1. You can probably do the prehardmode part without the Shield of Cthulhu, and it technically has a Melee damage class so I would disqualify its validity in a class challenge. Accidental damage from dashes are fine for me but I actively avoid dashing into enemies for damage when I play any other class to stay faithful to my damage class.

  2. I‘m surprised that you didn‘t go for the Clinger Staff. It spawns a column of cursed flames. I got it unintentionally in a regular playthrough and it helped a lot against the Destroyer.

  3. you failed the challenge the moment you laid your eyes on that slimy saddle, it does summon damage, so it is technically a class damaging weapon, which is why you "could" use lava, so you know, just saying, that you did not 100% do it

  4. Balista panic turns your balistas into machine guns of death. I almost beath moonlord with just a campfire arena and balistas but it was on normal.

  5. Which do you like better, lightning aura or explosive trap? I havent been able to figure out for sure in my summoner playthroughs but im leaning towards explosive

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