Your first Spring makes or breaks your game. Having a good head start on money and skill levels with make your other seasons easier and more enjoyable. On the other hand, if you miss out on something in this first Spring, you might not be able to get it again for a whole year. It’s a high risk when you’re just starting the game, so this video is here to guide you!

The intention here is to give you a general idea of where you should be at certain points, and what you need for proper progression. I’m not going to spoil the mysteries of the game, nor hand hold you through every tiny mechanic. This is the important stuff that the game might not teach you.
That being said, if you think I missed or skipped something that you personally found to be very important, please let me know! I’d like to address anything I may have missed in the Summer Guide video!

0:00 – Intro
0:54 – Week 1 Farming
2:13 – Week 1 Foraging
3:33 – Week 1 Fishing
5:06 – Week 1 Mining
6:30 – Week 1 Events
7:30 – Week 2 Farming
8:32 – Week 2 Foraging and Fishing
9:10 – Week 2 Mining
9:38 – Week 2 Events
10:29 – Week 3 Farming
11:03 – Week 3 Foraging and Fishing
12:05 – Week 3 Mining
12:32 – Week 3 Events
13:28 – Week 4 Farming and Foraging
14:23 – Week 4 Mining
14:54 – Week 4 Events
16:15 – Bundles
20:18 – Stretch Goals
21:40 – Outro

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  1. Fishing is so hard, get the TRAINING ROD for 25g and use it until you get to Lvl4 fishing and you can afford the fiberglass rod, it makes catching fish so much easier, and this is a great way to make money early on.

  2. I would say, its really good to save sap, as its useful for making Fertilizer, that if you followed' this guide you should have (I think its foraging 1) , ALSO if you realized you missed a crop or two, write it down, buy the seeds of it. Honestly if you get a chest of all the seeds you either need because of Gold-star's or because you forgot/missed, it helps to visually see what you need. (Atleast for me)

  3. About the good money source – Tea Sapling. Give caroline some liked gifts and talk to her, and boom you have a massive money source that is not an exploit.

  4. stretch goal for me – learn how to plant seeds that they don't die. On my first playthrough I spent 2 years without making money and wandering cluelessly around… game is pretty hard (especially if you did not play farm simaltor before and all your experience was shooters and platfrom games)

  5. I recommend not pressing yourself to play like this for your first play through, just play this game and enjoy it and play it how you want and at your own pace without consequence, ie how it was designed to be played.

  6. Blows my mind that so few people seem to have played harvest moon growing up and consequently have no idea where to start in Stardew. This game came entirely naturally to me as it's just a more feature-filled harvest moon.

  7. 10:56 That is the worst advice I've ever heard. sprinklers solve most early-game energy issues and are incredibly cheap. do not listen to this man, make some sprinklers.

  8. a friend recommended me to play this game so I can take a break from all the stress our school gave us. and my weird perfectionist self still gives me stress because I didn't do a specific thing in my first ever spring 😅

  9. Man, Vincent is warped. As a kid, green beans were the only vegetable I would eat lol. I’d have taken a gold star green bean for my birthday happily.

  10. I've noticed something interesting. While yes, it is true that you get ten seeds whenever you craft a seasonal seed packet from forageables, the chance of getting upwards of three more of each crop can essentially multiply your resulting seed packets. I planted about thirty or so and ended up with nearly three times as much seed packets from the resulting forageables.

  11. Completely ignore what he said about mining, you should be at least at floor 80 by the egg festival, if you want quality sprinklers which are amazing for strawberries.

  12. another tip for when you finish the game.(i haven't done this im not saying 100%) you should know you can change your name right?well change it to [337] because that is the item code for iridium and every time you talk to someone you get iridium

    another tip is ALWAYS upgrade your tools in the winter because it is like an alternative to growing crops.hope that helps

  13. I never craft crab pots since you can get 4 of the items from foraging on the beach and can occasionally get crabs from the crab rocks in the mines. You don’t need to get this bundle early on so you don’t have to worry about finding the crab in spring but it saves you resources since you get 3 crab pots from completing the bundle

  14. Felt like binging some guides for fun, and while this is an older video, I haven't seen anyone really mention this:
    If you don't want to craft or buy crab pots for the crab pot bundle, you don't have to!
    You can get 4 of the items from foraging on the beach (clam, cockle, mussel, and oyster), and rock crabs in the mines have a chance of dropping a crab ^^

    Since the reward for this bundle is more crab pots, and I personally rarely use them, I found this to be an easier way of finishing this bundle that saves me money and materials

  15. Hello can you share what mods are used in this video? Id like to play Vanilla. But I saw when u talk to npc it shows the best choice to pick.

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