Robin got a divorce, so I married her. I’ve been waiting forever for the possibility to do this.. It was worth the wait. I also try and turn her children into doves and marry her sister. Demetrious doesn’t even seem to care this whole time, he clearly didn’t like Robin that much.. Stardew Valley gameplay with my commentary as always!

Robin Marriage Mod –


  1. I watched this before years ago, and this time I noticed when you marry Robin, Lewis says you're" husband and well, husband!"
    Robin what are you hiding???

  2. Do Robin and Demetrius have a single vanilla cutscene where they actually seem to be getting along tho? There’s the infamous tomato one and the hardwood bed one off the top of my head and in both of those Robin seems like she lowkey hates Demetrius. I don’t really blame her either.

  3. Is no one going to mention the shade Harvey threw at Robin in the doctor's office? Calling Robin "Your girlfriend" as if he doesn't know who Robin is. Maru works for him, Robin is the town's carpenter as well. There's no way Harvey didn't notice it was Robin and not some nameless girlfriend. ;P I'm convinced this was all a ploy from Robin and Harvey to see where Robin stands with MUMPS. Robin hurt boy, insist to see doctor, doctor fix up apparent not at all dangerous wound that looked really serious. Doctor drops relationship title in front of Robin so they can both see MUMPS reaction and Robin can see where to go from there. Robin and Harvey are in cahoots.

  4. When there’s mods in Stardew valley there’s no limits to this man. Edit: Tho one time I wanted to marry robin until I saw Demetrius so I really wanted to kill him but I realized I had too many hearts with him and I love friendship in this game so rip me

  5. Something I taught myself is that before I’m marrying anyone in Stardew valley, I have a save file, so I can just swap to previous save and I wont be married to them anymore and they won’t be mad. ( you can also use a wilted bouquet after you swap saves)

  6. Why does the mod not throw Demetrius out? I thought robin built the house and it is her carpentry business so it’s kinda weird to have her leave? Also the whole Demetrius living with his step kid he wasn’t a fan of after the divorce is kinda weird

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