1. Nobody used the shimmer variants of life, fruit, life, crystal and mana star they give no health or may I know, but they are good for life regeneration Ant-man regeneration

  2. the real question is that the best magic damage gear? if not that thats useless and go with mana crystals insted. if it is then sure you could say you killed 2 birds with 1 stone

  3. It's just easier to collect stars then getting all of these accessories, I'd much rather have a mana damage accessory build over a bunch of mana regeneration and mana, plus you can actually where good armor without making them all increase mana

  4. bruhh what is this song i need like an exact link and description for this, this song has been driving me nuts, not bc’s its bad but because its genuinely nice sounding and relaxing to hear

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