While we’re all familiar with completing the Community Center, what about the other path? The option that most of us didn’t even consider due to the moral complications of it? I’m here to take you through the path, along with everything you’ll gain and lose by taking it!

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  1. I can't believe that on my first ever playthrough I did the joja route. I think I was just overwhelmed by how difficult the community center looked but now I've completed the cc twice

  2. Can you still get shortcuts and Pam a house upgrade through Joja? I know those are normally Robin upgrades to town after the CC is done

  3. To be honest, I much prefere this route. It's such a pain in the ass to remember to go out of my way to get cc items, and it just feels un-satisfying to have to store stuff that I could just sell instead. With the Joja route, I can focus on the main goal of the game, making money, without having to worry about anything else, especially animals, which I never engage with since they barely make you any money and are so expensive to get going.

  4. In my first stardew file I went Joja cause I thought getting money was easier than busting my ass for all these different items. Its only now, five years later and on a new save file that I realize that the community center is just better

  5. I think the game's story is actually a little more nuanced than "muh evil capitalism." Yes, Joja is portrayed as soulless, but Joja is also the only entity in the town with any drive or plan at all to fix all the broken-down stuff. Yes, you can rescue the town by bribing the local forest spirits to fix stuff, but without you and your magic Junimos, the town would continue to break down unless it finally let Joja expand. And for how loud the Joja marketing is at the Joja Mart, Morris doesn't walk up to your door advertising seeds for sale and doesn't call you at 6:30 in the morning with an advertisement or send you mailings. Pierre does all that. Like I get the idea that this is supposed to feel more "personal" than corporate marketing but it's much more aggressive and Pierre's marketing is still so generic that it isn't too far off from being able to be sent verbatim to any farmer in the area.

    Also Pierre, supposedly the better alternative to a soulless corporation, is kind of a jerk. He takes credit for your high quality produce as if he grew it himself (but doesn't take the blame for anything of yours he sells that turns out bad), brags about the high quality of his seeds (despite them being mechanically identical to Joja seeds and actually cheaper), and he instigates a boycott of Joja that costs 4 people their jobs (Morris, the cashier, Shane, and Sam) without hiring anyone else on in the shop despite the inevitable increase in business and staying open all week. He also doesn't lower his prices (despite driving out his main competitor) even though several members of the community shopped at Joja because that's what they could afford.

    So like yeah, Joja is somewhat soulless, but without the player as the deus ex machina for Pelican Town, they're the only people with a plan to get Pam her job back and fix the broken stuff.

    Also, for how much work you put into and praise you get for restoring the CC, it never remotely feels like you've restored a vital part of the community. People sometimes go there but it doesn't feel like a gathering spot. ๐Ÿคท

  6. I am doing the Joja way in my second playthrough where the farmer is kinda 'evil' (even named him Kai after Kai Parker from TVD ๐Ÿ˜…. I just want to see what happens when I choose all the 'negative' choices in cutscenes and questions. Probs would end up marrying the farmer to my least favourite NPC, have pixelated kids, divorce the npc, and move in with Krobus to start their illegal underworld empire hehehehehe ok.

  7. I havenโ€™t done the joja route yet because of integrity lol but what pisses me off about the community center is that I almost never see anyone in there once itโ€™s completed. Sure, I get the perks of completing it, but itโ€™s disappointing to go through all of that and the building is completely useless.

  8. honestly, the joja route really isn't morally bad: siding with pierre is.

    it's bad that pierre was being undercut by joja, but pierre also had no other advantage: sure, he sold the inventory upgrades, but aside from that, joja is just cheaper for the exact same items.

    (i do not consider pierre claiming to have grown your goods as a bad thing: he's a shopkeeper. of course he's going to)

    that being said, joja is supposed to be a stand-in for soulless corporations so on paper, they kinda suck.

  9. I think a better perspective for the value of the community center bundles would be everything you would need to craft them all (or gold cost if an item can't be crafted) as crafting is the most likely way a player would obtain the items outside of the community centre gifting them to you. Out of sheer boredom, I've broken down the items to craft all community center bundles:

    355 wood
    234 stone
    15 hardwood
    10 fibre
    60 sap
    4 copper bars
    16 iron bars
    7 gold bars
    2 iridium bars
    2 refined quartz
    20 copper ore
    25 gold ore
    31 coal
    5 omni geode
    14 coral
    30 fish (any)
    10 sardines
    6 bug meat
    5 bat wings
    5 oak resin
    1 maple syrup
    5 yam
    5 pumpkin
    5 potatoes
    3 melon
    5 oil
    4 wheat flour
    4 sugar
    4 eggs
    3 horseradish
    3 leek
    3 daffodil
    3 dandelion
    3 spice berry
    3 grape
    3 sweet pea
    3 common mushroom
    3 blackberry
    3 wild plum
    3 hazelnut
    3 crocus
    3 snow yam
    3 crystal fruit
    3 winter root
    1 battery pack
    1 cloth
    2100 gold

  10. I just need to correct this so
    1. You do get the junimo hut. i can't remember how, but you definitely do get ot and
    2. You would gain 3 grandpa points from completing the community center AND seeing the cutscene.

  11. I dunno about anyone else, but pure cash bundles would take infinitely longer for me to fill out than the base ones. I need that money for upgrading my farm.

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