How does Life Regeneration actually work in Terraria?
It’s complicated.

#terraria #laboroflove

0:00 Intro
0:31 The Three Components
0:41 Component 1: Natural Life Regeneration
2:15 Component 2: Buff Life Regeneration
3:53 Component 3: Multipliers (of Natural Life Regen)
4:58 Conclusion and Outro

Terraria – Alternate Day
Terraria – Alternate Underground
Terraria – Night
Terraria – Snow

Mods, Shaders, Pack:
Foundry & Alchemy (Pack) –
Fancy Lighting [Ultra Preset] (Mod) –
DragonLens (Cheat Mod) –
Stanberry Font (Pack) –
Stormdark UI (Pack) –
Lights And Shadow (Mod) –
Atmospheric Torches (Mod) -

How does Life Regeneration actually work in Terraria?


  1. Terrasteel is the best info Youtuber of terraria, making the most unique, helpful and qualityful content without clickbaits

    Honestly very underrated

  2. You forgot to mention that moving vertically effects natural regen differently to moving horizontally. As does moving by hook or minecart. Oh! And that enemy knockback or other non-input forms of movement also apply the moving penalty. Man why is regen so needlessly complicated in this game. Just give a flat amount based on armour set and remove litteraly all other forms. Then you don't get the near invincibility the devs worry about so much. And that's the only reason it's so complicated too; relogic wanting to have their regen cake and eat it too. So siiiilly.

  3. Bro this is crazy I never knew about the chair and the hambat and I've been playing for forever! Love the videos please keep making content like this, I love minmaxing terraria

  4. I always thought that well fed increased life regeneration, rather than life regeneration being decreased without well fed. The more you know, I guess.

  5. 2:03 call me crazy but these two clips look essentially the same to me. The bottom one is just consistently like 11hp behind the top one AFAICT

  6. At 0:51, it says there are two factors that affect Natural Regen. This appears to conflict with earlier videos of Terrasteel's or Sockrteez's which say that movement speed also is a factor in Natural Regen. I suppose this was a mistake? Or have I simply not seen the explaination?

  7. so THATS why calamity so generously offers life regen ups in equips and armor. AND why so many of its bosses afflict debuffs.
    I have new appreciation for the crown jewel ignoring it now.
    Thanks for the info video, I've been kind of confused about life regen for a long time and didn't have the patience to sift through that wiki page (lol) so it's good to know about.
    I did know about the expert mode thing though – why dont they just make the food state it restores normal life regen rates?

  8. I have went and reread the formulas on the wiki three times and couldn't comprehend it at all but I finally understood it because of this video

  9. thank you for making that video about bacon and pigronatas, burned all my 20 platinum on them but at least i got like 300 bacon in return
    worth it

  10. During this video i was thinking "wait this is incorrect buffs are affected by multipliers i read the wiki article just recently." I checked the wiki and it was changed just the past few days. I check the history and see you are the one that made the corrections. Good on you for fixing misinformation. I thought buffs were worse than they are.

    I am confused about one thing though. According to the formula the sum of natural regeneration and buff regeneration is added and then divided by 2. Doesn't this mean that for example the band of regeneration does not grant 1 hp per second but 0.5?

  11. in my current hardcore master mode world i have my main loadout which is my primary class, and a second loadout solely for regening health when low. it's kitted out with crim armor, band of regen, charm of myths, shiny stone, spore sac, frozen shell, worm scarf, and putrid scent (drunk world).

    crim armor, a chair, a campfire and well fed rival a shiny stone without any buffs. it's so good. and then you have the frozen shell and worm scarf which give a total of 42 DR when below half HP, and putrid scent so i dont get bothered by mobs while retreating

    in case you're wondering why i dont nurse, i just dont like using the nurse, even in hardcore. feels a little cheap to me. plus i think it's cooler to dedicate a build solely to recovery

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