Join Agnes and a brave team of developers as they venture into a structure coming to Minecraft in. mid-2024: trial chambers! This sprawling structure is full of traps, mobs, loot, and a hostile mob: the breeze! Delve into the decorative blocks, discover the trial spawner, meet the breeze, and learn how the crafter can help you stuff your base full of hanging signs.

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  1. please add variants of other mineral blocks too, building with copper and copper-like blocks like prismarin is already fairly easy but iron and gold would have so much potential

  2. Mojang Stoduols please add mechanics to copper doors! For example: doors that are not oxidized can be opened, but doors that are oxidized then they cannot be opened.

  3. These chambers look really cool but what really caught my eye was the grate blocks. It would be so cool if water just passed through grade blocks like they weren't there, like waterlogging but with flowing water. I think that would add some awesome new water interactions.

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