Terraria’s “trophy” sword: How good is the Terragrim really?
I bet not many people have unironically used this sword while playing Terraria. This one’s definitely up there, still rare if you aren’t willing to worldhop. I’ll be analyzing it from the perspective of “pre-Boss / EoC” in this video. since it’s obtainable after Blood Moon easily.

#terraria #laboroflove

0:00 Introduction
1:19 What it is good for
2:26 What it sucks for
3:19 What this weapon basically is
4:05 Endscreen

Vanilla Calamity Mod Music – “Inside the Glaciers” – Theme of the Underground Tundra

Mods, Packs, and Shaders:
Foundry and Alchemy (Pack)
Lights and Shadows (Mod)
Fancy Lighting (Mod)
Atmospheric Torches (Mod)

Terraria’s “trophy” sword: How good is the Terragrim really?


  1. Note: as for Eater, it is still good for it if you use a defense setup or are playing on lower difficulties.
    It takes ~30 defense to turn Master Mode eater (minus the head) to 1 damage, though the head will still remain an issue, so you’ll still want mobility accessories as KB resist is not available. It’s a bit of prep for an early boss.
    So it’s not *bad* for eater given adequate prep, but also not ‘very effective’ – at least on Master.

  2. I first played terraria about 2 years ago and found this sword before i ever went underground (actual caving or excavating). I had no idea it was that rare at the time.

  3. You should have tested this with accessories like Shark Teeth as they’ll buff it heavily. No weapon exists in a vacuum.

  4. i enjoy that both thi and the arkhalis are both references to the Crissaegrim (in other games it's referred to as Valmanway) from Castlevania: Symphony of the Night

    one of my favorite games of all time. im glad the devs have played it and enjoyed it as much as i have lol

  5. So.. while looking for a enchanted sword for my Zenith.. I trashed a 2% drop chance from an already hard to find shrine because I am new to this game?

  6. Bro, as a guy that facetanked the eater of worlds in every difficulty (except in the "for the worthy" seeds) I can say this would be a very good weapon against him

  7. i got it on my melee run smh and decided to compare its dps to my nights edge,it had no modifiers yet did a little better than the nights edge its only drawback is range but its a great sword

  8. Sword shrines are such a pointless gimmick. I've never seen one and I always get the Enchanted Sword from crates. I think it used to be available through other means, but I might be thinking of the Boomerang instead.

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