1. Thanks to a few people who suggested other weapons, I've tested the leaderboard, with Phantasm for Ranged, Blade Staff for Summoner and the Razorpine for magic! – Here are the results!
    To everyone asking – yeah, I tried the Chaingun! – I ended up getting a faster time with the Phantasm, so that time is listed here. ๐Ÿ™‚

    1 – Ranged (Phantasm) – 3:04
    2 – Summoner (Blade Staff) – 3:56
    3 – Melee – 4:14
    4 – Magic (Razorpine) – 6:26

  2. It took me an hour and a half to
    Kill the guardian I used a lunar staff with the summoning build and a shield to have five summons then flew around them 11 hours is absolutely insane

  3. I do not know if its only me because ive played ranger waayyy too much but. I could here the sdmg bullets even when the song was playing ๐Ÿ˜‚

  4. In my personal opinion yes this is my personal opinion the best one should the one that is most enjoyable since you dont wnat to just sit there just shooting while he(she) said that the range was the most enjoyable and the melee was the most efficient one i say the magic was the best one yes it might take a while but the miniature quest of getting the boost buff aint fun nor enjoyable for you then i dont know what is well except the sounds of a gun will but that would make you an American if you do like the sound of guns shooting

  5. For sake of sense and logic i have to say that video is very much decreasing potential of combat. If somebody have brains and a dummy to test dps he will see that best weapon for summoner is Zenith not some trash whip. If author of this video just didnt limited summoner to his class weapons and took Zenith with summons result could be very different.

  6. I don't care who you are… Zenith needs a nerf to range and damage… I don't care if you have been collecting all game… that weapon is over powered and broken… melee isn't melee anymore… and is why it needs nerfing

  7. The chain gun would probably be better for ranged comboed with the chlorophyte bullets
    Due to higher firerate
    And due to the ridiculous armor the guardian has anyway the damage difference doesn't really matter

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