1. If you have a rain totem you can get Marnie to open her shop the next day, even if it’s a Monday or Tuesday (and the ingredients for a rain totem really shouldn’t be a problem for you).

  2. Reminder…. Get or make yourself a bunch of grass and then pick up all those fence posts and the lightening rods in the pig yard. Put down the grass and set a post or rod on top. That way the pigs have food but they can't deplete it entirely.

  3. In terms of having sufficient feed, my beach farm strategy is to save all the mixed seed, sap and clay I run across, use them to make fiber seeds and grow fiber on empty land it doesn't require watering and grows in all seasons. Then I turn the fiber into lots and lots of grass starter. I know it is a lot of effort for very little pay off, but I thought I'd mention it.

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