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#AnimalCrossing #NewHorizons


  1. "panda culd probably do it. no nevermind she's scared. Zoe could probably do it. There we go. Good girl Zo" hardest I've laughed all week. perfect comic timing. 10/10. 1:35

  2. I have to disagree with NH's dialogue. I have PTSD and ACNH is my first ever switch game. With enough pain in my own life, I appreciate so much that villagers in NH are so kind. It would make me so sad if they were rude. As a person that have been verbally abused, and extensively so, I don't agree with all those players saying the rude conversation is better. not at all. Let cozy games be cozy. It provides so much warmth for me. I love the villagers in NH❤

  3. I want a "Pokemon Life" game. We have building Pokemon, ones that are strong and can help build a house, ones who can water our garden or farm. I want adventure but that I can come home to my built house and customizable interior. Be able to go fishing and raise my Pokemon as helping pets. It could just have say 50 Pokemon who live on an island where you live but then could get expansions with more Pokemon. Let us add a scarf, collar or costume to them to follow us around. I want to send Pidgey off with a letter to my Mom that I get a return letter back and that I could change out my Mail Pokemon. Go on caving adventures where I find the evolution stones (I loved that mini game in Diamond and Pearl). I want the life to grow. I want it to start off like "Hey You Pikachu" but grow and expand. Build and sell things you and your Pokemon make like crops or furniture. Make patters like in Animal Crossing you could place around (or at least have different paths you can buy for different seasons and holidays. Have holiday updates. Close to Animal Crossing but I want it to be smarter and more interactive. I want to get lost in building. Go to different areas and build different Pokemon homes. Pixelmon would probably be the closest I've seen to an interactive Pokemon game but its sadly not distributed by them. I want that but some RPG and more. I want to take a bit of every building, slice of life, farming, cozy and RPG type game into one and I want to see it build on like Final Fantasy online that it would keep growing, Pokemon getting more interactions and more Pokemon added bit by bit if they can't do it all at once. I want to pet them, feed them, talk to them and do home and adventure stuff with them. Can I please be on a team to help grow this dream to drive for more and give more ideas. They could have a monthly subscription game if they put the heart into it (but also want it playable on its own). Thats my dream.

  4. My time at Sandrock and Coral island both have full releases in a few weeks and their early access’ has been amazing. Especially my time at Sandrock – voice acting, good story that’s 100+ hours long, romance, decorating, dungeons to fight in etc. I highly recommend! Full release November 2.

  5. I looked through every single comment just to see if someone mentioned Ooblets! No one did! I think it is an amazing cozy game. Think stardew valley + pokemon + a card game mechanic.

    Forget about annoying dailies, because it has the constantly moving day cycle of SV. My guess is the 'quirkiness' of the dialogue and vibe might turn some people off, but for me (and also my sister) it was literally laugh out loud funny. There's a lot of variety in the NPCs too, some are nice and some are assholes. You really end up having favorites as you try to talk to them. Yes, there's farming, but there are other modes of progression and I think it's not overbearing or boring.
    And the BEST PART is OBVIOUSLY the Ooblets (imo because I'm a Pokemon fan haha). You find and battle cute creatures called Ooblets through a card game that works as a dance battle. The mechanics can get complex, but if you're not very good at strategy, you'll still be ok! Once you win, you get a seed for that Ooblet, plant it, and then you have a little friend to follow you around. You can dress them up, and up to six of them at a time will follow you everywhere you go. There's character customization, and your own house to customize as well.

    It just has so many of the best things to come out of this trend, while having a very unique flavor to the world and the characters. It just feels fresh and I love it! Please give it a try if you haven't!

  6. Most cozy games look appealing but don't play out in practice for me. I don't have the patience for farming sims these days, and many of the others have let me down. The only ones to live up to my hype are the Coffee Talk games and Stray Gods. The other cozy games that are appealing to me are puzzle and city builders, particularly Dorfromantik and Fabledom. I think the appeal though is I can turn them on for a bit before bed and shut my mind off.

    And honestly, not going to lie, sometimes I just want to play Clue on the PC.

  7. I'm gonna be honest I do not like Stardew Valley at all believe me I tried liking it multiple times and each time it felt annoying there was alot of reasons for that. But I feel getting a great cozy game nowadays is difficult.

  8. If your looking for a decent cozy game you could play Ooblets. Which is on Switch. It's interesting where it has battles with cute animal things that have identity. Inspired by Stardew, but handles the energy aspect WAY better. And other cool things.

  9. I lowkey want a cozy pixel art game that takes place in the city instead of the farmland or rural areas. There are too much games that involves farming and living in a rural life. I wanted something different this time. I don't know if there is someone here who have thought of this idea but if I have the skills in game development, I will gladly start making it.

  10. Non of the cozy games i’ve played come close to Rune factory 3 and 4 imo, and they came out before stardew valley does. It can be easy and you don’t need to know all the mechanics, but if you chose to do so there’s hard mode where you need to interact with the complex crafting mechanics to progress. Combat is simple but it’s a lot better and satisfying compared to other cozy game’s combat. Characters are very exaggerated and fun imo, but those are subjective.

  11. A lot of "cozy" games don't have good characters or good dialogue and have middling art styles which just look pretty. Like it's okay but I would rather just scroll on Twitter looking at artists or something else. It doesn't feel cozy, it feels "boring" game

  12. While I already replied to a comment with a paragrah for any fellow Disney fans who maybe want smth similar yet different from Dreamlight Valley I highly recommend Disney Magical World, the sequel having been ported from the 3DS to the switch. I may have kind of a bias but this is one of my fave games in general and the only time I've ever seen anyone talk about it was to say it's an Animal Crossing clone but with Disney characters and I couldn't disagree more. You have a little cafe where you easily cook certain dishes and can decorate. By decorating and making the right dishes you can invite specific disney characters who can unlock bonus features for you or just have quests later while strolling around your town. There is also combat as you're a student I guess of Yen Sid and gotta fight off Ghosts, you have to collect stickers, you can fish, you make furniture and clothing where you have to get the resources and while yes, there is even a bit of farming in Pooh's world, tbf, you need ingredients for your cafe, so- You got different worlds either for story progression in forms of quests of fighting off ghosts or minigames like the mentioned farming or mining with the dwarves for example- Pretty much all things you do have a point, the fishing, the furniture, even your clothing and taking photos.

    Really the only big similarity between Animal Crossing and this is it being real time games. There are more, but I feel those are pretty casual for life sims or even games in general, not just specific to Animal Crossing. I wanted to write all but I don't wanna write even more paragraphs just because I want more people to know about it. From what I've seen it's Dreamlight Valley but even better I'd argue.

    Only big downside is that it's only on consoles from what I've seen so far so if you try it and unfortunately don't like it refunding can be tough. And maybe if you're looking for an actual plot, there isn't one really, there are somewhat of plots in the different disney worlds you can enter and you have the goal of trying to get all the stickers, but for the most part you can play however you'd like. And getting the stickers isn't as easy as it may seem at first, so you'll be pretty occupied because you also need the stickers to progress in the quests and unlock more things you may need. (Tbf, maybe I'm just terrible at games so I find even this kiddy game challenging sometimes but oh well)

  13. Good and interesting video. Got nothing constructive to say but wanted to leave a comment for the algorithm because the video deserves it lol

  14. There are different cozy games, The Sims 2 and Sims 3 is the only game you can play for hours, Pokémon only after you beat the game or shiny hunt, I want another johto remake, I hate the Kanto region

  15. I'm developing a 'cozy' game myself, out of nostalgia for Stardew and frustration at some of the recent releases. I'm only 6 months into dev right now so I'm paying a lot of attention to videos like this and their comments to make sure I bring it in a good direction. You made some very important points 🙂

  16. 2020 was a crazy year. for me, i was heavily pregnant and was an essential worker, so i worked almost every single day of every week for almost 10 hours each day until my maternity leave started. i got to enjoy absolutely none of my maternity leave because my water broke at 1am. it was a trickle so i assumed i had just wet myself. until i woke up again at 4am and my new underwear was soaked. then i headed off to the hospital where i would labor for 29 hours and then needing an unplanned c-section. i was a nervous wreck the entire year because i did not want anyone, especially my baby, to get covid. i am so glad to be done with that year. the only highlight was getting my daughter

  17. The only thing that puts me off of new horizons is how tedious everything is, and the low quality of life. When I was very first starting, this was not an issue, but as I continued, even crafting was so unbearable I no longer wanted to play. I love the creative aspect, but the incredibly slow pace actually stressed me out more than being relaxing.

  18. I surprisingly like Graveyard Keeper, and consider it a cozy game. It's so rewarding to finally figure out what to do and juggle the huge amount of tasks you have (kinda like Stardew Valley). I also like The Cosmic Wheel Sisterhood and Sticky Business (for extra extra cozy)
    For me, still one of the best cozy games is Outer Wilds. I just love the storytelling and the wonder of finding something new and finally figuring out how it all ties together.

  19. Honestly one of my favourite things to do in stardew Valley was going through the mines. I also really enjoyed totk and thought it was a better cozy game than a lot of the games that are marketed that way. Developers need to focus on creating a solid gameplay experience first and a cozy atmosphere second

  20. “crazy money”
    using a stigmatizing term to insult anything that pisses you off instead of just saying that’s annoying or something like a normal person and not a sane person who treats mentally ill ppl like crap😍

  21. "The word "cozy game" only used as an excuse for lack of gameplay" yeah, and as a big fan of cozy games myself (The Sims, Harvest Moon, Cattails, Citampi), I can argue that a great cozy game actually needs a TONS of gameplay to enhance the coziness immersion more.

  22. I have to recommend Coral Island as the first "full game" update comes out next month. I've been playing it for a year and they've been pretty consistent with actually good updates. It is very similar to stardew valley, theres no denying that. But it has a very appealing artstyle along with a bunch of creative characters with their own personalities. (even mermaids!) The game has been in development for the last five years and the devs have been very interactive with the community. There's a lot of love put in this game and it's worth a try.

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