Hello Hello!

Welcome all and thanks for tuning in on this PNG Cyber Rabbit.
Please like, comment, anddddd whats the word? SUBSCRIBE!!
I really would appreciate it, as it helps me get more batteries!
Thumbnail & Profile: Me!
Game: Stardew Valley

Please follow the rules for chat, and comments!

💜Please be respectful!
-You should already know what this means but just in case treat others nicely and with respect. I want this to be a fun and happy place.
💜Please do not mention other streamers!
-Do not mention other streamers, unless I bring them up. In the same token do not mention me in other streams as well. Its super rude man.
💜Do not Trauma Dump
-I am not your therapist, I’m here to make you smile and have fun and forget your worries for a bit. If you need help please do go see a professional, or call someone. Do not do that here! Lets have fun, not an awkward scary time.
💜No Spoilers/ Back Seating
-No Spoilers, ruins the fun for me and everyone watching. Please refrain from back seating unless I ask for help! I know I’m not the brightest but let me figure things on my own unless I finally give in. It ruins the fun, and I rather not test my acting skills and act surprised.
💜 No Politics!
-Please! While I’m streaming and you join do not bring up politics! I rather not let that be a topic of stream and sometimes it makes people un-comfortable.
💜No Harmful Joking
-You should know what I mean by that, no racist, homophobic, and transphobic joking, I will block & ban if I see anything like that.
💜Have fun!
-Again were here to have fun, and lets be dorks together!!

Please do follow me on my social!
Twitter – HaineIki
Twitch – HaineIki (So far been streaming more on youtube then anything)

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