I’m doing a challenge to beat Terraria for the first time on Hardcore mode, using minimal hints/spoilers.

Surely it won’t be that hard…

My regular channel: @carlsagan42

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Edited by: @ryeroyal


  1. Minecraft: leather, chain, iron, gold, diamond, netherite tiers of gear. 4-5 bosses depending on how generous you are with the definition.

    Terraria: more gear tiers than i can count off the top of my head. 4 mandatory bosses before the game gets hard, and several more after that not including optional ones. 4 entire classes to build around, each with their own gear tiers.

    Yes, terraria hardcore is FACTUALLY more difficult, and the above is only the most basic of comparative reasons. Heck, terraria mediumcore is more difficult than classic minecraft, as the player needs to prepare a backup set of gear or 5 in terraria for inevitable deaths. Terraria has much more progression than minecraft, making it much harder to get back to where you were on death. Hardcore terraria gives the luxury of starting all over again on death, mediumcore has the pain of knowing you could keep playing, but having to first make it back to your old corpse with worse or no gear. classic is the intended experience for a reason, as money is the only thing worthless enough to penalize a death without making the game nearly impossible.

    No, terraria's challenges come from playing the secret seeds with unique gimmicks like the currently hardest seed(s) being anything that generate the "get fixed boi" world gen.

    And, just for completion's sake, journey mode is terraria's answer to minecraft's creative mode, but you have to manually unlock each item in the infinite inventory through normal progression, with enough bells and whistles attached that it can be the hardest difficulty if you so choose thanks to the way it handles monster strength scaling. (journey master mode has more health than master mode by itself, only offset by the option to turn on god mode.)

    Early game tips? Build an apartment building to let any NPC spawn in once conditions are met, before subdividing them into separate villages in different biomes based off the happiness of a vendor (their preferred biome being shown in the background of their bestiary entry) to connect them via pylon network and traverse the world more easily. Terraria is a wiki game, so i wont elaborate on the happiness or pylon mechanics any further.

  2. Carl, while I respect your tenacity in starting in hardcore mode, I have to say that I am about 100% sure you're going to die a bout 10x as many times as you would have in MInecraft before you beat the final boss of Terraria.
    Good luck you crazy bastard.

  3. dont start on hardcore, terraria is 20x harder than minecraft hardcore, terraria is a longer game aswell, i die around 60-70 times in my worlds, and im not a beginner

  4. I've got nearly 2000 hours in Terraria, so I have enough experience to tell you that Hardcore is a HORRIBLE idea, no matter what skill level you are. And since you've only just started, I think you're in for, I dunno… 500 hours worth of pain? Maybe double that since you're on Expert as well!
    Terraria is on a whole other scale beyond Minecraft in size, with way more enemies to fight, items and weapons to craft, numerous places to explore… you get the point, and I don't want to elaborate further in case I spoil something… Long story short, best advice I can give you is a hearty 'Good Luck, you'll need it!'.

  5. MOLE strats will only work so far until you get MOLEsted by the scummy sorcerers.

    And before you respond, molest means more than just sexual contact and I wanted to make a pun, get rekt.

  6. I bet he will get to THE milestone and say he beat the game because there is no way he's gonna have any motivation to continue after that.

  7. Have I watched damn near every minute of the terraria livestreams? Yes.

    Am I gonna watch every minute of the YouTube versions? Also yes.

  8. carl i am a terraria veteran, playing since around 1.2 and i died before the first boss on mastermode hardcore. spare yourself i beg

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