Pierre is a bad dude. He’s a greedy lying snake who takes credit for the farmer’s hard work. He treats his daughter like a convenient source of “womanly” household labor, and he is certainly keeping secrets from his wife. He doesn’t respect the townsfolk, and he has violent tendencies.

Tell me again how Morris is the enemy.

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  1. Hello everyone, Japanese-American here. I play Stardew Valley in Japanese, and in the Pierre 6-hearts cutscene, the word for Pierre's secret stash is hesokuri (臍繰り), which means secret money, or secret savings. So if that is anything to go off of, it sounds like Pierre hides how much money he earns from his family!

  2. I always hated Pierre for the fact that everyone is complaining about my bad quality crops, because, when you sell those to him, he will 'give you credit for them', but if you sell gold quality stuff or higher, then he will take the credit for it himself… What an A-hole :'D

  3. 4:04 i thought this was so stupid- like, sure the “this is no place for a young lady” was a little odd but he literally says “caroline wants you to help cook” or something along the lines of that if i’m not mistaking. he literally is just delivering a message that her mom said

  4. I love seeing the reddit theories and then the good ol R E D A C T E D or D E L E T E D on every reply, ya know, because reddit is a place for freedom of speech and all.

  5. To me, Joja is the more insidious evil that needs to be kept at bay, while Pierre is just that one asshole you need to swallow your pride and work with to contain the BBEG. The enemy of your enemy can be your friend, at least temporarily.

    Well, two assholes, I guess. You also need to work with Lewis.

  6. Pierre makes it difficult to like him but also you have to ask if he making enough to make ends meet and if so why does he want the extra cash. If he is struggling to make ends meet it's understandable he tries shady thing and questionable practices to keep his family afloat it's desperation and while that doesn't justify doing anything illegal, trying to mark up vegetables like that doesn't actually hurt anyone and it's his shop his choice. I feel like he devs did not go into it but he struggles to compete with joja's cheaper prices to everyone except our farmer for some reason and that makes him desperate since he has mouths to feed. Just my opinion but i don't think Pierre is evil and he is honestly just desperate and unable to use his monopolies on things like backpacks

  7. I did Joja because it means that Joja doesn’t shut (I can still get Auto-petters) and you still get the movie theatre.

  8. I like to believe that for Pierre's 6heart cutscene, Caroline is suspicious of him and asks you to see if he's hiding something off camera, which is why the player just walks right in like its nothing- would also explain why one of the answers is "Your wife deserves to know" instead of "I'm gonna tell everyone"/"Everyone needs to know about this" just my own little headcanon 🙂

  9. Lewis is still the number 1 villain sorry but anyone that has a solid gold statue of them selves has never been a good person

  10. I fucking hate Pierre. But I hate Joja too. so I'm left with either ruining an ancient center filled with ancient creatures or pierre. so yeah, as much as i hate both, i'll take pierre

  11. The only reason I 'support' Pierre's monopoly over Stardew Valley is because…

    He's my father-in-law, and who cares if he takes credit for the high quality crops I made, in the end it helps feed Abigail well, instead of the shit Pierre tries to 'cook' with…

  12. I once commented somewhere I hated pierre and elliot the most no one asked why I hate pierre some asked why I hate elliot but no one cared about pierre. Point proven ; everyone hates him

  13. I almost never use seed makers because that just means less money at the end of the day. Sure it might save money in the long run but I like seeing my money go up a lot. Plus the seed maker only gives you like 2-3 seeds each

  14. Tbh I don't care if Pierre sells my crops at a markup because that's literally how businesses work. Also even if he "takes credit" I still get paid. In business terms, I'm basically a wholesaler. Plus I'm sure the townsfolk know that he's not the one producing these crops because his backyard (I don't even think he has one) isn't big enough to grow any substantial amount of crops

  15. Im doing community center for junimos and not to become the support of the company that made our lives miserable.
    Also joja don't go out of business Shane would have most likely not chased his dreams and he happier with his blue chickens and helping his aunt on the farm.

  16. OH wait… this brings to light something important.
    The church in his place.. and with his 'secret stash'.
    I bet he gets tax write-offs due to being the church, and in this, means he's gotta prove he's a non-profit.
    So his secret stash is most likely money and hidden ledgers of his actual earnings.
    this really links everything together.

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