There is no such thing as too much Ancient Fruit Wine.

I believe that this video is the perfect mix of funny and bad, and I hope you do too. Animation style inspired by Joel Haver and Matthew McCleskey.

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Music from Harris Heller

Outro Song

Edited by CoffeeBean216

Drawn by Alkemi


  1. Really though why are we leaving our trading goods to be picked up nightly by an old man – who is the mayor.

    I think if I had the mayor as my personal nighttime delivery man that I’d be in way more power then him.

  2. I like how we all enjoy bullying lewis 😂😂
    Aside from what we can do with the short and gold statue, I love when lewis is on the phone, and we have an option to say "I know what you are.."

  3. I like the idea of Lewis coming by at 2 in the morning to pick up the random garbage I threw in the special shipping crate (plus the two extras I leave around town).

  4. "There's not enlugh money to fix the bus". Also Lewis handing us 100k gold per day although he can't possibly sell all of this in enough time so he can give us another 100k g the day after XD

  5. Don’t question me but I hope he don’t find my “special power” I dropped it in there and accidentally loaded it
    (I have not done this ok)

    (It also was Qi special seasoning)

  6. I personally create starfruit wine
    I farm so much of it during the summer that I basically need all year to process it all

    My tactic is :
    -Summer, farm starfruits and start making them into wine. remember, as long as you got enough starfruits, the lowest quality wine is the best
    -Fall, farm some sweet gem berries (remember to keep some to process into seeds, otherwise you'll never get enough for next year). keep making more wine.
    -Winter, make wine
    -Spring, sell ancient fruit.
    -Repeat the capitalism process.

  7. The fact that he is acting so surprised about all the things in there makes me think this is his first time doing this.
    Which means that the farmer has either never sold stones, wood, and fiber before.

    Or the farmer has a ton of ancient fruit wine on the first night.

  8. Lewis grew up in the wrong profession. He should have been a salesman or some sort of trader given how quickly he can sell thousands of seemingly unrelated items.

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