Just how bad is Terraria’s Stardust Cell Staff? (or is it actually good?)
The final pillars series video! I originally made this series because of one commenter, then it won a poll. Whoever you are, congratulations, I guess.

Note: The setup I used in here is ABSOLUTELY not completely optimized, but I used the same setup for consistency.

0:00 Introduction
1:07 Which is better for the Moon Lord?
2:17 “Fast Moving Bosses”, as stated by the wiki
3:28 Swarms and stuff
4:01 Conclusions

Vanilla Calamity Mod Music – “Frozen Over” – Theme of the Tundra

Mods, Packs, and Shaders:
Foundry and Alchemy (Pack)
Lights and Shadows (Mod)
Fancy Lighting (Mod)
Atmospheric Torches (Mod)


Just how bad is Terraria’s Stardust Cell Staff? (or is it actually good?)


  1. An interesting thing to note is most of the cell staffs dps comes from the DoT which caps at 100 damage a tick. You can keep this uptime on a boss with a two summon of the cell staff, it only needs to hit the target 10 times to reach the cap. This DoT will do much more damage during a prolonged fight than 2 extra dragon length. The dragon will always be the best main summon but who says you can't use them both.

  2. Bros talking about SECONDS of difference in time fighting a boss over only THREE tries, while also using OTHER WEAPONS during the fight. Bro you get a couple more hits in with the whip and it completely throws off your data, this is inconsistent as hell. You could have been trying harder on the first few attempts, and get slightly more bored with the later ones, causing whatever the first weapon you test to be "better". Literally anything throws this data off.

  3. One of the big issues I remember having in the day was the stardust dragon hits a lot, right? I forget the specifics, but because of how frequently it attacks, when my buddy would use it I couldn't get any of my hits in, since an enemy can only take so many hits per second and the dragon was doing, roughly speaking, "that many hits per second".
    Stardust Cell never really gave me that issue

  4. best is to go all minion slots with the dragon and save one for one cell, because regardless if you have 1 cell or 10 cells, the DoT effect still does 200 dps

  5. The stardust cells are better than the dragon in crowd control because the cells are quicker at insta killing annoying enemies like nebula floaters whereas the dragon takes time to travel from one side of the screen to the other

  6. Terraprisma is still better. Specially because move fast enough to follow all bosses, goes through walls and deals pretty good damage.

  7. if you say dragon has better usage and mechanics than cell there can be only 2.5 thing
    1)you are just a damn meta player you never have your opinions you never judge something after trying it and you suck on every game where you wont be able to kill everything in 5 seconds
    2)you never actually played summoner
    2.5) you love anime girls more than your real life and real girls and only thing you love more is big black man

  8. When I've got a choice of weapons at the same level of progression, I usually go for whatever sounds more metal. Sure, a phantom dragon of starlight is pretty darn Luca Turilli, but the Cell Staff's tooltip (Or buff) says "Cultivate the most beautiful cellular infection," and that's just on another level.

  9. I've always considered the cells way better and never understood the dragon hype (as a summoner main), but I recently played mage and am trying to branch out my classes (doing my getfixedboi legendary as a ranger for example) and I definitely found the dragon much better.

  10. I think a way to give the cell staff some more love would be to act on its debuff. An Idea I have is enemies who die with the debuff or minion itself would explode damaging more enemies and spread more cells once they do

  11. I’ve had the Stardust Cell as my go to 2x minion as a Melee Player. I feel like the benefit of most minion staves is that you can use them 1-2 times as just an extra damage bonus on top of whatever class you’re playing. It’s obvious that the Dragon does better for Summoners, but I think the Cells are an upgrade to the Desert Cat Staff for non-summoner players looking to have a little damage-dealing buddy.

  12. The dragon actually does 40 per segment and since every time you summon it you get 2 segments (except the fist time you summon it which gives 4) you actually get 80 base damage per after the first one

  13. in my summoner playthrough i used a mix of 2 summon dragon and cells, performed dangerously well against daytime eol

  14. Just to add my bit as someone who used the staff to cheese Moonlord in my first and second playthroughs, you seemed to miss the reason why it "does better against fast moving bosses"

    The stardust cell staff has a second attack that fires (with a small cooldown) a cell at anything you hit with a weapon. This secondary attack has no range limit and doesn't miss.. which can be abused a lot by ranged weapons.

    And that's the point: Dragon is best for pure Summoner, but on multiclass (especially when used alongside homing Ranger or Mage attacks) the Cell staff is extremely consistent and effective at making whatever you're shooting at more dead and less alive.

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