i knew 100% that the jungle always spawns on the opposite side as the dungeon and with 700~ hours on terraria it still just didnt ring any alarms when he said that
I knew that the second one was fake but it's depressing that I actually do remove walls when stopping corruption spread luckily I know the snow so I don't spend three hours for moving walls
i knew 100% that the jungle always spawns on the opposite side as the dungeon and with 700~ hours on terraria it still just didnt ring any alarms when he said that
This is just copying someone else's content but putting it in terraria.
The dungeons fake
2nd one
I’ve been playing for 1 day and I got it right I’m actually too good
I was going to vote 1 but then I remembered that whenever I played that the dungeon never was at the jungle's side
2 and 3 lies.
Man I love these types of videos there so fun
Make it harder it was way too ez
I have played terraria and finnished it 2 time's and i never saw my dungeon on the jungle biome, so 2.
Jokes on you Terraria world generation is so messed up I’m lucking if my snow and jungle biome aren’t mixed together
I knew that the second one was fake but it's depressing that I actually do remove walls when stopping corruption spread luckily I know the snow so I don't spend three hours for moving walls
Number 2.
2 because whenever I play terraria I have the Jungle biome and the Dungeon and the different places in the world
Dungeon Spawning becuz in my main world thats not true w
Wait but my jungle and ice biome spawned on the same side