Today starting from a flat world, I got my friends to give me some suggest things for me to build.. I then spent 24 hours building them and trying to make one crazy world! Subscribe and leave a like if you’re new 😀


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  1. Joel we NEED your friends' reaction to your build. ngl i was a bit disappointed when i saw they didnt react to it 😞 (plz make a new vid on it 🙂 )

  2. Random thought, i really hope this dude is considered for hermitcraft if they have an openslot. His building and personality would bring a lot to the server. I dont even watch this channel much i think its 2 or 3 vids total? I just think hed fit really well

  3. I like that he said it would stand out a bit but really there is no standing out everything is so weird so nothing stands out

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