1. the first 2 is easily solved by just not having them in your hotbar. You never need quick access to those items, just use them from the inventory.

  2. for the house bombing one you just have to leave the game and bomb disappears bcz its a projectile and projectiles dissapear when you leave the game and it only works on multiplayer if all the players leave

  3. bruh people really need 10 chests those are 15% filled instead of spending a few seconds of clicking on organise chest button

  4. i actually dont use magic mirrors accidentally because i put it in the bottom left of my inventory so i have to open my inventory and stuff to use it

  5. 1st: hotbar go brr
    3rd: i will not be caught dead with organized chests unless im on pc with the magic thingy mod.
    4th: 2 seconds too long
    5th: bUt I mIgHt NeEd ThEm
    6th: my remedy is number 5. An example of number 5 is [press (X)] and [alt + cLiCk]
    7th: im no dryad simp. Ill put her house in the sky and then depurify it.

  6. i decided to do all three mechanical bosses at the same time with the celebration mk.II and cluster rockets II and forgot they destroy tiles (the world i spent a year on was annihilated)

  7. ngl i love organizing and sorting. as someone who manages bases in most survival co-op games, it's very fun to keep a tidy base with everything where it should be. my suggestion for everyone struggling with this

    1. make dedicated sections. a section with furniture that is split into smaller parts, like chairs, tables, lights, etc. makes it extremely simple to locate where items should be

    2. start early. it wont be long before you have enough lead/iron and wood or salvaged chests to be able to start some simple sorting. something very simple like a "stone and earth blocks" chest will free up a few spots in your inventory and your other chests. for things that you have a lot of, make extra chests for. i personally have "Vanity" chests labeled 1-4. make it easier to see with colour coding by using other chests or paint

    3. make a dumpster chest. sometimes we just need to dump stuff, and thats ok. drop a chest or two nearby your storage area that has just a ton of loot that you need to drop off and go. make sure to clean these out routinely though. you want these chests empty as much as possible

    4. let go of useless items. if you have a random daybloom, chances are youll be fine without it. this especially goes for later game with some materials or weapons that are essentially useless and outclassed later on, like the lucky horseshoe. sell it or trash it for more room

    hope that helps someone a bit

  8. You know you could solve the magic mirror issue by just putting it in you inventory on a certain spot and build up muscle memory for easy use, I’ve been doing for a while and it’s second nature

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