Farming. Mining. Foraging. Fishing. Combat. These five skills permeate every aspect of Stardew Valley—it’s hard to do much of anything without gaining a few levels here and there. That goes double for the completion of the Community Center.

So what if you wanted to complete it, but didn’t want to progress in any of the skills? Would it even be possible? Join me in my journey to find out!
Stardew Valley Wiki Links
Main Page:
Travelling Cart:
Garbage Cans:
Villager Gifts: Link pending, please wait.
Other Sources
u/Lawtonfogle’s Post on Hill-Top Ore Spawn Mechanics:
u/moo3heril’s Comment on Fruit Tree Experience Yields:
DangerouslyFunny’s Giant Crop Harvest:
Social Media & Other Stuff

Subtitles by Adorable Sapling!

0:00 Intro
1:33 Rules to Live By
3:48 The Plan
9:39 The Journey
56:20 The Final Push
1:13:30 Conclusion
1:15:23 Closing Remarks

#Gaming #StardewValley #Challenge


  1. Hey, thanks for watching and/or commenting! This video seems to be getting a lot more attention all of a sudden, and I couldn't be more grateful for that. I worked pretty hard on this project, so seeing a bit more of a return on that investment of time and energy is really rewarding. From the bottom of my heart, thanks to everyone for your kind compliments and for watching this hour-plus video all the way through. You're awesome!

    All that said, I've gotten quite a few questions and remarks over the past few days, so I've gathered some of the more common ones and answered them here for your convenience (spoilers below if you haven't finished watching, by the way). If you have a question that isn't answered below, feel free to reply to this comment and ask me directly. I'm always happy to answer!

    Q: A lot has changed in Stardew Valley in the 2 years since you did this challenge. Are you going to do an update/sequel to this video?
    A: As of right now, I don't have any specific plans to. There are a few ideas floating around in my head for ways I could update the challenge, so I might do a short follow-up at some point in the future, but right now I don't think there would be a substantial enough difference to make a full video covering it. Plus, I just don't have as much free time as I used to. At any rate, I'll discuss some of the specific changes to the game that affect this challenge over the next few questions.

    Q: Is this challenge possible to complete without the use of multiplayer now that Remixed Bundles are a thing?
    A: I haven't looked into it in too much depth, but it seems likely that it would be possible, yes! It would probably be a bit of a nightmare to find a seed that has an ideal combination of bundles to make it work, but if they work the way I think they do, the Remixed Bundles are probably the key to making this challenge doable solo.

    Q: When you were trying to get to Floor 40 of the mines, why didn't you just go to the Desert Trader and trade jade for staircases? Wouldn't that have been easier?
    A: The Desert Trader wasn't added to the game until a few months after this video, so it wasn't possible in the version of the game used here. Now that it's an option, though, that would definitely be the way to go. Provided you can get your hands on a jade, you could put it in the crystallarium you get for completing the 25K bundle in the Vault and that would allow you to trade for effectively unlimited staircases, allowing you to bypass the mines pretty easily.

    Q: Since you don't level up until the end of the day, couldn't you have farmed all of the Gold Quality Melons you needed in one go and taken them to the Community Center on the same day?
    A: It's a good theory, but unfortunately it doesn't work within the rules of the challenge. While it's true that you don't see the level-up message until the end of the day, you actually gain the level itself the moment you hit 100 experience in that skill. You can see this for yourself by checking the Skills tab of your inventory in the middle of the day after you gain the level. So while the Community Center would be complete and you wouldn't have seen the level-up message, the level would nevertheless still be there.

    Q: You can only get one cup of coffee per night at the night market now. Does this impact the challenge significantly?
    A: It definitely makes earning money in the early game more of a grind, but overall it's not a massive hurdle. Most of my income came from the Mushroom Cave, and the coffee strategy was mainly a way to fast-track my earnings to 25K in order to get access to the Mushroom Cave. So yes, the challenge would probably take longer, but not substantially so.

    Q: Do you know how rare that dialogue you got from Marnie at 27:23 is?!
    A: I do now!

  2. 31:36 : resetting the day DOES in fact reroll the gift given by the NPC chosen to gift you, just for anyone trying this run for themselves. It will re-pick from the pool of items that NPC is allowed to give you.

  3. Thanks for this! I'm trying to complete the pantry bundle without getting farm animals and needed to know every way to do so and I found my answers: Travelling cart, friendship with Emily and patience. 🙏

  4. Whenever I can't sleep I just stick this on auto play because of how calming you are just talking about probably the most infuriating thing you've done. Right on!

  5. Just wondering, since u showed yourself getting a jade from leah during feast of the winter star one year, if you duplicate it and trade with the desert merchant for staircases, it would be a lot easier to reach floor 40, or even go all the way down to the bottom for some reason

  6. One thing for the frozen geode I thought of, if you get Jade from one of the villagers, put it in a crystallarium, and trade it for staircases, you could reach floor 40 of the mines to get the geode

  7. Since you got a jade, you could put it in the Crystalarium to get staircase to go down in the mines without experience since you can trade jade for staircases on Sundays with the desert trader
    Edit, I realise that a) its been already suggested and b) Argon replied to one saying that the trader didn't exist

  8. For the frozen and magma geode couldnt you trade jade for staircases and going all the way down without gaining exp?

  9. Out of curiosity, was trading Jade for Staircase not a thing when this was completed? I would assume no, since you didn't consider it as an option. I was thinking that definitely trivializes the journey down the mines for anyone trying this challenge now compared to your close calls with both mining and combat at 90+ exp.

  10. Wouldn’t it be possible to reach level 40 of the mines by doing something similar to the way people do skullcaverns runs?

    The merchant in the desert on Thursdays(?) Saturdays(?) (I can’t remover the day, but one specific day of the week) you can buy staircases for a jade.

    So by using crystalleriums to duplicate lots and lots of jades. You could buy loads of stair cases, not needing to craft any.

    And then right at the entrance of each level in the mines just put down the staircase, without breaking any rocks or killing any monsters.
    With enough time duplicating jades, reaching level 40 or even reaching the bottom of the mines, should be possible.

    You would just need to first get enough money to unlock to repair the buss to the desert, and have gotten atleast one jade, and access to a crystallerium

  11. I was like "oh wow 4 years ago? that must have been when stardew just came out" before realizing that that was 2019. Also massive props to you for including actual captions, literally doing god's work.

  12. Awesome video. If anyone wants to try this challenge themselves, remember that you can clay farm, and it is especially profitable in the winter. Also, to get the geode, you can use the crystalarium you get and shove a jade in there. Then, go to the calico desert on Sunday to trade the jade for staircases.

  13. This video got reccomended to me today and I must say it's one of my favorite Stardew Valley videos ever. The challenge was so interesting and I was so into it that I almost shed a tear when it was mentioned you cannot harvest the melons and that challenge is over (the single player version at least). I think I will attempt the challenge myself!

  14. So, as for the staircases… 25,000g bundle gives a crystalarium, feast of the winter star can give a jade, then you could trade those with the desert trader. (Or maybe I missed a limitation and this is impossible)

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