Today I went down the slippery slope of adding penguins. Sorry, I just had to hatch that pun. Mojang just announced the new penguin Minecraft mob for the Minecraft Live 2023 Mob Vote! So… I ruined it. Will you vote for the crab, the armadillo, or the penguin?

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Twitter – @SidedSquare
Reddit – u/realEightSidedSquare

This penguin will go up against other mobs in the Minecraft 1.21 mob vote, which will include a Minecraft crab, or a Minecraft armadillo. Yes, this is based off of supposed 2023 mob vote leaks. Will the penguin make boats better or is it just another dolphin?


  1. THIs is AMAZING, your work is beyond words to describe how great it is, best unofficial campaign to vote this guy in I'm 100% CONVINCED!

  2. The final pop culture reference got me with a dumb smile on my face.

    I also really liked the final section regarding unhelpful criticism. I don't play Minecraft, I just think videos and mods like this are cool. But it's shit you see all over video game discussion. Wish there was more understanding for the whole industry, that way people could properly critique with some nuance. Especially avoid stuff like "they're just lazy" when it's often not that simple in the first place.

  3. This would be so frickin' funny if this was actually in the game but I still want the baby penguins to be brown with a white belly bc that's technically an IRL baby macaroni penguin

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