This video shows every Secret Seed in Terraria in 3 minutes.
Drunk world: 05162020
Not The Bees: not the bees
For The Worthy: for the worthy
CelebrationMK10: celebrationmk10
The Constant: the constant
No Traps: no traps
Remix: don’t dig up
Zenith/Everything: getfixedboi

intro 0:00
Drunk seed: 0:08
Not the Bees seed: 0:36
For The Worthy seed: 0:52
CelebrationMK10 seed: 1:12
The Constant seed: 1:41
No Traps seed: 2:03
Remix seed: 2:20
Zenith seed: 2:40
Outro: 3:10

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  1. Uhh you sure no traps is a lie? Last time i checked it really had no traps also there is no venom dart trap ( i think ) idk i might be going crazy

  2. The drunk seed is my favorite
    Both evils
    All ore variants
    Amazing soundtrack (that now can be changed in any world but it's annoying to change everytime you enter your worlds) and the Hallow Desert Biome soundtrac is so goooooood

    Also you forgot to mention the massive lava lake in the underworld and the massive jungle temple, so big it even stops generating traps half way to the boss room and sometimes can even reach the underworld

  3. Can you tell me if the getfixedboi seed ruins the game pleaze? I'm just curious coz it looks suspicious and it's different language and it just doesn't look normal.

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