In This video I will quickly discuss some of the Do’s and Don’ts In stardew valley. This is just a fun little video and you should play the game any way you see fit. Hope it was entertaining

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  1. The "buy a solo first" rule isn't that big a deal. Animals will eat wild grass. You can just let them out. Granted they go hungry on rainy days, but it's not a huge deal. You do need it before winter though

  2. I was bad at fishing too til after my first year. I decided to buy the training fishing rod and that helped me a lot.

  3. "Wait for a rainy day to get a watering can upgrade" I disagree. I'd say that the best time to get a watering can upgrade is in the winter, where you have no crops to water either way.

  4. For anyone having trouble remembering your townsfolk, I just tried to make it a rule to at least talk to every villager I come across whenever I'm doing something. "Oh, is Sebby smoking outside his house on my way to the cave? Guess I'll chat him up!"

    I also placed mini strategic chests with a ton of different gifts for whoever might be nearby. (This would probably be a lot easier if you farm rabbits because of the lucky foot. My complicated ass wanted to collect individual gifts for individual people and now a lot of my chests are almost full ๐Ÿคฃ )

  5. iโ€™ve been pretty burnt out and have been having a hard time trying to find something to do ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ i think i just need to chill

  6. About not making sashimi out of a legendary fish: I will go and grab some normal fish, like a chub or smallmouth bass or something, and put it into my inventory. The game will use up whatever is in my inventory before it uses anything out of the refrigerator. That way, I can keep special fish for recipes in the fridge, like flounders for seafoam pudding, and not use them accidentally for maki or sashimi.

  7. I started playingt a few weeks ago, I have 1 playthrough thats really casual and laid back, just doing what I find fun. The other gamesave I only leave the farm 1/year. Makes it hectic but fun to try and get everything. Also, my fishing was maxed pretty quickly since I couldnt do much more XD

  8. I really donโ€™t like fishing. Iโ€™m almost finished year 1 and I basically did no fishing at all. I do feel kinda bad though. After telling Willy I didnโ€™t fish he got really sadโ€ฆ Iโ€™ll probably fish some more for quality fertilizer at least, but I donโ€™t see me fishing too often

  9. ๏ผฉ ๏ฝ‚๏ฝ๏ฝ•๏ฝ‡๏ฝˆ๏ฝ” ๏ฝ ๏ฝƒ๏ฝ๏ฝ๏ฝŒ ๏ฝ‚๏ฝ…๏ฝ†๏ฝ๏ฝ’๏ฝ… ๏ฝ ๏ฝ“๏ฝ‰๏ฝŒ๏ฝ

  10. I say dont min/max if its not fun for you. I like a variety in my greenhouse for example, not all ancient fruit/star fruit for wine. I like some of all renewable crops its more fun for me ^^

  11. That fishing one is so true, i avoided fishing for a bit but then my brother played on my account while i watched and he was really good at fishing, so i gave it a try and not too long later i caught my first sturgeon. it was very rewarding slowly getting better until i got my main goal.

  12. I am shook at how much there is to this game ๐Ÿ˜ข๐Ÿ˜‚ Iโ€™m pretty overwhelmed and def. Feel like Iโ€™m so behind. Iโ€™m gonna take it easy and play it my way though! No pressure ๐Ÿ˜…

  13. I'm not much of a Sheppard in Stardew. Instead I tend to focus on Crops only and only keep the pet cat around the farm for a little company. That way I don't have to make hard decisions about what career tree I want to take on my Farming Level. I leave raising animals to my partner on Co-op worlds who like raising animals and playing with friends makes the game a whole lot better for me even though single player is also pretty good. They like playing with me too because they say I'm a great money maker on the game and we always share the bank account which means they get to run around and buy stuff they want without working that hard for it. Which is fine by me also because I know how to make enough for them to buy everything they want and there is still some left for me as well. That being said here is my main tip: New players shouldn't worry about min maxing for profits. New Players should grow at their own pace just like the crops themselves and discover everything over a period of time. The game won't leave without you. If profit is important to you as a new player then my rule still applies but see if you can bring a friend along to support you as you grow. As I said I never raise animals so i can't tell you the best ways to make money that way but I am pretty well versed in my crops so if you are wondering about how I make my money through Farming then my Season routine is just below:

    Spring: First year use your 500 gold on Parsnips and grow the starting 15 and the 25 you get on Day 1 from Pierre. That should be 40 in total which should net you a healthy balance of 1,400 Gold on Friday 5th. Also it's farming Level 1 achieved which means those crows that kept pestering you will no longer do that if you build a scarecrow. On Day 2 of Spring you will get your first fishing rod and as Ezlilyy told you Fishing gets easier over time so once I've done watering my crops for the day I tend to go fishing until I use up the last of my energy which always gets me a few thousand each day from fishing Once it's gone up a few levels. Anyway your parsnips will be done on Day 5. Whether you sell them in the shipping bin and wait for the next day or go straight to Pierre's is up to you but your next step is to take your Fishing and Parsnip Profit and go buy all the Potato Seeds known to man. If you went to Pierre's then you will be harvesting them on Day 11. If you used the shipping bin and waited for the next day you will be harvesting on Day 12. Either way it doesn't matter because Spring 13th is key. Spring 13th is the Egg festival and it's the only day in the year you can buy the all profitable Strawberry Seeds which is the best Spring Crop however you don't want to plant them on year 1. What you wanna do instead is save them for Year 2 because your Greenhouse still won't be built by then and that way you get a minimum of 5 Strawberry harvests. More money if you use Fertiliser. Anyway for the rest of Spring year 1 keep fishing and growing Potatoes and you should be super set for Summer

    Summer: All your spring crops die here but don't worry!! You got a whole new selection to choose from. The best Summer Crop isn't actually available until year 2 so your best year 1 crop is in fact Blueberries! You only need to buy these once and they get you a ton of money because even if each Blueberry only sells for 50g, you get 3 per plant and it keeps growing back and you also have a chance for quality crops! You cannot go wrong with Blueberries just get them in the ground once and you'll be fine for the rest of the month. Also you get new fish to fish up so have a go and see if you can get them all like a pokemon Water type master

    Fall: Get the Scythe!! All your Blueberry crops died and I won't blame you if you cry because I did too. Now there is a lot of controversy about the best Fall Crop to plant with the top 3 being Cranberries. Pumpkins and Sweet Gem Berries. Personally I believe Pumpkins just outdo Sweet gem berries because the only way to grow them is the rare Seed you can buy from the travelling Merchant of which the max you could possibly get is 16 for 16,000 total. However you only need 146 regular quality Pumpkins to surpass the profit margin of Sweet gem berries and since you can buy Pumpkin Seeds at Pierre's you can go way over that. 146 Pumpkin Seeds will cost you 14,600 total which means Pumpkins are better value for money, you just need the Stamina each day to Water them all. The basic watering can has 40 uses before it runs out so doing 4 full refills you can do 160 pumpkins and I know you can do at least 5 before needing to eat any food which means 200 Pumpkins. Plus Pumpkins can be turned into Artisan goods so my money maker for the Fall is Pumpkins. You can have a minimum of 2 harvests this season

    Winter: Congratulations!! This is where I upgrade my Watering Can to at least Gold Level. At maximum charge the Gold Watering Can will water a 3×3 grid with each use meaning you can now grow 9x the amount of crops you did this year. Also by now you most likely have access to Sprinklers and your Greenhouse will be open soon and that can only hold 120 crops not counting fruit Trees or tea bushes which is how I decorate mine. So for Winter you can try fishing up all those epic fish and go for gold

    Some extra things to know about farming:
    – Nothing grows in Winter. However even though your trees stopped you can still get them to grow using tree fertiliser although Fruit trees won't produce fruit in winter unless they are in the greenhouse
    – Caroline's 2 heart event gives you a Tea Sapling Recipe. Each sapling sells for 500 gold and is pretty cheap to craft so that's also a great money maker
    – The small cave on your farm has two options: Mushrooms and fruit bats. Mushrooms sets up 6 boxes that can be harvested daily and that's what I pick seeing as eating the mushrooms gives you a good amount of energy and they sell for a bit too. Fruit Bats gather fruit from anonymous sources and drop them on the floor of the cave for you to pick up. A lot of people like this option
    – The type of farm you pick at the beginning of the game helps a lot. For beginners I recommend either the standard default farm with a lot of open space or the Forest farm which gives you some great options but less farming space. I also really like the Riverland farm since I can fish anywhere on it and I can still use Sprinklers!! It's also easier to clear out for me since the entire farm is a series of islands. I would not recommend the Hilltop farm or the Wilderness farm for new people as they can get annoying at times. Four Corners is also a good choice as it has a little bit of everything on it neatly separated into 4 connected plots of land and a central Greenhouse. It's just very pleasing to look at
    – Food is good!! Especially food that gives you extra farming levels beyond 10. Eat one of these before harvesting for better chances at higher quality crops. Especially late game when you have access to Deluxe fertiliser which gives you iridium quality crops. I don't use animals so the best option the farmer's Lunch is locked out to me. I use Tom Kha Soup instead

    Good luck!!

  14. DO befriend Pam. At high friendship levels with Pam, she will mail you cooking recipes and even battery packs which can be used to craft iriduim sprinklers which can be very useful for your farm.

  15. Do start farming at the beginning. Get seeds and farm, my first playthrough I didn't start a decent farm literally until year 4. I was in for mining fishing and decorating everything.

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