Oh there we go well I don’t have to worry about those anymore that’s sorted oh my God yes Radioactive or and a freeb are being spoiled oh my God yeah this is an a right luck day for sure um bomb bomb slimes now I’m going to focus no

Ladder will you give me one no is the hour different I think you are an hour ahead of me from what I remember about the time zone over there so for me it’s currently 20 P 6 in the evening yeah you’re an hour ahead there a freebie on this floor or

Something there’s a lot of rocks to not have a ladder underneath NOP there it is will you give me an arat Trove maybe like I’m thinking I can still get them from these because they’re still giv the same drops as in the Quarry like as all the other drops creepy

Waiting for the crab there we go the pause and wait um trying to prioritize using these cherry bombs as well cuz they’re like obviously not as not as good and I mean they’re okay they’re better for smaller spaces I suppose which I suppose there a lot of the floors that we’re actually dealing

With oh I want I want The Loot Crate two more minerals you can do this it’s horrible when you’re just waiting for that last one thing I feel like no matter what the last thing is always the thing that just stays away for the stupidest amount of

Time right how did I miss that oh I only had Frozen tears I don’t really need more of those anyone else just oh I just walked right into the arrow accumulate a stupid amount of Frozen tears in every playr cuz like if so same get already you you’re kind of annoying there it

Is Chap time for oh I hate that thing nearly every time for me that one is the pain point I think have I got it in this one I’ve got it okay I’ve already got it I can’t believe I still haven’t got a prehistoric handex that’s the bit I’m kind of shocked

About so maybe we might get lucky particularly in winter please cuz there’s obviously more artifact spots in Winter we made it so I should officially now have exactly enough uh or more than enough key gems to be able to buy all the recipes I need all the crafting recipes the only C crafting

Recipe after that that I’m going to need is the CK which I’m not going to be able to get until like quite a lot later got truck along with those house upgrades I really need to smell right I’m going to go sell sell all my spare weapons and

Stuff get rid of them get the extra money you can have all those as well reorder my hot bar cuz I don’t like it uh horse and let’s have a look on here so we’ made good progress on a lot of them there’s there’s some that we’ll probably need to L focus

On a lot closer with the rock crabs the money we’re going to have to do skull cabins for sure we’re a lot closer on the magma Sprites than I thought though I have no idea what that word is I do indeed have a hand in my

Inventory usually find it on the path by the farm near the bus stop I’m just having a really rough time with it I don’t know what’s going on I just find that so quickly usually usually gosh can’t talk right radioactive bars and the rest can be gold even though there’s

More but that’s okay that’s fine I’ll just leave one Idol uh have I got any ores on me that I’m not supposed to yes proud of the amount of cold that we’ve just like ended up g f and the rest of rest of today is going

To be run around and give out the last gifts of the week away all my oh all my mining stuff uh the ginger now I’m going to put in the forage chest cuz I don’t actually need it for this stuff anymore uh the hand is going to go in a

Fertilizer I’m loving the amount of Jes that we currently have going yeah it it’s rough isn’t it cuz like there’s ones that people are like oh that’s pretty pretty easy to get and actually I’m struggling so gift wise who do we have we have Leo oh I had another mango up here

I should probably put that in my hot bar um oh the Jades Jade’s ready for tomorrow this chest is very full like way too full there’s a fishing tackle in here kind of part of the problem there’s nowhere to put it ah I’ve got so much stuff just having a look around if

There’s anything I can just like oh I’ve got another mini fridge okay whatever the fishing tackle is going up here now why is there marble oh that’s cuz my spare artifacts went there isn’t it okay so Leo wizard Jodie Sebastian oh I need to get some more Frozen tears

Out I also need some more purple mushrooms he hello just visited by the Godmother to exchange gifts I hope you had a good time so Bastian jod I’ve been to kobis yesterday wait was that only one gift though here’s the second Harvey Abigail harby Abigail I think that’s

Everyone all right let’s go pause please how to get the horse white without mods um so it’s not like a sppy mod I accidentally swapped the game file oh well I swapped the game file out on purpose I forgot to swap it back so it’s literally like the

File that tells the game what the horse is is literally changed Jade for Sebastian oh we can help with that too because that is more friendship let’s go get get Some Jade wait did we miss your birthday once I two small she going to get exchanged for a bigger one oh my gosh I’m excited for you a new hoodies are always such a fun thing uh let’s go to kobus oh my gosh happy birthday if you miss your birthday I’m so sorry

I need to put stuff in my calendar better that’s part of my problem wait money mone’s full right I always have doubts like as I’m going around and doing stuff I don’t know why I’m sure Jody will be oh wait Sebastian um that also that yay for Friendship um is Jody actually here forgot to check no she’s not I’m sure she’ll be home soon though I don’t think Jody yeah there she is I didn’t think he’ll be home too late then we’ve just got wait did I give a second gift yes I did Abigail

And Leo right let me go see if Leo’s up here because I think he can go to bed quite early sometimes but happy why you’re be away for the beginning of the stream on Wednesday oh my God May should have told us happy happy birthday I’m so

Sorry where am I going in here Leo doesn’t live here What oh Abigail she doesn’t accept gifts when she’s oh that’s so annoying please oh thank goodness and then we’ll do the movie theater tomorrow as well I’m just going to stare at you until you leave this is very important we must give the gift today There She Goes you can’t avoid me by going behind the bush why you got to play a bunch of games I don’t know I thought it was just like um like holiday season things you know after family dinner have fun have the best time I hope you have some good Food an ER bottle oh I know what you mean I’ve been seeing those I’ve been intrigued but um I haven’t haven’t tried one yet I think they’re kind of Smart we’ll go and maybe tomorrow we can go and get some geod done as well cauliflower cheese and Sunday Roost oh my gosh enjoy I’m so jealous I’m so jealous right bananas can go in the fruit chest now I don’t need to carry those anymore uh okay so gifts are all good

The only ones who’ have had one gift now I’m pretty sure that’s a wizard got two Wizards only got one right wizard that the only person I need to give a second gift too now for the week and then we got them all done I need the extra boost for the double Gift the idea is really cool for era if it makes people drink more water how long did they like I need to look at how long the flavor things last or the smell I should say but I actually love the idea there you go I’m trying to think what my next

Obelisk should be and I’m thinking it might end up being the beach one I’m still a little bit off that yeah it’ll be the next W day It’s so relieving though knowing that the gift weeks are getting shorter and shorter with like running around and doing stuff I’ll chop all those down in the morning as well oh sleep nice few grand I’ll take it we’re not really been working on money making for the past few days Anyway okay queen of source what you got fruit salad and oh yeah Jody’s next week say hi to Leah thank you for the coffee and just making sure we’ve kept up with her friendship too because sometimes you kind of get too busy and just like forget stuff

Might even get to the point at the end where if the golden clock is the last thing we have to do oh I can’t help you with that if the golden clock is the last thing we have to do I’m probably going to end up just like selling everything I

Own to like help with the challenge so the next the next upgrade for rubbin actually isn’t it just um 150 Grand now I don’t think I need any materials anymore for that final upgrade no it’s going in the I thought I was standing oh no we’re good I thought I was standing

On the right side I wasn’t on the correct side oh yeah it would have been the literal right hand side 100 Grand oh maybe I should look it up hang on um St do house upgrades back to the wiki because I accidentally close the tab upgrade oh is

100 Grand not 150 why did I think it was oh I’m mixing it up with 150 hardwood that’s why that’s why and um I’m going to fill the house with kegs again cuz it’s like Tradition at this point really excited to see the hoodie right we got these in

Here so how many kegs can we make another 31 next wind day is looking good what are we short on Oak resin that’s going to be refilled next week anyway yeah we’ll go see Robin we’ll go get the we’ll go get the upgrade the obelisks can come later

Because like the only other one that I’m like wanting but not for Perfection reasons really is the desert one that’s the main other one I care about the rest of are kind of just like I have them cuz I have to although usually I end up with the um ocean the beach one

First cuz I don’t have the bananas but this time I I got like nothing else mattered until I got it so any of these empty no all right the fridges are just going to have to do what they’re doing um move those the kitchen will just be chaotic everywhere

Else we’ll be covered in CS so maybe we can have this little room have some furniture in it yeah have some time to chill have a relax you think I’d want to seal it I mean likely grab them sorry I’m removing all the scenery right now when I say one furnace room it’s

Literally like a case of it contains Furniture not like it looks good cuz it does not it just like has stuff it’ll do basically I’m making room for KS which buttons delete uh in the inventory literally the delete key I learned that after watching people speed running hat

Mouse Vanishing is hard I agree it’s because you can’t like turn anything in any direction oh let’s have a look at the friendships because obviously we get the end of week boost so only one heart to go for these two uh jod still got two Jody’s birthday

Is next though so I’m not too worried about her um movie theat the I’m just having a look cuz I think kobis is going to be the the one we take to the movies this week um we’re looking at full mysterium right I actually open crs’s

Tab it might be easier for me to look so if I go down to the movie actually the only movie that kis likes is mysterium so I’m probably going to go yeah I’ll bring kis to the movies easier than other games oh no give me a give me a Sims Furnishing situation any

Day oh yeah and then we might as well get get our gifts out so Leo was I need to go to the island okay let’s just go get the house upgrade done first before I forget and then I’ll come home and sort it it’s so op yeah move objects on always can’t

Not mind you I haven’t played The Sims in a long time like properly and like built stuff yes yes Leo integrating with the community love to see it don’t have time to see it other than creeping in the bush at jazz that’s kind of weird right make house renovations remove

Crib and make house renovations Let’s uh Southern room Corner Room all this keg space indoor Furnishing on Animal Crossing yeah when you can like go into that like literal decorating mode yes any other time difficult you missed the Sims 3 honestly the color whe with the patterns and

Stuff and everything however it was a very laggy game so um what are we doing right let me go to the desert and handle any trading all of those all of those and that’s it my horse is in the way oops I didn’t play as much Sims 3 as I

Thought though I thought I played a lot more of it before I was I was wrong cuz there was like I could have sworn I had this had and played The Sims 3 and then I played it and there were things on it that I remembered but most of it I

Didn’t I was like why why got one more of those and then eight more troves give us our best chance anything to dig out here no oh my God all the mismatching SES yeah that wasn’t ideal at all stairs thank you right let me move the horse out of the way this

Time back on the bus sorry bam it was such a struggle to share one neighborhood SL street with two others on the first Sims oh I never played the first ones but I played um I definitely played The Sims 2 like a lot of the Sims

Too and I think last time I logged into the EA app it said I had 200 something hours on the Sims 4 which like when I thought to myself I was like that doesn’t feel like enough compared to what I feel like I’ve actually played

But I don’t know I don’t know why that is Rudolph has been wondering where you’ve been well I’m right here I’m here it’s all good okay so maybe we don’t go to maybe we don’t handle gifts today let’s go and open geod and stuff I just open these for fun think

So I think we should you play through obsessively honestly understandable uh town took away your computer at some point cuz she your mom was sick of hearing about your Sims lives oh Sims one only had one street you had an expansion with a couple more streets and they were

Identical in everything oh good grief oh whoops got to actually open any of the geod or anything that might help should probably do that first start with these cuz these are the ones I’m worried about so I need the the sword hello um I also need the hand axe

I don’t know if you can get it from this though okay two swords I’ll take a treasure chest okay we’re just going to have to hope for the hand ax later um I know I need to open magma Judes definitely yeah imagine gun to like not

But not only that like the times that you walk outside and there’s a geode in the trash and it’s like G there could be something there that you can put in the museum what why why are you not L Cowboy hello how you doing I still can’t believe the amount of

Times on this sa I’ve said like oh my God I really need this thing and it shows up the second I say It the freaking little ancient dagger sword thing only problem with these is um they don’t fit I mean Clint won’t take them back as in the artifact specifically don’t miss in the jamb right the clad water on biscuit so far you seem to be winning you got

This try to see if there’s anything else in here new and I don’t think there is come on no new thing new thing damn it right let’s go wow one artifact oh I mean it’s still one right it’s still Something and then I just like literally sell anything else that I don’t need well that I can sell anyway kind of a pain oh is that new no I know there’s another blob shaped one did you miss anything super important we did uh another key Quest again I think

I’ve got enough to buy all the recipes now we’ve finished a few friendships as well but like Nothing groundbreaking yes there’s a blob shaped new one can give me the jam right please I’m only going to open these coconuts later when I feel like I really need like when I’ve uh finished with all the geodes cuz I kind of want to for fun nothing Earth shattering yeah pretty Much I mean there’s a couple of these artifacts I’m probably just going to bin because they’re not really worth very much um like even to sell so as well make room and just carry on we’ll have to have a look in a minute exactly what it is I’m

Missing but hey we got a couple of new things and I thought I’d just like open these cuz I’ve got them I’m probably going to set like any saplings at this point I’m going to sell I might as well get the money for them you know all right so before we go

Donate pause please I might as well go grab the strange doll that we don’t have yet that’s an easy one to just like say I’ve done you imagine if that fell in the water and then I’d have to like luck out for it in the mines I

Didn’t even know you could get the two strange dolls in the mines until Um I watched 76 T assisted uh joer run it always takes you forever to remember to grab the strange honestly so what’s this oh nice where are we now then we still need prehistoric hand ax and jamb Bri and barite yeah that’s a definitely regular geode and I think the other one’s magma

Geode which is kind of annoying yeah I look up the Handa to see if there’s any other good ways I can get it so bus stop is 4% cindat Forest 3% Mountain 3% Trove I’ve just been really unlucky with digging going to go dog setting have fun have fun with the

Poppers more geod on the cards it seems I’m kind of hoping we just end up getting those a little bit naturally do I also need the marble for the crafting recipe I’ve got a couple saved at home got them ready to go so sell all of

Those I sld the Mogan seed cuz I’ve got so many happy to add another crystarium to the collection though I’ll wait until it’s um there ready again so maybe what I do is first of all we’re going to pop to the island we’re going to buy the recipes and then we’re going to

See um perhaps about crafting everything we have and then the only thing we’ll have left to craft after this is oh not ribs the only thing we have left to craft after this is the cast once the house upgrade is finished I am also popping up to the dig

Site to see if there are any dig spots that might help me with more troes basically and also the Omni geodes help but again well maybe I’ll just use the Omni geodes as Omni geodes now cuz the hand ax I feel like surely I’m going to get naturally at some point

Right clear these out for more spots got the last vertebrae yes we have one we have all the war nuts now all the war nuts are done that is a big milestone that we hit yesterday we freaking did it hat the ostrich it’s in the incubator it there still be some time I

Think it takes quite a long time to Hash doesn’t it hi Leo I’ll still talk to you today even if I haven’t got a gift for you right now we got the last recipe from here yes do I remember the name for it I have it it’s in my YouTube page somewhere I

Know how to get to it cuz I want to make sure I spell it right it’s all good it’s all good and I’ll probably even sleep here tonight Because there’s going to be weed spawning here in the morning and I want to make sure I take care of them before I leave I know the hand ax is usually like I don’t even think about the hand ax I usually end up with like 10 of them and

I’m like can I stop digging these up now but this time I’ve literally not even seen it like at all but I don’t know if I want to use the troves on them at this point basically how much do these cost five no I’ll make them myself it’s

Fine and also it means when I sleep here I’m here for the the new quests in the morning are ready to go how am I doing with stuff okay yeah freaking rubbing it in rude all the pineapples done now yes so I will pick those in the

Morning yeah I’ll go for tros if I have no other choice but I feel like at the moment maybe I’ll use the Omni geodes in place of regular Juds even out the great look yeah that’s the thing this seed is like really wacky isn’t it cuz like some things I’ve had

Amazing luck and it’s been really easy to get stuff that you usually struggle with or like I’ll ask and it’ll appear or like those stupid amounts of clusters of Cinder shards that we’ve been getting what we going what’s going on here Tom car soup lovely yeah this is why I wanted to to

Be here today this is the new weeds spawning day I’m glad I’ve managed to like realize that they do actually appear on a Monday and it’s it doesn’t seem completely random it seems consistently on a Monday they appear so I think that’s like a thing pineapples I’m probably just going to ship

Grab me horse any others around here no we’re good we’re good have a look at new key quests for the week and any that are like overly difficult I’m probably just going to not do now because I don’t desperately need anything skull cab Invasion I would quite like to do

Though so we’ll we’ll do that cuz I need to go to skull Cavin again at some point anyway and that’ll give us an excuse to do it so we’ll have to keep an eye on the luck for the week but not today because I’d rather use a full day for

That so sell those and then if if I saw Leo here earlier does that mean he’s here now as in like here last night cuz he was here late so I don’t know if he would have gone home or would he have stayed here in his little treeh house

Cuz sometimes he does doesn’t he one way to find out there he is nice and today we’ll probably use as a gifting day get me to the dig site please I’ve only really started making proper use of the parro express like as much as I

Should wait do I have wait I don’t have my pan I forgot I left it for all the geod opening why is it only when I’m at Ginger Island I forget my pan of all the the times yeah I didn’t really know that either I think it was this playthrough

That made me realize that but no cuz they usually yeah new season but um specifically on Ginger Island it seems to consistently be on a Monday like the other Mondays as well oh it’s blackbery season not going to obsess over the blackberries I don’t think I need to uh Judes yes

Please M was just about to put me on some dinner oh I might actually have to get up shortly and um have a little bathroom break cuz we have been hydrating and also I mean it has been 3 hours can’t down this I’m incess puzzle it does suck even filming isn’t helping

Your mushy brain oh no that does make things difficult I I totally get that though uh this would go in here but I can’t fit it maybe some of these I can oh I don’t need all this aimi I don’t need it at all I don’t really need any of it

Really okay gifting day but first oh cranberries I’m trying to make sure I at least keep up with the regrows okay right I’ll be right back I’ll be about 2 minutes little BFRO break have a hydrate while I’m gone and uh I’ll see you in a minute Right I’m back you love the Simon say puzzle I think for me it’s just like a case of getting lucky with the patterns and sometimes I do it by like listening as well H in and Dame almost passed out in the cave I’ve I’ve definitely done that I’ve definitely done that

Okay let’s go so gifting day who who do we have we have I’ve already been to Leo so wizard Jodie Harvey Abigail kobus oh look how short that is Wizard jod Harvey am I out of horseradish prob pumpkins right am I imagining that no I’m not imagining

That Abigail pumpkins are in the in the chest over here and I’ll also go get a I know what I need to do as well hang on uh what was I here for again a pumpkin I want to see if I’ve got another rabbit’s foot cuz I want to get the lucky

Charm the special charm I haven’t done that yet oh my God that’s so many truffles nice one pigs nice one a sequence of 12 good grief that was a quick break I had to um make room for more hydration uh Michael just put my dinner

In and uh that’ll be here so oh when of the things uh or the thing wait my dinner is going to be at least in part the potato Gratts we were talking about the other day the ones that Michael Lake got really excited and like had to grab

Some from the freezer and come and show so I I get to show you those today right Horse flute they’re cheesy ones yeah you’ll get to see them they’re just so good I can’t even explain it I’m going here to get the uh tickets first oh I need to check for special

Requests also however I don’t technically need any of them for Perfection anymore hello rabbit foot thank you for the charm thankfully the only film that’s on right now is the one that kobus actually likes I don’t need to talk to any of you anymore stretching would be good good point I guess

Like I mean I do still stretch in the process of like going to and from but there’s not not much of a distance thousand pieces of stone no midnight cop no I I’ll accept Robin’s resource rush just in case do I have the stone chest recipe I think

I’ve I’ve done it okay oh that made me panic for a second but then I thought like actually no cuz I’ve looked at my um I looked at Star do checkup yesterday Eric hello what are we up to we are currently gifting we’ve only got a handful of friendships to go now

Surprisingly I don’t know how that happened well I know how it happened but like that was the one thing I was worried about normally I hide myself from humans but I have an idea I’ll meet you at the theater later this is adorable right R comes with a adorable

Disguise do you sell anything cool on a Monday ah slime talking about that earlier weren’t we oh hello Harvey how kind of you to present yourself so conveniently here you go have a coffee and then we’ve got jod and Abigail going to hand out gifts going to

Go see a movie you did it finally oh the puzzle C for experiment we help with that why am I here again Abigail is Abigail even here right now probably not probably out maybe in the forest or at Sebastian’s Place freaking proud of you that is painful ah Jody here you

Go right let’s look up where Abigail is right now if I can spell so it’s currently 4 it’s a Monday at the peer do I have no I don’t I was hoping I had some warp totems on me got lucky with the final sequence yeah that’s the one making sure you get

A lucky one of them ooh finally right no more Crab Pot fish for us so that that is now all the Crab Pot fish taking care of so now we just need the glacier fish the tiger trout the angler and the puffer fish so that’s going to be Ginger Island that’s going

To be pretty easy to knock out raining and I can either wait for winter or do magic bait I’ll probably wait for winter actually at this point cuz I have to wait until winter for the recipes anyway oh you’re on that side of course you are here you Go going to take a ride out home first and go and grab a CP for the wizard cuz that’s really convenient that we need that for friendship you’ve never competed the okay that is a it’s a it’s a good feeling the first time you get there it is worth

It but it’s also painful it it really is like a lot of the time just down to luck of the pattern in my opinion cop cop cop and then then movie SL wizard then movie we’re also given an actual gift as well don’t even need the um parts from

That cut scene from Penny cuz that friendship is oh no um having doubts Penny’s full yeah okay I always like forget like I’ll be like oh yeah that friendship’s full until the second I like see something and then I doubt it suddenly for some reason I don’t know

Why I reckon we’re also going to end up with the hand ax in Winter as well from all the boosted artifact spots that are everywhere right gift for you a gift and also a fish and that’s a full friendship that’s another one done so no more

Gifts for you Gus wants a lobster I may or may not help you with that I don’t really need to so that just leaves the Leo’s got to be close Jody’s birthday’s coming up so that’s all right we’re about to take kobas to the movies come on

Horse I feel like I should do a lap of this area just in case of a little little lucky dig spot situation I’m kind of ignoring a lot of the black Brees as well because like I’ll get some but I’m not going to dedicate my time to just getting blackberries at this

Point hopefully I haven’t missed any so far you imagine oh I’m not going to ignore a panic SP either though at the very least bonus ORS are a good thing anything here no well we tried yeah I think that’s going to be a winter job

Just got to try and get to the theat well the theater closes at like 9: right so I’ll make it in plenty of time but it has been on one one occasion that I have gone to the movie theater and it’s closed and that hurts

Hello me saying hello to a lit door that is guy is so cute uh I will take the licorice please there are crows in here why are there crows in here can you recognize me if anyone approaches us you do the talking okay I will we’re all good it’s going to be

Fine I got you a treat and everything have a drink while we watch the movie not really going to watch the movie but like hey Abigail Sam and Sebastian why is Sam standing mysterium a faint still wet in the dark the desolate unknown void of space where Untold Horrors

Await that is an eyeball oh that is very much an eyeball and that’s a pyramid uh hedge Hedgehog a variety of disjointed other worldly SE play out what skeleton this is such a weird film you must tell your friends to see mysterium tonight what I will visit you in your sleep what is

Steing know shadow people are like that snacking on some licorice really enjoying it black licorice enjoy enjoy well I feel like that movie was more of an ad to see the movie than be the actual movie I’m so confused s Sam literally sit down I’m not used to wearing clothes it’s very uncomfortable

Oh well what’s that done for us that’s actually boosted us like a basically a heart I mean true but can bis even see through Sam I mean like kobis is also another other worldly creature nice I’m glad we’ve done that so I’ll have to check the TV tomorrow

For um the luck and if it’s not raining tomorrow the weather I’m going to have to decide what to do I guess if it is raining I will priori even if it’s raining I mean if it’s a good luck day as well I’ll prioritize skull Cavern so let’s see what

Happens actually before we do that let’s go buy some more bombs oh and let’s get the Jelly in as well ah sound glitch again today what’s going on with that that hurts my ears oh the jelly really was just done like just done G to heart was gr has but lost respect

To Sam honestly honestly and like of all the SE could you not just sit AC like there’s only five of us in a movie theater that could fit like 20 people go sit somewhere else wow it really did go through all of my ores all the stuff from the surface take

It to your people take it from people during the night don’t steal stuff okay take them out my hot bar I don’t trust myself and I need to check if I should have some more rubies for spicy eel tomorrow cuz I think I’ve used a lot of mine up

Although I’ve got the magic rock candy as well so I probably will be all right if I use both of those as in like one after the other not at the same time obviously um Okay add those to the collection and go to bed right then luck how we looking just

Got here what did you miss not a huge amount of significant progress we’ got a lot of friendships uh making their way up there to not having to gift or anything anymore yay f is arrived thank you thank you very much it’s oh it smells so good um I have kind of can’t

Really tell what they are so let me show you first the food we have the things on top are crispy pancakes with cheese and ham in them and underneath are the grattin the two potato grattin which they look like circles at the moment but that’s a going to be enough food to

See us through the end of the stream rude indeed I I promise I am I had I had something like healthier before so it’s not raining today is it going to rain tomorrow rain all day perfect uh I had avocado toast for for lunch extra luck okay skull cabins it is

Looks delicious smells incredible but I’m not going to be able to eat it for a while cuz it’s going to be too hot okay drop those all off don’t need any of you um I don’t really need the black breeds either I’ve got so much Stone going on in here what the

Heck all right those can go in there then I need that those that those those those those those uh um more space at e do I happen to have like a weird quantity of extra food in here no not really that’s okay that is absolutely fine I will get H

One more Ruby right have I got everything I feel like I’m missing stuff I like to get myself like organized before I go right stairs normal bombs something like that let’s go we’ll trade some more spicy eels and then get going let’s get some more radioactive and aridium or maybe some more prizes

Would be nice too Cactus fruits they also really help with healing worth my time to pick these up and just checking that yes okay I just wanted to make sure it wasn’t the hungry challenge one and I’ve just brought all this food for no reason

Right let’s do this let’s do this I’m so excited I’ve been craving skull Cavin obviously started oh look at that started this saying that I’ve got the edge today I mean yeah I think I think we got some good luck going on today now I see

Some nodes down there but I want to try and prioritize like semi- prioritize floor 100 first and also we’ve got Crusaders so we can actually work on these mummies cuz that’s another important one for us to do today oh straight away 11 levels yes ow oh my God they take off so much

Health Cactus frots are really nice if you don’t have much else wait uh put them there you always use crystal fruit oh that’s a good idea oh let me kill this one Mommy uh dino I didn’t just try to sort of freaking I I should just cut down a mushroom I might just skip this one infested floor I’ll do a couple just for the progress on the monster stay goals but that’s it okay lots of good crits going on here

For it oh sorry I didn’t mean to leave you behind slime I feel like it’ll be silly not to take care of these bats ow cuz we are very close on this goal too right that’ll do uh of course it’s the one that I’ve mined that me a sec my watch is just

Not correct on my wrist there we go I kept on like pinching my wrist against the watch band and the desk at the same time and it was kind of sore purple mushrooms are might other goto uh heal food the long ones are scary but if you

Can hit them on the tail they can’t really do much to you like so hit them in the back end long Furbies that’s a lot of mummies I worry about these a little cuz they hurt like quite a lot om please thank you ruining fures for people look at the loot already what’s

Going on please please please please please please I want those crates really want those crates oh there’s a fby there as Well don’t accidentally go down the ladder oh yeah I do also want the um the ore over here freaking long Furbies I can’t believe that that’s so funny I’m really happy I Enchanted for crit chance now cuz it really is working in our favor so many mummies what’s going on but they know

That that’s one of the ones I need to work the most on I’m being trapped in by ladders oh oh that hurt like a lot and that’s why I like the cactus fruit cuz that gave me quite a lot of Health Back oh take regular Furbies and make them long that sounds so weird why oh a triple shot ran out Horrible this is doing us really well for the Omni Judes that we need need I will say all right I guess I’ll take this ladder if you’re going to just hand it to me like that Lisa Lisa hello until what time is today’s stream um 10 p.m. UK time it’s currently half 7

So roughly 2 and 1 half hours depending on how we get on uh tomorrow will probably start even earlier than we have today and the day before treasure okay I’ll take more boms not not the best I would have preferred maybe like you know an auto or something but that’s fine I

Guess hey there’s a hole but I want to also take advantage of some of these bats come on come over here and you all of you over here around you all up still don’t know how we haven’t got to the monster s goal on this one but here we are

Uh I’ve got so much cloth what the heck always drop two when with the burglaring we’re doing really well with them aren’t we we’ve already got 30 today and we’ve like sort of hardly started really oh do baby slimes count individually for um monster Slayer go away that’s a very long serpent hello

Right I mean that’s just unnecessary come here take you no ladder up there don’t know why I went through all that stuff cuz I don’t it’s just Stone I mean I suppose I need stone for Robin’s Quest um also noticing I’ve got some emeralds on the

Floor uh we’ll get the stone if we need to okay ladder sometimes you just got to cut your losses with the time uh come here get that Dino these both oh yeah they are look at them of course they’re both crabs crab cakes I actually want them uh

Clay nope still didn’t get them there we go there it is radioactiv so many Ghosts a point now where I’ve got more than enough staircases that if I run out of time because I’m doing all this stuff then I can just staircase the way down but I’m going to try and avoid that if possible uh let’s also Swap this out oh okay uh spiral

Floor so much crab cakes I actually need them though so I’m happy with that uh let’s just skip this one oh my God okay uh we’re actually going to do that oh are we though yeah we’re going to do this I pause a lot of the time to like look at my health

Um that’s a lot of dinos I think this is going to have us covered for the goal going to take a lot of damage in the process but that’s fine go away bug look at all the bones on the floor just left absolute chaos in the in the in the

Background I’ll come back to you o okay both my things have run Out give me the speed boo back pick up the bones for the bone Mill I’m not that fuss on those at the moment there’s so much other loot that I want loot Goblin problems right now basically we did it right um see that still wasn’t even enough for the for the

Monster CLE I’ll be interested to know how much that contributed because it got it has to have been a lot it is a lot of free fertilizer but other loot I suppose I’ve got enough of these all right I’ll pick up like one type of bone so we’ve got

Something cuz there there is quite a lot there we go 17 17 ribs I do indeed stream I’ve been streaming most days throughout this month as well um I don’t usually stream this often I usually stream about twice a week for the most part but I do enjoy streaming very very much

Uh can I I keep on thinking like oh yeah hit hit the target and then run I know there’s crates down there but I can’t be bothered and yes welcome in welcome in Indeed sometimes it just doesn’t place I think it’s cuz I walk over the tole simultaneously uh this is where it gets difficult amethyst I think I’ve got enough of those I mean eventually I’m going to have room for more um loot once I’ve eaten once I’ve eaten that cactus fruit

But I’m kind of trying to save it for when I like really need it can you have all the bones you need the fertilizer you’re welcome to um try and try and find and pick up the spare bones what a struggle minus treats maybe I’ll get rid

Of freaking full diamond yes pleas is oh go up there because ow aridium oh I don’t want to deal with these serpents not the idian bats either don’t have I just hit the bat go without even realizing maybe oh absolutely not dealing with a swarm Kelly thank you so much for the5

Super sticker that is a very cute super sticker I very much appreciate you thank you so much right now’s probably the time to eat our Cactus room I’m about to damage myself again but that’s fine nice come back here I need your Omni Jud thank you I’ll come back to that

Slime the loot is calling uh over there that’s not where I meant to place it I just panicked okay that’s fine I will be grabbing these though where are we 64 and at 720 we got a bit of time that’s a lot of Crates so satisfying I’m really enjoying being able to get through the mummies with the sword alone happy holiday choice thank you so much happy holidays to you two uh heal something might just skip this one floor not the double ladder that’s a lot of ghosts what the

Heck yeah line up line up to be sliced how do you kill the mommies with the sword only uh you need the Crusader enchantment I’m just moving that food out of my way to not accidentally eat it in panic at least it wasn’t a triple ladder good point good

Point yeah going to help me with the monster Slayer goals like immensely I thought it was worth it for me lots of good enchantments for the swords but this one in particular I think is was pretty crucial to this play through uh I am going to skip this floor though like no I’m

Good uh rebeat the end a watchful eye on my health reminded to like the stream in hydr yes uh if you’re enjoying yourself today don’t forget to hit the like button it does help us out a lot and it’s a good little freeway to support the channel and um yeah definitely get a

Hydrate I shall definitely hydrate after this skull Cavin run or any skull Cav run actually worth hydrating always after these lder hello please give hey there we go mommies are sorted so let me just get of here now I don’t have to wait for those

Anymore some of them are I do still kill cuz like why not you know and also if they’re in my way I’m going to not like ignore them just now the main focus is getting to floor 100 SL loot 75 another treasure oh pry I’ll take that oh

Gosh Dino eggs cuz we’ve got a supply of them at home don’t overly need that enel out of Pringles I’ve never heard of them we don’t get all the fun flavors though I did pick up some Pringles today in the Christmas food shop I grab some

Um I just grab some salted ones cuz I’m planning to eat it with my alioli dip oh yeah definitely here I see a coal bag but I’m not going to go for it cuz it’s far away uh here they really do taste like Angel do they have any like kind of artificial

Cheese flavor in it cuz if they do that would probably be like the deal breaker for me I suppose they kind of have to right okay I think this floor is a bit much I was going to try and go for oh look at all that gold I was going to try

And go for more aridium and stuff but not happening not worth the risk Sometimes okay there’s a lot of bats on this floor I think this one’s a SK oh never mind slime got me out of there okay we’re going this way a whole pineapple oh I do love pineapple ah too many too many too [Laughter] many no thank you I’m good I don’t need that

Many all right I’m looking at the time it’s almost midnight so we need to get a move on oh that’s a shame I see any holes okay I’m not going to not grab that area is infested of course it is staircase the rest of the

Way and then after that I can just like loot to my heart’s content okay though this I’m not missing out on okay that was worth it that was worth it I on year to I’m on full year to there we go what we got oh my God are you kidding me Mr key

No freaking CA seeds terrible now um I didn’t mean to put a bomb there I meant to put it a bit further in that direction that’s a lot of mummies kind of satisfying kind of hoping for I was kind of hoping for I’ve not had very good good luck with Prismatic

Shards on this save I will say usually have a lot more by now oh manages to nail the gift I do love that there was an entire just an entire pineapple in there look the cookies on the ground maybe I should just just have a little cookie snack whilst we down

Here I think there’s a ladder down there yeah I mean that one has key gems in it favorite kind of slime are the ones with the loot inside and I can do more crab cakes please thank you come over here nope not getting that oh I did just about oh that last second

Serpent kill this has got to have had like a huge impact on our monster sa goals we completed the mummies definitely um but the rest we should have like a huge amount of difference on right Jody’s birthday I think is now tomorrow let me just triple check with

The queen of source cuz I don’t think I’ve oh I did I did miss a recipe okay we did miss a recipe PA pineapple chocolate bar roasted bag uh bag of roasted almonds cute candle and some cheese that sounds amazing all the food and with that let me grab a mouthful of my

Dinner so it’s like got like sliced potatoes inside but absolutely oh okay first pumpkins in absolutely one of my favorite foods ever right let’s put away all of our mining supplies cuz we have stuff to do today pumpkins right food is going to have to start going in there

Now um yeah I’m going to sell this I’ve got so much cloth do I just keep it feel like I should just keep it for now I think I will anything else these I’ve only got one triple shot espresso left sad times sad times right I desperately need some more pumpkin seeds for

Sure the pumpkins do look so good don’t they thank you for the two and a half grand for all the quests L has found us last night and um oh let’s go grab all of us out of our chest as well giant pumpkins into giant Jacko lanterns would be incredible

So ax just in case oh and where’s my Horse flute there oh it’s raining as well today and I need to catch the tiger trout I might have to wait for a different rainy day all right I think Pier should just no no doesn’t he leave the counter soon okay

Let’s just do this first we’ll do what we can basically ideally I want to speed grow those pumpkins I don’t think I’m going to be able to I think I’m going to have to just wait until the last day of the season so that they line up with the

Others now I need to ship one of them ship one of them and the rest I’m keep it for cooking I’ve got enough B Choice never mind oops keep in one AR TR for maybe the fair I guess I keep the B choice too uh in there in you go

And yeah I guess let’s just like okay first of all maybe we do get a move on with the extra fertilizer I might get some bonus speed grow here there is every chance o am need a scye and at least today I’m pretty sure I can absolutely hammer out I’ve got like 600

Pumpkins so the task for shipping 100 of them is going to be like just I’m just going to be able to get it done today easily but first let’s just pause on that and go and get more seeds cuz Pier should be open by the time I walk over there or ride over

There wizen Along on Rudolph mouth bass no it’s Wednesday but he’s open 7even days a week once the community centers complete uh uh so I need like I didn’t have enough last time so I’m going to buy a stack a Jacko bonfire that’s funny let me get another

Mouthful of food I mean I’m so hungry all right let’s go so I start doing the whole like walk along and Plum um no because it’s so expensive and I need quite a lot of it to cover the amount of area that I do oh monitor please don’t shut off there we go

Um so I’m just going to I guess Hope from it for I’ve completely lost oh no I think I just land on my volume again I did I will get some more tomorrow just like in prep for future but for now it’s fine I feel like I should probably knock

One of these down cuz I feel like this is kind of excessive for the amount of money we need to make so we’ll have those spots back we are indeed gring hard for the golden clock however once it comes to the point where we’ve done a lot of the

Stuff that fills each day up if it’s just money left it’s going to be a lot of sleeping and waiting for money instead of like playing out every day when I don’t need to so that is the bit that has like got me like okay maybe maybe it’s still possible we still

Have over 2 hours left of this stream so we should be all right we should get quite a lot done today also this alone like these Harvest alone are going to help a lot and my wine is starfruit wine which I’ve been getting like 500 Grand a week and that’s only going to

Increase one section down two to go and I will be keeping quite a lot of pumpkins to pickle cuz they they’re also good money I don’t know though because I’ve got enough jelly and stuff so maybe I just sell all the pumpkins as they are but today alone we’re about to get at

Least 500 Grand our house is now fully done right or is it no it’s not I still got one more to go wait house Farmhouse am I being dumb I think I still got one more 100 Grand wait did I not do that already am I being am I getting confused

Maybe she just hasn’t sent me the recipe yet or I don’t know I’ll have a look in a minute I can’t remember if I’ve done it yet I need to check on the ostrich also that reminds me make sure I get the spelling correct okay cool got it up ready

Can’t tell if it’s quicker for me to harvest and plant or if it’s quicker for me to walk and plant and harvest simultaneously I don’t know considering bones un Haven as a Christmas present but you can’t tell if the combat is strategy Focus or spam swing um it’s pretty

Much to an extent from what I remember it’s mostly spam swing but you have to like make sure your gear is good enough if that makes sense um also I mean some of the combat is kind of like you do have to think about it but also there’s like a lot of good

Spells and stuff which is like the fun twist you can add spells to help with your damage and they do make quite a big difference Feel like even just in my head this is faster somehow so I’m going to do it this way I’m more likely to miss a spot when I do it this way but faster to real lifetime to pick a bunch then plant faster and gain time to

Hold the Seas and plant as you pick okay I’m going with real lifetime here so let’s just Harvest them all and then go for it the real lifetime matters way more to us does the what time does the tiger trout leave today whilst I’m doing this if someone

Could let me know that would be wonderful if not I can look it up shortly I don’t mind I don’t mind looking it up but if any of you just happen to know let me know yeah this does feel a lot faster to do it this

Way even just like for my brain and that’s the bit that makes the task less sort of Tedious hey another giant One excited to play honestly it’s a really good game um there’s also a lot to it so like definitely cut yourself some slack for the sheer amount of content there is to do like there’s so much to do and I think they’ve only added more since I’ve last played it

So um prepare yourself you’re in for a wild ride with so much to do oh yeah I forgot that these aren’t going to be ready until the weekend so now I’ve got some seeds ready to go for when this lot is ready um and when they’re ready as well

I’ll set up the rest of the sprinklers down there I was debating cutting it down but I don’t want to I don’t want to I want I want the um I want the I want the giant pumpkin if we get to an end we might

Just do it then but not right now I’m good I would like to keep more all right that’s all done so I got regular speed grow coming out of there how dare what about these feet so four Pumpkins I’m going to keep some of them you’re waiting so long about the

Value of getting Sun Haven or not yourself those kinds of games but it’s also overwhelming for your poor brain the easiest way to like do it is my hair here um easiest way way for me to describe it is like I would say if I was to like go into it

Fresh with a bit of knowledge of like how to approach it follow the main the parts of the main story that will get you to unlock the new areas pick one favorite and like do that one in depth for a while AB thank you so much for hanging

Out I hope you have a good day I’m going to keep a lot of P keep some to ship I mean to process I don’t really need to but I would say it’s like stardo in a way but like if if if stardo is like a farming

RPG Sun Haven has a little more emphasis on the RPG part like in my opinion it’s pretty easy to like make a load of money on that game so that very quickly becomes like pretty stress free yeah it is it is a lot and I’ve heard that a lot is that like some

People are put put off by how overwhelming the game is but like I guess it’s the point is that it’s meant to have a lot of longevity isn’t it like there’s so much you can do with it and I think also the other point was that I think another part of the

Emphasis was also on the Co-Op part right see if I can get up to Robin before she closes and get that house upgrade in cuz I thought I did that already I guess I didn’t I must have forgotten at some point somehow plus I need to go to the

Mountain anyway to pick up uh all of my Oak resin I think I planted too many trees well eventually there might not be too many trees but right now it’s too many trees oh that’s right I came here and made the rooms and I went to upgrade UPG the house and didn’t

Do it that’s what happened oops talk for points so much joke resin I’m probably short on I mean I’m definitely short on something ums I don’t know what it’ll be we soon find out but we did add another 30 something earlier in the week so this should be you know another 70

Bottles of wine next week is going to be a lot oh yeah it’s yeah it is it is just so much content and the fact that obviously only came out like fully last year so they’re only going to add more so that’s kind of a lot it is kind of a

Lot uh okay so it’s going to be oh I’m out of wood okay so I won’t make I’ll make as many kegs as I can make today and then I guess next week I’ll get more kegs in fact what I might do is go and

Get wonder if I can catch Clint in time to get an axe upgrade in I should just about make it no not if I do that cuz like even though this isn’t you know essential it is going to make wood tripping quicker wine time also we’ll grab the ancient fruit

There’s probably going to be star fruit ready yeah I will do that tomorrow because Sandy I need some speed grow to just kind of have it the ready I’m just going to start selling my ancient fruit now because I’ve got enough other stuff to process I think we’re going to be fine

Definitely going to be a good money day well it’s going to be at least half a million so we should be able to get another obelisk in the bag very soon probably prioritize the desert one next actually so maybe a bit longer than I thought but

Still and I really need to get some stuff smelting as soon as possible too because we’re going to need uh basically the bus for a lot of things really there we go um let’s finish off this little this little bit Star Wine is just so good oh I

Missed an entire row what am I doing hello oh I’ve also done it wrong no I’ve placed them wrong oh I’m going to have to redo that next week that’s going to bug me so oh I’ve noticed that now and it okay fine can’t do anything right now I missed a whole row

Here H okay it doesn’t matter for right the second anyway it’s okay trying to convince myself that it’s okay also not to forget to put that one in there 200 bottles 200 one day complete so tomorrow prep before I go to bed I want to I think I’m going to go part Omni

Judes and part not Omni JS for artifacts so I’ll use those we’ll give it 30 cuz I have to go to the desert for Sandy this is for Jody’s birthday can’t even get my agos open tomorrow anyway what else is there that I need to do

Tomorrow oh I want to go and check in here first do we have ostrich yet this is the wrong building the wrong building I just saw eggs and C you know I feel like that’s an easy mistake to make there it is So ostrich is dedicated to Hana after yesterday’s generosity welcome to the CP nope the barn is a barn enjoy your stay I would pet you but you’re asleep uh oh the offer as large go as milk I think it is wait panicking there it is

Now we just have to wait for I know what to grow up for our first egg and final thing to ship right so we can actually start making cheese again go to bed Quest completed 830 Grand from our pumpkins and our wine and an extra 17 and 1 half Grand as

Well win hello good morning Life’s too short to eat bad food yes thank you for the salad I will keep this with the Mind hi Robin oh this is the wrong chest I wanted to look in here I wanted to see okay I’m going to trade some of my diamonds for

Triple shot espressos uh and then I’m going to eat actually am I yeah I’m going to eat a crab cakes where is it what have I done with them I put them up here haven’t I cuz it’s basically like the point of these is for

Me to just get one out of the chest on some of the days Okay and fishing wise might even try to manage the puffer fish on Ginger Island today so let me check cuz I’m pretty sure that it could still spawn Ginger Island season Ginger island or Seasons basically any any like Ocean between 12 and 4 on Ginger Island except for the

North don’t have three prizes so that’s um rough what’s in here wow another shipping bin I don’t know what to do with this right now so you can just plop in that Gap good night pja thank you for hanging out rpes I don’t know why I got them but we’ve got

Them I’m always so paranoid about using the last things of anything so many shipping bins I do need to go get my eggs at some point I’ve got loads of eggs like ready to go for Mayo for more Money keeping crops to Mi yeah I don’t know I think I’m also worried about like um for like ingredients as well even though I’ve got loads of stuff I am indeed still alive and I do remember you okay uh I’m not going to waste one of these so let’s go find Jod and uh we’ll go and get her a birthday gift can’t help but grab the Maple syr and I guess a couple of black Brees wouldn’t Hurt get that birthday gift done hoping that’s going to bring us near enough complete even if not fully here you go oh there we go we did it it’s fine that’s done so now we need to wait for Pam I mean I don’t have to but you just sold a sizable stack of

Cold to Clint oh no can you buy back with the buy back thing is there nops you can do buy back uh some bows or blackberries um they same health and energy wise I think black Brees are worth more I could be wrong hang on I’m not sure I’m pretty sure black

Bre are worth a little bit more but other than that like food ways they the same they’re exactly the same slowly working my way through my dinner I might have to just beer it back in a minute eat it actually while we’re waiting let’s knock out some

Crafting um most things I’m just going to delete straight away cuz I don’t need to keep them now I’ve crafted those I haven’t crafted that wood is the thing I’m low on at the moment so that’s not helpful I don’t even have my axe but we can do what we can I’ll keep

That I hate that we have to craft a wormmon slime press we’ve done the crystarium I guess I’ll keep the fertilizer I’ve crafted that I know I’ve crafted those so I’ll get that there me thinking like hey let’s use some time and then remembering that

I’m sat here on this screen that will be paused and I’ll come back to the ones I’ve missed a later done that I would have done all the seeds did not need another Mountain totem get through all of these I’ll keep oh no I’ve already crafted well bait whoops crafted

That the tackles I can sell quarts or fire quarts probably the fire quarts cuz the red is fun done that rings I’m probably going to try and sell to Maron I’m out of iron oh no right there oh you can sell the drum blocks I didn’t know

That make him in clutch with the extra knowledge uh I haven’t had any of this fertilizer yet and then uh my chest is just getting clogged up with like rubbish where I’ve just got nowhere to put it all which is I guess it’s kind of where

I end up throwing stuff away these are going to be sold right and I could deconstruct them but I’m too lazy to go buy one Just so I can get them done basically out with refine oh dwarf gadgets do I not have any okay we need another dwarf Gadget I forgot about that in that case let me grab some more of these think we should definitely add some priority to Omni Judes uh artifact Tres heavy Tapper I’ll

Keep opper I will also keep magic bait I really need crafted those already that’s to sell GE Crusher I don’t really we’ve got it now I guess ah I’ve got another chest here we go my extra junk can go in there so what I’m probably going to okay

I’ll wait until they’re done one of The Hoppers is going to go on um these bone Mills to make my life a little bit easier e bug steak I think I’ve done most things here now cool what we’ve made progress basically is what I trying to trying to do here to the bus

Stop perfectly timed Pam few of them 10 of them off to Sandy to buy some stuff AR spot joju multi-purpose detergent I mean that’s the kind of thing I wouldn’t know I’d be surprised if it I feel like icing um I did also want to buy some

Starf fruit seeds whilst I’m here I’m going to need some more um also speed grow just to like have on hand Dr Bronner soap I don’t even know well I know it’s I mean clearly it’s some sort of soapy substance but as far as my knowledge goes Lots done at the desert

I wasn’t going for very long Rudolph all right let’s have a look in here I want to see if I had any other star fruit seeds and I don’t so I wasn’t sure if I mean I might have left them on Ginger I probably left them on Ginger Island I just wanted to

See uh right I’m going to keep the speed GR on me because I need them for um need for ginger Island those are for another day I’m not doing those today cuz Clint has got my axe until tomorrow let’s get some some more star fruit down and I think I’m going to sell

The gold ones today just for a bit of a boost I’ve got the whole of Ginger Island to go and do this as well kind of a guessing game when it comes to I mean obviously before in the to-do list I usually like I usually write what day these

Crops are going to be done but um I don’t actually know I think I need more than 200 why did I think 200 was enough I’ve got the whole of Ginger Island to plant up well we’ll see what happens I think I’m also going to change my foraging profession overnight so I

Can get more wood from trees you can you can indeed move the greenhouse and then I’m going to get speed grow on all the star FR that isn’t okay so maybe I didn’t have I had enough anyway so these I’ll come and collect like any other star r that isn’t ready yet will

Be collected once this next batch has grown try not to accidentally pick up that pineapple this time so that I can line up the dates that they’re ready so speed grow all the speed grow not on the pineapples though they don’t need it flash I don’t want

It hopefully I haven’t missed too many spots in doing it this way cuzz I kind of it’s really hard to see under like when there’s already crops if I’ve speed grown them or not and obviously one of the things I used to rely on UA info suite for was like

Hovering over the spaces as I do it to see the like number of days go down but I can’t even do that so we’re just going to have to hope for the best trying not to accidentally get the pineapples with it because that’ll be a waste I saw an artifact

Spot go away I don’t even want to look at you I’m not touching that and let’s go have a look on Mr key shop if there’s anything I can grab that’s going to help us and I think I’m I think I’ve got all the recipes and stuff I need so I’m wondering I’m

Probably going to get me’s missing stock list all the neat crops after that mod yeah I know we did the key Quest today I don’t know why I doubted that excuse me yeah I had 80 star star fruit seeds here Co good to know once again we’re going to do a

Little check of the dig site check the Perfection meter good point good point let me go I need to get into better habit of doing that I know I’m still really far away but you know we did just knock out half the crafting I just need a load of wood basically at this

Point so shipping 99% um still got three of the list to go golden clock want to say hero we’ve still got quite a ways to go also great friends got a few friends to go not many now still haven’t maxed my fishing level out I want to talk about it halfway on

Cooking still don’t know what the recipes till the end of the uh end of the year crafting we just really got through um fish we’ve literally got like I think it’s like three fish left so H we’re actually doing pretty well I think we’re doing pretty well it’s the golden clock that’s going

To be probably the sticking point going to make this a gift day or evening and um sell though should I just sell all of them no because at some point I’m going to not have enough wine I want to go and see if we’ve got any uh other artifact

Spots here for extra extra Omni geodes extra potential actual fill on troves can happen can happen oh what are you like I’ll always take more Omni juice we’re so close on the museum it hurts but I feel like that’s always the case in any playthrough just being so very much almost

There I could but I still need to fish for some stuff so like I’m probably going to use that as a last resort uh just because like you know if I still have to get some anyway s Los hello long time VOD watch your Channel watch are finally catching

Live your two stream high so you probably won’t stay along because spoilers thank you so much for coming to say hi I appreciate you being a longtime supporter thank you so much I love when people like who don’t usually catch lives come and be able to say hi makes me so

Happy quick check for Leo no I wasn’t sure if he was doing a little visit today get us home to um pick up all of our gifts for the day which isn’t too many now it should be like basically what Abigail what else we got kobis Harvey Abigail Leo that’s literally

It so close on the friendships you’re in the US and you work we hours so you can’t catch usually but been loving the stuff this month thank you so much I’m having so much fun with this series honestly drop all the things might be able to even give in the stock list

Today uh more fertilizer never hurt anyone right starf fruit I’ll deal with a later oh we’ll go up to the adventurers Guild as well and get rid of all of these have I got another one in here that I didn’t want yet also these weapons cuz I’m not going to use

Them so let’s have a look you just Wrestled a nice pit for like many minutes and lost it that’s painful that’s the worst Probus Leo no wait Leo um Harvey and I need to get some amethyst back oh no I can use pumpkins Abigail loves pumpkins right one nice not using the gold Star see if I can catch Harvey first coffee for you probably going to have to start I might actually start giving a rabbit’s fit to Harvey what I’ve only got one it’s a gold star one I have to see what birthdays are coming up and stuff no Abigail no 7:30 p.m. why are

You going to B already damn it going to try anyway oh sake there girl Watch Me Miss Leo now cuz I made this choice thank you for the expanded stock oh I can’t believe I missed that that’s so annoying okay I’ll try and catch Leo first before

I come back and do kobus cuz kobus will always be there Abigail or Hy um I mean I prefer Abigail she’s more my like type of person but like that’s not to say one person is necessarily better than the other if that makes sense is how I like to look at it

Anyway here you go yes another one full just kobus now and I need to go to the Sewer anyway cuz I want to change professions I’ve got a couple that I want to change I want to change my minor one as well can I do two in a

Night or do I have to do them one at a time I guess we’ll find out well no surely quick little Gallop through town we’ll answer all of our questions well my question probably should have done the adventurous Guild whilst I’m up there but that’s okay I think one at a

Time let’s go find out one way to know although pumpkin first taada have the pumpkin I’m not telling anyone don’t worry you’re probably going to be the one that gets a movie this week because you still have two hearts to go can I marry K’s play through um no I’ve already married Leah

And I’m not going to divorce her so I want to change foraging um and I can do mining as well I want to get the blacksmith profession so that if I have spar bars I can just sell them uh does this cut scene give us friendship points I could probably

Check CU sometimes worth doing isn’t it it six hearts yes yes and it’s exciting yes only in self-defense okay cool as long as I say her not to avoid using a sword I guess you’re wondering where I’m in this graveyard at this time well I’m here because it’s the best

Place in town to find some privacy and I’m all sweaty because I’ve been practicing my swordsmanship hey what you think I’m too weak to swing a blade I never said that sorry I guess I’m just a little defensive you see I want to explore the mountain caves but I

Know it’s too dangerous to go there Unarmed you used it all before haven’t you yes and it’s exciting see you understand why I’m out here then I’ve lived in the valley my whole life but I’ve never really done anything memorable I want to go on an adventure debating if I can skip the cut scene after this

Point Abigail’s 14 Hearts is cute I’m excited about marrying Abigail I should be fine now cuz I’ve already done the dialog option uh right I’ve already done this so let’s go Home and then after I go to sleep this night I might just give me like 2 minutes to get some more food in me cuz I feel like I’m eating really slowly like how long has this food been in front of me and I’ve eaten like not

Even a full Graton and a bite of a crispy pancake I need to do better oh all of this stuff look at all these staircases and then more cheese Oh wrong thing nice to get a good amount of Dino Mayo in there cuz that’s um some good money isn’t it right

Jade are gone oh I didn’t go to the adventures Guild okay we’ll do that do that tomorrow we’ll do that tomorrow I have no idea what r that picked I don’t know what just happened there uh minor blacksmith we’ll see what happens I don’t know what did I just do what just happened

It’s like no I’m just going to choose for you gather a Tracker no got do it again now oh that’s so annoying right give me give me 2 minutes let me just um grab some food in me why blacksmith um because if I have any excess bars I want

To sell them and when I sell them I want as much money as possible towards the golden clock cuz once I finish crafting and stuff I’m probably going to be just selling excess stuff bars are useful but I’m my aim is to get to Perfection before Christmas so I’m

Not trying to Ho a load of bars anyway I’ll be right back let me get some food and meat I’m only going to be like 2 minutes have a good rest Amber all right Food All right I’ve eaten only half my food so I feel a lot better so let’s carry on going what should I put okay more cheese more cheese always more cheese basically just trying to get through all of my animal products actually I should probably go pick up all the

Eggs that I haven’t done in a while and I need to check when the next birthday is I haven’t got many friendships left so most of them don’t matter at this point Abigail’s is tomorrow so maybe I’m just going to wait until tomorrow you missed the giant pumpkins yeah we’ve got

We had three over here there was another one there but I was like m i kind want to re more and then we have another one over here as well we have three so far three so far all right that’s so annoying right let me

Let me go to the sewers and just get this done again can’t believe it and maybe we go C the angler today cuz that’s easy I’m really hoping for some rain soon M placeo hello how goes things I hope you hope you’re doing okay I think I’m going to just wait

Until tomorrow because Abigail’s friendship will 100% be finished after this pumpkin there’s no way it’s not finished uh right fishing so I don’t think I’m going to need any food or anything for this and then I need to pick up um no I’m okay thank you a drink check

In uh what was I saying oh yeah so right sewers anglish is my axe ready today maybe probably do I just go full ye on the um aridian one though probably right oh and I need to go smell stuff in the mines today so let

Me make sure I get some ores on me I’ve been meaning to do that for days that’s really bad look at the like this is all just going to waste in here um I need to make sure I keep some of these back for potentially

Crafting but a lot of them need to come with me big pumpkins indeed I do love the giant pumpkins it’s difficult cuz technically I should like be harvesting them and planting more but they’re just too cute I don’t want to I don’t want to I’m not going to do 100% of things

Like perfectly efficiently and um keeping pretty pumpkins is one of one of the things so whil I go to The Adventurous Guild let me do that get some Wars going um I’ve not really touched the Quarry in a while I realized as well oh maybe I should bring

The geod to Clint in the process and what do we get here oh there’s the Savage ring I don’t really need it so so let’s have a look so we did get a few done okay we’re one one bat so the times I was like oh no I just leave the

Bat maybe I’ve hit it already I just I should have just killed one more bat one more bat um six more rock crabs those pepper xes so we must have been I think it was like 10 out of 50 right so we killed like loads loads the

Other day we’re not even halfway on the serpents though that’s kind of concerning so we better work on that very soon I might even try and smush in let’s do one more one more more of these and then we’ll swap out for aridium whilst I’m away actually go get the diods sorry the

Troves also the aridian bars I probably should right I probably should just get it done I’m allowing myself this many ah excuse me pal so I should have left the hats at home as well I might just even I don’t need them I have no reason to keep them no wrong

Place uh town I hope it’s done funny if it’s not wouldn’t it he’s not even here no okay oh I brought the freaking ores with me no disaster disaster today’s a train wreck right still going back to town anyway I still want to go and do the profession change again I forgot I

Forgot I’m so annoyed at the way my game just like freaked out there and just like decided I was Um going to do tracker like no I don’t want to you can’t make me try again I’ll say hello as well okay well in that case what I might do first I’ve just realized what the time is let’s go to Ginger Island and try and catch the puffer

Fish I hope he had a good nap I hope it was a good restful nap and since I’m here with my bait I’ll just fill them just do it I recognize I’m carrying a load of stuff that I don’t need but I’m hoping tomorrow I can just like go in there

Does he go straight from the community center to The Saloon or will he go back to his place first cuz if he go back to goes back to his place I might be able to sneak in there although I can’t say no to this although I can just fish here right

This bottle is trying to okay I can’t even re okay never mind oh there’s a bubble spot is this bubble spot going to let me get the puffet fish though is it too close I think it’s too close isn’t it Horse hat but the horse is too cute the the thing with this

Horse the hats quite work on it properly they kind of like cover half of his face which is really upsetting oh this might be it I can finally give to me CH the puffer fish there it is done now we’ll go get the angler trying to make good use of my

Time the puffers do look cute puffers aren’t needed for recipes are they they’re just like kind of there at least I don’t think they are I could be getting myself confused here no not helping not helping you with that then hi Leo have I given Leo a second gift this week

Yes don’t think so perfect ah this is so inconvenient so I should be all right to just give this one straight to Demetrius all right angler let’s go usually my first let legendary but going to be eating loads of pineapples this weekend with family and

M we got a whole pineapple in our room basket pinea just so good kind of craving pineapple though no I might have to get some can I not be like scratching trash please only Us in dishes that can use any fish okay that’s not for me then pineapple underrated fruit also because

Um after learning the trick of like soaking it in brine for a while to help it not literally digest your mouth quite as much not this angle acting like a c I’ll take it I’m not going to complain there we go so now we pretty much just got the tiger trout and the

Glacier fish which I’m really hoping for some rain at some point soon I could just like force it with a totem I have to craft one anyway so maybe I’ll do that hang on there we go I’m going to talk to you at least mind you I could no cuz her

Friendship would definitely be done tomorrow you love it oh I don’t like it it hurts my mouth uh angle got silver some people decorate pineapples like little Christmas trees that’s so cute two handaxes in one right after the other get banned I’m kidding oh I’m so unlucky with it this is painful

Oh I ran out of room for fish okay well the fish is going to have to start piling up in here now so much Alie copper bars can’t be bothered with the trash clay give that to Demetrius you should be at the saloon later the hand ax is the last thing needed I

Do however need another dwarf Gadget to craft with so that’s fun let me go get all the eggs out actually tiny adorable ostrich can’t cope I’ve not been picking these up oh it’s not even ridian quality okay I’m not picking them up anymore that was a waste of some money

Well I suppose I could turn it into truffle oil I definitely haven’t really been doing that very much I’m just too lazy when it comes to that especially when they are already in quality but with this one I will because I’m also going to need it for the

Totems this is a lot of eggs I think I’m just going to sell no cuz I do end up going through them I was about to be lazy then I stopped myself um the wool however I will just sell because we’ve got a stupid amount of cloth milk we’re pretty much out of

Again and the rabbit’s foot for a gift right let’s go find Demetrius and then hopefully we can catch Clint tomorrow cuz my goodness this is painful oh have I been up to the mine uh I’m Hing the mines has stuff ready no that’s fine I’ll check it again before bed

Horse flute is so clutch I love it another reason I want to get all the cooking and crafting out the way cuz the second I’ve done that I can sell everything uh there here you go thank you very much another th000 gold and whilst I’m at it Gus come on Step It

Up still going to buy more of these for um triple shots having such a rough time with these Artifacts I think what I’m also going to do like unless I desperately need a specific obis cuz I might just wait until I can build all the them at once all right to bed first we oh there anything here I can just handle right now why not distraction basically anything that

Doesn’t have like oh you’ve cooked one underneath it I’m just going to quickly knock out with the ingredients I have cuz why not right I think a lot of the ones that are left over besides these are ones with specific fish needed okay cool yeah just quickly go

Like pop them up all in one I never even crafted the triple shot espresso what doing um all of this food can hang out here for now now we do the triple shots cuz I forgot that was a good distraction though all right Forester lumberjack no

Yes O Level 10 fishing finally pirate oh fish worth 50% more yes I think that’s going to matter more to us cuz at some point we’re just going to have to sell them all right abig girl’s birthday gold ass is ready good good I just wonder where I didn’t get the notice

Yesterday oh and it’s raining as well perfect nice and easy okay so Diamond M thank you for the thing from the male um eggs 1 2 3 four Five and then we’ll just collect that to put away Ly logic yeah cuz usually I go for literally like no questions asked I’ll literally go for the the pirate one I I I literally would’t even have a second thought about it but this time cuz usually I like keep the fish in case I need the quests or

Like this or that but this time I don’t I don’t need to do that oops think I said I was going to allow myself 12 yes and then more fertilizer so got my aridium got these tiger trout should be fine then after that it’s just the glacier

Fish which we can do in Winter we’ll wait for winter for that we got happy girl’s birthday present I’m going to go get a warp totem as well to just to help me out a bit in case they do things like forgetting stuff which I’m going to do Sometimes happy girl birthday present anyone else I’ve not gifted twice it’s literally just Abigail that needs friendship needs gifting and I might as well stop off of the mines and get some more or smelting so we’ll do we’ll do iron this time cuz I’ll be back no doubt uh actually let’s do Abigail’s

Gift first does the tiger trout have a time that it goes away today still can’t believe I haven’t caught one of those not catching red snappers good morning Pierre goodbye Pierre hello I tried to bring you a pumpkin the other day but I’m going to try again so here you go happy birthday

Full friendship completed another one done so who it’s literally just kobis and oh Harvey as well maybe I can just go and drop in and say hi to Harvey 6207 perfect thank you get the slight extra points cuz I’ve already given him two gifts this week we’ll do the geod next

Seven pennies I could pay Seven pennies to catch the tiger trout instantly totally would thank you for the axe also please no I need I need a hand axe and I need a dwarf Gadget please either or both are good thank you for the thank you for the dwarf Gadget that that’s

That one sorted I just need a handaxe it’s all I need little triangular shaped friend that we can donate to the museum the only thing I care about is just this little I don’t even want the Ancien SE Little Triangle give me the stone triangle okay

Well see if we can get the bar right from this then if not I’m going to have to go get more Omni uh artifact troves but hey we got one thing we want so far give me barite and jambite both today please I’m begging you I can give the Limestone to my midnight

Car I don’t really know why I’m keeping that pond around to be honest hey we got one oh can you also boom progress is being made now we just have literally oh the ancient do wait what oh because we got it and never donated it because of the children’s bundle oh I

Didn’t even know that that was really lucky yes the sun is finally here let’s give it a place of its own there we go it deserves a display by itself I can’t believe that we didn’t even know about freaking H can you imagine I just get to the end like why isn’t it

Complete got space all to itself oh good Grief tiger trout come on I don’t want any more fish just a tiger trout today I’m level 10 now so I don’t even need to catch all the other ones I don’t even know what the pattern of the tiger TR is like I know it’s a bit harder than that

Though so annoying that we need still one um one artifact and one mineral like if I just had one I could like either say you know trade all my Omni geodes for troves or um you know just open all my Omni but I can’t do either of those things like on the

Own yeah these fish so far are just not annoying enough are they now I’m really because I have been keeping most of my oh this might be it because I have been keeping most of my fish that I shouldn’t have to worry too hard about um all those recipes with specific fish oh

Please not the catfish I would love this thing to show up at some point today what I really need maybe this could be it please be a tiger trout thank goodness NOP no more fishing out here go go away stop it I don’t want to I don’t want to

Anymore o also I need to pick up seeds for that one recipe so isn’t it like uh oh I haven’t got enough room hang on is that like tulip Jazz spangle bery wait I can look I can look at the recipe why am I just not looking at it

Poppy see I got it wrong don’t there any meme clip going on repeat in your head wait what meme what did I do I don’t even know right spare AR facts that aren’t the dwarf Gadget trying to be careful here that’s for the fish right turn into agency cuz I feel

Weird not doing that oh no Palm computer where are you tendine quartz I have no quartz okay I need to go smell some quartz like urgently I have loads up at the mine so we should be fine uh right seeds for now go where the seeds

Go you can go in here with those and those that can chill here too more fish some more mouth BS I don’t really need but I’m going to keep them anyway cuz you never know this is the point where I get rid of the trash because I know obviously I can um turn

Those into quarts however I’ve only got one recycling machine which reminds me I probably need to craft a recycling machine I haven’t got any wood of course I can’t here you go look at all those splashes that was so Satisfying next round of mayo definitely going to need to either make or buy more trap poers before um before we go to do the glit fish in Winter I need to go look at the quar as well I haven’t looked there in a while and I might get some bonus jards that

Way so mine’s first we’re going to go these cuz we get three per instead and that is a lot that’s going to give us more than enough for what we need uh you know what let’s just have some help with clearing this out I’ve literally not

Been to the Quarry in so long yeah it’s nice and full full of stuff for us like even if this isn’t like a perfect method I was hoping for geod here but I see none want to kill one bat oh yeah good point I could probably do that I

Probably should do that maybe we try and yeah use the rest of the state to knock out some more mon to Slayer stuff maybe we can’t get du here for whatever reason or I’ve just not been lucky enough to get any could be either there is an artifact spot here

But I don’t think it can give us what we need po still I’m not mad about that mind you I’ve never specifically gone to the Quarry to look for geod so I wasn’t sure what that result was going to be all right let’s do these next no we’ll do some iron next

Cuz we’re here for a bit I didn’t mean to throw that on the ground let’s go start using the times are rough oh my goodness couldn’t afford to use toilet paper start using old newspapers the times are rough brilliant and I didn’t mean to only half read the words that was my bad

Should I use monster mask probably am I going to probably not today I kind of want to save that monster mask for potentially magmus rights also the coal would be nice today I’m not going to go like all out trying to get it oh I going to have a triple

Shot any other the monster kills would just be a bonus today Basically there we go there’s our bat done want to say a go so you spout out your water that’s so funny I could even like just go into skull cabins and you know even just for the evening not to get loot but just to um fight stuff well I’ll wait until these are

Done first so what I’ll do in the meantime is what are the ones where we low on rock crabs but that’s kind of kind of hard to do like just walking around and I know the Shadows are different on the bottom of them but it’s

Hard for me to like see it very well so I feel like rock crab’s one of those ones that you have to just kind of come across ah or maybe we make it the harder mines that might also help oh look at this stuff though can’t

Not when it comes to the gems anyway like you or either you no no it’s not worth it trying to get the get the rock crabs this way I don’t think if I can’t find one in this floor I’m just going to call that it for

Those we don’t have many of those left either all right there we go I was mainly just waiting for the bars to smell so bring those home uh I think I’m going to need some of these to actually craft with so I’ll bring that as well and

Then we’ll do a mix of radioactive and aridium any spare radioactive or I’m actually going to take home and whil we’re at it let’s get this on just in case just in case we need it um in fact let me bring like some of some of the actually I left some or

Didn’t I I left some bat wings that should help a bit more with the crafting Dar doesn’t go in here I’ll move that can’t believe I had zero quarts so that should just take care of the farm computer right yeah and now I can actually I’ll probably make use of this to be

Fair um quarts as well probably I didn’t leave any quartz down here for anything I don’t know if I even need that for crafting just something in my brain tells me I should have it here oh it’s going to be pumpkin day tomorrow going to have to go get some more

Pumpkins well uh I don’t know if we will we might have enough we’ve got actually what I can do because we’re not going into a new season tomorrow some of the spots will Decay but not all of them so I might as well use today to help with this

Get these all tilled there’ll be some that decay in the morning that’s okay it’s still less still gives me less to need to do in the morning also realized I completely forgot to go and get the reward for the bats but that’s fine not that fuss about it

Um and then also wait that is that jelly is that why it’s oh no never mind it’s all pickles I might also move these from here because I’m not going to be using those for this get those in the chests where they belong I very much over hoarded a lot of stuff it’s fine totally fine real good I’ll put the Mayo in the fridge cuz probably going to need it what did I just put in there oh no I just took my bait off that’s all entire empty fridge oh there we go

Our basement’s done so we should get the CK recipe or or at least have the we might already have it and I just probably didn’t pay attention queen of source blackbery cobbler no more birthdays this month that matter Jan hello how you doing thank you for watering the crops

Got to visit abig at some point maybe go maybe I don’t know if I will we’ll see that’s the wrong machine fairy Rose Honey um yes why did I have to think about that I don’t know uh I’m going to grab this one now and I’m I’m going to make the fairy dust so I’ve can call that done keep it in case I need it I might actually need oh no it’s cuz I just made

New may I just got so confused I was like wait didn’t I just put mayo in the fridge yes I did I just completely forgot that I also got more Mayo in the morning oops okay I’ve got more than enough pumpkin seeds we’re all right we don’t need probably

Need to go to PS today we will soon though because there’s another batch that’s about to be done so I might even just go there and buy them so Sunday gifts pretty much just gifts actually I might even sleep because I definitely need to go out tomorrow to pick up my

Axe next lot of pumpkins out they’re ready oh I need to get my watering can out as well I forgot about that I shall get that shortly and then I’ll check on I’ll check on the ginger Island star fruit to it will either be I don’t think it’ll be

Tomorrow I think it will be whenever these pumpkins are done cuz I think I did them at a similar time if not a day later even and I’ll keep a portion of these again for processing into jars but a lot of them I’m just going to sell I don’t need the

More at this point and I’ve kept plenty for cooking maybe we cook today actually instead of sleeping cuz then we’re not just like pushing that off till later and I very much recognize that I haven’t got all the recipes yet but at least then as soon as I get a new recipe

Hopefully I can just go and make it right away that’s my logic anyway I hope it makes sense but hey at least we got like a triple Harvest out of most of the farm I’m happy with that just not these ones nice that was me saying I wanted to

Build like more sheds and then just never doing it well I mean I did run out of wood so all that wood we had last year has now officially run out that has taken quite a while to be fair whoops okay I’ll keep all the basic

Ones got to make sure I keep some eggs behind for the the fair next week or like an egg or something I don’t know something that’s a good quality basically so today we’ll do some cooking you miss messed up your sprinkler layout sorely miss your own

For sweet when you don’t have it it is painful isn’t it uh crabs crayfish I might be short on crayfish we’ll see I think tilapia is a specific one salmon ring trout large mouth B trying to remember what needs specific fish all the eels I think there’s more than one crab dish actually

Um I’m basically yeah I’ll just oh I had more crayfish whoops I have more crabs as oh my god I’ve got them everywhere seaweed some clams also tuna nails muscles probably let’s go in and have a Look this is where all specific fish will go I know there’s definitely more some of them I’ve already done so we’ll just see why did that not improve our situation right strange one oh yeah I need the need one of them also need a blue Jazz so I need another one of

Them let’s go get a blue Jazz definitely got something somewhere I saw it there it is Bananas also mangoes I’m bringing in way too many I only need like one of each But that’s fine better safe than sorry uh right lucky lunch another one done glaze jams done oh the C how can I fet the C tomato and cheese the morel I thought I had loads of tomatoes I know I’ve also got loads of hot peppers as

Well uh I know I’ve got a morale somewhere even if just oh I’ve got a couple get some of this cooking done oh cheese I forgot cheese do I have spare cheese I think I used it or maybe I need to make some more I definitely need to make some more

Oh I’ve got a couple but I still need to make some more I’ll just use all the milk we’ll get more milk probably already more milk in there did I already get the mor yeah right being careful so mushroom pizza I forgot the carp again I’ll get that later salmon

Dinner crispy bath pepper poppers done the bread already Toma soup trout soup done the cakes done the rubub done the cookies where’s the next not cooked one Macky roll I all the e dishes basically I need omelette sorted we need a bread done that already check the collection tab very

True but whilst I’m like in here oh yeah for like what I need I kind of forget though as I’m going along but it’s fine we we’ll be okay with hovering over as we go chowder fish doew es cargo lobster bisque done the maple bar already oh I need to bring Ginger I’ve

Got Ginger somewhere how do you know which dish you cooked and which and not so um if you turn on the advanced crafting information in your settings so here you can see how where hovering over at the bottom it says times cooked one so that’s how I know I’ve done that one um

And then the ones that don’t have that at the bottom means I haven’t cooked yet banana pudding mango sticky rice I’ve done loads of Po already I know that much done that one already squid gravi onlyi and that’s it so I need the ginger and the C for the

Stuff that I know already and then from now on it’s literally a case of me literally just coming in and oh right Camari need squid Sun squid Sunfish bream CP squid did I say to myself I was going to catch another squid did I did I really

Do that to myself I think I did you know oh no okay we’re going to catch a squid next season um I definitely got the CP bream I know I had a sunfish did my Sunfish get turned into no n hello how you doing so Bait fish where’s the carp surprise

There I think that’s it so yeah just the squid is the problem at the moment wait this is where I can look at The Collection tab this is what’s going to make it easier so of all the dishes I know fried calamari and ginger ale are the only two I haven’t

Done are these dishes I already had most of them I’m just going to keep for now I’m doing good thank you I’m trying to truck along with My overall Christmas Quest did I buy a hopper no I made one okay well I’ve got that ready to

Remind me that I need to put it somewhere better night is a name threw me off for a second there um let’s go check on the oh I should pretty plant that with another pumpkin hang on um I just want to go check oh also

These yeah no I just it it gave me it gave me like I was like wait because the reason I say that is because I had nightbot as a but on here for a while and then like stopped using it and I removed everything so I was like wait why is

This um what was I doing oh yeah I need another five of them because I six of them because I’ve got yams yams Boop and then all of these keeping for cooking just in case I think I’m doing okay for like making sure I’ve got ingredients fingers crossed other than the squid

Clearly but I don’t really want to magic bait that One I think that’ll be a little bit Overkill but I can just wait till winter which I’m going to have to do for the GLA fish and the recipes anyway uh stop picking up the truffles I’m in the wrong shed the wrong animal Place yeah okay what I probably should have done

First is tried to find the ostriches there they are not quite grown wow look at all this copper also bonus magnitude that might come in clutch imagine if this is the one with the bar in the one never know I got to 600 out of a th000 for the

Stone but I’m not going to do it cuz I don’t really need to I’m not quite that F about it so tomorrow I’m really excited to go get my axe though oh cheese I’m going to put indoors like thank you so much for the Super Chat very much

Appreciated drop a heart on it oh no YouTu please get the reactions out of the way so there you go thank you so much where am I there three aquamarine rings from the in the Quarry what three right I think we’re done on that for now is there anything else I can I

Don’t think there’s anything else I can actually craft until I have more wood or any wood uh Warrior ring anything else I think oh pumpkin I’m sure I had a pumpkin in a chest here somewhere just like ready do that also a torch get the Jackal Lantern done there we go why

Not and the rest is literally mostly stuff I’m waiting for elsewhere oh Ginger truff oh I’ve got those put the ginger somewhere already where did I put it is it in here I I know I’ve put it in like a there also a coconut ginger truffle oil and

Coconut I mean hey good money at the very least bit bit of um extra money we are indeed still alive still going strong oh oil of garlic and these and a crab pot oh no that needs wood so let me get those together now and then I

Need like one of each of these mushrooms right and then a regular Oil so life Elixir oil of garlic then totem rain totem desert totem I’ve already crafted those that’s fine that’ll go in there those are just ready for whenever I might need them I’m going to bend the training Rod because I really don’t need it at this

Point don’t know what I’m going to do with this oil of garlic really I have no use for it that’s okay oh let’s go do the ginger ale as well just go shove the ginger in the in the um fridge there you are so now the only one that I know that

I haven’t as in like the only recipe that I’ve got currently learned that I’ve not cooked is the one that needs squid which is totally my fault actually now’s my chance I shove you there plop those in there then I just go like this because I should

Have okay I thought I had more bone fragments than this never mind also that didn’t work the way I thought it was going to I think you have to put the stuff in after so I guess we’re going Here there we go at least one of them is automatic then and then I can just do the other one as I’m one I could be bothered all right let’s sleep oh more Mayo than sleep there we go early night tomorrow we’ll do our gifting cuz

It’s um I mean it was a new week anyway but I didn’t have as much reason to need to leave the farm today tomorrow I actually have to get out the farm for lots of reasons ax is ready say hello I know exactly what I’m

Going to use kind of I’ll just dig some stuff out of the chest is fine I don’t know why I keep checking these don’t need to I don’t really even need to go to the fair tomorrow technically um we’ll have a look if there’s any good key quests tomorrow uh today too and

Requests that fit what we need so gift wise oh look cor what will I be streaming after I finish this save so um after I finish this save I will not be streaming daily anymore that’s the first thing um secondly Monday slot is being decided by the blueberry and cranberry pal

And the other slot is going to be I’m going to think about it but I need to get this over with first before I have the brain space to think about it got to go for the night I hope you have a good night thank you so much for hanging out

And thank you again for the Super Chat very much appreciated uh gifts so we have not many we have wait Le for now from the both gifts last week yes okay just kobis so we’re going to have to go to the theater for sure pumpkin wait what about Harvey is did

Harvey get finished too from the Boost jav harv Javi where are you I think so oh yeah there finished nice um let’s go have a look cuz I only have one gift to hand out now we might as well go see well I know I need three I need the three obelisks and

The the golden clock I say three cuz I’ve got this one already um and then basically just like cooking and crafting things and money much money Nike thank you so much for another Super Chat what thank you so much hope you have a good night very much

Appreciated oh this L’s done so I’m going to wait until that is also done I want it all to line up it’s going to B bother me otherwise why am I not bringing my horse hang on we made a lot of progress today though didn’t we start on like 40

Something today just a little gift by everyone thank you so much massive happy holidays to you and have a good night right any quests skull C Invasion again yeah I’ll take it cuz we need to go anyway um okay we only have one key gem 64% so we’ve made a huge amount of

Progress actually what’s our last shipping item ostrich egg literally just waiting on the ostrich egg uh and then we need winter for the fish and also for cooking as well but yeah look look how much look how much we’ve uh made progress on we also got a couple more Monster sa goals

Tonight have a good night too I’m having a right M with this um artifact situation that I will say becoming a pain well there we go though we we’ve got um skull cabins coming up oh yeah the weeds we’ve got skull cabins coming up which will give us

More H I don’t want the snake skull more Omni like guaranteed they the only ones I feel suspicious that there aren’t more I don’t believe it let me have a look let me let triple chat cuz I don’t want to come over later in the week to

Harvest all the star fruit and there’s like weeds everywhere destroying everything I I feel like it’s it’s becoming like in my head it’s like becoming a more doable wonder if I can get some geod from the dig site also need to go get my axe today

Too maybe what I do today is also just pour all of my current Omni Juds in no yes pour Auto my om into artifact row there’s another one um and then any that are left like as soon as I get the thing the the mineral I need I mean the the

Artifact I need I can just go for the mineral maybe I should also wait for the results go Cavin first also before I before I decide to do that can’t not damn it I was going to say I can’t not do the p spot and I left it too late what about in

Here let’s grab these cuz why not I keep saying to myself I want to bring a farm toen with me and I keep forgetting constantly forgetting a bonus zom you I take that do haven’t got as lucky as to get the lucky ring yet I don’t want to touch the volcano

Again until I come back for a full day with monster musk I’ve got like 50 uh 50 magma Sprites or so to kill so oh let’s actually go via the boat because first of all I would have missed this spot oh my God two artifact troes okay anything I’ve got on me right

Now I think I’m just going to open as is I think it’s a sign do have too much going on in my inventory right now though I just realized I picked up all these mushrooms that I can’t even really use don’t want them exed um maybe some of these I will just have

To okay whatever oh there’s another dig spot there I missed wait I should probably get that right no you can’t get it from the beach I’m thinking about the handaxe no it’s just clay I didn’t need more clay I’ll get rid of the stone oh I’m

Going to get more Stone in the geod anyway it’s going to be fine it’s going to be fine hi Clint um thank you for the axe also more work for you no no also no going to have to do these a couple at a time cuz I don’t have much room I’m

Probably going to delete the fiber oh maybe not I’m happy with the progress okay terrible run with the um geod today awful let’s go get the movie ticket I appreciate you I also appreciate the food I have the rest of it to e after stream ticket I’m doing my

Best it’s just a money gr after this I need 12 million uh 12.2 million in total oh let’s check the special order board cuz we might be able to like get something else as a bonus here cave Patrol grubs midnight C M I’ll accept this maybe probably not going to do it how

Have the hydration checks been going I should probably drink I haven’t drun enough at all I’ll hand kobus gift this for you hello also wait is it still mysterium Yes full that’s for you also come come see the movie again and then as we’re walking I’m going to have to multitask Hang

On we’re going in for a multitask um there’s a horse somewhere in here up to the theater CU we’re doing the direction keys with my left my right hand yes I had to check thank you for the hydration check I appreciate it grab some licorice film time oh I could I could

Have just drank some more in here oh no Z’s going to be sat in front of us again your roommate just left to spend the holiday with family you can’t tag along because you work Christmas Even oh that’s rough I hope you find something cozy to do for your Christmas Eve mysterium

A faint silhouette in the dark the desolate unknown void of space where untel Horrors await not me reading this again why random pictures of things a variety of disjointed other worldly scenes play out skeleton cosplaying as my key honestly kind of adorable though right my key but purple enjoy your

Licorice turning to my tamagi whilst whilst we’re in the film we’ll see how much progress that’s made it it freaks me out that like R’s face is seethrough does it show my friendship okay we should be on yeah we’re on nine okay that’s good that is fine so we

Should be able to get we’ll get one more gift in tomorrow and that will help so now that that’s done let’s go home and sort out this disaster of an inventory I’ve got backpack full of junk basically and then we need to get to some wood chopping I’ve got loads of

Wood out in the desert so we got to grab all of that and also let me go to the mines and smell some more stuff um grab those just in case cuz I’m worried oh it’s so horrible seeing not a rium quality forage now Uh more aridium by dreams oh hello welcome in so I just make trying to make sure I read the name properly how you doing love the hor recolor well thank you was very unintentional just a file I forgot to switch out whoops um is the um the short version of

The story I wonder if the bone flute works it’s made a bone kind of Cur oh please don’t turn it into fertilizer don’t need my axe mushrooms all the mushrooms and then we’re going to go cut a little wood down maybe I’ll go by the forest because

We might be lucky enough to find some artifacts here uh artifact spots maybe massive Maybe never notice a face to see through and you can’t unsee it now I’m so sorry I’m so sorry I didn’t mean to ruin it no we for a week now nice have some uh holiday

Time off oh you have an injured hand still healing I’m so sorry that you’ve got an ined hand that sounds actually horrendous maybe I should have also gone an enchanted my axe with shaving but I can’t be bothered now if I actually hit the tree that’ll probably also

Help that that might do us some good to you know you know when you chop the tree you might actually have to hit the tree and not the not the ground around it I don’t think I’m going to get very far otherwise don’t need to gather any hardwood

Anymore I will go back for that tree but later oh my gosh so much easier I don’t regret at all waiting to upgrade my axe now well ditch the horse because it’s kind of quicker for me to not have to keep going back for the horse my a usually goes in number one

When I’m dropping wood thumb’s the part that hurts but so typing is still fine forcing you to take a break yeah sometimes that’s it isn’t it it’s hard it’s hard to take breaks I totally recognize that I’ve totally been there Michael’s very much had

To make me take a break on a lot of occasions so I I feel you and yes I hope it recovers quickly cuz that is rough and very uncomfortable so therapeutic just chopping down all the trees hopefully I should be able to finish the entire Forest before the end of the night

8:10 p.m. yeah I’ll manage it like no problem might even be able to get a few extra trees in somewhere else I just want to get like craft Master done and then I don’t have to worry about that anymore ited to calcification that sounds horrendously painful

That happened to like a part of my Jawbone after having my tooth out um not with the soft tissue injury just with the yes okay we’ve got we’ve got the handaxe we can just open all the geod now I don’t have to worry about this anymore okay anyway

See I knew it was a good idea to come and chop in the forest literally just um the only thing we’ve got left here is this the barite which I’m just going to bring all of my Omni to Clint tomorrow I think watch me get another one now

Okay I would have almost got mad it you got a sted injection to the Pain’s Lely gone oh I’m glad just a bit of chill time I guess it’s like one of those things that even though it’s hard it’s like try and make the most of the time off because like

Once it’s gone you might regret like not taking advantage of it all over a stack of wood this is why I changed profession very much worth It uh still risky let’s go this way oh I’ve never been so happy to see the handaxe before like ever you I’m just like I don’t want another one got so many don’t need 10 of them mind you maybe it is because I just really haven’t been to the forest very

Much I don’t know hey we did get the whole Forest done not enough time to go to any other Z Zone but we we got the whole Forest done should have more than enough wood to finish the crafting uh achievement so let’s try it we’ll do it next game day though let’s progress

With some time because we need money oliv hello welcome in oh my God amazing I’m so happy I’m so happy I’m so relieved I’m so relieved okay so I’m going to put you somewhere I’m not going to lose it oh I’m just going to you know what no we’re just going to sleep

Sleep bit of money from some random stuff catching up on shows and New Year’s goals family R tomorrow as well oh my gosh yes I’m I’m excited for your chill Time uh oh it’s a fair today should I go I don’t really I don’t really need to I don’t have anything there I need I feel like it might be a bit of a waste of time given our time crunch right let’s do this I’ll keep the cast put the bee house Down some things I’m keeping some things I’m not there’s a lot of things I just really don’t want I’ll grab a clam in a minute right I’m going to do them as I go along I think right let’s do this so grab which one needed a clam you done all the totems

Already T’s done these are done out rubbish totally rubbish done all the paths HK wubber this is where I used the last time I would um so just the seeds which I’ve got one two three four what are we missing I’m missing something certainly missing something

Cuz we did not get an achievement am I missing a recipe I don’t think so what have I not crafted this is always the nerve-wracking thing was there another saying I just said I will get it in a minute and never got it slowly making my way through these and just

Checking this is making me nervous Master scarecrow yeah I’ve got one what is what am I missing all right I’m going to have to Ed St do checkup to tell me so let’s have a look I’m going to kick myself when I find out what it is for

Sure is it is not one of the robin recip hang on please load faster I was getting nervous and I thought my PC was about to crash like in its entirety so I’m looking at roughting show details I know all the recipes what am I missing scoll one more

Page uh it’s probably one of these right hang on wasn’t the solar panel well it it was it was the solar panel but it was also not the solar panel Wood Lamp Post there it is thank you thank you look at all this extra stuff that I don’t know what to do

With what do I do with it all oh the bee house I’ll put down the CCO can put down also H bubber no I’m not going to use it no I don’t want to look at the computer go away uh this is why stuff just ends up in

Chests for now okay so next big thing is all of these dudes are coming to Clint no it’s not cuz he’s freaking closed okay it’s tomorrow I might skip today I kind of don’t want to do the fair to be honest because real lifetime when I can get another day

In and not wait for Lewis to slowly walk around and I can’t even get friendship with Kus there so it’s not even worth it really sell what am I oh selling all the extra stuff or Boop pausing a sec there’s something I should be selling and I’ve forgotten to do like I might I’m definitely going to sell I’ve got loads of stuff in here that I don’t need right so like This definitely don’t need oh I can sell the cookout kit um I can also sell bubblers right so like that those I don’t need them cuz I’m going to only be using trap boobers well there’s a few extra things going in for God oh let’s do those down there as well so we

Need that and Mayo pickled pumpkins lampost was really hiding from me there hiding in plain sight right let’s go to sleep we’re skipping the fair cuz we don’t need it to Clint straight over there good morning thank you for the mushroom appreciate the mushroom are we still good on friendship y we’re all

Good oh it’s also wine day look like you can use the wood yes I definitely actually speaking of which why don’t we go and uh make more CS basically cuz I can now I can just literally oh I’ve only got four iron I need to smell some more iron Le is

Great okay we got plenty to do today plenty to do oh yeah I need to rearrange these as well so it’s here this is where I messed up um yeah and then basically well the edge one can stay I messed out the layout done and then so you’re going there now

Let’s not make the same mistake again I almost just very much put them back in the same place which would have been funny wouldn’t it and also very me I mean that’s still a lot of an improvement let’s go here and here all right

So I will attend to the wine but I just want to prioritize these geod first so sell that let’s not bring every last thing with us um this is just too much sap really and also I don’t need this anymore put these away course flute stays pan stays okay I

Swear okay I thought it was going to be another handaxe I feel like they’re going to start like I just get that feeling that these hand axes are going to start mocking me now that I’ve got them all right hi Clint um please I really need the barro the only

Thing I need the only thing nothing else just the one item and I can get another star drop and this is going to going to be our last stue day as well we made a lot of good progress Today G there honestly definit between that and the marble braer those two items are the ones I tend to like forget about the most uh to get the recipes For and then yeah there’s always there’s always that one artifactual mineral which now for us is the Barrow actually it’s not the first time I’ve struggled with the Barrow they best come from magma GEOS but I don’t really want to just farm for magma GEOS plus we’ve got that skull

Cav’s Quest and we need to go back there to slay some more stuff anyway so if I don’t get it from those at least I know I’m going to get more omod this way and like a lot of them as well and I don’t need to trade them for artifact tres Anymore however it would be really nice if I could get the mineral today so I don’t have to worry about it you still need the opal as well I’ve had quite a few of those I really like the opal it’s a pretty Stone it’s probably one of my favorite if not my

Favorite in the game I think I said it was my favorite the other day but I really like it it’s Cute I didn’t know you can get the dwarf Gadget from an omni Jude directly all right we’re not getting that today well at least we can donate one of the thing actually whilst we’re here let’s just sell it direct cuz I don’t want to um I don’t want to go home for now

So yeah there we go and hopefully I’m I’m starting to like worry because we had the situation with the ancient doll the other day donating it when I didn’t realize I still had it to donate because using it for a bundle I’m kind of worried that I’ve got that situation

With potentially another artifact somewhere that I might have no cuz I’ve been hovering over and reading I don’t know we’ll see what happens right do I have any more iron to smell because I really need some like desperately more cegs the chcken can tell you what’s missing oh yeah I’ve still got to

Open no it’s just um Barett and hand ax which we just on the hand oh I feel better now arus thank you so much for gifting a membership oh my goodness thank you so much come Miss welcome to the berry basket you’re now a cranberry um my my brain is just Frozen thank you so much happy holidays to you too and um yeah so M welcome to the B basket Joy k otes early access to videos and um check out my community tab for a special poll so that’s done wind day next which means no it’ll be tomorrow that I’ll go

And harvest the stuff room let’s sell spares of these and I’ve got to make sure I get another gift in with kobus and probably just like speak to them every single day enjoy thank you so much we’ll go down here first I will collect the oak res as well

I need to do that too probably should have done that also whilst I was up at the mines uh honestly main thing now is money money and cooking we’re on that little final final stretch now do we think I can do it in 12 hours 12 real life

Hours what do we think do I need longer than that trying to decide what time I start tomorrow basically I should probably manage it in 12 hours right oh I don’t know cuz it took me this long to get through half a season this time so maybe I do need to add a

Couple more just to be safe so I’ll probably start earlier than I have today uh for tomorrow I mean super close if you go really hard I think I will add a bit more time for myself just to just to secure it and if I finish it early then I do you

Know so maybe tomorrow I’m trying to think what time so I start at 4 today I’ll see the latest I will start is four but I might start 12 hour streak I don’t know if I can manage a 12h hour I might have to though what time is it it’s 10:

Now if I start it maybe I’ll start at 2 tomorrow give myself two two more hours extra and then if I need more extra hours on Sunday then I can add more time on Sunday that’s my thought I hope my logic makes sense might end up being that is a 12h hour on

Sunday tell my ex fruit as well might miss some of tomorrow because it’s going to be hella early yeah I’m not it is going to be early for a lot of people I totally get that um and that’s okay it’s all um for me it’s the I want to do this

Challenge kind of thing you know it’s me being stubborn about doing a challenge essentially should we check on if a lovely ostrich has grown oh I need to get my axe like desperately a what was that noise sorry this is the last thing we need for shipment I don’t know what that’s walk

Was that oh I forgot to get a fruit to the Uh all right we’re going to have some orange wine cuz I can’t be bothered to go down to go and picked that up happiness squark all right what else do I need to do today to make use of the day go and give a gift to

Kobus we’ve got this we’ve got this also axe because more wood today perhaps I think that’ll be a good idea we still got 900 but like we’re going to need more so we shall get more horse hello I need your help require your assistance thank you oh I

Need to go get the uh resins as well I’m probably going to chop down some of what’s in the um the mountain like the railroad sorry I don’t know if I’m going to chop down all the maybe I’ll make more tappers more tappers more Oak resin yes

We’ll do that cuz more cegs will always help right the sork of pure joy honestly alsoo happy uh okay so how many tappers can we make we’ve got 30 copper bars so I’m going to make another five for this week go see kobus get that done chop down the

Bus stop trees on the way cuz I don’t need these anymore really I don’t even need uh I might keep the TA of there just for like extra maple syrup in case I really need it I doubt I will but monster Slayer goes I think that’s

The thing that’s going to take the most time and I’ll probably try and like maybe we prioritize those tomorrow before winter comes in I’m thinking oh what’s on here oh no oh I don’t need to do these really anymore unless like there’s some that’s going to end up giving us quite a

Lot of money which is mostly like the slay slimes type ones probably not going to bother with them I really should stop parking my horse behind this tree cuz I can never find uh find it properly hello gift We There Yet nine Hearts still right yeah Emily hello we’re just on our

Last day of the stream going to be starting probably another 2 hours earlier even earlier tomorrow so that’ll be 2: p.m. UK time 2 p.m. GMT is what I’m planning to start tomorrow we’ll try and focus a lot of the um monster slaying and also Gathering stuff for more

Cegs I don’t even need the artifact spots I still need them kind of technically I just can’t help myself figure out what time that is for you well what time is it for you right now for for me right now it’s 10: p.m. uh qu 10 sorry more resin

Uh so we’ll go there I think there’s another tree over here that hasn’t been yeah there was a couple and then boop boop it’s five for you so you’re 5 hours behind so that’ll be nine I think that’s right I might cut down a couple of these

Excess ones cuz I still got another entire row and there’s one more thing I want to handle on the farm which is clearing up some of there’s there’s a bit more debris that I didn’t see I want to make sure I grab that before it causes any

Issues Going H another half stack of wood there’s a good amount more cegs breakfast and through the whole work8 hour stream you’re like 9 to 5 more smel in also I will probably what am I smelting next we’ll do gold and I’ll turn these all straight into cegs I

Think get your morning coffee prepped in advance nice I’m just like I’m glad cuz I’ve got like nothing I need to go out and do tomorrow so it’s like easy enough to like I’ll wake up I need to script for a while like I need to I need to

Still keep TR Trucking along with the scripting but then also this is also very important to me you know and we’ve only got two days left lunch for you Spain is just an hour more than the UK yes it’ll be three for you won’t it yeah can get a get a few

More squeeze a few more wine balls in what did I make like eight more it was eight wasn’t it eight or nine I’m going to bring nine and then we’re going to kick con next stream off with it’ll be the next pumpkin harvest I believe ah don’t need

It and uh whilst I’m in the process of wrapping up as well uh if you haven’t already please do make sure to hit the like button on the stream it does help us out a lot good little freeway to support the channel if you’ve been enjoying yourself of course that is

Um and yeah I’m going to post the next stream right after we end for this one so once it’s there you can always make sure if you like to have your notifications on that you don’t miss the start if you’re around for the start oh

You have to go to score cabins as well for sure but for sure for sure um let’s get another five eggs in the Mayo also I’m going to check Queen aurus before bed I think that’s smart nice to spend almost a whole day here why thank you it’s going to be even longer

Tomorrow so let’s go to sleep we just got an achievement of some description um full shipment that would have been that would have been full shipment let’s have look at it let’s just look at it 750 R so was most of that from our wine yes just a handful of

Stuff from our other sources another big milestone complete I wasn’t really worried about the shipping anyway it was more the other stuff oh shipment we freaking did it okay another Milestone done so what’s left um monster Slayer stuff basically all the money so I can now afford two out of the three

More obelisks that I need and then 10 million gold so I need another 10 and 1 halfish to go for gold and we still need Master Angler still need recipes so we got our work out still we still got a lot of time uh a lot of stuff to do in the time

But I had I had a lot of fun today and um I’m looking forward to tomorrow so two more hours onto this extra tomorrow bye

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Favourites and some of my PC setup stuff! (purchases from the storefronts support the channel)

Somehow, I’ve NEVER completed a completely Vanilla Stardew Valley Perfection Run before so for this year’s December streams (Streammas), we’re going to try and get there before Christmas! No mods* AT ALL, not even UI info suite! Just Stardew Valley as it comes! You will also be able to vote on some of the aspects of what we do, so make sure you have notifications on to get involved!
*except doing extra CC bundles because i forgot to swap the xnb file back to the original, and fixing this would require starting a brand new save. living with our mistake now!

Stream rules:
1. No age talk. This is to protect everyone and is for your safety. Please do not discuss age.
2. Do not self promote in the stream unless invited to or we have talked about you being a content creator before. This is not the way to go about building your own community.
3. Be respectful to all chatters. We are all here for a good time and people may have different opinions or views to yours and that’s okay!
4. We are a safe place for all communities. Racism, sexism or any form of discrimination and hatred will be an instant permanent ban. No questions asked.
5. Do not mention viewer count in the streams. Whilst we understand people get excited over the viewership numbers, we have ultimately decided that pointing this out in the stream is detrimental to the stream in the long run. We want to focus on the people, not the numbers. Your message will be deleted if you mention viewer numbers.
6. Mods have final say. We are here to protect the Community but also Emma, if we feel you have broken any of the above rules, we will remove/timeout/ban if we feel it is warranted to do so.
7. Please do not tell Emma to stream a different game whilst she is streaming. If she is streaming a game, she has a plan in place for that days stream and will not change just because someone in chat says to. If you have a suggestion for a game, please put it in streaming-discussions
8. Do not shout out or call out lurkers. Lurkers are a major part of the backbone of the stream and most people just want to watch and relax and not get called out as this may make them feel uncomfortable.
9. Do not spam the same message over and over again. If a message has been missed, repeating once should do the trick! We will delete further repeated messages.
10. Enjoy yourself ❤️

Vlog Channel: @emmalutionIRL
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– Our New Horizons – Helynt & Dj Cutman:

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